

新竹园2017-2018学年第一学期初三英语考 4

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(50 分)

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer.(20 分)

26.Which of the following underlined parts pronounced differently?

A)salt B) talk C) chalk D) small

27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?

A) They usually have lunch at school B) we're making a plan for the trip.

C) You can keep the change, please. D) John is carrying a heavy box now.

28.While he was making a fire for the evening party, a pile of wood suddenly caught ________ fire.

A)a, / B) a, a C) /, a D) /, /

29.If you love someone, you'll like all that belong to ________.

A)he B) his C) him D) himself

30.Miss Carol ________ her voice when some students________ noises in her class.

A)rose, made B) raised, made C) was raised, had D) was risen, were made

31.About ________ the students in our grade come from rich families.

A)hundred B) hundreds of C) two hundred D) two hundred of

32.Miss Zhang is satisfied with Helen because she has made ________ mistakes than before.

A)few B) fewer C) little D) less

33.________study trip in the U.S, has changed my friend a lot in his life style.

A)Three-year B) Three years C) Three-years D) Three years'

34.I'm afraid the food is delicious at this restaurant, but the service seems ________.

A)good B) well C) poor D) badly

35.Believe your teacher. She has various methods to make you speak English

A)clear B) clearer C) more clearly D) most clearly

36.He was so surprised when he saw that there was water ________ out of the cliff.

A)drank B) drinking C) sprang D) springing

37.________ I accept he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.

A)While B) Since C) Before D) unless

38.Don’t compare your life with that of ________, and the grass is always greener on ________ side of the fence.

A)others, another B)others, the other C) another, others D) the others, other

39.Nowadays some of the old couples live alone by themselves. ________, the society should pay much attention to


A)However B) Therefore C) Otherwise D) Finally

40.I will tell you the secret if you promise ________ a word of it.

A)don’t breathe B) not to breath C) not breath D) not to breathe

41.---Why don't we take a little break?

---Didn't we just have ________.

A)it B)that C) one D) this

42.Little girls________ pink color, so they always like to dress in pink.

A)care for B)care about C) be careful with D) care of

43.Frank ________in the college in London for two years, He is getting the study trip ready.

A)is studying B)has studied C) had studied D) will study

44.---Miss Liu, I am terribly sorry. I left my physics exercise books at home.


A)I'm sorry to hear that. B) That's alright

B)C) Not at all. D) You're welcome.

45.---Danny, could you help me carry my luggage upstairs?


A)My pleasure. B) That’s alright.C) Sorry, I won't do that. D) Sure.

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.(8分)

A police officer's job responsibilities are varied. Police make sure that people follow the law. They solve crimes, direct and 46 traffic, help in emergencies such as car accidents, collect evidence at the scene of a crime, and even testify in court.

Police also work in a wide 47 of places. Some work in offices or police stations, but 48 patrol communities on foot, by car, on a motorcycle, or even on a horse! Still other types of police officers ride in boats to protect rivers, lakes, and harbors.

Most police wear a uniform. These are the police you can 49 recognize.

But other police may not be as easy to spot: Detectives or special agents wear 50 street clothes. Police can be men or women, and they have a very dangerous job. This is because police often 51 people who have broken the law. Many police officers carry weapons, such as a gun or nightstick, to protect them from harm. Sometimes police officers are 52 to car chases or have to go to risky places, such as the scenes of fires and explosions. Police officers always put themselves in harm's way to keep us safe, so it's important to 53 them.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (8 分)

54.His job is to repair the ________ of the buildings. (roof)

55.The________ man raised his hand and tried hard to say something but failed. (die)

56.It’s common knowledge that computers are super________. (calculate)

57.The teacher explained the ________ phrases to us before the class was over. (add)

58.When the host turned up, all the guests had already been ________ .(sit)

59.I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest ________ 7 to Paris, please. (fly)

60.The two expensive cars were ________ in the accident last night. (destroy)

61.The air hostess told the passengers to make sure their seat belts are ________ fastened. (secure)

Ⅳ. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (共14 分)

62.Eddie couldn’t remember. What happened after the accident? (合并为一句)

Eddie couldn’t remember ________ ________ happened after the accident.

63.She doesn’t think Tom knows the key to the question.(改为反义疑问句)

She doesn’t think Tom knows the key to the question, ________ ________?

64.Qu Yuan gave some helpful advice at that time.(改为感叹句)

________ ________ advice Qu Yuan gave at that time!

65.Ben Rogers came along the road, singing happily and carrying an apple. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Ben Rogers come along the road?

66.The inn-keeper is very greedy. (对划线部分提问)

________the inn-keeper________?

67.The ice on the river is too thin for us to skate on.(保持句意基本不变)

The ice on the river is not ________ ________ for us to skate on.

68.is, polluted, in, air, big, more, the, cities, getting, and, seriously, more (连词成句)


VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50 分)

A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12 分)

Benjamin Banneker was born a few months before another great American-George Washington. Benjamin was black, but he was not a slave. He and his mother and his grandmother were free. Benjamin's grandmother came from England. In America she got a job and worked for many years to pay for her boat trip across the ocean. After working many more years, she saved enough money to buy a farm. Benjamin lived with her for a while. She taught him to read and write and do arithmetic (算术).

Benjamin's neighbors knew that he was clever. They were not surprised when he built a large wooden clock. He made each piece after studying a small pocket watch. The clock made him famous, for it was one of the first clocks built in America. People from other places began to send hard problems of all kinds for Benjamin to settle.

Thomas Jefferson learned of Benjamin Banneker's ability to settle hard problems. He asked Banneker to help build the city that was to be the capital of the United States-Washington, D. C. Banneker worked hard on the plans for the city. He marked where the streets and buildings-the Capital (美国国会大厦), the White House, and many others? Should be built.

Later, L'Enfant, the Frenchman who had designed the new city, had a quarrel, and went back to France in anger. He took all of the plans with him. The workmen couldn't build without any plans to follow.

For a while it seemed that the plans for the capital might have to be changed. But Benjamin Banneker remembered the plans he had helped draw. He drew each again just as he once had built each piece of his clock.

If it weren't for Benjamin Banneker, Washington, D. C. might look very different from the way it does today.

69.When Banneker built a large wooden clock, ________.

A.people in America showed no surprise

B.his name spread all over America

C.he became the first man in America to build a clock

D.people came from other places to congratulate him

70.Thomas Jefferson asked Banneker to help build the city Washington because he was told that Banneker was


A. warm-hearted

B. clever

C. hard-working

D. serious

71.The French designer L’Enfant had a quarrel with Americans and returned to France ________


B. excitedly

C. angrily

D. calmly

72.When L’Enfant left with his plans, Banneker was in ________ of building the capital Washington.

A. charge

B. helping

C. design

D. completing

73.In building the city Washington, Banneker showed that ________.

A. he had a good memory

B. he was never tired of working

C. he feared no difficulties

D. he was good at drawing

74.Benjamin Banneker is remembered to this day mainly because ________.

A. he made one of the first clocks in America

B. he used to be an assistant to L’Enfant left

C. he designed the city Washington when L’Enfant left

D. he was able to continue the plans for the new city Washington though L’Enfant left with his plans

B.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(12 分)

Night after night, she came to help me sleep, even long after my childhood years. I don’t rememb er 75 it first started annoying(惹恼) me—my mom’s hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me, for they felt rough against my young skin. 76 , one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that anymore—your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say anything, but she never did it again.

Years later, I 77 my mother’s hands and her good-night kiss on my face. I’m not a little girl anymore. My mom is in her mid-70s,and her rough hands are still doing things for my family and me.

Now my own children have grown up. It was late on Thanksgiving Eve. As I slept in my bedroom, a 78 hand ran across my face to push the hair from my head. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my brow.

Taking my mom’s hand, I told her how sorry I was for that night I shouted at her. But my mom didn’t know what I was 79 .She had forgotten it long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the guilt (内疚) that I had carried around for so long was 80 to be found.

75. A. how B. when C. why D. where

76. A. Recently B. Especially C. Suddenly D. Finally

77. A. missed B. forgot C. held D. washed

78. A. strong B. strange C. similar D. familiar

79. A. thinking about B. worrying about C. talking about D. complaining about

80. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(14 分)

Can helping others cost you a fortune?

Helping the weak and fallen can get you into trouble these days in China. In order to create social trust and prevent scammers(骗子)from wrongly accusing good-natured people, the Chinese Health Ministry recently released a set of guidelines on how to deal with an elderly person who has fallen down.

The guidelines state that i 81 of rushing to help them, you are supposed to talk to the person to see what is wrong and to look for head i 82 . However, some find this a bit strange as helping others in need in public isn’t

very common. In fact, last month in Wuhan, an 88-year-old man slipped and fell in public. Over a 90-minute period, a crowd gathered but no one touched or helped him. The cause of death was seen to be preventable if anyone had helped him. So, why are people afraid to help those in need in China?

S 83 , it’s u nbelievable that the injured may accuse their helpers of causing the accident in the first place. This was the c 84 in Nanjing in 2006. A person helped an elderly lady only to be accused of pushing her down in the first place. The court ruled that the old lady would receive 40,000 yuan for the accident. On top of this, the Shanghai Daily recently did a survey a 85 people whether they would help an elderly person if they fell down. Ninety percent said no due to fear of legal problems.

The biggest problem with helping others is the f 86 of legal trouble. With this in mind, the government should c 87 an environment that protects people from scammers. The laws favor the elderly in a way that allows a few greedy types to ruin it for everyone.

D.Answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12 分)

Lee Ching loved tennis. He had a few old balls and an old racquet (球拍) that his grandfather had given him. Lee was the happiest when he was practising his shots against a wall at his house. He hoped that he would become a famous player one day.

However, there was one problem—Lee’s family was very poor. This meant that there was not enough money to pay for tennis lessons, the white clothes or a new racquet and balls. Lee had tried playing with the other players in his town, but they had just made fun of his old racquet and shabby clothes. So, Lee spent his time watching them play and then practising exactly what he had seen them do, against the wall at home. The manager of the tennis courts, Mr. Song, had seen Lee watching the tennis, day after day, and decided to find out why. When he heard Lee’s story, he had pity on him and offered to give Lee tennis lessons.

Through the lessons, Mr. Song realized that Lee knew a lot about tennis, so he asked him to coach the younger children’s tennis class; this time Lee was paid for his job. He was able to buy new clothes and a new racquet and soon people were asking him to join their games. His tennis skills were improving all the time.

Lee became a very good tennis player. So good that Mr. Song invited him to play in a competition at the town courts. Lee did not know that Mr. Song had invited a world-class tennis coach, Mr. Wei, to watch Lee play. Lee played very well and won all his matches. Mr. Wei was so impressed that he offered Lee a place at his tennis school.

For many years, Lee worked hard at his tennis. Then came the day when Lee played in his first world championship. The young man he would be playing against was the world champion. Lee was nervous. The young man played very well. He was too good for Lee to beat. So Lee came second in the competition. But Lee didn’t mind. There was plenty of time for winning in the future. For now, he was happy that he was on the road to becoming a world famous player.

93.When did Lee feel happiest?

When he _____________________________________.

94.Lee played a lot with the other players in the town, didn’t he?


95.What was Mr. Song?


96.Why was Lee able to buy new clothes and a new racquet?

_____________________________________ the younger children’s tennis class.


2019年上海市浦东区新竹园中学入学分班数学试卷 一、填空(每空2分,共20分) 1.(2分)30以内的正整数中,最大的素数和最小的合数的积是. 2.(2分)已知a=2,b=1.4,那么ab﹣(b2﹣1)=. 3.(2分)一根绳子10米,截去他的二分之一后,在剩余的部分再接上二分之一米,这时绳子的长度为米. 4.(2分)两个合数的最大公因数是3,最小公倍数是30,则这两个数分别是:. 5.(2分)一个游泳池长50米,宽30米,平均深2米,要在池底和四周铺瓷砖,铺瓷砖的面积是.6.(4分)找规律:,0.4,37.5%,,,,. 7.(2分)若1!=1=1,2!=2×1=2,3!=3×2×1=6,4!=4×3×2×1=24,则:1)5!=; 2)4!×8!÷7!=. 8.(2分)如图,△ABC的面积是1,E为AC的中点,D为BC上靠近B的三等分点,△AEF的面积是. 9.(2分)如图,长方形ABCD的长AB=12厘米,宽AD=10厘米,分别以长方形的四边AB,BC,CD,DA为直径做半圆,由这四个半圆所围成的图形的周长是厘米(结果保留π). 二、选择题(每题2分,共10分) 10.(2分)甲的与乙的60%相等,甲与乙比较()(注意:甲,乙均不为0)A.甲大于乙B.甲小于乙C.甲等于乙D.无法确定 11.(2分)下列说法,正确的是()

A.因为3.6÷1.2=3,所以我们可以说3.6被1.2整除 B.所有的素数都是奇数 C.任何一个自然数都至少有两个不同的因数 D.两个相邻的奇数一定互素 12.(2分)一个汽车站内有两路公共汽车,甲路公共汽车每隔4分钟发一次车,乙路公共汽车每隔6分钟发一次车,这两路公共汽车在上午8:00同时发车后,紧接的下一次同时发车的时间是()A.8:02B.8:04C.8:06D.8:12 13.(2分)同底等高的三角形和平行四边形的面积关系是() A.相等 B.三角形的面积是平行四边形的面积的一半 C.平行四边形面积是三角形面积的一半 D.无法比较 14.(2分)x与3的差的2倍小于x的2倍与3的差,用不等式表示为() A.2(x﹣3)<(x﹣3)B.2(x﹣3)<2(x﹣3) C.2(x﹣3)<2x﹣3D.2(x﹣3)<2x﹣6 三、解答题(共1小题,满分25分) 15.(25分)计算题 56÷(+)×(2.5﹣)+÷0.25 (﹣0.375+)×24﹣12÷(3+0.6)83.4+8.7+8.7+0.1+1.8+4.35 2001×20022001﹣2002×20012001


上海民办新竹园中学2017学年第一学期 英语学科七年级期末考试卷 Part2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer (12%) 1. Which of the following underlined parts is different? A. Detective Ken told us about a case he dealt with recently. B. When you feel upset, take a deep breath and it will help. C. It is important for everyone to have a good breakfast. D. The man left clear footprints in the wet sand. 解析:D。A、B、C发的都是/e/.D发的是/I/. . This problem______ be talked about any more. We are found the solution. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. can’t 解析:C mustn’t表示禁止;shouldn’t表示不应该;needn’t表示不需要;can’t表示不能根据答句可知C正确。 3. I got six presents at Christmas. Two were from my parents, and_____ four from the solution. A. others B. the others C. other D. the other 解析:D 句意:我在圣诞节得到六个礼物,两个来自我的父母,其他四个来自我的朋友们,其他得是指六个礼物中的其他四个,所以是特指。 4. -_______are you able to type the English words? –About forty to fifty words a minute. A. How often B. How long C. How fast D. How far 解析:C 根据答句,一分钟内50-60个字,所以问的是速度 5. The old man rarely remembers what has happened,_______? A. does he B. doesn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he 解析:A 前面有rarely,所以后面肯定。 6. Nowadays many new taxi apps _____to help people travel around more easily. 解析:A 句意:现在的打车软件被用来帮助人们旅游更加方便了。考查固定短语be used to do sth 表示被用来…… A. are used B. use C. used D. is used 7. Mr. and Mrs. Williams______ in San Francisco since they returned to the USA from Japan. 解析:B 句子的时间状语从句是since, 所以用现在完成时。 A. had worked B. have worked C. work D. are working 8. _______ get money in such a dishonest way, Simon would beg in the street. A. Other than B. Better than C. Rather than D. More than 解析:C rather than表示与其…,根据后面一句Simon宁愿在街上乞讨。所以C符合题意。 9. The policeman has warned the driver _____ after drinking some wine. A. not drive B. not to drive C. don’t drive D. not driving 解析:B 考查不定式的否定形式,直接在to前面加not , 10. Bob is not good at sports, so he is often made _____ lots of exercise by his parents. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did 解析: B 考查be made to do sth被迫做某事的固定用法。


上海民办新竹园中学2019学年第一学期 九年级考3物理学科考试卷 (考试时间60分钟满分90分命题人陈晓东老师) 一、选择题(每题2分,共16分) 1.一本九年级上册物理书平放在桌面上对桌面的压强大约是() A.5帕 B.15帕 C.30帕 D.100帕 2.下列物理量中,以科学家焦耳的名字作单位的是() A.电功率 B.电功 C.电压 D.电流 3.家庭常用节能灯正常工作电流约为() A. 1安 B.10安 C. 0.05安 D. 0.5安 4. 物理知识在生活中有很多应用,下列用品中利用大气压原理工作的是() A.高压锅煮饭 B.吸管喝饮料 C.注射器注射药液 D. 酒水壶酒水 5. 如图所示的四个电路中,电源电压都相同且不变,电阻R的阻值均相等。闭合开关S后,电流表示数最大的是() A.B.C.D. 6.如图所示,取4个完全相同的正方体物块,分别以甲、乙、丙三种方式叠放(均放在中央位置),在三种叠放方式中,其中底层物块上表面受到的压强 分别为p甲、p乙、p丙,则p甲:p乙:p丙关系为() A.3:1:3 B.3:2:3 C.3:3:4 D.2:1:2 7.如图所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变。在电路中并联一个 电压表,当滑动变阻器R1的滑片P从a端移至c端,电压表的示数从零变为 6伏,则下列判断正确的是() A.电压表并联在R1两端,滑片P位于中点b时电压表的示数为3伏 B.电压表并联在R1两端,滑片P位于中点b时电压表的示数大于3伏 C.电压表并联在R1两端,滑片P位于中点b时电压表的示数小于3伏 D.电压表并联在R2两端,滑片P位于中点b时电压表的示数为3伏 8.均匀正方体甲和乙放置在水平地面上。已知甲密度小于乙的密度,且甲、乙对水平地面


2018-2019学年上海市浦东新区民办新竹园中学八年级上学 期期中考试数学试卷 (完卷时间90分钟 满分100分) 一、填空:(每题2分,共30分) 1、当x 时,1 x + 【答案】2x ≤且1x ≠- 【解析】20x -≥且10x +≠ 2)0n <= 【答案】- 3、不等式21x +<的解集是 【答案】2x < 4、规定用符号[]m 表示一个实数m 的整数部分,例如23?????? =0,[]π=3,按此规定,1??= 【答案】4 【解析】34415<<∴<- 且0k ≠ 【解析】Q 方程有两个不相等的实数根,∴这是一个一元二次方程 ()()2 0,1410k k ∴≠?=--?-> 7、已知K 是方程210x x --=的一个根,则代数式32 20122k k -+的值是 【答案】2013 【解析】Q k 是方程210x x --=的一个根,210k k ∴--=,2 1k k ∴-= ()322222012220122012201212013k k k k k k k k ∴-+=--+=-+=+=

8、正比例函数()2 22 3m m y m x --=-的图像位于第 象限,y 随x 的增大而 【答案】二、四,减小 【解析】2 221,3,m m m --=∴=Q (舍去)或1m =-,34m ∴-=- 9、正比例函数图像上的点到x 轴的距离与到y 轴距离的比为2:3,则函数的解析式为 【答案】23 y x =± 【解析】 10、一次函数()23y a x =--的截距是 【答案】23a -- 11、函数4y ax =+的图像与坐标轴围成的三角形的面积为8,则a 的值为 【答案】1± 【解析】一次函数图像经过点(0,4),4,8a ?? - ??? ,Q 与坐标轴围成的三角形的面积为8,14482a ∴??-=,4 4a ∴-=±,1a ∴=± 12、若函数()1 2112 y k x k =-+ -的图像不经过第一象限,则k 的取值范围是 【答案】21≤≤k 【解析】当1≠k 为一次函数时 当2 1,1-==y k 为常值函数也符合


上海民办新竹园中学七年级上册数学期末试题及答案解答 一、选择题 1.晚上七点刚过,小强开始做数学作业,一看钟,发现此时时针和分针在同一直线上;做完数学作业八点不到,此时时针和分针又在同一直线上,则小强做数学作业花了多少时间( ) A .30分钟 B .35分钟 C . 42011 分钟 D .360 11分钟 2.若关于x 的方程234k x -=与20x -=的解相同,则k 的值为( ) A .10- B .10 C .5- D .5 3.如图,已知,,A O B 在一条直线上,1∠是锐角,则1∠的余角是( ) A .1 212∠-∠ B .132122 ∠-∠ C .1 2()12 ∠-∠ D .21∠-∠ 4.将图中的叶子平移后,可以得到的图案是() A . B . C . D . 5.如图,直线AB ∥CD ,∠C =44°,∠E 为直角,则∠1等于( )

A .132° B .134° C .136° D .138° 6.解方程 121 123 x x +--=时,去分母得( ) A .2(x +1)=3(2x ﹣1)=6 B .3(x +1)﹣2(2x ﹣1)=1 C .3(x +1)﹣2(2x ﹣1)=6 D .3(x +1)﹣2×2x ﹣1=6 7.下列四个数中最小的数是( ) A .﹣1 B .0 C .2 D .﹣(﹣1) 8.以下调查方式比较合理的是( ) A .为了解一沓钞票中有没有假钞,采用抽样调查的方式 B .为了解全区七年级学生节约用水的情况,采用抽样调查的方式 C .为了解某省中学生爱好足球的情况,采用普查的方式 D .为了解某市市民每天丢弃塑料袋数量的情况,采用普查的方式 9.下列式子中,是一元一次方程的是( ) A .3x+1=4x B .x+2>1 C .x 2-9=0 D .2x -3y=0 10.单项式﹣6ab 的系数与次数分别为( ) A .6,1 B .﹣6,1 C .6,2 D .﹣6,2 11.下列方程的变形正确的有( ) A .360x -=,变形为36x = B .533x x +=-,变形为42x = C . 2 123 x -=,变形为232x -= D .21x =,变形为2x = 12.若2m ab -与162n a b -是同类项,则m n +=( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .7 二、填空题 13.如果实数a ,b 满足(a-3)2+|b+1|=0,那么a b =__________. 14.如图,点A 在点B 的北偏西30方向,点C 在点B 的南偏东60?方向.则ABC ∠的度数是__________. 15.根据下列图示的对话,则代数式2a +2b ﹣3c +2m 的值是_____.


备战2020中考【6套模拟】上海民办新竹园中学中考模拟考试数学 试题含答案 中学数学二模模拟试卷 一.选择题(满分30分,每小题3分) 1.估计﹣2的值在() A.0到l之间B.1到2之问C.2到3之间D.3到4之间 2.已知图中所有的小正方形都全等,若在右图中再添加一个全等的小正方形得到新的图形,使新图形是中心对称图形,则正确的添加方案是() A.B. C.D. 3.下列计算正确的是() A.3x2﹣2x2=1 B. +=C.x÷y?=x D.a2?a3=a5 4.如图,已知直线AB、CD被直线AC所截,AB∥CD,E是平面内任意一点(点E不在直线AB、CD、AC上),设∠BAE=α,∠DCE=β.下列各式:①α+β,②α﹣β,③β﹣α, ④360°﹣α﹣β,∠AEC的度数可能是()

A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.①②③④5.甲、乙两人进行射击比赛,在相同条件下各射击10次,他们的平均成绩一样,而他们的 方差分别是S 甲2=1.8,S 乙 2=0.7,则成绩比较稳定的是() A.甲稳定B.乙稳定C.一样稳定D.无法比较6.如图是一个几何体的三视图,则该几何体的展开图可以是() A.B. C.D. 7.已知函数y=kx+b的图象如图所示,则函数y=﹣bx+k的图象大致是() A.B. C.D. 8.下列一元二次方程中,有两个相等的实数根的是() A.x2﹣4x﹣4=0 B.x2﹣36x+36=0 C.4x2+4x+1=0 D.x2﹣2x﹣1=0

9.如图,在菱形ABCD中,点P从B点出发,沿B→D→C方向匀速运动,设点P运动时间为x,△APC的面积为y,则y与x之间的函数图象可能为() A.B. C.D. 10.如图,在菱形ABCD中,∠ABC=60°,AB=4,点E是AB边上的动点,过点B作直线CE的垂线,垂足为F,当点E从点A运动到点B时,点F的运动路径长为() A.B.2C.πD.π 二.填空题(满分18分,每小题3分) 11.因式分解:a3﹣9a=. 12.方程=的解是. 13.已知,如图,扇形AOB中,∠AOB=120°,OA=2,若以A为圆心,OA长为半径画弧交弧AB于点C,过点C作CD⊥OA,垂足为D,则图中阴影部分的面积为. 14.若点(1,5),(5,5)是抛物线y=ax2+bx+c上的两个点,则此抛物线的对称轴是.


2020-2021上海民办新竹园中学小学六年级数学上期末模拟试题(及答案) 一、选择题 1.某校为表示学生体育锻炼达标情况,选用()可以清楚地表示出“优”“良”“合格”各等次人数占全校总人数的百分比。 A. 条形统计图 B. 折线统计图 C. 扇形统计图 2.六(1)班有50人,昨天有4人缺席,昨天的出席率是()。 A. 8% B. 92.6% C. 92% D. 100% 3.一袋小麦,磨出50千克面粉,剩下12.5千克麦麸,这袋小麦的出粉率为()。 A. 75% B. 70% C. 85% D. 80% 4.一个圆的半径扩大到原来的2倍,面积就扩大到原来的() A. 2倍 B. 3倍 C. 4倍 5.周长相等的长方形、正方形、圆中,()的面积最大。 A. 长方形 B. 正方形 C. 圆 6.林场中,杨树的棵数比柏树少20%,柏树和杨树的比是()。 A. 4:5 B. 5:4 C. 1:2 D. 1:5 7.等式24×( + )=24× +24× 符合() A. 加法交换律 B. 加法结合律 C. 乘法交换律 D. 乘法分配律 8.如图,以邮局为观测点,()在西偏北60°方向300m处。 A. 书店 B. 学校 C. 广场 9.一辆汽车行千米用汽油升,1升汽油可行多少千米?列式正确的是() A. ÷ B. × C. ÷ 二、填空题 10.如图是笑笑对六年级(1)班40名同学进行的“你最喜欢的一项体育活动”的调查结果.从图中可以看出,喜欢________的同学最多.喜欢跳绳的比喜欢足球的多________ 人.

11.用30吨黄豆可以榨出11.4吨的豆油,黄豆的出油率是________。 12.一个圆的周长扩大到原来的3倍,它的半径扩大到原来的________倍,面积扩大到原来的________倍。 13.六年级和五年级共有270人,六年级与五年级人数比是5:4,六年级有________人。14.小明从家向北偏东30°方向走600m到学校,那么他从学校回家要向________偏________ ________°走600m. 15.3个小队的同学从果园里共采摘吨的梨,平均每个小队采摘 ________吨. 16.3.5× 表示________,18个相加的和用算式表示是________。 三、解答题 17.小明同学根据全班同学的血型绘制了如图所示的扇形统计图,已知A型血的有20 人,则O型血的有多少人? 18.“十一”大促销,这台电视的价格比原来降低了百分之几? 19.求出圆的周长和面积. 20.一列火车从甲地开往乙地,已经行了全程的,离中点还有12千米,甲、乙两地的路程有多少千米? 21.根据下面的描述,在平面图上标出各场所的位置。


上海民办新竹园中学2021初三化学中考一模试题和答案 一、选择题(培优题较难) 1.下列物质鉴别的实验方法错误的是() A.A B.B C.C D.D 【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A、过氧化氢溶液中加入二氧化锰会生成氧气而出现气泡,蒸馏水中二氧化锰没有明显现象,可以鉴别,故A正确; B、锌和镁加入稀盐酸中都会出现气泡,不能鉴别,故B错误; C、燃着木条在二氧化碳中熄灭,在氧气中燃烧更旺,在空气中现象不变,可以鉴别,故C 正确; D、活性炭具有疏松多孔的结构,具有吸附性,投入二氧化氮的集气瓶中,红棕色会褪去,氧化铜不具有该性质,可以鉴别,故D正确, 答案选B。 2.有一包固体粉末,可能含碳、铝、铜、氧化铝、氧化铜中的一种或几种。为探究该固体粉末的组成,某化学兴趣小组进行了如下图所示实验。下列结论正确的个数是

①固体B中的物质为碳 ②蓝色溶液乙为硝酸铜溶液 ③原固体样品中一定含有的物质是碳、铝、铜 ④蓝色溶液丙中一定含有的溶质是硝酸铝、硝酸铜、硝酸 A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 ①固体B在氧气中充分灼烧,生成能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的二氧化碳气体(说明原固体有碳),可能还含有铜,故该说法不正确; ②无色溶液甲与蓝色溶液乙反应生成白色固体,说明蓝色溶液乙中含有硝酸银,故该说法不正确; ③向样品中加入过量稀盐酸有气体生成,根据金属活动性顺序可知,是铝与盐酸反应,生成的气体是氢气;固体A与硝酸银反应有蓝色溶液生成,说明固体A中含有铜,铜与硝酸 Cu+2AgNO=2Ag+Cu(NO);铜与硝酸银反应生成银和硝酸铜,反应的化学方程式为332 银反应生成银;固体B在氧气中充分灼烧,生成能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体,该气体是二氧化碳。灼烧能生成二氧化碳气体的物质是碳,故固体B中含有的物质是碳、银(或C、Ag);样品中加过量稀盐酸有气体产生,说明原固体中有铝;将反应后的固液混合物过滤,得到无色溶液甲(说明原固体中没有氧化铜)和固体A,固体A加一定量的硝酸银溶液并过滤,得到蓝色溶液乙(说明原固体中有铜)和固体B;固体B在氧气中充分灼烧,生成能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的二氧化碳气体(说明原固体有碳)。故原固体样品中一定含有的物质是碳、铝、铜(或C、A1、Cu) ,故该说法正确; ④无色溶液甲与蓝色溶液乙反应生成白色固体,说明蓝色溶液乙中含有硝酸银,无色溶液甲中溶质是盐酸及盐酸与铝反应生成的氯化铝。盐酸与硝酸银反应生成氯化银和硝酸,氯化铝与硝酸银反应生成氯化银和硝酸铝,蓝色溶液乙中的溶质硝酸铜不参与反应。故蓝色


2020-2021下海民办新竹园中学七年级数学下期末模拟试题(及答案) 一、选择题 1.如图,已知∠1=∠2,∠3=30°,则∠B的度数是( ) A.20o B.30o C.40o D.60o 2.已知实数a,b,若a>b,则下列结论错误的是 A.a-7>b-7B.6+a>b+6C . 55 a b >D.-3a> -3b 3.我国古代数学著作《增删算法统宗》记载”绳索量竿”问题:“一条竿子一条索,索比竿子长一托.折回索子却量竿,却比竿子短一托“其大意为:现有一根竿和一条绳索,用绳索去量竿,绳索比竿长5尺;如果将绳索对半折后再去量竿,就比竿短5尺.设绳索长x 尺,竿长y尺,则符合题意的方程组是() A. 5 {1 5 2 x y x y =+ =- B. 5 {1 +5 2 x y x y =+ = C. 5 { 2-5 x y x y =+ = D. -5 { 2+5 x y x y = = 4.如图,数轴上表示2、5的对应点分别为点C,B,点C是AB的中点,则点A表示的数是() A.5 -B.25 -C.45 -D.52 - 5.已知实数x,y满足2 54()0 x y x y +-+-=,则实数x,y的值是() A. 2 2 x y =- ? ? =- ? B. x y = ? ? = ? C. 2 2 x y = ? ? = ? D. 3 3 x y = ? ? = ? 6.将一个矩形纸片按如图所示折叠,若∠1=40°,则∠2的度数是() A.40°B.50°C.60°D.70° 7.小明对九(1)、九(2)班(人数都为50人)参加“阳光体育”的情况进行了调查,统计结果如图所示.下列说法中正确的是( )


上海民办新竹园中学2019学年第二学期线上教学反馈 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 一、文言文(40分) (一)默写(16分) 1.荡胸生层云,° (《望岳》) 2.晴川历历汉阳树,° (《黄鶴楼》) 3.___________________,莲动下渔舟。《山居秋暝》 4.,回车叱牛牵向北。(《卖炭翁》) 5.《小石潭记》中,小石潭冷清的环境,使作者感到“________,________”最后选择匆匆离开。 (二)阅读下列诗文,完成第6-9题(12分) 过零丁洋 文天祥 辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。 山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。 惶恐滩头说惶恐, 零丁洋里叹零丁。 人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。 鱼我所欲也(节选) 《孟子》 一箪食,一豆羹,得之则生,弗得则死。呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受;蹴尔而与之,乞人不屑也。万钟则不辩礼义而受之,万钟于我何加焉!为宫室之美,妻妾之奉,所识穷乏者得我与?乡为身死而不受,今为宫室之美为之;乡为身死而不受,今为妻妾之奉为之;乡为身死而不受,今为所识穷乏者得我而为之;是亦不可以已乎?此之谓失其本心。 6.甲诗作者_______ ,乙文作者________,他们在作品中都阐发了________的思想感情。(3分) 7.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。(3分) 呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受 ___________________________________________ 8.甲诗和乙文中,都提到了“心",然而二者的内涵却不同。甲诗中的“丹心”指的是________;乙文中的"本心”指的是_________________(4分) 9.下面选项不正确的一项是()。(2分) A.甲诗首联作者回忆了两件事情:出仕做官和起兵抗元。 B.乙文作者通过“行道之人”和“乞人”两个事例,证明了中心论点。- C.甲诗和乙文都运用了反复,强烈地表达思想感情。 D.甲诗和乙文都运用了反问,但表达的情感不同。 (三)阅读下文,完成第10-13题(12分) 庆历中,有布衣毕升,又为活板。其法用胶泥刻字,薄如钱唇,每字为一印,火烧令坚。先设一铁板,其上以松脂、蜡和纸灰之类冒○1之。欲印,则以一铁范置铁板上,乃密布字印,满铁范为一板,持就火炀○2之;


2020-2021下海民办新竹园中学七年级数学下期中模拟试题(及答案) 一、选择题 1.已知实数a ,b ,若a >b ,则下列结论错误的是 A .a-7>b-7 B .6+a >b+6 C .55a b > D .-3a >-3b 2.已知∠A 、∠B 互余,∠A 比∠B 大30°,设∠A 、∠B 的度数分别为x°、y°,下列方程组中符合题意的是( ) A .18030x y x y +=??=-? B .180+30x y x y +=??=? C .9030x y x y +=??=-? D .90+30x y x y +=??=? 3.在平面直角坐标系中,点A 的坐标()0,1,点B 的坐标()3,3,将线段AB 平移,使得A 到达点()4,2C ,点B 到达点D ,则点D 的坐标是( ) A .()7,3 B .()6,4 C .()7,4 D .()8,4 4.请你观察、思考下列计算过程:因为112=121,所以121=11:,因为1112=12321所以12321=111…,由此猜想12345678987654321=( ) A .111111 B .1111111 C .11111111 D .111111111 5.同学们喜欢足球吗?足球一般是用黑白两种颜色的皮块缝制而成的,如图所示,黑色皮块是正五边形,白色皮块是正六边形.若一个球上共有黑白皮块32块,请你计算一下,黑色皮块和白色皮块的块数依次为( ) A .16块,16块 B .8块,24块 C .20块,12块 D .12块,20块 6.如果a >b ,那么下列各式中正确的是( ) A .a ﹣2<b ﹣2 B .22a b p C .﹣2a <﹣2b D .﹣a >﹣b 7.如图,把一个直角三角尺的直角顶点放在直尺的一边上,若∠1=50°,则∠2=( ) A .20° B .30° C .40° D .50° 8.一个自然数的算术平方根是x ,则它后面一个自然数的算术平方根是( ). A .x +1 B .x 2+1 C 1x D 21x +


上海民办新竹园中学中考物理一模试卷解析版 一、选择题 1.第一个发现电流周围存在磁场的科学家是 A.法拉第 B.安培 C.奥斯特 D.焦耳 2.如图所示,一只鱼鹰发现河面上的鱼,沿虚线斜向下匀速俯冲,此过程中,空气对鱼鹰作用力的方向可能是() A.竖直向上B.竖直向下 C.与运动方向相同D.与运动方向相反 3.下列自然现象中涉及到的物态变化,需要吸热的是() A.暖春冰雪消融B.盛夏草上露珠 C.凉秋雾锁江南D.寒冬北国飞雪 4.下列关于光学现象的说法中错误的是() A.图甲,树荫下的阴影是小孔成的像B.图乙,人配戴该种透镜可以矫正远视眼C.图丙,桥在水中倒影是光的反射现象D.图丁,变方的太阳是光的折射现象 5.利用图示装置探究凸透镜的成像规律,凸透镜(f=10cm)固定在光具座50cm刻度处。下列说法正确的是() A.将蜡烛放在5cm刻度处时,无论如何移动光屏,光屏上都无法成像 B.将蜡烛从图示位置向右移动到紧靠透镜的过程中,所成的像一直变大 C.当光屏上成清晰像时,移去光屏,眼睛在一定范围内仍能看到像

D.当光屏上成清晰像时,紧贴凸透镜放置一近视镜片,向左移动光屏,光屏上能再次呈现清晰像 6.小华设计了一种输液提示器,能在护士站观察到药液量的变化.当袋中药液量减少时,为使电压表示数随之减小,符合要求的电路图是 A.B. C.D. 7.如图,两个相同的空塑料瓶,瓶口扎上橡皮膜,竖直浸没在水中,甲瓶口朝上,乙瓶口朝下,若甲瓶恰好悬浮,则() A.乙瓶内气体密度较大B.乙瓶可能悬浮 C.甲瓶内气体的压强较大D.两瓶受到的浮力相等 8.下列描述中,能用光的反射知识解释的是() A.小孔成像B.雨后彩虹C.清澈见底D.湖边倒影 9.如图所示,金属小球从光滑轨道中的A点处由静止滑下,经过B点,到达最低点C 后,再沿轨道向上运动,若不计空气阻力,则下列说法中正确的是 A.小球能沿轨道向上运动到E点处 B.小球从A点加速下滑到C点时,重力没有对小球做功 C.小球到达C点时,它的动能最大,重力势能最小


上海民办新竹园中学2017学年度第二学期 九年级英语学科考7试卷 (考试时间100分钟,满分150分) Part1 Listening(第一部分听力)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture.(共6分) 1.________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (8分) 7. A. A doctor. B. A detective C. A policeman D. A postman 8. A. Buy a new purse. B. Call the police C. Repair her purse D. Look for her purse 9. A. He was sunbathing with Peter. B. He was bathing in the bathroom C. He was playing basketball with Peter D. He was playing tennis with Peter. 10.A. At1:00 B. At1:30. C. At2:30 . D. At3:30. 11.A. A detective. B. A reporter. C. An actor. D. A writer. 12.A. $ 5,750 B. $5,850 C. $ 5,950 D. $ 6,400 13.A. Sales B. Nurses. C. Teachers D. Tourism managers 14.A. 1,000 dollars B. 1,100 dollars C. 1,200 dollars D. 1,300 dollars C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(6分) 15.In the story, Kuskoy is the name of a country. 16.The children of Kuskoy begin to learn to whistle((吹ロ哨)at school. 17.In Kuskoy, whistling as a way of talking started hundreds of years ago. 18.The whistle can be heard at a distance of 10 miles. 19.The children of Kuskoy always start a day with a whistled song. 20.Through whistling, all the villagers quickly knew a young-couple’s adventure. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(10分) 21.Mr. Bram became completely blind ________ ________.


上海民办新竹园中学2018学年第一学期七年级阶段诊断一 一、选择题(每题2分) 1、在下列多项式中,不能用完全平方公式分解因式的是( ) A 、412m m ++ B 、222y xy x -+- C 、224914b ab a ++- D 、13 292+-n n 2、一个五次多项式,它的任何一项次数( ) A 、都小于5 B 、都等于5 C 、都不小于5 D 、都不大于5 3、下列计算中,错误的有( ) ①()()4943432-=-+a a a ②()()2222422b a b a b a -=+- ③()()9332-=+-x x x ④()()()()22y y y y y x x x x x --=+--=+?+- A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 4、下列说法错误的个数是( ) ①多项式 17232+-xy x 是单项式23x ,xy 2- ,17 的和 ② x 7 和y x 57+ 都是整式 ③ 243 1b a + 和6232+-y x 都是多项式 ④ 92423+-y x 是三次三项式 A 、3个 B 、2个 C 、1个 D 、0个

5、下列说法正确的个数是( ) ①单项式a 的系数为0,次数为0 ② 2 1-ab 是单项式 ③ xyz -的系数为-1,次数是1 ④ π是单项式,而2不是单项式 A 、0个 B 、1个 C 、2个 D 、3个 二、填空题(每题3分) 6、已知正方形的边长是a ,如果边长增加4,那么面积增加 已知===-b a b a x x x 23,5,3则 7、某项建筑工程,由甲工程队承包需要a 天完成,由乙工程队承包需要b 天完成,则甲乙两工程队合作承包,完成工程的一半需要的天数为 天 8、若x x x x +=+147122,则的值是 9、已知707 7777 11,777==n m ,则m 与n 的大小关系是 10、已知9201044222+++-+-k y x y xy x 是一个完全平方公式,则k 的 值为 11、()()222222********* ++-+++的值是 12、已知()2281124y xy m x +--是一个完全平方式,则n 的值为 13、用幂的形式表示:()()()()=++++1313131364842 14、如图,这个图形的周长是 (用含有b a ,的代数式表示)


上海民办新竹园中学2018学年第二学期阶段一考试六年级语文学科 试题卷 (考试时间:100分钟满分:100分) 2019.3.18 温馨提醒:本试卷共27题,请用黑色水笔将答案写在答卷上,写在试卷上不计分。 一、基础知识与积累(14分) (一)默写(10分) 1. ,札札弄机杼。 2.中庭地白树栖鸦,。 3.盈盈一水间,。 4. ,不知秋思落谁家? 5. ,及其日中如探汤…… (二)基础知识(4分) 6.下列词语注音、书写完全正确的一项是()(2分) A.蜜饯.(jiàn)通宵青面獠.牙(liáo)拔得头畴 B.翡.翠(fēi)宏愿吞噬.(shì)张灯接彩 C.佝偻 ..(gōu lóu)雄浑敦.厚(dūn)遂心所欲 D.掺和 ..(chān huo)演绎万象更.新(gēng)优哉游哉 7.下列说法正确的一项是()(2分) A.“元旦的光景 ..。”中的“光..与除夕截然不同。”与“微风拂过,麦浪起伏,好一派动人光景 景”,意思是一样的。 B.“藏戏的艺人们席.地而唱,不要幕布,不要灯光,不要道具,只要一鼓、一钹为其伴奏。”一句中的“席”是动词,意为“以……为席”。 C.在《腊八粥》中,作者笔下的腊八粥让人垂.涎欲滴。(这句话中“垂涎欲滴”的“垂”与成语“永垂不朽”的“垂”,意思是一样的。) D.春饼鲜美,“天下没有第二种自制食品能超过它,堪.称食之王。”(这句话中“堪”的意思与“不堪设想”中“堪”意思不相同。) 二、文言文阅读(18分) (一)诗歌鉴赏:阅读《寒食》,完成第8—9题(4分) 寒食韩翃 春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛,轻烟散入五侯家。 8.寒食节是为纪念(人名)而设立的节日,时间在清明节前一两天,传统习俗有禁烟火、吃冷食等。诗中“御柳”的意思是。(2分) 9.下列对诗歌分析不正确的一项是()(2分) A.这首诗前两句写的是白昼风光,后两句写夜晚景象。 B.全诗用白描手法,写出了唐代都城寒食节日的情景。 C.诗中“斜”字照应前面的“飞”,实际上是明写风。 D.全诗充溢着对皇城春色的陶醉和对承平盛世的歌咏。 (二)阅读下文,完成第10—12题(6分) 学弈 弈秋,通国之善弈者也。使弈秋诲二人弈,其一人专心致志,惟弈秋之为听;一人虽听之,一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓缴而射之。虽与之俱学,弗若之矣。为是其智弗若与?曰:非然也。 10.本文选自《》一书。孟子是学派代表人物之一。(2分)


上海民办新竹园中学初一上册历史期中试卷带答案 一、选择题 1.成语“斩木为兵,揭竿为旗”比喻武装起义,秦末为反抗秦的暴政,首创农民起义,其两位领袖是() A.刘邦、项羽B.陈胜、吴广C.韩信、张良D.苏秦、张仪 2.春秋时期最显著的政治特点是 A.争霸战争激烈,分裂趋势加剧 B.王室衰微,诸侯争霸 C.王室采取有力措施而中兴 D.霸主联合,与王室争权 3.相传,神农氏遍尝百草,还“制耒耜,教民农作”。这一传说反映了 A.农业的起源 B.手工业兴起 C.商业的发展 D.畜牧业繁荣 4.秦朝“焚书坑儒”,而西汉则实行“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,两者的根本目的是 A.压制知识分子B.加强君主专制统治 C.推行法家思想D.有区别地对待知识文化 5.下列人物与事件搭配错误的一项是( ) A.禹——建立夏朝B.启——建立商朝C.桀——夏朝灭亡D.纣——商朝灭亡6.制作年代标尺是学习历史的有效方法之一,下面是一位同学在复习中国古代史时制作的年代标尺,其中秦统一的时间应该是 A.A点B.B点C.C点D.D点 7.获取有效信息是历史学习的重要方法之一。符合“距今约70万—20万年”“会使用天然火”“能打制石器”三个信息的古人类是 A.元谋人B.半坡人C.山顶洞人D.北京人 8.某考古学家在日记中这样写道:“我们在这里发掘过一座完整的土木建筑的房子,在里面发现了一些小罐罐,打开一看,竟然是小米,只是没有米瓤。”文中的主人可能是A.山顶洞人B.浙江C.砖木瓦房D.西安半坡人9.“我无为而民自化,我好静而民自正,我无事而民自富,我无欲而民自朴。”“大小多少,报怨以德。图难于其易,为大于其细。天下难事必作于易,天下大事必作于细。”以上观点反映了诸子百家中某一学派的思想主张,请说出这一学派创始人的代表作()


2019-2020上海民办新竹园中学中考数学模拟试题(及答案) 一、选择题 1.如图A ,B ,C 是 上的三个点,若 ,则 等于( ) A .50° B .80° C .100° D .130° 2.地球与月球的平均距离为384 000km ,将384 000这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.84×103 B .3.84×104 C .3.84×105 D .3.84×106 3.在如图4×4的正方形网格中,△MNP 绕某点旋转一定的角度,得到△M 1N 1P 1,则其旋转中心可能是( ) A .点A B .点B C .点C D .点D 4.如图,将△ABC 绕点C (0,1)旋转180°得到△A'B'C ,设点A 的坐标为(,)a b ,则点 的坐标为( ) A .(,)a b -- B .(,1)a b --- C .(,1)a b --+ D .(,2)a b --+ 5.如图,A ,B ,P 是半径为2的⊙O 上的三点,∠APB =45°,则弦AB 的长为( ) A .2 B .4 C .22 D 2

6.在同一坐标系内,一次函数y ax b =+与二次函数2y ax 8x b =++的图象可能是 A . B . C . D . 7.如图,在△ABC 中,AC =BC ,有一动点P 从点A 出发,沿A →C →B →A 匀速运动.则CP 的长度s 与时间t 之间的函数关系用图象描述大致是( ) A . B . C . D . 8.阅读理解:已知两点1122,,()(),M x y N x y ,则线段MN 的中点(),K x y 的坐标公式为:122x x x += ,12 2 y y y +=.如图,已知点O 为坐标原点,点()30A -, ,O e 经过点A ,点B 为弦PA 的中点.若点(),P a b ,则有,a b 满足等式:229a b +=.设(),B m n ,则,m n 满足的等式是( )
