
The Tiger Assuming The Majesty Of The Fox

T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird B----Bear


There is a Tiger live in the forest. The Tiger is very strong but his head is not so clever. He just eat a lot every day and never read any book. He don’t know the idiom 虎假狐威…(大屏幕上的)


Tiger: I’m a great Tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find something to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly)


Fox: I’m a Fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!

Tiger: Ah, a Fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal.

Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?

Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you.

Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now.

Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t believe her. I’m the king of the forest here.

Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest.

Tiger: Ok. Let’s go.


Rabbit: I’m a Rabbit. I like to eat a turnip ['tə:nip]萝卜. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out.


Bird: I’m a Bird.

Rabbit: Hi!

Bird: Hi! What are you doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you?

Rabbit: Yes, please.


Bear: I’m a big brown Bear. Hello, everyone! What are you doing here?

R&B: Come on! Come on! Mr. Bear! You are so strong. Please come here. There is a big turnip. We are all pulling it out. Please come and help us.

Bear: Ok! I’m coming.


Fox: Hello, Bird!

Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a Tiger! (逃跑)

Fox: Hello, Bear!

Bear: Hi, Fox. Oh, a Tiger! I’ll beat you !


Fox: Hello, Rabbit!

Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a Tiger!

Tiger: Ha Ha Ha! I’ll kill all of you !!! (The Tiger kill the Rabbit)

Rabbit: Believe Chun Ge will get an eternal life….(死了,倒在桌子上)


Just now Chun Ge appears! With a piece of Xiangyun under his foot and a halo on his head.

Chun Ge:Bring back to life. 兔子复活

Rabbit: Oh I’ll kill you! 老虎被兔子晕

Fox颤抖的说: Tiger, Now, you see. Who..who is the king of the..forest…

Tiger: Yes, you are right. It’s true. I’m very sorry.Rabbit is the king of the forest. That’s all right. I will run away. He is the king. He is the king!!!老虎跑出去

Rabbit: Hello Fox~ This turnip is the award of you!

Fox: Wa! There is a big turnip. Now, th turnip belongs to me.


英语话剧2 适用于4—6人

The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t belive her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go. Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a turnip. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out. Bird: I’m a bird. Rabbit: Hi! Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you? Rabbit: Yes, please. Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you? R&B: Yes, come on! Frog : Ok! I’m coming! Bear: I’m a big brown bear. Hello, everyone! What are you doing here? R,B&F: Come on! Come on! Mr. Bear! You are so strong. Please come here. There is a big turnip. We are all puling it out. Please come and help us. Bear: Ok! I’m coming. Fox: Hello, Bear! Bear: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away) Fox: Hello, Frog! Frog: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away) Fox: Hello, Bird! Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away) Fox: Hello, Rabbit! Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)


狐假虎威(Borrow power to do evil) 2014-12-04改版产品 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story .Borrowing power to do evil.狐假虎威. You know the fox have cheated the tiger 4 times. But the tiger doesn’t give up. He still want to win fox and then eat him to revenge for his dupery(欺骗). Now, the tiger calm down and is waiting for a chance to fix the fox. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 狐狸:(得意地)I have cheated the tiger 4 times, he is too stupid. I am clever than him. 老虎:Who is clever? You have cheated me 1,2,3,4 times. I won’t forgive you! It’s time to digest.(老虎摸摸肚子) 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, God bless me .I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, oh, your girlfriend Linda. She’s coming. 老虎:You still want to cheat me by this bad idea. I won’t be tricked this time. 狐狸:(推脱中)But, there is someone behind you. 老虎:(自以为是地)I don’t care who is behind me. Let me fix you. You silly boy. Crirs: (大怒地)You don’t care who? How dare you. Who do you want to fix. Me? Let me bring you home and fix you. 老虎:(大叫)help,help. 狐狸:(假惺惺地)I have told you. But you don’t believe me, you deserved it. (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 狐狸:(坚强地)I have ran 3 km, and I don’t feel any tired. As I train harder, I will be stronger and faster than the tiger. So he couldn’t catch me. 老虎:(调戏地) What the hell are you doing here? 狐狸:(回过头去,表情像遇到鬼)Shit! Are you blind? I’m running for training. 老虎:(不耐烦地)After I twist off you neck. You will be blind. No matter how hard you train. You can’t get away from my hand. 狐狸:The truth is I have got away from your hand 5 times. 老虎:(生气地) You want me to tear you right now, don’t you? 狐狸:(害怕地)No offence. I made a mistake. If you are not convinced, we can have a race here. 老虎:(无奈地)Fine. To let you know what the feeling of failure, I satisfy you. 旁白: Are you ready? Go. 狐狸:(骑着火箭走了,剩下老虎一人)(?火箭发射音?) 老虎:(疑惑地)what? where is the fox? What’s that gas flame? What’s that smell? What’s that things? The rocket launcher. Made in china. Oh, Jesus. (三) 旁白:Now, fate plays another joke on the fox .He meet with the tiger again. 狐狸:(不解地)Who?


狐假虎威 人物:狐狸、老虎、小鸡、小兔、小熊、小鸟,小狗 道具:动物服装,假树,假山,假木桩 开场 (所有的小动物分散在舞台上下两个台阶上,音乐起,舞蹈) (舞蹈结束) 小鸡:大家快来!听说,湖边的景色可美了!我们去湖边玩吧!小动物:好好!我们一去,走,走…… (所有小动物下) 第一幕 (小老虎出场音效) 小老虎:(摔倒)呜呜……妈妈……妈妈……(说唱) 我叫小老虎,做事真马虎, 都怪我贪玩,迷失回家路 三天没吃饭,身上好难受 要把妈妈找,先得填饱肚! 小老虎:肚子空空荡荡的,饿的我头晕眼花。以前的食物都是妈妈抓的,现在找不到妈妈,也没有吃的了!妈妈……妈妈…… 唉……妈妈曾经说过,小孩子要是没有一颗善良的心,长大 了就会变成一个坏东西、没用的东西!我是百兽之王,怎么 可能是坏东西呢?(东瞅西看,发现了一只狐狸)呀!运气 真不错!来了一只老狐狸!听说狐狸都很狡猾,我得先藏起 来! (音乐起,小老虎静悄悄的下场) (音乐起,狐狸伴随音乐上场,个人秀) 小狐狸:(狡猾)我叫小狐狸,脑袋小小特聪明!碰到困难,我总有办法对付,遇到危险,我总能化险为夷!嘿嘿……不过,昨 天到农民家里偷鸡,挨了一顿打,今天的第一个任务,就是 找吃的! (老虎上场音乐起,小老虎上场,跟在狐狸后面周旋,两人一照面)小狐狸:啊!(晕了过去,把小老虎吓一跳) 小老虎:吓死了?(摸了摸狐狸) 小狐狸:啊!(继续装死) 小老虎:不会吧!(又摸了摸狐狸)

小狐狸:啊!(继续装死) 小老虎:(摇摇头,到树后面) 小狐狸:(爬起来,得意)切!我还以为今天死定了,原来是只小老虎!(老虎突然出现)啊?啊!(吓的坐地上,不住的后退 你……你怎么…又来了! 小老虎:人家刚才撒尿去了!就你那点小伎俩还能骗得了我! 小狐狸:(谄媚)哦!!您撒的尿(伸手摇老虎的胳膊),(被老虎甩开)简直太香了(夸张) 小老虎:(害羞)哎呀!人家不好意思了!呃?(指着狐狸,恶狠狠)老狐狸!既然你见到我连魂都吓丢了,我都知道你再也不逃 跑了!现在,你就自己走到妈妈的餐桌上去! 小狐狸:(吃惊)什么?走到你妈妈的餐桌上去!?(跑到小老虎右边)小老虎:对对,我就是这个意思! 小狐狸:(四脚朝天,大哭)啊哈哈哈!(冲着小老虎趴地上捶地)哇哈哈哈…… 小老虎:你这是什么意思?行了吧你! 小狐狸:(爬起来)你知道,我是你的什么人吗?(跑到小老虎左边)我是你的远房——亲戚!(喷小老虎一脸) 小老虎:(挠头)远房亲戚? 小狐狸:(紧接着)哎呀,没错啦!我的嘴巴尖尖,(走到小老虎右边)你的嘴巴宽宽,所以才是远房亲戚嘛! 小老虎:我们真的是亲戚吗? 小狐狸:哎,没错啦!(掺小老虎坐下)哦(倒抽一口气,用屁股把小老虎顶一边去,自己悠哉悠哉的坐下,小老虎坐地上)不 过,只是远房亲戚而已,不然长得一模一样啦!论辈分我 还是你妈妈的——(思考)舅舅,你还得喊我舅公呢! 小老虎:(吃惊,站起来冲着小狐狸)什么!?你还是我舅公! 小狐狸:(站起来)哎呀,天上的雷公,地下的舅公,满世界的人看到舅公都是最尊敬(做拱手动作),最害怕的(捂心口)!(气 愤)你还敢把你舅公送到你妈妈的餐桌上去!哼!气死我了! (气的走来走去) 小老虎:(紧张,赶紧哄)哎呦……哎呦……老狐狸,噢不!老舅公,您就别生气了!小外孙给你捶捶背(扶狐狸坐下) 小狐狸:(装模作样,指着自己肩)这这这…… 小老虎:哎?老舅公,你刚才不是,满世界的人都敬重你,害怕你,那么你可不可以让我看看呢? 小狐狸:(慌张,离开座位,跑好远)这这这……糟啦! 小老虎:(恍然大悟)呃?你说的竟然是谎话!我要吃了你!


狐假虎威》课本剧 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。 老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do? (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what? 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What? 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。 (琵琶拨一下弦,以示紧张的情绪。) 老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice. You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first?


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初中英语课本剧剧本 狐假虎威(二) 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。 老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出 去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where Where Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二)

2019年英语话剧:《狐假虎威》The Fox and the Tiger-优秀word范文 (1页)

2019年英语话剧:《狐假虎威》The Fox and the Tiger-优秀word范文 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 英语话剧:《狐假虎威》The Fox and the Tiger 今天英语小编整理并分享英语话剧:《狐假虎威》 The Fox and the Tiger ,欢迎大家继续关注英语网,我们将继续为你提供更多英语短剧,希望各位老师 和同学能够喜欢。 Tiger : I & rsquo ; m a great tiger . I & rsquo ; m very athletic . I & rsquo ; m very brave . I & rsquo ; m the king of the forest . But now I & rsquo ; m very hungry . I must find a little food . Oh , there & rsquo ; s nothing here . Oh , I & rsquo ; m very hungry . ( Sleep soundly ) 老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎。我非常强壮。我是非常勇敢的。我是森林的 国王。但现在我非常饿。我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (酣然昏眠) Fox : I & rsquo ; m a fox . You can see , I & rsquo ; m pretty and lovely . I & rsquo ; m good at cheating and telling lies . Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat . Mm , Mm , Mm . How delicious it is ! 狐狸:我是狐狸。您能看,我是俏丽和可爱的。我是擅长于欺诈0 and 告 诉谎言。我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面。毫米,毫米,毫米。多么可口它是! Tiger : Ah , a fox . A good meal . Ah , a good meal . 老虎: Ah ,一只狐狸。一顿好午餐。 Ah ,一顿好午餐。 Fox : Oh , my God ! What should I do ? Yes , I have a good idea . Yes , a good idea . Hello ! Tiger sister ! How are you ? 狐狸:噢,我的上帝! 我该怎么办? 是,我有一个好想法。是,一个好想法。你好! 老虎姐妹! 你好吗?


英语话剧 小狮子找食物(I Am Hungry) 角色:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊、小松鼠、小女孩。 道具:雄狮、小狮、小白兔、三只小熊和小松鼠头套、红萝卜、三碗粥、花生一把、苹果一个。 Act 1 雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar! I am the lion, the king of the forest. No one is stronger than me. Roar, roar! 小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry. 雄狮:You are big now. Be brave! Go and find your own food. 小狮:But, I don’t know how. 雄狮:Do it like me. Roar, roar! (怒吼) 小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar! 雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.(露出尖利的牙齿)Go and do it now. 小狮:Yes, daddy. Act 2 小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”) Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater. He says there is nothing sweeter, Than a carrot everyday, Munch and crunch and run away. 小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.Roar, roar!(小声地) 小白兔:Do you want some carrots? 小狮:Yes, please. (小白兔递给小狮一根红萝卜) 小狮:Thank you. 小白兔:Carrots are the best food. 小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it.Anyway, thank you, rabbit. (还红萝卜给小白兔) 小白兔:You are welcome. (边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”离开) Act 3 三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot”) Pease porridge hot, Pease porridge cold, Pease porridge in the pot, Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, Nine days old. 小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry. Roar, roar! (小声地)

英语课本剧剧本 狐假虎威

英语课本剧剧本狐假虎威. 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do? (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what? 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What? 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。


The Tiger Assuming The Majesty Of The Fox T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird B----Bear 开始放映短片 There is a Tiger live in the forest. The Tiger is very strong but his head is not so clever. He just eat a lot every day and never read any book. He don’t know the idiom 虎假狐威…(大屏幕上的) 老虎上台 Tiger: I’m a great Tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find something to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) 狐狸上台 Fox: I’m a Fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a Fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t believe her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go. 短片起,老虎狐狸一起出去,兔子上台,萝卜画面 Rabbit: I’m a Rabbit. I like to eat a turnip ['t?:nip]萝卜. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out. 鸟上台 Bird: I’m a Bird. Rabbit: Hi! Bird: Hi! What are you doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you? Rabbit: Yes, please. 熊上台 Bear: I’m a big brown Bear. Hello, everyone! What are you doing here? R&B: Come on! Come on! Mr. Bear! You are so strong. Please come here. There is a big turnip. We are all pulling it out. Please come and help us. Bear: Ok! I’m coming. 狐狸老虎上台 Fox: Hello, Bird!

【最新2019】5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照)-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新2019】5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照)-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照) 英语短剧 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照 The Fox and the Tiger (狐假虎威)教育城外语网推荐更多:美文欣赏英文剧本 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照 The Fox and the Tiger (狐假虎威),《狐假虎威》是一则流传了千余年的寓言故事。狐狸假借老虎的威势。比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人。用表演来诠释狐假虎威的含义。 Tiger : I ’ m a great tiger . I ’ m very athletic . I ’ m very brave . I ’ m the king of the forest . But now I ’ m very hungry . I must find a little foo d . Oh , there ’ s nothing here . Oh , I ’ m very hungry . ( Sleep soundly ) 老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎。我非常强壮。我是非常勇敢的。我是森林的国王。但现在我非常饿。我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (酣然昏眠) Fox : I ’ m a fox . You can see , I ’ m pretty and lovely . I ’ m good at cheating and telling lies . Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat . Mm , Mm , Mm . How delicious it is ! 狐狸:我是狐狸。您能看出来,我是俏丽和可爱的。我是擅长于欺诈和识破谎言。我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面。啊啊啊。它多么可口啊! Tiger : Ah , a fox . A good meal . Ah , a good meal . 老虎: Ah ,一只狐狸。一顿好午餐。 Ah ,一顿好午餐。 Fox : Oh , my God ! What should I do ? Yes , I have a good idea . Yes , a good idea . Hello ! Tiger sister ! How are you ?


英语课本剧‘the fox and the tiger’教学案例 一、背景分析: 英语学科有其特殊性,我们“学英语”就是在“学语言”,而“学语言”的关键在于“用语言”。课本剧表演就是以英语课文内容为素材,以表演为形式展开的综合运用语言的实践训练,是一种任务型的研究性学习,是把抽象的语言形象化的具体表现。开展英语课本剧活动既能够较好地培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力,也能够培养学生的合作能力和表演能力,是提高学生综合素质的一项有效的英语实践活动。 二、教学过程: 1、精心选材,确定话题 2、合作学习,集体创作 3、创设情境,课堂表演 ‘the fox and the tiger’ 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。 老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do? (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what? 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What? 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。 (琵琶拨一下弦,以示紧张的情绪。)


[儿童话剧表演剧本]儿童话剧表演 儿童话剧表演篇一:幼儿舞蹈演出主持词 主持词一般由开场白、中间部分与结束语组成。幼儿舞蹈演出主持词,希望可以帮助到大家。 篇一:幼儿舞蹈演出主持词 开场:_______________ 主持人: 尊敬的各位领导老师,各位家长,亲爱的小朋友们,以及光临本次晚会亲朋好友们,大家晚上好,这里是,培训中心,第二届暑期汇报演出既《》专场晚会的现场,欢迎大家的到来。 两年来,在社会各界的大力支持和关怀下从一只雏鸟逐步的成长起来,今天,我们怀着万分激动和感恩的心,敞开心扉向在座的各位做一次简短汇报,再次,愿所有的家长朋友们多给小孩子一个追梦机会,多给小孩子一个坚持下去的机会;愿所有的小孩子自信、健康、快乐的成长。 爱尚舞蹈汇报演出,正式开始! (1)手拉手,让我们互帮互助,手拉手,让我们共同进步,手拉手,让我们一起向前走,有请中一班,小朋友为我们带来舞蹈《手拉手》(2)只有经常运动身体才会好,是啊,我喜欢运动,身体棒棒的,让我们一起去神龙俱乐部运动吧,下面请欣赏《神龙俱乐部》 (3)花儿开始! (4)眼眯成一条线,轻轻踮着脚尖,屋顶上的瓦片是它的琴键,请欣赏舞蹈《波斯猫》(或者)聪明敏捷的波斯猫,迈着它那优雅的步子,缓缓的向我们走来,请欣赏舞蹈《波斯猫》 (5)您是否向往着,在热情的泼水节上,邂逅一位美丽的傣家少女;您是否感受过,月光下摇曳的竹影,荡漾着西双版纳别样的美。(接下来,您即将看到傣族舞《彩云之南》) (6)米饭白白味道香,馒头圆圆面条长,萝卜白菜营养好,吃的多来长的壮,我们吃饭不挑食,爸爸妈妈都夸奖。舞蹈《十一点半》展现了幼儿在园午

餐时的情景,教育幼儿不挑食、不浪费,做个“光盘”的小宝贝。请欣赏(7)(组合、元素) (8)“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”这是古训也是真理,舞蹈训练需要一个过程,台上精彩的瞬间都是用汗水和泪水换来的,有付出才会有回报,请欣赏小孩子们带来的,基本功展示 (9)放飞理想,我们是一只展翅飞翔的小鸟;放飞希望,我们是一棵朝气蓬勃的小树;我们热爱学习,我们天天向上,请欣赏中二班带来的舞蹈《天天向上》 (10)大人们用他们勤劳的双手辛勤劳动着,为家乡的建设添砖加瓦。我也有一双小小手,我也要用这双小小手给生活锦上添花!请欣赏小班小朋友表演的舞蹈《我有一双小小手》 (11)滴答的下雨轻吻着窈窕的竹,幻化出一支曼妙的舞,下面请欣赏《雨竹林》 (12)有人说青春是跳动的音符,欢快活波,奋进激昂;有人说,青春是希望的脚步,豪情满怀,超越梦想。接下来请欣赏《炫舞青春》,让我们随着青春的理想,一起飞扬。 尽管我们是一棵幼苗,但我们骄傲的生活在父母的怀抱,尽管我们是一颗小星星,但我们幸福的闪耀在老师的身旁,我们有一个小小的愿望,就是站上舞台,用舞蹈展示一切的美好。感谢爸爸妈妈一直以来的全力支持,你们的耐心、鼓励让小宝贝们有了追逐梦想的胆量。感谢老师的悉心教导,你们让小宝贝在舞蹈的道路上,有了明确的方向。 篇二:幼儿舞蹈演出主持词 尊敬的各位来宾、各位家长、各位小朋友,大家晚上好!这里是雏鹰培训中心暑期汇报演出的现场。经过了一个假期的学习、训练,小孩子们在舞蹈和语言表达能力方面都有了提高,今天的舞台,就属于这些小孩子们,他们将是最耀眼的明星。一年来,雏鹰培训中心在村委会和各位家长朋友的大力支持、关怀下从一只雏鸟逐步成长为可以振翅飞翔的俊鸟,今天,我们怀着万分激动和感恩的心,敞开心扉向在座的各位做一次汇报,今晚演出所需的道具都是我



12、狐狸是那么的狡猾,老虎是那么的威猛,让我们去森林看看狐狸是如何借老虎的力量发威的。请欣赏英语话剧表演《狐假虎威》。 13、碧草青青花盛开,彩蝶双双飞旋还;千古传颂深深爱,山伯永恋祝英台。下面请欣赏舞蹈《化蝶飞》。 14、欠债还钱天经地义,但有的人不讲信誉,下面请欣赏一段相声《还钱》,看他们是怎么处理的。15、童年的梦充满了迷人的色彩,月亮下儿时的嬉戏,外婆哼唱的小调不时萦绕在耳边,请欣赏舞蹈《猜调》。 16、威武的狮子和胆小的老鼠他们是怎么成为好朋友的?他们之间又有什么样的故事呢?聪明的老鼠怎么样狮子躲过了难关呢?接下来请欣赏英语话剧表演《狮子和老鼠》。 17、九百六十万平方公里的土地,十三亿人民的精神家园,铸就了一个伟大的名字——中国!五十六个民族,五十六朵花,心的呼唤,表达共同的心愿:爱我中华!下面请欣赏舞蹈《大中华我的家》。 18、又是金风送爽,又是硕果飘香,又是北雁南翔又是夜色茫茫,难忘今宵,今宵难忘,让我们手牵手,共同歌颂这个永恒的夜晚! 结束语:今晚舞海欢腾,今晚神采飞扬,让我们随着孩子们欢快的旋律,将我们最真诚的祝福送给在场的每一位来宾。祝大家幸福吉祥!今晚的汇报演出到此结束,期待着我们来年再见。 【篇二:舞蹈晚会主持词】 庆祝建国六十周年大型广场舞蹈晚会主持词 主持:xx xx 一、开场白 (男)我的祖国,在那古老、神奇的东方,

华夏古国五千年历史文明在世界的每一个角落传颂; (女)我的祖国,在那古老、神奇的东方, 中华大地十三亿儿女在世界的每一个角落欢呼。 (男)还记得,六十年前那声庄严的宣告,开启了新中国崭新的时代。(女)还记得,六十年前那声庄严的宣告,实现了中国人梦寐以求的心愿。 (男)从此后,天安门前冉冉升起的五星红旗,澎湃着十三亿中华儿女的心灵。(女)从此后,金水桥旁恢弘雄壮的中国国歌,激荡着十三亿中华儿女的情怀。 (男)为庆祝建国60周年,展现我区特色家园文化,激发群众的生活热情,在区内营造迎接祖国六十华诞的喜庆氛围,我区将举办“舞彩家园〃添彩华夏”大型广场舞蹈晚会。(女)今晚,舞蹈晚会在这里隆重举行。感谢各位领导来宾的到来,感谢各位对我区文化生活工作的关心和支持。 二、介绍领导和来宾 (男)首先让我们来介绍出席今晚活动的领导和来宾,他们是: (男)让我们再次用热烈的掌声对领导和来宾的到来表示热烈的欢迎 和衷心的感谢! 三、领导致辞 (女)接下来有请xx致辞。 四、宣布获奖名单 (男)秋天是收获的季节。在这收获的季节里我们迎来了丰收。接下来有请xx为我们宣布我区第四届群众文化艺术节获奖名单。 五、颁奖仪式 (女)接下来有请为获得我区第四届群众文化艺术节优秀组织奖的 单位颁奖。
