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1. 年纪小点的孩子在自我安排方面有困难。(organize)

2. 因这次事故而断电了。(cut off)

3. 据外貌判断,这经理的年纪一定过五十了。(judge from)

4. 这次可怕的事故之后,死伤遍野。(injured)

5. 听到他俩就要结婚了,我们目瞪口呆。(shock)

6. 据我所知,他们的友谊结束了。(be at an end)

7. 令我们高兴的是,那些被困在矿井下的工人被救了出来。(be trapped in 用定语从句)

8. 一听到这则消息,玛丽突然大笑起来,而露西则突然大哭起来。(burst into/out)

9. 工人们正在为那些遭受了地震的人们建造大量的新房子。(a large number of, be being done)

10. 并不是所有的男孩子都喜欢踢足球。(Not all….)

11. 他没有马上回答我的问题,这使我很伤心。(right away)

12. 自从地震以来,这座寺庙一直是废墟一片。(ever since; be in ruins)

13. 他埋头学习,不知道其他人都早已离开了。(bury...in...)

14. 他待我就像他的亲生女儿一样。(as if)

15. 我想对所以帮助过我的人表示诚挚的谢意。(express my sincere thanks to)

1.Younger kids were having difficulty in organizing themselves.

2. As a result of the accident, the electricity has to be cut off.

3.Judging from his appearance, the manager must be over fifty.

4.Dead and injured people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.

5. We were shocked when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.

6. As far as I know, their friendship was at an end.

7. To our joy/We were glad that the workers who were/had been trapped in the mine were saved/rescued.

8. On/At/ Hearing the news, Mary burst into laughter while Lucy burst out


9. A large number of new houses are being built by workers for those who have suffered from the earthquake.

10. Not all the boys like playing football.

11. He didn`t answer my question right away, which made me very upset.

12. Ever since the earthquake, this temple has been in ruins.

13. Buried in his study, he didn`t know that all the others had left.

14. He treats me as if I were his own daughter.

15. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have helped me.

