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Unit 7

1.明日的电视超级巨星tomorrow’s super TV star

2. 你做梦in your dream

3. 如此…以至于… so… that...

4.适合做某事be suitable for doing

5.宁可做某事would rather do sth.

6.梦想做某事dream of doing sth.

7.标志着…的开始mark the beginning of…8. …的丧失the loss of…

9.扮演…的角色play the role of…10.搬往某地move to sp.

11. 吸引某人的注意attract/catch one’s attention 12. 两年后two years later

13. 坚持做某事insist on doing sth. 14.在她的一生中during her lifetime 15.在20世纪50年代in the 1950s 16.和…密切合作work closely with 17.在世界不同地区in different parts of the world 18.在大学at university

19.对某人很关心care a lot about 20.平静的去世pass away peacefully 21.一个决定make a decision 22.爱上某人fall in love with sb.

23. 休假一天have a day off 24.错把A当作B mistake A for B

25.对她的美感到惊叹be amazed by/at her beauty 26.在角落in the corner

27….的目的the purpose of…28.建立,创立set up

29.被选中去做某事be chosen to do sth. 30. 演电影act in a film

31. 避开交通高峰期avoid the rush hour 32.被…覆盖be covered with…

33. 把某物借给某lend sb. sth./lend sth. to sb. 34.赢得很多奖项win many awards

35. 把…和…结合起来join …and… together 36.做慈善工作do charity work

37.使某人出名make sb. famous 38.到目前为止so far

39.被认为是… be considered as…40. 为…感到难过feel sorry about…


1. I’m so good that I should be in Hollywood instead.

2. Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.

3. Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest actresses.

4. This Saturday’s talk on films has been cancelled.

5. They seem to be full of mysteries, but in fact, they are quite stupid.

6. Hepburn spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.

7. Jackie Chen is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work.

8. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi.

9. What do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?

10. Do you know who I am?

11. What do you think about/of horror films?

12. She won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film that year.
