看电影片段学英语 inherit the ...(1) 中英

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Uh, Good morning, young ladies and gentlemen. Good morning, visitors. For our science lesson for today, we will continue our discussion of Darwin's theory of the descent of man. Now, as I told you yesterday, Darwin's theory tells us that man evolved from a lower order of animals, from the first wiggly protozoa here in the sea to the ape and finally to man. Say now some of you fellas out there are probably going to that's why some of us act like monkeys. But what Mr. Charles Darwin was trying to tell us, in his own way—


Bertram T. Cates.


Come off it, Sam. You've known me all my life.


Bert, you're charged with violation of public act 31428,

volume 37, statute No. 31428 of the state code, which makes it unlawful for any teacher of the public schools to teach any theory that denies the creation of man as taught in the bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from the lower order of animals. Bertram Cates, I hereby place you under arrest.


Monkey trial!


Vocabulary 词汇

descent [dɪˈsɛnt] 血统;家世;出身You use descent to talk about a person's family background, for example their nationality or social status

order 级别A class defined by the common attributes of its members; a kind.

wiggly 扭动的;左右摇摆的;蠕动的having a twisting or snake-like or worm-like motion

protozoa [ˈprəʊtə'zəʊə] 原生动物;原生动物( protozoan 的名词复数);无构造动物

hereby(正式场合用语)特此,兹,谨You use hereby when officially or formally saying what you are doing


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