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★21. There____ a football match next week.

A .is going to have B. is going to be C .Will have D .will be have ★22. I was watching TV _____Jack knocked at the door.

A. when

B. after C .while D. as soon as

★23. If it ____tomorrow, I____ hiking in the mountains.

A. will rain; don’t go

B. doesn’t rain; will go

C .won’t rain; don’t go D. rains; will go

★24 — children of the school were injured in the earthquake.

—What a pity!

A. Three hundreds B .Three hundreds of C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of

25. The music is too loud. Would you mind_____?

A .turning it on

B .turning on it

C .turning it down D. turning down it

★26. Mother told me ____and I stopped_____.

A. not to smoke; smoking

B. not smoke; smoking

C. not to smoke; to smoke

D. to smoke; to smoke

★27.—Linda knew nothing about your class meeting,______?

—No, she was too late. When she got there, the meeting was almost over. A .was she B. wasn’t she C. did she D. didn’t she

★28. —Bob is ____ late for school.

—Neither am I .

A. always

B. often

C. ever

D. never

29. —It’s my mother’s birthday next week. What should I get her?


A. They are too expensive.

B. What about a bicycle?

C. That’s a good idea.

D. Why not buying a wallet?

★30. My parents were very_____ to hear the_____ news.

A. surprising; surprising

B. surprised; surprised

C. surprised; surprising

D. surprising; surprised

31.—Where’s Mike?

— He ______the library. He will be back in two hours.

A .has gone to

B .has been in C. has gone in D. has been

★32.—What kind of pets do you want to get ?What about a cat?

—I don’t like cats. They are not_______.

A .friendly enough B. enough friendly

C. friend enough

D. enough friend

★33. The old man asked me_______.

A .where is the post office

B .how much was the sweater

C .when the party would start

D .how often did I take exercise

★34. Everyone except Tom and Jhon ___there when the meeting began.

A .are B. is C. was D. were

★35.—I want to buy the CD, but I have _____ money.

—Why not _____some from your parents?

A. no; lend

B. no; borrow

C.much ; lend D .much ; borrow



Manners are important to keep good relations among people. 36 likes a person with bad manners. A person_37_good manners never laugh 38 _people when they are 39 trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. When he asks for something, he says“Please”.And when he 40 others’ help , he usually says“Thank you”.He does not Interrupt(打断) others when they are talking .He does not_41__loudly in public. When he 42 ,He uses a handkerchief (手帕) ._43_a student, it is bad manners to come late to class.__44_you are late, you should say 45_to the teacher.

36. A. Someone B. No one C. Anyone D. Everyone

37. A. in B.of C .with D .on

38. A. to B .at C .before D .in
