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When the concept of “Chimerica” first appeared in these pages 11 years ago, it was intended to encapsulate a new economic world order—one based on Chinese export-led growth and American overconsumption. That put the U.S., the sole global superpower, in an unlikely financial relationship with its most likely future rival. Now, after the non-meeting of minds between American and Chinese trade negotiators last week in Beijing, is that marriage finally on the rocks?


The foundation of Chimerica came in the years after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, integrating its massive labor force and savings surplus into the world economy. That pushed up global returns on capital by reducing labor costs while depressing the cost of capital.



Trump Pulls U.S. Out of Iran Deal


President rejects 2015 nuclear agreement as ‘horrible’ and moves to reinstate sanctions


WASHINGTON—The U.S. is exiting the Iranian nuclear accord, President Donald Trump said Tuesday, dismantling(dismantle的现在分词)his predecessor’s

most prominent foreign-policy initiative and bucking the appeals of some of America’s closest allies.


Speaking in the Diplomatic Room of the White House, Mr. Trump delivered harsh words about the 2015 deal to curb and monitor Iran’s nuclear activity, calling it “horrible,” “one-sided” and “disastrous.” The president said he planned to institute sanctions against Iran, and said the U.S. would sanction any nation that helps Tehran pursue nuclear weapons, as well as U.S. and foreign companies and banks that continue to do business with the country.


After an 11-minute televised speech explaining his decision, Mr. Trump sat down at a desk and signed an order withdrawing the U.S. from the pact as Vice President Mike Pence, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and national security adviser John Bolton looked on from across the room.


2018/5/14 一则广告

Some of our clients never switch off.

So neither do we.



The world never sleeps, so we don’t either. No matter what’s going on in the world, or whatever time zone you happen to be in, we’re always here to help navigate your finances for you.

