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班级____________ 姓名_____________ 学号____ 成绩____

Daily Practice 1


The survey shows that it is a bit easier for a man to give up smoking than it is for a woman.

2.这么多人在这次交通事故中幸存下来,真是一个奇迹。(a wonder)

It is really a wonder that so many people have survived the traffic accident.


She owed her success entirely to the support of her family.


This written English exercise is too difficult for an average/ ordinary junior high school student to do.


He seems never to learn physics well no matter / however how hard he works. Or: It seems that he can never learn …

Daily Practice 2

1.为了满足旅游业的需要,上海最近几年建设了许多旅馆。(meet) Many hotels have been built in Shanghai to meet the needs of tourism in the past few years.

2.一定有人帮忙,否则他不可能这么快完成这项复杂设计。(or) Someone must have helped or he couldn’t have finished this complicated design so soon.


What impressed me most was that the inventor of this instrument was a high school student.

4.最重要的不在于别人怎么看待你,而在于你怎么看待自己。(not…but) What really matters is not how others feel about you but what you think of yourself.

5.你认为我有必要在课余尽量多讲英语吗?(as…as possible)

Do you think it necessary for me to speak as much English as possible after class.

Daily Practice 3

1.要不了多久你就会掌握计算机的基本知识。(pick up)

It won’t be long before you can pick up the basic knowledge of the computer. 2.一旦养成了抽烟的习惯,你会发现很难戒掉它。(once)

Once you have formed the habit of smoking, you will find it hard to get rid of it.

3.你做出这道数学难题没碰到什么困难吗?(have trouble)

Don’t you have any trouble in working out this difficult math problem?


Would you like to go with me if I want to take a walk along the river?

5.杰克说他看过这本小说,但要说到细节,他却一无所知。(as to)

Jack said he had read the novel, but as to the details he knew nothing about it.

Daily Practice 4

1.你是否可能给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否相配。(depend) Whether you can transfuse blood to him depends on whether your blood type matches (with) his.

2.在足球比赛中,守门员的职责是尽一切努力阻止对方队员进球。(effort) In a football match, the duty of a goal keeper/ goalie is to make every effort to prevent the opposite team/ opponent team scoring goals.


The unique natural scenery of that area attracts tourists from all over the world.


The reason why it is forbidden to drink before driving is that it will weaken drivers’ judgment.

5.世界各国的领导人在会上就如何反对恐怖主义发表了各自的意见。(fight) The leaders from different countries gave their own point of view on how to fight against the terrorism at the meeting.
