新加坡小学英语一年级试卷PRACTICE 1

新加坡小学英语一年级试卷PRACTICE 1
新加坡小学英语一年级试卷PRACTICE 1


Vocabulary (30 marks)

(A) Look at the pictures and tick √the correct boxes. (6*2 = 12 marks)


a plant

a tree

a flower

a shrub


a pineapple

a pear

a banana

a guava


a watch

a kettle

a clock

a bowl


a butterfly

a caterpillar

a mosquito

a bird


a roadsign

a poster

a card

a signal


a squint

a yawn

a frown

a smile

(B) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks)







* 8.



9.* 9.*spectacles





(C) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets

provided.(5*2 = 10 marks)

( ) 11. Mother went to the __________ to buy some fish.

A. market

B. bookshop

C. toilet

D. clinic ( ) 12. I like Jenny because she is __________.

A. fierce

B. kind

C. loud

D. angry ( ) 13. Peter drinks soup with his ___________.

A. fork

B. spoon

C. hands

D. toothpick ( ) 14. She has just taken a meal. She feels ________ now.

A. full

B. hungry

C. sad

D. gentle ( ) 15. The sponge is _________.

A. hard

B. heavy

C. soft

D. rough Grammar (40 marks).

(D) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.

(10 * 1 = 10 marks)

16. This (is/are) Peter's bag.

17. That (is/are) my school.

18. These (is/are) my friends.

19. This painting (is/are) beautiful.

20. Those (is/are) chairs.

21. These (is/are) my father's books.

22. That (is/are) a cup of coffee.

23. This (is/are) a horse.

24. Those (is/are) big boxes.

25. This (is/are) honey.

(E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)

26. like drink he does to what

______________________________________________________________ _

27. cap he a wearing is

______________________________________________________________ _

28. very the is sharp knife

______________________________________________________________ _

29. to he bicycle wants a buy

______________________________________________________________ _

30. difficult are questions too the

______________________________________________________________ _

(F) Complete the sentences with the helping words. (10*2 = 20 marks)


Whose cats are those?

Those are __________.


What does Mary like to eat? She _________________.


What does your father do on Sunday?

My ___________________.


What are they doing?

They ________________.


小学一年级英语单词测试题_试卷 一、读一读,选一选 ( ) 1、goodbye A 你好 B 再见( ) 11、is A 是 B 去( ) 2、name A 名字 B 我的( ) 12、yes A 是 B 不是( ) 3、afternoon A 上午 B 下午( ) 13、I A 我的 B 我( ) 4、hi A 熊猫 B 你好( ) 14、I’m A 我是 B 我的( ) 5、my A 我 B 我的( ) 15、open A 关上 B 打开( ) 6、good A 好的 B 你的( ) 16、colour A 颜色 B 白色( ) 7、morning A 早晨 B 下午( ) 17、no A 是 B 不是( ) 8、your A 你 B 你的( ) 18、point A 听 B 指( ) 9、what A 什么 B 是( ) 19、Ms A 女士 B 先生( ) 10、it A 它 B 这个( ) 20、a A 一(个,件) B 一些 二、算一算,选一选 1、two + six = ( ) A seven B eight 2、ten –three = ( ) A five B seven 3、five + one = ( ) A six B ten 4、eigh –five = ( ) A two B three 5、three + six = ( ) A nine B ten 6、seven –six = ( ) A one B three 7、one + one = ( ) A two B four 8、four + six = ( ) A nine B ten 9、nine –four = ( ) A five B six 10、three + one = ( ) A four B ten


新加坡的小学英语科 新加坡实行双语教育 政策,即所有的学生,一方面要学习自己的母语哩另一方面又要学习英语。英语也是新加坡政府规定的四种官方语言之一,又是惟一法定的工作语言,虽然新加坡华人占绝大多数,但英语并非“外语” ,而是最重要的国语。由此有人指出,新加坡的“双语教育”政策的实质是“双语教育,英语为本”。 新加坡小学的教育目标是为以后的学习打下基础,因而主要课程是母语、英语和数学,其中母语和英语尤其重要。由于新加坡实行分流教育制度,导致不同阶段不同班级对英语的要求有所不同。小学一年级至四年级为基础阶段、所有的学生都必须学习英语,母语和英语都是学习的重点。各校根据教育部课程发展署的规定使用某种教材。1981年开始选用PER(Primary English Programe)和NESPE 两种英语教材,教材仍以结构法(structura1 approach) 为主。1991 年修订新大纲后,强调以交际为主,提倡发展儿童智力、启发逻辑思维穹培养能力。教材改用新编的PETS(Primary English Thematic Series) 。此教材通过教学实验后,师生反映内容较深,儿童难学。 新加坡小学开设的英语课,除正课外,教育部还规定每周有一节英语会话课。会话课由一位教师专门负责辅导,主要启发学生开口讲、参与活动,训练学会思考、分析问题和解决问题的能力,师生反映较好。新加坡小学四年级末通过考试进行分流,学生被分流到不同的班级,进入定向阶段。定向阶段分为正常双语班、延长双语班和单语班,前二者均修读英语和母语,后者只修读母语,虽然英语不是一门正式课程,但仍需学习英语口语。在整个小学阶段,平均而言,学生接触英语的总时间(包括英语科目和用英语教授其他科目占用的时间)比母语要多得多,英语为71%,母语为29%。由此可见,英语在新加坡小学学科课程中是王关重要的。 原文摘自:


课题 第一章绪论 第二节中国旅游客源地概述(一) 日期 年月日 教 学 目 标 (1)知识目标:要求学生掌握中国旅游客源地的内含以及主要的旅游客源地,了解中国入境旅游的现状和发展阶段。 (2)能力目标:提高学生的阅读、分析和概括归纳能力。 (3)情感态度价值观:使学生对中国入境旅游市场具有清楚的认识,增强职业的自豪感。课型 新课 教法 讲授法与小组讨论法结合 教具 课件 重点 中国主要旅游客源地的分布 难点 中国主要旅游客源地分布规律 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动及设计意图 〈导入新课〉(2分钟) 提问: 1、请说出中国旅游客源地的含义。 2、我国的旅游客源地主要分布在哪里?为什么? 〈讲授新课〉(39分钟) 第一章绪论 第二节中国旅游客源地概述(一) 中国旅游客源地是指中国内地旅游的境外人士的居住地(国家和地区),即入境旅游市场。包括外国旅游者和华侨、港澳台同胞。 一、中国入境旅游现状(约29分钟) 在ppt上打出几个重要的旅游统计数据概念的内含,要求学生初步了解。

提问:根据表1-1分析我国入境旅游市场2000后的变 化及原因。 表1-1:2000年以来中国入境过夜旅游情况一览表年份 入境过夜旅游人数 外汇收入 人次(万) 世界排名 美元(亿) 世界排名 2000 3122.88 5 162.24 7 2001 3316.67 5 177.92 5 2002 3680.26 5 203.85 5 2003 3297.05 5 174.06 7 2004 4180 4 257.39 * 2000年以来,中国的入境过夜旅游者人数和旅游外汇收 入均名列世界前茅。 要求学生在仔细阅读图表后进行分组讨论。 提问:根据表1-1和1-2分析我国主要旅游客源地的分布及其规律。 表1-2:2004年入境外国旅游者人数前15位的国家排名 国家 旅游者人数


六年级英语第一学期期末检测试题(二) 一、R ead and match often 从不in line 借书卡 clean 经常library card 规则 never 清理rule 成一条直线 always 出示、展示hurry 竹子building 建筑物bamboo 赶快 show 总是believe 相信 inside 极好的lucky 模仿 peace 到处copy 幸运的 all around 和平line 只读光盘 Fantastic 在……里面CD—ROM 排列 二、R ead and write 1、Rabbits like to eat carrots .And pandas eat __________.They eat for 12 hours a day. 2、Linda has got a _____dog and she often plays with it . 3、It’s beautiful .I want to ________a photo. 4、Tom,your room is very dirty(脏).Please ________it now. 5、Spring Festival is the most important in China .It starts in January,February. 三、R ead and choose ( )1、甲:My father gives me a interesting story—book.Do you want to read? 乙:______. A:Y es,me too . B:Yes,I’d love to . ( )2、甲:Let’s play computer game. 乙:_________But I haven’t got a computer. A:That sounds interesting. B:OK!Let’s play ( )3、听完一段离奇的故事,你不相信这事是真的,你可以这样说: A:I don’t know. B:I don’t believe it . ( )4、Simon:Tomorrow isChildren’s Day .We’re going to have a party. Daming:_____________. A:That’s OK B:Oh, that’s great! ( )5、甲:_______. 乙:Because it’s exciting. A:Why do you like basketball. B:What sports do you like?


PRACTICE 5 Vocabulary (5 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ()1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battli ng a/an __________ A. ear B. lips C. eyelid D. no stril ()2. The _________ of elepha nts are stack ing heavy logs. A. bevy B. herd C. flock D. shoal ()3. Despite her many successes, Tenzin rema ins __________ . A. humble B. beautiful C. proud D. silly ()4. We were struck by the __________ of his character. A. shame B. beauty C. model D. attractio n ()5. People on the street are stari ng at that lady's ___________ . A. n eat B. sutiable C. clea n D. stra nge Grammar (35 marks) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks) 6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, in to, on ) a tourist attracti on. 7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later. 8. Of all the childre n, only three ( wear, wears, weari ng ) spectacles. 9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables. 10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar? 11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body. 12. The coc onut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ). 13. My friends ( like, likes, lik ing ) my stickers. 14. The bottle of min eral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty. 15. Mingmei returned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ). 16. There isn't ( eno ugh, few, some ) flour to bake cookies. 17. Weili ng does not ( like, likes, lik ing ) to eat meat.


新加坡幼儿园共分三种类型 新加坡拥有优质的教育资源,也是最适合华人移民的国家之一。许多中国家长选择投资移民新加坡,只为了让孩子接受到高质量的教育。新加坡是少数接受中小学出国留学的国际之一,在低龄留学教育方面有着独特的优势,以从小培养适应新加坡发展的双语人才为目标,扩大海外中小学生的招生量,并且非常欢迎来自中国的学生。幼儿园类型 新加坡幼儿园共分三种类型:政府幼儿园、私立幼儿园和国际幼儿园,均对国际留学生开放,学生只要成功申请便可入读。政府幼儿园有两家,PAP和NTUC,其中PAP有90所分校,NTUC 有80所分校;其余都是私立幼儿园和国际学校,其中私立幼儿园有300余所。 政府幼儿园遍及全国、费用相对较低、批准率高,但缺点是名额有限,申请成功率较低;私立幼儿园更好申请,但费用相对较高;国际幼儿园与私立类似,只是开办方不同。 新加坡对于申请留学孩子的年龄有严格要求,并非按照国内以月份生日来计算,而是以年份来计算。按照新加坡的计算方式,在国内过完3周岁生日的孩子才可以零条件申请上新加坡幼儿园。 新加坡幼儿园一年四季都可以申请入学,但是从申请成功率来讲,任何一所学校都最好提前三个月以上着手准备,只要学校有空位即可申请该校。 教育模式

新加坡是以“快乐教育”为主的国家,从幼儿园开始包括小学的教育模式,大多以培养孩子的动手能力和思考能力为主。“一般一周会有一至两次外出参观活动,引导孩子思考,寓教于乐。” 新加坡的幼儿教育很注重“玩”。所谓“玩”就是动手能力,譬如做小点心、做些理化小实验等,在玩的过程中自然而然地掌握知识,既让孩子们感受快乐童年,又让他们乐于接收新事物和新知识。 此外,新加坡幼儿园的授课是纯英文的,但在公立幼儿园,下午会根据留学生的不同国籍,安排一个半小时的母语课,譬如,中国的孩子学习中文,马来西亚的孩子学习马来文,目的是为了不让孩子忘记本国文化。 零条件申请仅截至“小一” 新加坡是一个把年龄段卡得很死的国家。赴新加坡上幼儿园及小学一年级都是可以直入的,不需要任何考试。但是从小学二年级开始一直到初中结束,留学生申请入学就要参加升学体制由新加坡教育部组织的入学考试,要考英文和数学。“当地的小学六年级、初中四年级(相当于国内的毕业班)是不接受留学生直接申请的。” 很多选择从小留学新加坡的学生和家长,是希望令未来升学或者跳转到其他欧美国家接受高等教育更具优势。 小学教育:重在挖掘学生潜质 新加坡属于英联邦国家,属英国教育体制,当地小学一共上6年,与国内一致。不同的是,小学1-3年级是不上正式课程的。每天上午会教授一些华文、英文和数学课程,下午则是培养兴趣


阳光小学一年级英语期中试题 1、light 灯 2、bed 门 3、door床 4、box房间 5、room箱子 二.选择(15 分) ()1、在书包里面 _____the schoolbag A、in B、under ()2、在床上 _____thebed A、onB、in ( )3、在台灯旁边 _____thelight A、onB、near ( )4、在门后面

_____ thedoor A、on B、behind ()5、在桌子下面 _____thedesk A、near B、under 三.连线、(15分) 1、I’mhungry!给您。 2、Here youare、我渴了! 3、I’m thirsty!我想吃鱼肉。 4、Iwant fish、谢谢您。 5、Thank you! 我饿了! 四.选出正确得汉语意思、(15分) ( )1、rice A、米饭B、鱼 ()2、noodles A、面条B、椅子 ( )3、vegetable A、门B、蔬菜 ()4、chicken A、灯B、鸡肉

( )5、egg A、床B、鸡蛋 五.连线、(10分) 1、Eh 2、H e 3、M t 4、T m 5、S s 六。选出正确得英文单词、(15分) ()1、飞机A、plane B、chair ()2、球A、desk B、ball ()3、火车A、trainB、rice ()4、小汽车A、box B、car ()5、玩具熊A、bear B、e gg 七。判断、 ( 15 分) 1、chair椅子() 2、desk桌子() 3、blackboard火车()


新加坡小学二年级英语试卷P R A C T I C E LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

PRACTICE 3 Vocabulary (15 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (15*1=15 marks) ( ) 1. The piglets loved the dirty ___________. A. kennel B. cage C. sty D. coop ( ) 2. She strung the __________ into a beautiful necklace. A. marbles B. beads C. balls D. counters ( ) 3. Mr Tan's __________ is driving him to his office. A. chauffeur B. caddie C. housewife D. clerk ( ) 4. Zebras have __________ to hide from enemies. A. dots B. stripes C. lines D. strips ( ) 5. Adrian plays the ___________ very well. A. piano B. violin C. flute D. trumpet ( ) 6. The cake which was left in the oven was ___________. A. ashes B. burnt C. black D. sooty ( ) 7. The girl cried __________ when she lost her pen. A. happily B. sadly C. joyously D. curiously ( ) 8. Mrs Selvi looks fabulous in her _________. A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas A. uniform B. sari C. qipao D. pyjamas ( ) 9. The dough has to be _________ to make the bread. A. beaten B. kneaded C. pressed D. changed ( ) 10. The __________ arrested the burglar. A. policeman B. fireman C. chef D. officer ( ) 11. Still water is breeding grounds for ________. A. lizards B. mosquitoes C. birds D. tadpoles


世界各国面积排名国家国土面积(万平方公里) 1俄罗斯1,707. 5 2加拿大997. 1 3中国960. 1 4美国936. 4 5巴西854.7 6澳大利亚774. 1 7印度328.8 8阿根廷278.0 9哈萨克斯坦271.7 10苏丹250. 6 11阿尔及利亚238. 2 12刚果(金)234. 5 13沙特阿拉伯215.0 14墨西哥195.8 15印度尼西亚190. 5 16利比亚176.0 17伊朗163. 3 18蒙古156.7 19秘鲁128. 5 20乍得128. 4

21尼日尔126.7 22安哥拉124.7 23马里124.0 24南非122. 1 25哥伦比亚113.9 26埃塞俄比亚110. 4 27玻利维亚109.9 28毛里塔尼亚102. 6 29埃及100. 1 30坦桑尼亚94. 5 31尼日利亚92. 4 32委内瑞拉91. 2 33纳米比亚82. 4 34莫桑比克80. 2 35巴基斯坦79. 6 36土耳其77. 5 37智利75.7 38赞比亚75. 3 39缅甸67.7 40阿富汗65. 2 41索马里63.8 42中非62. 3 43乌克兰60. 4

44马达加斯加58.7 45博茨瓦纳58. 2 46肯尼亚58.0 47法国55. 2 48也门52.8 49泰国51. 3 50西班牙50. 6 51土库曼斯坦48.8 52喀唛隆47. 5 53巴布亚新几内亚46. 3 54瑞典45.0 55乌兹别克斯坦44.7 56摩洛哥44.7 57伊拉克43.8 58巴拉圭40.7 59津巴布韦39. 1 60日本37.8 61德国35.7 62刚果(布)34. 2 63芬兰33.8 64越南33. 2 65马来西亚33.0 66挪威32. 4


小学英语期末考试试题听力内容 听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词或词组(听两遍)10分 1. We shouldn’t litter in the park . 2. Yesterday , Mum bought me an interesting storybook . 3.Let’s pick some oranges and taste them . 4.Get up, David . Breakfast is ready . 5.Do you like the film ? 6. Grandpa got a wallet at Christmas . 7. I visited a farm with my parents last Sunday . 8. .There’re twelve candles on the birthday cake . 9. The sign over there means you should keep off the grass . 10.Tomorrow is the eighth of March. Dad, let’s buy some flowers for mum . 二、听录音,选择正确的应答(听两遍)5分 1.Here’s a present for you . 2.Can the people make noise in the library ? 3.Were there any toy cars on the ground ? 4.Where was your CD Walkman ? 5.What do people usually do at Spring Festival ? 三、听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用T表示,不相符的用 F表示(听两遍)5分 1.Does this sign mean ‘Danger’ ? Yes, it does . 2.—Where is my guitar ? —It was beside the desk a moment ago . 3.Today is the National Day holiday . 4.The boys played volleyball yesterday afternoon . 5.Whose mirror is this ? It’s Helen’s . 四、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的回答(听两遍)


小学一年级英语期末考试试卷 二、划出下列单词中的元音字母: uncle balloon mouth leaf sing ?三、正确抄写下列单词: bicycle father jump three butterfly ?四、问答句编号 1.How old are you today? No, he hasnt. 2.Have you got a balloon? She has got a taro. 3.What do you like to eat? I like to eat peaches. 4.What has she got? No, I have got a ball. 5.Has he got a swing? Im five. ?根据实际情况回答问题: 1.Whats your name? 2.How are you? 3. How old are you? 4.How many books? (4) 5.Happy New Year!

6.Happy birthday. 7.Whats your father? 8.Whats your mother? 9.Are you a pupil? 10. Are you a teacher? 11. Is your father a doctor? 12. Is your mother a nurse? 13. Do you like meat? 14. Is it blue? (No) 15. What colour is your bag? 16. What do you see? (a butterfly) 17. Is he a policeman? (no) 18. Is she a nurse? (yes) 19. Say hello to your mother. 20. Say goodbye to your teacher. 21. Come with me. 22. What is this? ( apple) 23. What is that?(kite) 24. What do you like to eat? 25. Good morning. 26. Good afternoon. 27. Hello , Im Mary.


PRACTICE 9 Vocabulary (25 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (10*1=10 marks) ( ) 1. Files and rats are household _________. A. pets B. pests C. friends D. insects ( ) 2. Patrick and John are having a drink at the __________. A. bookshop B. stadium C. cafeteria D. market ( ) 3. The labourers wear _________ to protect their heads. A. helmets B. raincoats C. caps D. scarves ( ) 4. The soles of my shoes need to be mended. A. plumber B. chef C. cobbler D. hawker ( ) 5. Father expects us to be _________ and to listen to what he says. A. obedient B. naughty C. wilful D. drowsy ( ) 6. That building is undergoing major _________. A. renovation B. tearing C. rebuilding D. decoration ( ) 7. The _________ in the rubbish dump smells. A. garage B. garbage C. baggage D. cabbage ( ) 8. The soldiers marched ___________ in the parade. A. shyly B. timidly C. smartly D. bravely ( ) 9. The monkeys __________ incessantly. A. chatter B. chirp C. bark D. mew ( ) 10. Joanie __________ in pain when her father beat her. A. screamed B. laughed C. grinned D. sang Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (5*1=5 marks)


1 Nanyang Primary School 南洋小學 Address: 52, King's Road, Singapore 268097 2 Raffles Girls' Primary School 萊佛士女子小學 Address: 21, Hillcrest Road, Singapore 289072 3 Nan Hua Primary School 南華小學 Address: 30, Jalan Lempeng, Singapore 128806 4 Tao Nan School 道南政府學校 Address: 49, Marine Crescent, Singapore 449761 5 Catholic High School 公教中學 Address: 9, Bishan Street 22, Singapore 579767 6 Rosyth School 樂賽學校 Address: 21 SERANGOON NORTH AVENUE 4, SINGAPORE 555855 7 Methodist Girls' School (Primary) 美以美女子學校 "11 BLACKMORE DRIVE, SINGAPORE 599986 8 St. Hilda's Primary School 聖希爾達小學 Address: 2,Tampines Avenue 3,Singapore 529706 9 Henry Park Primary School 恆力小學 Address: 1 HOLLAND GROVE ROAD SINGAPORE 278790 10 Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School 培華長老會小學 Address: 7, Pei Wah Avenue,Singapore 597610 11 Maha Bodhi School 菩提小學 Address: 107, circuit Road,Singapore 379481 12 Ai Tong School 愛同小學 Address: 100 Bright Hill Drive, Singapore 579646 13 Rulang Primary School 孺廊小學 Address: 6, JURONG WEST STREET 52, Singapore 649295 14 Chongfu Primary School 崇福學校 Address: 170, YISHUN AVENUE 6, Singapore 768959 15 Bukit Panjang Primary School 武吉班讓小學 Address: 109, CASHEW ROAD, Singapore 679676 16 Maris Stella Primary School 海星小學 Address: 25, MOUNT VERNON ROAD, Singapore 368051 17 Pei Chun Public School 培群 Address: 16, TOA PAYOH lorong 7, Singapore ( 319320 ) 18 Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School 新加坡華人女子中學 Address: 190 DUNEARN ROAD, SINGAPORE 309437 19 CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School 聖尼各拉女校 Address: 501 Ang Mo Kio Street 13, Singapore 569405. 20 Northland Primary School 新華小學 Address: 15, YISHUN AVENUE 4, Singapore 769026 21 Yu Neng Primary School 育能小學 Address: 56, Bedok North St 3, Singapore 469623 22 Red Swastika School 卍慈中學 Address: 350, BEDOK NORTH AVENUE 3, Singapore 469719 23 Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) 英華學校 Address: 50, BARKER ROAD, Singapore 309918 24 Kong Hwa School 光華學校 Address: 350, GUILLEMARD ROAD, Singapore399772 25 Jurong Primary School 裕廊小學 Address: 200 JURONG EAST AVENUE 1, SINGAPORE 609789 26 Poi Ching School 培青小學 Address: 21, TAMPINES STREET 71, Singapore529067 27 St. Anthony's Primary School 聖安東尼小學 Address: 1,Bukit Batok Street 34, Singapore 659321 28 Radin Mas Primary School 拉丁馬士小學 Address: 1 BUKIT PURMEI AVENUE, SINGAPORE 099840 29 CHIJ Primary (Toa Payoh) 聖嬰女校 Address: 628 Toa Payoh, Lorong 1, Singapore 30 Compassvale Primary School 康柏小學 Address: 21 Compassvale St, Sengkang, Singapore 545091


仪征市张集小学5A英语期末试卷 Class Name Marks (时间:60分钟) (一)听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5%)( ) 1. A. sweep B. sleep C.speak ( ) 2. A.square B. shape C. sure ( ) 3. A. circle B. rectange C. triangle ( ) 4. A. a storybook B. a copybook C. a picture book ( ) 5. A.a carton of milk B. a bar of chocolate C. a tin of chicken 二、根据你听到的句子选出相应的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5%)( ) 1. A. I’m rea ding a storybook. B. I like reading storybooks. C. Yes. I am reading a book. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she can. ( ) 3. A. To the train station. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. I’m walking. ( ) 4. A. Ye s, it’s a cake. B. It’s a rectangle. C. It’s a birthday cake. ( ) 5. A. I can see three. B. It’s three. C. No , I can’t. 三、根据听到的对话及问题选出正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10%)( ) 1. A. in the study B. in the bedroom the sitting-room ( ) 2. A. Yes, she can. B. No, he can’t. C. No, she can’t. ( ) 3. A. A toy car. B. A toy bear. C. A toy dog. ( ) 4. A. A rectangle. B. A diamond. C. A square. ( ) 5. A. A telescope. B. A camera. C. A Walkman. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10%) 1.My _________ is ____________ clothes now. 2.Su Yang and Su Hai are _________ the windows and the ___________. 3.Look. An old __________ is ___________ in the garden. 4.Mr Zhang ________ a tin-opener in ________ bag. 5.---Can you __________ a big _________ ? ---Yes, I can. (二)笔试部分 一、判断下列各组单词划线字母发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”(6%) ( ) 1. fridge tiger ( ) 2. red vest ( ) 3. chess she ( ) 4. stove open ( ) 5. mouth thank ( ) 6. shape stand 二、词组翻译(10%) 1.看报纸____________________ 2.在图书馆_____________________ 3.做家务____________________ 4.扫地_________________________ 5.和他们一起玩______________ 6.坐在帐篷附近_________________ 7. make a New Year card____________ 8. help each other_________________ 9. at an Art lesson__________________ 10. some red flowers______________ 三、选择所给的单词填空。(8分)



2009---2010学年度第一学期期末考试 小学一年级英语试题(时间40分钟) 题目一二三四五六七八九十合计得分 一、听力部分 一、听音选出你听到单词。 1、( ) A. pen B. pencil 2、( ) A. hat B. bear 3、( ) A. dog B. fox 4、( ) A. hello bye 5、( ) A. five B. ten 6、( ) A. eight B. nine 7、( ) A. green B. blue 8、( ) A. sit B. open 9、( ) A. boy B. girl 10 ( ) A. pen B. ruler 二、听音圈图。 1、 2、 3、 4、

4、 5、 三、听音选出与所听句子相同的选项。 1、( ) A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. 2、( ) A. What’s your name B. How are you 3、( ) A. How old are you B. Where’s the hat 4、( ) A. Open the door! B. Point to the floor. 5、( ) A. Yes,it is. B. No,it isn’t. 四、听音判断,与听到句子相同的画对号,不相同画错号。 1、( ) Good morning. 2、( ) Is it a monsterYes,it is. 3、( ) Where’s the dog 4、( ) Happy birthday! 5、( ) This is my book. 五、听音圈出听到图片。 1、. 2、 3、 4、 5、. . 六、听音给下列数字涂上正确颜色。 3 8 9 6 7 第二部分笔试

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8

新加坡小学英语二年级试卷PRACTICE 8 Vocabulary (11 marks) Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks) ( ) 1. The clock has stopped working. You need to change the _________. A. switch B. batteries C. plug D. chemicals ( ) 2. Nick stepped on the banana peel and _________. A. flew B. bounced C. leapt D. slipped ( ) 3. The postman delivered to Meixiang a _________ from Japan. A. parcel B. box C. case D. tube ( ) 4. The little boy __________ when he was praised. A. shouted B. blushed C. cried D. screamed ( ) 5. The _________ of the choir is famous. A. conductor B. principal C. singer D. leader (3*2=6 marks) 6. Why did Mother give her the medicine? (fever) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 7. What is the baby doing? (favourite toys) ____________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________ 8. Why was the wizard puzzled? (potion, did not work)
