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An Introductory Guide to Building and Deploying More Secure Sites with

and IIS


and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) work together to make building secure Web sites a breeze. But to do it right, you have to know how the two interrelate and what options they provide for securing access to a Web site's resources. This article, the first in a two-part series, explains the ABCs of Web security as seen through the eyes of and includes a hands-on tutorial demonstrating Windows authentication and ACL authorizations. A range of security measures and authentication methods are discussed, including basic authentication, digest authentication, and role-based security.

There's an old adage among developers that says building security into software is like paying taxes. You know it's important and you know you must do it sooner or later, but you put it off as long as you can and when you finally do it, you do so only because you have to. You might not go to jail for building insecure applications, but security is no less important because of it. In many applications—Web applications in particular—security isn't a luxury; it's a necessity.

Security is a big deal in network applications because by nature those applications are available to (and vulnerable to misuse by and attacks from) a larger population of users. When the network to which an application is deployed is the Internet, security becomes even more important because the list of potential users grows to about four billion. Web security is a broad and complicated subject. Much of the ongoing research in the field has to do with hardening Web servers against attacks. Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) administrators are all too aware of the past security holes in IIS and of several patches and security updates from Redmond. But this article isn't about protecting servers from buffer overruns and other hack attacks; rather, this article is about using to build secure sites that serve up pages only to authorized users.

Most sites built with fall into one of three categories:Sites whose content is freely available to everyone.

Internet sites that serve the general population but require a login before displaying certain pages.eBay is a great example of such a site. Anyone can browse eBay and view the ongoing auctions, but when you place a bid, eBay requires a user name and password. eBay also has a feature named "My eBay" that lets you review the auctions you've bid on. Because My eBay pages are personalized for individual users and because they contain private information such as maximum bid prices, you must log in before viewing them.

Intranet sites that expose content to a controlled population of users—for example, a company's employees—who have accounts in a Windows® domain (or set of domains). Sometimes these sites support a limited degree of Internet access, too, so authorized users can access them from anywhere an Internet connection is available.

Sites that fall into the first category require no special protection beyond what the Web server provides. Sites in the second and third categories require some form of application-level security to identify authorized users and prevent illicit accesses. provides that application-level security. It works in conjunction with IIS and the Windows security subsystem to provide a solid foundation for building secure sites. And it builds on what IIS has to offer to make deploying secure sites as easy as possible.

This is the first in a two-part series on building secure Web sites with .

In this installment, you'll learn how integrates with IIS and Windows and how the three can be combined to protect resources using Windows authentication and access control list (ACL) file authorizations. Part two of this article will cover

forms authentication—a cool new feature of that lets you secure sites using a combination of form-based logins and URL resource authorizations.

Understanding Web Security

At the application level, Web security is first and foremost about securing pages so that they can't be retrieved by unauthorized users—for example, preventing

non-managers from viewing pages containing salary data and performance evaluations on the company intranet or preventing other people from viewing your
