

Hemingway spoke highly of such ___ as loyalty, courage and determination known by human beings in his work. [单选题]

A. features

B. appearances

C. virtues(正确答案)

D. characteristics

Mrs. Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours after her husband's boat had been____. [单选题]

A. wrecked(正确答案)

B. decayed

C. collapsed

D. fired

The trend of brain drain does the developing countries ___ degrees of harm [单选题]

A. diver

B. diversify

C. diverse(正确答案)

D. diversity

An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in society will ___ through the current law system in Japan. [单选题]

A. permeate(正确答案)

B. probe

D. grope

She is concerned that allowing euthanasia would ____ the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people. [单选题]

A. undertake

B. underlie

C. underestimate

D. undermine(正确答案)

The new building looks odd and does not seem to be in ___ with its surroundings. [单选题]

A. coincidence

B. harmony(正确答案)

C. uniform

D. alliance

My friend does one thing one day and just the___ the next day. His behavior is inconsistent. [单选题]

A. other

B. opposite(正确答案)

C. negative

D. alternative

A lack of space is the main ___ on the firm's expansion plans. [单选题]

A. restraint(正确答案)

B. restrict

C. advantage

Having been discussed, the proposal was ___ unanimously. [单选题]

A. adapted

B. admitted

C. adopted(正确答案)

D. adjoined

She was unable to express her ___ fear of the witch toy in the box. [单选题]

A. intense(正确答案)

B. tense

C. intensive

D. intensify

Although she was not very rich, she was quite ___ with her money. [单选题]

A. noble

B. flexible

C. liberal(正确答案)

D. liable

These are not ___ reasons to justify his silly mistakes. [单选题]

A. enough

B. capable

C. sufficient(正确答案)

D. realistic

It is a principle that we ___ all the government's policies. [单选题]

A. undertake(正确答案)

C. underrate

D. underlie

Electricity, gas and water are?considered to be natural ___. [单选题]

A. monopolies(正确答案)

B. businesses

C. services

D. powers

I'd like to ____ a table for three at 7 o'clock tonight. [单选题]

A. replace

B. reserve(正确答案)

C. require

D. remind

One of the advantages of the printers is that it is fully ___ with all leading software. [单选题]

A. agreeable

B. compatible(正确答案)

C. fixed

D. acceptable

The new government was ___ with many profound difficulties and called for supports from its people [单选题]

A. confronted(正确答案)

B. met

C. avoided

People tend to __ men wearing suits with power and authority. [单选题]

A. regard

B. perceive

C. equate(正确答案)

D. consider

The little girl was carefully inspected and her injuries were ___ with falling from a great height. [单选题]

A. proved

B. consistent(正确答案)

C. revealed

D. assumed

The mayor has ___ in his proposal a large number of measures to ease the traffic jam in rush hours. [单选题]

A. contained

B. included

C. consisted

D. incorporated(正确答案)

This watch is ___ by hand, not by machine, so it is very expensive. [单选题]

A. flat

B. coined


D. manufactured(正确答案)

These two horses look so much alike that we cannot ___ one from the other. [单选题]

A. differ

B. detail

C. distinguish(正确答案)

D. defeat

The president of that company was very calm during the political ___. [单选题]

A. failure

B. fashion

C. proceed

D. crisis(正确答案)

____ is usually th echief enemy of the camera lens. [单选题]

A. Occasion

B. Vain

C. Moisture(正确答案)

D. Deck

The __ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle. [单选题]

A. dash

B. cell

C. crew(正确答案)

D. stuff

On our way to Beijing, we visited Xi'an, a city of two million ___. and stayed there for two days. [单选题]

A. insects

B. humans

C. inhabitants(正确答案)

D. flights

One of the main reasons for air pollutin is that many cars ___ smoke into the atmosphere. [单选题]

A. gather

B. hire

C. discharge(正确答案)

D. escape

Don't forget to ___ to let us know you arrived safely. [单选题]

A. cable(正确答案)

B. cage

C. border

D. bay

She gave him a ___that she could not come to his party. [单选题]

A. mistress

B. shoot

C. neck

D. hint(正确答案)

When the temperature is beow zero, water will ___. [单选题]

A. freeze(正确答案)

B. virtue

C. sink

D. seek

1,3,5,7 and 9 are ___ numbers and 2.4.6 and 8 are not. [单选题]

A. odd(正确答案)

B. even

C. extra

D. nut

He always ___ to everything and never agrees with anybody. [单选题]

A. projects

B. gives

C. folds

D. objects(正确答案)

I was born in Japan, but I have __ Chinese citizenship. [单选题]

A. retained(正确答案)

B. represented

C. reported

D. required

He made a rough ___ of the first floor of that building, showing us where his office was located. [单选题]

A. painting

B. illustration

C. drawing

D. sketch(正确答案)

He is deeply ___ in the trouble of his company [单选题]

A. involved(正确答案)

B. occurred

C. packed

D. represented

He always leaves ___ for all the words he does not know in his translation. [单选题]

A. blankets

B. blind

C. black

D. blanks(正确答案)

Smoking and drinking are regarded as ___ in some countries because they do no good to health. [单选题]

A. vices(正确答案)

B. habits

C. customs

D. copies

The news has ont yet been officially __ by the government. [单选题]

A. struck

B. confirmed(正确答案)

C. founded

D. pointed

These are two _____ issues, but people often take them as one. [单选题]

A. ruin

B. nest

C. distinct(正确答案)

D. castle

What ___ did you watch on television last night? [单选题]

A. wave

B. frequency

C. channel(正确答案)

D. tunnel

This rock has to be ___ in order to build a road. [单选题]

A. blasted(正确答案)

B. explored

C. hired

D. maintained

He did not go to the party last night, which ___ her feelings deeply. [单选题]

A. wounded

B. injured

C. hurt(正确答案)

D. injury

When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had been ___ away. [单选题]

A. framed

B. frosted

C. frowned

D. floated(正确答案)

If you need further information, please ___ our office. [单选题]

A. constant

B. construct

C. contact(正确答案)

D. contain

During the war, many soldiers were not killed by ___, but by disease. [单选题]

A. bullets(正确答案)

B. devil

C. bible

D. depth

We watched the ship until it became only a ___ in the distance. [单选题]

A. point

B. jar

C. stove

D. dot(正确答案)

The English proverb “__ the rod and spoil the child” means that if you don't punish the child by beating them, they will grow undisciplined. [单选题]

A. rule

B. rug

C. clap

D. spare(正确答案)

The ____ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10000. [单选题]

A. worm

B. trial

C. tube

D. criminal(正确答案)

Higher education in the country is free but the ___ for entrance is strong. [单选题]

A. comparison

B. consequence

C. competition(正确答案)

D. crawl

The light is too ___ for me to read. [单选题]

A. rid

B. ripe

C. soup

D. dim(正确答案)

The water __ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study. [单选题]

A. sprayed(正确答案)

B. puzzled

C. inclined

D. exported

In the United States, Congress makes the law and the President ___ it. [单选题]

A. orders

B. conquers

C. executes(正确答案)

D. hedges

She is too __ to answer questions in class. [单选题]

A. eagle

B. cough

C. eager(正确答案)

D. couch

We enjoy seeing the glorious ___ of the rising sun. [单选题]

A. beams(正确答案)

B. beans

C. beef

D. beer

In the __ English Reading course, the students have to read a lot. [单选题]

A. Extensive(正确答案)

B. Mechanical

C. Mercury

D. Opera

He gave up his study in college in ___. [单选题]

A. bundle

B. butcher

C. ash

D. despair(正确答案)

Several people ___ the car accident. [单选题]

A. witnessed(正确答案)

B. proved

C. swallowed

D. drugged

They will ___ the project with the necessary funds. [单选题]

A. refer

B. relate

C. furnace

D. furnish(正确答案)

I took it for ___ that you wouldn't come here again. [单选题]

A. grand

B. tame

C. granted(正确答案)

D. thumb

He was sent to London on a special ___. [单选题]

A. missing

B. missile

C. mission(正确答案)

D. mistress

Abortion in Britain is a highly ___ matter: some are strongly for it, some bitterly against it. [单选题]

A. different

B. preferable

C. controversial(正确答案)

D. troublesome

More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, __ in San Francisco. [单选题]

A. previously

B. predominantly(正确答案)

C. practically

D. permanently

When Tanaka first came to the US from Japan, he wasn't sure he could ____ into American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here. [单选题]

A. absorb

B. transform

C. digest

D. assimilate(正确答案)

A large newspaper publishes both __ and foreign news. [单选题]

A. current

B. latest

C. recent

D. domestic(正确答案)

This is a new model of ___ typewriter especially designed to meet the needs of traveling businessmen. [单选题]

A. flexible

B. mobile

C. portable(正确答案)

D. active

The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a ___ in the world trade. [单选题]

A. inflation

B. stimulus

C. bulge

D. boom(正确答案)

Will you ___. or do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods? [单选题]

A. deliver(正确答案)

B. dispose

C. display

D. distract

In most cases, the ___ of a person who sits on a pin is to leap into the air. [单选题]

A. reaction(正确答案)

B. behavior

C. function

D. instance

It is reported that security has been ___ at the airport following the discovery of a bomb there. [单选题]

A. bettered

B. enhanced(正确答案)

C. fastened

D. enriched

Libraries, as well as labs, are ___ to the campus life of any college student. [单选题]

A. central

B. integral(正确答案)

C. equal

D. important

Without proper education, people could ___ all kinds of crimes. [单选题]



D. sweat

Advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ___ to the total cost of the product. [单选题]

A. testimony

B. relationship

C. proportion(正确答案)

D. legislation

She had the ___ over the other people that had been interviewed because of her overseas education background. [单选题]

A. capital

B. capacity

C. privilege

D. edge(正确答案)

The youths were playing ___ by standing on the fast-lane of the highway. [单选题]

A. hen

B. tiger

C. lion

D. chicken(正确答案)

The police checked up on an anonymous phone, but it proved to be a ___ nest. [单选题]

A. mare's(正确答案)

B. hare's

D. bird's

Last month the Democrats won their third __ election victory, and the voters were really encouraged. [单选题]

A. succession

B. succeed

C. successive(正确答案)

D. successful

The vice president of the company confirmed that all their UK operations would be ____ in the third season, and the time to re-open was yet to be decided. [单选题]

A. ceased(正确答案)

B. transferred

C. incorporated

D. purchased

The plan for a new tower office wen ahead ___extensive local opposition. [单选题]

A. in case of

B. regardless of(正确答案)

C. thanks to

D. owing to

___the time available to us, well have to submit the report in draft form. [单选题]

A. Given(正确答案)

B. Considered

C. Permitted

D. Regarded

The political leader led protests against ___ discrimination in South Africa in the early 20th century. [单选题]

A. national

B. racial(正确答案)

C. cultural

D. international

President Barack Obama has said he wants to ___ the policy and has urged Congress to take action on the issue. [单选题]

A. deal with

B. do with

C. do away with(正确答案)

D. do wrong

Business is booming and foreigners are ____ to invest. [单选题]

A. scrambling(正确答案)

B. screwing

C. scratching

D. screeching

Why didn't Henry at the meeting? [单选题]

A. turn up(正确答案)

B. turn the page

C. turn down

D. turn away

When Miss Davis died, jazz was robbed of its most ____ voice. [单选题]

A. distinguished

B. determining

C. deteriorating

D. distinctive(正确答案)

A Wall Street Journal ___ encapsulated the views of many conservatives. [单选题]

A. editorial(正确答案)

B. edition

C. verdict

D. version

The following year Parliament voted to ___ the death penalty of murder. [单选题]

A. remove

B. eliminate

C. abolish(正确答案)

D. cancel

Lack of confidence is the biggest ___ to investment in the region. [单选题]

A. bias

B. based

C. bound

D. barrier(正确答案)

Her passion for money excluded every other ___. [单选题]

A. sensation

B. sentiment(正确答案)

C. sensibility


《综合英语(二)》复习资料1 I. Multiple Choice 1. Don’t let the child play with scissors_________he cuts himself. A. in case B. so that C. now that D. only if 2. He wrote the letter _________a new pen. A. in B. on C. with D. by 3. ________ it’s an old ritual, ________ Coming-of-Age Day is changing. A. Though; but B. Although; but C. Though; / D. Although; and 4. She says she would do the same work _________ she didn 't receive any money for it. A. if B. even if C. so that D. because 5. The teacher had no control _________ the children. A. over B. on C. of D. to 6. He suggests we_________to the cinema at once, otherwise we will be late. A. must go B. go C. will go D. would go 7. You will not be_________about your food in time of great hunger. A. special B. particular


17628--北京语言大学综合英语(Ⅱ)期末备考题库17628奥鹏期末考试题库合集 单选题: (1)()old man is waiting for you downstairs. A.A B.The C.An D./ 正确答案:C (2)The beggar accepted the food and money and gave a performance()return. A.over B.for C.in D.against 正确答案:C (3)We left the meeting, there obviously()no point in staying. A.were B.being C.to be D.having 正确答案:B (4)The owner and editor of the newspaper()the conference.

A.were attending B.were to attend C.is to attend D.are to attend 正确答案:C (5)Tom always turns in his paper late. This one()be here yesterday. A.should B.must C.could D.is supposed to 正确答案:D (6)The famous scientist()his success to hard work. A.imparted B.granted C.ascribed D.acknowledged 正确答案:C (7)Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will()from the new training facilities. A.derive B.acquire C.benefit


山东师范大学成人高等教育期末考试试题 年级:专业:考试科目:综合英语(2) 试题类别:A卷考试形式:闭卷 Part I: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns, articles or prepositions. (20×1) 1.They must do _______duty, as we must do _______. We have kept _______ promise; let them keep _______. 2.The boys are very much alike. Can you tell ______ is ______? 3._______ effort is needed to complete the project. 4.My favorite subject at school was _______ history. All students should know something about ________ history of their own country. 5.I’ll pay you ______ thousand ______ year. It’s not ______ enormous salary but after all you are ______completely unskilled worker. 6.The little boy climbed out _______ ______ the table. 7.When _______ trouble, they always look ______ him _______ help. 8. Jim felt out ______ of place _______ the professors. Part II: Fill in each blank with the words in the brackets with proper order or form. (20×0.5) 1.The house is surrounded by ______ ______ _______ ________wall. (brick, red, a, high) 2.Let us have ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______cloth. (table, red, a, big, square, cotton) 3.I have _______ ______ to tell you. ( something, important) 4. “Stand _______ (firm/ firmly),” I spoke to them ______ (firm/firmly) 5. If you _______(wait) for another hour before you _______ (make) up your mind, it ______ (be) too late. 6. Wondering what was wrong, I crossed the road and found that two young men ______ (arrest) by the police. Part III: Circle the best answer from the four choices labeled A, B, C, D (20×1) 1.If the weather is good, we shall go on a picnic _______. A: all to gather B: altogether C: all-together D: all together 2.Eating an apple a day is considered ________. A: healthy B: healthful C: healthily D: health 3.If you get up _______, you will miss the plane. A: lately B: late C: latter D: later 4.London has a larger population _______ in the United Kingdom. A: than any city B: than other cities C: than all the cities D: than all the other cities 5.The book is not ______ what we paid. A: worth B: worthy C: valuable D: expensive 6.“Was the job difficult?”“Yes, we found _________.” A: the work hard for doing B: hard to do the work C: it hard doing the work D: the work hard to do 7.I didn’t ask him to do such a hard job. In fact, I don’t expect him _______the impossibilities. A: did B: do C: to do D: does 8.It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you ______ it. A: replaced B: have replaced C: replace D: will replace 9.Send for a doctor quickly. The old man _______. A: will die B: is dying C: dies D: died. https://www.360docs.net/doc/8419150790.html,st night, on his way home, he was _______ on the head by something hard. A: striked B: stroke C: struck D: striken 11.The weather in Shenyang is much colder than _________. A: Hongkong B: that in Hongkong C: Hongkong’s D: in Hongkong 12.In the preface _______ my books, I thanked all the people who had been of help to me. A: of B: in C: for D: to 13._______ the end of this term, we shall have learned 10 lessons. A: At B: To C: In D: By 14.He was lucky to escape _______ to prison. A: sending B: being sent C: to be sent D: sent 15.It is wise _______ the case that way. A: of him to settle B for him to settle C: of his settling D: that he settle 16.His success was due to ______ he had been working hard. A: that B: the fact which C: the fact that D: the fact of 17.Free movie tickets will be given to _______ comes first A: whoever B: whomever C: whichever D: whatever 18.All _______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A: what is needed B: for our needs C: the thing needed D: that is needed 19.I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ______ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here. A: as B: what C: so D: that 20. I’ve already told you that I’m going to buy it, ________. A: however much it costs B: however does it cost much C: how much does it cost D: no matter how it costs Part IV: There are 4 choices in each sentence. You are to identify the one and that needs correction.(20×1) 1. The teacher’s lecture on the history was three hours long and Henry felt very boring. A B C D 2.Under the present circumstances there seem fewer reasons for people to hug illusion than there was before. A B C D


华中师范大学网络教育学院《综合英语(2)》练习测试题库及答案 I. Vocabulary Exercise 1 Direction: Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct form): 1. A decision will not ____________ until the next meeting. 2. That building is dangerous. It ought to ____________ down before it falls down. 3. When you go through Customs, your luggage may _________by a customs officer. 4. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to ______________ up at 6.30. 5. Her new book will probably _____________ into a number of foreign languages. 6. If you kicked a policeman, you'd _____________. 7. Police are looking for the missing boy. He can't ____________ anywhere. 8. Do you think that less money should _____________ on arms? Exercise 2 Direction: fill in the blanks with the words proper form. 1. It is known that any criminal will not escape in the end. (punish) 2. Every coin has two sides. Therefore we should try to look at the bright side of it and try to avoid all its . (advantage) 3. Such qualities as honesty, bravery, loyalty and , are necessary for a real gentleman. (generous) 4. It’s to see a film that isn’t full of sex and violence. (refresh) 5. The signing of this treaty is a moment with great in our nation's history. (solemn) 6. It is a serious social problem that more and more old people are heard to be ___________by their own children. (treat) 7. With the development of technology, the price of many products is decreasing rapidly. (digit) 8. Since childhood I’ve been fond of reading stories, which provides room for imagination. (legend) 9. Even a little child knows how important is for a person living in today’s world. (popular) 10. Mark is such an guy that all his dorm mates dislike him and try to avoid being together with him whenever possible. (offense) Exercise 3 Direction: Fill in each blank with a phrase from the box in its proper form.


(0086)《综合英语二》复习思考题 I. V ocabulary, Structure and Grammar Directions:There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. The _________ time you waste, the __________ it is to go on wasting time. A. more, easier B. most, easier C. more, easiest D. most, easiest 2. The specialist was the person _________. A. whom state dinner was given in honor B. for whom the state dinner was given honor C. in whose honor the state dinner was given D. whose honor the state dinner was given 3. It is ______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it. A. a so unusual B. such an unusual C. so unusual D. such unusual 4. Scarcely ______ the door shut behind me when I realized I had forgotten to take the key with me. A. I had pulled B. had I pulled C. did I pull D. I pulled 5. The old lady who saw the bus ___________ into the river phoned the police instantly. A. plunged B. to plunge C. was plunging D. plunge 6. Y ou may come with us to Florida for the winter _________ you don?t mind the cost. A. unless B. on condition C. except D. if 7. If you don?t put the cheese in the refrigerator, it may _____. A. go out B. go off C. go wrong D. go over 8. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _______. A. hurt B. spoiled C. damaged D. harmed 9. The delay of the flight is due to _________ beyond our control. A. conditions B. causes C. circumstances D. in convenience 10. The teacher was using too many new words, and the children could not take ______ what he was teaching. A. in B. away C. to D. about


《综合英语2》期末复习题库 Hemingway spoke highly of such ___ as loyalty, courage and determination known by human beings in his work. [单选题] A. features B. appearances C. virtues(正确答案) D. characteristics Mrs. Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours after her husband's boat had been____. [单选题] A. wrecked(正确答案) B. decayed C. collapsed D. fired The trend of brain drain does the developing countries ___ degrees of harm [单选题] A. diver B. diversify C. diverse(正确答案) D. diversity An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in society will ___ through the current law system in Japan. [单选题] A. permeate(正确答案) B. probe

D. grope She is concerned that allowing euthanasia would ____ the need for care and consideration of a wide range of people. [单选题] A. undertake B. underlie C. underestimate D. undermine(正确答案) The new building looks odd and does not seem to be in ___ with its surroundings. [单选题] A. coincidence B. harmony(正确答案) C. uniform D. alliance My friend does one thing one day and just the___ the next day. His behavior is inconsistent. [单选题] A. other B. opposite(正确答案) C. negative D. alternative A lack of space is the main ___ on the firm's expansion plans. [单选题] A. restraint(正确答案) B. restrict C. advantage


《综合英语2》模拟试题及答案 《综合英语2》考试题型由五部分组成,分值分配如下: I.Vocabulary and structure. Choose the best answer on the answer sheet.(每题1 分,共20 分)https://www.360docs.net/doc/8419150790.html,plete the following sentences with proper grammar.根据下列的语法要求完成句子(20 分,每题2分) III.Reading Comprehension (每小题2 分,共30 分) There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. IV.Translate the following sentences into English .(每小题3 分,共15 分) V.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(每小题3 分,共15 分) 《综合英语2》模拟试题 I.Vocabulary and structure. Choose the best answer on the answer sheet. 1.一Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?. A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can't C. Sorry, you can't D. I don't know 2.--- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?. A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C Yes, help yourself D. It doesn't matter. 3. ___ Is that Mr Robert Lee? A. Yes, Lee speaking B. Hello, what do you want C. Sorry, speaking D. I don't know 4.Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown's office? A. You can't ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please don't say so D. Sorry I don't know, but you can ask the man over there. 5.Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? A. Thank you very much B. No, no, John is not bad C. Thank you. He is fine D . Don't say that. It's ugly. John is good 6.As preparations were not completed in time, the conference had to be till the next day. A. cancelled B. put away C. postponed D. put aside 7.What you say is, in a, true, but I should express it differently. A. concept B. sense C. meaning D. significance 8.My car so I had to come by bus.


综合英语(2)(专,2018秋) The tube is an engineering marvel: 150 years in the making, with 253 miles of passageway 回答under the capital, carrying millions of people every day. 正确答案是:snaking In 1862, the Times回答it as an “insult to common sense” .正确答案是:described It helped drive London’s rapid expansion and got people to work on time, while回答the city with a bold new identity.正确答案是:providing It's fair to say that the Underground remains unloved by Londoners, and it would take a more dishonest man than I回答the dirtiness.正确答案是:to defend The tube’s train drivers have shown great回答as they help to brighten the dullness of underground travel.正确答案是:genius It shows that boring and mundane work can回答wit and humor.正确答案是:inspire We apologize for the delay, but there is a security alert at Victoria station and we回答here for the foreseeable future.正确答案是:are stuck Let's ____ our minds ____ the delay and pass some time together.正确答案是:take...off If you have any spare change, please give it to a回答charity.正确答案是:registered “Oh go on then,回答yourself ___like sardines; see if I care, I'm going home…”正确答案是:stuff...in 填空题。每题10分,共100分。 In 2007, five major causes of death (heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and accidents) ___over 64 percent of all deaths in the United States. 正确答案是:accounted for However, this general profile changes回答the decedent’s age.正确答案是:depending on The five回答 causes of death for those aged 1-24 years are external causes(i.e., accidents, homicide, suicide )followed by cancer and heart disease.正确答案是:leading For individuals回答 65 and over, heart disease is the leading cause of death.正确答案是:aged It is likely that, at some point in the near future, cancer will回答 heart disease as the leading cause of death in the united states。正确答案是:overtake There are hereditary and回答 risk factors that increase your chances of developing heart disease. 正确答案是:environmental Here are some helpful回答 to reduce your risks.正确答案是:tips your family history can help you and your doctor recognize signs and symptoms of heart disease.正确答案是:Awareness of


综合英语二学习通课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Write the correct word according to the corresponding English explanation. Each first letter has given to you as a clue. (1) v. to touch something with quick light touches (d) (2) v. to press something, especially someone’s skin (p) (3) adj. used to emphasize the great amount or degree of something (t)(4) adj. pretending to have moral standard or opinion that they do not actually have (h))(5) v. to hear what other people are saying without intending to (o) (6) n. a collection of information shown in numbers (s)(7) v. to suggest that sth. is true without saying this directly (i)(8) adj. not married or not having a relationship with anyone; single (u) (9) v. to move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down, or into something (p)(10) adj. showing concern for the rights and feelings of others (c) (11) n. treating a person or particular group of people differently, because of their skin color, sex, sexuality, etc.(d) (12) n. lack of interest in someone or something (i) (13) adj. covered with or full of fat or oil (g) (14) v. to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking into, under, and behind them (r)(15) v. to force a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot easily escape (c)(16) adv. completely, very much (t) (17) v. to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound (s) (18) v. to show or make something clear (d) (19) adj. not deep or strong (s) (20) n. a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling (g) 参考答案: dab###pinch###terrific###hypocritical###overhear###statistic; stati stics###imply###unattached###plunge###considerate###discrimina tion###indifference###greasy###rummage###corner###thoroughly ###snap###demonstrate###shallow###gesture 2.Read the text for a better comprehension and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences. (1) This is not an ordinary family quarrel. The talk between the husband and wife concerns the correct attitude toward __1__. (2) The author was born in 1945 and the story was written in 1985 when he was 40 years old. We can assume that it reflects a time when the worst expressions of racism had been rejected by the general public as a result of __2__ movement in the 1960s, but the subtle effect still __3__.(3) The man here was by no means a terrible __4__ or male Chauvinist. In fact, he was considered __5__ because he shared the housework and probably was also considered quite __6__ on __7__ problem. (4) The man obviously had never __8__ that he might nonetheless remain a racist. So he was totally __9__ for the question his wife suddenly put to him.(5) He hesitated to give a straight answer because he knew if he did he would make


新编实用英语综合教程二期末考试题 姓名学号 Ⅰmultiple selection 1 No sooner had he got home it began to rain. A when B that C than D while 2 We the football match for half an hour by the time she arrives at the sports center. A might have watched B must have watched C will have watched D ought to have watched 3 15 years old he was, Tom had a desire to join the army. A for B since C when D as 4 That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it . A be enlarged B enlarge C enlarged D to enlarge 5 She made up her mind back home in spite of the heavy rain. A going B to go C go D gone 6 ___ more careful, his ship would not have sunk. A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been C. Should the captain be D If the captain would have been 7 I didn’t hear the phone. I asleep. A must be B must have been C should be D should have been 8 It is ten years ___ Miss Green returned to Canada. A. that B. when C. since D. as 9 It was last night ___ I see the comet. A. the time B. when C. that D. which 10 I see no in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there. A. reason B. excuse C. point D. chance 11 The streets were deserted the policeman on duty. A. except B. except for C. but D. besides 12 You might have the accident if you had had your headlights on. A. missed B. avoided C. escaped D. dismissed
