2019版一轮优化探究英语练习:必修一 Unit 2 Heroes 含答案

2019版一轮优化探究英语练习:必修一 Unit 2 Heroes 含答案
2019版一轮优化探究英语练习:必修一 Unit 2 Heroes 含答案





If your kitchen is home to just one type of cooking oil,you are missing out.As well as their unique tastes,different oils have different properties.Here's a summary of cooking techniques and which widely available oil suits each best:


Almond(杏仁) oil is a member of the healthy monounsaturated (单一不饱和的) fat group, along with olive and macadamia nut oil.It has a high smoke point (450 ℃),so it can be used for all kinds of cooking and add that all-important extra nutty flavor.Store in a cool dry place.


Macadamia nut oil gives any dish a rich buttery flavor and is full of antioxidants(抗氧化剂) and monounsaturated fats.It can tolerate up to 230 ℃ and will last up to three years if stored in a dry,cool place.


Sesame (芝麻) oil is often described as the queen of oils and is widely used as a cooking oil in India and a flavor enhancer in Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisine.Unlike some cooking oils,sesame oil is delicate and will spoil after only a few months.Always store in the refrigerator. FOR COLD SALAD DRESSINGS,DIPS AND MARINADES

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the world's healthiest foods and loaded with flavor,which will vary depending on where the olives are grown.If stored in a dark bottle away from light and heat,extra virgin olive oil can last up to 12 months.

[语篇解读]本文为一篇说明文。主要介绍了几种常见的烹饪方法及与之相匹配的食用油。1.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Which oil is your choice?

B.How to buy oil?

C.How to cook?

D.Which cooking technique is the best?



2.According to the passage,which two require the same storing condition?

A.Almond oil and macadamia nut oil.

B.Macadamia nut oil and sesame oil.

C.Sesame oil and extra virgin olive oil.

D.Extra virgin olive oil and almond oil.

解析:细节理解题。根据FOR GRILLING,BROWNING,AND DEEP-FRYING部分可知杏仁油需在凉爽、干燥的地方储存;根据FOR BAKING AND STIR-FRYING部分可知澳洲坚果油也需要在凉爽、干燥的地方储存,故答案为A项。


3.Which is the best match according to the passage?








The rumor proved all too bitterly true:Park's Hardware, a downtown institution of Orono for over 100 years,would be closing.Locals cross-examined,and begged Lin,the owner of the store,but in vain.Running a small,local,family-owned hardware business was no longer profit-making.The town's affection for Park's Hardware was just not enough to allow it to compete against the giant warehouse stores.

I was one member of the excited masses that began to walk through Park's as,day by day,the lettering on the front window changed from “20% OFF EVERYTHING” to “30%”,“40%”,and on and on,until the only things left were the light sockets (插座) and doorknobs. Compared with giant warehouses,a hardware store is special.I recall the time I was exploring in one giant warehouse for a wireless doorbell that Park's didn't carry.I found the thing,but didn't understand the following note on the package: “Red light indicates condition of the battery.”“Excuse me,”I said to a clerk,holding the item out,“I can't seem to find the red light.”The man examined it, and said, “Neither can I.”I contrasted this experience with one I routinely had at Park's.“Lin,”I'd beg.“Can you...please...I don't know...do you think...?”And quicker than one could say,“little red light,”Lin would spring into action and together we'd sit down to find the solution.

I could buy a single screw (螺丝钉) at Park's.At a warehouse I have no choice but to buy a box of a hundred screws.But I don't want a box of a hundred screws when all I need is one. I just want

to know the location of the little red light,and now that Park's is gone,I realize that I never will. [语篇解读]本文为一篇记叙文,涉及家庭、朋友与周围的人的话题。讲述了一家五金店的倒闭和人们对它的怀念的一些情况。

4.Why did Park's decide to stop its business?

A.The owner invested in other business.

B.The owner couldn't make enough money.

C.Its location was not convenient for shopping.

D.It couldn't win enough affection from the locals.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Running a small,local,family-owned hardware business was no longer profit-making.The town's affection for Park's Hardware was just not enough to allow it to compete against the giant warehouse stores.”可知,经营这样的五金店已经不能够挣钱了,镇上的人们对这家五金店的喜爱并不能使它赢得与大型仓储式商店的竞争。故选B。答案:B

5.What did Park's do before closing?

A.It had a closing down sale.

B.It struggled for its reorganization.

C.It distributed its goods to regulars.

D.It looked for a new owner.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the lettering on the front window changed from‘20% OFF EVERYTHING’to‘30%’,‘40%’”可知,五金店在关门息业之前采取了加大力度打折促销的方式,即清仓大处理。故选A。


6.What does the writer's experience in Paragraph 3 indicate?

A.The benefit of having more choices.

B.The pressure of competition for Park's.

C.The good service of Park's.

D.The responsible working attitude of large stores.

解析:根据第三段中的“The man examined it,and said,‘Neither can I.’”以及“Lin would spring into action and together we'd sit down to find the solution.”可知,作者提及自己购买无线门铃的经历是为了说明这家大型商店和帕克的五金店在服务质量方面存在的差别,借以突出帕克的五金店良好的服务。故选C。


7.What's the writer's tone in writing this passage?


C.Critical. D.Regretful.




Although people value intelligence—understanding,reasoning,the ability to learn—they also respect wisdom,or the knowledge and experience that they gain over a lifetime.In some ways,wisdom is like beauty: we value it,we desire it,we know it when we see it,but it is nearly impossible to pin down such a nice quality.1

1.Working at being social.

Studies show that people who stay connected with others show higher levels of wisdom than those who remain alone.2Next time you're at a party or gathering,single out someone who's standing alone and strike up a conversation.


Wisdom involves being able to understand all sides of an issue without letting personal feelings get in the way.Opening your mind means realizing that everyone has a life story that influences their actions.During the course of every day,make a note of the issues that annoy you,and take a moment to see them from the other side.

3.Learning how to say “I could be wrong”.

A wise person understands that it is impossible to know everything and that life is likely to take unexpected turns.4Admitting that there are times when you could be mistaken will go a long way towards strengthening your fame.

4.Reading the news.

5If you haven't already read a daily paper or news online,start by going through a single front-page article from a major respected news source.

Almost everyone has the potential to become wiser,particularly if you strengthen these habits. A.Practicing being open-minded.

B.Sharing good news with your friends.

C.But researchers have tried and here are what they've found.

D.Recognizing your errors can lead only to even greater wisdom.

E.Make an effort to join a new club,or invite an old friend for coffee.

F.You do not have to admit your mistakes if you are really unwilling to.

G.You cannot make balanced choices unless you unde-rstand world circumstances.

答案:1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.G


When I was an international student in China,I was lucky to experience Chinese New Year.The build-up was exciting as everywhere 1.was_decorated(decorate) with red.

Some fellow students and I decided to travel from Xi'an to Guilin for the festival.Travel during that time is quite 2.an adventure—many people journey home 3.to_see (see) their families and everywhere is very busy.

On the eve of New Year,we watched the CCTV New Year's Gala.Although we didn't really understand everything,it was good to be lost 4.in the atmosphere of the occasion!At New Year,families make 5.tasty (taste) dumplings together as part of the celebrations.On New Year's Day,and for several weeks afterwards,you can hear firecrackers and fireworks everywhere,and the air 6.smells (smell) strongly of dynamite (火药)and smoke.This was adventurous for us!

Being in China during New Year somewhat meant 7.loneliness (lonely) though it was a great experience.I can 8.absolutely (absolute) explain it with how international students in the UK might feel at Christmas if 9.having (have) no loved ones around them.

Overall,my first Chinese New Year was an amazing experience 10.that/which I'll never forget.





People love cellphones,which is why nine in ten Americans own one.But does heavy use of cellphones pose a risk of cancer? This question has caused controversy for many years.A new study in rats now_augments those concerns.Its data linked long-term,intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain.The results have yet to be confirmed,the authors note.

Indeed,although the rat study found a link between cellphone radiation and cancer,it offers no clues to why such a link might exist,notes Jonathan Samet.He teaches preventative medicine and directs the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.Still,he calls the new study's findings “significant”.They could lead to studies researching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer,he says.

Phone signals are relayed between cell towers and cellphones via radio waves.This radio frequency—or RF—radiation is a type known as non-ionizing(非电离的).Unlike X-rays,non-ionizing radiation does not deposit enough energy into cells to release electrons from atoms or molecules,producing ions. So it tends to be far less harmful than ionizing radiation,such as X-rays.But that does not mean radio waves might not cause harm.

In very large doses(量) this radiation will heat the body and cause tissue damage.But it's not yet

known what much lower RF levels might do,such as those from cellphone use.Five years ago,the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer,or IARC,concluded that cellphone use “is possibly carcinogenic (致癌的)”.

Its conclusion was based on what little research data was available at that time.But notice that IARC was not certain.It said only that phone use might “possibly” cause cancer.So scientists at the National Toxicology Program,or NTP,investigated further.


1.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “augments”?

A.figures out B.puts out

C.refers to D.adds to

解析:词义猜测题。画线词前面提到过度使用手机是否有患癌的风险这一问题多年来引发的争议不断,再根据画线词后的“concerns”和“Its data linked long-term,intense exposure to radiation from cellphones with an increased risk of cancer in the heart or brain.”可知,现在一项在老鼠身上进行的新研究增加了那些忧虑。故画线词与adds to意义相近。


2.In which aspect does Jonathan Samet think the new study in rats is significant?

A.It assists him with his teaching.

B.It indicates a new research direction.

C.It warns people to mind cellphone safety.

D.It makes a breakthrough in cancer research.

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They could lead to studies researching how cellphone radiation might cause cancer,he says.”可知,这项研究会促使科学家去查明手机辐射可能是怎样致癌的,也就是说它为科学家提供了一个新的研究方向。


3.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.How phone signals are delivered.

B.How cellphones produce radiation.

C.Features of radiation from cellphones.

D.Differences between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

解析:段落大意题。根据第三段的内容尤其是“non-ionizing radiation does not deposit enough energy into cells to release electrons from atoms or molecules,producing ions. So it tends to be far less harmful than ionizing radiation...”可知,本段主要讲的是手机辐射的特点,它是非电离的,其危害性远低于电离辐射。


4.What might be the theme of NTP scientists' further research?

A.Why cellphone use causes cancer.

B.Whether cellphone use really causes cancer.

C.What health effects cellphone use has.

D.How much exposure to cellphone radiation is safe.

解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It said only that phone use might ‘possibly’ cause cancer.So scientists at the National Toxicology Program,or NTP,investigated further.”可知,NTP的科学家进一步研究的主题可能是手机使用是否真的会导致癌症。



Ambar presses her hand to her forehead as she considers the question on her screen: how many sevens in 91? The ten-year-old has been struggling with it for about a minute when she smiles,“13!” Her tutor responds by posting a large smiling cat picture on her screen—the virtual(虚拟的) meaning of a pat on the back.He is sitting on the other side of the world in an online tutoring centre in India.

Ambar,who attends Pakeman Primary School in London,is one of nearly 4,000 primary school children in Britain that have signed up for weekly one-to-one maths sessions with tutors based in India and Sri Lanka.The lessons,provided by a company called Third Space Learning,are targeted at pupils struggling with maths—particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

From next year,the platform will become one of the first examples of artificial intelligence (AI) software being used to monitor,and ideally improve teaching.Together with some British scientists,the company has analysed around 100,000 hours of audio and written data from its tutorials(辅导课),with the goal of identifying what makes a good teacher and a successful lesson. Tom Hooper,the company's CEO,said,“We've recorded every lesson that we've ever done.By using the data,we've been trying to introduce AI to improve the teaching.”But he argued that the aim is not to replace teachers with robots.“There's a slightly dubious(不确定的) conversation about how AI will make humans irrelevant,but it's not at all about replacing humans,”he said.“Our whole belief is that for children not doing well in the subject,people are what matters.”

Pupils on the program have a 45-minute session with the same tutor each week.They communicate through a headset and a shared “whiteboard”.The lessons at Pakeman Primary School are tailored to the individual,including visual rewards linked to the child's interests.In addition to the raw audio data,each lesson has various success metrics attached:how many problems are completed,how useful the pupil finds the session,how the tutor rates it.

[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文。数学成绩不好怎么办?没关系。坐在家里,你就可以享受高科技公司Third Space Learning为你提供的一对一网上教学服务。

5.Why does the author mention Ambar in the beginning?

A.To praise her tutor.

B.To show her struggle with maths.

C.To introduce a company.

D.To encourage pupils to learn maths online.

解析:推理判断题。第一段提到了Ambar在网上接受一对一的数学教学,该网上家教中心位于世界的另一端——印度。由此引出下文介绍的一家公司Third Space Learning。故作者在文章一开始提到Ambar是为了引出这家公司。


6.What do we know about Third Space Learning?

A.It makes good teachers and lessons.

B.It is aimed at students from poor backgrounds.

C.It is being used to monitor and improve teaching.

D.It provides online maths lessons for schoolchildren.

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“signed up for weekly one-to-one maths sessions with tutors based in India and Sri Lanka...are targeted at pupils struggling with maths”可知,Third Space Learning为小学生提供网上一对一的数学课程,故选D项。


7.Which may Tom Hooper agree with?

A.AI makes humans irrelevant.

B.AI is beneficial to teaching.

C.Robots are smarter than humans.

D.Robots will replace humans.

解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“By using the data,we've been trying to introduce AI to improve the teaching.”可知,Hooper认为AI对教学是有好处的,故选B项。


8.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.What is taught in the lesson?

B.How is the lesson taught?

C.Who learns the lesson?

D.Why is the lesson taught?





Hello,Mr.Wi-Fi.Life without you is next to impossible now.We're happy to sing your name from morning till evening,sometimes till dawn.__1__ I know you help me,sometimes you're making me do things with __2__ attention.Many times I promise myself that I'll __3__ my feelings towards you,but you're__4__me closer and closer...You've entered both my home and my__5__.You're just a window for our__6__and information.But we people aren't__7__only with the window.So we open all our__8__for you.Is this a(n)__9__or some kind of attachment? If this is an illness,is it curable?And if this is an attachment will you __10__me to the lifelong togetherness?

We want you 24/7.Can't you take a few days off so that both you and I can __11__?You're a poison—not a slow one but a super__12__poison which holds our mind and makes us dance__13__its tune.Nowadays you're so__14__that anyone can buy and make you our__15__.You'll never be bothered about our health but we'll __16__be concerned about your “health”.Because you accompany us everywhere and never let us be alone.

If you were a __17__person made of flesh and blood(血肉之躯) would we love you the same? You__18__us with your numerous talents and we even can't get rid of you.We're all your__19__.Sometimes I wonder how people in the previous generations __20__,but if they did why can't we?


1.A.Now that B.Only if

C.Though D.When



2.A.praised B.increased

C.focused D.divided



3.A.keep in B.bring back

C.approve of D.give up

解析:根据语境可知,作者很多次都对自己承诺说要抑制(keep in)自己对Wi-Fi的情感。bring

back“使回忆起,使想起”;approve of“同意,赞成”;give up“放弃”。


4.A.drawing B.pushing

C.forcing D.observing



5.A.space B.soul

C.society D.workplace

解析:Wi-Fi进入了作者的家和灵魂中。下文中的“holds our mind”是关键提示。


6.A.entertainment B.argument

C.expansion D.struggle



7.A.strict B.satisfied

C.generous D.busy

解析:根据上文的“You're just a window for https://www.360docs.net/doc/863497654.html,rmation.”以及“But”所表示的转折关系可知,此处表示人们并不满足于(satisfied)Wi-Fi仅仅是个“窗口(window)”。strict“严格的”;generous“慷慨的”;busy“繁忙的”。


8.A.thoughts B.eyes

C.exits D.doors



9.A.disease B.inspiration

C.routine D.phenomenon

解析:结合下文中的“an illness”可知,作者疑惑的是自己和其他人对Wi-Fi如此依赖的现象是否是一种病(disease)。inspiration“灵感”;routine“惯例”;phenomenon“现象”。


10.A.recommend B.instruct

C.commit D.adapt

解析:如果对Wi-Fi的情感是一种依赖的话,Wi-Fi能保证与作者一生都亲密无间吗?commit 意为“保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等),承诺”,符合语境。recommend“推荐”;instruct“教导”;adapt“适应”。


11.A.persist B.relax

C.progress D.balance



12.A.raw B.ambiguous

C.strong D.fast

解析:根据本句中的“not a slow one”可知,Wi-Fi并不是慢性毒药,而是快速起效的毒药,故用fast与slow形成对比。raw“不熟练的”;ambiguous“含糊不清的”;strong“强壮的”。答案:D

13.A.to B.against

C.from D.within


14.A.affordable B.valuable

C.conventional D.attractive

解析:根据下文中的“anyone can buy”可知,如今Wi-Fi的价格是如此低廉以至于任何人都能买到,并使其成为人们的伴侣。affordable“支付得起的,不算太贵的”;valuable“有价值的”;conventional“传统的”;attractive“有吸引力的”。


15.A.addition B.expert

C.companion D.instrument

解析:参见上题解析。下文中的“Because you accompany us everywhere and never let us be alone.”亦是提示。addition“添加物”;expert“专家”;companion“伴侣,伙伴”;instrument“工具”。


16.A.sometimes B.always

C.never D.seldom


17.A.selfish B.dishonest

C.responsible D.real

解析:根据下文中的“person made of flesh and blood(血肉之躯)”可知,作者想知道如果Wi-Fi成为拥有血肉之躯的真实的人,人们是否会一样喜欢它。selfish“自私的”;dishonest“不诚实的”;responsible“负责任的”;real“真实的”。


18.A.control B.scold

C.comfort D.challenge

解析:根据上文作者介绍的人们对Wi-Fi的依赖及下文中的“we even can't get rid of you”可知,人们离开了Wi-Fi简直无法生活下去,而本句中的“with your numerous talents”正是Wi-Fi 控制人们的方式。control “控制”;scold“责备”;comfort“安慰”;challenge“挑战”。答案:A

19.A.friends B.slaves

C.colleagues D.employers



20.A.suffered B.connected

C.survived D.surfed

解析:根据语境尤其是本句中的“in the previous generations”可知,作者非常疑惑的是在早期没有Wi-Fi的时候人们是如何存活(survived)下来的。suffer“受苦”;connect“联系”;surf“冲浪”。



Boys and girls,

May I have your fully attention,please? I have announcement to make.To welcome our friends in the United States,the Student Union was going to hold a party on Saturday evening,February 20.As never,the party will be held in the lecture hall of the Main Building.They will begin at 7 pm. There will be music,dancing,singing or exchange of gifts.Will everyone please to bring along a small gift for this purpose?Remember to pack it up,sign your name and writing a few words of good wishes. Don't miss the party,where I believe we will have a lot of funs. Everyone is welcome.

That's all.Thank you.

Boys and girls,

May I have your fully


attention,please? I have ∧an announcement to make.To welcome our

friends in

from the United States,the Student Union was


going to hold a party on Saturday

evening,February 20.As never


,the party will be held in the lecture hall of the Main


It will begin at 7 pm.There will be music,dancing,singing or


exchange of

gifts.Will everyone please bring along a small gift for this purpose?Remember to pack it up,sign your name and writing


a few words of good wishes.Don't miss the party,where I

believe we will have a lot of funs


.Everyone is welcome.

That's all.Thank you.
