







A. 听对话,回答问题。

( ) 1. How do they talk to friends on the Internet?

A. B. C.

( ) 2. What was the boy doing when the girl visited him?

A. B. C.

( ) 3.Who is Alice’s superstar?

A. B. C.

( ) 4. What’s the matter with the girl?

A. B. C.

( ) 5. When will the film start?

A. At 6:40 p.m.

B. At 7:00 p.m.

C. At 7:20 p.m.

( ) 6. What kind of music is it?

A. Country music.

B. Rock music.

C. Folk music.

( ) 7.How are they going home?

A. On foot.

B. By taxi.

C. By bus.

( ) 8. How often does Daniel play volleyball?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Twice a month.

( ) 9. Who are the two speakers?

A. Mother and son.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Doctor and patient.

( ) 10. How much is the toy car today?

A. 150 yuan.

B. 300 yuan.

C. 600 yuan.

B. 听对话和短文回答问题。

听一段对话,回答第11、12 小题

( ) 11. What are they talking about?

A. The Palace Museum.

B. The holiday plans.

C. Their life.

( ) 12. How is the boy?

A. Shy.

B. Brave.

C. Helpful.

( ) 14. A. mind map B. word bank C. cartoon picture

( ) 15. A. 155 B. 105 C. 50

听第二篇短文, 回答16-20题。

( ) 16. Why can’t Mr. Chaplin be here?

A. Because he has gone to America.

B. Because he has gone to England.

C. Because he is ill.

( ) 17. What is an important exam today?

A. The Maths exam.

B. The English exam.

C. The Chinese exam.

( ) 18. What time does the exam end this morning?

A. At 11 o’clock.

B. At 9 o’clock.

C. At 7 o’clock.

( ) 19. If there is a difficult question, what should you do?

A. Write it clearly.

B. Answer it first.

C. Go on to the next one and come back to it later.

( ) 20. What is NOT suggested according to the speaker?

A. Leave the difficult questions unanswered.

B. Read the questions carefully before answering them.

C. Guess the answer if you cannot answer the question.



21. 1. —Do you enjoy Han Lei’s song?

—He is ______ winner of I’m SingerⅡ. I can’t think of anyone with ______ better voice.

A. the; a

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. a; a

22. — Must I do the rest of the work today? — No. You _______ finish it tomorrow.

A. must

B. needn’t

C. can

D. can’t

23. — The watch that the host of CCTV wears looks nice. Do you know its ________?

— Yes. It’s just as expensive as an iPhone X.

A. cost

B. prize

C. owner

D. designer

24. Dr.Ma has helped a lot of patients see again in the_____________ of his life.

A.form B.way C.direction D.course

25. Many people will be forced to leave their homes as soon as a war .

A. breaks out

B. is broken out

C. breaks down

D. is broken up

26. — Driving less and walking more are good for our health.

—I agree. I’d rather ______ an hour’s walk to work than ______ a car.

A. take; drive

B. take; to drive

C. to take; to drive

D. taking; driving

27. Jazz was created by African Americans. Musicians _______ music while they _______.

A. put up; play

B. stay up; played

C. look up; have played

D. make up; are playing

28. — Did you win the final last night? —____________ we all did our best, we lost it at last


B. If

C. Because

D. While

29.— Can you spare some time to help me with maths this Saturday or Sunday?

— ______ day is OK. I’ll be free this weekend.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Every

D. Each

30. Look! Someone _______ up the hall and we can just be relaxed!

A. is cleaning

B. was cleaning

C. cleaned

D. has cleaned

31. — It is selfless _____ the doctor to devote all the time he had ______ for the patients.

— I think so, they are so great.

A. for; to care

B. of; to care

C. of; to caring

D. for; to caring

32. — Do you ____________ these children ____________ their cleverness? — No.

A. admire; for

B. accept; for

C. admire; of

D. accept; as

33. — Excuse me. When can we play badminton at the court?

— Not until it ______ next week.

A. repairs

B. will repair

C. is repaired

D. will be repaired

34. — Why did Miss Yang look so worried when we saw her?

— Because she wondered ________.

A. where did the other students go

B. when would the policeman come

C. what her students have done during the trip

D. if her students had survived the earthquake

35. — I failed to pass the English exam again!.

—______! And I’m sure you’ll be better next time.

A. Have a nice time

B. Cheer up

C. Best wishes

D. Never mind


Zhang Lei is a highly skilled doctor. He was born in a 36 village. The people there lived a hard life. They seldom walked out of the mountain. They could 37 get good education. However, Zhang Lei was lucky, for he not only went to college, 38 also became an excellent doctor. Then what made him lucky? A volunteer teacher called Han Xue 39 him, and changed his life.

When Han Xue first entered Zhang Lei’s school, she couldn’t 40 her eyes. She was shocked by the sights (情景) in front of her: broken windows, small old desks and chairs. Even 41 , students of different ages were in the same classroom. It was the only class in the school. Han Xue 42 how poor the people were in education. She planned to 43 as many ways as she could to help them.

One day when Han Xue was giving a class, Zhang Lei made some noise for fun. Other kids laughed. At that time Han Xue decided to make good use of the 44 to help him. She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands. Looking at them 45 , Han Xue said with a kind smile, “As soon as I see your little 46 , I know you will become a highly skilled doctor in the future. Come on!”Hearing this, Zhang Lei was surprised because almost 47 said such words this way. Zhang Lei couldn’t believe that completely, but he remembered 48 the teacher said in his heart.

After that, Zhang Lei studied harder and then made more 49 . Later, Zhang Lei went to college. After many years, he became a famous doctor, saving many lives. 50 Zhang Lei talks about his life, he always express thanks to his volunteer teacher. Her encouraging words have made what he is.

( ) 36. A. valuable B. suitable C. scared D. lonely

( ) 37. A. usually B. always C. ever D. hardly

( ) 38. A. because B. but C. or D. when

( ) 39. A. replied B. named C. encouraged D. recorded

( ) 40. A. matter B. cover C. believe D. survive

( ) 41. A. better B. worse C. easier D. later

( ) 42. A. realized B. impressed C. represented D. practised

( ) 43. A. go out B. put out C. find out D. break out

( ) 44. A. chance B. partner C. exam D. mark

( ) 45. A. angrily B. carefully C. sadly D. early

( ) 46. A. head B. eyes C. ears D. fingers

( ) 47. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody

( ) 48. A. when B. where C. what D. how

( ) 49. A. mistakes B. progress C. meals D. kites

( ) 50. A. whatever B. whoever C. however D. whenever




Anne Frank was born in Germany in June 1929. Because the German Nazi(纳粹分子) hated the Jews(犹太人) and warned to kill them, her family had to move to another country. In July 1942, they went into hiding in a secret place in her father's office. During that difficult time, Anne kept writing diaries until she and her family were discovered by the Nazis in August 1944. They were caught and sent to a Nazi camp. The next year, her mother died. In the same year, she and her elder sister died of illness, before the war ended.

After the war, her father collected her diaries and the book The Diary of a Young Girl came out in 1947. It has been put into over 30 languages since then. The book has been read by people all over the world. In her diary, Anne wrote down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams for the future, "I want the diary to be my friend, and I'm going to call this friend Kitty." "I can't spend all day complaining(抱怨) because it's impossible to have any fun! ... Every day, I feel the beauty of nature and the goodness of the people around me. With all that, why should 1 be sad. "

The Diary of a Young Girl has also become a symbol of the greatness of the human spirit. It is called one of the wisest and most moving records on war.

( ) 51. In which year did Anne die of illness

A. In 1939.

B. In 1942.

C. In 1944.

D. In 1945.

( ) 52. According to the passage, "Kitty" is ________.

A. her diary

B. her elder sister

C. her mother

D. her hiding place ( ) 53. Which of the following is true ?

A. Anne was lazy, sad and complained all day.

B. The book is mainly about Anne's school life.

C. Anne loved life though she was in difficult time.

D. The book has been put into nearly 30 languages.


Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health, especially for kids. But what is health? "Health" means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Let's read the following rules.

They can help you stay healthy.

Eat a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables.

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite foods. Remember that we can only get the nutrition (营养) we need by eating different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetables.

Drink water and milk most often.

Everyone knows that water is important. Besides that, kids need plenty of calcium(钙)to grow strong bones, and milk has a lot of it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk (1300 milligrams of calcium), when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks like soda and coca. They include a lot of added sugar. Sugar just includes calories without any important nutrition.

Listen to your body.

When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomach feels comfortably full, stop eating. Eating too much makes you feel uncomfortable. If you do it too often, it can make you unhealthy and fat.

Limit screen time.

What's screen time? It's the amount of time you spend watching TV, movies, and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time you spend playing sports, like-basketball, and doing other activities like bike riding and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.

( ) 54. According to the passage, "health" includes all of the following EXCEPT__________.

A. eating well

B. doing more exercises

C. having a healthy weight

D. wearing comfortably

( ) 55. The underlined phrase "a variety of" means__________.

A. all kinds of

B. plenty of

C. several

D. the rest of

( ) 56. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Eating more fruits and vegetables is good for people.

B. We should eat and drink something with less sugar.

C. When we are full, we should stop eating, no matter how delicious the food is.

D. We should spend the same time on both sitting-down activities and on sports.

( ) 57. What's the best title for the passage?

A. How to Eat Healthily

B. Eating and Playing Are Both Important

C. Tips for Staying Healthy

D. Health Is Very Important


Family fights are never pleasant. Whether you are dealing with a loud sister or a stubborn(固执的) mom or dad, the situation can be bad.

What if it could be different? What if family fights and conflicts(冲突) could be turned into chances to become closer? What if problems could be solved with everyone walking away feeling more deeply cared for and loved?

Family fighting is, on one level, about power. Someone is telling someone else what to do. In a short moment, bad feelings can be brought out and the fight is on. You can go down that old road or you can try something different.

In any fight, you have a need to be listened to and understood. People raise their voices and shout at each other because they’re not being listened to. Yo u want your mom or dad to listen and understand. You want your brother or sister to listen and care. But you always seem to forget that the person you’re fighting

with has the same need to be listened to. So if you can put aside your need for a few minutes, the situation will change quickly. Give the other person some time to express his or her feelings, and you’ll have your turn to be listened to.

And while you are listening, you have to listen for the right information. The best way to do this in emotional(情绪激动的) situations is to pay no attention to most of the words because many people can’t express what they are feeling with the words alone, especially when they are not calm.

But if the situation starts to get out of hand, it would be wise to just calm down and leave the problem until later because many fights happen at the wrong time. The situation will die down quickly, usually in less than 30 seconds. You can either move on to problem solving or reach an agreement to work on it at a better time.

This way, everyone will feel respected and listened to, even when there is conflict. Feelings will be understood and respected, and it will bring your family closer together.

58. From the first 3 paragraphs, we can conclude(总结) that .

A. people had better avoid family fights

B. family members fight to control each other

C. family fights can be turned into something good

D. when relatives fight, it’s worse as they know each other’s weakness

59. In the writer’s opinion, the key to dealing with family fights is to .

A. satisfy the need to be listened to first

B. make sure that you are the first to be listened to

C. pay no attention to what others say in these emotional situations

D. stop quarrelling(争吵) when you feel you are giving orders

60. When the situation gets out of control, it’s best to .

A. wait for a suitable moment to speak

B. let the other person express their feelings

C. work on a written agreement first

D. move on to problem solving

61. The main purpose of this article is to .

A. tell readers that family fights are not that bad

B. teach readers how to listen in family fights

C. remind readers to show respect in family fights

D. give advice on dealing with family conflicts.


Is your TV connected to the Internet? What about your chair, or your fridge? Probably they are not. But in the future, most things in your home may be connected, thanks to the so-called “Internet of things”.

The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think. Earlier this year, Samsung CEO spent a lot of time talking about the Internet things. He said that five years from now, every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things, no matter whether it’s a remote control or a was hing machine.

So, how do household(家用的) objects that are part of the Internet of things work? Well, think of a common chair. When connected to the Internet, the chair warms up when it knows the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold.

An Internet-connected camera could help people feel safer in their homes. It can know people’s faces and has an infrared sensor(红外传感器), so even if it’s dark it can see when someone passes by and send you a message on your smartphone to let you know who’s there. If the person is someone you don’t know, it can tell you that, too.

But according to MIT Technology Roview, whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security (安全) systems to the Internet, there may be some problems. For example, many early

connected-home objects don’t have much built-in security, which means they could be hacked(被黑客攻击). Moreover, it could be difficult to get these new machines to work together especially when they are made by different companies. To fight this, many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium, which had 45 members by late 2014.

So, picture this: you enter your home. The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable. Your favorite music starts playing for you. Do you think that this would be a good thing? It may happen sooner than you think.

( ) 62. The Samsung CEO's speech is mentioned to prove that ______.

A. Samsung has produced the Internet of things recently

B. the Internet of things will appear in our daily life sooner

C. Samsung products have been part of the Internet of things

D. he spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things

( ) 63. We can infer(推断)from paragraphs 3 and 4 that ______.

A. the chair can know whether the user feels cold or not

B. a usual chair can warm up when it knows the user comes in

C. an Internet-connected camera can be used to take photos in the house

D. an Internet-connected camera can be connected to the user's smartphone

( ) 64. Paragraph 5 is mainly about ______.

A. the possible problems of “the Internet of things”

B. the problems with early connected-home objects

C. how to get different new machines working together

D. how to solve the “the Internet of things” problems

( ) 65. Which of the following words best describes the writer’s tone(语气) in the article?

A. Worried

B. Doubtful

C. Hopeful

D. Humorous

第II 卷(非选择题共60分)


A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

66. Tom gives every student an (最新的) magazine to introduce his invention.

67. Drivers will be punished if they don’t stop to let the pedestrian (行人) go first because it’s

__________ ( 违反) the traffic law.

68. My teacher often (say sb. is very good ) me for my fluent oral English.

69. Ladies and gentlemen, here is today’s ____________ (of a whole country) news.

70. If you keep trying your best, I’m sure you will make some ____________ in your study.

B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

71. — I want to quit (辞去) my job, my boss almost drives me mad.

— To stay or to leave, the decision is .

72. I suppose the books are the as I have found their names on the covers.

73. He has a ____________ manner, and finds it easy to make friends.

74. The poor man was found dead in his room. People didn’t know the cause of his __________.

75. There’s no need to get angry. It is ____________ a misunderstanding(误会).

C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

76. —Who _____________ the company now? — Bill Gates is.

77. —Josef lives in America. What about his family? — They _____________ behind in Europe.

78. Miss Gao, my English teacher, __________ a novel last week. But I’m not sure if she has finished it.

79. Tom with his classmates in London for two months last year.

80. —__________ the police __________ the mysteries yet?

—No, not yet. People are looking forward to the results.



81. Both Li Ping and his brother show great interest in English. (改为否定句)

Li Ping his brother shows great interest in English.

82. We will arrive at the studio at around 9.30 if the traffic isn’t very heavy. (保持句意不变)

We will arrive at the studio at around 9.30 __________ the traffic __________ very heavy.

83. Your express delivery will arrive in two days.(对划线部分提问)

will my express delivery arrive?

84. Since he had no musical instruments, he made music with common objects. (就划线部分提问)

__________ __________ he make music with common objects?

85. Did anyone notice the boy entering the room just now?(改为被动语态)

the boy entering the room just now?



It is r_________(86) that two young people dropped out of Tsinghua University after they found that they had no interest in their majors (专业). People were shocked for giving up studying in China’s top universities is truly s (87). Then they took the CEE (college entrance examinations) once again. L (88), they passed the exams and studied new majors in Peking University.

Their actions have already come under hot d (89) among the public.

Supporters praise the two students for being brave to chase their goals.

1.We shouldn’t blame (责怪) those who are willing to take a risk and take the CEE again. It’s OK for everyone to choose their favourite major for a better career in the future.

2.The two students p (90)that life is full of changes and possibilities (可能性). They set up an example of the power of c (91) in changing lives.

However, those who are against their actions criticize (批评) them for being capricious (任性的)

1. By dropping out after studying for a period of time, the two students have wasted e________(92) resources, which could have been provided for o (93).

2.The two students were not wise e (94) to choose their majors when they first applied (申请) to go to college. Their actions should be a warning to other people i (95) of being followed. 86. ___________ 87. ___________ 88. ___________ 89. ___________ 90. ___________

91. ___________ 92. ___________ 93. ___________ 94. ___________ 95. ___________


请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。A three-meter-tall reading pavilion (朗读亭) has become the hottest place for young people across big cities in China. People line up long queues for a unique experience inside the pavilion in spite of hot sun or rain.

The pavilions have been found in more places across the country after first appearing in Beijing, and were encouraged by the new CCTV program, “Reader,” which first appeared in February.


高中招生文化考试 英语(A卷) 考生须知: 1、本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2、答题前,在答题纸上写姓名和准考证号。 3、必须在答题纸的对应答题位置答题,写在其他地方无效。1至60小题在答题纸上涂黑作答,答题纸答题方式详见答题纸上 的说明。 4、做听力题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有一分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 5、考试结束后,试卷和答题纸一并上交。 试题卷 I. 听力部分(25分) 一、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5段对话。 1. What does the man think of the sweater? A. It’s too short. B. It’s very cheap. C. It’s expensive. 2. Which is Allen’s phone number? A. 56568890. B. 56268890. C. 26268890. 3. Why did Tom get up this morning? A. To do sports. B. To catch a train. C. To walk the dog. 4. Where can the woman chemistry books? A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor. 5. What would the woman speaker like to see in their school? A. M ore books. B. More libraries. C. More clubs. 二、听较长对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分) 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. Where is Lily going for lesson? A. In her school. B. In a language school. C. In an art school. 7. What is she planning to do in France? A. To have fun. B. To improve her. C. To learn painting. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第10三个小题。 8. What is Rose busy with? A. Her trip plan. B. Her school exam. C. Her summer program. 9. Who will go Rose? A. Bill. B. Her sister. C. Her classmate. 10. How does Bill’s idea about camping? A. Good. B. Hard. C. Expensive. 三、听独白,回答问题(共5小题,计10分) 听下面一段独白,并按要求在试卷上完成任务,你可以边听边填写听到的数字。 Step 1 M Step 2 ×5 Step 3 Step 4


英语综合测试题 笔试部分(80分) I.单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Lily is _______ active girl and she is fond of playing _______volleyball. A. an; a B. a; the C. an; / D. a; / 2. —My recorder is broken. Could I use yours? —_______, but you have to return it tomorrow. A. I’m not sure B. No problem C. I’m sorry D. I hope so 4. My cousin wants to keep slim. She does exercise every morning and _______ eats meat. A. seldom B. always C. usually D. often 5. Han Han is a popular writer. His new book will _______ this September. A. come up B. come in C. come out D. come on 6. —Did you see Mr. Black just now? —Yes. He ________ his car when I met him. A. parked B. was parking C. parks D. will park 7. I was born _______ the morning _______ February 25th, 1997. A. in; of B. on; in C. in; in D. on; of 8. —_______ is it from your home to the school? —About ten minutes’walk. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon 9. Paul isn’t as _______ as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his homework. A. careless B. more careful C. more careless D. careful 10. Excuse me, I lost my way. Will you please tell me _______? A. where am I B. where I am C. where you are D. where are you 11. —Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? —I don’t care. _______ is fine. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 12. Some people won’t realize the importance of their health _______ they have lost it. A. after B. when C. until D. as 13. —Bob, it’s getting cold outside. _______ take a jacket with you? —All right, Mum. A. Why do you B. Why not C. Why did you D. Why don’t 14. If there is any change to the plan, I _______ you as soon as possible. A. told B. have told C. tell D. will tell 15. You look quite tired. You’d better _______ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having 16. —Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do? —I’m afraid we have no _______ but to take a taxi. A. decision B. choice C. advice D. reason

上海八年级英语测试报 第19期 答案

第19期答案区 A2-A3版 阅读广场 T ask 1: 1-5 BACDD T ask 2: 1. Some American classroom customs. 2. Put up the hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. 3. Serious illness. 4. Enter the classroom quietly. 5. Knock first. T ask 3: 1-7 DCDBADA T ask 4: 1. noticed 2. games 3. allowed 4. interested 5. glasses 6. even 7. Everyone T ask 5: 1-6 CAFBEG B1版 词汇和句型篇 Ⅰ. 1. height 2. physical 3. Luckily 4. diaries 5. quietly 6. amazing 7. successful 8. living 9. worried 10. argument Ⅱ. 1. similar 2. explain 3. popular 4. simple 5. especially 6. develop 7. petrol 8. clearly 9. thinker 10. calculated Ⅲ. A) 1. Don’t close 2. Does; shout 3. How did; feel 4. Who invented 5. How well 6. could they 7. go on 8. as; as B) 1. lived; ago 2. be; of failing 3. hold out 4. deal with 5. Well done 6. never argue with 7. as; as possible 8. responsible for collecting 9. so; that 10. it; for; to understand 语法篇 1-5 ACCBC 6-10 ABABB 11-15 ADABA B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 BCEDA Ⅱ. 6-10 CAACD 11-15 BDCDB


九年级英语期末测试卷 九年级英语期末测试题 第一部分听力20分 Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。6分 1. A. For two hours. B. In two hours. C. Once a week. 2. A. Yes, we have to. B. Not until the rain stops. C. Yes, we have a car. 3. A. OK! What’s the time? B. Oh, you’re so lucky. C. That’s OK. You can borrow one. 4. A. That’s true. B. Look out! C. Yes, do please. 5. A. You can’t miss it. B. You are welcome. C. Here! This way, please! 6. A. Yes, we should. B. History. C. No, it’s not ours. Ⅰ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。5分 7. A. Six years ago. B. Four years. C. In China. 8. A. Tom. B. Brown. C. Green. 9. A. He doesn’t want to lend his pen to the woman. B. He doesn’t have a pen. C. He hasn’t got a pencil. 10. A. At the woman’s. B. At the man’s. C. At a restaurant. 11. A. In his office. B. In Guiyang. C. At home. Ⅰ.听两段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。4分


九年级英语试卷 一、根据汉语提示完成句子:(10分) 1. The pure farmer family can’t ____________ (负担) the children’s college education. 2. We ____________ (说服) him to have a long walk every day because of the heavy. 3. I hope the doctors are very _______________ (耐心的) to the sick people. 4. All his efforts ended in ______________ (失败)。 5. Don’t deal with problems by ____________ ____________ (中断) a friendship. 6. The teacher _____________ the students ____________ (看待) her own children. 7. My grandmother once lived in the countryside, but now she _______ ________ _______ (习惯) living in the city with us. 8. Can you tell me _______ ________ __________ (你怎样学习) for a test? 9. I hear Yang Yan made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday. ________ _________ _______ (确实如此),and ______ ________ ________ (我也是)。 10. That man _________ __________ ___________ _________(昨天我见的) is a film director. 二、单项选择:(15分) ()1. What ____ exciting news it is? Is ____ news true? A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a ()2. You used to go to school on foot, ___ ____? A. used you B. did you C. didn’t you D. weren’t you ()3. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t _ your dictionary all the time. A. work on B. try on C. keep on D. depend on ()4. She was ____ busy ___ she had little time to go to the concert. A. very; that B. so; that C. enough; so D. such; that ()5. --- Don’t drop litter in the park, please! --- __________. A. Good luck. B. Don’t worry C. OK, I will D. Sorry, I won’t ()6. Listen! The work should be done _______! A. in a way B. in the way of C. in this way D. by the way ()7. Sally hasn’t come back _______. A. already B. just C. yet D. ever ()8. --- Bad luck! I left the ticket at home. --- Oh, you should ____ it at once. The movie is beginning soon. A. bring B. take C. fetch D. carry ()9. Our chemistry professor _____ the papers and the test began. A. gave in B. gave up C. gave out D. gave away ()10. I don’t want to go __________. A. somewhere cold B. anywhere cold C. cold somewhere D. cold anywhere


1. —Last Sunday Fred went to Ann’s birthday party. —______. And ______. A. So did he, so did I B. So he did, so I did C. So did he, so I did D. So he did, so did I 2. —I have never visited a paper factory. —______. A. So have I B. So I have C. Neither have I D. I haven’t no 3. 如果我是你的话,我会很紧张的。 If I ______ you, I will be _______ ______. 4. 睡前散散步,那有助于放松。 Taking a walk before going to bed that would ______ ________ _______. 5. 你能想出其它办法解决这个问题吗? Can you ______ ______ _______ other ways to solve the question? 6. 他就如何学好英语给我们提了一些建议。 He _______ _______ ______ ________ on how to learn English well. 7. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。 China is a country _______ ________ _______ ______. 8. 我宁愿去上海也不去海南。 I ______ ______ ________ to Shanghai _______ ______to Hainan. 9. 他说与那个女孩相处是很容易的。 He said that it was very easy to ______ ______ _______ the girl. 10. 他很开朗又很自信。 He is very _____ ______ _______ _______. 11.你是如何学习英语的?我通过听磁带学习英语的。 12.我过去怕狗。你现在还怕黑吗? 13,不应该允许青少年开车。因为他们那个年龄不够稳重。 14.如果你有一百万美元,你将干什么?我将把它捐给慈善机构。 15.这本书一定是李雷的。上面有他的名字。 16.十六岁的孩子不应该穿耳孔。 17.这件衬衫不可能是他的。 18.因为恶劣的天气,我们昨天没去野餐。 19,我们昨天去北京而没去上海。 20.在过去的三十年中,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。


英语测试报上海八下暑假第47-52期全部答案电子版 ——by 上帝法国红酒 47期 A2-A3版 1-5 BCBAC 6-10 BADAB 11-15 DCDBC 16-20 FFTTF 21-25 CADBB 26-30 DCACB 31. friends 32. often 33. remember 34. water 35. like 36. another 37. good 38. mistake 39. rich 40. needs 41-45 DDADA B1版 I. 1. join 2. average 3. supposed 4. protect 5. warned II. 1. They sell books as well as newspapers. 2. There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow. 3. This made the street light as day. B2-B3版 I. 1-5 BADAC 6-10 ACBAC 11-15 DBDBC 16-20 BADCC II. 21-25 ECFDA III. 26. eighth 27. themselves 28. natural 29. product 30. mainly 31. scientist 32. interested 33. fighters 34. danger 35. communicate IV. 36. well as 37. did he 38. one another 39. doesn’t do 40. How can V. A. 41-45 CABAD B. 46. £600 a week. 47. Students experiment on different ice cream with some strange flavours. 48. Six. 49. Italian ice cream is lower in fat than British ice cream. 50. He wants to try ice cream flavoured with beer. C. 51-55 DBACB 56-60 ADCCA D. 61. nervous 62. hard 63. his 64. arrived 65. news 66. found 67. much 68. second 69. getting 70. cooked VI. Taking care of the old There are more and more old people nowadays. Old people are usually physically weaker than the young and need to be taken care of. We should do our best to take care of them. We should be always kind and friendly to old people. Some old people can’t do housework by themselves and we should help them do it. In addition, we should offer seats to old people on a bus. In a word, we should help the old and respect them. B4版 I. 1. used to 2. is used to 3. used to 4. be used to 5. used to; is used to II. 1. The villagers provided them with food.


2013-2014学年第一学期九年级英语期末测试卷(一) 考号:班级:姓名:得分: 一. 单项选择(30分) ()1. It’s easy for you English well if you don’t give up. A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying ()2. Study hard, and will be difficult. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something ()3. Tom used to late. But now he is used to early. A. sleep; sleeping B. sleeping; sleep C. sleeps; sleeping D. sleeping; sleeps ()4. I don’t think should be allowed to drive. A. sixteen years old B. sixteen-year-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-year ()5. --Whose T-shirt is this? --It be John’s. I t’s too small for him. A. must B. may C. can’t D. could ()6. --I’m afraid I can’t pass the English exam. --Don’t worry. You study very hard. God(上帝) helps those people help themselves. A. when B. who C. how D. which ()7. --Excuse me. Could you tell me to Xi’an E xpo? --Take No.231 to get there. A. which bus should I take B. how far is it C. which bus I should take D. how far it is ()8. Langlang plays the piano very well. He is one of pianists in China. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous ()9. On weekends I like to with my friends in the supermarket. A. hang out B. look out C. hand out D. give out ()10. More trees should to protect our environment. A. plant B. be planted C. are planted D. planted 二. 完形填空(20分) 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 How can we practice our spoken English? The first, and the most important thing is to believe 11. You should always be full of confidence, or you 12be able to improve you're your English. Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think that because we are students, we’re 13. So there’s no need to worry 14anything. You cannot speak English as well 15the native people because we nearly have no chance to talk 16the foreigners. But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and 17other people. You should believe the native speakers will not 18at you when you make mistakes. So if you’re brave(勇敢) enough, you’ll make great progress in your 19English. 20 be shy or afraid! Just have a try. ()11. A. itself B. yourself C. themselves D. myself ()12. A. cannot B. are never C. can D. will never ()13. A. learning B. saying C. students D. teaching ()14. A. with B. to C. about D. for ()15. A. so that B. as that C. as D. than ()16. A. for B. about C. of D. with ()17. A. to be understood B. understand C. understood D. understanding ()18. A. speak B. laugh C. look D. stand ()19. A. speaking B. speech C. spoken D. spoke ()20. A. Don’t B. Not C. No D. Nor 三. 阅读理解(30分) A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A” 表示,错误的用“B”表示。 A When you’re invited to have dinner in a foreigner’s home, please remember the following: At table, when the hostess (女主人)picks up her napkin(餐巾), you may pick up yours and put it on your legs. If a servant(佣人)passes food around, he will pass the dish to you at your left hand so that you can easily serve yourself with your right hand. Never serve yourself while the dish is on your right; it is then the turn of your neighbour on the right. Do not reach across the table or in front of someone to get something---that is not polite. Ask him or her to pass it to you. There are things in the middle of the table, such as bread,butter, and candies. You shouldn’t take any until the hostess tells the servant to pass them to you. Do not leave your seat without saying anything. If you need to leave the table to go to the washroom or do something else, you should say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” ()21. You should put your napkin on your legs before the hostess picks up hers. ()22. The dish is passed to you on either of your sides. ()23. If the food is far from you, you shouldn’t st and up to serve yourself. ()24. You may take any food at any time. ()25. When you have to leave your seat, you need to say “Excuse me for a moment, please.” B Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge (知识). If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer. Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn't walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them easily. Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back. When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back. If you are followed by someone you don't know, cross the street and go to the other way, let the person understand that you know he or she is after you. Next, don't go home at once. You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift (电梯). If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves. This stops other people from studying you. On the bus, don't sit alone. Sit behind the driver or with other people. Don't sleep. ()26. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out? A. Go home alone late at night.


新目标英语九年级综合测试题一、单项选择(共30 个,30 分) 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 1 In a zoo in Shandong Province, the zoo keepers tried ___ way to help ___ monkey give up smoking. A. the; a B. one; the C. a; the D every; a 2 —We ve waited for the two sin gers for two hours. Will they be able to come here? --I ' m afraid ____ of them will come today. A. neither B. either C. both D. none 3. - Do you know _____ move into our new house? --We will move there as soon as the key ___ to us. A. when we can; is given B. when can we; will be given C. if we can; is given D. when we can; will be given 4. --Here comes the train. Where are our tickets? --Oh, my God! I ____ them at home. A. forgot B missed C lost D. left 5 - -John sings well in our school. -- _____ Henry, my best friend. He is also popular! A. So does B. Neither does C. So is D. Neither is 6. --It 's a secret between us. Don 't tell anybody else. --Sure, ____ .


九年级英语综合测试题 九年级英语综合测试题卷 I、看图听句子,选择与所听句子意思相符的图画。(5分) H、听句子,选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的 选项。(5 分) 6. A.Tom will feel well before the match ends. B.Tom will feel well when the match starts. C.Tom will feel well after the match ends. 7. A.I got up late in order to catch the first bus. B.I got up early in order that I could catch the first bus. C.I got up late so I couldn’t catch the first bus. 8. A.I’ve never gone scuba diving. B.I went scuba diving a few days ago. C.I didn’t go scuba diving a few days ago. 9. A.He’ll be able to come here tomorrow, I think. B.I think he is able to go there tomorrow. C.I don’t think that he’ll be able to come here tomorrow. 10. A.She was very well yesterday.

上海八年级英语测试报 第33期 答案

第33期答案区 A2-A3版 阅读广场 Task1: 1-6 GBDAEC Task2: 1-4 CBDA Task3: 1. successful 2. about 3. interesting 4. drew 5. even 6. called 7. provided Task4: 1-7 DACBDBC Task5: 1. She began to write stories in her notebooks and on small pieces of paper. 2. To encourage all of her students to love to write. 3. Four/ 4. 4. No, she doesn’t. 5. Anyone can be a writer. A4版 英歌飒爽 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D B2-B3版 Ⅰ. 1-5 DFEBC Ⅱ. 6-10 CDACB 11-15 ABACD Ⅲ. 16-20 TTFFF Ⅳ. 21. blood 22. mountains 23. fresh 24. plants 25. nature Ⅴ. 26-30 CACBD 31-35 ADBAC 36-40 DCDBA Ⅵ. 41-46 CADGEB Ⅶ. 47. daily 48. scientist 49. chemistry 50. foolish 51. politely 52. product 53. danger 54. explanation Ⅷ. 55. didn’t; until 56. that; goes 57. enough; win 58. How do 59. does she Ⅸ. A. 60-65 AACDBC B. 66-72 BADADCA C. 73. reasons 74. show 75. better 76. danger 77. without 78. excited 79. taken D. 80. No, he didn’t.


九年级英语期末测试卷及答案 一、听力选择(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分) (请先熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题.做题时,先将答案划在试卷上.录音内容结束后,再将试卷上的答案转填涂到答题卡相应的位置上.) A、听下面10段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍. 1.Which sign didn’t the lady notice? 2.What’s the weather like when they are talking? 3.What time did the girl get up this morning? 4.Which actress does the woman like best? 5.Where does this conversation probably take place? A.At home.B.In a stadium.C.In the hospital.6.Which dress does the man like? A.The red one.B.The white one.C.The purple one.7.How many desks are there for the parents? A.Sixteen.B.Twenty-five.C.Twenty-six.8.Who is the man speaking to? A.Mrs.Green.B.Dr.Brown.C.Joe.9.Which bus does the man want to take? A.A number 5.B.A number 3.C.A number 63.10.How is the woman going to the airport?
