










第 3 次任务

共 4 次任务




I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



D B A D A C II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分)

1 2 3 4 5



III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


D B IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分)

1. no longer available

2. so quietly that I could hardly hear her

3. for a variety of ways

4. no matter how long it takes

5. cell phones do harm to brains

6. commit himself to working for peace

7. will soon get used to it

8. contribute to this discussion

9. be involved in your quarrel

10. with regard to payment and welfare


江苏开放大学 大学英语(A )(专)

形 成 性 考 核 3

试 题

I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)

1. We understand you need easy access ______ up-to-date information about your accounts in many cities.

A. in

B. to

C. for

D. with

2. It is common practice ______ a battery when it still has some life in it.

A. to charge

B. charge

C. charged

D. having charged

3. Chinese people celebrate ______ birth of ______ child by giving away red eggs.

A. / ; a

B. / ; the

C. the; a

D. the; the

4. It was so noisy that we found it hard to ______ the conversation.

A. carry on

B. set for

C. turn on

D. go about

5. You cannot cancel your order ______ you change your mind within three days.

A. as if

B. while

C. so that

D. unless

6. The classroom needs __________.

A. clean

B. to clean

C. to be cleaned

D. being cleaned

7. There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder _________.

A. whom it belongs to

B. whom does it belong to

C. it belongs to whom

D. whom does it belong

8. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ____________ Lived in the 19th century.

A. which

B. who

C. those

D. that

9. ____________ the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate.

A. Although

B. Since

C. That

D. Until

10. It is requested that every student __________ a paper on sustainable


A. writes

B. wrote

C. writing

D. write

II. Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box.(每小题2分,共10分)

Hans: Hello, Xiaolin, You know, I ’m planning to buy a smartphone. Xiaolin:

Oh, that ’s great! Hans: But it seems that there ’re dozens of applications on a

smartphone. You ’ve got lots of them, haven ’t you?

A. mostly used apps

B. must-have apps

C. camera

D. Google Maps

E. WeChat(微信)

Xiaolin: Yeah.

Hans: Could you please let me know what are the best

1 ?

Xiaolin: All right. I’ve got over 100 apps on my iPhone 5 right now. I often clear things out and only keep the 2 . I

check 3

several times a day as it is one way to connect with my friends.

Hans: That sounds cool!

Xiaolin: I love taking pictures so the 4 in my cell phone is often used.

Hans: Yes, you do. Do you use Google Maps?

Xiaolin: Yes. Apple Maps doesn’t work well so I’ve already

replaced it with _ 5 , which I find very useful. Hans: OK, thank you, Xiaolin.

III. Reading Comprehension.(每小题2 分,共40 分)

Passage 1

Chinese Young Volunteers Association (CYVA) was founded in 1994 by young people who are willing to devote themselves to social services. As a national voluntary non-profit organization, the Association improves the overall quality of youth and contributes to the general progress of economic and social development.

Up to now, the association has carried out a series of volunteer activities. Sunshine Dancers is a non-profit program which was started in the Muslim primary school by the association. By hiring professional dance teachers, the association helps children from poor families to realize their dancing dream for free. Another major program run by CYVA is Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants(保护并促进青年农民工权益工程). It aims to improve education for migrant youth in order to prevent their early entry into the labor force. Teams of university volunteers will be recruited and trained to provide after-school tutoring to junior high students from migrant schools.

1. What does CYVA stand for?

A. Chinese Young Volunteers Association

B. China Youth Volunteer Association

C. China Youth Volunteering Association

2. When was CYVA founded?

A. In 1994.

B. In 1996.

C. In 1998.

3. Who founded CYVA?

A. A group of local teachers.

B. Young people who are willing to devote themselves to social services.

C. The local government.

4. What is the goal of CYVA?

A. To improve the overall quality of youth.

B. To contribute to the general progress of economic and social development.

C. Both A and B.

5. What are the programs carried out by CYVA?

A. Sunshine Dancers.

B. Protecting and Promoting the Rights of China’s Young Migrants.

C. Both A and B.

Passage 2

Mobile phones are the items that a lot of people are having today. However, do we really need to have a mobile phone by our side?

We could start with the advantages of mobile phones. There are many things that we could do with mobile phones. With the advancement of technology, more and more features are being added to the mobile phones which make them more useful. In addition to making calls, mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, email, Internet access, business applications, gaming and photography. We can bring them everywhere, and can be reached by others anytime. They make the world smaller, bringing people together no matter where they are.

But we could have some risks when using our mobile phones. We may have accidents when we use them while driving. Some studies show that mobile phones can do harm to our bodies; and materials in mobile phones could damage our environment.

Since there are so many risks, why do we still have mobile phones? This is because these risks or disadvantages can be overcome. For example, while we are driving we can easily pull up our car if we really need to use the phone. Mobile phone manufacturers are reducing the radiation of mobile phones to avoid health risks.

Though there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones, we could easily see that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover, mobile phones are becoming cheaper, which might be another reason why mobile phones are increasingly used today.

6. Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Text messaging.

B. Camera.


7. What risks might mobile phones cause?

A. Traffic accidents and health problems.

B. Environmental damage.

C. Both A and B.

8. What are mobile phone manufacturers doing to prevent mobile phone users from health risks?

A. They are reducing the radiation of mobile phones.

B. They are trying to persuade people to use mobile phones less.

C. They are developing new models of mobile phones.

9. Why do people still use mobile phones despite their disadvantages?

A. Because people don’t believe that mobile phones have any disadvantages.

B. Because the disadvantages of mobile phones can be avoided.

C. Because people cannot live without mobile phones.

10. According to the last paragraph, why are mobile phones increasingly being used today?

A. They are safer.

B. They have more functions.

C. They are becoming cheaper.

Passage 3

It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure how much tax he ought to pay to the government because it depends on so many different things: whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports any relations, how much interest he receives, how much he has spent on his house during the year, and so on. All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.

There was an artist who was always very careful to pay the proper amount.

One year, after posting his check as usual, he began to wonder if he had paid enough, and after a lot of work, with a pencil and paper, he found that he had not. He thought that he owed the government something.

He was just writing another check to send it to the tax collector when the postman dropped a letter into the box at the front door. Opening it, the artist was surprised to find inside it a check for five pounds from the tax collector. The official explained that too much had been paid, and that therefore the difference was now returned to the taxpayer.

11.According to the passage, to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is


A. simple

B. easy

C. difficult

D. interesting

12. It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay tax according to ____________.

A. how much education one has received

B. whether one is single or married

C. how old one’s children are

D. where one lives

13. The word “proper” in the second paragraph means __________.

A. small

B. big

C. right

D. wrong

14. After a lot of work, the artist thought that he had paid the government ____________.

A. less tax than he should have

B. more tax than he should have

C. as much tax as usual

D. just enough tax

15. Why did the tax collector send a letter to the artist?

A. To send him a new tax form.

B. To return the money overpaid.

C. To remind him of paying the tax.

D. To explain the rules of tax paying.

Passage 4

The invention of telephone has greatly eased the communication among people, but callers should be careful about when to make a phone call or it will cause embarrassments.

It is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning in the USA. If someone is called very early in the morning, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call indicates great importance of the matter which requires immediate attention of the person called. The same implication is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. at night. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it’s an urgency of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. Time plays a very important role in our social life as you can imagine. In the USA an invitation should be sent to the guests in advance because guests usually believe that they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not always necessarily true of the case all over the world. In some other countries, it may be taken stupid to make an appointment too far in advance because plans made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The concept of time varies in different regions of the world. Thus, misunderstandings are sometimes inevitable between men of different cultural backgrounds that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in America, for example. A lack of promptness is regarded as being impolite or not being fully responsible. In the US it would be incredible to keep a business partner or a guest waiting for an hour, and it would be too impolite and unacceptable by their social etiquettes. A person who is 5 minutes late is expected to give some words of explanation to the people waiting, though he might not complete his sentence.

16. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. It is not customary to telephone someone in the morning or in sleeping

hours in the US.

B. The role of time in social life over the world..

C. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully

responsible in the US.

D. Not every country treats the concept of time as the same.

17. What does it mean according to the passage if you call someone during his or her sleeping hours?

A. A matter of work.

B. A matter of life or death.

C. You want to see him or her.

D. You want to make an appointment with him or her.

18. Which of the following time is proper if you want to make an appointment with your friend?

A. At 7:00 a.m.

B. At 4:00 p.m.

C. At the midnight.

D. At 4:00 a.m.

19. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. In the USA guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a

dinner party is expended only three or four days before the party date.

B. There id no misunderstanding between people from different cultures

about the concept of time.

C. It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in

the USA.

D. Being on time is highly valued in America.

20. From the passage we can infer that ____________.

A. it’s a matter of life or death if you call someone in daytime

B. the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world

C. it makes no difference in the US whether you are early or late for a business


D. if a person is late for a date, he needn’t make any explanation

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题3 分,共30 分)

1. This film ticket is __________________(再也买不到了).

(no, available, longer)

2. She sang __________________(声音很小,我几乎听不见).

(quietly, that, I, hear, so, could her, hardly)

3. All of them arrive late __________________(由于种种原因).

(variety, reasons, for, of, a)

4. We’ll have to find a job, __________________(不管花多长时间).

(how, it, long, takes, no matter)

5. Do __________________(手机对大脑有害)?

(harm, to, cell phones, brains, do)

6. A thinking person must __________________(致力于为和平工作). (working, commit, himself, to, for, peace)

7. Driving on the left is strange at first but you __________________(很快就会习惯). (get, used, to, will, soon, it)

8. Otherwise you have nothing to __________________(为讨论做贡献). (contribute, discussion, this, to)

9. Don’t ask me. I don’t want to ________________(卷入你们的争吵). (your, be, in, involved, quarrel)

10. We can still negotiate __________________(关于薪酬和福利).

(payment, regard, with, welfare, and, to)

1. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。

2. 若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。在纷杂的尘世里,为自己留下一片纯静的心灵空间,不管是潮起潮落,也不管是阴晴圆缺,你都可以免去浮躁,义无反顾,勇往直前,轻松自如地走好人生路上的每一步

3. 花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。有时候觉得自己像个神经病。既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。

4. 岁月是无情的,假如你丢给它的是一片空白,它还给你的也是一片空白。岁月是有情的,假如你奉献给她的是一些色彩,它奉献给你的也是一些色彩。你必须努力,当有一天蓦然回首时,你的回忆里才会多一些色彩斑斓,少一些苍白无力。只有你自己才能把岁月描画成一幅难以忘怀的人生画卷。

江苏开放大学 大学英语第三次

江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 学号2017020400168 姓名张婷婷 完成日期2017年10月26日课程代码110004 课程名称大学英语A(专)评阅教师(教师填写) 得分(教师填写) 评阅时间2017年X月X日第 3 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 3 答题纸 I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B D C B D A C A B A II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) 1 2 3 4 5 A D E C B III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C A B C A A B C C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C B C D B A B A B C IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分) 1. gvailabied that in shop 2. so dirty that i have to wash it 3. for a variety of reasons 4. no matter how long it takes 5. cell phones do harm to brains 6. commit to peace working for himseip 7. will get used to it soon 8. contribute to this discussion 9. be invohed in important decisions 10. wih regard to ife and death 教师评语:。


2019学年春学期 江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 学号2017060700063 姓名李旭 完成日期2019年4月23日 课程代码110004 课程名称大学英语A(专)评阅教师(教师填写) 得分(教师填写) 评阅时间2019年X月X日第 1 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 1 答题纸 I. 选择填空(每小题2分,共20 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C D A C A D A D A C II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) 1 2 3 4 5 D C E A B III. 阅读理解(每小题2 分,共40 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C A B A B A B C C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C B A A C C A D C D IV. 完成句子(每小题3 分,共30 分) 1. if he can come tomorrow 2. you’d better hurry 3. you give me a reply earlier 4. due to her efforts largely 5. the job turned out harder than we thought 6. Given the difficulty of the task 7. whether to go to the 200 or to go home 8. our small flat 9. It is up to the weather 10. a better plan 教师评语:。


《开放英语(2)形成性考核册》 学前准备 1.Mary is my best friend.She teaches English in ___A___ school. A.a B.the C.an 2.David is a manager.Now he ____B___ the emails in his office. A.reads B.is reading C.read 3.What about ____B___ a film tonight? A.to see B.seeing C.see 4.—— Can I speak to Franco,piease? ——____B____. A.Good afternoon B.One moment ,please C.How are you 5.Mary runs to the bus stop and gets ___A____ the bus No.4. A.on B.off C.up 6.There is no rice left.We ____ C _ _ to get some from the shop. A. want B.need C.decide 7.The gym is open ___C____ 10.00 am to 8.00 pm. A.between B.at C.from 8.Which city is ___B____ ,Beijing or London? A.cold B.colder C.the coidest 9.——What’s the matter? ——I’ve got a pain ____C____ my chest. A. at B. from C.in 10.They are very happy together. They love __A___. A.each other B.themselves C.them 学习记录卡1 三种时态之1:一般过去时(unit 19) 从你学过的动词中各找出两个规则动词和不规则动词,写出动词原形和过去式: 规则动词: work worked want wanted 不规则动词:go went begin began 写出下面句子的否定句和疑问句: Tom went to see his parents in the country. 否定句: Tom didn’t go to see his parents in the country. 疑问句: Did Tom go to see his parents in the country? 三种时态之2:用现在进行时、will和be going to表示将来(unit 21) 将下面三个句子翻译成汉语: Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow.戴维明天要去接货车。 I’m going to buy him a violin for his birthdaty.我打算买一把小提琴给他过生日。 I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there.我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿。 三种时态之3:现在完成时 举例说明现在完成时的用法。 (1)表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果。 例:She has lost her wallet.她丢了钱包。(所以现在没钱买票。) (2)表示某人的经历


Network Education College, BLCU 《大学英语(三)》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 I.Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points) Directions:There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 1. There is no_______in insisting on his agreement. [A] meaning[B] sense [C] mine[D] benefit 2. We_______to get what we want, anyway. [A] managed[B] believed [C] handled[D] operated 3. It is beautiful when many birds_______the island during the autumn months.


2002年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the conversation and the question only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you will read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answer. 1. A) Warm B) Hot. C) Mild. D) Cold. 2. A) In an office B) In a library C) In a classroom D) In a bookstore 3. A) By sea. B) By train. C) By bus. D) By air. 4. A) He is doubtful about the one-bedroom apartment. B) He’s prepared to pay more for the bigger apartment. 、 C) There is a big difference between the apartments. D) The one-bedroom apartment is better as it is cheaper. 5. A) The train may arrive but the woman is not sure. B) The train will probably arrive at 10:45. C) The train broke down and will not arrive. D) The will probably arrive at 9:45 6. A) She will help him next week. B) She has finished her work quickly. C) She had her work done a week ago. D) She did her work carelessly. 7. A) She likes it as well as the man. B) She takes her vacations in autumn. C) She prefers summer. D) She doesn’t like it. 8. A) He’ll play the game. # B) He won’t watch the game standing. C) He’ll watch the game on TV. D) He has little knowledge of the game. 9. A) To learn another language. B) To practice the dialogues. C) To give up French. D) To give up practicing. 10. A) The woman should take her time. B) They are supposed to leave in twenty minutes. C) Alice is arriving in twenty minutes D) They are already late for the appointment. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. The passages will be read 】 twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions, which will be read only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the


江苏开放大学英语作业三参考答案精编 W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 学号 姓名 完成日期 课程代码 110004 课程名称大学英语A(专) 评阅教师 得分 评阅时间 第 3 次任务 共 4 次任务 江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专)形成性考核 3 答题纸 I. 选择填空(每小题 2分,共 20 分)

II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分) III. 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40 分) IV. 完成句子(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 1.available in that shop 2.so dirty that I have to wash it 3. for a variety of reasons, 4.no matter how long it takes 5. cell phones do harm to brains 6. commit himself to working for peace 7.will soon get used to it 8.contribute to this discussion 9.be involved in important decisions

10.with regard to life and death 教师评语:。 江苏开放大学大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核 3 试题 I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1. We understand you need easy access ______ up-to-date information about your accounts in many cities. A. in B. to C. for D. with 2. It is common practice ______ a battery when it still has some life in it. A. to charge B. charge C. charged D. having charged 3. Chinese people celebrate ______ birth of ______ child by giving away red eggs. A. / ; a B. / ; the C. the; a D. the; the 4. It was so noisy that we found it hard to ______ the conversation.


最新国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》形考任务2 试题及答案模板 单元自测2 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 —What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter Olympics? ________. 选择一项: B. I'm going to be a volunteer. 题目2 —Can I take your order, madam? ___________. 选择一项: C. Yes. I'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles 题目3 When we heard of it, we were deeply _________.选择一项: B. moved 题目4 They found all the guests _____ when they woke up. 选择一项: A. gone 题目5 Do not think that you are helping others who are not fortunate, but think of it as _______? 选择一项: C. exchange 题目1 —Would you like anything else? __________? 选择一项: C. I'd like some cookies. 题目2 —Can I take your order, madam? ___________. 选择一项: C. Yes. I'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles 题目3 When people try to call their doctors during off hours, they usually hear a recorded message instructing them to go to the ________ room in the event of a crisis. 选择一项:


Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题:1 分) Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题:1 分) Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. Reading. B. Walking. C. Studying. D. Planting trees. 2. A. Animals are dying. B. Animals can care too. C. People depend on animals. D. People are failing. 3. A. Go on a hot date. B. Return home. C. Fuel the car. D. Drive a lot. 4. A. Damage done by last night's winds.



Quiz 3答题纸 请用黑色字体将相应试题答案填写在答题纸中不将答案填入答题纸中视为无效作业 第一部分£交际英语(冀与 2. C 3. <1 & ; A 每小 4. B 満分P分: 5. D 1. B -*-1二部分 衷 鱸说S解(共 1: 2小 罠 j每 <1彗..§ 4鴻分3 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. A 11 .C 12. D 13. A 14. B15. A 営 二二迪a 词汇占结松1 (e a丄 Kt乱毎小題器分■満分 16 .D 17. A 18. D 19. D20. A 第四部分 晝完型填空(共5卒 审”毎个二】J i ”涛分15XV1 21 .E 22. A 23. D 24 . C 25. B 第五肉 分:; 写作(灌分佬分) Practice Makes Perfect The say ing that practice makes perfect means that after you have pie nty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly tha n he who seldom or hardly practices. For example, whe n we lear n En glish, we have to lear n grammar, words, expressi ons and so on. The most importa nt thi ng may be how to put what we have lear ned into practice. If you only lear n the grammar rules by heart and dofi t do eno ugh exercises, it is certain that you can7 t understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will un dersta nd them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits, we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly. There is ano ther example. A famous sin ger can sing very welt. Of course, his tale nt is very importa nt, but practice is n ecessary. It is n ecessary to practice tomake the sin ger sing better and better. It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.


最新国家开放大学《管理英语(2)》形成性考核册参考资料 《管理英语(2)》是国家开放大学2017年春季新开的课程之一,对国家开放大学的管理专业学生进行统一考试。该资料对学生完成学习任务起着一定的辅助作用。本文库还有国家开放大学其他课程的参考资料,可以参考。 作业 1 一、交际用语(共计 10 分,每小题 2 分) 1-5 题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。 1. - I was worried about my math, but Mr. White gave me an A. -. A. That’s an easy course. B. Congratulations! C. Mr. White is very good. 2. - Hi, Helen, I’ll have an interview tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t make it. -. A. Sure, you can. Take it easy. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. That’s all right. 3. 一 Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning? -. A. Yes, it’s better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic. B. Yes,you will. C. No,you won’t. 4. 一 How do you think of the theme of our event? -. A. It’s pretty good. B. I feel so sorry about that. C. I’d like to have some tea. 5.-. 一 It will be held on the 3rd floor of Shakiraton Hotel. A. When will you give a speech? B. Does your speech still go on? C. What is the address of your speech? 二、词汇与结构(共计 30 分,每小题 2 分) 6-20 题:阅读下面的句子,从 A,B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序 号写在题前括号内。 6. He was alwaysin sharing his enormous knowledge. A. generous B. generation C. generate 7. His action is alwayswith his words. A. constant B. continuous C. consistent 8. - Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 一 Sorry,Ican’t. Itake care of my little sister at home. A. could B. may C. have to 9. - Whose textbook is this? - ItJohn’s. It has his name on it. A. can’t be B. must be C. might be 10. I’m writing toa position as a computer engineer in your company. A. thank for B. wait for C. apply for 11. You can try these methods to keep your interview anxietycontrol. A. under B. on C. with 12.a company really wants is a candidatehas the right skills.


江苏开放大学英语B形成性考核作业 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业 4 Quiz 7 答题纸 请用黑色字体将相应试题答案填写在答题纸中 不将答案填入答题纸中视为无效作业 1.C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6.B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B 11.D 13. D 14. D 15. A 16.A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. C 21.B 22. E 23. D 24. A 25. C My Dream the dream blooming flower everyone haa dream, a beautiful drea

different environment, different life background, experience of thingdifferent, everyone'dream ialso different. some people want to become national leaders, some people want to be a scientist, and some people want to become a businessman. the dream i just want to be an ordinarperson. do the people useful thingin ordinarpost. for example, when a teacher, to impart knowledge to the next generation; when a doctor, save dead trauma; when a gardener, contribute to the greening of the environment. the dream ibeautiful, but to achieve the dream, no wordcan, in the dreamof the road, will encounter difficulties, setbacks, resistance, if did not have the courage, will, you will be verdifficult to realize hidreams. the dream cannot do without knowledge, so i think the first step to realize mdream ito accumulate knowledge, we now need to do ito studhard, overcome the difficultiein learning, grasp more knowledge, to lathe foundation for the realization of dreams. let ubrave to face life. Quiz 7 试题 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从 A、B、C、D中选出正确选项。 1.—Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital


国家开放大学《理工英语2》形考任务单元自测1试题 题目1:— ________________________. —I’m very glad to hear that. A. Congratulations B. I’m sure to come on time C. I’m not feeling very well 题目2:— Do you like your present job? — ________________________,I just do it for a living. A. Of course B. Not likely C. Not really 题目3:— How was your job interview last Monday? —________________________.She seemed interested in my working experience, but she didn’t ask for references. A. Perfec B. I’m not sure C. That’s right 题目4:—I believe we’ve met somewhere before. — No, ________________________. A. it isn’t same B. it can’t be true C. I don’t think so 题目5:— Welcome to our company. I hope you will enjoy your work here. — ________________________. A. I am sure I will B. I can learn a lot C. You are very kind 题目6:—How’s your report ______? —Not too bad,I have already done about 4000 words. A. coming along B. get along with C. move along 题目7:Both her par ents look sad.Maybe they ______ what’s happened to her. A. knew B. have known C. will know 题目8:He has studied very hard ____ he came to our school. A. for B. in C. since 题目9:I know a little bit about France as my wife and I ______there several years ago. A. are going to B. went C. go 题目10:Lawyers often make higher _______ for their work than they should. A. charges B. bills C. costs 题目11:Nobody could _______ this problem.


大学英语3 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分) 1)My son failed to come back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and ___my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident. A. advocated B. confirmed C. insured D. promised 2) Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense ________ areas such as New York City. A. agricultural B. rural C. suburban D. urban 3) I just wonder if ________ ever ________ that you could have your own enterprise and run it yourself when you were still a student. A. it … occurred B. you … occurred to it C. it … occurred to you D. you… occurred 4) Since this factory adopted the newly-invented managerial system, they have increased their annual income by a large________. A. emerge B. merge C. part D. margin 5) She picked up the receiver card,________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone. A. without so much as B. without so many as C. with so much as D. with so many as 6) Some epidemics that happen in this modern world are ________ by environmental pollution rather than natural disasters. A. brought about B. brought back C. brought forward D. brought in 7) The initials VAT stand________ Value Add Tax, which is a type of tax pain by the person who buys the goods or services. A. for B. / C. up D. at 8) The villa__ grand design and artistic atmosphere can cost any buyer more than 10 million Yuan, so you’d better give it a second thought before you make up your mind. A. unique B. featuring C. lighting D. blowing 9) Uncle Tom is never a/an__ guy. Unlike what they said about him, he’s always generous and kind to others. A. friend B. friendly C. unfriend D. unfriendly 10) Experts suggest that students should consult dictionaries when they want to learn a new English word rather than ________ dictionaries. A. electronic B. electrical C. electricity D. electrician 11)Compared to the urban areas of New York, the countryside is a preferable place to live as it is more ________ and less polluted. A. tranquil B. Crowded C. developed D. primitive 12) The police________ the entrance to the building with road blocks so that no one can be allowed to enter orexit. A. pasted B. barricaded C. barrier D. sideways 13) The landlord________ the supply of electricity and water since his two poor tenan ts hadn’t paid him a penny for months. A. cut back B. cut in C. cut down D. cut off 14) Pupils have to receive education in other cities before new schools are _______ at a new place in about 2years. A. put up B. put up with C. put off D. put down 15)She wishes her parents to________ of her boy friend.



Quiz 1 答题纸 请用黑色字体将相应试题答案填写在答题纸中 不将答案填入答题纸中视为无效作业 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A 11.A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16.B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. C 21.D 22. A 23. C 24.B 25. E Recreations are an important part of people’s life. For example, after hours of attentive study, students will feel like having a game to relax their nerves. Workers may find it very satisfying to sit in front of a TV set when they come back from a day’s tiring work. Besides, recreations serve as a pleasant way for the retired people to pass their job-free time. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of recreations: physical activities and intellectual activities. Physical activities keep one fit and develop team spirit.


国家开放大学电大《人文英语2》网络核心课 形考网考作业及答案 100%通过 考试说明:2018年秋期电大把《人文英语2》网络核心课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它共有八个形考任务(单元自测)。针对该门课程,本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。 本课程考核采用形成性考核与终结性考试相结合的方式。 课程考核成绩统一采用百分制,即形成性考核占课程综合成绩的50%,终结性考试占课程综合成绩的50%,课程综合成绩达到60分及以上(及格),可获得本课程相应学分。 单元自测 1 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 -Wow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it._________________. 选择一项: C. Thanks you. It really cost me that much. 题目2 -What about mailing it in the fastest way? ________. 选择一项: C. By air mail 题目3 At a time of this economic crisis, our _____ should be very clear about what we need to do. 选择一项: C. priority 题目4 _____dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road! 选择一项: B. How 题目5 There _____ some milk, some eggs and a few apples on the table. 选择一项:
