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Hello everyone. My name is Elijah. I`m from T level. This is my first presentation. As you see, if you think I just want to talk about this number that you must think : …What`s wrong with him?‟ Well, “seven” is a name of the movie. It means“The seven deadly sins”. Today, I`d like to share some ideas about this Oscar movie with everyone.

This movie is based on a dark, horrifying and intelligent thriller. Maybe It`s too disturbing for many people. I imagine, although if you could bear to watch, you would see film-making of a high order. It tells a story of two detectives. The old one is William who`s ready to retire played by Morgan Freeman. The other one is David who`s at the start of his career played by Brad Pitt. They attempt to capture a perverted serial killer who is using the seven deadly sins as his style.

First in the case, the two police trace the killer, which feels like a detective movie. The slain of gloom and gruesome crime scene at the beginning of movie makes people nervous.they suddenly realized that the killer is preaching to kill whom has the seven sins: Gluttony(As you see, there is a massive man in the picture who eats junk food such as a can of spaghetti and instant noodles or whatever every day). Greed ( This man is a lawyer, he dedicated his life to make money by lying ,with ever breath that he could muster to keep bad person on the streets),Sloth(you can see a man who is as thin as a lath, in fact, he‟s a drug dealer and a

lazy beggar),Lust(The definition of lust as given by the DIVINA: excessive love someone is lust, I think some of the others must have seen the TV-series Starbucks, so I do not say anymore, you know that~),Pride(The killer says :This women so ugly inside that she couldn‟t bear living if she couldn‟t be beautiful on the outside), Envy and Wrath. The religious significance also starts from here, and the story become more and more stressful. Especially at the end of the film when the killer was nearly arrested he was voluntarily surrendered. He said he was chosen by God to punish those guilty men.

This is a desperate film, it shows people the evil and indifference in the world, but It doesn't tell people how to avoid the deterioration of the situation. The film has shaped a woman Tracy who has a good humanity was finally murdered. The movie shows the world's dark side. The bright warm side was completely obscured. The love between David and Tracy is a beam of light in the dark back ground but still with Tracy being killed at the end. What is the way out for people? At the end of the movie ,the old police officer William quoted the words of Hemingway: the world is a fine place, and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part. This conclusion is not convincing. This world is not good so that what the meaning of the people to fight?

After reading, my mood is very heavy. At least life will not because of original sin be wiped her original beauty. Cases are always in the rainy
