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《Antibiotic Resistance》

the past we have managed to develop new antibiotics to replace those that had become ineffective,but that has changed now that some bacteria have become resistant to all available drug treatments.


are safe while these bacteria remain sensitive to erythromycin or tetracycline but,given the experience with their hospital-based cousins,it will only be a matter of time before these become ineffective too.


the US,outbreaks of multi-resistant strains have occurred in both health settings and prisons,causing the deaths of many who came into contact with the original infected person.


have made a huge difference to this condition,but we are now getting to the stage where we no longer have effective and proven therapy that works against some of these higher level resistance strains.



need the equivalent of the discovery of penicillin by Fleming and its development by Florey to be repeated every 10-20 years if we want to keep ahead of bacterial infections.


addition to the developmental costs,there has been general complacency on the part of the community,medical profession and pharmaceutical industry during the 1980s.


research and development has been winding back,the pace of bacterial adaptability has been accelerating.


development of new chasses of antibiotics is obviously vitally important but it is not the only means we should use to manage antibiotic resistance.


are frequently using antibiotics when they are unlikely to give any benefit,such as the treatment of viral respiratory tract infections.



there are commercial and economic benefits to this,the cost in the form of antibiotic resistance is very high.


《Hello Dolly!》

that there does not appear to be any scientific reason why cloning techniques can not be applied in the human context, this raises the possibility of producing human clones not only from the DNA of living human beings, but also from dead ones.

由于似乎没有科技原因阻碍克隆技术用于人类,所以就有可能不仅从活的人体中提取DNA,也有可能从死的人体中提取DNA克隆。welfare issues,as well as the possible benefits to humans of employing cloning techniques in various non-human contexts,have taken a back seat to outpourings of fear and howls of protest.


then, bioethicists and scientists have largely dropped the topic because
