










11.三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.)















26.不要过分责备他,他不是故意打碎它的。(on purpose)










36.一定要设法说服他去除暴饮暴食的坏习惯。(get rid of)




40.她大学毕业快九个半月了,但至今未找到合适的工作。(so far)


42.我们日夜盼望的日子终于来到了。(long v.)











53.核能既能造福人类,也会给人类带来灾难。(not only)


55.既然你是班长,你应该在班级活动中处处带头。(lead n.)



58.无论你的志向是什么,首先你得学会如何谋生。(no matter)




62.他一直在思考如何在上课的过程中引起孩子们的好奇心。(bring about)






















84.就是由于这个原因,两国领导人的会晤推迟了。(put off)

85.如果你站在山顶上看着太阳升起,心中就会充满希望。(full of)

86.你是否相信“饭后百步走,活到九十九”这句中国老古话?(believe in)

87.你知道在上海把一个孩子抚养长大要花多少钱?(bring up)



90.上海世博会的口号“城市让生活更美好”越来越深入人心。(known to)






96.问题是你能否在大多数人反对的情况下坚持自己的观点。(stick to)



99.要是没有邓小平的开放政策,我们就不能过上像现在这么好的日子。(but for)


1.If winter has arrived, can spring be far behind?

2.As a matter of fact, I am a little worried about the result of the physics final exam.

3.Never in my life have I tasted such delicious food.

4.He managed to find out three ways to work out the maths problem/to find out three solutions

to the maths problem.

5.She seems/seemed to have learned all about the matter.

6.Talking of China, most foreigners will think of the Great Wall.

7.No matter how busy I am / However busy I am, I will watch the evening news on TV.

8.He hopes that nobody will mention it any longer from now on.

9.It depends on how great your determination is.

10.What lesson have you learned from the mistake you made this time?

11.It will be my father’s birthday in three days, and I am going to place an order for a big cake.

12.My English has greatly improved by communicating with a pen friend from America.

13.It is reported that the area of the Disney Park in Shanghai will be four times as big as that in

Hong Kong.

14.The houses of this block are supposed to be pulled down within two years.

15.How are you always leaving your umbrella on the bus?

16.She appears much younger than she really/actually is.

17.After two months/Two months later, he was getting accustomed to living abroad.

18.With the rise of living standards, people’s sense of insurance is becoming stronger.

19.You may/can make /go on a short trip at weekends to relax yourself.

20.I have taken the medicine for headache and now I feel much better.

21.People of our generation (have) witnessed the rise of the Chinese nation.

22.It is said that some primary school pupil s’ school bags weigh as much as ten kilograms.

23.It is strange that someone should sell other people’s personal information on the Net.

24.I simply don’t believe my own ears, for this news is too good for me to believe.

25.He waved goodbye to his mother with tears in his eyes.

26.Don’t blame his too much, for he didn’t break it on purpose.

27.Is it necessary for you to change your mobile phone every year as a student?

28.Never can we see any dogs in the streets of Singapore. Is it true?

29.Most doctors think that this disease is related to our daily diet.

30.To my excitement my application for a scholarship has been approved.

31.As for such an important matter, you must think about it carefully/again and again before you


32.Hardly had Lingling got home when she hurried to tell the news to her parents.

33.Are you ready/Have you prepared to face the difficulties ahead (of you)?

34.While translating that sentence, I did neglect the tense of it.

35.It was his drinking a lot before driving that caused the serious traffic accident.

36.Do try to persuade him to get rid of the bad habit of drinking a lot and eating a lot.

37.I did not intend to bother/trouble you, but something unexpected has happened.

38.Time flies/Time has passed so quickly and a year has passed before we know/realize it.

39.How can you do such a thing without considering the outcome of it?

40.It is about nine and a half months since she graduated from the university, but so far she hasn’t

found a suitable job.

41.What on earth have more and more foreigners desired to learn about China?

42.The day that we are longing for has come at last.

43.A book like this is available in Xinhua Bookstore on Nanjing Road.

44.When/While he is thinking about a certain problem, he likes fixing his eyes to a distance.

45.I regret to inform you that your application for a visa has been turned down/rejected.

46.If you stay in the sun for a long time, your skin will be damaged.

47.I firmly believe that Chinese astronauts will land on the moon in the near future.

48.He did one experiment after another and finally proved that his theory was correct.

49.He decided to follow the doctor’s advice and eat nothing except/but three meals a day.

50.He was injured in the right leg in a basketball match, and has no recovered yet up to now.

51.Judging from the smile on the doctor’s face, the operation was quite successful.

52.The honor belongs to all those who have made contributions to the project.

53.Nuclear energy can bring can bring not only happiness but also disasters to mankind.

54.You can not rely too much on others, and it is entirely the business of your own.

55.Since you are the monitor, you should take the lead in every class activity.

56.She ignored her parents’ objection and insisted on buying the product in the advertisement.

57.He ws eager to know how much the set of stamps which he had kept for 30 years was worth.

58.no matter what your ambition is, first of all you must learn how to make a living.

59.Those who will give up when they meet difficulties will accomplish nothing.

60.This kind of cloth feels soft and it is comfortable to wear a shirt made of it.

61.In order to protect the earth, we should recycle as many waste plastic bags as possible.

62.He has been considering how to bring about children’s curiosity in the course of classes.

63.People don’t agree on/about it, which is quite normal.

64.It is immoral to mistreat/ill-treat animals, and laws must be made to forbid it.

65.How could you wear such a casual coat on such a formal occasion?

66.If condition permits / Condition permitting, he wants to realize his dream of traveling around

the world.

67.That song is quite familiar to me, and it reminds me of that age / period of time when I hear it.

68.I sincerely hope that the friendship between us two will last forever.

69.He was surprised to find the mountain village where/in which he spent his childhood had

completely changed.

70.You can never imagine many American university students whose parents are presidents often

do part-time jobs in their spare time.

71.Yuan Longping could have become a billionaire, but he didn’t care about money.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8919190882.html,pared with some cities in Canada, the environment of Shanghai is far from satisfactory.

73.The apples produced in that area taste crisp and sweet, and they are popular with the


74.When we write something in English, we must avoid the typical mistakes male by Chinese


75.It is ridiculous for a person to think about making a lot of money without making any efforts.

76.The police are anxious to learn what his intention of doing so is.

77.Because the population is declining, many developed countries encourage people to have

more children.

78.Severe measures must be taken to prevent people from driving after drinking.

79.Everybody present at the meeting expressed his/their confidence in China’s future

development in economy.

80.It is a boy’s nature to be naughty and you needn’t worry about it.

81.Those who have retired from work should be satisfied with the present situation and then they

will always feel happy.

82.The reason why he failed in the exam was that he was often absent-minded in class.

83.It is difficult for people of my grandmother’s age to accept such smart concepts.

84.The meeting of the leaders of the two countries was put off / has been put off just for this


85.If you stand on (the) top of the mountain watching the sun rise, you will be full of hope in

your heart.

86.Do you believe in the old Chinese saying that you will live longer if you take a walk after


87.Do you know how much it costs to bring up a child in Shanghai?

88.Only by cooperating with each other can the whole team finish the task on time.

89.Is it possible to stop a financial crisis from occurring again in the future?

90.The slogan of Shanghai EXPO “Better City, Better Life” is getting more and more known to

the people.

91.The Chinese people will always remember Qina Xuesen and the contributions that he has

made for his country.

92.Thirty or forty years ago, people ate vegetable every day not because they wanted to be

healthier but because they could not afford meat.

93.How I hope that one day I can watch with my own eyes “the Swan Lake” performed by the

Russian Ballet.

94.Even in a wealthy country like the United States, more than 40 percent of the people rent

houses (to live).

95.While you gain something, you will lose something else, and you should be conscious of it.

96.The problem is whether you can stick to your point of view while most people are against it.

97.Ability / Capability comes from practice, and therefore we can learn swimming only by


98.Now that / Since you claim that you want to be independent from/of your parents, why do you

economically depend entirely on them?

99.But for Deng Xiaoping’s open-door policy, we could not live such a good life as we do now. 100.The so-called green vegetables mean that while they are growing no chemical fertilizer or insecticide is used.


汉译英(整句) 1.如今世界上有数以百万的人喜爱多种多样的素食。(kind) 2.我们相信,努力使他人的生活更加美好,可以让自己的生活得以充实。( strive) 3.有消息称,将会在这个村子里建造一个发电厂,这令村民们感到喜忧参半。(Word) 4.现在正在博物馆一楼展厅展出的是这个画家早期的作品,其中有许多是我从未听说过的。(which) 5.她从十岁起就立志要成为一名服装设计师。(determined) 6.飞行过程中,手机可以不关机。(on) 7.若应征者有诸如网络支付平台这样的电子商务公司的工作经验的将会得到优先考虑。(such … as …) (汉译英) 8.直到那个替补在场上踢了几分钟后,人们才发现,这支球队缺乏的是活力、配合和积极性。(Not until;主语从句)(汉译英) 9.你介意那些素食主义者参加那个临时救援队吗?(mind)(汉译英) 10.那个移植手术的具体方案已经修改完毕,就等那个外科医生的批准。(subject) (汉译英) 11.诗歌是一面镜子,让我们反思自己的生活。(serve as) (汉译英) 12.究竟是什么导致了古希腊文明的兴衰?(on earth) (汉译英) 13.经过三个月的翻新,报告厅配备了一流的视听设备,焕然一新。(take on) (汉译英)14.正是出门对这门手艺的热情,他从没想过放弃,即便学习过程令人怯步,练习后胳膊酸疼。(It) (汉译英) 15.网上信息参差不齐,有些只是为了博眼球而夸大其词。(which) (汉译英) 16.周末,乡间步道吸引了许多喜爱郊游的家庭。(appeal) (汉译英) 17.根据统计,每天北京产生的垃圾总共达1.2万吨,因此我们要唤起每个市民垃圾分类的意识。(amount to) (汉译英) 18.我给她送花,希望用一个甜蜜的姿态来弥补我们糟糕的第一次约会。(balance out) (汉译英) 19.我们有义务顺应世界发展大势,推进全球合作,书写贸易投资畅通、文明交融沟通的新篇章。(oblige) (汉译英) 20.由于缺少自控力,很多青少年沉迷网游无法自拔,因此限制网游的时间是明智之举。(impose) (汉译英)


高考英语汉译英训练100题(含答案) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、汉译英(整句) 1.明天会议上要讨论的问题非常难。(汉译英) 2.足球是非常简单的一项运动,这或许是它受欢迎的最根本的原因。(主语从句) (汉译英) 3.有的女声音调至高,我觉得都能震碎玻璃了。(汉译英) 4.一图胜千词。(汉译英) 5.作为一名计算机工程师,我常常要面临随时到来的挑战。(汉译英) 6.在我即将高中毕业之际,我想向我的老师们表达谢意,感激他们不辞辛劳地培育我们。(gratitude) (汉译英) 7.去欧洲旅游时,不建议游客在晚上单独出行。(suggest) (汉译英) 8.这家面包房因为使用劣质面粉而成为众矢之的。(target) (汉译英) 9.不要把你所有的精力或资源都放在做一件事情上。(put...into...)(汉译英) 10.多亏了社会各界人士的慷慨解囊,这个孤儿院才得以在今年年初办了起来。(orphanage;found)(汉译英) 11.在全国学生的目光注视下,她可能已经激励了整个新一代宇航员和太空科学家。(情态动词+have done)(汉译英) 12.它特殊是因为克里斯塔·麦考利夫那年37岁,是一名普通的老师和母亲,即将成为第一个进入太空的平民。(be about to do sth.)(汉译英) 13.我的大新闻是我们都在考虑在寒假去中国做一次大型旅行。(that引导表语从句)(汉译英) 14.阅读中国文学作品是一种既有趣又鼓舞人心的体验。(动名词短语做主语)(汉译英) 15.正像没有灵魂的身躯不是人一样,没有爱的家庭也不是家庭。(汉译英) 16.他和我们一样不是神。(汉译英) 17.同马一样,鲸鱼也不是鱼。(汉译英) 18.一些科学家相信,不久之后机器人就会广泛应用于生活的各个方面。(汉译英)19.听起来你好像来自美国南部。(汉译英) 20.“每次吃甜食时要喝绿茶。”这是我妈妈过去常常告诉我的。(汉译英) 21.罗丝的到来不会起到很大的作用。(汉译英) 22.他错过了火车,只得在那座城市再待一天。(汉译英)


1.冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(arrive) 2.说实在的,我对物理期终考试的结果有点担心。(worry) 3.我一生中从未尝试过这么美味可口的食物。(Never) 4.他设法找到三种解这道数学题的方法。(manage) 5.她似乎已了解那件事的一切。(learn) 6.说起中国,大多数外国人想到的是万里长城。(talk) 7.无论多忙,我每天晚上要看电视晚间新闻。(watch) 8.他希望从此以后没人再提那件事了。(mention) 9.这取决于你的决心有多大。(depend) 10.你从这吃饭的错误中得到什么教训?(learn) 11.三天后是我父亲的生日,我打算去预定一只大蛋糕。(place v.) 12.通过与美国笔友的交流,我的英语进步很快。(improve) 13.据报道上海迪斯尼乐园的面积将是香港迪斯尼的四倍。(report) 14.很有可能这个街区的房子在两年内拆迁。(suppose) 15.你怎么老是把雨伞遗忘在公共汽车上?(leave) 16.她看上去比实际年龄年轻许多。(appear) 17.两三个月后他才渐渐开始习惯国外的生活。(accustom) 18.随着生活水平的提高,人们的保险意识越来越强。(rise) 19.你可以在周末去短途旅游来放松一下自己。(relax) 20.服了这种头痛药片,我现在感到好多了。(take) 21.我们这一代人见证了中华民族的崛起。(witness) 22.听说有的小学生的书包重达10公斤。(weigh) 23.奇怪,有人竟然在网上出售别人的个人信息。。(It) 24.我简直不相信自己的耳朵,因为这消息好得难以置信。(simply) 25.他挥手向妈妈告别,眼里满含泪水。(wave) 26.不要过分责备他,他不是故意打碎它的。(on purpose) 27.作为学生,你有必要每年换手机吗?(necessary) 28.在新加坡的马路上从来看不到狗,这是真的吗? 29.大多数医生认为这种疾病与日常饮食有关系。(relate) 30.使我兴奋的是,我的奖学金申请批准了。(approve) 31.至于这样重要的事情,必须三思而后行。(before) 32.一回到家玲玲就迫不及待地把那消息告诉了父母。(Hardly) 33.你是否做好了准备来面对前面的困难?(face) 34.在翻译那句句子时,我的确忽略了时态。(neglect) 35.就是因为他开车前喝了不少酒才造成了那场严重的交通事故。(It) 36.一定要设法说服他去除暴饮暴食的坏习惯。(get rid of) 37.我本来不想打扰你,但发生了意外的事。(intend) 38.时间过得真快,不知不觉已年过去了。(pass) 39.你怎么能不考虑后果干这样的事?(without) 40.她大学毕业快九个半月了,但至今未找到合适的工作。(so far) 41.是什么使越来越多的外国人想了解中国?(desire) 42.我们日夜盼望的日子终于来到了。(long v.) 43.像这样的书在南京路新华书店买得到。(available) 44.当他思索某个问题时,喜欢呆呆地看着远方。(fix)


上海高考英语翻译汇总 一、汉译英 1、上海是中国最大的城市之一。 Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China. 2、这个公园非常美丽,人们喜欢在这里散步。 This park is very beautiful and people like to walk here. 3、我们需要为这个项目筹集更多的资金。 We need to raise more money for this project. 4、他是一名优秀的运动员,但他需要更加努力才能赢得比赛。 He is a good athlete, but he needs to work harder to win the game. 5、这个城市有许多历史悠久的建筑物和景点。 There are many historic buildings and attractions in this city. 6、这家公司致力于环境保护。

This company is committed to environmental protection. 7、我们需要改善我们的饮食习惯。 We need to improve our eating habits. 8、这个国家的人口正在迅速增长。 The population of this country is growing rapidly. 9、我们需要更有效地利用能源。 We need to use energy more efficiently. 10、这个国家有着丰富的文化遗产。 This country has a rich cultural heritage. 上海高考英语翻译考点 一、名词的翻译 1、可数名词 可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西,因此它有复数形式。比如:apple,banana,book等。


高考英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translation: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.究竟是什么激发小王学习电子工程的积极性?(motivate) 2.网上支付方便了客户,但是牺牲了他们的隐私。(at the cost of) 3.让我的父母非常满意的是,从这个公寓的餐厅可以俯视街对面的世纪公园,从起居室也可以。(so) 4.博物馆疏于管理,展品积灰,门厅冷落,急需改善。(whose) 【答案】 1.What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room. 或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.This museum is not well managed, whose exhibits are covered with dust, and there are few visitors, so everything is badly in need of improvement. 或The museum whose management is reckless, whose exhibits are piled with dust and whose lobby is deserted, requires immediate improvement. 【解析】 1.motivate sb to do sth 激发某人做某事,on earth究竟,major in 以…为专业,enthusiasm/ initiative热情/积极性,故翻译为What on earth has motivated Xiao Wang’s enthusiasm/ initiative to major in electronic engineering? 2.online payment网上支付,brings convenience to给…带来方便,at the cost of以…为代价,privacy隐私,故翻译为Online payment brings convenience to consumers at the cost of their privacy. 3.To my parents’ satisfaction令我父母满意的是,后者也那样so it is with。也可以用主语从句What makes my parents really satisfy 表语从句thatthey can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment。overlooks俯视,opposite the street街对面,living room 起居室。故翻译为To my parents’ satisfaction, the dining room of this apartment overlooks the Century Park opposite the street and so it is with the sitting room.或者What makes my parents really satisfy is that they can see the Century Park from the dining room of this apartment, so can they from the living room. 4.not well managed/ management is reckless疏于管理,be covered with dust/ be piled with dust被灰尘覆盖,few visitors游客稀少,be badly in need of improvement/ requires immediate improvement亟需改善。故翻译为his museum is not well managed, whose exhibits


汉译英 1.他把这学期考卷上犯的错误全部分了类。(classify v.) (汉译英) 2.几乎所有的语言都会有一些意思非常具体的词汇,它们根本无法翻译。(whose) (汉译英) 3.正是他的急于求成让他在决赛中错失冠军宝座。(It, cost) (汉译英) 4.最终,产品不仅比我预期的好,而且还可以在短时间内上市。(Not only ...)(汉译英) 5.人们越来越意识到艺术对生活的积极影响。(aware)(汉译英) 6.这位妈妈鼓励孩子分担家务,她这么做是很明智的。(It...) 7.我们唯有充分利用时间、斗志昂扬,才能开创美好未来。(Only)(汉译英)8.尽管有网红受邀为这款产品站台,消费者仍需考虑价格、质量等诸多因素。(account)(汉译英) 9.天气这么好,周六去植物园野餐好吗?(Why not…)(汉译英) 10.我现在比以前挣得多了,每月支付日常开销后还能存一些钱。(make)(汉译英) 11.我外婆眼力不济了,看不了太小的字,需要一部适合老年人的手机。(suitable)(汉译英) 12.获得粉丝大量点赞后他感慨万千,回想起创业之初经历的种种磨难,他不禁失声痛哭。(can't help)(汉译英) 13.我们有必要确认小区每个来访者的身份。(necessary)(汉译英) 14.学生们拿着铁锹和水桶,分工合作,完成了植树任务。(hold)(汉译英)15.直播带货虽然很火,但其带来的诸如伪劣产品和售后服务等问题也不容小觑。(Despite)(汉译英) 16.这家饱经风霜的传统企业将面临何种命运,是逐渐淡出人们视野,还是改头换面、落土重来?(fate)(汉译英) 17.必须采取有效措施以防止病毒扩散。(prevent) (汉译英) 18.事实证明,能坚持理想的人往往更容易取得成功。(There) (汉译英)19.教师们不遗余力推进素质教育,旨在培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。(effort) (汉译英)


高三英语专项练习(翻译) 翻译 1.我简直无法克制我的好奇心。(contain) 2. 可不可以不要甜点改要水果?(instead of) 3. 你知道现在还有餐厅是营业的吗? (open) 4. 接受她的邀请吧, 不然她会生气的(or) 5. 我认为买一本大的英汉词典很有必要.(it) 6. 这是你第一次病得这么厉害吗? (sick) 7. 这男孩不仅长高了许多而且成了好学生.(Not only…)

8. 据报道,那个国家已经禁烟.(ban) 9. 无论什么时候你有困难,都可以找我帮忙.(whenever) 10. 学校的每个学生都可以使用试验室(access) 11. 明天早晨早些出发,那么午饭前你肯定能到城里.(and) 12. 他说他宁可用一部分时间打工挣钱而不向朋友借.(prefer) 13这位优秀生在考试中得了高分,结果被一家名牌大学录取了.(admit) 14老人穿马路时眼睛盯着交通灯看.(fix)

15随着这男孩的长大, 他的父母对他越来越失望了.(As) 16.据说我们的新英文老师来自澳大利亚。(It…) 17. 教师必须尽力提高教学质量。(try) 18. 他的话未必对我们的工作有好处(necessarily) 19. 我从没有想到他会如此对待他的妻子。(occur) 20. 现在我们很少能够买到这么漂亮的帽子。(Seldom…) 21. 这儿的菜烧的很好,还有免费啤酒供应。(offer)

22. 妈妈曾经告诫我贪心导致失败。(warn) 23. 你越帮助人,就会越快乐。(more) 24. 贵的东西不见得好。(good) 25. 图书馆里没有最新的Harry Potter小说,我们只能去书店。(available) 26. 那儿的食品根本不合我的口味。(agree ) 27. 直到上个星期,我们才知道你会来。(Not until…) 28. 他从不在乎别人是怎么说他的。(how) 29. 均衡的饮食对健康是至关重要的。(essential)


汉译英练习题 1.一杯啤酒、一份零食就足以款待你的朋友。(entertain)(汉译英) 2.为了记录每天的运动量,很多人将带手机走路或跑步作为每日的“必修课”。(it)(汉译英) 3.高质量的民宿(homestay)相对经济实惠,尽管不同的需求使得其价格差异很大。(汉译英) 4.这个养老院设在一个商场的二楼,老人们可以自由出入楼下的商场影院,排遣他们的孤独。(access)(汉译英) 5.重要的不是你在考试中得了几分,而是你是否努力了。(matter v.) (汉译英) 6.专家们普遍认为,过多的作业和缺乏锻炼会对学生的心理造成不良影响。(lack) (汉译英) 7.直到他学习了这门课程他才知到如何恰当处理这些复杂而又有争议的问题。(until) (汉译英) 8.从这场危机中我们学到:那些充满热情的人更可能战胜通往成功路上的各种困难。(likely) (汉译英) 9.为了增加可性度,Facebook 将优先考虑高质量的信息。(priority)(汉译英) 10.游客越是依赖网评做决定,网络口碑越重要。(the more…the more)(汉译英)

11.老人很好奇,这个素不相识的人为什么会转钱到他的账号,竟然发现他是个骗子。(only)(汉译英) 12.专家把大学生感到难以适应校园生活的这个现象归因于缺乏包容和相互理解。(owe)(汉译英) 13.不管外面发生了什么事,请坐着不要动。(remain)(汉译英) 14.能欣赏到他女儿在交响乐队里的演奏,他是多么的自豪啊!(How) (汉译英) 15.共享单车毫无疑问给人们带来了便利,但政府也要采取措施对它们的数量进行合理管控。(take) (汉译英) 16.在班级里落后没有让他气馁。相反,他不遗余力地为他的目的进行拼搏。(effort)(汉译英) 17.两天后他才意识到事情的严重性。(before)(汉译英) 18.离开餐厅前,请务必将餐盘放到指定位置。(sure) (汉译英) 19.他常常由于巨大的工作压力而整夜失眠,这令家人对他的健康忧心忡忡。( which) 20.当听到两架飞机在机场侥幸避开碰撞的消息,我们禁不住佩服飞行员在紧急情况下表现出的勇敢和果断。(escape) (汉译英) 21.你是否介意明天安排一位工人维修煤气灶?(汉译英)


汉译英强化模拟100题 他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都翻开了。(Now that) 21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as…as) 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more…the more) 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到方法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(…so…that) 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take) 38. 直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not…until)


2017-2020年高考英语真题翻译汇编 2017年春季高考 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 你没有必要在乎他人对你的评论.(care) 2. 大量阅读书籍有助于我们成长。(expose) 3. 你的网站内容越实用,使用起来越方便,就越有可能成功。(the more…the more) 4. 正因为她按部就班地实现了每一个短期目标,才会在科学领域不断有所突破。(It) Keys 1. You don’t need to care about others’ comments on you. 2. Being much exposed to books is helpful to our growth. 3. The more practical and user-friendly your website is, the more likely it will be to succeed. 4. It was because she reached every short-term goal as planned /step by step that she kept breaking through in the field of science. 2017年秋季高考 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.李雷宁愿受罚也不愿说谎。(would rather) 2.在投资项目的过程中出现了一些问题。(arise) 3.在过去三年中,他一直致力于研究信息的传播速度和人们生活节奏的关系。(commit) 4.有人声称这个减肥丸效果显著,立竿见影,且对身体无害。但事实远非如此。(It) Keys 1.Li Lei would rather be punished / be disciplined than lie / tell a lie. 2.Some problems arose / have arisen in the process / course of investment project / investing project. 3.In / During / Over the past three years, he has committed himself / has been committed all the time to researching / studying the relationship / connection between the transmission speed of information and the rhythm / pace of human life. 4.It is claimed that weight-loss pills have an effective and immediate effect and are harmless / do no harm to our body, but it is far from the truth / case. 2018年春季高考


翻译100句练习 1. 我原打算在书店里消磨时间的,但最终买了本有关计算机的书。(end) I had meant/intended/ planned to kill time //I meant/ intended/ planned to have killed time in the bookstore, / but I ended up buying a book on computer. 考点一:end up doing 是固定词组 考点二:原打算做某事(had meant/intended/planned to do = meant/intended/planned to have done) 考点三:本句前后时态要一致,前面是过去完成时+to do 或过去时+to have done, 后面是一般过去时。 2. 如果你采用先进的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。(effort) If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort. 考点一:事半功倍(twice the result with half the effort) 考点二:采用先进的方法(adopt the advanced method) 3.每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记,一点点疏忽都可能造成事故。(mind) When driving, every driver must keep/bear in mind that the slightest carelessness will cause an accident. 考点一:keep/bear in mind that 中间不加it 考点二:翻译过程中别漏掉“开车时” 4. 色彩鲜艳的药片可能被孩子们误当成糖果,因此应该把它们放在孩子们拿不着的地方。(thus, accessible) Brightly-colored pills may/can be mistaken for sweets by children, and thus they should be kept where they are not accessible to children. 考点一:被…误当成(be mistaken for) 考点二:thus是副词,不可直接引导句子 考点三:sth. is accessible to sb. 5.他从未想到过他的教育费用将花完他父母的所有积蓄。(occur, drain) It never occurred to him that the expenses for his education would be a great drain on all his parents’ savings 考点一:从未想到过(It never occurred to him that) 考点二:教育费用(the expenses for his education) 考点三 drain(n.) a great drain on sth. 6.许多家长发现,很难和自己的孩子交流。(find) Many parents find it difficult to communicate with their own children.



上海历届春高考英语句子翻译汇编(2000年-----2018年) 2000上海春考 1. 进入大学以后, 他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) He became very interested in computers after he entered college. 2. 集邮几乎占据了他所有业余时间。(occupy) Collecting stamps occupies almost all his spare time. 3. 只要专心学习, 你一定能顺利通过考试。(concentrate) As long as you concentrate on your study, you are sure to pass the exam. 4. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。(be aware) More and more people are aware of the importance of observing traffic regulatio ns. 5. 尽管有很多困难, 我们仍将努力执行我们的计划。(in spite of) In spite of many difficulties/hardships, we will still carry out our plan. 6. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某一个领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。(be awarded) The Nobel Prizes are awarded to those scientists who have made great contributi ons in a certain field. 2000上海高考 1. 这张照片是我想起了我们在夏令营度过的日子。(remind) This picture reminds me of the days that we spent in the summer camp.



Part 1 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentencesinto English, using the words given in the brackets. 1、格林先生本周日要去拜访一位朋友,此人精通理财之道。(who) 2、人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论(remain)。 3、无论任务多么艰巨,我们都要不遗余力地完成。(However) 4、许多公司在雇佣员工时,相对于能力而言,更看重个性。(emphasis) 5、如果双方在这些事务上能达成共识,就有可能在新的领域进一步合作。(If...) 1、 Mr. Green is going to visit\see a friend this Sunday, who knows a lot about money matters. 2、 It remains to be discussed whether people will delay retiring. /Whether people will delay retiring remains to be discussed. 3、 However hard the task is, we should spare no efforts to accomplish it. 4、 Many companies put more emphasis on personality than on capability when they employ staff members. 5、 If both the parties can agree on these issues,they are likely to further cooperate( have further cooperation)in the new field. Part 2 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentencesinto English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.每年圣诞期间百货店里的商品都减价出售。 (sale) 2.如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。 (concern) 3.无论多么艰难,交给咱们的任务都必须按时完成。 (however) 4.专家们一入座外语节的演讲比赛就在王校长的主持下开始了。(Hardly) 5. 遍布城市每个角落的星巴克(Starbucks) 满足了人们适应快节奏生活的需要。(adapt) 1.The goods in the department stores are all on sale at Christmas every year. 2.Nowadays what people are (very) much concerned about is food safety and air quality. Food safety and air quality are people’s major concerns nowadays. 3.However hard/ difficult it is, the task given to us must/ should be completed/fulfilled on time. 4.Hardly had the experts sat down/ got seated/ seated themselves/ taken (their) seats when the speech contest of the Foreign Language Festival (that was) hosted by Principal Wang started. 5. The Starbucks in every corner of the city have met/ satisfied/ meet/ satisfy people’sneeds/ demands to adapt to a/ the fast-paced life. Part 3 Translation


1 (A) Section A ( 每题 3 分) 1. 商店里的商品琳琅满目, 让我们眼花缭乱。 (accustomed) We are not accustomed to(prep.)seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop. 2. 他利用她人好心软, 三番五次向她借钱。 (advantage) He took advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her repeatedly. 3. 在西方国家绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题。(ask) In western countries, never ask (a person) about any private affairs like salary. 4. 她已向这家公司申请担任秘书。(apply) She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary. 5. 在旧社会, 出身贫寒的人很少有接受教育的机会。(access) In the old society, people from poor families had little access to education. 6. 这个获胜者因她的画而得了一等奖。(award) 7. 必须立刻采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。 (action)

The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture. 7. 必须立刻采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。 (action)


高考英语翻译汉译英(整句)专题集中训练100题 (含答案) 学校:姓名:班级:考号: 一、汉译英(整句) 1.我们假设不齐心协力,将无法战胜对手。(unless) 2.说实在的,很多人把名和利看得重要。(attach...to...) 3.我们离放假还有六天。(go)(汉译英) 4.是我们采取行动与大气污染作斗争的时候了。(It is time…)(汉译英) 5. Tom腿快,转眼就在其他人的前面了。(ahead of)(汉译英) 6.第一次当众演讲时,我紧张得一个字也说不出来。(the first time, tense)(汉译英) 7.在慎重考虑之后我们给了杨明一个警告。(强调句) 8.我们从另一方面来讨论这个话题吧。(汉译英) 9.气候和天气影响我们生活的每个方面。(汉译英) 10.该建筑物的损失估定为4万英镑。(汉译英) 11.我们正设法评估这个系统运行得是否顺畅。(汉译英) 12.以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相理解。(even if) 13.李华毕业后去了青海的一所中学,他在那里教英语。(含有定语从句) 14.他勉强向她挤出了一点笑容。 15.他怒火中烧。 16.我很欣赏那些为寻找琥珀屋而努力的人们。(think highly of) 17.你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他(或她),下课后你们会见面交谈。(be concerned about) 18.他们互相看了一眼。 19.为了所有中国公民的利益,中国一直在推动公立医院的改革。(push, reform)(汉译英) 20.医生说均衡饮食对我们的健康很有益。(balanced diet)(汉译英) 21.广州是一个现代化城市,我在这出生和长大。(用定语从句) 22.英语并不是那么难学。(汉译英)


高考英语翻译汉译英(整句)集中训练100题(含参考答案) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、汉译英(整句) 1.家长与孩子之间缺乏必要的交流已经成为一个社会问题。(Lack) ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 2.这个实验结果比我们原来想的要复杂得多。(prove) ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 3.不管你遇到什么困难,千万不要叹气。(sigh) ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ 4.你方便下周就开始工作吗?(convenient) ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________ 5.尽管正遭受如此严重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 6.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 7.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 8.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 9.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。(manage) 10.我们打篮球的时间到了。(time) 11.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,实施救援。(despite)12.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember) 13.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。(memory) 14.只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep) 15.我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as…as) 16.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) 17.那段时期我更喜欢在家里看书,而不是去户外活动。(It was a time;prefer) (汉译英) 18.下周日,我和我的朋友计划去博物馆参观。(进行时表将来) (汉译英) 19.青少年一旦对网络游戏上瘾,要戒掉将是很大的挑战。(Once;addict) (汉译英)
