

Learn General Se cretary on "two t o learn a" strengt heni ng "four Consciousnesse s" important spee ch caused a str ong reacti on i n the country. ime, watching "red treasure", the origi n of buildi ng the party back t o power, how to strengthe n servi ces for the masses, im prove party cohesion, fig hting to be come t he grass-root s party members a nd masses hot topi c. Grass-r oots party organizati ons "two" is to strengthen the service of party members a nd cadres, t he pi one er spirit. Distribution of grass-root s party organi zations in all wa lks of pe ople, clot hing, she lter, w hich bel ongs t o the ner ve endi ngs of the party organizati on a nd comments re putation ha s a dire ct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahe ad of the "pe dal" spirit; strengt hen the party members a nd cadres "success doe s not have to be me" an d "the first to bear hardships, the la st to" service spirit to se t the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-r oots party organizati ons "two" is to clea nse all people not ha ppy not to se e "stereotype s", establish the honest faithful, d iligent faith for the people. No need to avoid menti oni ng that, some members of our

party can not stand the "money," corrosi on of temptation, t hin, Xu Zhou, such a buse and corr upt br iber y, malfeasance borers, a nd rats. Two, is to cl ean up, thi n, Xu, Zhou's sol ution to restore the party's fresh a nd natural, solid a nd honest work style. Cleansi ng "take, eat, card," undesira ble a nd be haviour, "cr oss, hard a nd col d, push" attitude. Grass-r oots party organizati ons "two" is t o strengthen the sense of ordinary party members, parti cipati ng in consci ousness, unity consciousne ss. For rea sons known, members of grass-roots party bra nches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party orga nizations have some lag. Tw o studies, i s to focus on the grass-r oots party branches "loose, soft, loose" pr oblem, a dvance the party members and ca dres, "a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualified" pa rty members, pays specia l attention t o party members a nd cadres "joini ng party of thought" problem. "Party buildi ng" is obtaine d in the l ong-term devel opme nt of our party's hist orical experience accum ulated. Tw o is our party under t he ne w histori cal conditions, stre ngthe n the party's constructi on of a new "rectification moveme nt." Grass-roots party organizations shoul d always catch t he har d work, results-orie nted. Two educational outcomes are long-term ori ented a nd become an important impet us for the w ork. "Two" shoul d have t hree kinds of consci ousness "two" study a nd ed ucati on, basi c learni ng lies i n the doing. Only t he Constit ution addre ss the series of party rules, a nd do solid w ork, be qua lified party members had a soli d ide ologi cal ba sis. Only the "lear ning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-lear n-do-do" the virtuous cycle, a nd ultimately achieve the fundame ntal objective of education. Thi s require s that the Organizati on




1. 社会建设与人民幸福安康息息相关,党的十七大报告提出,要加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,




























A. ①③②

B. ②①③

C. ②③①

D. ③①②












earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur po ses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd



























13. 关于中国交通建设,下列说法不正确的是:





14. 汇率变动会对一国对外经济活动产生影响,假如某国货币升值,则下列表述不正确的是:

A.不利于出口贸易 B.有利于公民出境旅游

C.会导致热钱流入 D.有利于消除贸易逆差


A.人均国民生产总值已超过3000美元 B.黄金储备量已超过1000吨

C.对石油进口的依存度已接近30% D.第三产业增加值已接近第二产业


A.少数民族的发展离不开自身的努力,离不开发达地区的帮助,离不开国家民族政策的支持earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 2 -





A.新疆喀什 B.上海浦东 C.天津海滨 D.重庆两江






19.京剧作为我国著名剧种,和中医、国画并称为中国三大国粹,下列关于京剧的表述正确的是:A.人们习惯上称戏班、剧团为“杏园” B.京剧行当中的“净”是指女性角色

C.“梅派”唱腔创始人是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生 D.《梁山伯与祝英台》是京剧经典曲目之一







A.《最后的晚餐》、雕塑“思想者”、雕塑“大卫” B.胡夫金字塔、狮身人面像、帕特农神庙C.《百年孤独》、《老人与海》、《海底两万里》 D.《飞鸟集》、《高老头》、《源氏物语》


A.东汉著名书法家张芝被称为“书圣” B.唐代书法家颜真卿是楷书四大家之一

C.《真书千字文》是唐代著名书法家怀素的代表作 D.“苏、黄、米、蔡”中的“黄”指的是黄公望













earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 3 -
























A. 合理麻痹

B. 抽象麻醉

C. 简单迷惑

D. 概念蒙蔽




A. 固执灵气

B. 刻板新意

C. 保守创新

D. 单调理想




A. 活跃节节攀升

B. 频繁安然无虞

C. 繁荣有利可图

D. 发达高枕无忧




A. 珍贵约束

B. 重大限制

C. 成功束缚

D. 难得控制

earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 4 -




A. 见仁见智理由

B. 众说纷纭道理

C. 历久弥新独见

D. 老生常谈妙处




A. 当务之急

B. 首当其冲

C. 理所当然

D. 无可置疑



A. 忙碌可靠

B. 漠视坚实

C. 误解基础

D. 麻木强大




A. 融会贯通负担

B. 兼收并蓄阻力

C. 此消彼长包袱

D. 相辅相成障碍




A. 一文不值不足


C. 百无一用弊病












A. 运筹展望促进

B. 观察把握推动

C. 分析赢得加强

D. 洞察谋划推进




earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 5 -




































B. 引人入胜匠心独具高深莫测

C. 深入浅出叹为观止曲高和寡

D. 平易近人不可多得枯燥无味





B. 演化吸收异彩纷呈

C. 传承借鉴家喻户晓

D. 积淀汲取风格迥异





A. 尴尬精辟徒劳无益

B. 不齿丰富白费口舌

C. 误解透彻无济于事

D. 苦恼鲜明枉费心机

earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 6 -




A.告诫世人吸取历史兴亡的深刻教训 B.剖析权利私有必然造成社会危机







A.对此中国人和西方人对豆浆口味的不同喜好 B.剖析多讲在美国市场上价格偏高的原因






A.人力资源将在经济增长中发挥越来越多的作用 B.自然资源在国家发展中的重要性将逐步降低

C.国家要发展必须充分发挥国民的创造能力 D.国民素质的高低将决定国家未来发展的方向




A.那就更容易得到公众的普遍认同 B.那就应该分析其关联性到底有多大

C.那也不能作为反对现代技术的理由 D.那么据此得出的结论就往往只是初步的




A.打造知名品牌是企业长远发展的基础 B.应高度重视企业各个环节的有效整合

C.如何对顾客需求做出及时准确的反应 D.信息系统对企业具有至关重要的意义



earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 7 -



A.诗知音意象 B. 自然灵感文化

C. 生活感情品味

D. 文学符号精神



















B. 世界经济危机可以成为我国经济转型的一个契机











百姓的角度看,本国货币的国际化程度高,就意味着在出国旅行、消费、留学的过程中,可以较为便earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 8 -




B. 说明实现货币国际化的结果

C. 提醒货币国际化潜藏的危险

D. 剖析货币国际化的实现途径











A. 文人艺术家的鉴赏水平落后于他们的创作水平














earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 9 -





A.○2○5○3○1○6○4 B.○2○5○3○6○4○1 C. ○2○5○6○4○3○1 D.○6○4○3○1○2○5








A.③⑤①④⑥② B.④⑥②③⑤①C.⑤①⑥②③④ D.⑥②⑤①③④








A.①③④⑤② B.④③②①⑤ C.①③④②⑤ D.④③②⑤①










earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 10 -









































earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 11 -



A.1/9 B.1/10










重不得低于一半,且每个科室至少选 1人,问有多少种不同的选法?












































earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 12 -
















earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 13 -

earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault -style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three -three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness -raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass -roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd

- 14 -








① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault -style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three -three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness -raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass -roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd - 15 -

A. ①③④, ②⑤⑥

B.①④⑤, ②③⑥

C. ①②③, ④⑤⑥

D. ①④⑥, ②③⑤


答案:B 。例题中,①、④、⑤都是一个图形,②、③、⑥都是由内外相似的两个图形组成)



A ①③④,②⑤⑥

B ①⑤⑥,②③④



D ①②④,③⑤⑥


A ①②⑤,③④⑥

B ①④⑥,②③⑤

C ①③④,②⑤⑥

D ①③⑤,②④⑥



A ①③⑥,②④⑤

B ①③⑤,②④⑥

C ①③④,②⑤⑥

D ①⑤⑥,②③④


earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault -style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three -three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness -raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass -roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd

- 16 -

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

A ①②⑥,③④⑤

B ①②③,④⑤⑥

C ①④⑤,②③⑥

D ①④⑥,②③⑤


分类正确的一项是: ①

② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥

A ①③⑥,②④⑤

B ①②⑤,③④⑥

C ①③④,②⑤⑥

D ①④⑤,②③⑥










A .员工的奖金与绩效挂钩,并且实行秘薪制

B .鼓励、支持员工利用业余时间参加职业培训

C .对不同年龄层的员工实行不同的管理措施

D .上级和下级不同程度地参与企业决策的研究和讨论





A 王某经常将垃圾堆放在家门口,影响了居民楼内的环境卫生,邻居们向他提出意见后,王某家门口


B 小燕经常出色地完成各项工作,经理根据小燕的表现在员工大会上表扬了她,并给予奖励

C 某食品厂因存在不正当竞争行为,被工商部门处以20万元罚款,该厂以罚款过重为由提起行政复


D 强盛公司与荣发公司有意进行合作,经过多轮激烈地磋商,双方都降低了自己的条件,从而实现了





B.某服装公司邀请批发商参加其产品推广介绍会,在会上安排了表演、小竞赛、新产品试用等活动 C.某公司为维护行业领军地位,多次举办全国性的行业讨论会,邀请其部分消费者参与研讨


94. 行政指令是指行政主体依靠行政组织的权威,运用行政手段,包括行政命令.指示、规定、条倒及






D. 市消防大队对未经消防设计备案擅自施工的违法工程下发《责令改正通知书》











A .妈妈得知小明考试失利准备劝慰一番,但她发现小明的情绪并未受到影响,于是放弃了劝慰小明的







97. 附款行政行为是指除行政法规明确规定外,行政主体根据实际需要在主内容基础上附加从属性内容的





earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 17 -




98. 反向诱导是指政府、媒体等主体所采取的措施或者宣传活动,在实际的社会生活中不但没有收到预期






99. 仿生设计学以自然界万事万物的“形”、“色”、“音”、“功能”、“结构”等为研究对象,有选择地在设
















A.土壤:种植 B煤炭:发电 C提纲:发言 D.地基:建筑


A纸张:剪纸 B陶土:瓷器 C竹子:竹排 D水泥:砚台

103. 亦步亦趋:主见

earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in "learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 18 -

A.兴高采烈:恐惧 B优柔寡断:果断 C鼠目寸光:眼力 D孤陋寡闻:胆识


A职员:公司:总结 B演员:剧院:表演 C教师:学校:大纲 D司机:车队:驾照


A衣服:衣架:晒衣 B镜片:眼镜:读书 C听筒:电话:通话 D墨汁:毛笔:书法


A付款:顾客:商场 B观看:观众:影院 C判罚:裁判:赛场 D相机:记者:摄影


A剪刀:裁缝:布料 B粉笔:老师:黑板 C法律:法官:犯人 D相机:记者:摄影

108.( )对于吉祥相当于狼烟对于( )

A和平战争 B麒麟信号 c盛世烽火 D凤凰入侵

109.( )对于绿茶相当于音乐对于( )

A龙井浪漫 B早春娱乐 C咖啡绘画 D.健康情操

110.( )对于表达相当于信件对于( )

A比喻沟通 B文字载体 C感情抒情 D交流包裹















earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious im pe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, hum an destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 19 -



































earning e ducation, nee d three ki nds of consciousne ss: one i s to establi sh a n integrated aware ness. "Lear ning" and "do" what car isTwo-w heel, bird wi ngs, need to g o ha nd in hand, one e nd ca n be negle cted. Communist the oreticia n and man. Only by closely com bini ng the ory and practi ce togethe r in order to tr uly realize the ir value. "Le arni ng" is the Foundati on, t he Foundati on i s not str ong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousa nds of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basi s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that t he "learni ng" and "doing" ba ck to standard, so that t he majority of party members "learn" learni ng the ory of nutrie nts, i n the "doing" practi ce party's pur poses. Se cond, to e stablish a se nse of dept h. "Lear ning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organi c unity of the whole. "Two" lear ning educati on, we nee d to expl ore integrating "lear ning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Scie nce". To avoi d the "learni ng" into sim ple room i nstruction, "do" int o a monotone for doi ng. Should ex ploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "lear n" of education and practi ce of carrie r, makes general grass-r oots members ca n in

"learn" in the ha s "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get se nse, real makes party of theory brain int o heart, put for pe opl e servi ce concept outsi de of Yu shape d. Third, to a dhere t o long-term the aware ness. Style constr uction on the roa d forever, "two" had to catch the long-t erm. "Two" study and educati on, by no mea ns, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent e ducation within t he part y. In re cent years, the party's mass line education pra ctice a nd "three-three" spe cial educati on in grass-r oots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca dres withstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need t o focus on long er hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect t he effective mecha nism of the e ducation, focusi ng on t he creati on of long-term e ducation, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintai n their vang uard Col or, maintai n the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Aware ness-raisi ng, ante nna s and atmosphere a discussion on how l eadi ng cadre s of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i n full swi ng up and down the country, party ca dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer an d impetus.

The "two" meaning e nough deep, is to determine the party cadre s ca n resolve t o study hard first. In the "two" in the pro cess, some cadres of himself, standing long, hig h aware ness, that Constituti on Party rules is simple, its not w orth botheri ng some party cadre s think speak series has nothi ng to do with t he grass-roots work, water busi ness learni ng serie s of spe eches se en as w indow dre ssi ng. These "lazy, casual, and de cadent" ideas le arning la cks motivati on, a serious impe diment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once sai d, only a basic eleme nt of huma n thought patter ns change drama tically, human destiny can make great improveme nt. The same, only party members a nd- 20 -


2018年国考行测真题(省级以上) 注意事项 1.这项测验共有五个部分,总时限为120分钟。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名与准考证号在指定位置上填写清楚。 3.当监考人员宣布考试正式开始时,你才可以答题。 4.当监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。待监考人员允许离开后,方可离开考场。 5.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在某一道题上思考太长时间,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 第一部分常识判断 (共20题参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.我国宪法对非公有制经济的规定进行了几次修改,按时间先后排序正确的是() ①允许发展私营经济,采取“引导、监督、管理”的方针 ②在法律规定范围内的个体经济、私营经济等非公有制经济,是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 ③鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,并对非公有制经济依法实行监督和管理 ④非公有制经济仅限于个体经济,不包括私营经济,且个体经济处于补充地位 A.①②④③ B.①③②④ C.④①③② D.④①②③ 2.下列关于“三农”问题的说法错误的是() A.民政部门是农民专业合作社登记机关 B.征地补偿费的使用、分配方案,经村民会议讨论决定方可办理 C.深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革是当前和今后一个时期农业农村工作的主线 D.村民委员会作出的决定侵害村民合法权益的,受侵害的村民可以申请人民法院予以撤销 3.关于2015年中央军委改革工作会议召开以来进行的改革,下列说法错误的是() A.全面停止军队有偿服务活动 B.组建中央军委联勤保障部队 C.军委机关由多部门制改为总部制 D.成立陆军领导机构和战略支援部队 4.下列金融机构与其可以从事的金融业务对应正确的是() A.商业银行——股票承销业务 B.人寿保险公司——医疗责任保险业务 C.小额贷款公司——城乡居民储蓄存款业务 D.中国出口信用保险公司——海外投资保险业务


2011年国家公务员考试行政职业能力测验 第一部分常识判断 (共25题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1. 社会建设与人民幸福安康息息相关,党的十七大报告提出,要加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,下列各项不属于社会建设范畴的是: A.在学校建立贫困生资助体系 B.为低收入家庭提供住房保障 C.扩大各项社会保险的覆盖范围 D.强化政府务职能,建设服务型政府 2.随着综合国力的提升,我国在国际社会中的作用与影响越来越突出,下列说法正确的是: A.我国的出口贸易额在“金砖四国”中位居第二 B.我国目前是二十国集团中唯一的亚洲发展中国家 C.我国在哥本哈根气候峰会上提出了单位GDP碳减排的量化目标 D.我国已与周边所有邻国建立正式的外交关系 3.我国的能源条件可以概括为: A.缺煤、富油、少气 B.富煤、缺油、少气 C.缺煤、缺油、多气 D.富煤、富油、多气 4.关于我国第六次人口普查,下列表述正确的是: A.其标准时点是2010年1月1日至2010年12月31日 B.所取得的数据不得作为对普查对象实施处罚的依据 C.所需经费由中央政府完全负担,列入相应年度的财政预算 D.采用按户口所在地登记的原则 5.2010年7月,党中央、国务院召开了西部大开发工作会议,总结西部大开发10年取得的巨大成就和丰富经验,全面分析国内外形势和西部大开发面临的新机遇、新挑战,关于西部大开发战略,下列表述不正确的是: A.西部大开发在我国区域协调发展总体战略中居于优先地位 B.西部大开发战略实施的最主要目的是解决沿海同内地的贫富差距 C.西部大开发覆盖地域指陕、甘、宁、青、新等西北五省(区)及西藏自治区 D.实施西部大开发的核心工作时保障和改善民生 6.在西柏坡时期,党中央:①领导了解放区的土改运动;②召开了党的七届二中全会; ③组织指挥了辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役。 上述历史事件出现的先后顺序是: A. ①③② B. ②①③


2007年中央、国家机关公务员录用考试《行政职业能力测验》试卷 说明 这项测验共有五个部分,140道题,总时限为120分钟。各部分不分别计时,但都给出了参考时限,供你参考以分配时间。 请在机读答题卡上严格按照要求填写好自己的姓名、报考部门,涂写准考证号。 请仔细阅读下面的注意事项,这对你获得成功非常重要: 1.题目应在答题卡上作答,不要在试题本上作任何记号。 2.监考人员宣布考试开始时,你才可以开始答题。 3.监考人员宣布考试结束时,你应立即放下铅笔,将试题卡、答题卡和草稿纸都留在桌上,然后离开。 4.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在一道题上思考时间太久,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去,如果有时间再去思考。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 5.试题答错不倒扣分。 6.提醒你注意,涂写答案时一定要认准题号。严禁折叠答题卡! 第一部分言语理解与表达 (共40题,参考时限30分钟) 每道题包含一段话或一个句子,后面是一个不完整的陈述,要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。注意:答案可能是完成对所给文字主要意思的提要,也可能是满足陈述中其他方面的要求,你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。 请开始答题: 1.法国语言学家梅耶说:“有什么样的文化,就有什么样的语言。”所以,语言的工具性本身就有文化性。如果只重视

听、说、读、写的训练或语音、词汇和语法规则的传授,以为这样就能理解英语和用英语进行交际,往往会因为不了解语言的文化背景,而频频出现语词歧义、语用失误等令人尴尬的现象。 这段文字主要说明() A.语言兼具工具性和文化性 B.语言教学中文化教学的特点 C.语言教学中文化教学应受到重视 D.交际中出现各种语用错误的原因 2.在今天的商业世界中,供过于求是普遍现象.为了说服顾客购买自己的产品,大规模竞争就在同类商品的生产企业之间展开了,他们得经常设法向消费者提醒自己产品的名字和优等的质量,这就需要靠广告。 对这段文字概括最恰当的是:() A.广告是商业世界的必然产物 B.各商家之间用广告开展竞争 C.广告就是要说服顾客买东西 D.广告是经济活动中供过于求的产物 3.空间探索自开始以来一直受到指责,但我们已经成功地通过卫星进行远程通信、预报天气、开采石油。空间探索项目还会有助于我们发现新能源和新化学元素,而那些化学元素也许会帮助我们治愈现在的不治之症。 这段文字主要告诉我们,空间探索() A.利弊并存 B.可治绝症 C.很有争议 D.意义重大 4.行为科学研究显示,工作中的人际关系通常不那么复杂,也宽松些,可能是由于这种人际关系更有规律,更易于预料,因此也更容易协调,因为人们知道他们每天都要共同努力,相互协作,才能完成一定的工作。 这段文字主要是在强调:() A.普通的人际关系缺乏规律 B.工作人员之间的关系比较简单 C.共同的目标使工作人员很团结 D.维系良好的人际关系要靠共同努力 5.政府每出台一项经济政策,都会改变某些利益集团的收益预期。出于自利,这些利益集团总会试图通过各种行为选择,来抵消政策对他们造成的损失。此时如果政府果真因此而改变原有的政策,其结果不仅使政府出台的政策失效,更严重


2013年国家公务员考试历年真题及答案解析 第一部分言语理解与表达 (共40题,参考时限30分钟) 1.在今天的商业世界中,供过于求是普遍现象.为了说服顾客购买自己的产品,大规模竞争就在同类商品的生产企业之间展开了,他们得经常设法向消费者提醒自己产品的名字和优等的质量,这就需要靠广告. 对这段文字概括最恰当的是: A .广告是商业世界的必然产物 B .各商家之间用广告开展竟争 C .广告就是要说服顾客买东西 D .广告是经济活动中供过于求的产物 2.空间探索自开始以来一直受到指责,但我们已经成功地通过卫星进行远程通信、预报天气、开采石油.空间探索项目还会有助于我们发现新能源和新化学元索,而那些化学元素也许会帮助我们治愈现在的不治之症.这段文字主要告诉我们,空问探索: A .利弊并存 B .可治绝症 C .很有争议 D .意义重大 3 .行为科学研究显示,工作中的人际关系通常不那么复杂,也宽松些.可能是由于这种人际关系更有规律,更易于预料,因此也更容易协调.因为人们知道他们每天都要共同努力,相互协作,才能完成一定的工作.这段文字主要是在强调: 2013年国家公务员考试历年真题(行测、申论)完整版及职位表下载等最新资料详情点击:https://www.360docs.net/doc/892260671.html,/guojia/index.php预祝大家考出好成绩。 A .普通的人际关系缺乏规律 B .工作人员之间的关系比较简单 C .共同的目标使工作人员很团结 D .维系良好的人际关系要靠共同努力 4 .政府每出台一项经济政策,都会改变某些利益集团的收益预期.出于自利,这些利益集团总会试图通过各种行为选择,来抵消政策对他们造成的损失.此时如果政府果真因此而改变原有的政策,其结果不仅使政府出台的政策失效,更严重的是使政府的经济调控能力因丧失公信力而不断下降.这段文字主要论迷了: A .政府制定经济政策遇到的阻力 B .政府要对其制定的政策持续贯彻 C .制定经济政策时必须考虑到的因素 D .政府对宏观经济的调控能力 5.在新一轮没有硝烟的经济战场上,经济增长将主要依靠科技进步.而解剖中国科技创新结构,可以看出,在中国并不缺乏研究型大学、国家实验室,最缺乏的是企业参与的研究基地以及研究型企业.企业资助、共建、独资创立的科研机构.像美国的贝尔实验室,就是这种研究基地.


《行政职业能力测验(一)》试卷 第一部分言语理解与表达 (共35题,参考时限35分钟) 本部分包括两种类型的试题: 一、听力理解(共20题)。做答时间为20分钟。仔细听录音,回答1~20题。 注意,选择一个与所提要求最相符合的答案。 1~20题(略) 二、阅读理解(共15题)。每道题包含一段文字(或一个句子),后面是一个不完整的陈述,要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。注意:答案可能是完成对所给文字主要意思的提要,也可能是满足陈述中其他方面的要求,你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。 【例题】钢铁被用来建造桥梁、摩天大楼、地铁、轮船、铁路和汽车等,被用来制造几乎所有的机械,还被用来制造包括农民的长柄大镰刀和妇女的缝衣针在内的成千上万的 小物品。这段话主要支持了这样一种观点,即()。 A.钢铁是一种反映物质生活水平的金属 B.钢铁具有许多不同的用途 C.钢铁是所有金属中最坚固的 D.钢铁是惟一用于建造摩天大楼和桥梁的物质 解答:B 请开始答题: 21.科学家研究发现,惟有传统中药枸杞其“固本、温平、无毒”的特性能担当“换一种方式补肾”的重任,几千年来人们对枸杞情有独钟。 这段文字中应当删去的一个词是()。 A.“科学家研究发现”的“发现” B.“惟有传统中药枸杞”的“惟有” C.“惟有传统中药枸杞”的“传统” D.“其‘固本、温平、无毒’的特性”的“其” 22.放弃了宗教的人,若没有代替宗教的东西,。不过幸好除了宗教还有哲学为人类提供了获得更高价值的途径——一条比宗教提供的途径更为直接的途径,通过哲学而熟悉的更高价值,比通过宗教而获得的更高价值,甚至要纯粹得多,因为后者混杂着想像和迷信。 填入横线上最恰当的是()。 A.便会很自然地去寻求哲学的帮助 B.只好把自己限于尘世事务,而与精神事务绝缘 C.也不会感到生活有太大的变化 D.他们照样可以保持内心的平静怡和 23.尽管国际上对此存在很多争议,意大利文化部门还是决定用蒸馏水清洗米开朗基罗的旷世杰作——《大卫》雕像。这项工程的目的之一是除去这座高达4.5米的雕像上的尘土和油污。佛罗伦萨博物馆的负责人说:“这项工程并不是为了让雕像变得更好看。”意大利文化部长已经排除了干洗的可能性。


2014年国考行测真题及答案:判断推理 第四部分判断推理 (共40题,参考时限35分钟) 一、图形推理。请按每道题的答题要求作答。 请开始答题: 76. 从所维护四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,合之呈现一定规律性: 77. 从所维护四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,合之呈现一定规律性: 78. 从所维护四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,合之呈现一定规律性: 79. 从所维护四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,合之呈现一定规律性:

80. 下列中的立体图形①是由立体图形②、③和④组合而成,下列哪一项能够填入问号处? 81. 把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是: A. ①③④,②⑤⑥ B. ①③⑤,②④⑥ C. ①②⑥,③④⑤ D. ①④⑥,②③⑤ 82. 把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是: A. ①③④,②⑤⑥

B. ①③⑤,②④⑥ C. ①②⑥,③④⑤ D. ①④⑥,②③⑤ 83. 把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是: A. ①④⑥,②③⑤ B. ①②③,④⑤⑥ C. ①③⑥,②④⑤ D. ①⑤⑥,②③④ 84. 把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是: A. ①②⑥,③④⑤ B. ①③⑥,②④⑤ C. ①④⑤,②③⑥ D. ①③④,②⑤⑥ 85. 把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是: A. ①③⑤,②④⑥ B. ①②⑤,③④⑥ C. ①④⑤,②③⑥ D. ①③④,②⑤⑥


2015国家公务员行测真题及答案(市地以下) 第一部分常识判断 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1、下列做法最贴近“看得见的正义才是真正的正义”法律内涵要求的是() A.纪检监察部门开通网站并接受网络举报 B.地方政府在互联网上征求城市规划意见 C.人民法院在互联网上公布法庭裁判文书 D.交警配备执法记录仪时记录执法过程 2、因张三不偿还一年前的十万元现金借款(利率5%),李四将其诉至法院,但李四丢失了借条原件,面临败诉的风险,最后在法院的调解下,张三自愿偿还李四现金十万元,李四主动放弃利息的诉讼请求。 下列法律内涵最能体现这一调解精神的是() A.无救济,即无权利 B.法者,定分止争也 C.善良的心,是最好的法律 D.举证之所在,败诉之所在 3、下列哪种情形最可能实行一审终审() A.基层人民法院审理被告提出反诉的买卖合同纠纷案件 B.基层人民法院审理夫妻双方争夺子女抚养权的离婚案件 C.中级人民法院审理在本辖区有重大影响的合同纠纷案件 D.基层人民法院审理权利义务关系明确的租赁合同纠纷案件 4、下列条款符合法律规定的是() A.某饭店店堂告知:“请保管好随身物品,丢失概不负责” B.某干洗店申明:衣物丢失,只赔负洗衣费二倍的价钱 C.淘宝网某服饰店表示:本店商品一经售出,概不退货 D.某商场厕所门口获救牌“地滑小心摔倒,否则概不负责任 5、小李于2013年10月2日与某软件公司签订劳动合同一份,双方约定如下:合同期限为3年,试用期9个月,试用期工资为3000元人民币(转正后4000),小李于2013年11月2日到公司上班。

下列说法错误的是() A.小李与公司之间于2013年11月2日正式建立劳动关系 B.小李与公司试用期期限和工资的约定不合法 C.在试用期小李可以随时解除与公司之间的劳动关系 D.公司在合同期间无权单方面对小李的工作岗位作出调整 6、下列说法错误的是() A.成语”南橘北枳“是与晏婴出使楚国有关 B.苏武牧羊的地点在今天的贝加尔湖一带 C.东汉使者班超同时也是《汉书》的作者 D.西汉张骞与唐代鉴真出行的方向不同 7、根据生产要素在各产业中的相对密集度,可以将产业划分为不同类型。下列对应错误的是() A.土地密集型产业--畜牧业、采掘业 B.劳动密集型产业--钢铁业、化工业 C.技术密集型产业--微电子工业、现代制药业 D.资本密集型产业--重型机械工业、电力工业 8、关于我国政府信息公开,下列说法错误的是() A.行政机关对政府信息不能确定是否可以公开时,应不公开 B.公民可以根据自身生产、生活和科研等特殊需要申请政府信息公开 C.行政机关逾期不答复公民申请信息公开的,公民可依法提起行政诉讼 D.县级以上各级人民政府的办公厅(室)可以作为本级政府信息公开工作的主管部门 9、关于我国农村三级卫生服务网络,下列说法正确的是() A.主要承担预防保健、基本医疗、健康教育、计生指导等任务 B.包括乡镇卫生院、村卫生室和家庭自我保健 C.以让农民”看病不出乡镇“为发展目标 D.以乡镇卫生院为基础 10、关于现代武器,下列说法错误的是() A.追击炮通常配属装甲兵使用 B.陆军航空兵以直升机为主要装备 C.洲际弹道导弹是目前射程最远的导弹


2014年度国家公务员考试申论真题(省部级)及参考答案 给定资料 1、2013年10月10日就是第22个世界精神卫生日。世界卫生组织公布的最新数据显示,全球约有4、5亿精神健康障碍患者,其中大多数生活在发展中国家。某心理研究所的研究报告表明,我国城市劳动力人口中亚健康人群的比例呈现增长趋势,其中城市无业人员中的心理亚健康问题尤为突出。 该心理研究所的Z博士说:“人的内心不稳定、不平衡会造成个人负荷加重,并累及社会适应能力,无形中拖累了社会发展的步伐。”某社会学家也指出,社会的浮躁与焦虑,不仅易引发有害的聚合行为,且可能因之导致社会的某种断裂,影响经济社会的健康发展。 我国正处在社会转型期,各种社会问题矛盾多发,竞争压力加大,工作节奏加速,使得部分国民心理疾患所引发的社会问题开始凸显。 心理问题涉及面广泛。从发育的儿童、成长的青年,到空巢老人;从校园内的大学生、工棚里的农民工,到政府官员、企业精英,各阶层的人都可能面临各式各样心理问题的困扰。心理疾病与精神疾病对人们的危害绝不亚于心脑血管、呼吸系统疾病及恶性肿瘤等。有统计显示,每年约有160万人因心理问题导致行为失常,甚至构成犯罪,给社会造成很大危害。 有观察家指出,破解这一问题,政府应承担营造“大环境”的责任。改革开放30余年,在举世瞩目的经济高速增长背后,我国政府已经意识到必须妥善解决心态失衡等社会问题,让民众真正感受到公平正义,过“有尊严的幸福生活”。社会学研究员Y认为“制定政策时,政府还应充分考虑政策的科学性、连续性与社会影响,减少因政策的不连续性等因素导致民众对未来的不确定感,减少对个体造成刺激与重大挑战”,“尤其就是对于城市边缘人群与农村贫困人群,提高她们的积极情感、帮助其消解负面情绪,对于缓解社会冲突,减少人际间的矛盾与仇视,促进家庭与谐、社会稳定,都具有十分积极的作用”。 2、某网站发表文章指出,目前社会问题日渐增多,造成社会心理方面的若干“缺失”,并具有相应的表现形式。 一项针对100万在职工作人员工作现状的网络调查显示,近三分之二的人感到压力较大。尤其在警务、义务人员、高层管理者等职业群体中。70﹪—80﹪的人都感到压力大,表现为失眠,记忆力衰退,容易紧张、焦虑与抑郁。许多感到调整自己原有的心理定式与行为模式越来越困难,心理放松,宣泄郁闷的机会与渠越来越少。 由于当前各种体制机制还不够完善,人们在资源占有、机会获取、成果享用等方面出现事实上的不公平,一部分人往往在比较中产生了心理失衡。加之现代社会信息化程度高,各种不平衡、不公平信息迅速大量地传播公众,造成了更多人的心理失衡,这种情绪积累时间过长,势必产生严重的心理问题与社会矛盾。 在社会转型期,传统的价值观、就业模式、保障体系等,正在发生急剧变化,人们对未来缺乏安全预期,对未知充满恐惧,对变化心理准备不足,对多元化心理认同不够,易产生焦虑、恐惧、迷茫心理,出现信任与诚信危机。


2013年中央、国家机关录用公务员考试 《行政职业能力测验》真题卷 第一部分常识判断 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.《国家“十二五”时期文化改革发展规划纲要》提出要加大政府对文化事业建设的投入力度。下列属于政府投入保障政策的是() A.支持文化企业在海外投资、投标、营销、参展和宣传等活动 B.继续完善文化市场的准入政策,吸引社会资本投资文化产业 C.文化内容创意生产、非物质文化遗产项目经营享受税收优惠 D.通过政府购买服务的方式,鼓励社会力量提供公共文化产品 2.关于中国共产党历史上的重要会议,下列说法不正确的是() A.古田会议:解决新型人民军队建设问题 B.遵义会议:纠正“左倾”的军事路线 C.洛川会议:决定北上抗日的总方针 D.瓦窑堡会议:确定建立抗日民族统一战线的方针政策 3.中国人民艰苦卓绝的革命斗争中,诞生了不少脍炙人口的歌曲。下列歌词均来自这些著名歌曲,其中创作时期与其他三首不同的是() A.河西山冈万丈高,河东河北高粱熟了 B.我们生长在这里,每一寸土地都是我们自己的 C.每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声 D.宽广美丽的土地,是我们亲爱的家乡 4.下列经济指标与衡量对象对应关系正确的是() A.赤字率──财政风险 B.恩格尔系数──收入分配差距 C.基尼系数──居民生活水平 D.生产者物价指数──货币供应量 5.下列不属于收入再分配手段的是() A.最低工资保障B.最低生活保障 C.税收D.社会保险 6.下列诗句反映的历史事件,按时间先后排序正确的是() ①北师覆没威海卫,签订条约在马关 ②鸦片带来民族难,销烟虎门海滩前 ③武装起义占三镇,武昌汉口和汉阳 A.①③②B.②③①C.①②③D.②①③ 7.某县开展行政执法大检查:①某食品厂生产腐竹时非法添加硼砂被当场查获,县工商局以证据确凿为由吊销该厂营业执照,不再另行举行听证会;②县矿业公司将含镉的工业废渣倾倒入河,造成河水镉浓度超标,


1、下列做法最贴近“看得见的正义才是真正的正义”法律内涵要求的是 A.纪检监察部门开通网站并接受网络举报 B.地方政府在互联网上征求城市规划意见 C.人民法院在互联网上公布法庭裁判文书 D.交警配备执法记录仪时记录执法过程 正确答案是C, 【答案解析】“看得见的正义才是真正的正义”意思是说:“正义不仅要实现,而且要以看得见的方式实现。”A选项纪检监察部门开通网站并接受网络举报是畅通监督渠道的行为,它架起了与群众沟通的桥梁,但并未体现题干提到的法律内涵;B选项明显与题干无关,征求城市规划意见,是民主的体现,不能体现“看得见的正义才是真正的正义”的法律内涵。C选项,近几年,我国司法公信力、司法权威正面临着前所未有的质疑和危机。在此严竣的形势下,党的十八届三中全会提出了要完善“司法公开制度”,“让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行”。裁判文书的公示对司法公正无疑有一种保证或促进作用。正所谓“正义不仅要实现而且需以看得见的方式实现”,裁判文书是对当事人争议焦点、辩论观点的归纳,是对法院裁判观点形成的逻辑阐释,是司法过程的最终载体。故裁判文书公示不仅使当事人赢得堂堂正正、输得明明白白,也将法院的司法过程、司法结果置于社会所有公众的监督、审视之下,接受公众的评判。“阳光是最好的防腐剂”,这无疑有利于促进司法公正的实现。符合题意,当选。D选项,交警配备执法记录仪实时记录执法过程,是行政机关对执法人员的执法过程的监督,不能体现题干提到的法律内涵。故本题答案选C。 2、因张三不偿还一年前的十万元现金借款(利率5%),李四将其诉至法院,但李四丢失了借条原件,面临败诉的风险,最后在法院的调解下,张三自愿偿还李四现金十万元,李四主动放弃利息的诉讼请求,下列法院内涵最能体现这一调解精神的是: A.无救济,即无权利 B.法者,定分止争也 C.善良的心,是最好的法律 D.举证之所在,败诉之所在 正确答案是C, 【答案解析】英国法学家麦克莱有句至理名言,“善良的心是最好的法律”。张三从拒不偿还到自愿偿还李四现金十万元,李四主动放弃利息的诉讼请求,这都体现了人性的善,在调解下解决了纷争,体现了“善良的心是最好的法律”这一调解精神。ABD三项都不是调解精神,是法的精神和举证责任原则。故本题答案选C。


国家公务员考试真题历年真题下载 文学常识综合 以下的资料也许它不能百分之百的迎合公务员考试,但是在紧张的备考之中增长点 文学知识未尝不是一件好事。 希望考生在复习常识判断时以一种轻松、乐观充满情趣的心态来对待。在紧张的备 考情绪中稍稍放松。 没事的时候送给自己一个微笑,不为其它,只为自己的坚持。 明天将迎来国庆假期了,祝备考的考生们度过一个快乐、充实、意义非凡的国庆。 1.第一位女诗人是:蔡琰(文姬) 2.第一部纪传体通史:史记 3.第一部词典是:尔雅 4.第一部大百科全书是:永乐大典 5.第一部诗歌总集是:诗经 6.第一部文选:昭明文选 7.第一部字典:说文解字 8.第一部神话集:ft海经 9.第一部文言志人小说集:世说新语 10.第一部文言志怪小说集:搜神记 11.第一部语录体著作:论语 12.第一部编年体史书是:春秋 13.第一部断代史:汉书 14.第一部兵书:孙子兵法 15.文章西汉两司马:司马迁。司马相如 16.乐府双璧:木兰词孔雀东南飞,加上《秦妇吟》为乐府三绝 17.史学双璧:史记资治通鉴 18.二拍:初刻拍案惊奇二刻拍案惊奇 (凌蒙初)

19.大李杜:李白杜甫小李杜:李商隐杜牧 20.中国现代文坛的双子星座:鲁迅郭沫若 21.三不朽:立德立功立言 22.三代:夏商周 23.《春秋》三传:左传公羊传谷梁传 24.三王:夏禹商汤周公 25.三ft:蓬莱方丈瀛洲 26.三教:儒释道 27.三公:周时,司马司徒司空 西汉,丞相太尉御史大夫 清明,太师太傅太保 28.三曹:曹操曹丕曹植 29.公安三袁:袁宗道袁宏道袁中道 30.江南三大古楼:湖南岳阳楼武昌黄鹤楼南昌滕王阁 31.岁寒三友:松竹梅 32.三辅:左冯翊右扶风京兆尹 33.科考三元:乡试,会试,殿试和自的第一名(解元,会元,状元) 34.殿试三鼎甲:状元榜眼探花 35.中国三大国粹:京剧中医中国画 36.三言:喻世明言警世通言醒世恒言(冯梦龙) 37.儒家经典三礼:周礼仪礼礼记 38.三吏:新安吏石壕吏潼关吏 39.三别:新婚别垂老别无家别 40.郭沫若“女神”三部曲:女神之再生湘果棠棣之花 41.茅盾“蚀”三部曲:幻灭动摇追求 农村三部曲:春蚕秋收残冬 42.巴金“爱情”三部曲:雾雨电 “激流”三部曲:家春秋 43.第一部国别史:国语 44.第一部记录谋臣策士门客言行的专集:国策战国策 45.第一部专记个人言行的历史散文:晏子春秋 46.第一位伟大的爱国诗人:屈原 47.第一首长篇叙事诗:孔雀东南飞(357 句,1785 字) 48.第一部文学批评专著:《典论?论文》(曹丕) 49.第一位田园诗人:东晋,陶渊明 50.第一部文学理论和评论专著:南北朝梁人刘勰的《文心雕龙》


2015年国家公务员考试行测真题及答案(地市级) 第一部分常识判断 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1、下列做法最贴近“看得见的正义才是真正的正义”法律内涵要求的是( ) A.纪检监察部门开通网站并接受网络举报 B.地方政府在互联网上征求城市规划意见 C.人民法院在互联网上公布法庭裁判文书 D.交警配备执法记录仪时记录执法过程 2、因张三不偿还一年前的十万元现金借款(利率5%),李四将其诉至法院,但李四丢失了借条原件,面临败诉的风险,最后在法院的调解下,张三自愿偿 还李四现金十万元,李四主动放弃利息的诉讼请求。 下列法律内涵最能体现这一调解精神的是( ) A.无救济,即无权利 B.法者,定分止争也 C.善良的心,是最好的法律 D.举证之所在,败诉之所在 3、下列哪种情形最可能实行一审终审( ) A.基层人民法院审理被告提出反诉的买卖合同纠纷案件 B.基层人民法院审理夫妻双方争夺子女抚养权的离婚案件 C.中级人民法院审理在本辖区有重大影响的合同纠纷案件

D.基层人民法院审理权利义务关系明确的租赁合同纠纷案件 4、下列条款符合法律规定的是( ) A.某饭店店堂告知:“请保管好随身物品,丢失概不负责” B.某干洗店申明:衣物丢失,只赔负洗衣费二倍的价钱 C.淘宝网某服饰店表示:本店商品一经售出,概不退货 D.某商场厕所门口获救牌“地滑小心摔倒,否则概不负责任 5、小李于2013年10月2日与某软件公司签订劳动合同一份,双方约定如下:合同期限为3年,试用期9个月,试用期工资为3000元人民币(转正后4000),小李于2013年11月2日到公司上班。 下列说法错误的是( ) A.小李与公司之间于2013年11月2日正式建立劳动关系 B.小李与公司试用期期限和工资的约定不合法 C.在试用期小李可以随时解除与公司之间的劳动关系 D.公司在合同期间无权单方面对小李的工作岗位作出调整 6、下列说法错误的是( ) A.成语”南橘北枳“是与晏婴出使楚国有关 B.苏武牧羊的地点在今天的贝加尔湖一带 C.东汉使者班超同时也是《汉书》的作者 D.西汉张骞与唐代鉴真出行的方向不同 7、根据生产要素在各产业中的相对密集度,可以将产业划分为不同类型。下列对应错误的是( ) A.土地密集型产业--畜牧业、采掘业 B.劳动密集型产业--钢铁业、化工业


2014年度国家公务员考试行测真题及答案(完整版) 第一部分常识判断 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1.下列关于党风建设的创新,按时间先后顺序排列正确的是: 以马克思列宁主义的理论思想武装起来的中国共产党,在中国人民中产生了新的工作作风,这主要的就是理论和实践相结合的作风,和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风以及自我批评的作用 工作作风上的问题绝不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任期发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风 抓精神文明建设、抓党风、社会风气好转,必须狠狠地抓,一天不放松地抓,从具体事件抓起 A.①③②④ B.③④①② C.③①④② D.①③④② 2. 关于宇航员在太空的生活,下列说法不正确的是: A. 宇航员可使用特定的加热器对食品进行加热 B. 宇航员从太空返回地面后,失重状态消失,质量会有所增加 C. 宇航员应睡在固定的睡袋中,以免被气流失去误碰仪器设备开关 D. 在同一航空器中的宇航员可以直接交谈,无需借助无线电通讯设备 3. 下列关于国家主权及国防地理的表述,不正确的是: A. 主权是联合国赋予国家的最基本的权利 B. 一国的领海和领空都是其领土的组成部分 C. 我国南海四大群岛是东沙、西沙、中沙和南沙群岛 D. 我国与越南、缅甸、吉尔吉斯斯坦等十几个国家接壤 4. 下列情形可能发生的是: A. 南北朝贵族妇女去佛寺礼佛 B. 半坡原始居民种植玉米 C. 周武王穿着铁制铠甲伐纣 D. 秦朝儿童春天放纸风筝 5. 下列按主导产业演进顺序排列正确的是: ①石化产业②旅游服务业③服装业④信息产业⑤农产品加工业 A.⑤④①③②


2012-2017国考真题之资料分析 2017省级 第五部分资料分析 所给出的图、表、文字或综合性资料均有若干个问题要你回答,你应根据资料提供的信息进行分析、比较、计算和判断处理。 一、根据以下资料,回答116~120题。 某市2015年全年粮食总产量4.16万吨,同比下降2.3%;甘蔗产量0.57万吨,下降23.6%;油料产量0.12万吨,增长32.4%;蔬菜产量15.79万吨,下降3.4%;水果产量7.84万吨,增长7.4%。 全年水产品产量29.16万吨,同比增长3.6%。其中,海洋捕捞1.09万吨,与上年持平;海水养殖6.07万吨,增长89.5%;淡水捕捞0.18万吨,增长1.1%;淡水养殖21.81万吨,下降7.9%。 2010~2015年某市粮食产量及其增速 116.2014年该市蔬菜产量比水果产量约高多少万吨() A.9 B.8 C.7 D.6 117.“十二五”期间,该市粮食总产量在以下哪个范围() A.23~24万吨之间 B.22~23万吨之间 C.21~22万吨之间 D.20~21万吨之间 118.按照2015年水产品产量从多到少,以下排序正确的是() A.海洋捕捞、海水养殖、淡水捕捞、淡水养殖 B.淡水养殖、海水养殖、海洋捕捞、淡水捕捞 C.淡水捕捞、淡水养殖、海洋捕捞、海水养殖 D.淡水养殖、海洋捕捞、海水养殖、淡水捕捞 119.以下哪项折线图能准确反映2011~2015年间该市粮食生产同比增量的变化趋势()

120.能够从上述资料中推出的是() A.2014年油料产量超过1000吨 B.除淡水养殖之外,其余类型的水产品2015年产量占水产品总产量的比重均高于上年 C.2014~2015年甘蔗累计产量不到1万吨 D.2010~2015年,粮食产量同比上升的年份多于同比下降的年份 二、根据以下资料,回答121~125题。 截至2014年末,我国共有博物馆3658个,占文物机构总数的43.5%。全国文物机构拥有文物藏品4063.58万件,比上年末增加222.77万件。其中,博物馆文物藏品2929.97万件,文物商店文物藏品770.00万件。文物藏品中,一级文物9.82万件,二级文物68.82万件,三级文物340.51万件。 2014年全国文物机构共安排基本陈列9996个,比上年增长19.1%;举办临时展览11174个,增长15.8%;接待观众84256万人次,增长12.8%,其中博物馆接待观众71774万人次,占文物机构接待观众总人次的85.2%。 年份从业人员人数(人)文物机构数(个)参观人数(万人次)未成年人参观人数(万人次) 2 7 35436 9075 2 42 43248 12203 2 1 2 1 2 6 2 7 74706 20237 2 3 121.2014年,我国文物机构相关指标同比增速最快的是() A.从业人员数 B.参观人数 C.文物机构数 D.未成年人参观人数 122.2014年末,我国一、二、三级文物总量占全部文物藏品的比重最接近以下哪个数字()A.8% B.10% C.14% D.54% 123.2014年,平均每家博物馆接待观众人次数约是其他文物机构的多少倍() A.2 B.4.5


2014年国考真题(行测+申论)及答案解析完整版 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 请开始答题: 1.下列关于党风建设的创新,按时间先后顺序排列正确的是: ①以马克思列宁主义的理论思想武装起来的中国共产党,在中国人民中产生了新的工作作风,这主要的就是理论和实践相结合的作风,和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风以及自我批评的作用 ②工作作风上的问题绝不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任期发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量 ③务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风 ④抓精神文明建设、抓党风、社会风气好转,必须狠狠地抓,一天不放松地抓,从具体事件抓起 A.①③②④ B.③④①② C.③①④② D.①③④② 【答案】D.①③④② 2. 关于宇航员在太空的生活,下列说法不正确的是: A. 宇航员可使用特定的加热器对食品进行加热 B. 宇航员从太空返回地面后,失重状态消失,质量会有所增加

C. 宇航员应睡在固定的睡袋中,以免被气流失去误碰仪器设备开关 D. 在同一航空器中的宇航员可以直接交谈,无需借助无线电通讯设备【答案】B.宇航员从太空返回地面后,失重状态消失,质量会有所增加 3. 下列关于国家主权及国防地理的表述,不正确的是: A. 主权是联合国赋予国家的最基本的权利 B. 一国的领海和领空都是其领土的组成部分 C. 我国南海四大群岛是东沙、西沙、中沙和南沙群岛 D. 我国与越南、缅甸、吉尔吉斯斯坦等十几个国家接壤 【答案】A.主权是联合国赋予国家最基本的权利 4. 下列情形可能发生的是: A. 南北朝贵族妇女去佛寺礼佛 B. 半坡原始居民种植玉米 C. 周武王穿着铁制铠甲伐纣 D. 秦朝儿童春天放纸风筝 【答案】A 南北朝贵族妇女去佛寺礼佛 5. 下列按主导产业演进顺序排列正确的是: ①石化产业②旅游服务业③服装业④信息产业⑤农产品加工业 A.⑤④①③② B.⑤①③②④ C.⑤③①②④ D.③①⑤④② 【答案】C.⑤③①②④


2014国考行测真题答案解析(言语理解) 言语理解 21. 心理学家根据 【中公答案】C。时限性 解析:该题侧重考查解释关系,与空后面的“短期自我调节”相对应的只能是“时限性”。故正确答案为C项。 22.国际电信世界大会 【中公答案】B。与时俱进 解析:空后的句子与空中所填词语构成解释呼应关系,表明词语应该是适应新一代需求和环境等。故选择“与时俱进”。“与时俱进”指观念和行动与时代一起进步。“破旧立新”、“推陈出新”都侧重新旧之间的关系。 23.消极完美主义者 【中公答案】D。吹毛求疵 解析:此题考查解释呼应,由“非常仔细地检查任何事情的细枝末节”和最后一句“刻板而教条式的…完美?”可知选D。吹毛求疵:形容细致到繁琐,挑剔的地步。 24. 纪录片也要 【中公答案】A。记录独特 解析:第一空,根据句义,强调的是纪录片的作用,纪录片的特点是影像声音文字的结合体,故可以排除强调文字叙述的“记叙”“记载”;第二空,“更”字提示,文段具有一种递进关系,第二空所填词语应该比“简单”含义更进一步,且应该与“发现”搭配,故排除“独立”,独立强调的是依靠自己的力量去做某事,与文段意思不符。故选项A正确。 25.读书时对感兴趣 【中公答案】C。欠缺固化。 解析:第一空考查解释关系,后文中“短板更短”与第一空形成暗示,排除A和D。第二空“僵化”常与“思想”固定搭配,而材料主题是“兴趣”,故排除B。且“浸染”与“固化”同为化学术语,语境一致,故选项C正确。 26.尽管人工培

【中公答案】B。一劳永逸势在必行。 解析:“但是”提示第一空与前文构成相对呼应,“无可厚非” 强调不需要过分责难,“事半功倍”强调用力小,收效大,与语境不符,故排除A和C。第二空考查顺承呼应,空前“濒危的现状”,故横线处应为“采取行动”的意思。“恰中要害”意为正打中致命的部位,与语境不符,排除D。“势在必行”意为从事情发展的趋势看,必须采取行动,故选项B正确。 27. 一些学者认为,在信息时代 【中公答案】A。过滤偷梁换柱 解析:第二空根据前后文的解释,“散布谣言”等同于“言论自由”“出版自由”,显然是一种偷换概念的说法,所以可以排除B、D。第一空填网络服务提供者对发布的信息应该起到过滤、审核的作用,故答案选A。 28. 当人类社会进入到信息时代 【中公答案】B。断言粉碎 解析:第一空,文段并没有明显的贬义倾向,故从感情色彩的角度排除C项“妄言”。第二空根据前后的对比关系,结合词语的语意轻重,选择表达较重的“粉碎” 29. 胡适提出这样一个观点: 【中公答案】D。标新立异去伪存真 解析:本题考查解释关系。第一空,所填词语应该体现出“大胆假设”和“新问题、新想法”,故排除A、B选项。第二空,对应“小心求证”“严格的论证或实验”,故排除C选项。故答案选D。 30.目前,社会上 【中公答案】C。缺失愚昧 解析:阅读题干,由文意可知,社会上的种种迷信现象的根源在于缺乏思辨和理性,所以第一个空可排除A、D选项,而B项的“匮乏”一词,多用于指物资缺乏,故此题选C。 31. 在早已对漂 【中公答案】D。同类延续 解析:由第二空前的“虽然”、“却”,可知前后意思相反。“它们虽然远离了阳光雨露,告别了生长的土地”表示作为标本的植物已经没有了生命,所以后面转折表明“它们在科学的殿堂中能够延续生命”最合适;第一空填“同类”也合适,故本题答案为D。 32.我们现在认为,


2014年度国家公务员考试申论真题(省部级)及参考答案 给定资料 1.2013年10月10日是第22个世界精神卫生日。世界卫生组织公布的最新数据显示,全球约有4.5亿精神健康障碍患者,其中大多数生活在发展中国家。某心理研究所的研究报告表明,我国城市劳动力人口中亚健康人群的比例呈现增长趋势,其中城市无业人员中的心理亚健康问题尤为突出。 该心理研究所的Z博士说:“人的内心不稳定、不平衡会造成个人负荷加重,并累及社会适应能力,无形中拖累了社会发展的步伐。”某社会学家也指出,社会的浮躁与焦虑,不仅易引发有害的聚合行为,且可能因之导致社会的某种断裂,影响经济社会的健康发展。 我国正处在社会转型期,各种社会问题矛盾多发,竞争压力加大,工作节奏加速,使得部分国民心理疾患所引发的社会问题开始凸显。 心理问题涉及面广泛。从发育的儿童、成长的青年,到空巢老人;从校园内的大学生、工棚里的农民工,到政府官员、企业精英,各阶层的人都可能面临各式各样心理问题的困扰。心理疾病和精神疾病对人们的危害绝不亚于心脑血管、呼吸系统疾病及恶性肿瘤等。有统计显示,每年约有160万人因心理问题导致行为失常,甚至构成犯罪,给社会造成很大危害。 有观察家指出,破解这一问题,政府应承担营造“大环境”的责任。改革开放30余年,在举世瞩目的经济高速增长背后,我国政府已经意识到必须妥善解决心态失衡等社会问题,让民众真正感受到公平正义,过“有尊严的幸福生活”。社会学研究员Y认为“制定政策时,政府还应充分考虑政策的科学性、连续性和社会影响,减少因政策的不连续性等因素导致民众对未来的不确定感,减少对个体造成刺激和重大挑战”,“尤其是对于城市边缘人群和农村贫困人群,提高他们的积极情感、帮助其消解负面情绪,对于缓解社会冲突,减少人际间的矛盾与仇视,促进家庭和谐、社会稳定,都具有十分积极的作用”。 2.某网站发表文章指出,目前社会问题日渐增多,造成社会心理方面的若干“缺失”,并具有相应的表现形式。 一项针对100万在职工作人员工作现状的网络调查显示,近三分之二的人感到压力较大。尤其在警务、义务人员、高层管理者等职业群体中。70﹪—80﹪的人都感到压力大,表现为失眠,记忆力衰退,容易紧张、焦虑和抑郁。许多感到调整自己原有的心理定式和行为模式越来越困难,心理放松,宣泄郁闷的机会和渠越来越少。 由于当前各种体制机制还不够完善,人们在资源占有、机会获取、成果享用等方面出现事实上的不公平,一部分人往往在比较中产生了心理失衡。加之现代社会信息化程度高,各种不平衡、不公平信息迅速大量地传播公众,造成了更多人的心理失衡,这种情绪积累时间过长,势必产生严重的心理问题和社会矛盾。


河北省历年行测真题 河北省历年行测真题20天,行测83分,申论81分(适合:国家公务员,各省公务员,村官,事业单位,政法干警,警察,军转干,路转税,选调生,党政公选,法检等考试) ———知识改变命运,励志照亮人生我是2010年10月15号报的国家公务员考试,职位是共青团中央国际联络部的青年外事工作科员,报名之后,买了教材开始学习,在一位大学同学的指导下,大约20天时间,行测考了83.2分,申论81分,进入面试,笔试第二,面试第一,总分第二,成功录取。在这里我没有炫耀的意思,因为比我考的分数高的人还很多,远的不说,就我这单位上一起进来的,85分以上的,90分以上的都有。只是给大家一些信心,分享一下我的经验,我只是普通大学毕业,智商和大家都一样,关键是找对方法,事半功倍。 指导我的大学同学是2009年考上的,他的行测、申论、面试都过了80分,学习时间仅用了20多天而已。我也是因为看到他的成功,才决定要考公务员的。“人脉就是实力”,这句话在我这位同学和我身上又一次得到验证,他父亲的一位朋友参加过国家公务员考试命题组,这位命题组的老师告诉他一些非常重要的建议和详细的指导,在这些建议的指导下,我同学和我仅仅准备了20天左右的时间,行测申论就都达到了80分以上。这些命题组的老师是最了解公务员考试机密的人,只是因为他们的特殊身份,都不方便出来写书或是做培训班。下面我会把这些建议分享给你,希望能够对你有所帮助。

在新员工见面会上,我又认识了23位和我同时考进来的其他职位的同事,他们的行测申论几乎都在80分以上,或是接近80分,我和他们做了详细的考试经验交流,得出了一些通用的备考方案和方法,因为只有通用的方法,才能适合于每一个人。 2010年国考成功录取后,为了进一步完善这套公务员考试方案,我又通过那位命题组的老师联系上了其他的5位参加过命题的老师和4位申论阅卷老师,进一点了解更加详细的出题机密和阅卷规则。因为申论是人工阅卷,这4位申论阅卷老师最了解申论阅卷的打分规则,他们把申论快速提高到75到80分的建议写在纸上,可能也就50页纸而已,但是,他们的建议比任何培训机构和书籍效果都好(我是说申论)。这一点我是深有体会并非常认同的。 最终我根据自己和23位80分以上同事的经验,还有6位命题老师4位申论阅卷老师给出的建议,总结出了这套国考(中央级)省考(省市县乡村级)通用学习方案。 在2011年4月份的省考和2011年11月的国考中,有1200多位考生使用这套方案,其中400多位参加国考的考生中有190多位录取,录取率48%,800多位参加省考的考生中有530多位录取,录取率67%,这样的效果,是在我的意料之中的。 下面是20天行测申论突破80分的详细方案: 在讲方案之前,我需要先和你分享4个理念,否则这些方案根本不会帮助到你: 第1个理念:你要相信你可以考上。我在家里举办的每期10个人的公务员考试培训班,他们第一次来到我家时,我问他们:“你们想考上公务员的请举手。”10个人都举手了,我又问:“一定要考上公务员,相信自己能考上的,请举手。”结果都不举手了,他们说:“考上公务员哪是那么容易的事?”各位朋友,当你在做一件事情时,你如果认为很难,甚至根本办不到,也许做了也不会有结果时,你还会不会去做?会不会付出100%的努力去做?所以,我首先要帮你建立信心,只有这样你都会付出100%的努力去学习和考试。我以我自己的经验和在家里以及网上指导过的1200多考生的经验,
