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Quick-witted, wealthy, and beautiful, Portia embodies the virtues that are typical of Shakespeare’s heroines—it is no surprise that she emerges as the antidote to Shylock’s malice. At the beginning of the play, however, we do not see Portia’s potent ial for initiative and resourcefulness, as she is a near prisoner, feeling herself absolutely bound to follow her father’s dying wishes. This opening appearance, however, proves to be a revealing introduction to Portia, who emerges as that rarest of combinations—a free spirit who abides rigidly by rules. Rather than ignoring the stipulations of her father’s will, she watches a stream of suitors pass her by, happy to see these particular suitors go, but sad that she has no choice in the matter. When Bassanio arrives, however, Portia proves herself to be highly resourceful, begging the man she loves to stay a while before picking a chest, and finding loopholes in the will’s provision that we never thought possible. Also, in her defeat of Shylock Portia prevails by applying a more rigid standard than Shylock himself, agreeing that his contract very much entitles him to his pound of flesh, but adding that it does not allow for any loss of blood. Anybody can break the rules, but Portia’s effectiveness comes from her ability to make the law work for her.

Portia rejects the stuffiness that rigid adherence to the law might otherwise suggest. In her courtroom appearance, she vigorously applies the law, but still flouts convention by appearing disguised as a man. After depriving Bassanio of his ring, she stops the prank before it goes to far, but still takes it far enough to berate Bassanio and Graziano for their callousness, and she even insinuates that she has been unfaithful.


9部历史剧中除《约翰王》是写13 世纪初英国历史外,其他8部是内容相衔接的两个4部曲:《亨利六世》上、中、下篇与《查理三世》;《查理二世》、《亨利四世》(被称为最成功的历史剧)上、下篇与《亨利五世》。这些历史剧概括了英国历史上百余年间的动乱,塑造了一系列正、反面君主形象,反映了莎士比亚反对封建割据,拥护中央集权,谴责暴君暴政,要求开明君主进行自上而下改革,建立和谐社会关系的人文主义政治与道德理想。



When William Shakespeare wrote, The Merchant of Venice, he included a female character that influences the play dramatically. In most of Shakespeare's plays, the women have little power and intelligence. In The Merchant of Venice, however, Portia is a woman that saves the life of a man with her wit and intelligence. Another woman created by Shakespeare that posses qualities similar to Portia is Beatrice, from Much Ado about Nothing. Both women add to the main themes of the play because of their ability to use their intelligence and witty remarks as well as having a loving heart. The women share many similarities as well as many differences which seem to be inevitable because Portia seems to be put on a pedestal that very few can reach.Portia is one of Shakespeare's great heroines, whose beauty, lively intelligence, quick wit, and high moral seriousness have blossomed in a society of wealth and freedom. She is known throughout the world for her beauty and virtue, and she is able to handle any situation with her sharp wit. In many of Shakespeare's plays, he creates female characters that are presented to be clearly inferior to men.The one female, Shakespearean character that is most like Portia would be Beatrice, from Much Ado about Nothing. Both of the women are known for their wit and intelligence. Beatrice is able to defend her views in any situation, as does Portia. Shakespeare gives each of them a sense of power by giving their minds the ability to change words around, use multiple meanings and answer wisely to the men surrounding them. By adding a loving heart to both of these women, Shakespeare makes their intelligence more appealing. Even though Beatrice hides the loving side of her character for most of the play, she still expresses her kindness and love in other ways. Like Portia, she is a dear friend and an obedient daughter. In the fourth act, after Portia has saved the life of Antonio, she uses her wit, just as Beatrice does to test Benedict's love, to convince Bassanio to surrender the ring that he vowed he would never part with. After simply asking for it and being unsuccessful, she decides to use her intelligence and says, I see sir, you are liberal in offers. / You taught me first to beg, and now methinks / You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd (IV.ii.438-440). The only main difference between the two women is the way they are perceived by the other characters. Portia is thought of as a perfect angel possessing no flaws, which is shown when Bassanio describes her to Antonio and says, In Belmont is a lady richly left, / And she is fair and, fairer than that word, / Of wondrous virtues?Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth, / For
