

毕业设计(论文)题目:中西方肢体语言的比较研究Title: A Comparative Study of Body Language in China and

Western Countries

2009年5月20 日


First of all, my appreciation goes to my affectionate parents, and the rest of my family. Throughout the development of this paper, they have been there and always giving me continuous support, encouragement and understanding. Their love and support encourage me to make progress all the time.

I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years. I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their constant encouragement.My sincere thanks should go to my students and friends around, for their constant encouragement and support throughout the course of the research.

Finally, I must show my gratitude to my supervisor Ms. Lu Li, whose helpful suggestions have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. I owe her special thanks for providing me precious advice and suggestion that this papers appears in the present form.


Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication and it is connected with culture. In order to make successful cross-cultural communication, we should know the body language from the perspective of cultures. Body language, like verbal communication and culture, has many similarities all over the world. However, body language from different cultures also has many differences because of different regions, races and cultural customs. And it is restricted by its culture and has different cultural connotations. That is to say, the same body language has different meanings in different cultures and has different social functions. This article devotes to a comparison and contrast of body language in different cultures in terms of eye language, gestures, postures, facial expressions and touch. It aims to illustrate the differences and similarities of body language and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding.

Key words: Body Language in China and west countries; Cultural connotations; cross-cultural communication




Contents Introduction (1)

I.T h e c o n c e p t o f b o d y l a n g u a g e (2)

1.1C l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f b o d y l a n g u a g e (2)

1.2 Eye contact (3)

1.3 Smile and laughter (3)

II. Some gestures which have difference connotations in China a n d w e s t e r n countries (4)

III. Some gestures which have the same meaning in China and Western countries (4)

IV. Some gestures which have no equivalents in other c u l t u r e s (5)

V.C u l t u r a l r o o t s f o r t h e d i f f e r e n c e o f g e s t u r e s (5)

5.1 Different customs (5)

5.2 Different religion beliefs (6)

5.3 Different history (6)

VI. Body language in practice (7)

V I I.T h e c o n s eq u e n c e s o f w r o n g i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f g e s t u r e s (7)



Human communication consists of verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication plays a very important role in the whole communication. Some experts say more than 60 percent of communication comes from nonverbal behaviors, such as facial expression, posture and so on. These nonverbal behaviors always have many meaning.

Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication, and thus article intends to present its meaning and talk it briefly so that we can improve our communication skills and abilities by understanding it well. Body language is known as non-verbal behavior which transmits information through gestures, actions and facial expressions. But in different cultures body language means the different things. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. Understanding the different cultural implication of English and Chinese body language can promote people’s cross-cultural communication competence, reinforce the heart-to-heart understanding and in the end will benefit the communication between English and Chinese people.

People can communicate with each other through not only verbal communication but also nonverbal communication. Moreover, the latter plays an essential role in human communication. Nonverbal communication is connected with cultures and it is the result of cultures. But many people pay great attention to the acceptance and correctness of the verbal communication and overlook the influence and cultural difference of nonverbal communication. Then the misunderstanding and cultural crash often occur in the cross-cultural communication. So in the process of communication, it is not a complete communication while ignoring the cultural differences of nonverbal communication.

I. The concept of body language

“Nonverbal communication is a process in which communi cators use the natural features of their bodies to deliver information and express specific meaning instinctively to the other communicator.”[4:90]

People communicate with each other by their body language in the ways of nodding, waving, eye contacting, shrugging and so on. As we know, in a certain tradition, body language is determined by its customs and traditions. .On the other hand, the meanings of body language in a certain culture are developing and changing. We intend to make a comparison and contrast of the similarities and differences on body language in order to avoid misunderstanding and make efficient communication.

In general sense, the study of body language began in 1950s. And during 1970s, the study of body language entered a fully developing period. From the late of 1970s to the early period of 1980s, body language contained more contents, and had a great influence on the other fields. And Doctor R.L.Bird Whitell is the reprehensive of study of body language. His research indicated: eyebrows could change for 23 positions and people could make 250,000 different facial expressions.And psychologist David Aberconbie also pointed out: ‘we speak with verbal organs but we talk with our body.’

A famous anthropologist E.T.Hall pointed out “Silent language expresses more information than verbal language. Because it contains much information.”According to some researchers abroad, in people’s daily life, nonverbal communication takes part over 65% in all of information exchange. And body language is an important part of nonverbal communication. Many experts have shown the importance of body language in the cross-cultural communication. “A psychologist proposed a formula: the total impact of message = 7% verbal + 38% vocal +55% facial expressions and b ehavior.” [6:89] Usually body language occurs unconsciously. Yet the body language we used extent the quality of our communication. And it is important to note that

body language has different meanings in different cultures. How we can interpret body language depends on the situation, the culture, the relationship we have with the person. In other words, there is no one signal that has the same meaning all over the world. As well as that, various body language signs can complement each other to make a particular meaning crystal clear or strengthen the meaning of what we communicate.

1.1 Classification of body language

Body language contains eye language, gestures, postures, facial expressions, manners and behaviors and touch and so on.

Gesture, as another important part of body language, means we communicate and express by the movement and manners of our hands and fingers. In our daily life, every one makes gestures, but many gestures have distinct regional and cultural features. “Gesture means we comm unicate and express by the movement and manners of our hands and fingers.”[7:123] Facial expression is the most expressive part of the body. It’s capable of conveying emotions. Different cultures have many different or same facial expressions. Laughing means happiness and crying indicates sadness.

Eye contact, English dramatist “Shakespeare said, ‘There is language in her eye, her cheek, her lip.’ The Chinese saying goes, ‘The eye is the window of the soul.’” From these two sentences, people can see that eye contact is quite important in their interaction.

“Posture is a matter of how people sit, walk, stand and move.” Posture refers to the general way people carry their body, especially the back, shoulders and head while standing, lying, etc. It offers insig ht into a culture’s deep structure and often reflects a person’s attitude toward people he/she is with.[8:58]

1.2 Eye contact

Eye contact is an important aspect of body language; it is not quite the same in China and English-speaking countries. In conversations with people who know each other, American custom demands that there should be eye contact. This applies to both the speaker and the listener. For either one not to look at the other person could imply a number of things, among which are fear, contempt, uneasiness, guilt, indifference, even in public speaking there should be plenty of eye contact. For a speaker to “burry his nose in his manuscript”, to read a speech instead of looking at and talking to hid audience, as some Chinese speakers are in the habit of doing, would be regarded as inconsiderate and disrespectful.

In Juliets Faster’s book “Body Language”, there is a paragraph which can explain the problem. “Two strangers sit face to face in the dinning room in a train; they can introduce themselves to each other. When they are eating, they can talk anything else. They also can avoid eye contact and do not show interest in each other. A writer described this situation in an article “They look over the menu again and again, play with knives and look at their nails. It seems that they look at them for the first time. If their eyes meet, they will turn away immediately and look out of the window.”[1]P94

In English there is an old saying “Don’t trust anyone who won’t look at you in the eye.” Rules about eye-language are numerous and complex, we should distinguish the difference between China and Western countries.

1.3 Smiles and laughter

Smiles and laughter usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction, pleasure, joy and merriment. This is generally true in China as well as the English-speaking countries. However, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by westerners. T o illustrate, here is an excerpt from a letter by an American to a Chinese friend on nonverbal

gestures that often cause cross-cultural misunderstanding:

“…One is the different meaning of laughter in China and American. When an American is parking his bicycle, for example, and the bicycle accidentally falls over, he feels embarrassed at his awkwardness, and is quite angered and humiliated when Chinese onlookers laugh. I have seen the same thing happen in the dining room, when a foreigner drops a plate quite by accident and feels badly and Chinese onlookers laugh, compounding his discomfort and causing anger and bad feeling.”[3:158]

Such laughter, of course, is not at the person or his misfortune—whether he be a foreigner or a Chinese. It can convey a number of feelings: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such t hings can happen to any of us, etc. However, for people unaware of this attitude, the reaction to such laughter is usually quite unpleasant and often generates ill feeling towards those laughing.

II.Some gestures which have difference connotations in China and western countries

Since the cultures in different countries are different, the same gesture would have different meanings in different countries.

Americans like to shrug when they have no idea about something. But Chinese don’t do the same thing. Stretching out one’s tongue means contempt in America, but in China it means surprise or indicates dislike sometime. Another example, Americans often touch their temples to express somebody’s cleverness. But this action means there is something wrong with one’s mind or one is stupid to Chinese.

In China, people greet with each other with head nodding, smile, hand shaking and so on. Even good friends just hold hands for a short time or hammer softly on the other friend’s shoulder. As for hand shaking, people in

North America shake hands when they greet with each other.

Chinese are often surprised to see Americans lay their hands on their necks when they are full. Because it is a suicide action to Chinese, what used to express full by patting their stomachs. For instance, a thumb in the air might mean a request for a ride on the highway or “ok” on the launch pad. However in China, it means something very good. Raising forefinger and middle finger to form a “V” indicate victory in English-speaking countries, but in China it means two in most of time.

III. Some gestures which have the same meaning in China and Western countries

There are also some body language have the same meaning in both China and Western countries. Making a circle with thumb and index finger while extending others is to say It's OK. When you lift your forefinger near your lips with the sound ''shhh'' that shows you want somebody to be silent. Here are some examples,

"I don’t know" Shaking the head or waving the hand Shrugging the shoulders “Come here” Hand extended toward person, palm open and down, with all fingers crooked in a beckoning motion Hand extended toward person, closed hand, palm up, with forefinger only moving back and forth

“Shame on you!” (semi-joking gesture) Forefinger of one hand extended, tip touches one’s face several times quickly, similar to scratching, but with the forefinger straight Forefinger of each hand extended, palms down in front of one’s body, one forefinger makes seve ral brushing movements over the back of the other forefinger

Punish oneself Giving oneself boxes on the face Giving oneself boxes on the ear

Welcome, congratulation Applauding and clapping hands Applauding and snapping one’s fingers

“I’m very full” after a meal One or both hands open, lightly patting one’s own stomach Hand raised to throat, fingers extended, palm down

High praise, the best Thumb up Closed hand, forefinger up

“No, don’t do that” Moving the head from side to side Moving the index finger from side to side

“That’s crazy!”“He/she is crazy!” Moving the index finger from side to side Moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear.

IV. Some gestures which have no equivalents in other cultures

There are also many gestures only existing in one culture without equivalent in other cultures.

For example, the American “No, don’t do that” gesture, moving the index finger from side to side with forefinger up and others closed is not used in China. T o express doubt, helplessness or baffle, people who live in English-speaking countries often shrug their shoulders. However, this gesture is seldom used in China. In English culture, the gesture, thumb against the tip of the nose, other four fingers wave from side to side together, indicates challenge and defiance; putting middle finger on the back of forefinger indicates “bless success”, which has a relevant phrase—cross one’s fingers. And people are very familiar with another phrase, that is “thumb a ride” (standing on the side of the rode, closing hand with thumb up) which means a request for ride. Now, as the Western media cultures such as Western films penetrate into China, such kinds of gestures have been used by more and more Chinese young people. There are also many gestures only existing in China. In Chinese culture, to express respect, people must take something that can be hold with one hand to their guests or others with two hands. And when others pour tea or wine for them, they must hold the cup with both hands to express “Thank you” or tap the tabletop with forefinger to indicate

“It’s enough”. T ouching or pointing to tip of one’s own nose with raised forefinger means “It’s me.” “I’m the one.” Upraised forefinger of each hand coming together in front of the body until the two touches, means a good match. These gestures are unique to China.

V. Cultural roots for the difference of body language The reasons of causing the difference of body language are various, I’ll briefly recommend three kinds of cultural roots: different customs, different religion beliefs and different history.

5.1 Different customs

Traditional customs is also a reason of different body language in different countries, For example, Chinese traditional customs believes that people who are seated are more authoritative: emperors sit, while liege subjects stood; fathers sit, whereas sons stand; superiors sit, while inferiors stand and so on. So, to show respect, juniors often let seniors sit on their own seats. However, the situation in America is opposite to that in China. In America, “tallness usually equates with dominance. Standing up tall can help you appear more authoritative, whereas a slumped posture or slouched shoulders create an appearance of submissive or passive demeanor.”

The traditional customs and the affects toward certain thing are not the same, facial expressions would be different. For example, when Chinese are praised by others, they would take on negative facial expression, indicating “I don’t believe.” “I can’t accept.” When English are praised, they would say, “Thank you!” with a smile. Chinese would consider this attitude as immodesty and pride. All of these are determined by the traditional customs.

5.2 Different religion beliefs

Different beliefs are the causes of the differences of body language. And every culture has its distinctive belief system. Just like most Chinese people

believe in Buddhism and a majority of Americans are Nazarene. A normal action in this culture will be abnormal in another one. People from eastern world advocate humble, tolerance, mutual-support and responsibility for the group. But western people admire independence, self-respect, free development, and requiring individual space and so on.

5.3 Different History

History is also a reason for causing the difference of body language. Traditionally, Chinese teachers, rated as Confucian scholars, are the souls of belief, knowledge and authority. Their image of power certainly ought not to be damaged by the unserious posture. That is why some Chinese students often complain that their American teacher is so informal in class that he never seems to care about students’ reaction, which also indicates that they could not accept the fact that their English teachers who are native Chinese behave or more exaggerating as foreign teachers. On the contrary, sitting on the edge of desk to give a lecture or even putting his feet on chairs in class is welcomed in many English countries. Consequently, in American eyes, Chinese teachers appear to be timid and sluggish or too boring in classroom.[2:79]

VI. Body language in practice

First, We must know the importance of leaning body language on nonverbal communication before we use it. Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. It refers to the patterns of facial expressions and gestures that people use to express their feelings in communication. The specialist on body language research—Fen. Lafle. Angles, once said: "Once it was lost, a baby couldn’t have grown into a normal person". It’s also true to the juveniles. In school education, body language plays a positive role in cultivating the students’ characters.

Although we may not realize it, when we converse with others we

communicate by much more than words. By our expressions, gestures and other body movements we send messages to these around us a smile and an outstretched hand show welcome. A form is a sign of displeasure. Nodding one’s head means agreement—“Yes”. Waving an outstretched hand wi th open palm is the gesture for “goodbye”. Leaning back in one’s seat and yawning at a talk or lecture shows lack of interest, boredom. These gestures have come to be accepted in general as having the meanings mentioned, at last to Chinese and Americans. There are parts of the way in which we communicate. This “body language”, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture.

In English-speaking countries, physical contact is generally avoided in conversation among ordinary friends or acquaintances. Merely touching someone may cause an unpleasant reaction. If one touches another person accidentally, he/she usually utters an apology such as “Sorry, Oh, I’m sorry, Excuse me.”

In China, a common complaint of western mothers is that Chinese often fondle their babies and very small children. Such behavior—whether touching, patting, hugging or kissing—can be quite embarrassing and awkward for the mothers to their grown-up children. They know that no harm is meant, and that such gestures are merely signs of friendliness or affection, therefore they cannot openly show their displeasure. On the other hand, such actions in their own culture would be considered rude, intrusive and offensive and could arouse a strong dislike and even repugnance. So the mothers often stand by and watch in awkward silence, with mixed emotions, even when the fondling is by Chinese friends or acquaintances.

VII. The consequences of wrong interpretation of gestures Body language is an important part of nonverbal communication. If people don’t understand its cultural connotation, they will not interact properly. Sometimes they will make themselves or others embarrassed.

A well-known case is a gesture made by Winston Churchill, the doughty

prime minister who led Britain through the Second World War. As he appeared before a large crowd, he was greeted with cheers and applause. The occasion was a momentous one and Churchill flashed the “V” for “Victory” sign—with the forefinger and middle finger raised to form a “V”, whether by mistake or ignorance, instead of facing the palm of his hand to the front, he made the “V” with the back of his hand towards the audience. Some in the crowd applauded; some gasped; some broke out in laughter. The prime minister’s gesture, as g iven, meant quite something else. Instead of “V” for “Victory”, it meant something dirty; it was an obscene gesture. [10:149]

From this example, people can see that body language plays an important role in communication. Since body language can express certain meaning and it is conventional, it can become the effective way of interaction. People who live in the same culture believe that some gesture indicates some meaning. However, different countries have different cultures, so the comprehension of body language will not be the same in different countries. If people don’t realize this, it will affect their communication and cause misunderstanding. In English study, the comparative study of body language between Chinese and English-speaking countries is very important for them to master and understand the diversity of cross-cultural communication.


Body language varies from culture to culture. So, the aim of studying and researching nonverbal communication is to help foreign language learners and communicators exclude the interference of cultural differences. So people should focus on cultural differences and cultural clashes.

In cross-cultural communication, people must realize the relationship between nonverbal communication and cultures. And body language is the silent and authentic language that can express one’s inner emotions. It is the most distinctive kind of interaction in nonverbal communication. So body

language is dependent on cultures.

Moreover, body language has international character. People who live in different countries and speak different languages can communicate through body language. Sometimes body language can be used alone, but sometimes it must be used together with verbal language. If one can’t use body language prop erly, he can’t achieve communicative purpose well. And he will make another one unhappy or make himself embarrassed. Nevertheless, if one can use body language aptly, he can achieve communicative purpose well. So it’s very important for foreign language learners to know the sense of body language, to learn the cultures of English-speaking countries, and to eliminate native cultural interference, to diminish cultural clash. Body language is an important media in human interaction.

The study of body language should be complementary to the study of language. The understanding of one should be helpful in the further understanding of the other. Some authorities feel that the two are dependent on each other. This is certainly true in most situations. But it is also true that in certain situations body action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what body language communicates. When this occurs, one must try to get further information, or guess the meaning from the context of the situation. In a sense, all body language should be interpreted within a given context; to ignore the overall situation could be misleading. Because the cultures of different nations are rooted. Further, it’s not easy for people to absorb the signs which are contrary to their habits. So, they can’t ignore the influence exerted on body language by cultures and they must pay attention to the different meanings of body language in different cultures and contexts.


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〔11〕袁明忠,翁金. 跨文化的肢体语言[M], 英语知识,2005年第4期. 〔12〕李庆明,黄勇. 英汉语言文化比较[M], 西北工业大学出版社,2007年3月.


一、动作一样,意义不同。 1. 跺脚,在中国人看来,表示气愤,恼怒,灰心,悔恨。而它的英文含义则是不耐烦。 2. 目不转睛地看,其中文含义是:好奇;有时是惊讶。 英文含义则是不礼貌;使人发窘;不自在。 3. 拍别人的脑袋,中文含义是:对孩子来说是一种疼爱的表现,但是对成年或青年人做出这样的动作则会引起反感,是一种侮辱性的动作。 4. 鼓掌,观众和听众鼓掌,表演或讲话人也鼓掌,在中国人看来,表示表演者或演讲者的谢意,双方一齐鼓掌来相互表示友好感情。而在英语国家中,表演者或演讲者鼓掌则表示自己为自己鼓掌,自己为自己的表演感到骄傲,自己为自己所付出的努力感到自豪。 5. 嘘嘘声,汉语含义是反对;责骂;轰赶等。英文含义则是要求安静。 二、同样意思,动作有差异。 1. 叫别人过来,中国人的肢体语言为把手伸向被叫人,手心向下,几个手指同时弯曲几次,而美国人的肢体语言为把手伸向被叫人,手心向上,握拳用食指前后摆动。美国人的这种肢体语言在中国人看来是一种侮辱,或挑衅,是一种极不礼貌的行为。 2. 开玩笑时用的,表示丢人。中国人伸出食指在脸上刮几下,而美国人则是伸出两只手的食指,手心向下,用一个食指擦另一个食指的背面 3. 表示吃饱了的用语,中国人用手抚摸后轻拍自己的肚子(表示自己的肚子里已经装满食物了,不能再吃了。而美国人一只手放在自己的喉头,手心向下,表示吃到这了,食物已经到了嗓子了,再吃就要吐出来了。 三、只在一种文化中存在的动作。(中国没有或西方没有的某种肢体语言。) 1. 在美国,咬指甲,表示担心,不知所措,心中有重大的思想负担。 2. 在美国,用大拇指顶着鼻头,其他四指弯着一起动,表示挑战,蔑视。 3. 在美国,摇动手指),表示:警告别人不要作某事,表示对方在做错事。The action is the same, but has different meanings. 1. Stomping,in the eyes of the Chinese people,it stand for angry. Its English meaning is impatient. 2. The Chinese meaning of intently watching is curious sometimes surprised. English meaning is impolite embarrassed and uncomfortable. 3. Shoot someone's head, the Chinese meaning: a performance of love for children, but for adults or young people to make this kind of action will cause offense, is an offensive action. 4.The applause, the audience applauded for performance or speech, in the eyes of the Chinese people, the performer or speaker say thanks to the two sides together to show the friendly to each other. In English-speaking countries, the performers or speakers applauded for their proud performances,. 5. Peeing sound, Chinese meaning is against other’s idea. English meaning is requested quiet. 1. Tell others over, the Chinese body language to reach out to the cal lee, palms down, several fingers while bending a few times, and the body language of the Americans to reach out to as people, palms up, make a fist with the forefinger pitching. This action in China appears to be an insult, or provocation, it is an extremely impolite action. 2. Joke with, indicating a shame, China forefinger in face scraping few times, while Americans extended the index finger of both hands, palms down, with an index finger to rub the back of another index finger. 3. Fed terminologies, China stroking and patting his stomach (own stomach full of food, can not eat. Americans with one hand on his throat, palms down, means that eat the food to the throat, eat going to spit it out. 三the presence of only in a culture operation. (China or the West is not some kind of body language.) 1. In the United States, the nail-biting, expressed worry about what to do, the high pressure, the major burden of thinking. 2. In the United States, wore nose with the thumb and other four fingers bent with challenge the contempt. 3. In the United States, shaking a finger warning others not to do something, they are doing something wrong..


中美肢体语言对比 丁宁 商务英语商英121 12931107 指导老师:赵桂影 摘要:肢体语言和文字语言同属语言,都是文化的一部分。除了一些世界公认的或约定俗成肢体语言在不同文化中含义相同之外,在很多情况下,相同的肢体语言在不同文化背景下意义差别很大。由此可见,在进行跨文化交际时,正确理解、使用肢体语言尤为重要。本文从中美两国肢体语言的异同进行对比,以探讨肢体语言在人们交际中的作用。 关键词:肢体语言;对比; 文化差异;跨文化交际; Abstract: Body language and word language are included in language, is also a part of culture. Except the world recognized or accepted body language in different cultural have the same meaning, Most of the time, the difference is great significance of the same body language in different cultural, It follows that correct understanding and using the body language are most important, when we are cross cultural communication. This paper focuses on the comparative study of the body language in Chinese and American culture. And discuss the function of body language in communication. Key Words: body language; comparison; cultural difference ;intercultural communication; 一、引言 肢体语言(body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。运用自己的体态来表情达意几乎是人类自身的一种本能,因为它简便、迅捷、直观,在现实生活中的使用极其广泛,而且有时更能无声胜有声地巧妙表达信息并留给对方更大的想象空间。除了微笑、哭泣等这些肢体语言不同文化含义相同外,不同文化相同的肢体语言意义可能迥然不同,因此,在与别的文化交流过程中,正确理解肢体语言的意义特别重要。中美两国交往频繁,文化差异也很明显,肢体语言的使用也是如此。 二、探究和对比中美肢体语言的运用: (一)、面部表情语言的运用: 面部表情是形体动作中最能表现人情绪的非语言行为。达尔文说:“面部与身体的富于表达力的动作,极有助于发挥语言的力量.”法国作家罗曼.罗兰也曾说过:“面部表情是多少世纪培养成功的语言,是比嘴里讲的更复杂到千百倍的语言。”心理学家阿尔伯特。玛洛比恩发明了一个规则:总交流量=7%的文字交流+38%



different cultural, It follows that correct understanding and using the body language are most important, when we are cross cultural communication. This paper focuses on the comparative study of the body language in Chinese and American culture. And discuss the function of body language in communication. Key Words: body language; comparison; cultural difference ;intercultural communication; 一、引言 肢体语言 (body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。运用自己的体态来表情达意几乎是人类自身的一种本能,因为它简便、迅捷、直观,在现实生活中的使用极其广泛,而且有时更能无声胜有声地巧妙表达信息并留给对方更大的想象空间。除了微笑、哭泣等这些肢体语言不同文化含义相

同外,不同文化相同的肢体语言意义可能迥然不同,因此,在与别的文化交流过程中,正确理解肢体语言的意义特别重要。中美两国交往频繁,文化差异也很明显,肢体语言的使用也是如此。 二、探究和对比中美肢体语言的运用: (一)、面部表情语言的运用: 面部表情是形体动作中最能表现人情绪的非语言行为。达尔文说:“面部与身体的富于表达力的动作,极有助于发挥语言的力量.”法国作家罗曼.罗兰也曾说过:“面部表情是多少世纪培养成功的语言,是比嘴里讲的更复杂到千百倍的语言。”心理学家阿尔伯特。玛洛比恩发明了一个规则:总交流量=7%的文字交流+38%的口头交派+55%的面部表情交流。通过脸色的变化,眉、目、鼻、嘴的动作,能极好地实现信息交流。例如: 1、中国人则把紧盯着自己看的目光当成是不怀好意或一种明显的挑战,甚至在谈话中,也要避免直接的目光接触,否则会被认为是粗鲁、不尊重、胁迫等。美国恰恰相反,他们要求在谈话中必须要有目光接触,并鼓励小孩在问候和谈话中正视对方,否则就是紧张、腼腆、冷漠或软弱的表现。美国人的经验是“Never trust a person who can’t look you in the eyes.(不要相信不敢直视你的人)。 2、目不转睛的盯着看,在中国目不转睛的盯着某个人看表示好奇、感兴趣、或者是惊讶。而在美国和其他一些说英语的国家,这样做是不礼貌的表现,会使人发窘,让人感觉不自在。 3、中国人的笑在某些场合会引起外国人的反感,一个外国人失手摔了一个碟子,他本来就感到很窘,而在场的中国人发出笑声,使他更加觉得不是滋味,又生气、又反感。其实这种笑并非是嘲笑当事人,也不是幸灾乐祸,只是表示“一笑了之”、“别当一回事”、“没关系”、“我们也常干这种事”等。中国人的


西方的肢体语言手势,面部表情等,都相对来说比较夸张,是动作配合表情的。而中国人比较含蓄。 加一些:眯着眼——————不同意,厌恶,发怒或不欣赏 走动———————发脾气或受挫 扭绞双手—————紧张,不安或害怕 向前倾——————注意或感兴趣 懒散地坐在椅中——无聊或轻松一下 抬头挺胸—————自信,果断 坐在椅子边上———不安,厌烦,或提高警觉 坐不安稳—————不安,厌烦,紧张或者是提高警觉 正视对方—————友善,诚恳,外向,有安全感,自信,笃定等 避免目光接触———冷漠,逃避,不关心,没有安全感,消极,恐惧或紧张等 点头———————同意或者表示明白了,听懂了 摇头———————不同意,震惊或不相信 晃动拳头—————愤怒或富攻击性 鼓掌———————赞成或高兴 打呵欠——————厌烦 手指交叉—————好运 轻拍肩背—————鼓励,恭喜或安慰 搔头———————迷惑或不相信 笑————————同意或满意 咬嘴唇——————紧张,害怕或焦虑 抖脚———————紧张 双手放在背后———愤怒,不欣赏,不同意防御或攻击 环抱双臂—————愤怒,不欣赏,不同意防御或攻击 眉毛上扬—————不相信或惊讶 常见手势在不同国家和地区的含义 1,拇指和食指合成一个圈,其余三个手指头伸直或者略屈(OK手势):中国和世界很多地方:零或三美国、英国:OK,即赞同、了不起的意思法国:零或没有泰国:没问题、请便日本、缅甸、韩国:金钱印度:正确、不错突尼斯:傻瓜 2,食指和中指上伸成V形,拇指弯曲压于无名指和小指上:世界大多数地区:伸手示数时表示二,用它表示胜利据说是二战时期英国首相丘吉尔发明的。不过在表示胜利的时候,手掌一定要向外,如果手掌内向,就是贬低人、侮辱人的意思了。在希腊,做这一手势的时候,即使手心向外,如手臂伸直,也有对人不恭之嫌。 3,左手或者右手握拳,伸直食指:世界上大多数国家:数字一法国:请求提问新加坡:最重要澳大利亚:请再来一杯啤酒 4,举大拇指:中国:好、了不起,有赞赏、夸奖之意意大利:数字一希腊:拇指向上表示“够了”,向下表示“厌恶”、“坏蛋”美国、英国、澳大利亚等国:好、行、不错.


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1委婉语的跨文化交流及其语用功能 2法律英语词汇的特点及其翻译 3论奥斯丁女性主义观点在《爱玛》中的体现 4建构主义学习理论在中学英语教学中的应用 5《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析 6《榆树下的欲望》之农场意象--基于生态女性主义的分析 7从语境视角浅析《生活大爆炸》中反语的幽默属性 8文档所公布各专业原创毕业论文。原创Q 95 80 35 640 9浅谈英语复杂句的翻译 10劳伦斯小说中的女性形象 11孤独的精神探索者——《月亮和六便士》和《刀锋》中主人公形象分析 12基于语料库对红楼梦两个英文版本中红色的翻译研究 13Error Analysis on English Writing by Senior High School Students 14跨文化交际中的语用失误与避免方法 15中美企业并购中的文化整合分析 16盖茨比的人物形象分析 17政论文英译的翻译策略研究 18An Analysis of Two Main Characters in Moby Dick 19浅谈儿童文学在儿童成长中的作用-弗朗西斯霍奇森伯内特《小公主》和《秘密花园》之比较 20浅析英文电影在高中英语教学应用 21从认知语言学角度浅析网络语言中的隐喻现象 22大学英语课堂教学师生互动建构浅析 23从功能翻译理论看中国饮食文化负载词的翻译策略 24 25从《远离尘嚣》看托马斯哈代的生态自然观 26从《京华烟云》探析林语堂的女性观 27论《威尼斯商人》中的宗教思想影响 28爱默生的超验主义和老子的道家思想对比 29论《吉姆老爷》中的英雄主义 30 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 31论中西文化中家庭观念的差异 32论中美日常交际的文化差异 33影响大学生英语自主学习的因素研究 34On the Translation of English Impersonal Sentences 35试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象 36论流行网络词汇的汉英翻译 37 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural Communication 38 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 39从《远离尘嚣》和《无名的裘德》看托马斯?哈代的婚恋观 40中美两国家庭教育理念的比较

中西方肢体语言差异 Vivian

中西方肢体语言差异 西方的肢体语言手势,面部表情等,都相对来说比较夸张,是动作配合表情的。而中国人比较含蓄。 一、常见手势在不同国家和地区的含义 1,拇指和食指合成一个圈,其余三个手指头伸直或者略屈(OK手势):中国和世界很多地方:零或三 美国、英国:OK,即赞同、了不起的意思 日本、缅甸、韩国:金钱 突尼斯:傻瓜 2,食指和中指上伸成V形,拇指弯曲压于无名指和小指上: 世界大多数地区:伸手示数时表示二,用它表示胜利据说是二战时期英国首相丘吉尔发明的。不过在表示胜利的时候,手掌一定要向外,如果手掌内向,就是贬低人、侮辱人的意思了。 在希腊,做这一手势的时候,即使手心向外,如手臂伸直,也有对人不恭之嫌。 3、举大拇指: 中国:好、了不起,有赞赏、夸奖之意 意大利:数字一 希腊:拇指向上表示“够了”,向下表示“厌恶”、“坏蛋” 美国、英国、澳大利亚等国:好、行、不错.

二、不同处举例列表 A 动作一样,意义不同 B 意义相同,动作有差异

C 只存在于一种文化中的动作 这几张表中所举的例子不全,但是可以说明肢体语言的差异,也说明了解另一种语言中的肢体语言的重要性。 三、各国不同的面部和肢体语言 ◆美国 美国人非常注重交谈时两眼正视对方。如果谈话时您目光游离或者看向一旁,美国人便会认为您对谈话不感兴趣,甚至以为您在对他隐瞒什么。 在美国,有两种手势是最具侮辱性的:第一种手势是左手握拳且弯曲

左臂,同时将右手掌按在左臂肱二头肌的位置上;第二种是中指伸直向上,其余4指弯曲。 ◆埃及 在交谈中,如果埃及人拉起您的手,抓住您的胳膊,或是抚摸您的肩膀时,请不要误以为他们缺少礼数,这是他们真情实感的流露。在埃及,交谈者会尽量站得离您更近此,如果您企图躲闪,这将被视为对对方的侮辱。 ◆英国 同英国人谈话,实际上是很复杂的事情:英国人所受的教育不仅不允许打断交谈者的话,而且面部也不允许流露出不赞成的表情。英国人可以心平气和地听您喋喋不休地说上半个小时,当您终于沉默的时候,他才断然说个“不”字。因此,您在独自一人滔滔不绝讲话的时候,别忘了必要时停顿一下。 如果英国人用弯曲的食指敲打自己的前额,其含义是,他不愿意说您是个“笨蛋”,但他想说,他是个智者。 ◆希腊 希腊人总是面带微笑,即使在生气的时候也是如此。比方说,在舞会上,希腊男人即便邀请女士跳舞遭到拒绝,也不会立刻闷闷不乐地走开,而是仍然站在原地满脸笑容地谈笑风生。 如果希腊人大大地张开五指,将手掌向您的脸伸过去的话,这是想让您不再作声。


中西方身体语言差异 学习英语过程中基本的语法词汇当然特别重要,但是身体语言作为一种特殊的语言也不容忽视。身体语言又叫肢体语言,是由人的四肢运动引起的,也可以传递许多信息。它实际是指非词语性的身体符号,包括目光与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势与外貌、身体间的空间距离等。握手是身体语言中最常见的一种。我们都知道无论是中国还是西方都有身体语言存在,但是由于地域的差异,人们生活习惯的不同,使这些身体语言所表达的含义也有所不同。下面我们就详细的了解一下中西方身体语言的差异,它使我们能够更好地了解西方文化,从而能够更好地促进我们的语言学习! 一、动作一样,意义不同。如下例: 1. 跺脚,在中国人看来,表示气愤,恼怒,灰心,悔恨。 比如说:气得直跺脚。而它的英文含义则是不耐烦。 2. 目不转睛地看,其中文含义是:好奇;有时是惊讶。。而这个短语的英文含义则是不礼貌;使人发窘;不自在。 3. 拍别人的脑袋,中文含义是:对孩子来说是一种疼爱的表现,但是对成年或青年人做出这样的动作则会引起反感,是一种侮辱性的动作。 4. 鼓掌,观众和听众鼓掌,表演或讲话人也鼓掌,在中国人看来,表示表演者或演讲者的谢意,双方一齐鼓掌来相互表示友好感情。比如:演讲者和听众都鼓起了热烈的掌声。而在英语国家中,表演者或演讲者鼓掌则表示自己为自己鼓掌,自己为自己的表演感到骄傲,自己为自己所付出的努力感到自豪。 5. 嘘嘘声,汉语含义是反对;责骂;轰赶等。而它的英文含义则是要求安静。 二、同样意思,动作有差异。如下例: 1. 叫别人过来,中国人的肢体语言为把手伸向被叫人,手心向下,几个手指同时弯曲几次,而美国人的肢体语言为把手伸向被叫人,手心向上,握拳用食指前后摆动。美国人的这种肢体语言在中国人看来是一种侮辱,或挑衅,是一种极不礼貌的行为。 2. 开玩笑时用的,表示丢人,没羞。中国人伸出食指在脸上刮几下,而美国人则是伸出两只手的食指,手心向下,用一个食指擦另一个食指的背面。


跨文化交际视角下的中西方肢体语言差异 姓名:XX 学院:外国语学院专业:英语年级:2009级学号:XXXXXX 摘要 肢体语言(body language)又称身势语言,是表示使用身体运动或动作来代替或辅助声音、口头言语或其他交流方式进行交流的一种方式的一个术语。其之所以能够被称之为语言,主要在于它的信息通报性。肢体语言和我们所学习的语言一样,它作为一种特殊的语言也是不可被忽视的文化的一部分。它之所以具有着不可忽视的作用是因为它能够在学习和运用语言的过程中通过肢体的不同动作把我们想要表达出的话语以及内部实质意义更为深刻鲜明的表现出来,肢体语言能够更好地促进语言的交流,我们都知道,不论是以中国为代表的东方国家还是以欧美为代表的西方国家都有着肢体语言的存在,除了一些世界公认的肢体语言以外,不同的国家肢体语言还有着其不同的语言内涵,了解东西方不同的肢体语言有助于我们更为深入地了解西方文化,更好的增进我们语言的进修。 目录 肢体语言的定义,重要性 Ⅱ肢体语言的分类 A :表情语言 B :动作语言 C : 体态语言 Ⅲ影响跨文化交流中肢体语言的因素 A:语言习惯 B: 风俗习惯

C:价值观 Ⅳ正确理解中西方肢体语言的区别和运用 A:动作一样,意义不同 B:意义相同,动作有差异 C:只存在于美国文化中的动作 D:只存在于中国文化中的动作 E:对一些常见的肢体语言的理解 关键词:肢体语言、跨文化交际、如何运用 正文 Ⅰ肢体语言的定义,重要性 肢体语言 (body language)也称体态语言,是人类借助和利用自己的面部表情、手势动作、身体姿态的变化来表达和传递思想感情的方式。运用自己的体态来表情达意几乎是人类自身的一种本能,因为它简便、迅捷、直观,在现实生活中的使用极其广泛,而且有时更能无声胜有声地巧妙表达信息并留给对方更大的想象空间。 Ⅱ肢体语言的分类 1.面部表情语言(facial expression language) 在跨文化交流中,面部表情语言指的是在交流的过程中通过面部的一系列动作,来传达出我们内心的真实想法,不同国家的人民之间存在着语言障碍,但是通过面部的千变万化的表情我们可以相互了解对方的意愿,他的喜、怒、哀、乐,悲、恐、惊。法国作家罗曼.罗兰也曾说过:“面部表情是多少世纪培养成功的语言,是比嘴里讲的更复杂到千百倍的语言。”在此,个人认为,面部表情中最重要的就是眼睛,从儿童时代,我们就被灌输着“眼睛是心灵的窗口”这样的思想,眼睛是面部表情中最重要的传达信息的途径


肢体语言的中西方文化差异 尼泊尔人、斯里兰卡人和有些印地安人和爱斯基摩人用点头表示“不”。因此,要用外语进行有效的交际,在说某种语言时就得了解说话人的手势、动作、举止等所表示的意思。 我们可以观察一下阿拉伯人同英国人谈话。阿拉伯人按照自己的民族习惯认为站得近些表示友好。英国人按照英国的习惯会往后退,因为他认为保持适当的距离才合适。阿拉伯人往前挪,英国人往后退。谈话结束时,两个人离原来站的地方可能相当远! 在这个例子里,双方的距离是关键。不同的民族在谈话时,对双方保持多大距离才合适有不同的看法。根据研究,据说在美国进行社交或公务谈话时,有四种距离表示四种不同情况:关系亲密,私人交往,一般社交,公共场合。交谈双方关系亲密,那么身体的距离从直接接触到相距约45厘米之间,这种距离适于双方关系最为亲密的场合,比如说夫妻关系。朋友、熟人或亲戚之间个人交谈一般以相距45~80米为宜。在进行一股社交活动时,交谈双方相距1.30米至3米;在工作或办事时,在大型社交聚会上,交谈者一般保持1.30米至2米的距离。在公共场合,交谈者之间相距更远,如在公共场所演说,教师在堂上讲课,他们同听众距离很远。多数讲英语的人不喜欢人们离得太近,当然,离得太远也有些别扭。离得太近会使人感到不舒服,除非另有原因,如表示喜爱或鼓励对方与自己亲近等,但这是另

一回事。记住这一点很重要。 在英语国家里,一般的朋友和熟人之间交谈时,避免身体任何部位与对方接触。即使仅仅触摸一下也可能引起不良的反应。如果一方无意触摸对方一下,他(她)一般会说Sorry;Oh,I’m sorry;Excuse me 等表示“对不起”的道歉话。 在中国,常常听到西方妇女抱怨中国人抚弄了她们的婴儿和很小的孩子。不论是摸摸、拍拍、接接或是亲亲孩子,都使那些西方的母亲感到别扭。她们知道这种动作毫无恶意,只是表示亲近和爱抚而已,所以也不好公开表示不满。但在她们自己的文化中,这种动作会被人认为是无礼的,也会引起对方强烈的反感和厌恶。所以,遇到这种情况,西方的母亲往往怀着复杂的感情站在一旁不说话,感到窘迫,即使抚弄孩子的是自己的中国朋友或熟人。除轻轻触摸外,再谈一谈当众拥抱问题。在许多国家里,两个妇女见面拥抱亲亲是很普遍的现象。在多数工业发达的国家里,夫妻和近亲久别重逢也常常互相拥抱。两个男人应否互相拥抱,各国习惯不同。阿拉伯人、俄国人、法国人以及东欧和地中海沿岸的一些国家里,两个男人也热烈拥抱、亲吻双顿表示欢迎,有些拉丁美洲国家的人也是这样。不过,在东亚和英语国家,两个男人很少拥抱,一般只是握握手。若干年前,发生了这样一件事:当时日本首相福田纠夫到美国进行国事访问。他在白宫前下车,美国总统上前紧紧拥抱,表示欢迎。福田首相吃了一惊,日本代表国成员也愣住了。许多美国人感到奇怪—一这种情况很少见,完全出乎人们


从身体语言方面比较中西方文化差异 作者: 电信学院.通信091班.李敏 学号:200931003093 摘要: 语言是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶.它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识、历史文化、风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征.不同的习俗传统和文化背影,使中西方在思维方式,价值观念,行为准则和生活方式等方面也存在着相当的文化差异.语言是文化的载体,词汇是文化信息的浓缩,身体语言是语言的重要组成部分,它反映着文化的发展和变化,同时也直接反映着文化的差异. 同语言符号一样,身体语言是人们交流思想和传递信息的工具,是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,它与民族文化有着密切的联系.本文在较浅的层次方面探讨了身体语言在中西文化中所体现的不同文化意蕴及文化差异产生的根源. 关键字:身体语言民族文化文化差异 正文: 引言文化差异在异文化交际中常常被视为干扰源,许多时候会导致交际上的失误.其中最为突出的文化障碍因素之一就是非言语行为.因为”在与外族人交谈时,本族人对他们在语言和语法方面的错误往往比较宽容.与此相反,违反说话规则被认为是不礼貌的”(沃尔夫森).非言语行为中,对身体语言的不同理解又是产生交际失误的重要原因. 1959年赫鲁晓夫访问完美国,在走上飞机旋梯时,为向美国人表示友谊,他做了一个将双手举过头顶鼓掌的手势.可这一手势使当时的许

多美国人感到很不舒服,引起了不小的误会.因为把双手举过头鼓掌这一手势在俄罗斯人看来是友谊的象征,而在美国通常表示在战胜对手后骄傲、得意的意思.加之以前赫鲁晓夫曾说过要埋葬美国资本主义的话,许多美国人认为,这种手势表示他好像已经取得胜利而洋洋得意.一个小小的手势为什么会引起如此大的误会呢?这实际上是身体语言在不同民族的文化差异所引起的.进入新世纪后,在世界经济一体化和全球化的浪潮中,人际之间,民族之间乃至国家之间的相互交流和沟通日益频繁.中国的改革开放和加入世贸组织使得中西方文化交流越来越广泛、深入,由此彼此之间的文化差异而产生的文化碰撞乃至文化沟壑也不断出现.因此,了解世界各族的文化差异,尤其是中西方文化差异,培养对文化差异的敏感性,已经成为新时代的迫切要求. 身体语言又称体语、身势语、体态语(body language),是指在言语行为过程中传递交际信息的面部表情和肢体动作,是非语言符号系统的一个重要分支.它同语言符号一样,执行着传达信息的交际功能,与人体纯生理性动作(如:因风刮进了沙子而眨眼)有重大差异.身体语言有目光接触、面部表情、姿势表达、空间语言、手语等多种表现形式.人类在进行交流、表达思想、传递信息时,除了使用语言进行传达外,大量的信息还依靠非语言符号.身体语言在传递信息和表达情感中具有语言所不能替代的功能.萨莫瓦曾说:“在面对面的交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右是语言行为,其它都是通过非语言行为传递的.”人们通过面部表情、手势、身姿等诸多无声的身体语言,将有声语言形象化、情感化、生动化,以达到先声夺人,耐人寻味的效果,且能


跨文化交际中的肢体语言 来源:英语毕业论文 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a8441149.html,/ 肢体语言是人类进行非语言信息交流的重要手段,其内涵也随着文化环境、生活方式和思维习惯的不同而呈现出一定的差异。要用外语进行有效的、成功的跨文化交际就必须学习和了解肢体语言在不同民族文化中的交际功能。 肢体语言跨文化交际文化差异 肢体语言又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作(包括面部表情和身体各部位的动作等)来进行传递信息、交流思想的现象。作为一种独特的交际方式,肢体语言在人们的交际过程中起着不可替代的作用。有研究表明,一个人要向外界传达完整的信息,55%的信息都需要由肢体语言来传达。 在人际交往中,有的肢体语言非常具体,有的则十分概括;有的旨在交流,有的仅为表达;有的提供感情信息,有的则表现人物的性格和态度。肢体语言由个人发出,有社会共知含义,并有可能对交际对象产生影响和发生作用。 但是,不同的国家有着不同的文化,肢体语言的内涵也随着文化的不同而呈现出一定的差异。因此,要用外语进行有效的、成功的交际,就必须对不同文化中的肢体语言所表示的含义有所了解。 体距语的文化差异在人类的人际交往中,个人往往会不自觉地与别人保持相当距离,以保持其心理上的安全感受。美国人类学教授爱德华·T·霍尔博士认为,在人际交往中存在四种空间距离:亲密距离(0~45cm,适合于夫妻关系及情侣之间)、个人

距离(45~120cm,存在于朋友、熟人、亲戚之间)、社交距离(120~360cm,多用于洽谈业务和接待陌生客人时)和公共距离(360cm~750cm,多用于非正式的聚会。) 从这四种分法可以看出,人类在不同的活动范围中因关系 的亲密程度而有着或保持不同的空间距离,关系越远,亲密程度越小,并且这个空间距离的大小还会受到文化背景、环境、行业、个性等的影响。一般说来,西方文化注重个人隐私,而中国人则不太讲究个人空间。多数英语国家的人在交谈时不喜欢离得太近,总要保持一定的距离。北美人通常认为,1.5m左右的间距是人与人交往之间“舒适安逸的距离”。 在人际交往中,如果身体距离超过了个人距离的极限,会让他们觉得是一种侵犯隐私行为,从而感到不愉快。阿拉伯人则喜欢互相挨得近些、触摸他的伙伴,感受他的体热、甚至通过闻他的气味以示信任、友情和尊重。而在中国文化中,尤其在同性青年朋友(尤其女性)交往时,人们常常手挽手地并肩而行以示友好和亲昵,这在西方人的眼里是很难理解的。由此可见,在对个人空间要求方面,不同的民族文化有不同的习惯。 同时,西方人崇尚个人自由,不喜欢身体之间的接触;中国 人则往往喜欢把个人空间扩展为集团或家族的空间。中国的家人、同学和亲密朋友在公共场合一般都喜欢挤在一起。英语国家的人却不同,即使是一家人也不例外。 在餐厅就餐的时候,中国人宁可全家挤坐在一起也不愿意 分一部分人到别的餐桌去。英语国家的人是宁可轮流用餐也不愿挤坐在一起[2]。在英语国家里,一般的朋友和熟人之间交谈时,避免身体任何部位与对方接触。而在中国,人们常常通过轻轻触摸来表示亲近。比如中国人往往喜欢摸摸、拍拍、或是亲亲小孩,这样往往很容易引起外国友人的尴尬和反感。以上这些

中西方肢体语言差异 Vivian

中西方肢体语言差异 西方得肢体语言手势,面部表情等,都相对来说比较夸张,就是动作配合表情得。而中国人比较含蓄。 一、常见手势在不同国家与地区得含义 1,拇指与食指合成一个圈,其余三个手指头伸直或者略屈(OK手势):中国与世界很多地方:零或三 美国、英国:OK,即赞同、了不起得意思 日本、缅甸、韩国:金钱 突尼斯:傻瓜 2,食指与中指上伸成V形,拇指弯曲压于无名指与小指上: 世界大多数地区:伸手示数时表示二,用它表示胜利据说就是二战时期英国首相丘吉尔发明得。不过在表示胜利得时候,手掌一定要向外,如果手掌内向,就就是贬低人、侮辱人得意思了. 在希腊,做这一手势得时候,即使手心向外,如手臂伸直,也有对人不恭之嫌。 3、举大拇指: 中国:好、了不起,有赞赏、夸奖之意

意大利:数字一 希腊:拇指向上表示“够了”,向下表示“厌恶”、“坏蛋”美国、英国、澳大利亚等国:好、行、不错、 二、不同处举例列表 A 动作一样,意义不同 B 意义相同,动作有差异

C 只存在于一种文化中得动作

这几张表中所举得例子不全,但就是可以说明肢体语言得差异,也说明了解另一种语言中得肢体语言得重要性。 三、各国不同得面部与肢体语言 ◆美国 美国人非常注重交谈时两眼正视对方。如果谈话时您目光游离或者瞧向一旁,美国人便会认为您对谈话不感兴趣,甚至以为您在对她隐瞒什么. 在美国,有两种手势就是最具侮辱性得:第一种手势就是左手握拳且弯曲左臂,同时将右手掌按在左臂肱二头肌得位置上;第二种就是中指伸直向上,其余4指弯曲。 ◆埃及 在交谈中,如果埃及人拉起您得手,抓住您得胳膊,或就是抚摸您得肩膀时,请不要误以为她们缺少礼数,这就是她们真情实感得流露。在埃及,交谈者会尽量站得离您更近此,如果您企图躲闪,这将被视为对对方得侮辱. ◆英国 同英国人谈话,实际上就是很复杂得事情:英国人所受得教育不仅不


中西方肢体语言差异 V i v i 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

中西方肢体语言差异 西方的肢体语言手势,面部表情等,都相对来说比较夸张,是动作配合表情的。而中国人比较含蓄。 一、常见手势在不同国家和地区的含义 1,拇指和食指合成一个圈,其余三个手指头伸直或者略屈(OK手势):中国和世界很多地方:零或三 美国、英国:OK,即赞同、了不起的意思 日本、缅甸、韩国:金钱 突尼斯:傻瓜? 2,食指和中指上伸成V形,拇指弯曲压于无名指和小指上: 世界大多数地区:伸手示数时表示二,用它表示胜利据说是二战时期英国首相丘吉尔发明的。不过在表示胜利的时候,手掌一定要向外,如果手掌内向,就是贬低人、侮辱人的意思了。 在希腊,做这一手势的时候,即使手心向外,如手臂伸直,也有对人不恭之嫌。 3、举大拇指: 中国:好、了不起,有赞赏、夸奖之意 意大利:数字一 希腊:拇指向上表示“够了”,向下表示“厌恶”、“坏蛋” 美国、英国、澳大利亚等国:好、行、不错.

二、不同处举例列表A?动作一样,意义不同 B?意义相同,动作有差异

C只存在于一种文化中的动作 这几张表中所举的例子不全,但是可以说明肢体语言的差异,也说明了解另一种语言中的肢体语言的重要性。 三、各国不同的面部和肢体语言 ◆美国 美国人非常注重交谈时两眼正视对方。如果谈话时您目光游离或者看向一旁,美国人便会认为您对谈话不感兴趣,甚至以为您在对他隐瞒什么。

在美国,有两种手势是最具侮辱性的:第一种手势是左手握拳且弯曲左臂,同时将右手掌按在左臂肱二头肌的位置上;第二种是中指伸直向上,其余4指弯曲。 ◆埃及 在交谈中,如果埃及人拉起您的手,抓住您的胳膊,或是抚摸您的肩膀时,请不要误以为他们缺少礼数,这是他们真情实感的流露。在埃及,交谈者会尽量站得离您更近此,如果您企图躲闪,这将被视为对对方的侮辱。 ◆英国 同英国人谈话,实际上是很复杂的事情:英国人所受的教育不仅不允许打断交谈者的话,而且面部也不允许流露出不赞成的表情。英国人可以心平气和地听您喋喋不休地说上半个小时,当您终于沉默的时候,他才断然说个“不”字。因此,您在独自一人滔滔不绝讲话的时候,别忘了必要时停顿一下。 如果英国人用弯曲的食指敲打自己的前额,其含义是,他不愿意说您是个“笨蛋”,但他想说,他是个智者。 ◆希腊 希腊人总是面带微笑,即使在生气的时候也是如此。比方说,在舞会上,希腊男人即便邀请女士跳舞遭到拒绝,也不会立刻闷闷不乐地走开,而是仍然站在原地满脸笑容地谈笑风生。 如果希腊人大大地张开五指,将手掌向您的脸伸过去的话,这是想让您不再作声。


09汉语言文学专业 邢寿康200940202009 中西方文化差异与语言差异 在中国人的心目中,"夏日炎炎"、“火辣夏日”,夏天总与酷暑炎热联系在一起。而在莎翁的一首十四行诗中却有这样的诗句,Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?/Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?/你啊,比夏天来得可爱和照。) 诗人把情人比作夏天,可爱而温煦。"夏天" 带给中国人和英国人的联想竟是如此的迥异。原因就在于所处的地理位置不同,中国位于亚洲大陆,属于大陆性气候,四季分明,夏天最明显的特征便是骄阳似火,炎热难熬。而英国位于北温带,属海洋性气候,夏天明媚温和,令人惬意。当然还有很多这方面的例子,例如,在汉语中的"东风" 使人想到温暖和煦,西风则叫人有种寒风刺骨的味道。而在西方则相反。原因也是一样,两地所处地理位置不同,带来感觉就不同。 二、生产劳动 英语中与水产、航船有关的词语非常多,如fish in the air (缘木求鱼)、an odd fish(怪人)、miss the boat (错过机会) 等。汉语中这类词语就少得多。原因在于英国四周环水、水产捕捞业和航海业在其经济生活中占有重要地位,故而多此类词语。而在中国只有沿海地区才有渔民结网捕鱼,所以该类词语相对较少。 要表达“用体力负运东西" 的动词在汉语中有许多,如"扛、荷、挑、担、抬、背、驮、负、提、挎" 等,每个词都有一定的负运的东西与之相应(如,挑土、担水、提箱子),真是细密之极。在英语中却只有一个carry来泛指这个动作。汉语之所以将这个动词细加区分,大概因为中国长期处于农业社会,体力劳动特别多的缘故。 汉语中我们会遇到"像老黄牛一样干活" 、"气壮如牛" 等词,英语中要表达同样的意思,会说work like a horse, as strong as a horse, flog a willing horse 。为什么汉语用"牛" 而英语用horse 呢? 答案是中国人向来用牛来耕田种地,早期的英国人却用马来耕作。牛和马在生产过程中分别分成了两国人的好帮手,博得了人们的好感,词语中也就有了如上用法。 三、风俗习惯 1、称谓及称呼: 学习英语时,我们发现英语中的称谓名称比汉语中的要少得多。例如,英语中cousin一词,对应于汉语的表兄、表弟、表姐和表妹等。我们看到,汉语把表亲关系区分得非常严格,既要说出性别,又要分出大小,根本不像英语笼统一个词了事。这种语言现象的产生归因于中国二、三千年之久的封建统治。这种封建社会高度重视血缘关系,特别强调等级间的差异,提倡长幼、尊卑有序。亲属关系亲疏,长幼和性别等万面不同,权力和义务也随着出现区别,故称谓区分得严格而细密。英语中的称谓为数不多,除dad, mum, grandpa, aunt, uncle等几个称谓经常使用外,其它的几乎都不用。在英美国家,人们的相互称呼在中国人看来有违情理,且不礼貌,没教养。比如: 小孩子不把爷爷奶奶称作grandpa和grandma,而是直呼其名,这种做法却是得体,亲切、合乎常埋的,年轻人称老


中西方舞蹈的文化差异 “言之不足,故嗟叹之。嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之。咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之足之蹈之也。”《诗》中的咏叹反映了自古以来就存在舞蹈这种艺术形式。语言是心理学研究的重要的对象,是人类内心世界的反映,而作为肢体语言的舞蹈的产生远远早于语言,也是人类艺术中最古老的一种。无论在世界各地的各种文化中都产生了这样一种表情达意的方式。但即便如此,从中西方舞蹈的不同特征中,我们却可以看出两个文化群体间的心理差异。 1.群体中的自我——集体主义与个人主义 在中国的舞蹈当中,无论是民族舞还是古典舞,往往是群舞。而在整个群舞当中,通常有一人在前方领舞,其余人则围绕四周或于后方,队形不断变化,错落有致但井井有条,每个舞者都必须根据自己的位置,舞出在其位置上应有的动作。判断一个舞的好坏要根据所有人的配合情况,而判断一个舞者的好坏则根据其是否在自己相应的位置上完成了自己应当完成的动作。整个舞蹈结构严谨,编排细致,每个人都是舞蹈的一部分,但都不是全部。 西方的芭蕾舞长于展现人物独特丰富的内心世界,因而常常以独舞形式出现。著名的舞蹈《天鹅湖》《睡美人》皆是如此。西方舞蹈中当然也有群舞,但在这些群舞中,无论是舞蹈演员的位置还是动作都没有那么复杂,领舞和群舞除了位置上存在着差别,舞蹈动作往往一样,但个性化色彩浓重。 这就显示出了中西方文化心理的极大区别。社会心理学认为,每个人都是情境中的个人,人们自我的显现是发生在与他人接触当中的,即所谓的“对他而自觉为我。”因而如何群体中的自我观成为心理学研究的重要内容。在这一点上存在着一个重要的概念,场依存性与场独立性,场依存性高的人往往看重社会群体中个体与他人,与群体之间的关系。 2.对待自然的态度——和谐与冲突 中国舞蹈的基本人体动作尽可能地表现对大地的眷恋,而西方舞蹈的一切肢体动作是为了挣脱地心的引力向上升腾。中国舞蹈的代表动作水袖、三道弯、拉山膀、卧鱼,则强调“拧、曲、圆”的动作形态,其中又以“圆”最为有代表性,圆的含义既包括舞者在舞台上上的动作轨迹,又包括舞者身体线条的流畅,还指中国舞蹈中“欲前先后,欲左先右。”的重要原则所造成的一种空间上的圆融动态感。而在舞蹈的其他方面,不论是舞蹈演员间不同动作繁复而又错落有致的配合,舞台结构上的对称美,到处都给人一种和谐,没有一点尖锐的感觉。 而西方舞蹈强调“开、绷、直、立”四大原则。其中又以开为主要原则,“开“主要指腿的外开性,舞者通过胯部的外开导致了收腹,使得芭蕾舞演员的基本体态挺拔舒展,能够做出一些正常情况下难以作出的动作。芭蕾舞更多的强调出人体的舒展与开放,其基本形态即强调人体在外部空间的延展性,绷起足尖的跳动也几乎成为了芭蕾舞的代表词。通过挑战人身体的极限来展现力与美。而舞蹈的情节也常常具有强烈的戏剧,舞台结构上也使观众感受到强烈的视觉冲击。
