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在与客户的初次接洽谈判中,首先要介绍参与谈判的工作人员,然后再说明如何获取对方的信息,同时需表达与客户建立业务往来的意向,表明出谈判目的,常用的谈判句子有:1.This is XXXX. He is in charge of Marketing.2.By the courtesy of XXXX,we are given to understand the name of your

firm.3.Your firm has been introduced to us by XXXX Company.4.We express our desire to establish relations with your firm5.We are willing to enter into business relations with you.6.We shall be glad to enter into business ralations with you .7.In order to expand our products into XXXX, we wish to seek cooperations possibilities with you.


为了让对方对公司的信息有大致的了解,需要对自己公司的商业规模、经营范围、行业地位、优势等进行介绍,常用的谈判句子有:1.We are one of the largest importers of Electric Goods in this city.2.We have been in this line of business for more than ten years .3.We specialize in the export of XXXX Products and would like to trade with you in this line4.We have set up a cradible sales network and we have our regular clients from over 80

countries and refions woeldwide.5.Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantage they invest here.


产品推介主要是介绍产品的特点、优势、质量、价格、公益流程、主要市场、交货期等,同时应呈送产品目录及样品等供对方参考,常用的谈判句子有:1. Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton. Owing to the carefully selected materials used and the great attention paid to weaving and printing, they possess a very attractive appearance as well as novel designs.2. This style is matching with the tastes of our market .3. Our product has well established in the market, and I can assure that it stands competitions well.4. These product are gaining polularity because of their fine quality, competitive price ,and our honest dealings.5. Our producets are well received in the European market.6. If our product becomes damaged , returned it and we will replace it fre even when the warranty is over.



I am sure our business dealings will develop quickly and productivity.2. Let’s hope the business works out well.



合资企业:joint venture enterprise

合作企业:cooperative enterprise

外商独资企业:exclusively foreign-owned enterprise 国有企业:state-owned enterprise

集体企业:collective-owned enterprise

个体企业:individually-owned enterprise

财务状况:financial position

信用声誉:credit standing

平等互利:equality and mutual benefit

中国出口产品交易会:China Export Commodities Fair 介绍产品:

高科技产品:high-tech products

耐用消费品:durable consumer goods

品质优质:excellent quality

质量可靠:reliable quality

式样新颖大方:modern and elagant in fashion

品种繁多:wide varieties

规格齐全:complete in specification

信誉可靠:reliable reputation

制作精美:skillful manufacture

美观耐用:attractive and durable

裁剪精良的:excellently tailored

工艺精良:sophisticated technology
