




本部分给出了帯见考题类型的模板,只需对应填入题目所要求的 2-3 个要点信息即可。



try to make some conductive suggestions here.

In my personal level, I find no better suggestions other than the following two: In

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Yours sincerely,

Li Ming 翻译



forward to your early reply.


Li Ming






I am writing the letter to inform you that I wish to extend my sincere apology to

Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences I have caused. I hope the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming






you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?

Thank you for your kindness,and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming








First of all, please allow me to express my deep sorry to you for my resignation.

I do know that this will bring about much trouble to you so that I write to you for my explanation.

to you!

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming






Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming






Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right

Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming











(2)称呼。可以直接用姓和名,如:Smith(姓),John(名),Wang,Wei fang; 也可用头衔加姓,如:Mr. Smith,Prof. Lin 等。



从上面可以看出,便笺写作(Note Writing)实际上不书信写作(Letter Writing) 大致相似,但有三点主要不同:









I’m really sorry that I shall not be able to attend class today. I have got a fever of 39℃. Enclosed please find a certificate from the doctor of our college which says I must stay in bed for three days.

I’ ll resume my studies as soon as I feel better.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


非帯抱歉我今天丌能来上课了。我发高烧了,39 摄氏度。我提交给你一仹诊断证明,咱们学校的医生说我需要卧床休息三天。






(illustrates/supports) … from … aspects. To conclude them, … Above all, …





Postgraduates’ Association

Jan 9.2010




2010 年 1 月 9 日


Date: January 15, 2011

To: All Students of the English Department

From: Class Monitor Zhang Wei

Subject: Sprint Excursion

As spring arrives and the weather turns to be agreeable, the department has decid ed to organize a spring excursion in a suburban country.

The activities include mountain claiming and picnic. All the students of the Engli sh department are encouraged to participate. We remind you of the necessity of brin g some food and water as well as wearing comfortable shoes.

Those interested in this excursion may sign up with the monitor of their class. Everybody is welcome to join in it.


日期:2011 年 1 月 15 日








To: Professor Clinton

From: Zhang Wei

Date: January 15, 2011

Subject: A progress report on graduation research

This is a report I have to submit to you about my graduation paper.

Last week, I gathered information from library and from an interview. Of the twe lve references lists on my proposal, I found only nine, for others I will go to search i n a larger library.

As far as interview concerned, I had an extended interview with Mr. Liming, a pr ofessor from Peking University, who was kind enough to give me some brochures a s well as a copy of report on electronic mail. I hope to use in my paper.

Starting tomorrow, I will begin organizing my paper. And I can be expected to su bmit a rough draft by the end of the month.




日期:2011 年 1 月 15 日



上周,我从图书馆以及一个采访中搜集整理了信息。我的提议中所列丼的12 篇参考文献,我只找到了九篇,其他的文献我会去更大的图书馆进行搜集。




以下模板是我自己通过看书和网上归纳总结出来的,小作文考书信的可能性比较大,但是书信的种类比较多,最常见的是下面八种,所以无论如何请都背会。大作文考图表类作文的可能性比较大,不过万不可只看这个模板,像提纲式的或者表格型的都可能出现,万一出现变故也好有个招架,不过大同小异啦,自己看着背吧。 小作文模板: 1:投诉信 Dear_______, I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______. The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______________(总体介绍). In the first place,_________________________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ____________________________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to ____________________________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could_______________________(提出建议和请求), preferably __________(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely Li Ming 2:询问信 Dear ______, I am _________________________(自我介绍). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding_______.(要询问的内容) First of all, what are _________________________________?(第一个问题) Secondly, when will________________________________?(第二个问题) Thirdly, is _________________?(第三个问题) I would also like to inquire _________________________________(将最重要的问题单独成段). Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? Thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely Li Ming 3:请求信 Dear___________, I am writing to formally request to___________(请求的内容) The reason for ______________is that______________________________(给出原因).I________, so I ___________________________________(给出细节) I would also like to request ________________________(提出进一步的要求). I am sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, do not


自考英语(二)作文写作通用模版1、利弊分析型作文模板: 思路:1、描述现象 2、介绍观点(第二段,利;第三段,弊)3、作者观点/结论 范例作文:网络,是新世纪的科技产物,也是新世纪的代名词。我们的前辈不会上网,懂得什么叫“伊妹儿”的人真可谓“凤毛麟角”。而今,如果你不懂网络,那你就会成为新世纪“盲人”。 请就网络对日常生活的影响发表你的看法。 At present, there is no doubt that network plays an increasingly important role in our lives . We are all aware that, like everything else, networks have both favorable and unfavorable aspects (have both advantages and disadvantages). Generally speaking, there are several main advantages of network. With the development of technology, a lot of information is gathered together through networks. Information is shared and exchanged quickly. By accessing networks through various means, people truly realized to find the information they need everywhere on the networks from time to time. Networks greatly facilitate the people’s live, work and entertainment. Even people staying at home, work, shopping, entertainment, information retrieval and etc. can be completed through networks.


考研英语小作文 一.分值:小作文 (100字) 10 分 二.小作文类型:感谢信(thanks),祝贺信(congratulation),道歉信(apology),邀请信(invitation) 倡导信(建议信)(suggestion); 投诉信( complaint),询问信 ( inquiry) 请求信( require)婉拒信(decline),求职信(application),推荐信 (recommendation),公告( notice)备忘( memo) , 三.小作文格式:二三原则 1.二个逗号; 2.三个段落; 1.二逗号:称呼后,署名后 2.三段式:首段说明写信意愿和目的 +第二段展开内容 +末端呼应首段,再一次强调写 信用意,并表达祝愿。 四.小作文格式注意事项: 1.称呼的格式: Dear Sir, Dear Madam Helen, Dear John, Dear Professor Smith, 男士: Mr. 女士: Mrs./ Ms./Miss 教授、博士: Prof./Dr. 市长,法官,议员,其他高官: Hon.(Honorable,尊敬的 ) 编辑: Editor 不清楚对方姓名: Dear Sir/Sirs, Dear Madam/Madams, Dear Sir or Madam, To Whom It May Concern, 3.署名的格式:右下角, Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, 4.正文开头空四格

A letter of Congratulations Dear Jack, I am so delighted to hear that you have just been admitted into the prestigious Peking University. Please accept my heartiest congratulations to you! This is a special moment for you and all the friends as well as relatives, and I do want to share the happiness with you. After years of hard and creative work and study, you have finally got what you really deserve. I 'm convinced that this will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a broader future. I wish you good luck and keep pursuing a brighter future. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 五.小作文内容注意事项: 1.娓娓道来+洗耳恭听 2.晓之以理+声泪俱下 3.画龙点睛+无路可退 例: Dear Teacher Zhang, I ' m one of your millions of students, I came to attend your English class last week, in which I acquired much information about writing skills. In the meantime, I learned another more important thing by accident. I may be shot by a magic arrow. I can ' t help recalling the beautiful moment at which you came into my


这11个万能模板为本人经过补课老师所给和作文书中好句自创的万能模板,全国独一无二 而不是为了应付大家从网上下来的模板,那种模板是高水平的模板,适用于英语水平相当于大学老师的水平,可以根据具体语境和题目进行第二次写作 而我们在考试中往往没有他们的时间和经验,更是紧张的很,所以一个简单而又万能模板专门适用于大家英语基础不是很好的同学,可以再短时间内,无论碰到任何题目都能运用自如,拿的向我一样的高分8分 请大家务必将这11个模板背下来,反复背写,这样英语和我一样63分不是梦

小作文,无非有11种形式的模板,这些都是补课老师要求记忆的,必选全部背诵,并且运用自如,但是老师给的11个模板都很模糊,虽然做到了万能,但是需要自己填写几十个词,这样也就没有了意义,我们追求的就是最完美的万能模板只需要改几个词。 小作文要求100字以内,共10分8分基本是最高分,我今年也就是8分,修改一处,但是我已经把这11种模板运用自如,书写工整,下面就是11种形式的万能模板。其中包括求职信 邀请信(13年考过邀请信,14年不会再考) 建议信可换成请求信 请求信 感谢信 道歉信 询问信 投诉信 申请信 辞职信 祝贺信可不背 请把下面的模板牢牢记住 求职信 (这一篇模板一定要注意大小写,汉语部分为替换词,2处,100字左右) Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you to apply for the position/application that you have advertised in 媒体名称 . Now only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a 工作名称. I will receive my Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics from my university in July. The courses I completed in four academic years have prepared me to perform the duties you outlined in your advertisement. As for my English, I have passed the CET Band 6 Should you grant me a personal interview, please feel free to contract me at any time. By phoning 2357980 and I will be looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely Li Ming 邀请信(只需要在活动上修改一下即可,这个需要根据小作文给的活动来写,100字左右)Dear Sir or Madam On behalf of Class 301, I am writing to you to extend our welcome from the bottoms of our hearts. We should be honored to have you there with us. The occasion will start as 7:00am. This will be followed by arrangement, which have been in possession of activities. So we anticipate keenly that you can take some time off your busy schedule to participate in our activity. I will be looking forward to meeting you. Welcome your presence


英语二作文模板--图表作文模板。 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999(%) Food 66 61 48 41 36 Clothing 9 10 12 15 18 Recreation 4 5 8 9 11 Others 21 24 32 35 35 Total 100 100 100 100 100 Directions: 1) Describe the changes indicated in the table. 2) The reasons for the change. 3) Make predictions about the future tendency. Statistics in People’s Daily Expenses in Xi’an (问题解决型) What is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in the daily expenses in Xi’an from 1995 to 1999.The expenses on food have declined by 30%while those on clothing and recreation have increased respectively by 9%and 7%.The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to each other. There are two factors accounting for these changes.Development in economy is an essential one in the five years.The increased income resulting from economic growth plays a vital role in the less expense on food.Hence,a small percentage of total income is enough to cover food expenses.Another one is the changes in life style.When food presents no worry to the average,people begin to focus more of their interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.As a result of such a shift,spending on clothing and recreation increases year by year. From the analys es made above,we may come to the conclusion that people’s living standards in Xi’an have been constantly improved between 1995 and 1999.With the further growth in economy and more changes in life style,the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the better direction.(206 words) 英语二作文模板--利弊分析型模板 ______________has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about______________can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and marry aspects of our everyday life.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world.But we have to ask


英二小作文常考题型模板(含翻译) 目前包含的类型有: 书信类:建议信,邀请信,推荐信,道歉信,咨询信,辞职信,感谢信,投诉信,求职信; 其他:便签,摘要,通知,备忘,报告。 本部分给出了帯见考题类型的模板,只需对应填入题目所要求的 2-3 个要点信息即可。

书信类 一、建议信 try to make some conductive suggestions here. In my personal level, I find no better suggestions other than the following two: In I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 翻译 认为合理的建议。 希望你可以意识到这些建议的价值所在,并认真的去考虑分析它们。 你真诚的, 李明

Yours sincerely, Li Ming 翻译 你真诚的, 李明

forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Ming 翻译 据题目要求适当选取理由的个数。) 你真诚的, 李明

四、道歉信 I am writing the letter to inform you that I wish to extend my sincere apology to Once again, please accept my sincere apology for any inconveniences I have caused. I hope the settlement of the matter will meet your wishes. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 翻译 最后,请再一次接受我诚挚的道歉,我希望这个解决方案可以使你满意。 你真诚的, 李明


小作文关键是格式要正确。。。千万不要漏写题目给的要素如时间、地点这类的。。要素是给分点哦。。字要写好。。文字不必像大作文一样华丽。。。 书信作文模板【英语一二通用,这是压缩版同学们尽量自己发挥】: Dear Sir or Madam, I am a senior of ___ department at ___University.(第一句,写给熟人的话可以省略) I am writing to express my interest/sorry/concern/request of 内容主旨. There are several factors accounting for this inquiry/apology/application/recommendation.To begin with,_______. Secondly, ____. Last but not the least,______. Thank you for considering my inquiry/application/recommendation and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Li Ming 亲爱的先生/女生/XX, 我想向您表达我的兴趣/歉意/关心/后悔关于__________.首先,_________。其次,________。最后但并不是最不重要的________。 感谢您考虑我的请求/询问/推荐,期待您的回复。 谨启 李明小作文(实在记不住小作文的话,这是压缩版) Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a senior of computer science department at Beijing University . I_即填写主旨的要求内容_________so I have to write to you to present my inquiry/complaint/invitation/request/recommendation. There are several factors accounting for this inquiry/complaint/invitation/request/ recommendation .to begin with ,_____ moreover,______。Above all____. Thanks a lot for your time and attention to this letter .Your favorable response to this letter at your earliest convenience would be highly appreciated. Your sincerely Li ming 亲爱的先生或女士,我是一个在北京大学高级计算机科学学院学生。我_即主旨的要求内容________所以我要写信给你提出我的查询/投诉/邀请/请求/建议。有几个因素占这个查询/投诉/邀请/请求/建议。首先,_____同时,______ ____上面。感谢您的时间和关注此信。你有利的回应这封信在你最方便的将高度赞赏。


考研英语二作文万能模板(完整) 一、英文考试做题顺序3 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项3 三、小作文种类3 1,作文通用要求3 2,十种书信3 2.1 书信通用要求:标准格式,142 阵形3 2.2 求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter 4 2.3 推荐信recommendation letter 5 2.4 辞职信resignation letter 5 2.5 建议信suggestion letter/advice letter 6 2.6 感谢信thanks letter[2010 年真题,今年不太可能再考] 7 2.7 祝贺信congratulation letter 7 2.8 道歉信apology letter 8

2.9 投诉信complaint letter 8 2.10 邀请信invitation letter 8 2.11 介绍信introduction letter 9 2.12 请求信introduction letter 9 3,通知notice 10 3.1 通知notice 10 3.2 备忘录Memo 10 3.3 报告report 10 4,摘要写作要点11 5,小作文考试重点11 三、大作文模板12 1,文字情景作文12 1.1 记忆要点12 1.2 作文模板[不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写] 2,图表情景作文13

2.1 Outline 13 2.2 template 13 3,图画情景作文14 3.1 Outline 14 3.2 template 14 第一步,阅读第二步,写作,作文和大作文第三步,翻译第四步,完形填空。 顺序原因:一切围绕考分重点,即阅读和写作来投精力。完形填空作为时间的替补。 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 1,格式规范:如作文标题,书信的开关及落款 2,书写整洁:阅卷规定,书写不清可以降低1 档(3 分左右) 3,虎头豹尾:作文的开头、结尾都要用事先准备好的范句,不可出错。前三句即决定成绩。 4,避免明错:作文要用保险的方法,不要出明显差错,如时态,单复数,虚拟语气等。备注: 1,老师阅卷是将试卷扫描成电子版,在电子版上阅卷,所以不能写出界,否则扫描不上


蒋军虎英文写作讲义 蒋军虎英文写作讲义 (1) 一、英文考试做题顺序 (3) 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 (3) 三、小作文种类 (3) 1,作文通用要求 3 2,十种书信 3 2.1 书信通用要求 :标准格式, 142 阵形 3 2.2 求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter 4 2.3 推荐信 recommendation letter 5 2.4 辞职信 resignation letter 5 2.5 建议信 suggestion letter/advice letter 6 2.6 感谢信 thanks letter[2010年真题,今年不太可能再考]7 2.7 祝贺信 congratulation letter7 2.8 道歉信 apology letter8 2.9 投诉信 complaint letter8 2.10 邀请信 invitation letter8 2.11 介绍信 introduction letter9 2.12 请求信 introduction letter9 3,通知notice10 3.1 通知notice10 3.2 备忘录Memo10 3.3 报告 report10 4,摘要写作要点11 5,小作文考试重点11 三、大作文模板 (12) 1,文字情景作文12 1.1 记忆要点12 1.2 作文模板 [不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写]12 专业技术整理分享

格式 1 / 15 专业技术整理分享

WORD格式 2,图表情景作文 (13) 2.1 Outline (13) 2.2 template (13) 3,图画情景作文 (14) 3.1 Outline (14) 3.2 template (14) 太奇教育宁波分校 2 / 15 专业技术整理分享


考研英语二作文万能模板(完整) 考研英语二作文万能模板(完整)一、英文考试做题顺 序 3 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 3 三、小作文种类3 1,作文通用要求 3 2,十种书信 3 2.1 书信通用要求 :标准格式, 142 阵形 3 2.2 求职信、申请信 application letter/cover letter (2)to adopt improper means to win more rewards with less input.We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by it,because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread,it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.Though with various reasons and forms,from the perspective of the essence,the problems brought by it originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material production.Thus,we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle. Due to the depth and width of its harmful influence,we should draft our solution scientifically and systematically on the basis of deep analysis of its problem.We must acquire


英语二小作文范文(合集42篇) Dear _______, I am 介绍自己的身份 . I will/am与请求有关的自身现状. I’d like to阐明自己的请求 . I will appreciate your有关该请求的详细信息. I’m going to对方如能帮助实现请求,自己将要做什么。 Here are the reasons why承上启下,开始解释原因 : For one thing请求的原因一; For another请求的原因二, .Therefore,总结写信的目的 . I shall be much obliged to you if you对收信人的期望 . Thanks for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earliest reply. Yours truly, Li Ming 蔚蓝的天上有小鸟飞过的身影;树上有鸟儿婉转的歌唱……我救过一只翅膀受伤的小黄莺,等它伤好了我便放了它,它依依不舍得的绕着我转了一圈又一圈。我目送它飞走后,惊奇地发现自己能听懂动物的语言了。 朋友家有一只美丽的小鸟,我刚走过去,没想到小鸟主动开口了:“你好!救救我吧!你们人类让我们妻离子散,失去家园,还把我们关进了笼子里,让我们不能展翅飞翔!”我听了沉默不语,心里有一些内疚。小鸟见我不说话便接着说:“我的小妹妹才刚出生十几天就被一个人类捉走了;我的舅舅在觅食时被打断了一条腿;我的妈妈正在四处逃亡……不知道它们现在怎么样了,我想它们,我想回家……”小鸟说着说着哭了起来,


信件的构成要素和书写格式 根据上面的表格,信件有九个要素构成,分别是:

1的内容是称呼,要靠左写;2的内容是写信目的,首段,要缩进4个字母写;3,4,5作为主体段,在第二段,也要缩进4个字母写;6,7是尾段,也要缩进4个字母写;8的内容是敬语,靠右写;9的内容是署名,靠右写在8的下面。 信件写作流程: Step1.审题:分清这封信是正式还是非正式。 正式信件:指的是写信人和收信人不认识或者没有亲密关系。 非正式信件:指的是写信人和收信人认识或者有亲密关系。 两者区别在于称呼,首段,尾段呼应句和敬语。

Step 2. 分析任务 一般的信件有一个或两个任务,一个主要,一个次要。首段只提及次要任务,主体段说主要任务,在尾段呼应主要任务。 2017年:Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to 1)accept the invitation, and 2) introduce the key points of your presentation. 分析:这封信任务有两个,一个是感谢邀请并接受,另一个是介绍讲座的要点。通常在首段只提及邀请并接受,在主体段介绍讲座要点,在结尾段呼应讲座。 Step3. 储备场景模板,包括感谢、邀请、受邀、祝贺、建议、投诉、道歉、请求、通知、备忘录、求职、推荐、辞职 1.表示感谢的场景模板 2.表示邀请


[英语作文]2021考研英语作二万能写作模板 2021考研英语作二万能写作模板 一、图画/图表描述段 【示例一】 ①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that ________(图表内容总概括). ②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that ________(情况一,图一/表一的内容). ③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us that ________( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that ________(揭示图画/表寓意). 【示例二】 ①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, ________(图表内容总概括).②In the first picture, ________(描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second drawing/picture, ________(描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion that ________(提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复). 二、意义阐述段 【示例一】 ①Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer that the drawer’s intention is ________(主题句).② ________(扩展句).③For one thing/First of all/Firstly, ________(第一个层面). ④For another/Besides/Moreover/In addition/Secondly, ________(第二个层面). ⑤Thus/As a result/Therefore/Finally, ________(总结句). 【示例二】 ①To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that ________(主题句),yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. ② ________(扩展句)is naturally associated with, to be specific ________(第一个层面). ③Besides/Moreover/In addition, ________(第二个层面)。④As a result/Therefore, ________(总结句). 三、原因阐释段


英语写作注意事项 1,小作文如果是书信,作文书信模版都附有范文,大家好好看看,大家只要搞清楚基本结构就ok,不要照抄模版,以免雷同 2,大作文模版,大家自己适当修改,避免雷同 3,每种类型有二种以上模版,大家只选一个使用 一、小作文专题 1、建议信 Para1:自我介绍, 写信目的 Para2:现状,建议1___________; 建议2_________; 建议3___________ Para3: 感谢, 期待 范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a faithful reader of your newspaper and I’d like to convey in this letter my deepest concern about “White Pollution”. It must be pointed out that the situation of the use of plastic bags is going from bad to worse. Therefore, it is imperative/urgent/pressing for us to take even more drastic actions/measures. For one thing,/On the one hand, we should enhance our people’s awareness of the gravity of this problem, which is of vital importance to the solution. For another/On the other hand, we should appeal to the authorities concerned to take stricter measures/to institute stricter regulations, for example, charging more money on the plastic bags sold by/ in the shops. Last but not the least, scientists are to/should/must devise ways of alleviating the worsening/deteriorating trend. Thank you for spending time in reading this letter and I am looking forward to seeing some new changes in our society soon. Yours sincerely Li Ming 2、求职信(申请信) Para1: 自我介绍, 写信目的 Para2: 资质1_________. 资质2_____________. 资质3___________ Para3: 感谢, 期待 范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing this letter for the purpose of applying for the position advertised in the (China Daily of last week) newspaper. My qualifications, I believe, just amply meet your requirements. In the first place, my major,marketing, ensures that my educational background is right in line with the job. In the second, my previous experience as a sales manager assistant has helped lay a solid foundation for the work https://www.360docs.net/doc/8b19137560.html,st but not the least, I am a good team player self-motivated and eager to learn.


英语二小作文写作模板大全 一、会议纪要 2023年考研英语新大纲加入了之前从未考察过的纪要,但并未明确说明写作格式。纪要的写作格式一般包括标题、会议时间、地点、出席人、主持人、会议概要、提交人和提交日期。 纪要要求记录要点文字,常指会议纲要,要求记录会议重点,而不是原封不动的照搬。 Minutes of…..【…的会议纪要】:Minutes of our class meeting “Contributing to Aiding Rural Primary School project" (PS:注意是什么会议以及主题) Time(时间): From10:00 a.m. to 12 a.m. on December 17, 2022 (PS:注意时间的写法顺序--钟点月日年) Place (地点): Room 102,the Students’Recreational Center (PS:小地点,大地点--先小后大) Present(出席): All members of the Students’Union (PS:参会人员) Presided(主持) by: Zhang Wei(PS:看具体题目,没提就编一个)Summary of the meeting(会议总结标题): 【正文1段】现将上次班会的会议纪要附上以便大家查看。关于为….会议纪要如下。 【正文2段】覆盖题目要求的要点(即会议中的内容要点分层描述) Firstly... Secondly.... Lastly..... 【正文3段】如果有错误或遗漏,请指正. Submitted by(提交人):Li Ming Date(时间:月/日,年):December 24 2022
