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1.In________eyes of children,playing on the Internet can only bring them________great fun. A. the;a B.不填;a

C. the; 不填D.不填 ;不填



分析:考冠。in the eyes of在⋯⋯的眼中;所以第一空填the ; fun是不可数名,所以第二空不填冠;可知 C 。


2. Let's go to ________ cinema — that'll take your mind off the problem for ______ while.

A. the; the

C. a; the

【答案】 B


本考冠。B。go to the cinema

B.the; a

D. a; a

表示去看影的意思;for a while一会儿的意思,故本

3.As he reached _____ back door, Jack saw _____ strange sight.

A. the ; /B. a; the C. /; a D. the ; a 【答案】D


答案景象。D [考冠在具体境中的用法。句意:当

the front door是特指Jack所走去的,


a strange sight 是泛指,相当于 a certain

sight,起初次介的作用。因此D。 ]

4.Titan is believed to be the only body in _____ solar system other than the Earth with liquid on ______ surface.

A. the; /

【答案】 D


太阳系是独一无二的事物B. /; the


C./; /


D. the; the

,所以都需要加定冠,故 D.

5.Jack was failure as a leader, but he achieved great success in writing. A. a; a B. a; /C. /; a D./; /【答案】B


考查冠词:第一空填a,a failure 是抽象名词具体化,表示“一个失败的人或事”,第二空不填,这里的 success 是抽象名词,不加冠词,句意:杰克做为领导真是失败的人,但是他在写作方面取

得很大成就。选 B。

6.Barack Obama, A. / , the African America, was elected as

B. / , /C. an,

56th President of the United states.

the D. an , /

【答案】 C



特指,用定冠词 the,选 C。

an,下文第56 届美国总统是

7.— It ’ s reported that over 1billion people watched the live opening ceremony of___ 2010 South Africa World Cup on TV.

—Yes, news came as____ shock to me.

A. the; the B. x; a C. the; a

【答案】 C


考查冠词的用法。第一空the 2010 South Africa World Cup 特指考查抽象名词具体化, a shock 此处指“一个震惊的消息”。故选2010


D. a; the


8.The Jurassic Park is _____ Steven Spielberg movie in which _____ hero fights bravely and

protects his friends and family from dinosaurs A./; the

C./; a

【答案】 B .

B.a; the

D. the; a


试题分析:考查冠词。句意:The Jurassic Park是一部 Steven Spielberg 的电影,在这部电影里英雄勇敢地抗击恐龙来保护他的家人和朋友。第一空表示泛指一部电影,填a;第二空表示特指那位英雄,故填the 。故选 B。


9.He is ________ honest man and he has been waiting for over ______ hour.

A. a; a B.an; a

C. a; an D. an; an

【答案】 D



hour 都是以元音开头的单词,所以有加 an,句意是:他是个诚实的人,一直等了一个多小时。

选 D。

10. Late in the afternoon, they arrived at ______ small village ______ north of the West Hill.

A. the, the B. a, \C. a, the D.




示泛指,用不定冠词;第二空因为north 前没有介词,所以判断它是副词,副词前不用冠






即学即练: We work together to achieve our common purpose:________world that is safer,cleaner and healthier than ________one we found.

A. the ; the B. a; /C. a; the D. the; /

解析: C。第一空表示泛指,用不定冠词;第二空后面由we found



11. Life the like ________ ocean; Only ________strong-willed can reach the other shore.

A. an; the B.the; a

C. the ;/D. / ; a

【答案】 A



考查冠词。句意:生活就像一个大海,只有意志坚强的人可以到达彼岸。词,这里ocean 表示泛指,且首字母发音为元音因素,所以选择不定冠词表达一类人。故选 A 项。ocean 为可数名an。 the+形容词

12. ---What _____ great fun it would be if we could celebrate his birthday!

---Forget it! The teacher in _____ charge of our dorm won't be happy to see that.

A. a; the B. /; the C./; / D . a; /

【答案】 C

【解析】考查冠词。第一空不填,因为fun是不可数名词,第二空也不填,因为in charge of是负责的意思,句意是:如果我们能为他点亮蜡烛庆祝生日该是多有趣的事啊。--得了吧,负责宿舍的老师看到会不高兴的。选C。


冠词的考查一直是重点,特别注意the 表示特指和a/an 表示泛指的用法。另外也有很多关

