










译文:e organic green tea growson the mountm Deak admistthe cloud and mist and is carefully coliccte and prepared before Qingming Day.The tea has a goodsmellwith a variety ofnutrients,which prove tO be efectiveto your heMth.So keep drinking all the year orund,andyouwilenjoygoodhealth.

此英译文本对原文本中具有中国特色的文化元素处理不当。首先,对重要节气“清明”只进行音译显然欠妥,严重影响英语读者理解“清明”的真正含义;第二,了解中国茶文化者都知道,生长在“高山云雾之中”是茶叶质量好的一个重要条件,虽然该词语的英译与汉语“字当句对”,但对英语读者恐怕难以起到与对汉语读者相似的“劝说效力”,因为onthemountainpeak不能充分传达源语所蕴藏的“言外之力”。中文读者一看到“产自高山云雾之中”就会想到“茶叶质量肯定很好”,而英文读者看到growsonthemountainpeakadmistthecloudandmist则很难有这样的联想,这会直接削弱茶叶对外推销的力度与外宣效果。为此,需要进行增补,在以上译文后加上whichendowsitwithuniquequalitynadhealthpreservationelements。另外,对“清明”这一传统中国节日也可以作出解释,在音译“Qingming Dya”后加上“which is a Chinese festival,usually on hte fifth fo Aeirl”,从而向外国游客更好地介绍这一中国传统文化,也让他们了解到采茶的最




译文:hTe legend thatthecollapse ofhte GeratWallwas cause({bythe cry ofa womna named Meng Jiang-nv,whose husband died in the construciton fo the Great W all,is an evidence showing htta the price of building thiswonder ofhte wodd Was notonly money,butalso the livseofcons~a’uctors.

这是一段介绍长城的旅游文本。孟姜女的故事在中国家喻户晓,但不熟悉中国文化的外国人却未必知晓。译者如果不对此作出解释,外国游客就难以理解原文意义。补充了whose husband died in tlle construction of the GreatW al1.外国游客就能更好地理解为什么孟姜女要哭以及为什么长城的倒塌是孟姜女的哭泣造成的,使游客获得“盂姜女哭长城”的历史故事知识,从而吸引他们继续游览长城。在对旅游文本中的文化特色词汇进行增补解释时,要注意文化解释的重点。比如,对“粽子”这一文化词汇如果只是解释为a pyramid-shapeddumplingmadeofglutinousirce wrappedinbambooleavesorrede leaves,外国游客虽然了解了什么是粽子,但没了解屈原这位伟大的爱国主义诗人,更不会深入了解在农历五月初五这天赛龙舟吃粽子的风俗习惯。而这些恰好应该是译文要向外国游客介绍的中国特色文化。




译文:Laoshna ScenicAreaisthickly covered wihttrees of many species,which add credit for its scenery.Among them over300ale considered rare and percious,half of which ale plants under top-level protection.Themostf~tnlous species include gingko an d cypress.




纽马克在A TextbookofTranslaiton一书中提到了文化负载词的翻译方法,即用译人

语中的文化负载词翻译原语中的文化负载词。由于文化背景不同,互相替换的两种文化负载词很难说完全对应,但它们之间确实存在某种程度的对应。所以在旅游文本中用借译法能使译人语读者更容易接受,文本的呼唤功能也更容易实现。如:借ChineseCleopatra译“西施”,借Chinsee Cupid译“月老、红娘”,借ChineseRobinHood译“济公”。




常见中国传统文化名词英语翻译 风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen 阳历:solar calendar 阴历:lunar calendar 闰年:leap year 十二生肖:zodiac 春节:the Spring Festival 元宵节:the Lantern Festival 清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day 端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival 中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day 重阳节:the Double-ninth Day 七夕节:the Double-seventh Day 春联:spring couplets 春运:the Spring Festival travel 把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year 庙会:temple fair 爆竹:firecracker 年画:(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱:New Year gift-money 舞龙:dragon dance 舞狮:lion dance 元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯:festival lantern 灯谜:lantern riddle 食物对于中国佳节来说至关重要,但甜食对于农历新年特别重要,因为他们能让新的一年更加甜蜜。Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year. 传统的佳节食物包括年糕、八宝饭、饺子、果脯和瓜子。Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jiao zi (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds. 四合院:Siheyuan/ Quadrangle 亭/阁:pavilion/attic 刺绣:Embroidery 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 偏旁:radical 战国:Warring States 人才流动:Brain Drain/Flow 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals ——仅供参考


外文资料译文及原文 译文(一) 消费者体验旅游和品牌的结合 米契尔罗伯特 定义消费者体验旅游 制造工厂参观,公司博物馆和公司访客中心表现为被不同名字已知的观光事业片段:制造业观光事业,工业的吸引、工业的观光事业和工业的遗产观光事业。在每一个描述性的长期的共同目标是在消费者学习品牌,其运作,生产过程,历史和历史意义的时候建立一个消费者和品牌之间的纽带。有人建议在这里CET代表一个统一的主题的旅游。这个术语捕捉消费者的消费能力发现更多关于他们所消费的品牌,而制造商可以在与该工厂的客人接触的30-120分钟时间里建立与这些消费者更密切的关系。 参与的品牌 品牌经理寻求解决在三个层次消费者的需求: (1)功能(对消费者提供解决问题的办法); (2)符号(提供心理欲望满意度); (3)经历(提供感官快乐,品种,认知,刺激) CET可以通过视觉地介绍品牌,运作,生产工艺,历史和历史意义加强消费者和品牌之间的纽带。这种纽带可以被看作是个人品牌参与和品牌忠诚度的提高。认知参与反映了消费者对产品的兴趣(或学习更多)。CET可以通过刺激消费者对于品牌和生产过程的想象提高消费者的认知水平。此外,积极口碑沟通刺激满足旅客可能会比其他形式的促销更可信。 缺乏现有的直接研究关注 迄今为止,CET已经在行销文学中受到一点注意。米契尔和米契尔(2001年)对此内容这种的旅游网站进行了评估。此外,这些相同的作者已经评估食物和饮料工业中的现象(米契尔和米契尔,2000年),非营利部门(米契尔和米契尔,2001年b),和整体经济(米契尔等, 2001)。米契尔和米契尔(2002)为学者提出了格式,用来评估在当地的服务领域这些设施的地方利益。该主题通常包括对整合营销的简要讨论,但已收到直接研究的关注很有限。


100个中国传统文化英文单词 1.元宵节:Lantern Festival 2.刺绣:Embroidery 3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4.清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5.剪纸:Paper Cutting 6.书法: Calligraphy 7.对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9.雄黄酒:Realgar wine 10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11.战国:Warring States 12.风水 :Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13.昆曲 :Kunqu Opera 14.长城 :The Great Wall 15.集体舞 :Group Dance 16.黄土高原 :Loess Plateau 17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19.花鼓戏:Flower Drum Song 20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21.中国结:Chinese knotting 22.古装片:Costume Drama 23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25.越剧:Yue Opera 26.火锅:Hot Pot 27.江南:South Regions of the Yangtze River 28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29.谜语:Riddle 30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31.《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Mansions 32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33.除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 34.针灸 :Acupuncture 35.唐三彩 :Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery 36.二人转 : Errenzhuan 37.偏旁 :Radical 38.孟子:Mencius 39.亭 / 阁:Pavilion/ Attic 40.黄梅戏 :Huangmei opera 41.火药 :Gunpowder 42.农历 :Lunar Calendar 43.印 / 玺 :Seal/Stamp 44.腊八节 :The laba Rice Porridge Festival 45.京剧 :Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 46.秦腔 :Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera 47.太极拳 :Tai Chi 48.《本草纲目》: Compendium of Materia Medica 49.天坛 :Altar of Heaven in Beijing 50.小吃摊 :Snack Bar/Snack Stand 51.红双喜 :Double Happiness 52.国子监:Imperial Academy


Assignment: 1.河道、瓦房和石桥组合成了位于上海西侧的周庄,这是淀山湖畔一个风景如画的水乡小 镇。 Zhouzhuang is a small canal town located on the west of Shanghai. The combinations of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges make up a picturesque view for the shore of Dianshan Lake. A web of waterways, tiled houses and stone bridges holds together Zhouzhuang, a small canal town located on the picturesque shores of the Dianshan Lake, west of shanghai 2.西湖周围有公园、茶馆、旅店,还有清新的空气、秀丽的景致、宁静的气氛、绿树成荫 的街道和拱形的石桥,构成了人们心目中的“中国风景”。 Around West Lake, there are parks, teahouses and hotels. With the fresh air, the inviting views, the pleasant shade and the arched bridges, the elegant environment make it a Chinese Scenery in everyone’s mind. Around the west lake, the air is clear, the landscape green and tranquil, and the avenues of willows and arched stone bridges conform to everyone’s idea of what Chinese scenery should look like. 3.绍兴的鉴湖,湖水清澈,风景秀丽,故又名镜湖。 Because of its clear water and inviting views, the Jianhu in Shaoxing is also known as Mirror Lake. The Jianhu Lake in Shaoxing is also known as Mirror Lake for its crystal clear water and picturesque landscape around. 4.这里不仅民族风情浓郁,同时还是一片具有生命灵气的宝地,草原辽阔,山水环绕。梅 里雪山主峰卡格博,屹立于迪庆西北,海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点,也是云南第一峰,终年雪冠冰氅,云缠雾罩。 Having a strong flavor of local ethnic color, the prefecture boasts a scenic landscape with surrounding mountains and winding rivers and streams. As the dominant peak of Meili Mountain, the Kagebo Peak is outstanding at the northwest of Diqing with the height of 6740 meters above the sea level . Being covered by snow and surrounded by mist all year, it is known as the first peak of Y unnan province, Radiating with the local ethnic colors of ethnic minorities, the Prefecture boasts a scenic landscapes with surrounding mountains and winding rivers and streams. The Kagebo Peak---the dominant peak of the Meili Mountain range in the northwest of Diqing---stands aloft 6740 meters above the sea level, the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan province as well, was covered by snow and shrouded by mist all the year round.


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Tourism and the Environment: A Symbiotic Relationship Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards and the pursuit of higher spiritual life, tourism is developing rapidly, and it has an increasing proportion in the national economy. Tourism is getting more and more people's attention, followed by the impact of tourism on the ecological environment. The vigorous development of the tourism industry has multiple effects on the environment. They are both positive and negative. In order to adapt the development of tourism to the capacity of tourism resources, and promote the coordinated development of environment protection and tourism, and this paper will state the impact of tourism on the environment from three aspects: 1 The negative impact of tourism on the environment; 2 The positive impact of tourism on the environment; 3 The countermeasure to against the negative impact of tourism on the environment. Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce. The negative impact of tourism on the environment


1.香囊(scented sachet),古代也称“香袋”,通常是用布缝制或彩色丝线编织的袋子,里面塞满香草(aromatic herbs)。香囊最初用来吸汗、驱虫和避邪。香囊不仅有用,而且可作装饰品。它们的形状和大小各异,有圆形、椭圆形和其他形状。它们通常配有精致的图案,每个图案都象征着特别的含义。例如,双鱼或成对蝴蝶图案象征男女之爱;莲花或牡丹花(peony flower)等图案象征女性;松树和仙鹤图案象征长寿;石榴(guava)图案象征很多孩子。漂亮的香囊不仅是装饰品,而且含有丰富的文化和历史内涵。 翻译:Scented sachets, also called “fragrant bags” in ancient times, are bags usually sewed with cloth or weaved with multicolor silk threads and stuffed with aromatic herbs. The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat, repelling insects and warding off evils. Scented sachets are not only useful, but also ornamental. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as round, oval and many others. And they are normally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning.For instance,a double-fish or double-butterfly pattern smybolizes the love between a man and a woman;patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolize women;pine and crane patterns symbolize longevity and a guava pattern is the symbol of lots of children.A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament,but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness. 2.中国民间艺术与中国哲学统一于“阴阳(yin-yang)生万物”这一理念。这一理念源于中国原始社会,是对人类的人生感悟的哲学注解。中国人祖先的哲学论断是“近看自己,远观他人”。要理解中华民族民间艺术的原始艺术,这一结论必不可少。人类的本能欲望是生存并通过繁衍(propagation)继续存在。人生来的首要本能是求生,然后是长寿。从原始社会到今天,阴阳和永生的观念始终贯穿中国的社会生活和民族文化。中国民间艺术反映了社会的所有基本哲学理念。 翻译:Chinese folk art and Chinese philosophy are unified in the belief that yin-yang produces all living things in the world. Originated in Chinese primitive society, this was the philosophical explanation of human's perception of life. Chinese ancestors philosophical conclusion was to “look at oneself up close and other creatures from afar”,which is essential to the understanding of the primitive art to the folk art of the nation. To live and to continue life through propagation are the two instinctive desires of human. From birth, a person's first instinct is to survive, and then to live a long life. From primitive society to the present day, the view of yin-yang and perpetual life has permeated in all aspects of social life and the national culture of Chinese society.Chinese folk art reflects all of the basic philosophical concepts. 3.象棋(Chinese chess)两人玩的棋盘游戏,源于春秋战国时期的军事战略。早期的象棋由三部分组成:棋子、骰(dice)和棋盘。现代象棋没有骰子,它在棋子和棋盘方面与古代不同。棋盘有9行宽、10行长,共90个交叉点,构成方形网格(grid)。棋子在交叉点上落子或移动。对弈者在棋盘进行象征性的军很战争,部署马匹、战车,根据自己对棋局和游戏规则的理解组织军队。目前,中国象棋已传至全世界,进一步传承、发扬中国传统文化。


生态旅游对环境的影响(节选) 原文来源:Environment Impacts of Ecotourism;Edited by Ralf Buckley International Centre for Ecotourism Research,Griffith University,Australia CAIB Publishing;Oct,2008 生态旅游由于其实际或潜在的积极影响受到社会和保护区以及公司和消费者广泛吹捧。例如,在讨论进入保护区方面,旅游说客和生态旅游经营者宣称他们不仅将会采取措施师环境影响减到最小,而且生态旅游还会产生利益。然而,保护区也为旅游业提供了非常重要的好处。 每年被人类消耗或污染的自然资源有很多。人类生存需要饮用水,可呼吸的空气和可用的生物多样性。自然生态系统是每个这些领域的主要的蓄水池。生态系统由于人类活动已被不同程度地广泛地修改了。近原始的荒野地区和其他小改造的地区的环境正在不断减少,像城市中心,垃圾堆放场,矿场和单一种植区几乎完全修改的环境在继续扩大。有很多没有完全修改而又很重要的地方,如农村住宅,布罗德埃克牧区和被采伐的原始森林在最少修改的地区也继续扩大。为制止和扭转这些趋势,只在人类的社会结构和人类行为发生大规模和深远的变化时才能成为可能。然而,如果在短期内没有这种变化,规模更大的混乱将逼近人类。 关于可持续能力和关乎人类生存的任何长期策略唯一最重要的组分,能够使世界各种各样的生态系统的代表性区域保持在一个合理的原封不动的和功能的状态。当然,这是保护区全局系统的主要目标,包括世界遗产地区、生物圈储备、国家公园和其他保护区域。然而,这些公园还不能独自地防止生物多样性持续损失:首先,因为他们是太小和不充分地代表性的;第二,因为他们不充分地被保护。目前,有公开和私有土地其他地区在被保护区系统之外的,它们对保护生物多样性和空气和水的质量有很大贡献。它们包括:像极地,高山,沙漠和海洋生态系一样很少人的地方;那些为木材和家畜产品使用的但其中很少使用牧场保留其原有的性质功能和生物多样性的森林地和牧场;人类的生活方式没有介入对自然环境的密集的修改的部族和社区土地。然后,随着人口和资源消耗量的继续增长,所有这些未保护的区域却受到越来越多的开发和修改,例如采伐,农业清除和类似的冲击加速。特别是,其中一些区域涉及保护和储备,而且逐渐增长的人口压力正在导致土地清除和移民直到储备界限,有时会在保护的过程中出现侵犯。在被保护区界限不是明确界定或没有发现的地区,这样侵犯也许一般包括偷猎,非法收获,小规模移民和时而的军事演习。然而,甚而在国家公园界限已建立和强制执行的区域,侵犯可能仍然发生。有时,相关的立法也许允许发展某些类在公园界限之外的可能在保护区的周长附近增加杂草、病原生物、野生动物、水污染和火来源的压力,并且这些能不再人类进一步的干涉下在保护区里得到传播。 因此,代表性的生态系统的保护不仅能够通过增加保护区财产,改进现存储备的有效保护率,而且通过减少对储备区以外土地的修改得到改进,以便改进它的保护价值。 用纯粹财政术语来说,以现在的市场价购买高保护价值所有剩余的区域,在更加富有的政府和公司看来是在世界范围内的,并且宣称他们作为保护区。然而,由于许多政治原因,这是不太可能发生得。许多保护区管理代办处没有足够的金钱来管理他们现有的财产,更不用说发展它。全世界国家公园和相似的储备总面积继续慢慢地增长,并且在最近几年里给保护区的管理代办处的一些资助增加显著。然而,在全球范围内,公共的保护区越来越资金短缺。同时,他们不断地受到人类的压力,这种压力同时来自于从在它们的边界之外的压力和游客的人数和期望增长的压力。结果,只有最大和最远的保


1、香囊(scentedsachet),古代也称“香袋”,通常就是用布缝制或彩色丝线编织得袋子,里面塞满香草(aromatic herbs)。香囊最初用来吸汗、驱虫与避邪。香囊不仅有用,而且可作装饰品。它们得形状与大小各异,有圆形、椭圆形与其她形状。它们通常配有精致得图案,每个图案都象征着特别得含义。例如,双鱼或成对蝴蝶图案象征男女之爱;莲花或牡丹花(peony flower)等图案象征女性;松树与仙鹤图案象征长寿;石榴(guava)图案象征很多孩子。漂亮得香囊不仅就是装饰品,而且含有丰富得文化与历史内涵。 翻译:Scentedsachets, also called “fragrant bags"in ancient times,are b ags usually sewedwithcloth or weaved with multicolor silk thread sand stuffedwith aromaticherbs、The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat,repelling insects andwardingoffevils、Scented sachets are notonly useful, but also ornamental、They e in different shapesand sizes, such as round,ovaland manyother s、And they arenormally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning、For instance,adouble-fish ordouble-butterflypattern smybolizes thelove betweena man an dawoman;patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolizewomen;pine and crane patternssymbolize longevity and a guava patternis the symbol of lots ofchildren、A nice scented sachetis not just an ornament,but moreof somethingthat containscultural and his torical richness、 2、中国民间艺术与中国哲学统一于“阴阳(yin-yang)生万物”这一理念。这一理念源于中国原始社会,就是对人类得人生感悟得哲学注解.中国人祖先得哲学论断就是“近瞧自己,远观她人”。要理解中华民族民间艺术得原始艺术,这一结论必不可少。人类得本能欲望就是生存并通过繁衍(propagation)继续存在。人生来得首要本能就是求生,然后就是长寿。从原始社会到今天,阴阳与永生得观念始终贯穿中国得社会生活与民族文化。中国民间艺术反映了社会得所有基本哲学理念. 翻译:Chinese folkartandChinesephilosophy are unified inthe belief thatyin—yang produces all living things in the world、OriginatedinChineseprimitivesociety, thiswas thephilosophical explanation of human's perception of life、Chinese ancestorsphilosophicalconclusion wasto“look atoneself up close andother creatures from afar",which is essential to the understandingof the primiti ve arttothe folk art ofthe nation、To live and tocontinue life through propagation are thetwo instinctive desires of human、From birth,aperson'sfirst instinct is to survive, and then to livealong li fe、From primitivesocietytothe present day,the view of yin-yangand perpetual life has permeated in all aspectsofsociallife and the nationalculture of Chinesesociety、Chinese folk art re flects allof the basicphilosophicalconcepts、


文献出处:Cucculelli, Marco, and Gianluca Goffi. Does sustainability enhance tourism destination competitiveness? Evidence from the Italian Destinations of Excellence [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production (2015):1-13. 原文 Does sustainability enhance tourism destination competitiveness? Evidence from Italian Destinations of Excellence Marco Cucculelli, Gianluca Goffib Abstract This paper extends the Richie, Crouch (2000) model on destination competitiveness by introducing a set of sustainability indicators and testing their role in explaining the competitiveness of a tourism destination. The model is tested on a unique dataset of small Italian “Destinations of Excellence”, i.e., outstanding tourist destinations recognized by prestigious national and international awards. Both a principal component analysis and a regression analysis are applied to test the empirical validity of the model. Empirical results show that factors directly referring to sustainability have a positive impact on all the competitiveness indicators used as dependent variables. Furthermore, the impact of sustainability variables is larger in value than other variables, thus confirming the role of sustainability as a crucial determinant of the competitiveness of a tourist destination. Keywords: Sustainability; Tourism; Destination competitiveness; Italy Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in many countries around the


中国传统文化 一、“传统节日”单词预热vocabulary work 烹调cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架well stocked with fish and meat 象征意义symbolic significance 农历lunar calendar 阳历solar calendar 端午节Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节Lantern Festival 清明节Pure Brightness Day 重阳节Double Ninth Day 放逐be exiled 忠臣loyal minister 糯米粽子glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵in memory of sb. 龙舟比赛dragon boat races 中秋节Mid Autumn Festival 满月full moon 月饼moon cake 蜜饯preserved fruits 豆沙bean paste 蛋黄egg yolk 海鲜seafood 家禽poultry 饺子dumplings 八宝饭eight treasure rice 米羹rice balls 油条fried sticks 麻花fried twisted stick 炒面Chaomian 叉烧包steamed bun with roast pork 粥porridge 芋头taro 葱油饼pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion 有关春节的常用词 放鞭炮let off firecrackers 耍龙灯play the dragon lantern 耍狮子play the lion dance 拜年pay a new-year call 二、有关“介绍”的翻译 ?我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。 →I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays. 表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译: 1.to share with you brief information ?在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。 →I'd like to share with you brief information in this respect. 2.to brief you on ?借此机会,我愿意向各位朋友介绍中国加入世贸组织和参与经济全球化的有关情况。 →I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on China's accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization. 3.to give a brief account of ?我简单介绍我厂的情况。 →Let me, first of all, give you a brief account of this factory. ?在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我简要介绍一下我校的概况。 →Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our


毕业设计(论文) 译文及原稿 译文题目:影视旅游:测量和其他问题的挑战 节选自原文P316-332 原稿题目: MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISM: THE CHALLENGE OF MEASURENMENT AND OTHER ISSUES Form P316-332 原稿出处:Busby G,Klug J.Movie induced tourism:The challenge of measurement and other issue[J].Journal of V acation Marking,2001,7(4):316-332.

影视旅游:测量和其他问题的挑战 摘要 关键词:影视旅游,文学旅游,目的地 在英国,在文献和地方旅游营销推广方面,很少有与影视景点相关的研究,其中包括电视节目的拍摄地点。本研究探讨了旅游的概念与电影引起的广泛的文化和文学旅游现象。测量的挑战被认为是一个对游客的小规模的调查,是在由休·格兰特和茱莉亚罗伯茨主演的电影而闻名的伦敦诺丁山进行。结果显示,客人的调查资料与从文献中得出的研究结果是相当一致的;结果表明,许多游客到诺丁山游览前就已经有相当明确的目的地形象。大量的受访者知道其他的电视和电影拍摄的地方,而且有相当多的受访者表示在未来会考虑去这些地方。约三分之二的受访者都同意这样一个事实,因电视节目和电影的影响而到某个区域旅游。它显示了一个整体意识以及人们对影视旅游现象的接受。 1. 介绍 与影视相关的旅游包括参观因与书、作者、电视节目和电影有关联而著名的地方。根据泰特莱的观点,影视旅游作为与电影和电视相关的一种活动,已经人尽皆知,是一个随着经济的重要性加强而有利可图的并且快速增长的旅游业的一部分。影视不仅提供了短期就业和宣传了目的地,而且也提供了长期的与旅游业有关的机会。借助促销材料如英国旅游局的电影地图和当地权威营销活动来确定电影拍摄地点已成为当代休闲活动。当人们在寻求在“银幕”上看到的风景或者地点时,他们成为影视引致游客。很多国家,尤其是英国,被电影或电视节目收录其中的旅游目的地已经出现了游客数量的戏剧性增长。然而,关于影视在宣传旅游目的地方面的影响的研究很少。此外,莱利指出了一个还没有实证调查过的现象,那些出席电影院或在家里看录像的人,他们的关于旅游目的地的偏好和选择可能会收到电影的影响。小说、梦想和旅游影响三者之间的关系久已有之。虽然电影起初是作为娱乐进行消费,而不是更深层次的洞察力,但是很明显,当他们作为游客去参观这些被描述过的地方时,在影视中的印象已经使他们形成了一些基础的理解和期望。表1在文献中提供了一个较为全面的概述;他们潜在的优点和缺点如图1中所示。本研究的目的是要概括影视旅游在涉及更广泛


中国传统文化专有名词英文翻译 中国传统文化的英语单词你都了解吗?以下内容是关于中国文化的英语单词,与大家一起分享! 1 .上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theatre 2 .龙须沟Longxu Ditch 3 .样板戏model opera 4 .地雷战The Mine Warfare 5 .贵妃醉酒Drunkened Concubine 6 .霸王别姬Farewell to My Concubine 7 .荒山泪Tears of Huangshan 8 .群英会Gathering of Heroes 9 .借东风East Wind 10 .将相和General and Premier Make Up 11 .杨门女将Women General of Yang Family 12 .凤阳花鼓Flower Drum Dance 13 .大海啊,故乡Home in the Sea 14 .我的中国心My Chinese Heart 15 .军港之夜Night at the Naval Port 16 .冬天里的一把火Winter Fire 17 .十面埋伏(古曲)Ambush from All Sides 18 .天仙配Goddess Marriage 19 .牡丹亭Peony Pavilion 20 .春江花月夜Moon and Flower in the Spring River 21 .琵琶记The Story of Pipa 22 .醒世恒言Lasting Words to Awaken the World 23 .梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Butterfly Love 24 .警世通言Ordinary Words to Warn the World 25 .喻世明言Clear Words to Illustrate the World 26 .“三言”、“二拍” Three V olumes of Words,Two V olumes of Slapping 27 .拍案惊奇Surprise Stories to Make One Slap the Desk 28 .红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber 29 .水浒Water Margin 30 .西游记Journey to the West 31 .三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms 32 .聊斋志异Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio 33 .长生殿Palace of Eternal Life 34 .桃花扇The Peach Blossom Fan 35 .儒林外史The Scholars 36 .五女拜寿Celebrating Mother's Birthday 37 .清明上河图Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival
