








Offshore software outsourcing industry, following the transfer of international manufacturing industry, the emerging international industrial transfer of the service sector performance is based on the globalization of the market economy environment, and modern network of telecommunications technology under the environment of cross-border activities in the software business outsourcing , by its very nature is a kind of trade in services. As a result of market demand, technological innovation, cost-driven factors such as the guide, software offshore outsourcing provider is always the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed countries, offshore software outsourcing is the commitment of developing countries. Software market because of their capacity, the level of information-based constraints, many developing countries into an international software industry, the ultimate objective of the outsourcing market, which has also become a national software industry to promote the development of the original driving force.

Through the literature, theory and HKUST star offshore outsourcing software development to identify the status of Science and Technology Institute of China's software outsourcing strategy stellar problems; Science and Technology Institute of China through offshore outsourcing software stellar internal and external environment and SWOT analysis come to the main influencing factors; through analysis of these key factors on the HKUST star offshore outsourcing software development and implementation of strategy. Low consumption, low pollution, human capital-intensive and high value-added software outsourcing services trade in services is becoming an important growth point, its development is conducive to raising the level of trade in services, improving the structure of trade in services. Stars of Science and Technology Institute of China offshore outsourcing software analysis of the status quo strategy that can help get a clear understanding of the situation, for the development of Science and Technology Institute of China star offshore software outsourcing services company to provide guidance; through the strengthening of favorable factors, and better promotion of off-shore software outsourcing the development of Science and Technology Institute of China’s software services trade stellar overall development of practical significance.

Starting from the theory by introducing the theory of offshore outsourcing of

software with a preliminary understanding of, and then the star of the Science and Technology Institute of China’s software offshore outsourcing strategy, introduced the current situation, from which problems are identified, through the Science and Technology Institute of China offshore outsourcing software star Analysis of internal and external environment, the development of Science and Technology Institute of China offshore outsourcing software stellar company on a number of implementation strategies and recommendations.

Kedahengxing Company offshore software outsourcing company strategy, there are some problems, it is necessary to solve these problems will help the company's growth. HKUST star offshore software outsourcing company with SWOT analysis of the external environment and is conducive to the development of the company, the company should be carried out in accordance with its strategy advantage. Kedahengxing Company offshore software outsourcing companies to practical strategies, based on its existing problems to achieve the scale of the expansion of the company, it is necessary to strengthen the brand-building, personnel training to implement the strategy, the implementation of specialization and internationalization strategy. Strategies to achieve the organization must have a sound security and the protection of preferential policies.

Keywords: Kedahengxing Company; Offshore software outsourcing; Strategy


摘要...............................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. I II 第1章绪论. (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究的目的和意义 (2)

1.3 国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3.1 国外研究现状 (2)

1.3.2 国内研究现状 (3)

1.4 研究思路和研究内容 (5)

第2章软件离岸外包战略相关理论研究 (6)

2.1 软件离岸外包战略相关概念界定 (6)

2.1.1 软件外包概念 (6)

2.1.2 软件离岸外包概念 (7)

2.1.3 软件离岸外包的性质 (7)

2.2 软件离岸外包战略基础理论研究 (7)

2.2.1 国际分工理论 (7)

2.2.2 国家竞争优势理论 (9)

2.3 企业软件离岸外包战略制定的方法 (10)

2.3.1 SWOT分析法 (10)

2.3.2 外部因素评价矩阵 (11)

2.3.3 内部因素评价矩阵 (12)

第3章科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略现状分析 (13)

3.1 科大恒星公司简介 (13)

3.2 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略现状 (14)

3.3 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略存在的问题 (15)

3.3.1 市场战略问题 (15)

3.3.2 质量战略问题 (16)

3.3.3 营销战略问题 (16)

3.3.4 品牌战略问题 (17)

3.3.5 人才战略问题 (17)

第4章科大恒星公司软件离岸外包内外部环境分析 (18)

4.1 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包外部环境 (18)

4.1.1 经济环境 (18)

4.1.2 政治环境 (19)

4.1.3 社会文化环境 (19)

4.1.4 中国软件外包的市场环境分析 (19)

4.1.5 竞争对手状况分析 (24)

4.2 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包内部环境 (25)

4.2.1 组织结构分析 (25)

4.2.2 管理能力分析 (25)

4.2.3 营销能力分析 (28)

4.2.4 技术能力分析 (28)

4.2.5 财务能力分析 (30)

4.2.6 企业文化 (31)

4.3 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包SWOT分析 (32)

4.3.1 科大恒星公司面临的机会和威胁 (32)

4.3.2 科大恒星公司自身的优势和劣势 (32)

4.3.3 SWOT矩阵 (33)

4.3.4 竞争战略的选择 (33)

第5章科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略制定与实施 (35)

5.1 科大恒星公司软件外包发展战略制定原则 (35)

5.1.1 目标现实原则 (35)

5.1.2 保持客户原则 (35)

5.1.3 自主创新原则 (36)

5.2 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略制定 (36)

5.2.1 扩大公司规模 (36)

5.2.2 品牌战略 (37)

5.2.3 加强人才培养战略 (38)

5.2.4 专业化战略 (39)

5.2.5 国际化战略 (39)

5.3 科大恒星公司软件离岸外包战略实施建议 (41)

5.3.1 完善知识产权保护体系 (41)

5.3.2 要有组织保障 (41)

5.3.3 要有政策保障 (41)

结论 (43)

参考文献 (44)

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1.1 研究背景





