

Lesson 1, a private conversation

Private 私人的


A:How much money do you make a year? 一年挣钱多少

B:Well, this is our first-time dating. Do you have an interest in me or in my money我们第一次约会,你对我有兴趣还是对我的钱又兴趣?


Income, marital status and religion----- these are three private things that people care about. 收入,婚姻状况以及宗教信仰,这三个隐私人们很在意

Age, weight and height are three private things that girls care about 年龄,身高,体重是女孩子在意的三个隐私

爱恋帅哥have a (huge)crush on a cute boy 媒人,红娘“go-between” “match-maker”

漂亮女孩希望私下里见帅哥,要求我做牵线人A pretty girl wanted to meet the cute boy in private and asked me to be the go-between.


do sth in private 私下里做了某事

They met in private, talked about everything and left me totally in the dark



There is cooperation between the two companies. And I am the go-between/match-maker.




You wanted to call your girl friend but your brother-in-law picked up phone.

她现在不在,有事请留言She is out/not in at the moment. Can I take a message?// you can leave a message

有点私事,稍候打来。”Well, it’s a bit personal/it’s a bit private. I will call later

Personal /private affairs私事

A: Why are you here? 你来这里干嘛---〉what brings

you here?什么风把你吹来了

B: I am here for some personal/private affairs我来这里有些私事

You are not supposed to be here你怎么在这里? (质问,责备,不应该)

He is supposed to be here right now. 他现在应该到场(埋怨)



私人物品private/personal stuff.(小东西共通,大东西用private)

私宅 a private mansion mansion气派,表明地位和身份


In the west, they have private schools and public schools. The former have better teachers and facilities and the latter receive money from the government

新东方是私立学校,在纽交所上市,募集了很多资金。New oriental is a private school. It has gone public in NYSE and raised a lot of money.

Stock exchange证券交易所


It’s all rubbish stuff.都是垃圾junk food 垃圾食品---〉it’s all crap都是废话

废话少说,直奔主题cut the crap and get to the point


1, conversation 非正式的谈话,闲谈(书面正式)

一开始销售人员设法搭讪,然后设法销售一些东西Firstly the salesman tried to start a conversation and then he tried to sell me something

2, chat亲切的交谈(多见熟人之间,为了交流个人的情况等。)



have a long chat about our family/business. .

You are chatty, I am talkative你罗嗦,我健谈

Have an eloquent tongue 旁证博引,字字珠玑

3,Chat--→ gossip 贬义词,议论别人的私生活, 三八She is a terrible gossip专爱说三道四→she has a big mouth. She can’t keep any secret 她大嘴巴,无法守住秘密–〉sorry,I slipped up 不好意思,我说漏嘴了(真正的大嘴巴have a big and sexy mouth)

一些矮胖的妇女无聊,三八以消磨时间//打发无聊下午Some stout ladies enjoy gossiping to kill time/ spend the dull afternoons.


Some think grammar is dull, but I think grammar is a doll



I even don’t remember when last time we slept together on the same bed. I need to talk to you /We need to have a talk

Theatre剧院(drama戏剧,Beijing opera 京剧the local opera 当地戏剧)

go to the theatre去剧院赏戏go to the movie house去影院看电影


That American big brand is really a hit (成功而风行一时的东西)

That concert is really a hit.音乐会很让人震撼(the little shop is a bomb)


In this city, people have a good taste. Here you can find a lot of theatres and movie houses。Every year, they present a lot of shows


Present到场的- absent 缺席的//不应该少而少的

今年春天气候很奇怪,在中国的南方地区,没有降雨This spring, the climate is strange. Rain is absent in the south part of china.

她小时候没有任何的爱In her childhood, love was absent.

Seat 座位

take a seat/chair请坐,礼貌

Sit down命令// be seated高雅

A: May I sit here. 能坐这里么

B: Sorry, it is taken./The seat is taken 有人


Keep the seat warm for me, I am on my way over

A back-seat driver 1,对司机胡乱指点的乘客.

The back-seat driver distracts driver’s attention and puts our life in great danger.


(draw/attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力distract one’s attention分散,干扰注意力Pay attention to sth 注意:介词+宾语)



In the company the boss doesn’t really make decisions. The secretary does// is the back seat driver.


A boss should make decisions. He should not care about such petty things

Play V 玩

play +the +乐器play the piano/violin/guitar

play+球类play tennis/bowling /badminton/golf


In my spare time or on fine afternoons I usually go and play golf or go for bodybuilding健身/go to the gym健身扮演


Zhoucingchi only played a small /minor part/role in an old TV serial, but now he has risen as a big movie star.

世事无常,皆有可能, 你永远算不准接下来会有什么。Life itself has many possibilities.// there are many possibilities in life

You never know what is around the corner

Maybe you will have a good luck, or maybe you will step on a shit


生活中本来就有很多的困难Life itself has many difficulties

生活本来就有很多的惊喜Life itself has many surprises.


Life itself has many ups and downs. You need to go through them and become stronger.


Play a small/minor role角色微乎其微

Play a big/major role 扮演重大角色

Play a leading role 领衔角色


In the family business, the boss and his wife play a major role. Once they fail, the whole business fails.


Laoyu was only nobody decades ago, but he has risen as a business icon /star in the language-training industry.


Yuminghong is a business icon/star in the industry.俞是业内明星

This company is a star/icon in the industry.这个企业是业内明星

Angry生气的,发火的be angry with sb/at sth


The teacher got very angry at your homework. You have got 90% wrong.

Cross因为生气而凶巴巴的why is everybody so cross today .

Pull a long /serious face 拉着一张长脸

furious狂怒的,暴怒的(通过场面和凶狠的长相体现)The furious five 暴怒五侠

狂暴大猩猩,鳄鱼,狮子the furious gorilla//crocodiles // lions。

I am furious and it is serious 我很生气,后果很严重Fury 暴怒fly/rush into a fury 勃然大怒

You pissed me off 你把我惹火了


Don’t lose your temper, or everything will be worse

Anger n


We would take a friend to dinner and we would

share/divide/split the cost

我感到很生气I felt nothing but anger

(先抑后扬,突出but 之后)


他既骄傲又骄傲he felt nothing but pride

对这个年轻人赞誉有加have nothing but nice words for this young man

Bear/stand/tolerate 忍受,容忍

Bear to do sth/doing sth/ N; Stand doing sth/N; Tolerate N

如果一个人嘴里长了4个溃疡,那么谁都无法忍受疼If you have four ulcers in your mouth you can never bear/stand/tolerate the pain.


I can’t bear/stand doing nothing at all/loafing about in the office or surfing the net all day long.

忍受每天吃一样的东西。bear to eat such same stuff.

********************************************** ********************************************** A: I cant stand it, tell her 我忍不了了,还是告诉她吧B: We bought the lottery and got 5 million 我们买彩票



Bear and rear kids 养育孩子


tolerant 包容性好的,能够包容别人的(气度)


Being tolerant is a very important thing for a boss


Being beautiful is a very important thing for a lady.


Being careful is a very important thing for a driver.

I am tolerant but not indulgent 我宽容,但是不意味着我纵容


不关你的事情Mind your own business=None of your business.

D on’t poke your nose in others’ affairs/business。不要多管闲事


卖毒品sell cocaine/drugs a drug store药店

This business makes easy and fast money这个生意来钱很快,很容易

This business makes good profit这个生意利润很好. But you will be caged你会坐牢的.

Rude 粗鲁的polite 有礼貌的well-educated 受过良好教育的decent 体面的,得体的

You are kind of being a jerk 你很没有礼貌

The text

The play was very interesting剧目很有趣


the book/dog is very interesting and I am interested in the book/dog。


The football match was very exciting.

I was so excited, I streaked(裸奔)








our neighbor’s dog is very interested in my little cat邻居的小狗对我家的小猫饶有兴趣

奇特爱好:the streaker is exciting。裸奔者让人激动

---〉the streaker himself is excited. 裸奔者自己很激动总结:-ed还是-ing,不取决于所修饰的词语是人还是物,而是如下口诀




如frighten-吓人:Frightening /frightened

The dog is frightening. 狗很吓人(样子凶狠,令人害怕。-动作对外)

The dog is frightened (小狗吓坏了。-动作及于本身)A frightening face 令人恐怖的脸,鬼脸;A frightened face因为害怕,受惊而扭曲的脸。

Many excited faces一张张激动的脸孔

Enjoy sth 很喜欢某物/享受某物


I enjoyed the dinner. I love your special /secret recipe Enjoy doing sth可表示一种习惯或某次行为(更侧重长期习惯)

我喜欢和你在一起I enjoy being together with you


I am a quiet person. I enjoy sitting in the spring sun and doing nothing at all

夜幕降临,男女们成双成对,充分享受着青春和浪漫Boys and girls walk in pairs after dark falls /night falls. They enjoy every minute of youth and romance.


The cake is so delicious. I enjoyed every bit of it.

Enjoy sth all the more 更加喜欢


When I stayed with my parents in the village during the

spring festival, my mother cooked me some local food. Thinking I could never find such delicious things in Hangzhou, I enjoyed the food all the more.


have a good time doing sth表单次动作// 行为~~ have a lot of fun doing sth

我们今天在外面玩得很不错we enjoyed ourselves very much//had a good time in the open air.

在西湖边上散步玩得很高兴have a good time walking along the lake

和你在一起谈心,很高兴have a good time chatting with you.


After the sun sets / dips below the horizon 下山

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west

were sitting behind me坐在我后面

be sitting next to me/ close to me 坐在我边上

他经常在背后说坏话He always bad mouths /gossips about me behind my back.

背后中伤,暗算Stab sb in the back

Before 面对着,面临着

Before dangers面对危险before challenges 面对挑战before difficulties面对困难

Before a large audience面对大量的观众

Yesterday I went to the theatre. I had a good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.

1,昨天我们去菲律宾餐馆吃饭,我们定了一个很好的包厢。饭菜很可口,但吃的不开心。有两个男的在边上吞云吐雾,太恐怖了。简直是谋杀,真遭罪。Yesterday we went to a Philippine restaurant. We had a good box. The food was delicious. But we did not enjoy it. Two men were smoking heavily behind us. That was totally terrible. That was murder. I suffered a lot


Yesterday we went to the lake. There we walked in good sunshine and gentle breeze. The lake was beautiful. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We walked and chatted. We really had a wonderful time/ We had a lot of fun.


Lakeside restaurants 湖滨餐馆Lakeside walking street 湖滨步行街

Lakeside coffee bars/tea houses 湖滨咖啡厅/茶馆

I could not hear the actors.

语气婉转could you help me ---.

---yes, I can/yes, my pleasure. Sure, sure thing.

Hear 1,表示listen的结果


Some people listened, but heard nothing; some people talked, but said nothing; some people experienced, but learned nothing

2,hear from sb =get a letter from sb.

3,hear sb out.耐心听某人说完,


She slipped and was falling。At that very moment, a young man rushed up and held the girl by the waist with a very cool pose.


“I know you won’t believe me, but please hear me out”. ***

Miss a step (上下楼梯时)滑了一下,踉跄了一下;slip 任何情况下都可用

他快死了he is dying 他已经死了he is dead

Lead sb by the hand/arm牵着某人的手/服着某人的胳膊

hit sb in the face/on the nose/in stomach打某人的脸,鼻子,肚子

Turn back转过身来

=turn round/about/ around 三词:”环绕一圈,四周”,可通用。


四下里走走看看walk about the woods / look about the house.

逛街walk about the shopping mall.

About /around →adj 走动

很快他的病就会好的,可以起床四处走动。he will be up and about soon.

还没睡么?Still up?

Look at sb angrily = glare at sb怒目而视

Stare at sb 盯着某人看


I could not bear it any longer.

I could not bear it any more.

I could no longer bear it.

Notice /watch / hear /see sb do /doing sth

Do sth(时间跨度模糊)

Yesterday I saw him play football

I often hear him sing in his room

doing sth 正在做某事(时间较细)

When I passed his window last night I heard him talking with a girl.


新概念英语第一册每课知识点 Lesson1-2 Excuse me! 对不起!Is this your…?这是你的…吗? 语言点:与陌生人说话或引起别人的注意。Excuse me.译成汉语:劳驾或打扰一下。Yes?什么事?Yes. 是的。Pardon?请再说一遍。Thank you very much.非常感谢。 语法点:主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答。Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Lesson 3-4 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Is this your…?这是你的…吗? 语言点:询问某物是某人的吗 语法点:简单的否定句。It isn’t my coat. 一般疑问句的否定形式Is this your umbrella?—Is this not your umbrella? Is this your ticket?---Is this not your ticket? (回答时要根据事实来回答)Lesson 5-6 Nice to meet you。很高兴见到你。What make is it? 它是什么牌子的? 语言点:如何介绍别人。This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Nice to meet you. 询问物品的牌子:What make is +单数可数名词? 语法点:主语为第三人称单数的主系表结构。She is French. He is German. It’s a V olvo.(L6) a/an 的使用。选择疑问句---一般选择疑问句和特殊选择疑问句Lesson 7-8 Are you a teacher? 你是教师吗?What’s your job?你是做什么工作的? 语言点:如何自我介绍和相互认识。询问职业的表达法。 What’s your job? 询问国籍的表达法。What nationality are you? 语法点:主语为第二人称的主系表结构。Are you French? 特殊疑问句Who, what, whose, how old, how many… Lesson 9-10 How are you today? 你今天好吗?Look at…看… 语言点:朋友或熟识的人之间如何相互问候。How are you? I’m fine. / I’ m very well. Thanks, and you? Nice to see you. 语法点:主系表结构:主语+be动词+形容词,用来描述主语的外形特征。 She is tall/ old/ clean/thin/ lazy. 介词短语表示位置near the window on the television on the wall Lesson11-12 Is this your shirt? 这是你的衬衫吗?Whose is this/that…?这…是谁的或那…是谁的?This/ That is + 物主代词+ 单数可数名词。 语言点:询问东西是谁的whose 引导的问句 语法点:名词所有格 特殊疑问句:whose +名词+is this/that? This/ That is +名词所有格/所有格代词 区别:This is my book.---- Whose book is this? (做形容词) This book is mine.---Whose is this book? (做代词) 表示所有关系的物主代词(名词性和形容词性) Lesson 13-14 A new dress 一件新连衣裙What colour’s your …? 你的…是什么颜色的? 语言点:询问颜色和复习各种颜色的词汇。不可分割的the same 英语整十数字的表达法,百位数的英文表达法。 句子中的斜体字的意义及读法。 语法点:特殊疑问句---What colour is your…what 作形容词,修饰colour 祈使句---意义,用法,结构,否定式 人称代词主格、宾格及相应的be动词 Lesson 15-16 Your passports, please. 请出示你们的护照。Are you…? 你们是…吗? 语言点:猜国籍的问句:Are you +表国籍的词汇?翻译成“你是…国人吗?” 询问物品的颜色:What colour are your…?你们的…是什么颜色的? Are these your…? 这些是你/你们的…吗? 语言点:名词的复数变化方法,及读音---清清浊浊(1) 复习一般疑问句 不定冠词a, an的用法 Lesson 17-18 How do you do? 你好!What are their jobs?他们是做什么工作的? 语言点:初次相识相互问候. How do you do? (注意回答相同:How do you do!) 询问职业:What’s your job?/What are you? /What do you do? Who引导的疑问句,用来对人的身份或姓名提问。 Who is that girl? She is Lily, she is my classmate. How 引导的问句,用来询问人的状态或特征:How is your mother? She is very well. She is very nice. What 引导的问句,用来询问人的职业:What is your mother? She is a doctor. 整百数字和千位数字的英文表达法 语法点:名词复数的变化方法及发音及不规则名词的复数变化方法(2)Lesson 19-20 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴Look at them! 看看他们/ 它们! 语言点:询问发生了什么事:What’s the matter with sb. / 代词的宾格?


新概念英语第四册课堂笔记 1 fossil man (化石人) Why are legends handed down by storytellers useful We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of story tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago. But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from. Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. 【New words and expressions 生词和短语】 fossil man adj. 化石人 recount v. 叙述 saga n. 英雄故事 legend n. 传说,传奇 migration n. 迁移,移居 anthropologist n. 人类学家 archaeologist n. 考古学家


新概念英语第2册课文 1 A private conversation私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 'It's none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!' 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好。发挥是很有趣的。我不喜欢它。一青年男子与一年轻女子坐在我的身后。他们在大声地说话。我很生气。我听不见演员。我转过身。我看着那个男人和女人生气。他们没有注意。最后,我忍不住了。我又一次转过身去。”我不能听到一个字!”我愤怒地说。”这不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说。”这是私人间的谈话!” 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. 'I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm having breakfast,' I repeated. 'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!' 它是星期日。在星期天我是从来不早起。有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上周日我起床很晚。我看着窗外。它是黑暗的外面。”多好的一天!”我的思想。”又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。”我刚下火车,”她说。”我来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。”你干什么呢。她问。”我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。”我亲爱的,”她说。”你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经一点了!”


新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解 短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…看…,look like …看上去像……, look after …照料…2.listen to…听……3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好 5.speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如: This is my new bike. Please look it after.(×) This is my new bike. Please look after it.(√) 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A.动词(vt.)+副词1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。试比较: First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. (√)

First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×) First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√) B.动词(vi)+副词。1.come on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家4.come in进来 5.sit down坐下6.stand up起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games 10. play games 介词短语聚焦 “介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将Unitsl-16常用的介词短语按用法进行归类。 1.in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着……。如:in English,in the hat 2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。 3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/表


新概念英语第一册所有语法点汇总 Lesson 1 人称代词含有be动词的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句 Lesson 3 祈使句简单的倒装句 Lesson 5 冠词 Lesson 6 选择疑问句 Lesson 7 特殊疑问句一般疑问句 Lesson 9 How …?的一些社交上的用法形容词的意义与作用 Lesson 11所有格形容词和所有格代词名词所有格 Lesson 15 名词可数名词单数变复数的规则 Lesson 16 名词复数-s或-es的发音规则 Lesson 19 There be 句型常见方位介词:in、on、over、under Lesson 21 动词的双宾语 Lesson 23 定语 Lesson 27 some, any 一些 Lesson 29 情态动词情态动词must的用法 Lesson 31 时态:共十六种时态,时态是通过动词变化来实现的。现在进行时 Lesson 34 动词+ing的规则 Lesson 35 短语动词 Lesson 37 be going to 句型宾语补足语 Lesson 39 祈使句 do的用法

Lesson 40 词组:动词+介词 Lesson 43 情态动词can的用法 Lesson 47 一般现在时 Lesson 48 序数词 Lesson 49 动词加 s(es) 规则动词不定式 some、any用法Lesson 51 What…(be,look…) like? 频率副词 Lesson 57 一般现在时与现在进行时 Lesson 59 have/has的用法 Lesson 61 主语+系动词+表语 Lesson 63 each和every的区别 Lesson 64 禁令Don’t and Mustn’t Lesson 65 日期的表达反身代词 Lesson 67 一般过去时动词的过去式变化否定疑问句Lesson 69 用介词at,on和in的时间短语 Lesson 74 副词的用法副词的构成 Lesson 75 宾语从句 Lesson 79 Must与Need Lesson 83 现在完成时 Lesson 85 现在完成时的特殊结构 Lesson 89 for与since Lesson 91 一般将来时

新概念第一册1-44课练习题 适合低年级学生

Lesson 1 -Lesson 2 A .About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,. 在结尾处加上你的名字。Sue: Excuse me. ______ John: Yes? ______ Sue: What's your name? ______ John: Pardon? ______ Sue: What's your name? ______ John: My name is John. ______ Sue: What's your name? ______ You: My name is...... ______ B. Vocabulary词汇:不全单词再抄写一遍。如:me me 原谅__ __ cuse ________ 3.再说一遍p__ __ don _________ 请pl__ __ se ________ 4.谢谢__ __ anks _________ C. Numbers: Write the numbers in figures.. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。 three 3 ten______ one______ four______ six______ five______ eight_________ seven______ two______ nine______ D.连词成句 this your is coat (一般疑问句) ___________________________ Very much you thank ___________________________ This my pencil is ___________________________ E.Transform the sentences.句型变换 1.This is my new dress.(变一般疑问句) 2.Is this your ticket? (做肯定回答) 3.Is this your pen?(做否定回答) Lesson 3-Lesson 4 A Dialogue.Copy this dialogue.抄写这段对话。 Sue:My coat and my handbag ,please.___________________ Here is my ticket. ______ It's number ten. ______ Man: Thank you. Number ten. ______ Here's your handbag. ______ and here's your coat. ______ Sue: Thank you very much. ______ B Vocabulary:Write in the words in the answers. 完成以下句子。 1 Is this your school? - Yes, it is my school . 2 Is this your ticket? - Yes, this is my ______.


新概念英语第二册课堂笔记第13课Lesson 13 ★New words and expressions ☆group n.小组,团体 group指合唱团 band:n.乐队 ☆pop singer:流行歌手 pop:popular adj.受欢迎的 pop song(music):流行音乐 pop star ☆club n.俱乐部 night club:夜总会 ☆performance n.演出 -mance:名词标志 perform v.演出 ☆occasion n.场合 中文:在某种条件下,某种环境中 英文:occasion=time,时候 this occasion:on the/this occasion occasionally=sometimes adv.有时候,偶尔

★Text The Greenwood boys The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.At present,they are visiting all parts of the country.They will be arriving here tomorrow.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Worker's Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.During this time,they will give five performances.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.They will be trying to keep order.It is always the same on these occasions. ☆visit v.拜访,参观;(歌手)巡演 visit 地点,表示去某地 若带有职业相关目的,就是去做相关的事 The headmasters of the New Oriental school visited lanzhou. 本课学到3个“演出”: 1.visit; 2.sing; 3.give five performances ☆most of...绝大部分的 most of the...=most... most of the young people/most young people ☆tomorrow evening:明天晚上 yesterday evening:昨天晚上; this evening:今天晚上 morning,afternoon的用法同evening


新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解短语词组 归纳 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解 短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…看…,look like …看上去像……, look after …照料… 2.listen to…听…… 3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好5.speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如: This is my new bike. Please look it after.(×)This is my new bike. Please look after it.(√) 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类:A.动词(vt.)+副词 1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放 在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只 能放在副词的前面。试比较: First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. (√) First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×) First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√) B.动词(vi)+副词。 1.come on赶快

新概念英语1 第41-44课

一、Lesson41 单词解析:全部为不可数名词 语句讲解: 1、Put it on this chair. 在没有扶手的椅子上用on,在有扶手的椅子上用in。 2、表示数量的短语: a piece of 一张 a loaf of 一个 a bar of 一条 a bottle of 一瓶 a pound of 一磅half a pound of 半磅 a quarter of 四分之一 a tin of 一听 语法----不可数名词 1、不可数名词在表示量的概念时也叫部分词 two pieces of paper/ three sheets of paper/ five kilos of water 2、不可数名词在表示量的概念时要用某种容器 a bottle of beer/ a glass of milk bottles/ glasses five bottles of beer/ six glasses of milk a box of pens 3、用容器表示可数名词时,可数名词用复数 a loaf of/ a bar of/ a bottle of/ a pound of/ half a pound of/ a quarter of/ a tin of 二、Lesson42 单词讲解: Some与any区别:1、some用于肯定句中,any用于否定句与疑问句中 2、表示提建议的疑问句用some而不用any小练习见课本。 三、Lesson43 ★of course 当然(口语)(当然不) certainly 当然(口语和书面语) sure 当然(美语多用) ★find 找到(表示结果) ① v. 找到;寻得 It is most important to find a suitable person for the job. ② v. 找出;查明 Shall we ever find an answer to the tough problem? look for 寻找的动作,不强调结果 We are looking for a lost pen. But it is not sure you can find it. find out 寻找,找到,查明事情的真相、原由 search 搜查,搜索 discover 探索,发现(让别人重新认识) invent 发现,发明(全新的事物) ★make the tea 沏茶 make up 编造,下定,化妆 make up one’s mind 下定某人决心 Make用法:make v. 做 ① v. 制作;创造 Hollywood can make the most famous film stars in world.


[生词短语] private adj. 私人的conversation n. 谈话 theatre n. 剧场,戏院seat n. 座位 play n. 戏loudly adv. 大声地 angry adj. 生气的angrily adv. 生气地 attention n. 注意bear v. 容忍 business n. 事rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 ★private adj.私人的 ① adj. 私人的 private life 私生活 private school 私立学校 It's my private letter. (如果妈妈想看你的信) It's my private house. (如果陌生人想进你的房子) ② adj. 普通的 private citizen 普通公民 I’m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民) private soldier 大兵 《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》) public adj. 公众的,公开的(private的反义词) public school 公立学校 public letter 公开信 public place 公共场所 privacy[?pr?v?si] n.隐私 It’s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的) ★conversation n.谈话 have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式 subject of conversation话题 They are having a conversation. talk内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人 Let’s have a talk. dialogue对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈 China and Korea are having a dialogue. chat闲聊,说的是无关紧要的事。 gossip[?g?s?p]嚼舌头, 说长道短 report报道 ★theatre n.剧场, 戏剧 cinema n.电影院 ★seat n.座位 have a good seat/place,这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair.


【前10分钟】检查笔记、检查作业、听写单词。10’ Lesson 2 - Breakfast or lunch? 一、教学重点 1、代词:it 做虚主语时的用法。 2、时态:一般现在时VS 现在进行时。 3、副词:频率副词的排序和位置。 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】 1、引入话题(详见右框)。2’ 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。2’ ① What was the weather like last Sunday? ② Who was coming to see the writer? ③ What time was it then? 3、生词解读,纠正发音(详见课本)。4’ 4、提问:Why was the writer ’s aunt surprised? 看一遍视频,解答问题。2’ 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。30’ 【第二节课】 1、文化背景。3’ 2、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。3’ 3、做19页的两道选择理解题(详见课本)。4’ 4、检查朗读,一起朗读。10’ 5、总结it 做虚主语时的用法。1’ 6、总结本课中出现的四种时态。2’ 7、辨析一般现在时和现在进行时(详见下文)。7’ 8、做17页的关于时态的练习题(详见课本)。15’ 9、读绕口令游戏。5’ 【第三节课】 1、总结频率副词的排序和位置(详见下文)。5’ 2、做18页关于频率副词的练习(详见课本)。10’ 3、听写单词,记忆法指点。5’ 4、听一首英文歌曲。7’ 5、背课文、讲故事比赛。20’ 6、总结本课重点,让学生标注(详见上文)。2’ 7、布置作业:摘要写作,19页的选择题,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文 1、It was Sunday. 这里的it 是虚主语,可以指代时间、天气、温度、距离等多种事物,也可以指代某个不确定的人。接下来课文中还会出现很多个it ,让我们来一起看看它到底指代什么。 2、I never get up on Sundays. 这是在说我一直以来的习惯,所以用了一般现在时。 never 从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:-Have you loved me? -Never. -Will you marry me? -Never. 太绝情了! on Sundays 在每一个星期天。 on 用在具体的某一天之前,例如 on March 21st ,on Monday ,on Monday morning


新版新概念英语第一册第61课课堂笔记 Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒 Health is a kind of freedom and comes first of all. [词汇] feel v. 感觉 look v. 看(起来) must modal verb 必须 call v. 叫,请 doctor n. 医生 telephone n. 电话 remember v. 记得,记住 mouth n. 嘴 open your mouth tongue n. 舌头 show me your tongue bad adj. 坏的,严重的 bad cold cold n. 感冒 news n. 消息 [nju:z] [nu:z] good news They are looking at the blackboard. feel/smell/look/taste 1 主语+不及物动词 2 主系表结构,其中系动词(link-verb)包括be动词和感官动词。

be动词后可跟形容词和名词;感官动词后多加形容词做表语。 I feel happy. The food smells terrible. She looks sad. This tastes good. I feel ill. She feels ill. Do you feel ill? How do you feel? How does she feel? How does Jimmy feel? Jimmy looks ill. Jimmy is in bed. He feels ill. He doesn't feel ill. Does he feel ill? How does he feel? He looks ill. feel funny/ feel like (doing) sth./feel free to do sth.


新概念英语第2册课文 译文

1.私人谈话 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好。发挥是很有趣的。我不喜欢它。一青年男子与一年轻女子坐在我的身后。他们在大声地说话。我很生气。我听不见演员。我转过身。我看着那个男人和女人生气。他们没有注意。最后,我忍不住了。我又一次转过身去。”我不能听到一个字!”我愤怒地说。”这不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说。”这是私人间的谈话!” 2.早餐还是午餐? 它是星期日。在星期天我是从来不早起。有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上周日我起床很晚。我看着窗外。它是黑暗的外面。”多好的一天!”我的思想。”又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。”我刚下火车,”她说。”我来看你。”“但我还在吃早饭,”我说。”你干什么呢。她问。”我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。”我亲爱的,”她说。”你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经一点了!” 3.请给我寄一张明信片 明信片总是破坏我的假期。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,然后坐在公园里。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语。然后他借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友寄卡片。在最后一天我做了一个重大的决定。我起得很早,买了三十七张明信片。我花了一整天在我的房间,但我没有写一张卡片! 4.激动人心的旅行 我刚刚收到弟弟的来信,提姆。他在澳大利亚。他有六个月了。提姆是一个工程师。他是一家大公司工作,他已经访问了许多不同的地方在澳大利亚。他刚买了一辆汽车和澳大利亚已经向爱丽丝斯普林斯,一个小镇的中心,澳大利亚。他将很快访问达尔文。从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我兄弟从来没有出过国,因此他觉得这次旅行非常激动。


新概念英语第一册经典短语 1.双宾动词:give sb sth给某人某物give me a book;= give sth to sb 把某物给某人give a book to him show/send sb sth展示/发送给某人某物= show/send sth to sb把某物展示/发送给某人 2,地点介词in+大地点at+小地点live at (小地点) /in(大地点)住在… arrive at/in 到达…stay at/in 呆在… 3.take sb to +地点送某人去某地 My father takes me to school every day . 4.want sth 想要某物I want some milk. Want to do sth 想要做某事She wants to buy a new book. Want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事They want me to open the door. do/does not want sb to do sth 不想要某人做某事I do not want you to miss the train. 5.get up起床I always get up at 7:00. 6.keep sth +adj. 保持某物的…….Keep the floor clean 7.be absent(from)缺席I was absent from school yesterday. 8.on the/one’s way to 在去……的路上 On the way home (to school),I met an old friend. On the train to在去……的火车上 9.lose one’s way 迷路=be lost I lost my way .=I was lost 10.say to oneself 自言自语 “I can win” I said to myself 11.put sth into 把……放到…… I put some money into my pocket . I put some books into my bag . 12. take out取出 He took out a note book and wrote them down ,


新版新概念英语第一册第30课课堂笔记 Lesson 89 For sale [词汇] believe v. 相信,认为 may modal verb (用于请求许可)能够 how long 多长 since prep. 自从 why adv. 为什么 sell v. 卖,出售 because conj. 因为 retire v. 退休 cost v. 花费 pound n. 英镑 worth prep. 值……钱 penny n. 便士 sell/sold/sold cost/cost/cost believe + that 从句(宾语从句) 宾语从句是指一个句子做宾语 动词/介词 + 宾语(名词,代词)

表示人类的情感或心理活动的形容词 afraid 恐怕 sure 确定的,有把握的 glad 高兴的 sorry 抱歉 be + adj. + that 从句 主句是一般现在时的时候,从句能够用任何时态。 e.g. I am afraid I can't come tomorrow. e.g. I am sure you need an X-ray. e.g. I am glad you went yesterday. e.g. I am sorry I didn't come yesterday. 表示普通意义的动词,相信,认为…… think, know, say e.g. He says he is a good man. e.g. I think you are right. e.g. I believe I can fly. for sale 待售 e.g. This house is for sale. e.g. I believe this house is for sale. e.g. I'm sure this house is for sale.


Lesson 2 Until 和till 互通, 通常句尾; until 也可放到句首 1,prep+表时间的名词 直到午夜,直到下午三点, until midnight, three in the afternoon. 杭州的茶馆很多,是一个消磨时间和谈生意的好去处,花上几块钱,可以呆一个下午,直到很晚 There are many teahouses in Hangzhou// we have many teahouses in Hangzhou. They are ideal/nice/good places to kill time or talk about business. With a few bucks/dollars, you can stay there until /till very late in the afternoon。 咖啡厅是一个放松的好地方,这里你既能享受春日的温暖,又能体会到这个城市中产阶级的生活品调Coffee-bars are ideal places to relax. There you can enjoy the balmy spring day and the luxury of mid-class life. (Luxurious lifestyle 奢侈的,糜烂的生活方式) *** 我所在的城市被誉为人间天堂.我们城市西部有一个湖,那里有很多的茶馆和饭店。下午时分,不管天气是晴是雨,我都喜欢坐在其中,听音乐,品龙井茶。 My city is paradise/heaven on Earth. We have a good lake in the west part of the city. There are many good restaurants and coffee bars /tea houses along the lake. Whether on fine afternoons or rainy afternoons, I love to sit in one of them, listening to the nice music and savoring the local Longjing tea. 不论晴天还是雨天,我都会来这里,听音乐或细细的品味我喜爱当地龙井茶 2,连词。 等到雨停了Wait until/till the rain stops. (时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来) 现在不是好时机,我还是等等,直到价格下来一点再说 It’s not a good time now. I shall wait until the price comes down a little bit. 没有机会,中国人说你可以等,但是直到海枯石烂,你依然看不到希望 There is no opportunity/chance. In Chinese we say you can wait until the sea dries up but still you see no hope 他一点都不好看,中文里我们说他长得和死蟹差不多 He is not good-looking at all. In Chinese we say he looks like a dead crab. He looks like hell. 长得和鬼一样 他想娶他配不上的人,中文里我们说他癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 He wants to marry someone he doesn’t deserve. In Chinese we often say an ugly toad wants to eat swan meat. *** His face is the fiercest weapon他的脸是最强悍的武器 她是世界上最漂亮的女人,一顾倾城,二顾倾国 She is the most beautiful lady in the world. One glance, the city collapses;another glance, the country surrenders
