





1,red 2. black 3. yellow 4. green 5,apple 6,white

7,eraser 8,banana

9,pencil 10,box


()1.yellow A. 铅笔

()2.bag B. 眼睛

()3.mouth C. 尺子

()4.school D. 黄色的

()5.ruler E. 书包

()6.leg F. 黑色的

()7.pencil G. 橡皮

()8.eye H. 学校

()9.black I. 嘴

()10.eraser J. 腿IV.把各小题中不同类的单词的序号填在括号里。(10分)()1. A. monkey B. duck C. black D. dog ()2. A. nose B.hand C. ear D. pen

()3. A. bag B. book C. eraser D. blue ()4. A. face B. mouth C. bag D. head ()5. A. red B. apple C. banana D. pear



三、1D 2E 3I 4H 5C 6J 7A 8B 9F 10G

四、1C 2D 3D 4C 5A


Teaching plan Grade :3 Week: 5

PEP小学英语三年级下册单元测试题 学校姓名班级评分 Writing Part 一、按字母表顺序,写出大小写字母,从Ee—Nn. E e N n 二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。 三、看图,将相对应的单词和图片连线. kite ice-cream egg girl kangaroo man 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。 ( )1. How many crayons do you have? A. Nice to meet you. ( )2. Who's that girl? B. OK!

( )3. How many birds can you see? C. I can see eleven. ( )4. This is my new friend, Amy. D. I have ten. ( )5. Let's fly the kite! E. She's my sister. 五、看图,根据图意选出正确的句子,将其字母编号填在( )内。 ( ) ()()() ( ) A. - Who's that man? - He's my father. B. I have thirteen books. C. J J J, jump, jump, jump. D. Let's fly the kite. E. - How many rulers do you have? - Fifteen. 六、用阿拉伯数字完成下列算式。 1. three + nine = 2. + ten = sixteen 3. twenty - = eighteen 4. four + thirteen = 七、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。 Model: A B C a b c 1. J 2. P


初二英语下基本功练习题 Unit 1 写出下列单词。 课程又一的音乐会谁日程表明天后天工作日临时照顾邀请遗憾训练锻炼化学美国的美洲的作业比赛、竞赛整个的顺便来访空闲的 二写出下列句子 1 你能在周六来参加我的聚会吗? 2 当然可以。 3 那么你呢?抱歉,我必须帮助我的父母。 4 准备考试去看医生上钢琴课帮助我的父母 5 你能在周三参加我的聚会吗? 6 我必须去看医生。 7 Jeff 不能参加聚会。 8 抱歉,我正在踢足球。我必须上我的吉他课。我想要去看电影。我要去拜访我的姑姑。 9 你周六能去看电影吗? 10 这个周末,我有太多的家庭作业 11,太糟了!下一次吧! 12 谢谢你的邀请。 13 你能参加我的聚会吗? 14 我必须帮助我的父母。 15 她能去看电影吗?他正在踢足球。

16 他能参加棒球比赛吗?他必须学习 17他们能去音乐会吗?他们将要参加聚会。 18 这个周末你能去超市吗? 19周四下午你作什么? 20今天几号?周一,14号。 21你能和我打乒乓球吗? 22 谢谢你的邀请。 23 抱歉,这周我不能去拜访你。 24 我真得很忙,今天晚上我要参加我表弟的生日聚会。 25 明天,我必须去看牙医。 26周三我要和校队参加网球训练。 27周四,我必须准备化学考试。 28 周五晚上,我和一些朋友去看电影。 29 周五你能和我们去看电影吗? 30 多谢你的邀请。 31 您能在周三晚上顺便到我家里来讨论科学报告吗? 32 10点我有空。 Unit2 写出下列单词。

友好的,爽直的孪生的无忧虑的鲁莽的严肃的庄重的伶俐的体格强健的注释解释方面两个都物理然而超出共同的擅长学业功课迫使笑对立的想法观点爱好大多数虽然打败友谊初级的小学的消息资料 写出下列句子 1 他长着比sam更短的头发。 2 他比sam更镇定。 3 pedro 比paul 要滑稽。 4 感谢你的上一封信。 5 这是我和我双胞胎妹妹的照片。 6 就像你看到的,在一些方面,我们看上去一样,在一些方面我们看上去不同。 7 我们两个都长着黑眼睛和黑头发 8 尽管我的头发比他的要短。 9 我们两个都喜欢运动,但是它比我要更强健。 10 他更外向,我更文静。 11 我认为我比她要聪明。 12 我最喜欢的学科是物理和化学,她最喜欢的学科是体育。 13 我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。 14 刘英不止一个妹妹。 15 刘英和刘立有一些相似之处。


Test for Unit 1 一.词组翻译(30分) 1.犯错,出错______________ 2. 结束_____________ 3. 根本不_____________ 4. 以后,随后____________ 5. 害怕去做______________ 6. 嘲笑_______________ 7. 做笔记_______________ 8. 查阅_____________ 9. 编造______________ 10. 处理______________ 11. 生……的气__________ 12. (指时间)过去,消逝________________ 13. 尽力做……_____________ 14. 突然中止,中断_________________ 15. 没关系________________ 二.单项选择(10分) ()1.---- How do you study ______ a test? ---- I study ______ working with a group. A: for by B: by in C: for from ()2.Have you ever ______ with a group? A: study B: studying C: studied ()3.My sister said she studied by ________ English-language videos. A: watch B: watching C: watched ()4.What about _______ the textbook? A: reading B: read C: to read ()5.It improves my _______ skills A: spoken B: speak C: speaking ()6.I have trouble ________ the new words. A: memorize B: memorizing C: to memorize ()7.I don’t know how ________ commas. A: use B: to used C: used ()8.Miss Li regards all his students _______ his children. A: as B: for C: to ()9.If you don’t know how to spell new words, look them _____ in a dictionary. A: up B: for C: after ()10.The small boys decided ________ to each other. A: not talk B: not talking C: not to talk 三.完形填空(10分) I like English very much. I think English is very important and 1 . Here are my


前言 小学英语教学的设计 教学目标 字母教学包括26个字母的读音,辩认和书写三项内容。小学英语字母教学的目标在教师的指导下,让学生达到能认字母的音和形,能读准字母,能按正确的笔顺和规格书写,能按顺序背诵和默写字母,同时能初步掌握字母在单词中的发音,为进一步学习单词的读音和拼读打下基础。 教学意义 语音,语法,词汇是语言的三大要素。字母是语音,词汇的基础,因而也是整个小学英语教学的基础。英语26个字母是记录语言的文字符号,是英语文字的最小书写单位,英语利用这26个字母拼写所有的词。英语26个了母的名称音中包含了英语48个音素中的24个音素,占全部英语音素的一半。在小学英语教学中,字母教学是入门阶段一项重要的教学内容,是培养学生英语素质的奠基工程。教学中,字母教学意义重大,它是英语学习的开端,对于激发学生的学习积极性,开发智力,培养良好的听说读写的学习习惯,为学生进一步学习音标,单词,句子,课文,提高语言能力,为终身学习打下良好的基础等具有重要的意义。 教学过程与实施建议 1.学习字母的读音 (1)听音 听音是模仿的第一步,是模仿的基础。先听音,后开口,听清发准,是字母教学的基本步骤,也是字母教学的根本方法,因为听的质量直接影响模仿的效果,所以教师在教授字母的发音时,一定会示范正确,清楚,语速掌握好。对于一些较难发音的字母,教师会适当地讲解字母的口型舌位,发音的要领,发音的方法和技巧。 (2)模仿 模仿发音是学习字母的最基本的方法,是检测学生是否准确掌握的最好方法,教师在让学生模枋的时候要采用活泼的形式,直观形象的比喻,借助手势,实物,图片,动作等帮助学生发好音。会让学生反复大量地实践。 2.字母在单词中的发音 学生学好字母,对学习语音和音词在有帮助。在讲解字母时,教师会渗透字母在单词中的一般发音规律,自然拼读规则,使学生渐渐了解每个字母在单词中都有他们各自的读音,为以后拼读单词,记忆单词打下良好的基础。 3.学习字母的书写 书写教学一开始就要严格要求,培养学生良好的书写习惯,教师会在讲解时会注意让学生认真观察字母的笔顺,起笔和落笔,几笔写成,占几格,然后再让学生模仿和操练,还要注意将检查和评价相结合,检查学生的书写是否按照字母的笔顺和字母在四线格中应占的位置书写,字母的大小,宽窄是否协调和谐,间隔是否均匀,适当,培养学生正确的书写习惯,包括写字的姿势,放纸的位置等。 4.字母教学活动 (1)象形字母:教师会出示一些与字母相像的图案或实物,学生通过想象去认,看看像什么字母。


2014-2015学年度第一学期期末质量检测 小学三年级英语试题 时间:40分钟等级:______ 一、听录音,按听到的顺序给下列图片排序。每小题听两遍。(10分) 二、听录音,根据所听内容选择与人物相对应的信息,并将其标号写到人物下面的括号内。每题读两遍。(10分)

1()2()3() 4 ()5() 07:00 A B. C.

D. E. 三、听句子,判断所听句子与图画意思是否相符,打“√”或“×”。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()()()()()

()()()()()四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号填入题前括号内。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.This is sarah. B.I am sarah. ()2.A.Touch your nose. B.Touch your face. ()3.A.I see red. B.Colour it red. ()4.A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. ()5.A.Touch your hand. B.Touch your head. ()6.A.Close your eyes. B.Open your eyes. ()7.A.Shake your body. B.Stamp your foot. ()8.A.Act like a bird. B.Act like a bear. ()9.A.Have some cake. B.Drink some Coke. ()10.A.Show me 746. B.Show me 346. 五.听录音,选出你所听到句子的答语,将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.Nice to meet you. B.Nice to meet you,too. ()2.A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. ()3.A.How are you? B.Very well,thanks. ()4.A.Great! B.Thank you. ()5.A.This is a duck. B.It’s a duck.


八年级英语单元测试题 I. 词汇。(10分) A) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She sees a film ________ (one) a month. 2. Tom was ________ (illness) yesterday, so he didn't go to school. 3. Doing exercise can help us stay ________ (health). 4. Li Hua had a ________ (quickly) breakfast and then went to work. 5. Don't ________ (worried) about your English. I can help you. B) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分) 6. They are waiting for you at the bus s______. 7. Beijing is in the n________ of China. 8. I often get up at h________ past six in the morning. 9. There are sixty m________ in an hour. 10. It's about two k________ from here to there. II. 选择填空。(10分) 1. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week. A. to B. with C. in D. for 2. -________ is it from your home to school? -Three miles.


初三英语基础练习题 22. — Hi, Mary. Could you lend ______ your pen? — OK. Here you are. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 23. _______ March, 12th, we planted trees in a park. A. In B. On C. At D. To 24. — ________ did you go to the doctor, Tim? — Two weeks ago. A. How B. Where C. What D. When 25. I phoned you at six yesterday evening, ______ nobody answered. A. because B. or C. but D. so 26. — Look here, please. Who can do this problem? —I ______, Miss Li. A. can B. need C. should D. must 27. Sam, you’re much ______ than I last saw you. A. thin B. thinner C. thinnest D. the thinnest 28. — This is a really interesting story. I enjoy________ it. A. reading B. read C. to read D. reads 29. — What are the kids doing? —They ______ the flowers in the garden. A. water B. watered C. have watered D. are watering 30. — Jim, how about going to the movie Mission Impossible IV tonight? —Well, I ______ it already. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 31. I will let you know as soon as I ______ back. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got 32. A talk on pop music ______ in the school hall next Sunday. A. is given B. gives C. will be given D. will give 33. Look, there ______ little water in the river! How come? A. be B. am C. is D. are 34. — Do you know ______ yesterday afternoon? —Sorry, I’ve no idea. A. where is Tom B. where Tom is C. where was Tom D. where Tom was 22. There is a clock ______ the wall. A. for B. from C. on D. to 23. I got up early ______ the traffic was bad this morning. A. and B. but C. so D. or 24. — ______ have you been in China?


姓名:得分: 英语测试卷 一、读出下列词语的英语。(每人任选一组)( 24 分) 1.铅笔书包头胳膊黑色的猴子鸟牛奶 2.尺子书眼睛白色的猫松鼠果汁飞机 3.橡皮手指身体橙色的狗大象面包小汽车 二、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来。(20 分) 1.pencil-case pen crayon eraser sharpener 2.head ear nose arm hand 三、按书写格式,把下列大写字母的小写形式,小写字母的大写形式写在下面的四线格内。( 21 分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m x sing body juice door 第1页共3页

四、找答语。(15 分) ( )1.How are you? ( )2.How many pencils? ( )3.What ’yours name? ( )4.How old are you? ( )5. Nice to meet you A. Nice to meet you , too B. I ’ m nine. C. Two., D.My name is Chen Jie. E.I ’ m fine.Thanks. 五、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。 ( 20 分) A 、 juice B 、 milk C 、coffee 1、 2、 ( ) A 、 bread B 、 hot dog 3、 C 、hamburger ( ) A 、head B 、ear C 、eye 5、 ( ) A 、eight B 、seven C 、six A 、 pen B 、 pencil C 、 pencil-case ( ) A 、 dog B 、 pig C 、 cat 4、 ( ) A 、 hand B 、 head C 、 finger 6、 ( ) A 、 bird B 、 rabbit C 、 squirrel 7、 8、 ( ) ( ) A 、doll 10、 4 B 、boat A 、 four C 、ball B 、 five 9、 C 、 face ( ) ( )


新目标八年级上英语1-5单元检测 一、单项选择(15分) ()1.—How often does your sister surf the internet? —About . A. three time B. three times C. three time every day D. three times a day ()2. —When is your father going to Hong Kong? —He is going there July 28th. A. on B. at C. in D. to ()3. Thank you for me find my little cat yesterday. A. help B. helps C. helped D. helping ()4.Are you good at ? A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swam ()5. —Could I please use your computer? —. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. No, I can’t. ()6. —does it take you to watch TV?—About forty minutes. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How many ()7. I am very because I don’t like exercise. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy ()8. Judy a stomachache, so she eat anything for twenty-four hours. A. has; should B. have; should C. has; shouldn’t D. have; shouldn’t ()9. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at home to watch TV. So my friend is than me. A. seriouser B. more serious C. calmer D. more outgoing ()10. —How does he get to work? —He a bike. —How long does it him to get from home to the office? —It him 20 minutes. A. rides; takes; takes B. rides; take; takes C. ride; takes; takes D. ride; take; takes ()11. Does Babara go to work bus or foot? A. to; by B. with; on C. by; on D. on; on ()12. My birthday is in . A. Tuesday B. April C. March 3rd D. Monday ()13. —are you staying in Ottawa? —For two weeks. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much ()14. I’m short, so I want to be . A. heavier B. larger C. taller D. bigger ()15. When it rains, I a taxi. A. take B. ride C. by D. sit 二、完形填空(15分): Some people in Britain or America like to _1___ friends to dinner at home . But this is more common in America than in Britain .Don’t worry ___2__your English friends don’t invite you home .It doesn’t mean that they ___3_ you. When you are invited to dinner ,__4__ your friends what time you should ___5__. It is a good idea to ___6_ a small present when you arrive ,and it is __7__ to say how much you like the


一、把下面字母用手写体按英语字母顺序写在四线格上。(10分) HhBbKkAa MmPpIi QqTtGg 二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()1.小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()2.足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()3.牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()4.老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()5.自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 三、单项选择题。(共 20 分) ( )1.———— -----Thank you! A.How are you . B. Here you are. C.Go. ( ) 2.__________ —It’s the ABC song. A. What’s your favouriteletter ? B. What’s yourfavourite song? C. Hi , the ABC song! ( ) 3. I _____ like football . A. not B. don’t C. doesn’t ( ) 4. _______ your dad like milk? A. Do B. Does C.What ( ) 5.It is _____ elephant . A. a B. an C. \ ( ) 6. What are they ? They____ monkeys. A.am B. is C. Are ( ) 7. _______ Li lei play table tennis ? Yes ,he does. A. Do B. Does C. does ( ) 8. Does he ______ to school on Mondays? ——Yes , he does. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 9.The cat _____ fish . A. likes B. like C. is ( ) 10.What ______ they? They____ pandas. A. is is B .are are C. is are 四、连线。(共 10 分) 1.Does Amy play football? A. Yes, she is. 2.Do you like skipping ? B. Here you are. 3.What are they ? C. Yes, she does. 4.Pass me the rice, please ?. D. No. I don’t. 5.IsLingling at home? E. They are lions. 五、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的一个。将其序号填在提前括号中。(共10 分) ( ) 1. A. rice B. bike C. fish ( ) 2. A. tiger B. monkey C. blue ( ) 3. A. orange B. football C.table tennis ( ) 4. A. tall B. lion C. thin ( ) 5. A. meat B.noodles C. basketball 六、选词填空。(共 10 分) A: goes B: like C: swimming D: is E: are 1.This girl____ thin. 2.Does the cat_____ meat? 3.I like______. 4.How ___ you? 5.My mum ______ shopping on Saturday.


八年级下第一单元基础练习(30分钟) 1. Everyone ________ here but no one ________ her. A. is; knows B. are; know C. is; know D. are; knows 2. It ________ him thirty minutes to finish his homework. A. took B. cost C. spent D. used 3. It is important ________ us to learn English well. A. with B. to C. of D. for 4. My uncle went to London and ________ there for a few days last month. A. lived B. lives C. stays D. stayed 5. I predict he will be an engineer _______ten years because he is so interested in making things. A. in B. after C. later D. for 6. This year I think I will have ______ friends and spend _______ time in playing computer games. A. more, less B. less, more C. fewer; fewer D. more, fewer 7. I hear that the small river is very dirty, and _______ people go to swim in it. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 8. Look! There are some children ________ games on the playground. A. play B. playing C. to play D. are playing 9. If I am an astronaut in the future, I’ll ________ to the moon._____ a rocket. A. can fly, by B. be able to fly, in C. to fly, on D. flying, by 10. Would you like to have a try now? ---- Sure. It _______ both interesting and exciting. A. seems B. is looking C. is like D. sound 11. Do you know _________ in 300 years? A. what man will look like B. how man will look like C. what will man look like D. how will man look like 12. Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? --- Certainly, we can buy _____than this, but _______this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more important, not as good as 13. How many people __________there fifty years ago. A. will B. were C. are D. will be X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m 14. I ________rockets to the moon when I grow up. A. take B. will fly C. took D. will be fly 15. It will take ________ years to make robots ________ the most unpleasant things. A. hundred , do B. hundreds of , to do C. two hundreds , do D. hundreds of , do 16. This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has _________ a huge body and the coat is _________ small. A. so; such B. so; so C. such; such D. such; so 17. Here’s_______ ink in my pen. Could you give me some? A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 18. My friends ________ a pet pig in their house. A. keeps B. feeds C. keep D. look 19. Could you pass me two __________? A. pieces of paper B. pieces of papers C. pieces paper D. piece papers 20. Our teacher tried ________ the players ________ well in the match. A. make; play B. to make; to play C. to make; play D. make; to play 1. When she was 20,her dream to be a singer___________________(实现). 2. We should remember the words ______ and ________________(反复地). 3. In fact, in some cities, the air p_________ is quite serious(严重的). What’s your opinion, Mary? 4. Her mother ________(可能) go to Australia. 5. I ________________________________(爱上了) the big city of Shanghai as soon as I got there last year.



新人教版九年级英语第三单元基础水平测试题附答案 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (试题总分100分测试时间45分钟) 一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. There’s ______ mall near my house. ______ mall sells the best clothes. A. a; A B. the; The C. the; A D. a; The ( )2. Go straight until you see a museum ______ your left. A. with B. at C. on D. from ( )3. The building has ______ floors and our classroom is on the ______ floor. A. four; four B. fourth; fourth C. fourth; four D. four; fourth ( )4. You can ask the policeman for help ______ you don’t know the way. A. though B. if C. unless D. until ( )5. Jack’s mother taught me how ______ Yunnan rice noodles last weekend. A. to make B. making C. make D. to making ( )6. It’s ______ for my son to go to school from here. It only takes five minutes on foot.3原创作品


小学三年级英语如何打好基础? 我们常听到一句话是“良好的开头是成功的一半”,很多学校是在小学三年级才开始进行英语教学的,那这个入门阶段的基础该如何打好就成了老师、家长和学生绕不开的话题。我们盖一座完美的楼房,可是如果把墙基打在很不牢固的混凝土上,那么灰浆就会不断地剥离、砖头也会脱落。而人们每天都忙于消除这些时常出现的“小”毛病,可是这座楼房已经岌岌可危随时可能倒塌。 小学三年级英语课时少加上学生年龄小,而在家时学生又缺乏良好的英语学习氛围,所以学校和家长如何互相配合帮助学生打好基础是十分重要的。基础英语教育的主要阶段任务是:让学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能;同时帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异、拓展视野。英语是一门语言学科、而语言学科各个部分之间不是割裂的,要以整体的眼光和角度开展英语学习,小学三年级英语要想打好基础我认为有以下几个要点: 1.内容有所侧重 因为小学三年级的学生书写能力不强(甚至语文的书写仍在比较初级的阶段),所以这阶段的教学侧重点主要在听、说、读三个方面。老师们也可以融入西方文化的内容在课堂中,比如一些英语俚语的讲解等等,让学生对西方文化和英语的学习产生兴趣。(比如我从小学就印象一直很深的’ It's raining cats and dogs’,这句话背后的小故事让我对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣) 2.带领学生做好课前预习 三年级的学生在学习的自主性上仍然比较差,老师可以引导学生做好课前预习。形式可以是:①布置课前小作业以家庭作业的形式要求学生完成(可以是了解文化背景等等小作业,学生家长也可以参与)②在上课之前花几分钟讲解只是背景或者是播放短时


人教版八年级英语测试题 (笔试部分) 姓名_______ 班级_______ 分数_______ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单项选择 ( )1.- Hey, Tony. You look tired today. - I _____ until 12 o’clock last night for the math test. A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up D. put up ( )2.I _____ born in a small village in Hebei Province. A. am B. was C. are D. were ( )3. The little girl over there is _____ cousin. A. Tom B. Tom's C. the Tom D. the Tom's ( )4.-Bill, did you see Tom? -Yes, he just parked his car here and then hurried _____ the street. A.Through B.over C.past D.across ( )5.My cousin _____ 100 model planes since 2015. A. collects B. is collecting C. has collected D. collected ( )6. My family have moved to a new house. I also have my own room and the floor of the room is _____ wooden blocks (木板). A. made of B made from

人教版九年级英语unit9 基础测试题含答案

人教版九年级英语unit9 基础测试题含答案 I. 根据句意和首字母提示填词。 1。Which do you p______, basketball or soccer? I like soccer better. 2. I like songs that have great l______. 3. G______ music makes me relaxed. Loud music makes me t______. 4. Nothing is so difficult if you put your h______ into it. 5. The movie r_______ me of the old days. 6. Some f________ are catching fish in the river. 7. Parents shouldn’t e_______ too much of their children. 8. The name of the band s________ it has lots of energy. 9. The population of our country is always i________. Something must be done to stop it. 10. It is such a wonderful concert that you can m_______ it. 11. The m_______ idea of this passage is about how to protect the endangered animals. 12. Have you heard the l______ news? It’s from CCTV. II. 选择who, that, where 填空。 1. This is the house _______ we built last year. 2. This is the house _______ we lived ten years ago. 3. I can’t find a house _______ is suitable for us to live. 4. He is the man _______ can help you. 5. Is there a zoo _______ we can see tigers around here? 6。I like musicians ______ write their own songs. III. 同意改写。 1. I like gentle music. I like music ______ ______ ______. 2. He prefers quiet music groups. He prefers music groups ______ ______ ______. 3. I like friendly people. I like people ______ ______ ______. 4. My father prefers quiet beaches. My father prefers beaches ______ ______ ______. 5. English is more interesting than math. Math is ______ ______ than English. 6. A boy called Tom called you just now. A boy ______ ______ ______ Tom called you just now. 7. What do you think of the CD? ______ ______ ______ ______ the CD? IV. 单项选择。 ( )1. I love music that I can dance ______.
