



look看上去dollar美元cent美分enjoy享用,享受careful小心的Be careful!当心!drink 喝eat 吃


a hot dog一个热狗I (宾格)me enjoy your meal用餐愉快they(宾格)them let’s 和let me后面都加动词原形be careful小心new(反义词)old shoe(复数)shoes come in 进来want to后面加动词原形lots of= a lot of 许多,大量have a seat坐下I don’t know(肯定句) I know.

不可数名词:meat肉cheese奶酪milk牛奶chicken鸡肉juice果汁tea茶rice 米饭fish鱼不可数名词单复数相同不变,而且前面不能用a\an引导


1、A. Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?

B. I want a hot dog, please.请给我一个汉堡。

2、A.How much is it?多少钱?

B. It’s thirteen dollars and twenty cents.13美元25美分。

3、A.Here you are.给你

B. Thank you.谢谢。

4、A. What do you want to eat(drink)?你想吃(喝)什么?

B. I want a hamburger.我想要个汉堡。

I want to eat a hamburger. I want to drink a cola.

5、So we want a hamburger, noodles, milk, and a cola, please.因此我们想要一个汉堡,面条,牛奶和可乐。

6、Here comes a “hot”dog.热狗来了。It looks good.它看起来不错。(主语单数,动词要用第三人称单数)

7、That’s two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas.总共两个汉堡,一个热狗和三杯可乐。(强调整体)


1.I want some_______ chicken and rice.

A. a

B. any

C. some

2、This new dress is fifty _____.

A. yuan

B. dollar

C. cent

3. What do you want to _______?

A. writes

B. write

C. writing

4. What ________you want?

A. do

B. is

C. does


六年级下册 Unit One How tall are you ? I’m 21 metres tall. I’m tallest! I’m 1.6 metres tall. I’m taller than dinosaur. It’s so tall! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags. How heavy is it? It’s five tons. What size are your shoes? My shoes are size 35. Look! That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Yes, it is. How tall is it? Maybe 4 metres. Wow! It’s taller than both of us together. Look!There are more dinosaurs over there! They’re all so big and tall. Hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall! I’m taller than this one. Oh, yes. How tall are you? I’m 1.65 metres.

How tall are you? I’m 1.61 metres. Oh! I’m taller. You’re older than me, too. How old are you? I’m 12 years old. How tall are you? I’m 1.64 metres. Wu Yifan is taller than John, but Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan. Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’s have a look. What size are your shoes, Mike? Size 7. Size 7? That’s so small. In China I wear size 40 shoes. Oh! Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. Really? You look taller than me. But I think you are heavier. How heavy are you? I’m 48 kilograms. Yes, you’re heavier. I’m 46 kilograms.


新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 教师: 蔺丽文总第1 课时 MODULE1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please. 一、教学内容 本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语(供三年级起始用)第八册Module 1 第一单元。本教学知识点围绕“在快餐店点餐”展开教学的。学习“hamburger、cola 、dollar 、cent 、enjoy ”等单词及“What do you want?/I want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty- five cents. ”重点句型展开教学使学生在情景中掌握教 学内容,培养学生自主学习英语的能力和运用英语分析、解决问题的能力,以及交流和合作 的能力。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1))四会单词:hamburger、cola 、dollar 、cent 、enjoy (2))能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语言:What do you want?/I want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 2、能力目标 (1)通过情景交际活动,营造探究的学习氛围,引导学生自我探究,培养学生的听、说、 读、写等综合能力及英语进行交际的能力。 (2))通过会话表演、小组比赛、游戏等活动多角度激发学生自主探究学习的积极性, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 3、情感目标 (1))根据学生的心理特点及实际情况设计有意义的教学活动,激发学生的积极性,使 学生懂得如何在西式快餐店用英语点餐。 (2))使学生能利用所学的知识与别人合作、交流获得成功的喜悦。 三、教学重、难点 1、教学重点:What do you want? I want a hot dog,please. How much is it? It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 2、教学难点:使学生懂得如何在西式快餐店用英语点餐。 四、教学用具 磁带、录音机、本课挂图、小贴画、词卡、图片、小黑板、多媒体课件(条件允许下使 用) 五、教学过程 (一)Warming-up(约3 分钟) 1、Greeting T:Hello ,everyone !How are you today ? Ss:I am fine .Thank you ﹗And you ? T:I am fine too .Thank you ﹗Are you happy?[ Ss:Yes. 2、Listen and do T:Stand up/Turn left/turn west


PEP小学英语六年级下册英语教案(全册) Unit 1 How tall are you? 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写形容词的比较形式:taller, stronger, older, younger 和shorter. 2.能够用句型:I’m……cm tall. He/ She’s ……cm tall. 描述自己和他人的身高。 3.能够用句型You’re taller than your brother. I’m older than you. 进行年龄和身高的比较。4.能够听懂教师的指令,按不同年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.重点是能够听、说、读、写A Let’s learn 部分五个形容词的比较级形式;并能用含有比较级的 句型替换关键词进行问答。 2.难点是能够听、说、读、写四会单词;并能根据某一情境使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。长度单位cm的完整形式centimeter的发音也是本课的教学难点。三、课前准备 1.准备主情景图的教学挂图。 2.准备录音机、本课时的录音带。 3.准备A Let’s learn 的单词卡片。 4.准备测量身高和体重的工具。 四、教学步骤 1.Greetings Hello, boys and girls . Happy New Year. And nice to see you again. How are you? Now, after a term, I thin you know much better about your teachers. Who’s you music teacher? What’s he/she like? 引导学生用学过的形容词thin, short, tall, old, young, funny, strong, kind 来描述这位老师。 当问到学生Who’s your English teacher?时,根据学生的回答She’s tall. 2.师出示测身高与体重的量器,提问学生:How tall am I , do you know? Guess? 帮助学生用句型Are you ……cm tall? 来猜。师用up 和down 帮助学生猜出确切的数字。 3.师请出猜中自己身高的学生,问:How tall are you?帮助他/她测量身高,引导该学生说:I’m……cm tall。然后师说:……is taller than me. 或I’m taller than……来结束该游戏。 4.板书测量的学生的身高,师尽量用手势帮助学生理解以下句子:A is tall. B is taller than A. C is taller than B. D is taller than C. 然后板书并领读tall-taller 。 5.师请出三名较强壮的学生模仿健美动作,并做比较说:You’re strong. He’s stronger than you. 并板书领读strong-stronger 6.师在黑板上列出家人的年龄,介绍说:My mother is 44, My father is 46. He is older than her. My aunt is younger than my father, but she is older than my mother. How old is she? 然后板书old—older 和young-younger , 让学生回答问题。 7.放Let’s learn部分的录音,学生听录音跟读。 8.Let’s play 师贴出4-5个学生图像,描述各人情况,发指令:Line up from younger to older. Line up from shorter to shorter. 9.Let’s chant. 放录音学生跟读。 10.学生做活动手册的配套练习。 第二课时


I ’ m 21 metres tall. I’ m tallest! I ’ m 1.6 metres tall. I’ m taller than dinosaur. It ’ s so tall! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags.How heavy is it? It ’ s five tons. What size are your shoes? My shoes are size 35. Look! That’ s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Yes, it is. How tall is it? Maybe 4 metres. Wow! It’ s taller than both of us together. Look!There are more dinosaurs over there! They ’ re allso big and tall. Hey, this dinosaur isn’ t tall! I’ m taller than this one. Oh, yes. How tall are you? I ’ m 1.65 metres. How tall are you? I’ m 1.61 metres. Oh! I ’ m taller. You’ re older than me, too.

How old are you? I ’ m 12 years old. How tall are you? I ’1m.64 metres. Wu Yifan is taller than John, but Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan. Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’ s have a look. What size are your shoes, Mike? Size 7. Size 7? That’ s so small. In China I wear size 40 shoes. Oh! Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. Really? You look taller than me. Yes, you’ re heavier. I’ m 46 kilograms. How heavy are you, Jim? I ’ m 52 kilograms. You’ re heavier than me. Little Duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer. “ Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree.“ You are older an than me. Tell me - why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?” Old Tree says, “ That ’ s easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down everyweday, and grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”


Unit One How tall are you ? I’m 21 metres tall. I’m tallest! I’m 1.6 metres tall. I’m taller than dinosaur. It’s so tall! Some dinosaurs are bigger than houses. Some are smaller than our schoolbags. How heavy is it? It’s five tons. What size are your shoes? My shoes are size 35. Look! That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. Yes, it is. How tall is it? Maybe 4 metres. Wow! It’s taller than both of us together. Look!There are more dinosaurs over there! They’re all so big and tall. Hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall! I’m taller than this one. Oh, yes. How tall are you? I’m 1.65 metres. How tall are you? I’m 1.61 metres. Oh! I’m taller. You’re older than me, too. How old are you? I’m 12 years old. How tall are you? I’m 1.64 metres. Wu Yifan is taller than John, but Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan. Those shoes in the window are nice! Let’s have a look. What size are your shoes, Mike? Size 7. Size 7? That’s so small. In China I wear size 40 shoes. Oh! Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. Really? You look taller than me. But I think you are heavier. How heavy are you?


外研版六年级英语上册复习资料 一、常见特殊疑问句(由疑问词“when什么时候、what什么、who谁、where哪里、whose 谁的、how怎么、why为什么、how many多少、how much多少”等引导)1、—Where is Shanghai? 上海在哪里?—It’s in the east of China. 它在中国的东边。 east 东west 西south南north北 2. —What are those? 那些是什么? —These are stamps from Canada. They have got famous people on them. 是来自加拿大的邮票。上面有名人。 3. —What’s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? —Collecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。 4.—What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? 感恩节,你们通常做什么? —We always have a special meal. We say “thank you” for our food,family and friends. 我们总是吃一顿特别的饭。我们说感谢(上帝)赐予我们食物、家庭和朋友。 5. —What do you do on Sundays? 星期天你通常做什么? —I often play table tennis with my dad. 我经常和我爸爸打乒乓球。 always 总是,一直often 经常sometimes有时never从不 6. —How many people are there in the town?城镇里有多少人口? —There are about eighty thousand people. 大约有8万人口。 7. —Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? 告诉我更多关于长城(的信息)。它有多长? —It’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 它超过2万公里长。 8. —Can you tell me something about New York? How big is it? 你能告诉我关于纽约的一些事吗?它有多大? —It has got mor than eight million people. 它拥有超过800万人口。 二、常见一般疑问句及其回答(用yes或no来回答) 1.—Is it in our town? 它在我们城镇吗?—Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 是的。/ 不。 2.—Can you tell me more about Chinatown? 你能告诉我更多关于唐人街的信息吗? —Yes, I can. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. 是的,我能。那儿有许多的中国式商店和餐馆。 3.—Can you tell me more about American festivals? 你能告诉我更多关于美国节日的信息吗? —Well. Thankgiving is my favourite festival. 好的。感恩节是我最喜爱的节日。4.—Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? —Yes, I can speak some English. 是的,我会说一些。 5. —Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 你能成为我的中国笔友吗? —Yes, of course. This is my address in China. 是的,当然了。这是我在中国的地址。


Module 1 hot dog热狗 I don’t know. 我不知道 look good看起来不错 Can I help you?我能帮你吗 how much多少钱 here you are.给你 Thank you.xx你 enjoy your meal祝你用餐愉快 be careful当心 I’m sorry 我很抱歉 want to想要 lots of /a lot of许多,大量的 come in进来 Module 2 get up起床 have breakfast吃早餐 have lunch吃午餐 have dinner吃晚餐 have a/our picnic举行野餐 be going to打算,将要

in the park在公园 go to the park去公园 at half past twelve十二点半 What time is it now?现在几点了 one hour to go差一个小时 on the pond在池塘上dark clouds乌云 in the sky在空中 I don’t thankso.我不这样认为a beautiful day一个好天Let’s go 让我们走 oh dear天哪 oh no不 look at看 look like看来好像 stay hungry继续挨饿 after dinner晚餐之后 play chess下象棋 go to bed上床睡觉 have a good night祝你好梦read a book看书 at home在家 Module 3 naughty bird淘气的小鸟

little dogxx How are you?你好吗 have a very interesting day非常有趣的一天 send you some photos寄给你一些图片miss everyone想念每个人write to me soon快点给我回信in the tree在树上 start to rain开始下雨 fly away飞走 clean the room打扫房间 in this photo在这张照片中 in the mountains在山里 drink water喝水 play hide-and-seek捉迷藏 have a good/lovely time玩的开心 look out of the window朝窗外看 jump in the water在水里跳 come to the station驶入车站 on the sea在海面上 the middle of the night深夜 paly football踢足球 fly a kite放风筝 Module 4


外研六上Module 1 Unit 1 【教学目标】 1. 学会听、说句子These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2. 运用Tell me more的操练来了解讲诉某个地方(事件)的情况。 3. 学习新单词: postcard, more, thousand, kilometre, million 4. 学会听How long,How big开头的特殊疑问句。 5. 用景点进行说话练习。 【教学重点难点】 重点 1. 学会听、说句子:These postcards are great! It’s a picture of the Great Wall. 2. 运用Tell me more的说话操练来了解The Great Wall , New York, Beijing 情况。 难点 1. 流利说一些简单的表达It ’s very big. It’s got --- . That is big. That’s a lot. 2. 了解关于数词的表达about eight million people ,about six thousand seven hundred kilometres 【教学过程】

Step 1 Lead-in 老师问候学生们,询问假期里都去了哪里? Where have you been in the summer holiday? I have been to (九寨沟,西安,北京ect) 建议他们通过展图片和照片介绍相关的情况,并要求使用 It’s a picture of ----. It’s very---. 老师从学生的图片中取几张比较典型的进行提问:“Do you know this place?”引导学生自由回答. Step 2 Presentation 1. 师拿出一张名信片说“look,a beautiful postcards”板书跟读几遍。介绍名信片(背面可以用来书写,邮寄,另一面是漂亮的图片)师出示一些名信片说“在明信片的一面printed a lot of beautiful pictures,such as, the Great Wall, The Huangshan Mountain, 师说“It’s a picture about the Great Wall. 跟读板书,学生看图片练习说It’s a picture---句子。 2.学生跟读后(长城)学生将课前准备收集好关于的资料用汉语进行讨论,当两三个学生说一部分时师:“刚才讲得很好,Tell me more(板书)两三个学生再介绍长城时师又说Tell me more. 3. 学习单词, 师拿出hundred thousand million ,kilometer,people卡片跟读师问“Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? 再跟读twenty thousand seven hundred kilometers long师问“Tell me something about New York. How big is it? 学生用汉语回答后,师出示It’s got 8,000,000人再跟读eight million people师问“Tell me something about Beijing . How big


备课本外研版六年级下册英语 全册教案 班级______ 教师______ 日期______

外研版英语六年级下册教学计划 教师_______日期_______ 一、指导思想 以《英语课程标准》为指导,认真贯彻落实教育部《关于积极推进小学开设英语课程的指导意见》和《小学英语课程教学基本要求》的文件精神,结合我校教学和英语教学的实际情况,从学生实际情况出发,本着培养学生良好语言发展能力,为学生终身发展的原则,制定本计划。 二、学情分析 六年级共有35人,学生在英语学习方面已有了一定的基础,英语基础较差,在英语能力方面也较弱。部分学生对英语都有某种程度的感性认识,也有学习信心,想学,也愿意学好英语,却不懂得学好英语以的学习方法,在以后的教学中要加强英语方法学习方法的指导。根据学生的这些特点,从听、说、读、写几个方面抓学生英语学习。对于六年级学生在英语学习方面已有了一定的基础,英语学习对他们来说已经不再陌生,在本学期的教学中我计划充分利用学生已有的英语知识和生活经验,采用多种形式教学,同时注意对教材的挖掘,将教材知识与学生的生活、学习联系起来,将学生的英语学习积极性调动起来,让他们在一种活跃、富有情趣的氛围中学习。 三、教材分析 (一)教材主要特点 1、遵循话题-功能-结构-任务编写原则。题材为纲,运用性任务为目标,词汇、 语法项目和功能用语以题材为出发点造语境,完成任务。 2、内容重点突出、贴近生活,语言正确规范、真实地道,插图生动活泼、富有 情趣,比较符合儿童学习语言的规律。 3、体现了以人为本的教育思想,遵循了“为用而学,在用中学,学了就用”的 原则。 4、采用循环式的编排方法,较好地体现了“由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进、 逐步扩展。点面结合、不断复现”的原则。 5、在安排词语和语法项目时采用了“早渗透”和“重积累”的方法。 四、教学目标 1、能按要求掌握本册课本中所学的单词。 2、掌握所学重点句型,不仅会读,而且会写。


Module 1 Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall? 第一模块第一单元长城有多长? 1. Listen and chant. 1. 听录音并齐声唱。 This is the Great Wall. 这是长城。 It's very beautiful. 它非常美。 It's long and old. 它很长很古老。 And we love it all. 我们爱它的全部。 2. Listen, read and act out. 2. 听录音,读一读,演一演。 Daming is visiting the US. 大明在游览美国。 He's in New York with his cousin Simon.他和他的表兄西蒙在纽约。 Tell me about the Great Wall, Daming. 大明,给我说说长城吧。 I want to go there.我想去那儿。 OK. When you visit me in China, 好的。等你去中国看我时, we'll go there.我们就去那儿。 It's near my home.它离我家不远。 Can we walk along all of the Great Wall?我们能走完长城的全程吗? No, we can't walk along all of it.不,我们不能走完全程。 It's too long!它太长了! How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长? It's more than forty thousand li long.它有四万多里长。 Forty thousand li?四万里? Yes. That's more than twenty thousand kilometres!是的。就是两万多公里!


人教版六年级英语上册各单元知识点汇总 Unit 1 How do you go to school?一、重点短语: by plane 坐飞机 by ship 坐轮船 on foot 步行 by bike 骑自行车 by bus 坐公共汽车 by train 坐火车 traffic lights 交通灯 traffic rules 交通规则 go to school 去上学 get to 到达 get on 上车 get off 下车Stop at a red light. 红灯停Wait at a yellow light. 黄灯等Go at a green light. 绿灯行 二、重点句型: 1.How do you go to school?你怎么去上学? https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d9987854.html,ually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bus. 通常我步行去上学。有时候骑自行车去。 3.How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?我怎么到达中山公园? 4.You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以坐 15 路公共汽车去。三、重点语法: 1、There are many ways to go somewhere.到一个地方去有许多方法。这里的 ways 一定要用复数。因为 there are 是There be 句型的复数形式。 2、on foot 步行乘坐其他交通工具大都可以用介词by…,但是步行只能用介词 on 。 4、go to school 的前面绝对不能加 the,这里是固定搭配。 5、USA 和 US 都是美国的意思。另外America 也是美国的意思。 6、go to the park 前面一定要加the. 如果要去的地方有具体的名字,就不能再加 the ,如果要去的地方没有具体名字,都要在前面加 the. ( go to school 除外。) 7、How do you go to …?你怎样到达某个地方?如果要问的是第三人称单数,则要用: How does he/she…go to …? 8、反义词: get on(上车)---get off(下车) near(近的)—far(远的) fast(快的)—slow(慢的) because(因为)—why(为什么) same(相同的)—different(不同的) 9、近义词: see you---goodbye sure---certainly---of course 10、频度副词: always 总是,一直 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时候 never 从来不 Unit 2 Where is the science museum?一、重点短语: library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 cinema 电影院


外研版(1起)六年级英语上册单元知识点Module 1 重点单词: 1. postcard 2. more 更多 3. thousand 一千 4. kilometre 公里 5. million 百万 6. Mexico 墨西哥 7. Canada 加拿大8.方位名词东 east 南 south 西 west 北north 2. 3. 重点短语: 1. look at 看 2. a picture of the Great Wall 一副长城的图片 3. dayand night 日夜 4. tellme more about……告诉我更多关于……的事 5. in the east of America 在美国的东部6.something about Beijing关于北京的一些事 7. lots of 许多 8. from…to…从……到…… 9. a map of America 一副美国地图 10. in New York 在纽约 11. eight million people 八百万人口 12. sixthousand seven hundred kilometers 六千七百米 2. 3. 重点句型 1. Howlong is it? 它有多长?It’s about six thousand sevenhundred kilometers. 它大约六千七百米长。 2. Howbig is it? 它有多大?It\\\\\'s got eight million people. 它有八 百万人口。

3. You tellme more about New York.告诉我更多关于纽约的事。 4. 感叹句What + a/an +形容词+名词!Whata big map ofAmerica!多 么大的一张美国地图啊! 5. He’s in New Yorkwith his cousin, Simon. 他和他的表哥西蒙在纽约。 Module 2 重点单词: 1. miss 思念 2. sometimes 有时 3. restaurant 饭馆 4. really 真的 5. dancing 舞蹈 6. square 广场 2. 3. 重点短语: 1. ride bicycles to work 骑自行车去上班 2. send an email to my family 发送一封电子邮件给我的家人 3. miss china 想念中国 4. go to Chinatown 去唐人街 5.want to do 想要干 6. Chinese restaurants 中餐馆 7.Chinese dancing 中国舞蹈 8. goto Chinatown 去唐人街9.the Changjing River 长江 10. the Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 11. the Huangshan Mountain 黄山12. the West Lake 西湖 2. 重点句型 1. There is a Chinatown in New York. 纽约有一个唐人街。


新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 教师:蔺丽文总第1课时 MODULE 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please. 一、教学内容 本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语(供三年级起始用)第八册Module 1第一单元。本教学知识点围绕“在快餐店点餐”展开教学的。学习“hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy”等单词及“What do you want?/I want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.”重点句型展开教学使学生在情景中掌握教学内容,培养学生自主学习英语的能力和运用英语分析、解决问题的能力,以及交流和合作的能力。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)四会单词:hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy (2)能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语言:What do you want?/I want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 2、能力目标 (1)通过情景交际活动,营造探究的学习氛围,引导学生自我探究,培养学生的听、说、读、写等综合能力及英语进行交际的能力。 (2)通过会话表演、小组比赛、游戏等活动多角度激发学生自主探究学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 3、情感目标 (1)根据学生的心理特点及实际情况设计有意义的教学活动,激发学生的积极性,使学生懂得如何在西式快餐店用英语点餐。 (2)使学生能利用所学的知识与别人合作、交流获得成功的喜悦。 三、教学重、难点 1、教学重点:What do you want? I want a hot dog,please. How much is it? It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. 2、教学难点:使学生懂得如何在西式快餐店用英语点餐。 四、教学用具 磁带、录音机、本课挂图、小贴画、词卡、图片、小黑板、多媒体课件(条件允许下使用) 五、教学过程 (一)Warming-up(约3分钟) 1、Greeting T:Hello,everyone!How are you today? Ss:I am fine.Thank you ﹗And you ? T:I am fine too.Thank you﹗Are you happy?[ Ss:Yes. 2、Listen and do T:Stand up/Turn left/turn west… Ss:Do the actions.


Unit 1 How tall are you? Period 1 Section A Let’s learn Do a survey and report P5 教师寄语:(I study English , I’m happy. ) Learning aims(学习目标)新|课|标|第|一| 网 1.掌握四会单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。 2.能认读句型:How tall are you ? I’m 1.61meters.You’re older than me.. Important &difficult points(重难点) 重点:掌握形容词比较级的构成。 的理解和运用。 难点是;How tall are you ? I’m 1.61meters.You’re shorter than me.. 导学探究 Step1 :预习温故(用时5分钟) 请正确读出下列单词,并说出它们的汉语意思(展开小组比赛,看谁记的短语多)1.young______2.old______3. tall______4.short______ 5. long______ 6. thin______ 7. how many______ 8. how old______ Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟) 1.请两个孩子到讲台上T:How old are you? X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m S1: I’m 11years old. T: You are young. (板书young) . T: You are young, too. S2: I’m 12 years old 板书younger) T: Who is younger? S1: I’m younger( 板书old_older) T: Who is older? S2: I’m older.( T: Yes, S1 is younger than S2. S2 is older than S1. oo (板书tall) T: Say I’m tall.( 做手势) S1: I’m tall. S2: I’m tall,t T: Who is taller? Who is shorter? Ss:S1 is taller , S2 is shorter. 老师再拿两把长短不一的直尺教会longer, shorter,than. 2.使用准备好的单词卡片巩固新单词和学习meter。 Eg: one meter, two meters, 1.61 meters, 4.76meters :I’m…meters. 3.T:How tall are you? S:I’m … T: Help the students to answer T:Say A is taller than B. B is shorter than A. 4.小组反复操练以上句型。 page 5. 听录音,仿读单词和对话 5. Let’s learn


2014—2015学年度第二学期期中检测小学六年级 英 语 试 题 一、 找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。(10分) ( ) 1、 A 、water B 、jump C 、run D 、climb ( ) 3、 A 、teeth B 、long C 、feet D 、arm ( ) 4、 A 、said B 、plan C 、keep D 、live ( ) 5、 A 、big B 、old C 、tall D 、how ( ) 6. A.ride B. teacher C. driver D. pupil ( ) 7. A.flute B. guitar C. hot dog D. drum ( ) 8. A.duck B. cry C. balloon D.rabbit ( ) 9. A.sunny B. warm C. windy D. cloud ( ) 10. A.proud B. letter C. cow D.space 二、单项选择: (20分) ( )1.We’re looking ____ some ducks. A. in B. at C. near ( )2. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ( )3.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking ( )4. I_______ my room and watched TV . A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning ( )5. The ducks ________ in the water . A, is swimming B, are swiming. C are swimming ( )6.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说: A. Can I help you ? B. Who can help me? C. I can help you. 【六年级英语试题共6页】第1页 ( )7.It is too _______, I can’t do my homework . A. soon B. sunny C .noisy ( )8. A dog _______ under that tree. A. sleeping B, is sleeping C, sleep ( ) 9. I want _______ some tea ,please . A. to drink B. drink C. drinking ( ) 10.How much is it ? It is ______. A. thirteen dollar and one cents. B. thirteen dollars and one cents. C. thirteen dollars and one cent. ( )11. Who gave the bike ____you? A. for B. of C. to D. at ( )12.Tom’s little brother can ____this one. A. have B. had C. having D. has ( )13.I bought ___a basket. A. she B. her C. his D. we ( )14. Helen Keller is a model ____blind people. A. of B. for C. to D. at ( )15.____was she famous? –She wrote a book about herself. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where ( )16. -____ ?-I want a dress. A. What do you want to eat? B. How much is it? C. Can I help you ? D. What’s this? ( )17.- ____are you going to go this summer?-I’m going to go to Beijing. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where ( )18. Lots of children are ____Chinese in England. A. learn B. learns C. learning D. learned 【六年级英语试题共6页】第2页 学 班级 姓 准考证号 装 订 线
