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The Chinese government has decided to upgrade theindustrial structure recently.T he construction of high speedtrains,ocean-going vessels,robots and even airplanes h ave beeninvolved in and a contract on the construction of high-speed railhas been sig ned by China and Indonesia lately,which proved thefact that the product made in Chi na enjoys a high level ofreliability.

The“Made in China”have been widely spread around theworld at a hefty cost.Ho wever,with the elimination of poverty and the jobopportunities provided for peopl e around the world,the popularityof the“Made in China”deserves applause.Theref ore,you may wantto check the original places of the product you have bought instor es because it is exceedingly possible that this product is madein China.


China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international communit y to eliminate extreme poverty by2030.China has lifted as many as four hundred mil lion people out of poverty,since the implementation of the reform and opening upin the late1970s.In the next five years,China will provide supports to other developin g countries in reducing poverty,development education,agricultural modernization, environmental protection and medical care,etc.China has seen notable improvement s in reducing poverty,and has madeunremitting efforts in promoting economic growt h.This will encourage otherpoor countries to strike back challenges when developing themselves.Whenpursuing the developing path with their own characteristics,thes e countries can learn from China’sexperience.


Parents in China are always trying to help their children,even to make the most im portant decision for them,regardless of what the children really want,because paren ts believe it’s all for the benefit of their children.This has led to the result that the chi ldren’s growth and education tend to give way to their parents’wishes.Once the par ents decide to sign up an afterschool class for their children in order to increase their chance of being admitted to a good school,they will stick on their decision,even thei r children have no interest in it at all.In America,however,parents tend to respect th eir children,especially when making decisions.Perhaps it is commendable that Chine se parents lay much importance on education,but Chinese parents still need to keep the balance between the parents and children in the perspective of education as the American parents do.



The idealof country life reflected by the art and literature is the important feature o fChinese culture,which is,to a large degree,attributed to the feelings to thenature fr om Taoist.There are two most popular topics in the traditionalChinese painting.One is the various scenes of happiness about family life,inwhich the old man often plays c hess and drinks tea,with the man in theharvest,woman in weaving,children playing out of doors.The other scene is allkinds of pleasures about country life,in which the fisherman is fishing on thelake,with the farmer cutting wood and gathering herbs in the mountains and thescholar chanting poetry and painting pictures.sitting under the pine trees.The two themes can represent the life ideal ofConfucianism and Taoism.

