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Unit 1 Text

1.来自各行各业from all walks of life

2.从事,占据take up

3.由…组成be made up of = be composed of =

consist of

4.各种各样的 a variety of = various

5.尽某人所能try one’s best

6.卷入,涉及be involved in

7.向某人解释某事explain sth. to sb.

8.在…结束时at the end of

9.对…有影响have an impact on

10.一生all through one’s life

11.给…动手术operate on

12.生死攸关the difference between life and death

13.把…收拾整齐put…in (good) order

14.制定计划work out plans

15.大量的观众 a large audience

16.穿着…be dressed in

Additional reading

1.签到,登机check in

2.下定决心做某事make up one’s mind to do

3.另一方面on the other hand

4.不同意某人disagree with sb.

5.因为某事感激某人be grateful to sb. for sth.

6.强迫某人做某事force sb. to do

7.从事…职业生涯follow a …career

8.对…感兴趣take an interest in

9.作决定make a decision

10.靠自己on one’s own

11.放弃give up

12.虽然,尽管even though/even if

Unit 2 Text

1.记得某人是remember sb. as…

2.年纪还小时at an early age

3.属于belong to

4.继续另一件事go on to do sth.

5.对…满意sb. be satisfied with = sb. be pleased


6.一个接一个的问题one problem after another

7.认为…是…regard…as = consider…(as) / =

think of…as / = look on…as

8.起初,一开始at first

9.回绝turn down

10.同意做某事agree to do sth. 11.不是…而是…not…but…

12.经历go through

13.花费某人时间做某事It takes sb. time to do


14.仰卧lie on one’s back

15.结果as a result

16.习惯做某事get / be used to doing

17.学榜样follow an example

18.忍不住做某事can’t help doing sth.

19.许多(后接可数名词) a great number of

20.想象做某事imagine doing sth.

Additional reading

1.除了except for

2.在某人接近30岁时in one’s late 20’s

3.冲洗照片develop films

4.用…装备be equipped with

5.从某地移除某物remove sth. from sp.

6.混淆某物mix up sth.

7.使某物存放有序keep sth. in order

8.搜寻search for

9.对…感到不安be upset about

10.有能力做某事be capable of doing sth. = be

able to do sth.

Unit 3 Text

1.练习做…practise doing

2.心里想think to oneself

3.与某人交换某物exchange sth. with sb.

4.用A交换得到B exchange A for B

5.密切注意pay close attention to (doing sth.)

6.想要做feel like doing/ would like to do

7.面部表情facial expression(s)

8.作为回报in return

9.凝视着,盯着…stare at sth.

10.把…强加于某人force sth on sb

11.让某人独自待着leave sb. alone

12.紧扣(某主题),坚持stick to(doing sth)

13.而不是rather than

14.对…进行评论make/offer/give comments on

15.做..时很有乐趣have a lot of fun doing Additional reading

1.与某人约会make an appointment with sb.

2.取消约会call off/ cancel an appointment

3.允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.

4.允许做某事allow doing sth.
