



There are many kinds of friends.Some are always 16 you,but don't understand you.Some say only a few words to you,but understand you.Many people will step in your life,but only 17 friends leave footprints.

I shall always recall(回忆)the autumn and the girl with the 18 .She will always bring back the friendship between us.I know she will always be my best friend.

It was the golden season.I could see the 19 leaves floating with the cool 20 .In such a season,I liked walking alone in the leaves,21 to the sound of them.

Autumn is a 22 season but life is uninteresting to me.The free days always get me 23 . But one day,the sound of a violin 24 into my ears like a stream(小溪)flowing in the mountains.

I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was.A young girl,standing in the wind,was 25 in playing her violin.

I had 26 seen her before.The music was so nice that I listened quietly.Lost in the music,I didn't know that I had been 27 there for so long but my existence did not seem to disturb her.

Leaves were still falling.Every day 28 she played the violin in the corner of the building,I went downstairs to watch her performance.I was the only listener.The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became 29 .30 we didn't know each other,I thought we were already good friends. I believe she also loved me.

Autumn was nearly over.One day,when I was listening carefully,the sound suddenly 31 . To my astonishment,the girl came over to me.

“You must like violin.”she said.

“Yes.And you play very well. Why did you stop?”I asked.

Suddenly, a 32 expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

“I came here to see my grandmother,but now I must leave. I once played very badly.It was you listening every day that 33 me.”she said.

“34 it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn,”I answered,“Let's be friends.”

The girl smiled,and so did I.

I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before.Only

thick leaves were left behind.But I will always remember the fine figure of the girl.She is like a 35 —so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.

16.A.with B.for

C.against D.to

17.A.good B.true

C.reliable D.stubborn

18.A.sound B.song

C.partner D.violin

19.A.blue B.purple

C.green D.yellow

20.A.wind B.snow

C.air D.rain

21.A.watching B.listening

C.seeing D.hearing

22.A.lively B.hard

C.harvest D.lonely

23.A.bored B.determined

C.excited D.concerned

24.A.flowed B.grew

C.entered D.ran

25.A.lost B.active

C.busy D.interested

26.A.once B.never

C.frequently D.usually

27.A.waiting B.stopping

C.standing D.hearing

28.A.because B.but

C.when D.before

29.A.interesting B.moving

C.boring D.tiring

30.A.Since B.However

C.Even D.Though

31.A.stopped B.began

C.gone D.changed

32.A.happy B.sad

C.strange D.calm

33.A.surprised B.excited

C.encouraged D.interested

34.A.Actually B.Generally

C.Normally D.Apparently

35.A.song B.dream

C.fire D.sister



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36.If you like to enjoy wonderful nights with friends,you'll probably book the ticket to .

A.New York or San Francisco

B.New York or Sydney

C.Chinatown or Bondi Beach

D.Sydney or San Francisco

37.According to the passage,Sydney is best known for .

A.its beaches and surfing

B.its business as well as arts

C.the Opera House

D.the Botanic Gardens

38.How can you book the flight tickets?

A.By phone.

B.On the Internet.

C.With a personal visit.

D.Through a hotel.

39.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce three famous cities.

B.To attract tourists to book flights.

C.To introduce some travel experts.

D.To recommend tourist activities.


Friendships can be difficult—because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be.Sometimes,people end up getting hurt.

Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need.They care about their own needs much more,which makes it hard for friendships to work.However,being selfish is part of human nature.A person is put together in order to take care of himself and his own needs,not necessarily those needs of other people.Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with,it is something that everyone should guard against.

The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friend the same way as you'd like to be treated.This is wonderful advice for a friendship,because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friend everything you would want to be given in a friendship.Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend,it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you,if he or she is in your shoes.

Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated,and your friends are too,there are issues that come up from time to time in each friendship,and it is important to understand how to deal with these issues so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships.Issues like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends,or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are issues that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships.It is important to know how to deal with these issues so that you can keep your friends and mak e new ones.No one wants to have a broken friendship.

40.This passage mainly deals with .

A.the importance of friendships

B.the advantages of friendships

C.the problems with friendships

D.the meaning of friendships

41.According to the author,problems with friendships may appear when .

A.one is honest B.one is selfish

C.one is alone D.one is too busy

42.According to the passage,the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is .

A.to treat your friends as fairly as possible

B.to give your friends whatever you have

C.not to hurt your friends' feelings

D.not to think of your own needs any more

43.What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship issues?

A.To lead a comfortable life.

B.To build stronger and healthier friendships.

C.To be treated the way you want.

D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.


A Japanese man has set a new Guinness world record in track and field,at the old age of 105.Hidekichi Miyazaki,a father of four and grandfather of 10,completed the 100-meter sprint(短跑)in 42.22 seconds on Wednesday,as the world's oldest competitive sprinter.

Miyazaki's daughter Kiyono added her father had not been sleeping well leading up to this year's Kyodo Masters competition,experiencing pain in his legs.In addition to sprinting,Miyazaki also competed in the shot put (铅球)event at the Kyodo Masters,marking 3.25 meters.

Miyazaki didn't take up track and field until the age of 93—more than three decades after he retired from working in an agricultural cooperative.Kiyono told CNN.He spent the previous 33 years practicing calligraphy(书法)and playing Japanese chess with his friends.But as they started to die from old age,he wanted to find something he could do on his own.

Miyazaki first completed the 100-meter dash at the Kyodo Masters in 2004,when he was 96 years old.It was then that he started imitating the trademark pose of Usain Bolt,the world's fastest man.He does it because he thinks it's cool.

Even at his age,Miyazaki takes training very seriously.He practices every day,except when it's raining,in a nearby park.He does a 100-meter sprint and practices throwing shot put three times.

Kiyono said the doctor has told her father that it's too much for someone his age,but he refuses to listen.

As for the time he clocked(计时)in Wednesday's sprint,Miyazaki said,“I want to make it in 35 to 36 seconds.”

44.How old was he when he retired from an agricultural cooperative?

A.In his forties.B.In his sixties.

C.In his seventies. D.In his eighties.

45.Miyazaki took up 100-meter sprint as a hobby because .

A.he was tired of practicing calligraphy

B.no one wanted to play chess with him

C.all of his friends died of old age

D.he could do it all by himself

46.According to Kiyono,.

A.the doctor advises Miyazaki not to do too much sport

B.Miyazaki takes what the doctor says seriously

C.old people are not fit to do 100-meter sprint

D.Miyazaki practices hard every day in the park

47.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.105-year-old Japanese became the world's oldest man

B.105-year-old Japanese ranked No.1 in the world

C.105-year-old Japanese completes the 100-meter race in 42 seconds

D.105-year-old Japanese has many kinds of hobbies


A private group of scientists has announced plans to make an exact copy of a human being.An American member of the team says he and the others will soon begin a serious effort to clone humans.Panos Zavos says the team hopes to manufacture the world's first cloned baby within the next two years.

In recent years,scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals.They created these clones from a single cell of an adult animal.

Three years ago,another American doctor,Richard Seed,announced plans to clone a human being.However,there is no evidence that he has been successful.

Doctor Zavos says the new international group plans to offer human cloning only to women who are currently not able to become pregnant or produce children.He says the aim is to assist people

who want to have their own biological child.

The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals.It would involve cleaning genetic material from a woman's egg.Doctors then would place genetic material from the woman's husband into the egg before putting it into the woman's uterus(子宫).

Doctor Zavos says his group plans to do the work in a country near the Mediterranean Sea.He did not name the country.He says an Italian reproductive expert,Sevorino Antinori,is leading the team.Doctor Antinori has led the efforts to help many older women become pregnant.He is known for establishing pregnancies in women as old as sixty.

Many medical experts and other groups are opposed to the idea of cloning humans.Several countries ban or restrict work on human cloning.Several doctors criticize the announcement by Doctor Zavos.They say doctors do not know if cloning humans is possible or safe.They say it would be irresponsible to attempt to clone a human being.That is because the chances of success are too small and the risks are too great.

48.The underlined wo rd “manufacture” in the first paragraph means “”.

A.produce B.oppose

C.attempt D.experiment

49.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.In theory,scientists are unlikely to clone humans.

B.Richard Seed has fallen behind other scientists in cloning humans.

C.Cloning human beings is good for men.

D.People have different ideas about cloning humans.

50.How do many medical experts and other groups like the idea of cloning humans?

A.They are in favour of the idea.

B.They are against the idea.

C.They have an optimistic attitude to the idea.

D.They think it is none of their business.




Many people often lose their chance to live life to the fullest because of procrastination, which means that they always delay(拖延)doing something that must be done at once.Moreover,because

they often put off their plans till“tomorrow”,they are less likely to achieve their goals and will give up their dreams and goals finally.As a result,we can say that procrastination is the enemy of a progressive lifestyle.

Now that we know procrastination is something bad,why do some people not take immediate action?Well,there are some things that result in procrastination.Depending on someone else rather than doing by oneself is one of the things.Whenever you wait for something to happen before you act, you make it easier to delay your goals and dreams until“someday”.Another cause of procrastination is that people do not value each moment in their day. Actually,it's surprising how much you can do if you just decide to do little things with the little time you have. Also those who often procrastinate can always find a good reason for something they refuse to do at once.

If you are one of those who often delay,then it's time for you to make a decision to act now because things happen only when we decide to act. Get down to doing something like losing weight, saving money or spending more time with family.Don't let these things continue to be a desire(欲望)for you to do“someday”,but make a decision to do it now.

Once you have made your decision,write down the plan and take action immediately.Making plans can help you think carefully about how you are going to do what you need to do.After understanding how to do what you want to do,get doing with the plan.It doesn't matter how small the move you make is as the little things you do accumulate(累积)over time and move you to be closer to your goals.So,don't wait until tomorrow; instead, start now!Just make use of every moment you have to do something that is helpful in realizing your dreams and goals.

Here is a challenge that will also move you to be closer to your dreams and goals if taken seriously.Make a list of ten things you have been putting off.It could be anything from getting a health examination, calling a friend or family member,to getting the car fixed and cleaning out the garbage, etc. And then try to develop the habit of doing them immediately!


The crowd at the airport moved forward like waves.The passengers had been waiting for a couple of hours for an airline employee to open the door leading to the plane outside. No one was in a good mood.An old man got trapped in the middle of the rush. Suddenly,he fell down,his head hitting the concrete floor,with blood gushing from his forehead.He appeared to be unconscious.Everyone rushed past him,except for Dana.She called for help.

A minute later,a young airline employee showed up.Hardly looking at the old man,she told Dana to get aboard her plane.She said the old man would be okay,and walked away.

Dana screamed for help.An airport supervisor appeared.He told Dana to get on the plane.Dana said that she was not moving until an ambulance arrived.The supervisor said her plane would leave without her.Dana said that she didn't care.

An ambulance and two doctors finally arrived.The paramedics said that the man would be okay,but he would need stitches(缝线).They put him into the ambulance and drove off.

On her way out to the plane,which was still refueling,Dana saw the employee who had ignored the old man.The employee said,“You're lucky the plane didn't leave without you.”

“The plane?”Dana asked.“Who cares about the plane?How could you be so cold?That was an old man;he could have been your grandfather!How would you like it if everyone just stepped over your grandfather and went on their way?”











译林小学英语3B知识复习 Unit1 In class知识点(贴在书本11页) 一、单词 shout喊;叫 eat吃 run 跑 talk说话 sleep 睡觉 drink喝 here这里 your你的 English英语 milk牛奶 二、词组 Mr. Green 格林先生open your books 打开你们的书close the window 关窗come in进来 good afternoon下午好 good night晚安open the door 开门 look at the blackboard看黑板 good morning早上好 good evening晚上好 listen to the teacher听老师的 三、句型 1. Stand up. 起立。 2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 3. Good morning, Mr. Green. 格林先生,早上好。 4. Come in, Mike. 迈克,进来。 5. Liu Tao, please open the door. 刘涛,请开门。 6. Yes, Mr. Green. 好的,格林先生。 7. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. 对不起,格林先生。 8. Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。 9. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 山姆,看黑板。 10. Don’t listen to the parrot. 不要听鹦鹉说的话. 四、知识点 1. 字母b通常发/b/,如:book, bike, bag等; 在词尾的-mb, -bt中不发音,如:bomb,climb,comb,debt,doubt等。 2. 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号“,”。


江苏译林版英语三下全册教材分析(新3B) 教学内容 译林出版社三年级下册《英语三年级起点》教材分为10个单元,八个新授单元和两个Project,即复习单元。教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出了兴趣的激发。 本册教材主要分以下几个板块: Story time是单元核心板块。通过生动的课文,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。 Fun time是句型操练板块。通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生熟练掌握Story time中呈现的主要词语和句型,以提高他们用英语进行简单交流的能力。 Cartoon time是拓展性趣味阅读板块。通过以小老鼠Bobby和小猫Sam 等卡通人物为中心的趣味小故事,帮助学生复习本单元的语言知识,训练语言技能,提高阅读理解能力;同时有计划地呈现下一单元即将出现主要句型。 Sound time 是总结辅音在单词中的发音。 Song time/Rhyme time是歌曲、歌谣学习板块。通过唱歌曲、诵歌谣等活动,激发学生的兴趣,活跃学生的身心,帮助学生潜移默化地巩固所学内容,形成良好的语感,提高听说能力和思维能力。xK b1.C om Checkout time是检测板块。按照单元词语和句型等方面的教学目标,通过形式多样的综合性语言应用活动,帮助学生复习巩固所学的主要内容。 Ticking time是自我评价板块。通过自我评价,引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况,体验进步与成功,反思和调控自己的学习过程。 按照《英语课程标准》的目标要求,在每个单元特地设置了Learning tip (学习提示),在每四个单元之后还安排了一个Project (综合语言实践项目)。Learning tip通过简要的提示和说明,引导学生逐步掌握有效的学习方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高学习效率;同时帮助学生了解一些英语基础知识和在英语学习中需要注意的问题。Project由几个环环紧扣、联系紧密的语言实践活动组成。在活动过程中,让学生经过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等环节,综合运用前几个单元所学的语言知识和语言技能,完成一定的学习任务,展现自己的学习成果。 技能目标 听、做 1.能根据教师的语言、动作、实物、图片等提示听懂所学内容。 2.能听懂课堂指令并作出正确的反应。 3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、编排图片顺序、做手工等。 说、唱:


江苏译林(牛津)版英语五年级上册知识点整理 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 一、单词(默写) 1.bear熊 2.forest森林 3.there(与be连用)有 4.house房子 5.soup汤 6.just right正合适 7.room房间 8.hard硬的 9.soft柔软的10.afraid害怕的11. their他们的12.her她(宾格)13.help救命14.beside在……旁边15.between在……中间16.really真正地17.then 然后18.find找到,发现19. in front of在……前面 二、词组(默写) 1、in the forest在森林里 2、a beautiful house一座漂亮的房子 3、hungry and thirsty又饿又渴 4、some soup一些汤 5、too cold/hot太冷/热 6、in the room在房间里 7、too hard/soft 太硬/软 8、three bears 三只熊9、have some cakes吃些蛋糕10、in the kitchen在厨11、in the fridge 在冰箱里12、find their cousin发现他们的表弟 三、句型(默写) 1. There is a house in the forest.在森林里有一个房子。 2. There is some soup on the table.在桌子上有一些汤。 3. There are three bears in front of her.在她前面有三只熊。 4. This soup is too cold.这汤太冷了。 5. What a beautiful house! 多么漂亮的房子! 6. She is hungry and thirsty.她是又饿又渴。 7.Bobby cannot(can’t) see any cakes in the fridge. 波比看不到冰箱里有蛋糕。 四.语法点(理解) 1.There be句型表示“某处有某物” (1)其中there is 用于单数名词或不可数名词,如: There is a pencil case in the school bag. There is some soup/milk /tea/coffee/juice/water/chocolate. (2)There are用于可数名词的复数,如:There are some desks in the classroom. (3)There be 句型的就近原则:be动词后面如果跟的是不止一种物品,就根据离它最近的物品选用is或are.如:There are some pictures and a telephone. There is a telephone and some pictures. 2.There be 句型的否定形式:在be动词的后面加not(is not可以缩写为isn't,are not可以缩写为aren't)把some 改成any。例:There is a pencil in the pencil-box.(改为否定句)There isn't a pencil in the pencil-box. There are some crayons on the desk.(改为否定句)There aren't any crayons on the desk. 3.“some”和“any”都有“一些”的意思.“some”一般用于肯定句,“any”用于否定句和一般疑问句。但在一些表示委婉请求,想得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中,也用“some”. 例:1.There are some watermelons in the basket.(肯定句) 2.There aren't any birds in the tree.(否定句) 3.Are there any toy trains on the table?(疑问句) 4.Would you like some tea?(表委婉请求) 4.can在否定句中的用法:表示某人不能做某事时,通常在can后面加否定词not, 后面加动词原形。Bobby cannot(can’t) see any cakes in the fridge. 5. 感叹句的结构:感叹句常用how或what来引导 (1)what引导的感叹句


一(个,件) (an 用于元音音素开头得词前) 一(纸)盒 一(茶)杯 一(玻璃)杯 许多,大量 一双(条,副……) (因惊奇或出乎意料而) 发出“啊”得喊叫 大约;关于 缺席 手风琴 地址 非洲 在……以后;在……后面 放学后 下午,午后 又,再 以前 [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀 机场 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事得少年) (用以粘贴照片、邮票等得) 粘贴簿 所有得;全部 好;行;不错 沿着 也,还 总就是 美国 美国人;美国得;美国人得 然后;加;与;[用于句首] 还 动物 回答,答复 蚂蚁 任何得;一些什么事(物);任何事(物) 还要别得东西吗? 苹果 四月 手臂 艺术;美术 作为,当做 与……一样 问 在 在家 立刻, 马上 在学校;在上课 在……后部;在……后面 八月 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 澳大利亚 澳大利亚人 秋季 (离)开 回(原处) 背痛 坏得;严重得 包;袋 球 球类运动 圆珠笔 气球 香蕉 块;条 棒球运动;棒球 篮;筐 篮球运动;篮球 浴室,盥洗室 就是;成为;变成 善于 迟到 海滩

熊 美丽得,漂亮得 美地 因为 床 卧室,寝室 蜜蜂 在……以前 开始 在……后面 京剧 皮带 在……旁边;靠近 好些 大得 自行车 鸟 生日 饼干 黑色得 黑板 毛毯,毯子 (女式)衬衫 吹 吹灭 蓝色得;蓝色 书 书架;书橱 书签 书店 两个(都) (盛液体得) 狭颈小口瓶碗 盒子;箱子 男孩 孩子们 面包 早餐明亮得 英国人 扫帚 兄;弟 褐色得,棕色得;褐色,棕色 刷 大楼;建筑物 公共汽车 忙(碌)得 但就是 蝴蝶 买 [表示交通等得方式] 乘 顺便地;附带说说 [ 多用于熟人之间 ] 再见,再会 笼子 蛋糕;糕;饼 计算器 通话;(一次)xx ; 打xx(给) 照相机 野营;营地 野营营地 野营旅行 能;可以 我能为您效劳吗?(服务员等常用得招呼语) 不能;不可以 蜡烛 便帽 汽车;小汽车 贺卡;卡片;纸牌 小心地,仔细地 胡萝卜 搬,运,带 (纸)盒 动画片,卡通 猫


三年级(上) Unit 1 Good morning 早上好 Hi 你好 Good afternoon 下午好 Class 同学们 I 我 I'm = I am 我是 Unit 2 are 是 you 你 yes 是;对 am 是 no 不;不是;没有not 不;没有Goodbye 再见。 Unit 3 My 我的 friend 朋友 she 她 she's=she is he 他 he's=he is too 也 this 这;这个 is 是 sister 姐姐;妹妹 Unit 4 family 家;家庭 father 父亲;爸爸mother 母亲;妈妈brother 哥哥;弟弟 me 我 grandpa 祖父;外祖父grandma 祖母;外祖母Good evening. 晚上好。 Unit 5 look at 看;瞧 T-shirt T 恤衫 it 它 it's=it is nice 好看的;好的skirt 裙子 How nice! 真好看! cap 便帽;帽子 great 好极了;很好jacket 夹克衫 new 新的 What colour …?……是什么颜色的?red 红色的 Unit 6 colour 颜色 orange 橙色的 now 现在;目前green 绿色的 and 和;与;又yellow 黄色的 black 黑色的 blue 蓝色的 brown 棕色的 white 白色的 Would you like …?你想要……吗?an 一个 egg 蛋;鸡蛋 Yes, please. 好的,太感谢了。or 或;还是 Unit 7 a 一个 pie 馅饼;派. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。


江苏译林版英语A单词 默写版 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

九上Unit1单词 1.吃光,吃完 2.有创造力的;创造性的 3.好奇的 4.精力充沛的 5.谦虚的 6.有条理的;有效率的 7.顺序 8.…使…保持井然有序 9.炫耀 10.语法 11.想出(主意) 12.(否定句中)两者之一不 13.也不 14.……既不…也不… 15.会计 16.天生的 17.给…留下印象 18.雕塑,雕像 19.赞扬,表扬 20.销售部 21.总的;普遍的;首席的 22.竞赛;赛跑 23.……不是…就是…,或者…或者… 24.领先地位;榜样 25.处于领先地位 26.落后 27.挑战 28.主要的,首要的 29.高速的 30.连接 31.与…相连,连接 32.错误,过失 33.和…几乎一样,简直是 34.注意,专心35.注意 36.标准 37.先锋,开拓者 38.外科大夫 39.粗心 40.额外的;附加的 41.把…贡献,把…专注于 42.尊敬,尊重 43.合适的;适宜的 44.搭档,合作伙伴 45.不耐烦的,急躁的 46.三思而行 47.洗碗 48.月球的 49.日历;挂历 50.生肖 51.代表;象征 52.出现 53.固定的 54.循环 55.有力的;强大的 56.活泼的;生气勃勃的 57.实际的 58.忠诚的 59.总共,总计 60.星座 61.分开,分 62.……把…分成 63.使成形,塑造 64.演讲,讲话,发言;台词 65.缺席的 66.班长 67.职位;位置;名次 68.同意某人(的看法) 九上Unit2单词 1.靛蓝,靛青 2.紫罗兰色


江苏译林牛津小学英语单词表 (3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒 (4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯 (4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯 (4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量 (5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副,,) (4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫 (5A3) about 大约;关于 (4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席 (5B2) accordion 手风琴 (3B10) address 地址 (6B7) Africa 非洲 (6B6) after 在,,以后;在,,后面 (5A7) after school 放学后 (5A7) afternoon 下午,午后 (4A7) again 又,再 (4A8) ago 以前 (6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀 (4A2) airport 机场 (4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事的少年) (6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 (3B3) all 所有的;全部 (5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错 (3A4, 4A1) along 沿着 (6B3) also 也,还 (6A6) always 总是 (6A1) America 美国 (5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的 (5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还 (3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物 (5A4) answer 回答,答复 (3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁 (5B8) any 任何的;一些 (5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物) (4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗? (4B7) apple 苹果 (3A3; 4B4) April 四月 (6A2) arm 手臂 (5B6) art 艺术;美术 (5A9) as 作为,当做 (6A2) as , as 和,,一样 (6B1) ask 问 (6A1) at 在 (4A7) at home 在家 (5A6) at once 立刻, 马上 (5B1) at school 在学校;在上课 (5A1) at the back of 在,,后部;在,,后面 (6A7) August 八月 (6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 (3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚 (5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人 (5B9) autumn 秋季 (6A5) away (离)开 (6A1) B b back 回(原处) (5A1) backache 背痛 (5B2) bad 坏的;严重的 (3A5; 5B2) bag 包;袋 (3B1) ball 球 (4B6) ball game 球类运动 (3B10) ball pen 圆珠笔 (3A5; 4A1) balloon 气球 (4A4) banana 香蕉 (3A3; 4B4) bar 块;条 (3B8) baseball 棒球运动;棒球 (3B10) basket 篮;筐 (3A9) basketball 篮球运动;篮球 (3B10; 4B7) bathroom 浴室,盥洗室 (3B7; 5A2) be 是;成为;变成 (4A8; 4B3) am (3A11) are (3A5; 4A1) aren’t = are n ot (4B3) is (3A2;4A1) isn’t = is not (4A2) be good at 善于 (6B2) be late for 迟到 (4B2) beach 海滩 (6A6) bear 熊 (4A2) beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 (5B3) beautifully 美地 (5B4) because 因为 (4B1; 6B5) bed 床 (3A4; 3B7) bedroom 卧室,寝室 (3B7 ;5A2) bee 蜜蜂 (5B 8) before 在,,以前 (3B5; 6A5) begin 开始 (5B7) behind 在,,后面 (5A2)


1 你好! 早上好。 小姐 你好。 下午好 同学们 我 = I am 是 你 是;对 是 不;不是;没有不;没有 再见。 我的 朋友 她 = she is 他 = he is 也 这;这个 是 姐姐;妹妹家;家庭 父亲;爸爸母亲;妈妈哥哥;弟弟我 祖父;外祖父祖母;外祖母晚上好 看;瞧 T恤衫 它 = it is 好看的;好的 裙子 真好看! 便帽;帽子 好极了;很好 夹克衫 新的 ......是什么颜 色的? 红色的 颜色 橙色的 现在;目前 绿色的 和;与;又 黄色的 黑色的 蓝色的 棕色的 白色的 你想要......吗? 一个 好的; 太感谢了 或;还是 一个 馅饼;派 很高兴认识 你。 不;谢谢你 ..怎么样? 蛋糕;糕饼 冰淇淋 糖果 热狗 看;瞧 什么 = what is 新年快乐! 叔父;伯父;舅 父;姑父;姨夫 这是给你的 玩具娃娃 那;那个 球 机器人 光盘 小汽车;轿车 生日快乐! 玩具 啊 哈 在上课 起立。 先生 坐下 请 开;打开 2 这个;这些; 那个;那些

门 对不起 进来 关上;合上窗; 窗户 黑板 书 橡皮 = do not 听 鹦鹉在……里面图书馆 嘘 喊;叫 跑,跑步 吃 这里,在这里说话;谈话睡觉 喝 牛奶 英语 你的,你们的铅笔 = is not = that is 书包 钢笔 蜡笔 尺子 铅笔盒;铅笔袋午餐盒 在哪里 = where is 在那里 鸟 漂亮的;美丽的 在……下面 课桌;书桌 在……后面 在……上面 椅子 树 猜;猜测 一 二 三 哦;啊 哇,呀 你多大年 纪? 可爱的; 令人愉快的 九 八 四 五 六 七 十 向右,右边 在外,在外部 多么漂亮的蛋 糕啊 许愿 想 是...时候了 几点了? 醒;醒来 妈妈 ……点钟 早餐;早饭 快点。 课;上课 晚餐;晚饭 床 好;行 午餐;午饭 十一 十二 包;书包 这些 =here is 农场 欢迎来到 他们;她们; 它们 =they are 猪 那些 奶牛 苹果 梨 鸡 鸭子 橙子 图画;照片 3 谁 谁的 我们 we are 双胞胎之一


Unit1、国王的新装 Story time 1.很久很久以前,有一个国王。他喜欢新衣服。一天,两位男士来拜见国王:“我的国王,我们可以做新衣服给你”。这个国王很高兴。 2、这两个男士展示他的衣服给国王看。“我的国王,请试穿这些有魔力的衣服,聪明的人能够看到他们,愚蠢的人们就不能看到他们。” 3、这个国王穿着他的新衣服步行穿过这个城市。有很多的人在街道上。特闷看到国王并且大喊:“多么漂亮的衣服啊!” 4、一个小男孩指着这个国王并且大笑:“哈哈!国王没有穿任何衣服!” Cartoon time 1、狐狸小姐和她的学生们正在做游戏,他们讲述一个故事。每个学生说一句。狐狸小姐开始。“很久很久以前,有一座山。” 2、Sam很快。“有一座房子在山上。”“太棒了,Sam。” 3、Willy说下一句。“一个老人和一个小孩住在房子里。”“太精彩了,Willy。” 4、Billy也说了一句。“这个老人给小男孩讲故事。”“很好。” 5、现在轮到Bobby了。他正在努力的思考。“Bobby,下一句是什么呢?”“很久很久以前,有一座山。”“哈哈,我们又回到了故事的开始。”

Unit2What a day! Story time 星期日,九月二十日 1、早上天气晴朗,我和苏海、迈克、刘涛一起骑自行车去公园。 2、公园里有一场鹦鹉秀。我们看到了一些有趣的鹦鹉。 3、然后,天气变得有风而且多云。我们的风筝在天空中高高的飞翔。 4、该是吃饭的时候了。我们带来了一些饺子、面包、蜂蜜和饮料。 5、我们看到面包和蜂蜜上有一些蚂蚁,也有一些蜜蜂。我们吃不下我们的午餐了! 6、下午,天空中飘起了乌云。天下去了雨,我们又饿又湿。 7、这是怎样的一天啊! Cartoon time 1、萨姆在公园里遇到了波比。 你好,波比。你好,萨姆。你看上去很难过。怎么了?我丢了我的新风筝。 2、萨姆想要知道为什么。 出什么事了,波比?今天早上我和蒂娜在公园里放我的新风筝,但公园里没有风。 3、然后出了什么事呢?风筝飞得很高,但它非得太高了,我们没有抓紧它。它就飞走了。 4、萨姆笑了。 这是你的风筝吗?是的,你为什么会有它的?我在小山附件发现的


牛津高中英语模块六词汇表 Unit 1 1.n.喜剧 2.n.周刊;周报;adj.每周的 3.n.相声 4.支持,维护 5.n.单口喜剧;adj.(喜剧)单人表演的 6.n.舞台;阶段,时期 7.n.喜剧演员,滑稽演员 8.vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄 9.adj.先前的;以往的 10.n.(同一事物)不同种类;多种样式 11.n.风格;方式;样式 12.vi. & vt表现 13.adj.视觉的 14.n.锤子,榔头 vt.敲,捶打 15.vi. & vt绊,(使)绊到 16.绊倒 17.n.表演,演出;表现,业绩 18.拿。。。。。。开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄 19.N.喜爱,钟爱 20.喜爱,钟爱 21.n.演员;表演者 22.N.研究院,学会;专科院校 23.vt. & vi 演出,表演;做,履行;工作,运转 24.adj.鲜为人知的 25.想出;拿出 26.adj.技术员;技能的 27.N.嘴唇 28.N.无声电影 29.vi.大叫,嚎叫,n.嚎叫,喊叫声 30.vt.逗笑,逗乐;提供(消遣),(使)娱乐 31.N.格言,谚语,警句 32.N.雪茄烟 33.N.浴缸,浴盆 34.去世,亡故 35.vt. & vi 哀悼,忧伤 36.N.健壮,健康;适合 37.vt. & vi 增强;巩固 38.N.瑜珈术 39.N.肌肉 40.vi.参加,参与 41.adj.深呼吸的

42.adj.积极的;正面的;肯定的 43.赶走;驱赶 44.adj.负面的,消极的;否定的;坏的,有害的 45.vt. & n 保证;担保 46.N.愚蠢 47.N.外国人 48.vt.教授,传授;指示,命令;告知 49.接纳 50.adj.最初的,初始的 n.(人名的)首字母 51.vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;达到 52.vt.提到;修改;润色 53.adj.看不见的;无形的 54.N.长凳,长椅 55.N.(戏剧,小说等的)情节背景;场景;环境 56.为。。。。。。腾出地方 57.N.教科书;课本 58.adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的 59.N.邀请 60.Prep. & adv.在。。。。。。旁边;与。。。。。。一起 61.adj.拥挤的 62.N城堡;堡垒 63.N.扶手椅 64.vi. & n.叫喊,大喊,吼叫 65.N.摞;垛;堆 66.adj貌似官方的 67.N.怒,怒火,怒气 68.vi&vt鞠躬;低头;使弯曲n鞠躬;船头 69.vi急奔,急驰,猛冲n.急奔,猛冲;匆忙,仓促 70.vt撕,扯 71.vi猛冲;突然出现;爆裂 72.闯进,突然闯入 73.adj空手;一无所获 74.vi怒目而视;发出眩目的光 75.对。。。。。。怒目而视 76.递出;拿出;伸出 77.N卫生纸,手纸 Unit 2 1.vt.围绕,环绕 2.N.疼痛,痛苦;折磨 3.N.体操运动员 4.N.电视观众;观看者 5.N.友好;善意 6.adj.青少年的;地位(或职位·级别)低下


一(个,件) (an 用于元音音素开头的词前) 一(纸)盒 一(茶)杯 一(玻璃)杯 许多,大量 一双(条,副……) (因惊奇或出乎意料而) 发出“啊”的喊叫 大约;关于 缺席 手风琴 地址 非洲 在……以后;在……后面 放学后 下午,午后 又,再 以前 [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀 机场阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事的少年) (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的) 粘贴簿 所有的;全部 好;行;不错 沿着 也,还 总是 美国 美国人;美国的;美国人的 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还 动物 回答,答复 蚂蚁 任何的;一些 什么事(物);任何事(物) 还要别的东西吗? 苹果 四月 手臂

艺术;美术 作为,当做 和……一样 问 在 在家 立刻, 马上 在学校;在上课在……后部;在……后面八月 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨澳大利亚 澳大利亚人 秋季 (离)开 回(原处) 背痛 坏的;严重的 包;袋 球 球类运动 圆珠笔气球 香蕉 块;条 棒球运动;棒球篮;筐 篮球运动;篮球浴室,盥洗室是;成为;变成善于 迟到 海滩 熊 美丽的,漂亮的美地 因为 床 卧室,寝室 蜜蜂 在……以前 开始 在……后面 京剧

皮带 在……旁边;靠近 好些 大的 自行车 鸟 生日 饼干 黑色的 黑板 毛毯,毯子 (女式)衬衫 吹 吹灭 蓝色的;蓝色 书 书架;书橱 书签 书店 两个(都) (盛液体的)狭颈小口瓶碗盒子;箱子 男孩 孩子们 面包 早餐 明亮的 英国人 扫帚 兄;弟 褐色的,棕色的;褐色,棕色 刷 大楼;建筑物 公共汽车 忙(碌)的 但是 蝴蝶 买 [表示交通等的方式] 乘 顺便地;附带说说 [ 多用于熟人之间] 再见,再会笼子 蛋糕;糕;饼

苏教版小学英语单词汇总_译林版_ - 1~6年级

一年级(上) Unit 1 Hello 你好。 I'm=l am 我是 Hi 你好 Unit 2 Good morning!早上好! Good afternoon!下午好! Good evening!晚上好! Woof!汪! Good night!晚安! morning 早上,上午 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上,傍晚 night 夜,夜晚 Unit 3 Miss 小姐 Miss Li 李小姐,李老师 mum 妈妈=mother dad 爸爸=father Unit 3 Miss 小姐 Miss Li 李小姐,李老师 mum 妈妈=mother dad 爸爸=father this 这,这个→that 那个(单)+is these 这些→those 那些(复)+are is 是 This is 这是… Goodbye!再见!=See you! Mr 先生Mr Green 格林先生,格林老师Mrs 女士(已婚) Unit 4 Is this...?这是……吗? a 一个 teddy 泰迪熊 box 盒子,箱子 yes 是,对 bag 包,袋 no 不,不是,没有 puppy 小狗==dog Unit 5 cherry 樱桃 please 请 banana 香蕉 peach 桃子 grape 葡萄 Ok 好的,行,可以 Thank you 谢谢你。==Thanks!Look!看! Ha!Ha!哈!哈! Unit 6 look at 看 my 我的 balloon 气球 pink 粉色的 it's=it is 它是(动物/植物)nice 好的 red 红色的 blue 蓝色的


江苏译林牛津小学的所有英语单词 下面是江苏译林牛津小学3A-6B英语单词表,欢迎使用。 (3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒(4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯(4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯(4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量(5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副……)(4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫(5A3) about 大约;关于(4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席(5B2) accordion 手风琴(3B10) address 地址(6B7) Africa 非洲(6B6) after 在……以后;在……后面(5A7) after school 放学后(5A7) afternoon 下午,午后(4A7) again 又,再(4A8) ago 以前(6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀(4A2) airport 机场(4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事的少年)(6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿(3B3) all 所有的;全部(5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错(3A4, 4A1) along 沿着(6B3) also 也,还(6A6) always 总是(6A1) America 美国(5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的(5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还(3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物(5A4) answer 回答,答复(3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁(5B8) any 任何的;一些(5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)(4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?(4B7) apple 苹果(3A3; 4B4) April 四月(6A2) arm 手臂(5B6)


为什么做全英文版的初中词汇表? 答复:打个比方,英汉词汇表就好比是一个人学走路时用的拐杖,在刚开始的时候可能还有点用,但如果要真正学会走路最终还是要扔掉拐杖,去接触英英解释的词汇表,去接触真实的英语环境。使用英英词汇表还有以下好处: 、节省你学词汇表的时间,提高你学词汇的效率,并且能够养成英英思维的良好习惯:你是用旧的英文单词理解新的英文单词,在记忆新的单词时,顺便已经复习了旧的单词;同时没有母语的影响,也就没有思维的转换过程,你的记忆效率非常会非常高。 、更加深刻地理解词汇(中文和英文并非就真能一一对应,很多词非常微妙,细微差别在中文翻译中体察不出来) 、更加全面地掌握单词的各种搭配以及切合语境的应用(动词和介词如何搭配?形容词如何用更贴切? 常用词一词多义,活学活用等问题都可以在字典里找到答案。)。在中考中,你能够非常非常精准的理解为什么要选哪个答案,而其它的答案不能选。仅通过中文解释是看不出的,只能查英英词典,用英英方式去理解,才能真正找到根源。 本文由美英桥原创。 用英英理解太难了,如何才能更简单一点? 答复:其实,经过初中的三年学习,你应该有个左右的英语词汇量,也就有了英英思维的基础。 对比初中英语,高中英语的难度又上升了一个台阶。如果想让你的高中三年的英语学习变得非常轻松,你一定要学会使用英英思维方式。 对于从来没有使用这种方式的高中生来讲,的确比较难,因为最熟悉的还是我熟悉的还是自己母语。在第一步时,你可以借助中文去理解,但当有一定的基础后,你可以逐渐学会用英英的方式去记忆和理解单词。 为了能够更好的让你完成这种过渡,我们准备了以下的分享的文档:

相关具体细节和相关完整的分享文档怎么没有,我如何获得? 相关的文档由于篇幅或者上传限制的原因可能不完整,请发邮件至2487452826@https://www.360docs.net/doc/8f9066255.html,索取(请注意要索取的文档内容)。 词汇表特别说明:由于篇幅所限,没有相关例句,如需要,请发邮件索取Excel有例句的文档。


小学生六年级(下册)英语练习 Units 1& 2 班级姓名 一、听力(30分) (A)听录音,判断所听内容是否与录音内容相否,用“T”和“F”表示。听两遍(每小题1分,满分6分) 1. 2. 3. ()()() 4. 5. 6. ()()() (B)根据所听问句选择正确的答语。听两遍(每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 7. A. At seven. B. In the morning. C. On Sunday. ( ) 8. A. I am singing. B. I danced. C.I am going to play football. ( ) 9. A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 10. A. Yes, he did B. Yes, she did. C. Yes, they did. ( ) 11. A. My mother is. B. My mother does. C. My mother did. (C) 根据所听对话选择正确的答案。听两遍(每小题1分,满分5分) ( ) 12. A. At ten. B. At eight thirty. C. At nine. ( ) 13. A. Bread and milk. B. Some noodles. C. Some fish.. ( ) 14. A. She gets up early. B. She always puts his things in order. C. She does not go to bed early. ( ) 15. A. He cleaned the car. B. He washed clothes. C. He made a chair. ( ) 16. A. Her mother. B. Her teacher. C. Her grandmother.


8AUnit 1 1.口渴的a. 2.诚实的;正直的a. 3.秘密n. 4.保守秘密(短语) 5.欢乐,高兴;乐趣n. 6.关心,关注,在意vi; vt. 7.关心,关怀(短语) 8.你自己pron 9.(13至19岁的)青少年n. 10.杂志n. 11.好看的,漂亮的a. 12.幽默的a. 13.礼貌的a. 14.爱整洁的,整洁的a. 15.成为;适合linking verb. 16.信任vt. 17.谎言n. 18.玩笑n. 19.确实的;的确a. 20.慷慨的,大方的a. 21.乐意的,愿意的a. 22.在任何时候(短语) 23.嗓音n. 24.歌手n. 25.几乎,差不多ad. 26.圆形的a. 27.感觉;观念,意识n. 28.幽默(英)n. 29.幽默(美)n. 30.到….的上面prep. 31.笔直的a. 32.可爱的,惹人喜爱的a. 33.微笑vi. 34.个性n. 35.选择;挑选vt./ vi. 36.更差,更糟,更坏(bad的比较级)a. 37.最差,最糟,最坏(bad的最高级)a. 38.高,高度n. 39.重量n. 40.秒n. 41.竞赛,比赛;竞争n. 42.测试,考察n. 43.游泳者n. 44.打算,计划n. 45.社会的a. 46.社会工作者n. 47.马尾辫n. 48.害羞的a. 49.方形的a. 50.微笑的,带着笑意的a. 51.英俊的a. 52.胖的a. 53.勤奋的,工作努力的a. 54.耐心的a. 55.微笑n. 56.不快乐的,悲伤的a. 57.杰出的,极好a. 58.广告n. 8Aunit 2 59.英国的a. 60.(英)饼干n. 61.(英)卡车n. 62.(英)橡皮n. 63.美国的a. 64.(美)橡皮n. 65.(美)英式足球n. 66.(美)假期n. 67.(美)饼干n. 68.(美)秋天n. 69.(美)商店n. 70.(美)卡车n. 71.(美)院子n. 72.(美)电影n. 73.男女混合的,混合的a. 74.法语n. 75.外国的a. 76.语言n. 77.在…期间prep. 78.讨论,议论vt. 79.在课堂上(词组) 80.(口语)家伙n. 81.(好朋友);搭档n. 82.主动提出,自动给予vt. 83.结束vi./ vt. 84.棒球n. 85.赢得;赢,获胜vt. / vi.


江苏译林牛津小学英语单词表 (您可以选中单词获得词义) 下面是江苏译林牛津小学3A-6B英语单词表,欢迎家长和学生使用。 (3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒 (4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯 (4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯 (4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量 (5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副……) (4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫 (5A3) about 大约;关于 (4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席 (5B2) accordion 手风琴 (3B10) address 地址 (6B7) Africa 非洲 (6B6) after 在……以后;在……后面 (5A7) after school 放学后 (5A7) afternoon 下午,午后 (4A7) again 又,再 (4A8) ago 以前 (6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀 (4A2) airport 机场 (4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事的少年) (6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 (3B3) all 所有的;全部 (5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错 (3A4, 4A1)

along 沿着 (6B3) also 也,还 (6A6) always 总是 (6A1) America 美国 (5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的 (5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还 (3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物 (5A4) answer 回答,答复 (3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁 (5B8) any 任何的;一些 (5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物) (4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗? (4B7) apple 苹果 (3A3; 4B4) April 四月 (6A2) arm 手臂 (5B6) art 艺术;美术 (5A9) as 作为,当做 (6A2) as … as 和……一样 (6B1) ask 问 (6A1) at 在 (4A7) at home 在家 (5A6) at once 立刻, 马上 (5B1) at school 在学校;在上课 (5A1) at the back of 在……后部;在……后面 (6A7) August 八月 (6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 (3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚 (5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人 (5B9) autumn 秋季 (6A5) away (离)开 (6A1)


江苏译林牛津小学3A-6B英语单词表(3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒 (4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯 (4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯 (4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量 (5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副……) (4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫 (5A3) about 大约;关于 (4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席 (5B2) accordion 手风琴 (3B10) address 地址 (6B7) Africa 非洲 (6B6) after 在……以后;在……后面 (5A7) after school 放学后 (5A7) afternoon 下午,午后 (4A7) again 又,再 (4A8) ago 以前 (6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀(4A2) airport 机场 (4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐 行事的少年) (6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 (3B3) all 所有的;全部 (5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错 (3A4, 4A1) along 沿着 (6B3) also 也,还 (6A6) always 总是 (6A1) America 美国 (5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的(5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还(3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物 (5A4) answer 回答,答复 (3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁 (5B8) any 任何的;一些 (5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)(4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?(4B7) apple 苹果 (3A3; 4B4) April 四月 (6A2) arm 手臂 (5B6) art 艺术;美术 (5A9) as 作为,当做 (6A2) as … as 和……一样 (6B1) ask 问 (6A1) at 在 (4A7) at home 在家 (5A6) at once 立刻, 马上 (5B1) at school 在学校;在上课 (5A1) at the back of 在……后部;在……后面 (6A7) August 八月 (6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 (3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚 (5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人 (5B9) autumn 秋季 (6A5) away (离)开 (6A1) B b back 回(原处) (5A1) backache 背痛 (5B2) bad 坏的;严重的 (3A5; 5B2) bag 包;袋 (3B1) ball 球 (4B6) ball game 球类运动 (3B10) ball pen 圆珠笔 (3A5; 4A1) balloon 气球 (4A4) banana 香蕉 (3A3; 4B4) bar 块;条 (3B8) baseball 棒球运动;棒球 (3B10) basket 篮;筐 (3A9) basketball 篮球运动;篮球 (3B10; 4B7) bathroom 浴室,盥洗室 (3B7; 5A2) be 是;成为;变成 (4A8; 4B3) am (3A11) are (3A5; 4A1)
