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本文第一章主要详细介绍了社会化媒体营销的背景意义与笔者撰写这篇文章的范围和方法;第二、三章根据社会化媒体营销的应用情况分析了社会化媒体营销与传统网络营销的区别,归纳总结了社会化网络营销的应用技巧和策略;第四章,对SNS在3G移动互联网时代的前景进行了分析和预测,不久将进入一个全民社会化媒体营销的时代,对SNS的未来进行了展望,描绘了一幅美好的SNS 蓝海图;最后,将国内外实施社会化媒体营销应用的成功案例展示。全文诠释了从现今的社会化媒体营销现状及未来的发展趋势。



Just a few years, the Internet's strong development, is now has entered the era of social networks. The traditional network marketing way already can't satisfy the consumers' demand, the new round of marketing revolution, its influence is also being outbreak in strong expansion. Marketing model of innovation and marketing the new rules for any enterprise appear is not only an opportunity but also the challenge, good deeds in a short time can really formed in the marketing advantage that it is difficult to estimate. Through social media marketing establish marketing advantage is a strong, sustainable marketing advantage. From now on, master new rules to meet new challenges, can yet be regarded as desire in adversity of enterprise a choice beyond. Social media marketing practitioners, attention, who will soon have an exciting new age!

This paper first chapter basically introduces the background of social media marketing meaning and the author wrote the scope of this article and the method; Second, according to social media marketing chapters application analyses social media marketing and traditional network marketing distinction, summarizes the socialization of network marketing application skills and strategies; In the fourth chapter, 3G mobile Internet era to MSN the prospect of analysis and forecast, will soon enter a universal social media marketing of the era, the future to MSN prospected, depicts a venerable blue ocean diagram; to MSN Finally, will implement social media marketing application at home and abroad show examples of successful. Full text annotation of social media marketing from now present situation and future development trend.

Keywords: social networks;network marketing and social media marketing


第一章社会化媒体营销的背景与研究方法 (1)

1.1研究背景和意义 (1)

1.1.1研究背景 (1)

1.1.2研究意义 (2)

1.2社会化媒体营销的研究范围和研究方法 (3)

1.2.1社会化媒体营销的范围 (3)

1.2.2社会化媒体营销的研究方法 (3)

第二章社会化媒体营销的应用情况 (4)

2.1社会化媒体营销应用情况的概述 (4)

2.1.1国内外社会化媒体格局 (4)

2.1.2社会化媒体营销时代的到来 (6)

2.1.3社会化媒体营销应用情况概述 (6)

2.2社会化媒体营销与传统网络营销的区别 (7)

2.3社会化媒体营销应用综述 (9)

第三章社会化媒体营销分析及问题与建议 (11)

3.1社会化媒体营销价值及优势 (11)

3.1.1社会化媒体营销的优势 (11)

3.1.2社会化媒体营销的价值 (11)

3.2企业社会化媒体营销的问题总结 (13)

3.3对社会化媒体营销的建议 (14)

第四章社会化媒体营销的应用技巧与发展趋势 (16)
