

Richard St、John在Ted 英语演讲:成功的八个秘诀(中英双语)



This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes、And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago、And in the seat next to me was a high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family、

这真的就是一个我给高中学生做的2个小时的演讲现在缩到了3分钟所有的一切都就是从7年前的一天开始, 我坐在飞往TED会议的飞机上。在我邻座坐的就


And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question、She said, "What leads to success?" And I felt really badly, because I couldn't give her a good answer、So I get

off the plane, and I come to TED、And I think, jeez, I'm in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later, and I'm gonna tell you what really leads to success and makes TED-sters tick、



的答案后来我下了飞机,来到TED 忽然间我想到,天啊,我置身于一屋子成功人士之中!为什么我不问问她们就是怎样走向成功的呢。这样我就可以把答案告诉孩子们了。所以就这样,7年中我坐了500次采访。现在我就要告诉您们就是什么带来了成功就是什么启发了TED演讲者们。

【And the first thing is passion、】


Freeman Thomas says, "I'm driven by my passion、" TED-sters do it for love; they don't do it for money、Carol Coletta says, "I would pay someone to do what I do、" And the interesting thing is: if you do it for love, the money comes anyway、

Freeman Thomas 说:“我总就是被我

的热情所牵引着” TED的讲演者因为有爱才做事情,不就是为了钱。 Carol Colletta 说:“我会付给别人钱去做我的工作。”有趣的就是如果您就是为了爱而做的,钱自




Rupert Murdoch said to me, "It's all hard work、Nothing comes easily、But I have a lot of fun、" Did he say fun? Rupert? Yes! TED-sters do have fun working、And they work hard、I figured, they're not workaholics、They're workafrolics、Rupert Murdoch 曾经告诉过我“都


工作励志演讲稿3分钟范文3篇 工作励志演讲稿3分钟范文3篇 的朋友。当我来到大学的时候,我发现老师根本教不了我什么,然后我就在学校对面租了个小房子,开始我的二次创业。我从小到大都是一个不太招人喜欢的人,所以没有人会喜欢我,这让我很孤独。但有时候孤独让我成长得特别快,因为我知道只有靠我自己,我才能很努力、很努力地跑下去。今天我看到了在场很多年轻人,但我觉得今天很多年轻人一点都不年轻。什么叫年轻呢?我依稀记得我幼稚园的时候然后老师问一个问题,说哪个小朋友懂啊?我们都会举手,说,老师,我懂我懂。但是今天在座很多人其实不敢的,为什么?你怕答错,怕答错被人冷落、被别人否认。我觉得就是一些枷锁让你变得一点都不年轻,真正年轻就是把你的枷锁去掉。勇者无畏,没有枷锁,你就更有冲劲、更有勇气,去干更多更多更多的事情。别拿90后说事,90后也没什么了不起的。今天我看到整个社会,都在吹捧90后的时候,我觉得我们是不是应该向我们60后、70后、80后的前辈们致敬呢?是他们开创了这个时代给我们创造了一个很好很好的环境。所以我从来不称呼自己为90后,我说我是个年轻人,年轻的头脑、年轻的思想一直会流行,但90后一定会过去。谢谢大家!这段关于20岁青年人如何看待人生的演讲引起了许多TED粉丝的讨论,来自TEDx组织团队的David Webber就说: Meg指出最重要的一点便是青年人需要及早意识到积累经验和眼界,无论是20岁还是30岁,都是有利自己发展的重要事。”30岁不是一个新的20岁,生活决定权在于你自己。记得见我第一位心理咨询

顾客时,我才20多岁。当时我是Berkeley临床心理学在读博士生。我的第一位顾客是名叫Alex的女性,26岁。第一次见面Alex穿着牛仔裤和宽松上衣走进来,她一下子栽进我办公室的沙发上,踢掉脚上的平底鞋,跟我说她想谈谈男生的问题。当时我听到这个之后松了一口气。因为我同学的第一个顾客是纵火犯,而我的顾客却是一个20出头想谈谈男生的女孩。我觉得我可以搞定。但是我没有搞定。Alex不断地讲有趣的事情,而我只能简单地点头认同她所说的,很自然地就陷入了附和的状态。Alex说: “30岁是一个新的20岁。”没错,我告诉她“你是对的”。工作还早,结婚还早,生孩子还早,甚至死亡也早着呢。像Alex和我这样20多岁的人,什么都没有但时间多的是。但不久之后,我的导师就要我向Alex的感情生活施压。我反驳说: “当然她现在正在和别人交往,她现在和一个傻瓜男生睡觉,但看样子她不会和他结婚的。”而我的导师说: “不着急,她也许会和下一个结婚。但修复Alex婚姻的最好时期,是她还没拥有婚姻的时期。”这就是心理学家说的“顿悟时刻”。正是那个时候我意识到,30岁不是一个新的20岁。的确,和以前的人相比,现在人们更晚才安定下来,但是这不代表Alex就能长期处于20多岁的状态。更晚安定下来,应该使Alex的20多岁成为发展的黄金时段,而我们却坐在那里忽视这个发展的时机。从那时起我意识到,这种善意的忽视,确实是个问题,它不仅给Alex本身和她的感情生活带来不良后果,而且影响到处20多岁的人的事业、家庭和未来。人生如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。


Ted中英对照演讲稿 大人能从小孩身上学到什么 Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish, which really bothers me. After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Who's responsible? Adults. 首先我要问大家一个问题:上一回别人说你幼稚是什么时候?像我这样的小孩,可能经常会被 人说成是幼稚。每一次我们提出不合理的要求,做出不负责任的行为,或者展现出有别于普通美 国公民的惯常行为之时,我们就被说成是幼稚。这让我很不服气。首先,让我们来回顾下这些事件:帝国主义和殖民主义,世界大战,小布什。请你们扪心自问下:这些该归咎于谁?是大人。 Now, what have kids done? Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust, Ruby Bridges helped end segregation in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it. The traits the word childish addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking. 而小孩呢,做了些什么?安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)对大屠杀强有力的叙述打动了数百万人的心。鲁比·布里奇斯为美国种族隔离的终结作出了贡献。另外,最近还有一个例子,查理·辛普 森(Charlie Simpson)骑自行车为海地募得 12万英镑。所以,这些例子证明了年龄与行为完 全没有关系。 "幼稚"这个词所对应的特点是常常可以从大人身上看到,由此我们在批评不负责 和非理性的相关行为时,应停止使用这个年龄歧视的词。 (Applause) Thank you. Then again, who's to say that certain types of irrational thinking aren't exactly what the world needs? Maybe you've had grand plans before, but stopped yourself, thinking: That's impossible or that costs too much or that won't


TED演讲:成功的关键不是智商,而是毅力在我27岁的时候,我辞去了一份非常有挑战性的职业—企业管理咨询,转而投入了一份更加具有挑战性的职业:教育。 我来到纽约的一些公立学校教7年级的学生的数学。和别的老师一样,我会给学生们做小测验和考试,我会给他们布置家庭作业。当这些试卷和作业收上来之后,我计算了他们的成绩。 让我震惊的是,IQ的高低并不是我最好的和最差的学生之间唯一的差别。一些在课业上表现很好的学生并不具有非常高的IQ分数。一些非常聪明的孩子反而在课业上表现的不那么尽如人意。 这引起了我的思考。当然,学生们在7年级需要学习的东西是有难度的,像比率,小数,平行四边形的面积计算。但是这些概念是完全可以被掌握的,我坚信我的每一位学生都可以学会教材内容,只要他们肯花时间和精力的话。 经过几年教学之后,我得出一个结论,我们在教育方面所需要的是从学习动力的角度和心理学的角度,对学生和学习行为进行一次更为深刻的理解。在教育体系中,我们都知道评价优秀学生的标准就是IQ,但如果在学校和生活中的优秀表现远不仅仅依赖于你轻松高效学习的能力呢? 所以我离开了讲台,回到学校继续攻读心理学硕士学位。我

开始研究孩子和大人,在各种非常具有挑战性的情况下,以及在各项研究中,我的问题是谁才是成功者,为什么他们会成功? 我和我的研究团队前往西点军校展开调研,我们试图预测哪些学员能够耐得住军队的训练,哪些会被淘汰出局。我们前去观摩全国拼字比赛,同时也试着预测哪些孩子会晋级到最后的比赛。我们研究在恶劣的工作环境下工作的,刚入行的老师,询问他们哪些老师决定会在学年结束后继续留下来任教,以及他们之中谁能最快地提高学生的学习成绩。 我们与私企合作,向他们询问哪些销售人员可以保住工作,哪些可以赚钱最多?在所有那些不同的情境下,一种性格特征凸显了出来,这种特征在很大程度上预示了成功。而且它并不是社交智力。不是漂亮的外表,强健的体魄,也不是很高的IQ,它是坚毅。 坚毅是对长远目标的激情和坚持,坚毅是拥有持久的恒劲,坚毅是你对未来的坚持,日复一日不是仅仅持续一个星期或者一个月,而是几年甚至几十年努力奋斗着让自己的梦想变为现实。坚毅是把生活当成一场马拉松而不是一次短跑。 几年前,在芝加哥的公立学校里,我开始研究坚毅。我对上千名初中生进行了关于坚毅的问卷调查,然后等候了一年多,来看最终哪些学生能毕业。


3分钟演讲稿英语3篇 在各学高校英语演讲中,甚至是各级别的英语演讲比赛中,常常感觉学生的演讲稿缺乏实质性的劝说力和感染力。下面整理了3分钟演讲稿英语3篇,供你参考。 3分钟演讲稿英语篇1 Can Money Buy Happiness? Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some think yes, while others hold the opposite. It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable. So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible if it is employed sensibly. 金钱能买来幸福吗? 金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒


TED成功励志的演讲稿 TED成功励志的演讲稿1:如何与压力做朋友? 我要跟大家坦白一件事。但首先,我要各位也对我坦白,如果相对来说,你去年压力不大的,请举手,有吗?那觉得承受的压力算普通的呢?有没有倍觉压力的?看来我们都一样。 我要坦承的是,我是一名健康心理学家,我的职责就是让人们更健康快乐。不过我担心自己这10年来传授的与压力有关的内容,恐怕弊多于利。这些年我不断跟人说,压力会让人生病,患有从一般感冒到心血管疾病的风险都随之升高。基本上我把压力当作敌人,但我对压力的看法已经变了,而我今天就是要让你们改观。 先来谈让我对压力另有看法的研究。这研究追踪在美国的3万名成人历时8年,研究首先问这些人「去年你感受到了多大压力?」,同时问他们「你相信压力有碍健康吗?」,之后研究人员以公开的死亡统计找出参与者中去逝的人。 好,先说坏消息:前一年压力颇大的人死亡的风险增加了43%,但这只适用于那些相信压力有碍健康的人、承受极大压力的人,若不将此视为有害死亡的风险就不会升高。事实上,与压力相对较小的研究参与者相比,这样的人死亡风险反而最低。 研究人员花了8年追踪死亡案例18.2万,美国人过早离世原因并不是压力本身,而是认为压力有害的这个想法。估计超过2万人符合这情形。若估计正确,「相信压力有害」就成为美国去年的第15大死因,致死率更胜皮肤癌、爱滋病和谋杀。 你们应能体会为何这研究让我担心害怕了,我一直努力告诉他人压力有碍健康。 因此这研究使我想知道:改变对压力的看法,是否能促进健康?显然科学对此抱以肯定,改变看待压力的方式,生理上的压力反应亦随之改变。

1、第一项研究 如果你此刻的确在(社会压力测试的)研究中,你或许已经有点儿承受不住了。你的心跳开始加快,你的呼吸开始便急促,可能还会 开始冒汗。通常,我们认为这些生理上的变化是紧张的表现,说明 我们无法很好的应对压力。 但是,如果我们将这些表现看做是身体进入备战状态的表现会怎么样?在哈佛大学的一项研究中,参与者正是这么被告知的。实验参 与者进入社会压力测试之前被告知,他们面对压力时的反应是有益的。心跳加速是为下一步行为做准备。如果你的呼吸变急促,没关系,它会让你的大脑获得更多的氧气。那些被如此告知的参与者反 道比较不那么崩溃、比较不紧张,更加自信,但更让人欣喜的发现是,他们的生理反应也随情绪有了变化。 2、第二项研究 我想通过另一个研究来结束今天的演讲。听好咯,因为这项研究可以救命。这项研究在美国找了1000个年龄在34岁到93岁间的人,他们通过一个问题开始了该研究:“去年的你,感受到了多大的压力?”他们还问了另一个问题:“你花了多少时间帮助朋友、邻居和 社区里的其他人?”接着他们用接下来五年的公共记录来看参与者中 有谁去世了。 那好,先说坏消息:生活中每个重大的压力事件,例如财政困难或者家庭危机,会增加30%的死亡风险。但是,我估计你们也在期 待这个“但是”,并不是对每个人都是那样。那些花时间关心其他 人的人完全没有体现出压力相关的死亡风险。零风险。关心让我们 更有韧性。 于是我们再次看到压力对于健康的有害影响并不是不可避免的。如何对待和应对压力可以转变你面对压力的体验。当你选择将压力 反应视为有益的,你会在生理上变得有勇气。当你选择压力下与他 人沟通,你的生命会更有韧性。


TED英语演讲稿 When you are a kid, you get asked this one particular question a lot, it really gets kind of annoying. What do you want to be when you grow up? Now, adults are hoping for answers like, I want to be an astronaut or I want to be a neurosurgeon, youre adults in your imaginations. Kids, theyre most likely to answer with pro-skateboarder, surfer or minecraft player. I asked my little brother, and he said, seriously dude, Im 10, I have no idea, probably a pro-skier, lets go get some ice cream. See, us kids are going to answer something were stoked on, what we think is cool, what we have experience with, and thats typically the opposite of what adults want to hear. But if you ask a little kid, sometimes youll get the best answer, something so simple, so obvious and really profound. When I grow up, I want to be happy. For me, when I grow up, I want to continue to be happy like I am now. Im stoked to be here at TedEx, I mean, Ive been watching Ted videos for as long as I can remember, but I never thought Id make it on the stage here so soon. I mean, I just became a teenager, and like most teenage boys, I spend most of my time wondering,


ted精彩演讲:坠机让我学到的三件事 imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. imagine a plane full of smoke. imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. it sounds scary. 想像一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想 像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。 well i had a unique seat that day. i was sitting in 1d. i was the only one who can talk to the flight attendants. so i looked at them right away, and they said, no problem. we probably hit some birds. the pilot had already turned the plane around, and we werent that far. you could see manhattan. 那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1d,我是(转载于:ted演讲稿三分钟)唯一可以和空服员说 话的人,于是我立刻看着他们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。”机长已经把机头转 向,我们离目的地很近,已经可以看到曼哈顿了。 two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time. the pilot lines up the plane with the hudson river. thats usually not the route. he turns off the engines. now imagine being in a plane with no sound. and then he says 3 words-the most unemotional 3 words ive ever heard. he says, brace for impact. 两分钟以后,三件事情同时发生:机长把飞机对齐哈德逊河,一般的航道可不是这样。 他关上引擎。想像坐在一架没有声音的飞机上。然后他说了几个字,我听过最不带情绪的几 个字,他说,“即将迫降,小心冲击。” i didnt have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. i could see in her eyes, it was terror. life was over. 我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。 now i want to share with you 3 things i learned about myself that day. 现在我 想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。 i leant that it all changes in an instant. we have this bucket list, we have these things we want to do in life, and i thought about all the people i wanted to reach out to that i didnt, all the fences i wanted to mend, all the experiences i wanted to have and i never did. as i thought about that later on, i came up with a saying, which is, collect bad wines. because if the wine is ready and the person is there, im opening it. i no longer want to postpone anything in life. and that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my life. 在那一瞬间内,一切都改变了。我们的人生目标清单,那些我们想做的事,所有那些我 想联络却没有联络的人,那些我想修补的围墙,人际关系,所有我想经历却没有经历的事。 之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都很差。”因为如果酒已成熟,分 享对象也有,我早就把把酒打开了。我不想再把生命中的任何事延后,这种紧迫感、目标性 改变了我的生命。 the second thing i learnt that day - and this is as we clear the george washington bridge, which was by not a lot - i thought about, wow, i really feel one real regret, ive lived a good life. in my own humanity and mistaked, ive tired to get better at everything i tried. but in my humanity, i also allow my ego to get in. and i regretted the time i wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter. and i thought about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people. and after, as i reflected on that, i decided to eliminate negative energy from my life. its not perfect, but its a lot better. ive not had a fight with my wife in 2 years. it feels great. i no


TED励志演讲稿:怎么讲话别人才更愿意听 人类的声音:是我们所有人都弹奏的乐器。可能是这个世界上最有力的声音。它绝无仅有,或能引起战争,或能说“我爱你”。 然而,很多人有这种经历,当他们说的时候,人们并不在听。这是为什么呢? 我们怎样有力地说而让世界发生某种改变? 我所提议的是,我们需要改变一些习惯。在此我为你们收集整理了,说话的七宗罪。我没打算假装这是一个详细的列表,但这七个,我以为是我们相当容易犯的坏习惯。 第一就是:流言蜚语 在背后说某些人的坏话。这不是一个好习惯,我们都很明白那个说闲话的人在五分钟以后就会在别人跟前说我们的闲话。 第二,评判 我们知道有些人在谈话中是这样的,这让人很难听进别人的话,如果你知道你被人评判且被认为不合格。 第三,消极 你能陷入这个泥潭。我的母亲,在她生命的最后几年里,变得非常非常消极,很难让人听她说话。我记得有一天,我对她说,“今天是十月一号,”她说,“我知道,这不可怕吗?”当某人那么消极的时候是很难让人听进去的。 另外一种消极,就是抱怨

这是英国的全国性艺术。是我们的全国性运动。我们抱怨天气,体育和政治,几乎每件事,但实际上抱怨是病毒性的悲催,它不会在这个世界上传播太阳和光明。 借口 我们都遇上过这个家伙。也许我们都曾经是这个家伙。有些人有指责癖好。他们怪罪任何人而不是对自己的行为负责任,所以,这又是让人难以聆听的一种。 七件里面的老六,倒数第二,浮夸,吹牛 它有时贬低了我们的语言,事实上。比如,如果我看见什么真的很神奇的事情,那我该说什么呢? (笑声) 当然这种夸大后来就变成了说谎。彻头彻尾的说谎,我们就不想听这种我们知道会说谎的人。 最后是,固执己见 把事实和意见混淆。当这两件事混为一谈,你就像在听风一样。你知道,有人用他们自己的意见来强迫你。这很难让我们听讲。 这就是说话的七宗罪。我认为这些是我们需要避免的。 但有没有比较正面的呢? 的确有。我想建议四种我们可以牢靠站立的,真正强有力的基石或者基础,如果我们想让我们的言语有力并且让世界产生变化。 幸运的是,这些事情连起来是一个单词。这个词就是“hail”,


When I was in my 20s, I saw my very first psychotherapy client. I was a Ph.D. student in clinical psychology at Berkeley. She was a 26-year-old woman named Alex. 记得见我第一位心理咨询顾客时,我才20多岁。当时我是Berkeley临床心理学在读博士生。我的第一位顾客是名叫Alex的女性,26岁。 Now Alex walked into her first session wearing jeans and a big slouchy top, and she dropped onto the couch in my office and kicked off her flats and told me she was there to talk about guy problems. Now when I heard this, I was so relieved. My classmate got an arsonist for her first client. (Laughter) And I got a twentysomething who wanted to talk about boys. This I thought I could handle. 第一次见面Alex穿着牛仔裤和宽松上衣走进来,她一下子栽进我办公室的沙 发上,踢掉脚上的平底鞋,跟我说她想谈谈男生的问题。当时我听到这个之后松了一口气。因为我同学的第一个顾客是纵火犯,而我的顾客却是一个20出头想谈谈男生的女孩。我觉得我可以搞定。But I didn't handle it. With the funny stories that Alex would bring to session, it was easy for me just to nod my head while we kicked the can down the road. 但是我没有搞定。Alex不断地讲有趣的事情,而我只能简单地点头认同她所 说的,很自然地就陷入了附和的状态。 "Thirty's the new 20," Alex would say, and as far as I could tell, she was right. Work happened later, marriage happened later, kids happened later, even death happened later. Twentysomethings like


TED演讲成功的秘诀 很多的者都会学习ted中的演讲技巧,现在提供TED演讲成功的秘诀,一般人不告诉ta哦。 一前期准备工作 当我想到要做一个扣人心弦的演讲,在我脑海中浮现的是去带着观众踏上一段旅途。 1.做好提纲 除非你有值得一说的东西,不然你就做不了一个好的演讲。而对你想说的内容进行提炼和建立结构是准备过程中最重要的部分。 2.讲一个故事 我们都知道人们很喜欢听故事,而那些最引人入胜的叙述结构中都有着大量的隐喻。当我想到要做一个扣人心弦的演讲,在我脑海中浮现的是去带着观众踏上一段旅途。一个成功的演讲是一个小小的奇迹,人们由此看到不同的世界。 如果你把故事当作一段旅途,最重要的便是找出从哪里开始、到哪里结束。想想观众们对你的故事可能已经有了哪些了解、他们有多关心它,以此找到合适的起点。

最棒的演讲者会非常快速地介绍主题,解释他们自己为什么会对这个话题感兴趣,并说服观众相信他们也应该关注这个主题。 3.突出重点 我在演讲者的初稿中发现的最大问题是会涵盖太多内容。你无法在一个演讲中去概括整个行业。如果你试图将你知道的所有东西都塞进演讲,那就没时间去举出关键的细节了,而且你的演讲会因各种抽象的语言而晦涩难懂,从而会导致本身就懂的人能听得懂,而之前不懂的人就不知所云了。 你需要举出具体的例子来使你的想法有血有肉,充实起来。 不要一心想把所有东西都纳入到一个短短的演讲。相反地,要深入。不要告诉我们你研究的整个领域,告诉我们你的独特贡献。 当然,过度阐述或者纠结于内容的意义也不可行。对这种情况有另一套补救的方法。记住,观众们很聪明。让他们自己去找寻出一些意义,去各自归纳收获的结论。 4.营造悬念 很多顶级的演讲具有着侦探小说般的叙事结构,演讲者引出问题开始演讲,然后介绍寻求解决方法的过程,直到恍然大悟的一刻,这时观众自会看到这一切叙述的意义。 如果一个演讲失败了,几乎都是因为讲者没有设计好整个故事,错误估计了观众的兴趣点,或者忽略了故事本身。即使话题再重要,没有足够的叙述作为铺垫,反而偶然冒出一些武断的意见总会让人感到不爽。没有一个递进的过程,就不会感到自己有所收获。 二想好演讲方式 我认为最简单且实用的方法就是上台前做一下深呼吸。 1.最受欢迎的演讲都是背好了讲 一旦你想好怎么说故事了,就可以开始重点考虑具体的演讲方式。发表一个演讲有三个主要的途径:1、照着手稿或提词器直接读;2、记下演讲提纲来提示你要讲的具体内 容;3、记住全部内容。 我的建议是:别照着读,也别使用提词器。一旦被人们看出来你在照着读,观众们的注意力就会转移。突然你就与观众变得疏远。 我们很多最受欢迎的TED演讲都是逐字逐句完全记下来的。如果你有充裕的时间做 这样的准备,这其实就是最好的演讲方式。


TED英语演讲稿:如何让选择更容易简介:面对商场里五花八门的商品,你的选择恐惧症又犯了吗? 美国哥伦比亚大学商学教授sheena iyengar 研究如何让你在做选择时更容易。为了让你的选择省时省力,商家又会有哪些诀窍呢? do you know how many choices you make in a typical day? do you know how many choices you make in typical week? i recently did a survey with over 2,000 americans, and the average number of choices that the typical american reports making is about 70 in a typical day. there was also recently a study done with ceos in which they followed ceos around for a whole week. and these scientists simply documented all the various tasks that these ceos engaged in and how much time they spent engaging in making decisions related to these tasks. and they found that the average ceo engaged in about 139 tasks in a week. each task was made up of many, many, many sub-choices of course. 50 percent of their decisions were made in nine minutes or less. only about 12 percent of the decisions did they make an hour or more of their time. think about your own choices. do you


三分钟励志英文演讲稿大全 励志英语演讲是用英语语言的激发力让人心潮澎湃,达到励志效果。下面是小编为你整理的几篇三分钟励志英文演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 三分钟励志英文演讲稿篇一 We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me . It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad . Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her


ted演讲稿中英文对照 小编今天推荐给大家的是 ted演讲稿中英文对照,仅供参考,希望对大家有用。关注网获得更多内容。 ted演讲稿中英文对照 Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。并使它们听来真诚,具体。 And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, why? I felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does this? So, I decided to investigate. 之所以我对此感兴趣是因为我从我自己的成长中注意到几年前,当我想要对某个人说声谢谢时,当我想要赞美他们时,当我想接受他们对我的赞扬,但我却没有说出口。我问我自己,这是为什么? 我感到害羞,我感到尴尬。接着我产生了一个问题难道我是唯一一个这么做的人吗?

TEDAngela Lee通往成功的秘诀--耐力 演讲稿

WhenIwas27yearsold,Ileftaverydemandingjobinmanagementconsultingforajobt hatwasevenmoredemanding: teaching.IwenttoteachseventhgradersmathsintheNewYorkCity public schools. And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests. Igaveouthomeworkassignments.Whentheworkcameback,Icalculatedgrades.Whatstru ckmewasthatIQwasnottheonlydifferencebetweenmybestandmyworstudents.Someof mystrongest performers did not have stratospheric IQ scores. Some ofmy smartest kids weren't doing so well and that got me thinking. Thekinds of things you need to learn in seventh grade maths, sure, theyarehard: Tome,themostshockingthingaboutgritishowlittleweknow, how little science knows, about building it. Everyday, parentsandteachersaskme: howdoIbuild gritinkids?whatdoIdoteach kids a solid work ethic? How do I keep them motivated for thelong run? The honest answer is: So far, the best idea I've heard about building grit in kids issomethingcalled"GrowthMindset".ThisanideadevelopedatStanfordUniversitybyCaro lDweck,anditisthebeliefthattheability to learn is not fixed, that it can change with your effort. Dr.Dweck has shown that when kids read and learn about the brain andhowitchangesandgrowsinresponsetochallenge,they'remuchmore likely to persevere when they fail, because they don't believethat failure is a permanent condition. So growth mindset is a greatidea for building grit. But we need more, and that's where I'm goingto end my remarks because that's where we are. That's the work thatstands before us. We need to take our best ideas, our strongest intuitions andweneedtotestthem.Weneedtomeasurewhetherwe'vebeensuccessfulandwehavet obewillingtofail,tobewrong,tostartover again with lessons learned. In other words, we need to be grittyabout getting our kids gritter. Thank you! 1/ 1


3分钟英语演讲稿 3分钟英语演讲稿 3分钟英语演讲稿1 The East and the West, Let’s enjoy the combination of the two cultures? Kipling said:“East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!” But now, a century later, they have met. They have met in business. They have met in education. They have met in the arts. Some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but I believe that the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds. We can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use. We can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own. I love Beijing and Hennan opera because it always reminds me of who I am. But I am also a fan of pop music, especially English songs. So I have combined
