


Unlike most of the other grass-eaters in the Sahara, the giraffe doesn't migrate (leave its homeland) during dry seasons because it gets enough water from the leaves it eats. Giraffes rarely bend down to drink water or eat grass -- a baby giraffe even can stand just 20 minutes after it's born!

· I live on the continent of Africa -- in and around the Sahara Desert.

· I live in dry areas like deserts but always ne ed to be around trees.

· I don't have a real house and actually sleep standing up.

· I have a small head, long legs and an even longer neck that's very strong. I also have hoofs on the bottoms of my feet.

· I'm orange or light brown with dark brown circles or spots. As I get older, I start to turn darker brown.

· I'm one of the tallest mammals in the world! I can be up to 17 feet (about 5.5 meters) tall. Most of my height comes from my long neck.

· I can weigh as much as 1,800 pounds (around 800 kilograms)!

· I only eat vegetables (scientists call me a herbivore) -- almost always leaves from the tops of trees.

· Even though I'm huge, I actually can run quite fast, up to 35 miles per hour (about 56 kilometers per hour). I also might kick with my big, heavy hoofs.

· I often live in dry areas where there is little water. And because I'm so tall, I have to get water from the leaves I eat instead of from the ground. So I can go for months without

actually drinking.




· 我住在非洲大陆—在撒哈拉沙漠及其周边地区。

· 我住在象沙漠一样干燥的.地方,但常常需要它周围有树。

· 我没有真正的房屋,实际上,我是站着睡觉的。

· 我有一个小头,长腿和一个更长的粗壮的脖子,我的脚底上也有蹄。

· 我是橘红色或浅棕色的,上有深棕色的圆环和斑点。因为长大了,颜色开始变成深棕色。

· 我是世界上最高的哺乳动物之一!我可能长到17英尺(大约5.5米)高。我大部分的身高主要来自于我的长脖子。

· 我能达到1,800磅(约800千克)重。

· 我只吃蔬菜(科学家称我为草食动物)—几乎常常是树梢的叶子。

· 虽然我个子大,可实际我跑得相当快,能达到每小时35英里(大约每小时56千米)。我也能用我那又大又沉的蹄子来踢。

· 我经常住在少水的干燥地区。因为我太高,所以我不得不从我吃的叶子中获得水分,而不是从地上,因此,我实际上能前行数月而不必喝水。


趣味少儿英语:长颈鹿 趣味少儿英语:长颈鹿 Unlike most of the other grass-eaters in the Sahara, the giraffe doesn't migrate (leave its homeland) during dry seasons because it gets enough water from the leaves it eats. Giraffes rarely bend down to drink water or eat grass -- a baby giraffe even can stand just 20 minutes after it's born! · I live on the continent of Africa -- in and around the Sahara Desert. · I live in dry areas like deserts but always ne ed to be around trees. · I don't have a real house and actually sleep standing up. · I have a small head, long legs and an even longer neck that's very strong. I also have hoofs on the bottoms of my feet. · I'm orange or light brown with dark brown circles or spots. As I get older, I start to turn darker brown. · I'm one of the tallest mammals in the world! I can be up to 17 feet (about 5.5 meters) tall. Most of my height comes from my long neck. · I can weigh as much as 1,800 pounds (around 800 kilograms)! · I only eat vegetables (scientists call me a herbivore) -- almost always leaves from the tops of trees. · Even though I'm huge, I actually can run quite fast, up to 35 miles per hour (about 56 kilometers per hour). I also might kick with my big, heavy hoofs. · I often live in dry areas where there is little water. And because I'm so tall, I have to get water from the leaves I eat instead of from the ground. So I can go for months without


长颈鹿英语短文5句 篇一: 长颈鹿的英语短文,可以参考下述示例: 1.giraffes are majestic creatures with long, powerful legs and a long, curly tail. Their common name, "giraffe," comes from the ancient Greek word "giraffa," which means "long-necked." 2.giraffes are dioecious, which means they have separate male and female individuals. males are called "bachelor giraffes" and females are called "giraffes." 3.giraffes are native to central and west Africa, where they live in grasslands and savannahs. they are the only species of giraffes in the world and are considered a symbol of Africa. 4.while giraffes are known for their long necks, they actually have a very short torso. their legs are long and powerful, which allows them to run quickly and efficiently. 5.giraffes are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. their diet mainly consists of grasses, leaves, and stems, but they will also eat small animals such as rodents and rabbits. 拓展: - giraffes have a long, difficult birth process, with calves emerging neck first and then struggling to get their heads through the birth canal. - giraffes are able to survive in hot and humid environments thanks


剑桥少儿英语一级各个类别单词汇总 1动物animals:老虎tiger 狮子lion 大象elephant 斑马zebra 蜥蜴lizard 长颈鹿giraffe 猫cat 狗dog 鸭子duck鸡chicken 母鸡hen 公鸡cock 山羊goat 绵羊sheep 鳄鱼crocodile 河马hippo 青蛙frog 熊bear 狐狸fox 兔子rabbit 鹿deer 骆驼camel 马horse 猴子monkey 蛇snake 鸟bird 鹦鹉parrot 2水果fruits: 苹果apple 梨pear 香蕉banana 橙子orange 柠檬lemon 酸橙lime 芒果mango 菠萝pineapple 椰子coconut 葡萄grapes 葡萄柚grapefruit 草莓strawberry 蓝莓blueberry 火龙果dragon fruit 桃子peach 西瓜watermelon 3蔬菜vegetable: 胡萝卜carrot 洋葱onion 西红柿tomato 土豆potato 卷心菜cabbage 豌豆pea 豆子bean 南瓜pumpkin 黄瓜cucumber 萝卜turnip 4食物food : 牛肉beef 肉、肉类meat 面条noodles 米饭rice 汉堡包hamburger/burger 鱼fish 三明治sandwich 香肠sausage 巧克力chocolate 鸡肉chicken 水果fruit 蔬菜vegetable 面包bread 5饮料drinks:牛奶milk 水water 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 柠檬水lemonade 可乐cola 6学校物品school things:铅笔pencil 钢笔pen 橡皮eraser/rubber 文具盒pencil-case 书本book 练习本exercise book 包bag 书包schoolbag 手提包handbag 尺子ruler 教室classroom 7颜色colour:红色red 黄色yellow 绿色green 蓝色blue 白色white 粉红色pink 紫色purple 橙色orange 棕色brown 黑色black 8交通工具vehicle: 小汽车car 火车train 摩托车motorbike 自行车bike 飞机plane 小船boat 直升机helicopter 公交车bus 轮船ship 出租车taxi 游艇yacht 9家庭family:爸爸dad 妈妈mum 父亲father 母亲mother 父母亲parent外祖父grandfather 外祖母grandmother 祖父母、外祖父母grandparents 兄弟brother 姐妹sister 儿子son 外甥、侄子nephew 堂表兄弟姐妹cousin 外甥女、侄女nephew 叔、伯、舅、姑父uncle 婶、伯母、姨母、姑母uncle 女儿daughter 10房子house:卧室bedroom 起居室、客厅living room 厨房kitchen 餐厅dining room 阳台balcony 卫生间bathroom /washroom 橱柜cupboard 书柜bookcase 衣柜wardrobe 桌子table 书桌、课桌、办公桌desk 椅子chair 扶手椅armchair 沙发sofa 窗户window 门door 地板floor 墙wall 屋顶roof 门厅、大厅、过道、走廊hall 镜子mirror 相机camera 11衣物clothes:帽子hat 鸭舌帽cap 围巾scarf 毛衣sweater 外套coat 夹克衫jacket 衬衫shirt T恤衫T-shirt 短裙skirt 连衣裙dress 短裤shorts 牛仔裤jeans 长裤、裤子trousers/pants 袜子socks 鞋子shoes 手套gloves 打扮、穿戴整齐dress up 12身体body:头head 头发hair 鼻子nose 耳朵ears 眼镜eyes 脸face 胳膊arms 手hands 腿legs 脚footfeet 脚趾toetoes 身体、主体body 嘴巴mouth 牙齿toothteeth 胡须、络腮胡子beard 小胡子、八字胡moustache 13运动sports: 跳jumping 单脚跳hopping 游泳swimming 打网球playing tennis 踢足球playing football 打篮球playing basketball 打乒乓球playing table tennis 打曲棍球playing hockey 打羽毛球playing badminton 爬山climbing mountains跑步running 14科目subject:英语English 汉语Chinese 音乐music 数学maths 计算机computer 15变成现在分词需双写末字母的动词:跑步run-running 游泳swim-swimming 单脚跳hop-hopping


动物类英语作文:我最喜欢的是长颈鹿 My favorite animal is the giraffe. I love giraffes because they are so tall and graceful. They have long necks and beautiful spots that make them look like they are wearing a coat of armor. They also have long eyelashes and big eyes that make them look so gentle and kind. Giraffes are also very social animals. They live in herds, and they communicate with each other using low, rumbling sounds. They also use their long necks to reach food that other animals can't reach, like leaves from tall trees. Giraffes are also very intelligent animals. They can recognize their own reflection in a mirror and can learn new behaviors. I love giraffes because they are so majestic and graceful. They are also very intelligent and social animals. I think they are one of the most beautiful animals in the world.


长颈鹿的英语单词 长颈鹿是一种漂亮的动物,生活在世界各地的大草原和湿地地带,它具有长长的脖子和柔软的毛发,它可以承受大量食物。长颈鹿在英语中有许多名称,它可以被称为:长颈鹿,鹿,大鹿,小鹿,棕色鹿,鹿群,鹿群等。 “Giraffe”表达长颈鹿的最常用的英语单词,它的意思是“长 颈鹿”,英文字母缩写为“Grf”。“Giraffe”自法语,意思是“长脖 子的动物”。 另一个常用的术语是“Galliard”,这个词源自拉丁文,意思是“长腿的”,用来描述长颈鹿的腿部结构,它也可以被叫做“Giraffa”,这个词源自希腊文,意思是“拉大的脖子”。 “Camelopard”另一个多义词,它源自希腊文,意思是“长颈鹿”。它被广泛用于描述长颈鹿幼崽在生长过程中所表现出来的类似骆驼 和斑点豹的模样。 长颈鹿也有其它的称呼,比如“Okapi”,它是一种独特的奇袭鹿,这个单词在科萨语中叫做“okapi”,意思是“穿过”。 长颈鹿在英语中还有其它的表达方式,例如:“Necked Giraffe”思是“长颈的长颈鹿”,“Tall Giraffe”是“高大的长颈鹿”,而“Reticulated Giraffe”是“网状斑纹的长颈鹿”。 长颈鹿是一种非常珍贵的动物,它们喜欢在湿地环境中活动,它们也很喜欢湿润的环境和阳光照射的森林。它们经常被用来作为勃艮第和维尔京群岛的代表动物,他们的斑点花纹被用作各种设计的灵感,

如斑点衣服和长颈鹿模型等。 长颈鹿是一种独特的动物,它们能够攀登高大的树木,穿越深林,跳跃莽原,而且他们还拥有非常强大的膝盖,这使得长颈鹿能够跳跃更远,跨越更远的距离。 长颈鹿也是一种可爱的动物,它们能够依靠它们超长的舌头伸出枝条获取植物,通过超强的化学感受器官感知他们的远距离巢友,并通过静音的牧歌传递信息。 长颈鹿是一种经典的动物,它与Freud的“Ego:Id:Superego”有着很多共同点,它也是一种神奇又神秘的动物,有着众多的英语表达,它们是极其珍贵的动物,我们应该加以保护。


剑桥少儿英语二级 (B) :第13课我能发现雾,你能吗? Unit 13 I can spot the frog, can you? 【课文内容】 I can spot the elephant, can you? 我能发觉大象,你能吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我能。 【听读重复】 A giraffe can be 5.5 metres tall, taller than any other animal. 长颈鹿有5.5米高,是最高的动物。 Its legs are long and its neck is much longer. 它的腿很长,它的脖子更长。 With a long neck, a giraffe can eat leaves in the tall trees. 长颈鹿因为有长长的脖子,所以能吃到高树上的叶子。 This is something that other animals cant do. 这是其它动物都不能做到的。 A hippo is in or near the water most of its day. 河马大多数的日子都呆在水里或是靠近水的地方。 It comes out at night to eat plants. 它在晚上吃植物。 But it cant swim. 但是它不会游泳。It often walks or runs along the river bed very quickly. 它常常沿着河床很快地行走或是奔跑。 Sometimes it comes up for air. 有时它会上来呼吸下空气。 【听读想】 Hey! Stop! Let me get on. 嘿!停下!让我上去。 Sorry. We dont stop here. 对不起。我们在这不停站。 How can you do that? Im going to stop you. 你怎么能这么做?我要让你停下来。 Hanz went to the train station and bought a ticket. 汉斯到火车站买了张车票。 But the train didnt stop! 但是火车没有停! Hanz was very angry. 汉斯很生气。 He stopped the train. 他把火车停下。 He stood in front of it and pushed it back hard. 他站在火车前面困难的把它推向后方。 The driver didnt understand why but the elephant went up to him, picked


Be sure not to treat others as fools. In fact, all the people you can meet are smarter than you.悉心整理助您一 臂(页眉可删) 长颈鹿的英语作文(精选8篇) 长颈鹿的英语作文1 The giraffe is the tallest moden land anmail.it can be over 5.5 metres tall.its neek alone may be 1.9 metres long.yet the giraffe has only seven bone in is neck than in a tall giraffe. Each bone in a giraffes neck is very long,wehille the bones in human neck are small.the makes the difference.a female iraffe gives birth to one baby at a time.the baby,called a calf,is about 1.9 metres tall at birth by the age of eight it is full grown. The giraffe eats mostly leaves.because is has a long neck,it can reach the leves high up on the trees. 长颈鹿的英语作文2 Long long ago, there were three rabbits who lived in a far away forest - one white rabbit, one pink rabbit and one grey rabbit.


少儿英语单词 少儿英语单词 少儿英语单词一: 水果名称(fruit水果) apple苹果——banana香蕉——pear梨——orange橙子——Watermelon西瓜——grape葡萄——peach桃——strawberry草莓——betelnut槟榔——carambola杨桃——cherry樱桃——chestnut栗子——coconut椰子——cumquat金桔——date枣子——durian榴莲——filbert榛子——grape葡萄——guava番石榴——haw山楂——honey-dewmelon哈蜜瓜——juicypeach水蜜桃——kiwifruit猕猴桃——lemon柠檬——lichee荔枝——longan龙眼——loquat枇杷——mango芒果——nectarine油桃——olive橄榄——papaya(Pawpaw)木瓜——persimmon柿子——pineapple凤梨——pomelo柚子——plum梅子——sapodilla人参果。 少儿英语单词二: 颜色的英语(colours颜色) red红——blue蓝——yellow黄——green绿——white白——black黑——purple紫——orange橙——brown棕。 少儿英语单词三: 动物英语名称(animals动物) cat猫——dog狗——pig猪——duck鸭——rabbit兔——horse马——elephant大象——ant蚂蚁——fish鱼——bird鸟——eagle鹰——beaver海狸——snake蛇——mouse老鼠——squirrel松鼠——kangaroo袋鼠——monkey猴——panda熊猫——bear熊——lion狮子——tiger老虎——fox狐狸——zebra斑马——deer鹿——giraffe长颈鹿——goose鹅——hen母鸡——


全部动物的英语单词 全部动物的英语单词 Tiger 老虎Giraffe 长颈鹿Lion 狮子Deer 鹿Leopard 豹Monkey 猴子Elephant 大象 Chimpanzees 黑猩猩Horse 马Bear 熊Donkey 驴Kangaroo 袋鼠Ox 牛Hedgehog 刺猬Sheep 绵羊 Rhinoceros 犀牛Dog 狗Camel 骆驼Cat 猫 Hippopotamus 河马Pig 猪 Crocodile 鳄鱼Chicken 鸡肉Snake 蛇Rabbit 兔子Frog 青蛙Duck 鸭子Tortoise 乌龟Goose 鹅Fox 狐狸Panda 熊猫Squirrel 松鼠Zebra 斑马Mouse 老鼠Wolf 狼 Peacock (雄)孔雀Owl 猫头鹰Sparrow 麻雀 shrimp 虾Dragofly 蜻蜓Fly 苍蝇;飞虫 Cicada 蝉Mantis 螳螂Cricket 蟋蟀Pigeon 鸽子Crane 鹤Penguin 企鹅Ostrich 鸵鸟Crab 蟹Ant 蚂蚁Bee 蜜蜂 Ladybird 雌鸟Parrot 鹦鹉Swan 天鹅Eagle 鹰Fish 鱼 Butterfly 蝴蝶Mosquito 蚊子adder, viper 蝰蛇albatross 信天翁 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄alpaca 羊驼anchovy 凤尾鱼anglerfish 安康鱼anopheles 按蚊,疟蚊ant 蚂蚁 anteater 食蚁兽antilope 羚羊armadillo 犰狳ass, donkey 驴badger 獾 bald eagle 白头鹰bat 蝙蝠bear 熊beaver 河狸 bedbug, bug 臭虫bee, honeybees 蜜蜂beetle 甲虫, 金龟子billy 雄山羊 bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟bison 美洲野牛blackbird 乌鸫boa 王蛇 boar 雄猪, 种猪brood 鸡的统称 buck 公兔buffalo 水牛bull, ox 雄牛bullfrog 牛蛙 bullock, steer 小阉牛bumble bee 大黄蜂butterfly 蝴蝶 cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶caiman, cayman 凯门鳄calf 小牛, 牛犊 calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛camel 骆驼canary 金丝雀carp 鲤鱼cat 猫caterpillar 毛虫catta 雌猫cattle 牛 centipede 蜈蚣chaffinch 苍头燕雀chameleon 变色龙,避役chick 小鸡 chicken 鸡, 雏鸡chimpanzee 黑猩猩chinchilla 南美栗鼠chub 鲢鱼cicada 蝉clam 蚌cob 雄天鹅cobra 眼镜蛇cod 鳕鱼 colt, foal 马驹,小马condor 秃鹰


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表汇编之动物类以下是关于《剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表汇编之动物类》: Animals 动物 1. bee (bees)蜜蜂 2. cat (cats)猫 3. dog (dogs)狗 4. bird (birds)鸟 5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子 6. cow (cows)奶牛 7. tiger (tigers)老虎 8. lion (lions)狮子 9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿 10. snake (snakes) 蛇 11.snail (snails)蜗牛 12. mouse (mice)老鼠 13. chick (chicks) 小鸡 14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊 15. goat (goats) 山羊

16. fish (fish)鱼 17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶 18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓 19. fly (flies) 苍蝇 20. whale (whales)鲸鱼 21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼 22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚 23. hippo (hippos)河马 24. frog (frogs)青蛙 25. elephant (elephants)大象 26. duck (ducks)鸭子 27. horse (horses)马 28. pig (pigs) 猪 29. monkey (monkeys)猴子 30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛 31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠 31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉 32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠


剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结01 剑桥少儿英语一级分类词汇总结Food 食物 1. hamburger / burger hamburgers / burgers 汉堡2. rice 米饭13. lamb 羊肉3. noodles 面条14. beef 牛肉4. sausage sausages 香肠16. steak 牛排5. hot dog hot dogs 热狗17. bread 面包6. pizza 比萨饼18. popcorn 爆米花7. cake cakes 蛋糕19. pasta 意大利面食意大利同心粉8. French fries / chips 炸薯条20. sandwich sandwiches 三明治9. meat 肉21. ice cream 冰激凌22. salad 色拉10. meal meals 饭 11. chicken 鸡肉12. fish 鱼肉 Vegetable 蔬菜 1. potato potatoes 土豆 2. tomato tomatoes 西红柿 3. cucumber cucumbers 黄瓜 4. bean beans 豆角Fruits 水果 1. apple an apple / apples 苹果 2. orange an orange / oranges 桔子3. banana bananas香蕉4. pear pears 梨5. pineapple pineapples 菠萝 6. watermelon watermelons 西瓜7. lemon lemons 柠檬8. mango

mangoes 芒果9. grape grapes 葡萄10. coconut coconuts 椰子11. nut nuts 坚果5. pea peas 豌豆6. carrot carrots 胡萝卜7. egg an egg / eggs 鸡蛋8. onionan onion / onions 洋葱 Human Body 人体1. head 头2. neck 脖子3. shoulder shoulders 肩膀4. forehead 额头5. nose 鼻子6. mouth 嘴7. eye an eye / eyes眼睛8. ear an ear / ears 耳朵9. tooth teeth 牙齿10. arm an arm / arms 胳膊11. hand hands 手12. leg legs 腿13. foot feet 脚14. knee knees 膝盖15. face faces 脸16. finger fingers 手指17. pointer 食指18. thumb 拇指19. nail 指甲20. child children 儿童21. man men 男人22. woman women 女人23. baby babies 婴儿 Animals 动物1. bee bees蜜蜂2. cat cats猫3. dog dogs狗4. bird birds鸟5. rabbit rabbits 兔子6. cow cows奶牛7. tiger tigers老虎8. lion lions狮子9. giraffe giraffes长颈鹿10. snake snakes 蛇snails蜗牛12. mouse mice老鼠School 学校1. teacher teachers老师2. student students学生3. pupil pupils小学生4. ruler rulers尺子5. eraser erasers橡皮6. book books书7. bag bags书包8. pencil pencils 铅笔9. pen pens钢笔10. pencil-box pencil-boxes 铅笔盒11. pencil-case pencil-cases 文具12. classroom classrooms 教室13. blackboard blackboards 黑板14. chalk 粉笔15. table tables桌子16. desk desks 课桌17. computer computers电脑18. playground 操13. chick chicks 小鸡14. sheep sheep 绵羊15. goat goats 山羊16. fish fish鱼17. butterfly butterflies蝴蝶18. dragonfly dragonflies 蜻蜓19. fly flies 苍蝇20. whale whales鲸鱼21. shark sharks鲨鱼22. dolphin dolphins 海豚23. hippo hippos河马24. frog frogs青蛙25. elephant elephants大象26. duck ducks 鸭子27. horse horses马28. pig pigs 猪29. monkey monkeys猴子30. spider spiders 蜘蛛31. kangaroo kangaroos 袋鼠32. parrot parrots 鹦鹉33. bat bats 蝙蝠 Colors 颜色1. brown 棕色2. yellow 黄色3. orange 橙色4. green 绿色6. purple 紫色7. gray 灰色9. red 红色10. white 白色11. blue 蓝色12. indigo 青紫色13. violet 紫罗兰14. black 黑色 Vehicles 交通工具1. car cars汽车2. van vans 货车3. bike bikes自行车4. helicopter helicopters直升飞机5. train trains火车Family 家庭1. father 爸爸2. mother 妈妈3. sister 姐姐、妹妹4. brother 哥哥、弟弟5. son 儿子6. daughter 女儿7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑8. uncle 叔、伯9. nephew 侄子10. niece 侄女11. cousin 堂兄妹12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆Preposition 介词1. on 在…上面2. in 在…里面3. under 在…下面4. over 垂直上方5. above 在上方6. next to 在旁边7. between 在…之间8. behind 在后面9. in front of 在…的前面 6. plane planes 飞机 7. taxi / cab 出租车 8. bus buses公共汽车


幼儿启蒙英语单词大全(含音标) 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(幼儿启蒙英语单词大全(含音标))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为幼儿启蒙英语单词大全(含音标)的全部内容。

幼儿启蒙英语单词大全(含音标) 目录 一、幼儿英语水果名称(fruit水果) (3) 二、颜色的英语(colours颜色) (3) 三、身体英语名称(body身体) (3) 四、动物英语名称(animals动物) (4) 五、人物英语名称(people人物) (5) 六、食品、饮料(food&drink) (5) 七、蔬菜英语名称(vegetables) (6) 八、衣服英语名称(clothes) (6) 九、交通工具英语名称(vehicles) (7) 十、植物英语名称(plants) (7) 十一、气象英语名称(weather) (7) 十二、地点英语名称(locations) (7) 十三、职业英语名称(jobs职业) (8) 十四、景物英语名称(nature) (8) 十五、星期英语名称(week) (9) 十六、月份英语名称(months) (9) 十七、数字(number) (9) 十八、情绪(emotion) (10)

一、 幼儿英语水果名称(fruit 水果) apple 苹果[ˈæp əl] banana 香蕉[b əˈn æn ə] pear 梨[per ] orange 橙子[ˈɔ:r ɪnd ʒ] Watermelon 西瓜[ˈw ɔ:t ərmel ən ] grape 葡萄[ɡrep] peach 桃[pit ʃ] strawberry 草莓[ˈstr ɔ:beri] betelnut 槟榔[’bi :tl ˌn ʌt ] carambola 杨桃[ˌk ær əm’bo ʊl ə] cherry 樱桃[ˈt ʃɛri] chestnut 栗子[ˈt ʃɛs ˌn ʌt ] coconut 椰子[ˈko ʊk ən ʌt ] cumquat 金桔['k ʌm ˌkw ɒt] durian 榴莲[ˈd ʊri ən ] filbert 榛子[ˈf ɪlb ərt ] grape 葡萄[ɡrep ] guava 番石榴[ˈɡwɑv ə] haw 山楂[h ɔ] Hami melon 哈蜜瓜[ˈm ɛl ən] Juicypeach 水蜜桃[ˈd ʒusi pit ʃ] kiwifruit 猕猴桃[k ɪw ɪf’ru :t] lemon 柠檬[ˈl ɛm ən ] lichee 荔枝[ˌla ɪ’t ʃi:] longan 龙眼[’l ɒŋg ən ] loquat 枇杷[ˈlo ʊkw ɑ:t] mango 芒果[ˈm æŋgo ʊ] nectarine 油桃[ˌn ɛkt əˈrin] olive 橄榄[ˈɑ:l ɪv ] Pawpaw 木瓜[ˈp ɔp ɔ] persimmon 柿子[p ər ˈs ɪm ən ] pineapple 凤梨[ˈpa ɪn ˌæp əl] pomelo 柚子[ˈp ɑ:m əlo ʊ] plum 梅子[pl ʌm ] sapodilla 人参果[ˌs æp əˈd ɪl ə] 二、 颜色的英语(colours 颜色) red 红[r ɛd] blue 蓝[blu] yellow 黄[ˈjelo ʊ] green 绿[ɡrin] white 白[wa ɪt ] black 黑[bl æk] pink 粉红[p ɪŋk ] purple 紫[ˈp ɜ:rpl ] orange 橙[ˈɔ:r ɪnd ʒ] brown 棕[bra ʊn ] 三、 身体英语名称(body 身体) hair 头发[her ] head 头[h ɛd] eye 眼睛[a ɪ] face 脸[fes] neck 脖子[n ɛk ] arm 手臂[ɑ:rm]


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Unit1 Hello * 认识Star family成员: Simon, Stella, Suzy, Mrs. Star, Mr. Star, Maskman, Marie, Monty, 数字:one, two, three, four, five, six 一二三四五六 seven, eight, nine, ten, 七八九十 Colour:red, 红yellow, 黄pink, 粉green, 绿orange, 橙purple, 紫blue蓝rainbow, 彩虹Sentences:重点句子:〔对话要求学生听懂并回答即可〕A: What’s your name?你叫什么名字?B: I am Meera. 我叫Meera. A: How old areyou?你几岁了?B: I am 7. 我7岁. A: what color is it?这是什么颜色?B: It’s red. 红色. *补充语言:stand up, 起立sit down,请坐 close the door, 关门Open the door开门 Sing the song Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow to you. Unit2 My school words单词:school,学校table, 桌子book, 书 chair, 椅子pen, 钢笔pencil, 铅笔bag, 书包 he, 他she, 她friend, 朋友boy, 男孩girl女孩 女孩三个朋友的名字:Lenny, Alex,Meera 重点句子:<对话要求学生能够听懂并回答即可.> A: How are you? 你好吗? B:Fine, thank you, 好, 谢谢 . A:Is it a blue pencil? < > 1 / 12


动物英语词汇大全 动物英语词汇大全 动物英语词汇大全 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】 动物英语词汇大全 Tiger老虎 Giraffe长颈鹿 Lion狮子 Deer鹿 Leopard豹 Monkey猴子 Elephant大象 Chimpanzees黑猩猩 Horse马 Bear熊 Donkey驴 Kangaroo袋鼠 Ox牛

动物英语词汇大全Hedgehog刺猬 Sheep绵羊 Rhinoceros犀牛 Dog狗 Camel骆驼 Cat猫 Hippopotamus河马 Pig猪 Crocodile鳄鱼 Chicken鸡肉 Snake蛇 Rabbit兔子 Frog青蛙 Duck鸭子 Tortoise乌龟 Goose鹅 Fox狐狸

动物英语词汇大全Panda熊猫 Squirrel松鼠 Zebra斑马 Mouse老鼠 Wolf狼 Peacock(雄)孔雀 Owl猫头鹰 Sparrow麻雀TocotoucanMissma这个字典里没有shrimp虾 Dragofly蜻蜓 Fly苍蝇;飞虫 Cicada蝉 Mantis螳螂 Cricket蟋蟀 Pigeon鸽子 Crane鹤 Penguin企鹅 Ostrich鸵鸟

动物英语词汇大全Crab蟹 Ant蚂蚁 Bee蜜蜂 Ladybird雌鸟 Parrot鹦鹉 Swan天鹅 Eagle鹰 Fish鱼 Butterfly蝴蝶 Mosquito蚊子 adder,viper蝰蛇 albatross信天翁 alligator短吻鳄,美洲鳄alpaca羊驼 anchovy凤尾鱼 anglerfish安康鱼 anopheles按蚊,疟蚊 ant蚂蚁
