

A Brief Introduction to Edward Albee

Edward Franklin Albee III was born on March 12, 1928. According to Magill's Survey of American Literature (2007), Edward Albee was born somewhere in Virginia (the popular belief is that he was born in Washington, D.C.). He was adopted two weeks later and taken to Larchmont, New York in Westchester County, where he grew up. Albee's adoptive father, Reed A. Albee, the wealthy son of vaudeville magnate Edward Franklin Albee II, owned several theaters. Here the young Edward first gained familiarity with the theatre as a child.

Edward Albee is the most important contemporary American playwright of the "absurd". His plays on the absurdity of human life built very much on a frail illusion and spiritual emptiness. Albee's major success is Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - a three act play about a night of drunken verbal conflict between a middle-aged professor and his wife, in which a state of compassion is finally achieved after the" death" of their imaginary child. Albee's other important plays include The Zoo Story, The American Dream, and Tiny Alice. The American Dream expressed disenchantment with American middle-class values through the description of the appalling relationship of a family members. Tiny Alice is the story of a rich woman who seduces a Catholic lay brother into marriage and then murders him.

An Analysis of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf

From the Post-modernist Perspective

Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" is one of the most important plays in the history of American Drama, representing a sort of merging of the psychological drama represented by Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller with the existential plays of Samuel Becket and Eugene Ionesco. This play has one of the strongest, most powerful screenplays ever. Primarily, the story is about George and Martha--a dysfunctional married couple in a university town. They spend their days fighting and retreating, sparring constantly, playing games of one-ups-manship. It is an absolutely chilling, grotesque portrait of codependency. One fateful evening a younger couple join them for some "entertainment", little suspecting that they will be drawn into an intense night where they are alternately challenged and used as pawns in George and Martha's struggle. This is not for the squeamish viewer. Even though the book was written 50 years ago, readers will be shocked and surprised about how far George and Martha was willing to go for victory. It is an absolute verbal bloodbath--fast, cruel, uncompromising, adult.

Before having an analysis of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf from the post-modernist perspective. It’s necessary for us to have a general knowledge of post-modernist and its characteristics.

Postmodernism is a term describing large-scale changes in intellectual thought, cultural production, and global societies beginning in

the mid 20th century. Postmodernist thought has had large implications in philosophy, art, critical theory, literature, architecture, history, and culture. The term has been stretched over many different debates, and many would argue that any single cohesive definition is impossible. However, most definitions of the term are undoubtedly related and a basic summary is possible.

Postmodernist scholars tend to emphasize the cultural contingency or relativity of different forms of intellectual production, claiming that there is no way for human beings to communicate in a language completely emptied of myth, metaphor, or cultural bias. Thus postmodernists portray all communication and analysis as inherently politicized and criticize those who attempt "pure," "objective," or "disinterested" intellectual endeavours. Postmodernist artworks in various displines tend to recognize the inherently politicized nature of communication, calling attention to the ideological underpinnings of their own representations through a lot of representational play and irony. Postmodernist scholarship and artworks, although often meant for a small audience, are frequently understood as merely one reflection of the larger collective culture of postmodernity. Scholars argue that the postmodern era (or "postmodernity") is characterized by a culturally pluralistic and profoundly interconnected global society lacking any single dominant center of political power, communication, or intellectual production. Other scholars understand

postmodernism as a product of late capitalism, arguing that the economic and technological conditions of our age have given rise to a media dominated society in which there are only intereferential representations with no real original referent. For these scholars postmodernisms emphasis on the lack of any stable or objective referent for communication is often a profoundly negative historical development.

In literature, postmodernism didn’t related to how to get success any more. Instead, it concerned about how to spend money and how to be enjoyable. Working management rules emphasized thrift but cultural seeking bizarre novelty; And he rules of decency during the day controdicted with the thought of seeking debauchery at night. These formed cultural contradictions of Capitalism. The very important word in postmodernism literature is "absurd". It often write something seems impossible, crazy or absurd. However, if you think over it, you may find yourself in it for it write about the psychologic phenomena or problem about the general people.

In the book Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf , the author presented us two couples. It’s about marial warfare between George and Martha. The book has the obvious characteristic of postmodernism—absurd. By the author, the couple was dysfunctional, so they have no child, but they wanted a child so much that they “created”a child of them—in imagination. It seems absurd for us. However, if you think ir over, you will find it

reasonable. This theory is easy to be proud true: when one can’t get something, he often find an excuse or pretend to have it in his imagination. We call it self—comforting. In china, the great auther Lunxun had give us a good example of this kind of person, that is Ah Q. The spirit of AhQ is a good explaination of self—comforting . Later, the couple quarreled fiercely for they suspected each other. This is normal because when one “has” the thing he actually doesn’t have, he will feel uneasy and don’t believe himself and the others. Because he is afraid of losing the thing he “possess”. That is a kind of self—protect. At last, the book is ended with the “death” of their imaginary son. That means they are back to the reality.


A Absolutely integrable 绝对可积Absolutely integrable impulse response 绝对可积冲激响应Absolutely summable 绝对可和Absolutely summable impulse response 绝对可和冲激响应Accumulator 累加器 Acoustic 声学 Adder 加法器 Additivity property 可加性 Aliasing 混叠现象 All-pass systems 全通系统 AM (Amplitude modulation ) 幅度调制 Amplifier 放大器 Amplitude modulation (AM) 幅度调制Amplitude-scaling factor 幅度放大因子Analog-to-digital (A-to-D) converter 模数转换器Analysis equation 分析公式(方程)Angel (phase) of complex number 复数的角度(相位)Angle criterion 角判据 Angle modulation 角度调制Anticausality 反因果

Aperiodic 非周期 Aperiodic convolution 非周期卷积Aperiodic signal 非周期信号Asynchronous 异步的 Audio systems 音频(声音)系统Autocorrelation functions 自相关函数Automobile suspension system 汽车减震系统Averaging system 平滑系统 B Band-limited 带(宽)限的 Band-limited input signals 带限输入信号 Band-limited interpolation 带限内插 Bandpass filters 带通滤波器Bandpass signal 带通信号 Bandpass-sampling techniques 带通采样技术Bandwidth 带宽 Bartlett (triangular) window 巴特利特(三角形)窗Bilateral Laplace transform 双边拉普拉斯变换Bilinear 双线性的 Bilinear transformation 双线性变换 Bit (二进制)位,比特


英语课堂教学论文 巧用信息技术,提升英语课堂教学质量 【摘要】信息技术以其直观、立体、形象的特性被广泛应用于各学科领域。信息技术的有效运用给初中英语课堂教学注入了新的生机和活力,极大地丰富了课堂教学形式,优化了教学过程,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力,从而有效地提升了课堂教学质量。 【关键词】信息技术有效利用英语课堂教学学生语言能力 信息技术的广泛应用,带来了教师素质、教学方式、教学过程、教育资源等许多变化。《新英语课程标准》提出:要积极利用网络信息技术等丰富的教学资源,拓展学习和运用英语渠道。随着信息时代的到来,英语课堂教学需要注入更多的新元素,创设良好的英语学习氛围,使之焕发生命的活力,提高教学质量,从而培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 一、信息技术辅助教学的重要性和必要性。

语言能力的学习需要以下几个环节:听、说、读、写和译。而每个环节的语言学习都需要借助一定的语境,创设一定的情景。信息技术的应用能有效地将抽象的知识形象化、具体化,从而突出重点、淡化难点,易于学生掌握。且动静结合的特点,能充分再现语言情景,并将知识诉诸画面,达到声、画交融。使英语教学内容更具体、更生动,创设适当的语景,激发学生的学习热情,使学生能轻松愉快的获取英语知识、发展能力。 在英语课堂教学中应用现代信息技术很重要也很必要。英语课堂教学中,充分利用现代信息技术的直观形式,有效传递大量信息,综合训练各项语言技能,从而优化英语课堂教学,增大课堂容量,提高课堂教学效率。在英语教学中应用信息技术辅助教学,我们可以充分利用多媒体的图、文、声与一体的特点进行视、听、说全方位的训练,可以起到事半功倍的教学效果。 二、有效运用信息技术,提高英语课堂教学效率 信息技术的图像、影片、音乐等直观性、趣味性原理,有利于培养学生的英语学习兴趣;丰富的英语资源也有利于拓展学生的学习途径。英语教师应重视利用信息技术在英语课堂教学中的运用,创设更多英语情


信号与系统课程设计报告 实验题目:信号的运算与处理 内容简介: 设计一个信号,对其进行信号运算和处理,利用Matlab仿真。 课设方式: 利用电子技术、电路理论和信号与系统的知识学习验证信号的运算和处理,如延时、相加、微分、抽样等。自已设计信号及运算方式,并利用Matlab仿真。 分析计算结果。 课程设计要求: 独立完成; 完成信号设计(任意信号均可)及其某种运算(任意运算均可,也可多做几种,或做组合运算)的验证; 学会利用Matlab仿真;提交课程设计报告。 例如: 设计一个信号为f(t)=3sin2t 对其做微分运算得到f/(t) , 用MATLAB 编程实现计算过程,画出f(t)和f/(t)

本次课程设计本人选的信号运算是: 设计一个信号为y1=y(x)=sin2x,对其作微分运算得到dy1,用MATLAB对其实现运算过程,后画出y1,dy1,y1+dy1的图像 实验步骤(操作过程) 1、 首先打开MATLAB软件,在其命令窗口直接输入以下程序,对y(x)进 行微分运算。得到dy1 clear >> syms x y1; >> y1=sin(2*x); >> dy1=diff(y1,'x') dy1 =2*cos(2*x) 运算过程如下图所示: 2、 接着便是对其进行验证,点击fire,新建一个文件,输入以下程序(绘制出y1=sin2x, dy1=2cos2x, 以及y1+ dy1=sin2x+2cos2x。的波形)

3、保存文件,后缀名为.m,随后按F5执行输出输出图形。实验结果如下图所示 、

结果分析 如图所示绿色波形为y1=sin2x,蓝色为dy1=2cos2x,红色波形为y1+dy1。仿真结果与运算结果一致。 实验心得体会(调试过程) 总的来说,这次课程设计难度并不是太高,而我选取的正玄信号也是较为简单常用的一种函数,对其进行微分运算之后,得到了余弦函数,其仿真结果波形也如上所示,与预期一致。在设计过程中,还是出现了几个小问题的,一个是变量的定义,之前没有定义x,直接取范围结果出错了,还有一个是注意各种函数的调用以及运算格式,还是希望能在之后再接再厉,掌握好matlab软件!(附上调试过程图片) 左边为文件、历史窗口,底下是命令窗口,最右下角为实验仿真波形,中间为运算程序,绘图画图程序。


从现代主义到后现代主义艺术精神 “变化是生活的法则,现实是永远否定历史的。”西方艺术在漫长的发展过程中,包括各个时 期的艺术思想和流派往往也是按照“否定之否定”的规律运转着。从文艺复兴之后17世纪的巴 洛克到18世纪的洛可可以及古典风,继而到19世纪的自然主义、浪漫主义、写实主义、印 象主义,再到现代主义、后现代主义,不难看出西方艺术在不断否定自我,同时也在发展自我。尤其从近代的现代主义到后现代主义的精神衍变,反映了人类对艺术的一种新的精神心 理结构,使我们产生了对艺术新的思考。 一、现代主义艺术的精神和特征 西方艺术早在古希腊和文艺复兴时期就构建起了以客观、写实为特征的审美艺术精神。但是 这种精神在19世纪70年代已经走到了尽头。西方资本主义的科技和生产力的充分发展,随 之而来是社会矛盾的加剧,以及社会的剧烈变动,加之社会思潮的激烈动荡,必然深刻影响 人们的精神世界,当然也引起了艺术语言的变化。在艺术领域,人们对传统形式的厌倦,以 及审美情趣和审美格调的变化,都在不断冲击着古典传统和写实主义。客观写实的艺术风格 终于在印象派这里终于演奏完了最后一个音符。印象主义画家塞尚被称为“现代艺术之”,现 代艺术史就是从他开始写起的,然而这位老实巴交、不善言辞的法国人所发动的只是一场画 布内的革命,他要批判的对象是西方传统绘画的写实主义。从后印象主义开始,具有主观和 写意的艺术精神得到大大的发展。现代主义就是在这种强调个体和艺术自主的时代应运而生的。 现代西方开放式的文化策略,诸如生活方式、宗教、哲学等在传统精神领域的破坏,都在艺 术领域得到了深刻的体现。现代主义的精神主要体现在以下几个方面:第一、注重形式与风格。对以前的写实主义而言内容或题材至为重要,而到了现代内容或题材被忽略了,形式和 风格突显出来,艺术家的创作语言得到了解放。例如达达主义杜尚的创作艺术就极富有革命性,他是一个彻底的思想家。杜尚告诉世人,当艺术家不必画画,不必做雕塑,因为世界和 生活本身就是艺术,观念比作品更重要,艺术终究还存在一种过程和行为。第二、具象转向 抽象。古典主义的艺术基石就是模仿的审美原则,解剖与透视的科学方法更使得这种“模仿” 发挥的淋漓尽致。然而,在现代西方艺术中,这种空间关系的客观性和真实性成为了被批判 的对象。抽象被人们认为是极富表现力的艺术形式,艺术家们通过一步步将客观物象分解、 重构、简化和抽象化,创造出了一种独立于客观自然的抽象主义艺术。加之对旧有空间形式 的破坏,立体主义的毕加索就是典型的代表。第三、表现比再现更重要。古典艺术追求的是 一种客观的外在美,而现代艺术则截然不同,它是与个人的主体性密切相关的,更钟情于个 人的感受。例如凡高内心世界的痛苦体验,以及蒙克等表现主义艺术家对社会危机的回应, 都表现在其绘画作品中。第四、创造高于审美。“美的失落”是现代西方艺术的一个重要问题,艺术家们在不断寻找着美的异点,他们在不断的否定这美也在创造着美。正是通过否认在那 里能找到美这样的问题,去寻找美的答案,也正是这种艺术无关审美的看法,使人们看到了 艺术的本质在于新奇与创新,艺术体系是不断革命的体系。艺术领域的不断创造也就意味这 对历史的不断否定,按照欧文•豪的观点要为现代主义下个定义,必须用否定性的术语,把它当作一个“包蕴一切的否定词”。无论是形式语言、表现主题、还是审美功能,现代


英语教学论文英语教师论文 浅谈如何在英语教学中转化学困生 学生初学英语感到新奇、有趣。但随着教学内容的增多,难度的加大,一部分学生在听、说、读、写方面出现掉队现象。久而久之,这类学生单词记不下,课文看不懂,上课不愿听,有的甚至放弃了英语学习,成为了学困生。然而,教师授课是面向全体学生,而学困生对学习无丝毫兴趣,还产生逆反、厌学心理,害怕记背单词,上课注意力不集中,不记笔记,教拼读音标却不看音标,不会拼读单词,不愿写作文。面对这些现象,那么英语教师该如何分析这些现象产生的原因?又该如何制订出相对应的策略来转化学困生呢? 下面就以上现象谈谈我的看法。 一、学生产生逆反、厌学心理的原因及对策 学生对新事物有很浓的兴趣,可是一旦在学习上不认真,就会逐渐听不懂,就会对课程失去兴趣,对自己失去信心。学习的积极性也就逐渐消逝,就会产生一种厌倦心理,不愿意再继续学习,产生厌学情绪。 针对学生的这种逆反、厌学心理,教师应从以下几方面来引导学生培养兴趣,建立自信。 (一)了解学困生的心理,善待他们,建立师生感情,激发学困生的学习动力,多发现学生的闪光点。

(二)教师不断改进教学方法,做到常教常新。 将自学辅导法,启发式和直观教学等方法交替使用。根据不同的课文内容,不同的情景,设计丰富多彩、生动活泼的教学方法,经常给学生换口味。这样,学生就会被教师灵活有趣的教学方式吸引,把精力全部集中在课堂上。 (三)开展一系列的第二课堂活动。 在听说方面,可以开设以下教学活动:英语故事会,英语报告会,英语演讲比赛。 在读写方面,组织学生出英语墙报,黑板报英语专辑,开展英语单词、短语默写比赛以及指导学生看图作文。 在培养能力方面,组织学生自编英语报,开展生动、有趣的英语游戏,排演英语文娱节目。从而,开阔学生的视野,让学生在活泼有趣的氛围中猎取知识,使学生学习英语的兴趣更浓。兴趣的培养对转化学困生尤其重要,实践证明学生的兴趣激发到最佳状态,以愉快的情绪自觉地投入到有趣的英语学习中去,必然会取得事半功倍的效果。 二、害怕记背英文单词的原因及对策 不认识音标,没有掌握字母拼写和读音的之间的拼读规则。如:sea、tea。字母ea的组合,发[i:]的音。let、set、辅音字母之间的e,发[e]的音。这就是学生不会读,背不下英语单词的原因。

信号与系统论文+傅里叶变换的分析 (2)

信号变换与处理 论文 ——单边拉普拉斯变换与傅里叶变换关系 专业:电气工程与自动化系 姓名:刘俊鹏 学号:B11040416

对信号单边拉普拉斯变换与傅里叶变换关系的探讨 On Relationship between Single Side LaplaceTransformation and Fourier Transformation 摘要: 在传统的信号与系统理论中,单边拉氏变换和傅氏变换关系存在瑕疵。文中给出的单边拉氏变换和傅氏变换关系的理论克服了传统理论的瑕疵。 Abstract: In traditional theory of signal and system,the relationship between single side Laplace transformation and Fouriertransform ation exists faults.The theory from this paper overcomes these faults. 关键词:拉普拉斯变换;傅里叶变换;单极点;重极点 Key words:La place tran sform ation;Fourier transform ation;simple pole;heavy pole 引言: 设 f(t)为有始信号,则 (S)的单边拉氏变换凡与f(t)的傅氏变换()之间有一定联系。这种联系依据f(t)的拉氏变换(S)的收敛横坐标的值不同而分成三种情况: (1)>0,拉氏变换存在而傅氏变换不存在; (2)<0,(S)=(); (3) =0,(S)≠(),但(S)与()都存在,且有一定的关系。传统的理论


《信号与系统》专业术语中英文对照表第 1 章绪论 信号(signal) 系统(system) 电压(voltage) 电流(current) 信息(information) 电路(circuit) 网络(network) 确定性信号(determinate signal) 随机信号(random signal) 一维信号(one–dimensional signal) 多维信号(multi–dimensional signal) 连续时间信号(continuous time signal) 离散时间信号(discrete time signal) 取样信号(sampling signal) 数字信号(digital signal) 周期信号(periodic signal) 非周期信号(nonperiodic(aperiodic)signal) 能量(energy) 功率(power) 能量信号(energy signal) 功率信号(power signal) 平均功率(average power) 平均能量(average energy) 指数信号(exponential signal) 时间常数(time constant) 正弦信号(sine signal) 余弦信号(cosine signal) 振幅(amplitude) 角频率(angular frequency) 初相位(initial phase) 周期(period) 频率(frequency) 欧拉公式(Euler’s formula) 复指数信号(complex exponential signal) 复频率(complex frequency) 实部(real part) 虚部(imaginary part) 抽样函数Sa(t)(sampling(Sa)function) 偶函数(even function) 奇异函数(singularity function)


Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American writer. Though he has few works, every of his works can move people and gain praise. Because of his experience during childhood, he always uses the war of Afghanistan as the background of his novels. And he is good at giving a symbolic meaning to an objective thing to express profound meanings. If we want to understand his novels deeply, it is essential for us to make a thorough research on the symbols and images in his works. The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel which makes known for us. It also is the first English novel written by an Afghan writer. In this novel, Hosseini use many images to express indictment of the war and revelation of racial and religious issues. More importantly, this novel reflects the human nature and the salvation of humanity, especially the handling of the image of the kite. After reading this novel, the author of the paper develops a deep interest in The Kite Runner. What strikes the author most is the symbolism in this novel. Therefore, the author is going to make a thorough research on the symbolism in The Kite Runner.


关于英语教学的论文汇总四篇 下面是 范文一 岁月寥寥,转眼又到了岁末,期末考试也已临近。面对考试,大多数学生都会手忙脚乱,对于应考更是毫无头绪。尤其是处于中小学过渡期的七年级学生,第一次参加中学的全县统考,虽有信心,但还是有些慌乱,因为要复习的科目多,内容杂,要求高,复习的时间又有限,有的甚至不知从何入手。复习,是我们巩固知识的重要环节,是减慢知识阶段遗忘的有效手段,是学生自信走进考场的重要保证。所以,要做好英语复习,仅靠”汗水+时间”是不够的,复习必须讲究效率。为提高复习的针对性和有效性,我觉得要指导学生做到以下几点: 第一,明确复习目标,避免平均用力。复习目标要明确,重点突出,统筹兼顾,疏而不漏,分段集中,环环相扣。要指导学生对复习内容进行分类,哪些内容已经掌握,点到为止,哪些内容还一知半解,还需多下功夫,对不会的要认真从头学,对已会的和要会的要做到心中有数。 第二,夯实基础知识,熟练基本技能。基础知识是培养基本技能的载体,而掌握基本技能又是学习基础知识的目的和归宿。因此,在复习过程中,可以指导学生复习教材抓词句,单项复习抓语法,阅读写作不放松。要善于在听、说、读、写等技能的训练中巩固所学的语言知识。如:复习单词和重点句子时,不妨把听力、口语练习结合

起来;复习句式时,要尽可能回顾教材中单词出现的语境,并仿造句子。还要要求学生掌握一定的听、说、读、写的技巧,并找相关的材料,做到有针对性的练习。 第三,变换复习方式,保持复习热情。在复习过程中,可以让学生用利于自己的方式复习,有些同学要么读写,要么做题。以外,还可以建议学生尝试其它的复习方式,如画单元知识树,可以相互讨论和抢答,同桌之间相互问答,小组内展开比赛、睡前小结和反思等。这样学生不仅不会产生复习疲劳,厌倦复习课,还会在一定程度上增强学生的复习兴趣,最终达到事半功倍的效果。 第四,重温作业考卷,做实查漏补缺。阅读作业和考卷,进行全方位的总结和反思,好的方面继续发扬,不当之处要及时制定补救措施,尤其要仔细阅读错题集,对易错题要特别关注,再次敲响知识警钟,避免类似的错误重犯,这样才会在不断改善的过程中稳步前进。 第五,间插综合训练,以考代练。练习是复习过程的重要内容,只有通过练习才能进一步巩固深化所学知识,否则,复习的质量就会受影响。要根据复习时间和复习内容,间插做几套模拟试题,了解考试的命题思路,熟悉各种题型的特点,帮助学生找出自己知识、技能的缺漏,以便及时进行查漏补缺,同时可以强化阅读和写作。 第六,做好心理调节,轻松备考。对于自感压力太大的同学要耐心地给他的心理“减负”,使其能在平静宽松的氛围中进行有序的复习,较好地完成学习任务;对于没有任何心理压力,还没进入复习状态的同学给予一定的压力,使其在压力之下也能较好地投入到紧张


成绩评定表 课程设计任务书

摘要 本文研究的是傅里叶变换的对称性和时移特性,傅里叶变换的性质有:对称性、线性(叠加性)、奇偶虚实性、尺度变换特性、时移特性、频移特性、微分特性、积分特性、卷积特性(时域和频域);从信号与系统的角度出发,给出了激励信号的具体模型;应用Matlab软件进行仿真,将研究的信号转化成具体的函数形式,在Matlab得到最终变换结果。使用傅里叶变换的方法、卷积的求解方法以及函数的微分等方法研究题目。 关键词: 傅里叶变换;对称性;时移特性;Matlab 目录 1、Matlab介绍................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.利用Matlab实现信号的频域分析—傅里叶变换的对称性与时移特性设计 (5) 2.1.傅里叶变换的定义及其相关性质 (5) 2.2.傅里叶变换的对称性验证编程设计及实现 (7) 2.3.傅里叶变换的时移特性验证编程设计及实现 (10) 3.总结 (13) 4.参考文献 (13) 1 、Matlab介绍 MATLAB作为一种功能强大的工程软件,其重要功能包括数值处理、程序设计、可视化显示、图形用户界面和与外部软件的融合应用等方面。 MATLAB软件由美国Math Works公司于1984年推出,经过不断的发展和完善,如今己成为覆盖多个学科的国际公认的最优秀的数值计算仿真软件。MATLAB具备强大的数值计算能力,许多复杂的计算问题只需短短几行代码就可在MATLAB中实现。作为一个跨平台的软件,MATLAB已推出Unix、Windows、Linux和Mac等十多种操作系统下的版本,大大方便了在不同操作系统平台下的研究工作。 MATLAB软件具有很强的开放性和适应性。在保持内核不变的情况下,MATLAB可以针对不同的应用学科推出相应的工具箱(toolbox),目前己经推出了


882篇英语教学论文题目参考 英语初学者可能遇到的学习障碍的分析及对策 在教学中发挥学生的主体作用 英语教学中的交际性原则 新课程理念下初中英语课堂教学中合作学习的运用 高中英语教学中学生主体能动性的发挥 初中英语课文阅读教学策略探讨 连动式、兼语式的汉英比较 新教材新特点引发新思考新探索 英语非谓语动词的表层结构与深层意义 高中英语问题式教学初探 三段式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用 英语教学“课堂导入”的原则和方法 参与、合作、探究的英语教学模式 浅谈中学英语兴趣教学 构建基于信息技术的多维互动的思想品德课教学体系 初中英语教学中自主与合作学习方式的结合应用 词汇法教学在英语教学实践中的应用 高中学生英语会话能力薄弱的原因及解决办法 在外语教学中培养为交际而运用英语的能力 英语教学要体现人文关怀 练习在英语课堂教学中的运用 浅谈英语教学中对学生主体意识的开掘 中学初级阶段英语教学浅谈 英语探究性课堂教学法例谈 浅谈提高英语听力教学的方法 英语教师应把握学生作为学习主体的相关因素 初中英语口试的紧迫性和可行性研究 浅谈中小学生英语学习与心理素质的关系 浅谈高中英语如何运用启发式教学激发学生积极思维 浅谈如何培养中学生英语的兴趣 构建适合学生的教学模式发展学生综合运用语言的能力中学生英语听力障碍及克服方法初探 英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈 关于英语后阶段复习冲刺的学习策略与建议 英语课堂创设教学活动情境的途径 注意英语学习策略培训提高学生自主学习能力 如何在英语教学中培养学生良好的语感 注重方法培养能力提高质量——谈高中英语的复习 试谈思政课中案例与活动教学的有效整合 中学英语教学与“学困生”心理素质教育 语境设置与中学英语教学 外语教学中如何使用语言实验室

追风筝的人 论文 英文

For You a Thousand Times over ——The Kite Runner ABSTRACT: The Kite Runner is a moving story and a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on. For a long time, it makes the books we read lost their color. Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before, we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces. We may feel guilty and miserable for what we have done. But there is no use to cry over spilt milk. What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir, to atone for ourselves. Key words: love, fear, guilty, atonement This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention successfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and family value fascinated me. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved. Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for A mir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who love you so much could challenge themselves to do what Hassan did to Amir. To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly “Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir. If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit (even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir did not deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to


882篇英语教学论文题目参考 在教学中发挥学生的主体作用 英语教学中的交际性原则 新课程理念下初中英语课堂教学中合作学习的运用 高中英语教学中学生主体能动性的发挥 初中英语课文阅读教学策略探讨 连动式、兼语式的汉英比较 新教材新特点引发新思考新探索 英语非谓语动词的表层结构与深层意义 高中英语问题式教学初探 三段式在中学英语阅读教学中的运用 英语教学“课堂导入”的原则和方法 参与、合作、探究的英语教学模式 浅谈中学英语兴趣教学 构建基于信息技术的多维互动的思想品德课教学体系 初中英语教学中自主与合作学习方式的结合应用 词汇法教学在英语教学实践中的应用 高中学生英语会话能力薄弱的原因及解决办法 在外语教学中培养为交际而运用英语的能力 英语教学要体现人文关怀 练习在英语课堂教学中的运用 浅谈英语教学中对学生主体意识的开掘 中学初级阶段英语教学浅谈 英语探究性课堂教学法例谈 浅谈提高英语听力教学的方法 英语教师应把握学生作为学习主体的相关因素 初中英语口试的紧迫性和可行性研究 浅谈中小学生英语学习与心理素质的关系 浅谈高中英语如何运用启发式教学激发学生积极思维 浅谈如何培养中学生英语的兴趣 构建适合学生的教学模式发展学生综合运用语言的能力中学生英语听力障碍及克服方法初探 英语教学中课堂气氛与教学效果浅谈 关于英语后阶段复习冲刺的学习策略与建议 英语课堂创设教学活动情境的途径 注意英语学习策略培训提高学生自主学习能力 如何在英语教学中培养学生良好的语感 注重方法培养能力提高质量——谈高中英语的复习 试谈思政课中案例与活动教学的有效整合 中学英语教学与“学困生”心理素质教育 语境设置与中学英语教学 外语教学中如何使用语言实验室


安徽大学 本科生课程结业考试课程名称:信号与系统 开课单位:电子信息工程学院 学生姓名:缪远杰 学生学号: 学生专业:物联网工程 开课时间:二○一六至二○一七学年第二学期

MATLAB实现连续系统的时域分析 摘要:信号与系统课程分析的基本任务是在给定系统的输入的条件下,求解系统的输入响应。连续信号与系统的时域分析都在连续时间内进行,即所涉及的给类函数,均以连续时间t作为自变量的一种分析方法。生学习时也会觉得该课程抽象、复杂。MATLAB软件可以将抽象复杂的问题进行编程计算和仿真,并可以进行信号处理、图像处理、信号检测等功能。因此在学习的过程中利用MATLAB 处理《信号与系统》中的问题可以使复杂、抽象的问题形象化,在提高解题速度的同时还可以使学生将不同学科知识融合在一起,从而提高学生学习兴趣。本文通过利用matlab强大的计算与绘图能力实现信号与系统在时域分析中的一些实例:连续系统冲激响应的求解,连续系统零状态响应的求解和离散卷积和的计算来帮助自己更好的理解频域分析这一章节的内容。 关键字:时域分析,冲激响应和零状态响应,离散卷积和,matlab 一、MALTAB简介 MATLAB软件是由MathWorks公司于1982年推出的一套高性能的数值计算和可视化数学软件。今天,MATLAB己经成为相关专业大学生必须掌握的基本工具,在自动控制、数字信号处理、数字通信等领域发挥着强大的作用。 MATLAB的编程运算与人类进行科学计算的思路和表达方式完全一致,非常方便。MATLAB进行数值计算的基本单位是复数数组,这使得MATLAB高度“向量化”,数组维数是自动按照规则确定的,使用时不需定义数组的维数。还有矩阵函数和专门的库函数可供调用,在信号处理、系统建模与识别以及系统控制与优化等领域,其简捷高效性是其它语言不能比拟的。 二、连续系统冲激响应的求解 在时域中,可以用微分方程来表示连续时间LTI系统。通过求微分方程求解系统响应过程中,对零状态响应的求解很困难,容易出现错误。本文将《信号与系统》中的冲激响应利用MATLAB求解。 LTI连续系统可用线性常系数微分方程来描述: ∑a i n i=1y(i)(t)=∑b j m j=1 f(j)(t)


信号与系统英文专业词 signal and system 信号与系统 digital signal 数字信号 exponential 指数级数analog signal 模拟信号 generalized 广义级数 exponential signal 指数信号Fourier transform 傅立叶变换 sine signal 正弦信号 (DFT) discrete Fourier transform 离散傅立叶变换 cosine signal 余弦信号 angular frequency 角频率 region of convergence 收敛域 axis (Abscissa )of convergence 收敛轴(坐标) effective value 有效值 discontinous point 间断点(不连续点) rational fraction 有理分式 initial state 初始状态 linear system 线性系统 original state 起始状态 nonlinear system 非线性系统 time-shifting property 时移特性 time –invariant system 时不变系统 odd function 奇函数 time-varying system 时变系统 even function 偶数函 continuous-time system 连续时间系统 odd harmonic function 奇谐函数 discrete-time system 离散时间系统 singularity function 奇异函数 lumped-parameter system 集总参数系统


The Kite Runner I read this book in the winter holiday,and now I am going to read it again ,for the good book deserve several reading.Well,The Kite Runner move me so much,and it make me think a lot.In this esssay,I just talk about two of them. “For you,a thousand times over.”There is no double that friendship will be the first and the most important point. We are easily moved by Hassan’s loyalty to Amir,that’s because we are difficult to meet someone who is willing to devote to us for a thousand times over without any complain. The friendship in our real world is companyde with benefit ,which is very differenr from the friendship described in the novel. Althought I don’t think highly of the such unilaterally devotion ,I still appreciate Hassan’s dev otion and magnanimity to his good friend.The real friendship is what Hassan give to Amir:when you are happy,I may be here to share your happiness; when you need me,I must be in your side to help you; and when you hurt me ,I am easily to forgive you; and even though you leave me, I still keep you in my mind. It make me sad to see Amir’s unbravery and irresponsibility when his friend need him.Actually I tend to believe that Amir didn’t regar d Hassan as his friend but just a pleasant and loyal servant when I read the first half of the novel.But Amir can’t forget his hurt to Hassan,and try his hard to make up in the latter part of the book, which change his afterlife,and the fate of Hassan’s poor son.So I begin to understand Amir’s friendship to Hassan.If he think Hassan is unimportant,he will not take the embarrassed memory to heart,and will not come back to
