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Cylinder diesel engine running inside the combustion temperature reaches 1800 ℃to 2000℃,the instantaneous temperature up to 3000 ℃,and the high temperature gas components in contact with each other (such as cylinder head, piston, cylinder, valve, injector, etc.) by the strong heating,If not properly cooled,the engine will overheat,inflatable coefficient decreased,abnormal combustion,burning and exploding phenomenon occurred early,with the high temperature contact parts overheat,resulting in lower mechanical properties of materials, and severe heat stress,leading to deformation and crack In addition,the oil temperature is too high will cause deterioration,loss of coke burning and lubricating properties,destruction of oil film,part of the friction and wear increased,resulting in engine power,reliability,economy, durability,overall deterioration.

If the system's cooling capacity is too strong,oil is the fuel dilution (ie, cooling due to cylinder wall,combustible gas mixture in the cylinder wall,condensation and aggregation of erosion on the cylinder lubricating oil film,not by evaporation of the fuel flow to the sump cylinder wall,diluted oil), while deterioration of gas mixture formation and combustion,increasing efficiency of oil viscosity and friction,causing increased wear between parts,friction losses increase in gross engine work, while the heat through the cooling system is the fuel burn away the heat, generally about burning calories -30% to 20%,which is a loss,if the cooling is too strong, increase the heat loss will reduce the engine's economy.

So the engine cold or hot (ie, engine cooling is too strong or too weak) will be the engine of power,economy, adversely affect the reliability of work. Therefore,well-designed cooling system ensures the engine always work under the most suitable temperature,the engine has been high economic performance, dynamic performance,operational reliability indicators.Function of the cooling system is to make the engine in various operating conditions are maintained at the appropriate temperature range,cooling systems,it is necessary to prevent
