









例:How much is the shirt?



1.Why did the woman have to go home?

A.To get her check.

B.To get some cash.

C.To fetch her ID card.

2.What does the woman think of the shirt?

A.It feels soft. B.It's expensive.C.It's made of cotton.

3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A player.B.A match.C.A sport.

4.Where are the speakers going this evening?

A.To the gym.

B.To the beach.

C.To the cinema.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a party.

B.At a company.

C.At a department store.




6.How often will the girl attend African Music?

A.Once a week.

B.Twice a week.

C.Three times a week.

7.What else is the girl going to take this term?

A.Basic Spanish.

B.Business classes.

C.Spanish Composition.


8.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Call a doctor.

B.Take some medicine.

C.Go back home for a rest.

9.What will the man do next week?

A.Have a business trip.

B.Go back to Germany.

C.Give the woman a call.


10.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Friends.B.Hobbies.C.Jobs.11.What does Betty like doing?

A.Staying at home.

B.Going out to clubs.

C.Playing computer games.

12.How did the woman hear of the news?

A.Ian told her about it on Friday.

B.Betty told her about it by phone.

C.The man just told her about it.


13.Where are the speakers?

A.On the road. B.In a garage.C.In a shop.14.What probably is the woman?

A.A writer.B.A model.C.An actress.15.What does the man ask the woman to do in the end?

A.Give him her picture.

B.Write some words to his wife.

C.Fix the car and pay for the repair charge.

16.Whom does the damaged car belong to?

A.The man.B.The woman.C.The man's wife. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17.What is special about the band?

A.It is a jazz band.

B.It consists of marry elders.

C.It was set up a long time ago.

18.Who will pay for their dinner?

A.The man.B.The woman.C.Both of them.19.When will the speakers meet?

A.At 5:00 p.m. B.At 6:00 p.m.C.At 8:30 p.m. 20.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?





21.I can't believe that the housing prices should be ten times height of those in 1990s.

A.a;the B.the;a C.the;不填D.the;the

22.—Smoking in public areas is prohibited.

—Smoking is more dangerous to people around.

A.That's all right!B.I Can't agree more!

C.No way! D.For what?

23.—My deskmate has made his goal to go to Beijing University.

—N0 wonder he has been working so hard.

A.that B.him C.it D.this

24.In his opinion,the practice was completely ridiculous,it was welcomed by the students.

A.yet B.or C.and D.for

25.Tom is addicted to the computer games,his parents are worried about.

A.as B.where C.why D.which

26.Both China and the United States from their growing business ties over the past four decades.

A.had benefited B.benefit C.benefited D.have benefited 27.—I'd love to go to the party with you tonight.

—Oh,I'm sorry,there be a party.because of the coming exam.A.mustn't B.needn't C.can't D.oughtn't

28.The number of the foreign tourists to visit the US is expected to be more than 2 million by ,$14 billion to the US economy.

A.to contribute B.contributing

C.contributed D.to be contributing

29.The movie is full of .Children are not supposed to see it.

A.violence B.challenge C.adventure D.caution

30.We’re excited to learn the news China will send three astronauts into space between

June and August this year.

A.what B.which C.that D.as

31.If you can't your shyness,you'll never pass the interview.

A.take off B.get over C.break off D.give away

32.We are looking into the problem.You can offer any information to it.

A.similar B.relevant C.unique D.equal

33.一I lost my cell phone yesterday.Can you tell me I can buy one?

一Well, there is a department store just around the corner.

A.whether B.what C.where D.when

34.It's belief that parents have to spend nearly 500,000 yuan bringing up a child in

China nowadays.

A.beyond B.in C.without D.against

35.一You look unhappy,my son?

一I'm wondering how long it'll be We come to China again.

A since B.when C.before D.after



When he was driving home one evening on a country road,he saw an old lady on the side of the road.He 36 in front of her ear and got out.Even with the 37 on his face,she Was worried.He looked poor and hungry.He knew 38 she felt.He said,“I am here to help you,madam.Why don't you wait in the ear where it's warm? 39 ,my name is Joe.”

She had a 40 tire.Joe crawled under the ear,changed the tire.But he got 41 and his hands hurt.She could not thank him 42 and asked him how much she 43 him.He told her that if she really wanted to 44 him back,the next time she saw, someone who needed help,she could give that person the 45 they needed.

She drove off.A few miles down the road the lady saw a small 46 .She went in. The waitress had a sweet smile,and was nearly eight months 47 .The old lady 48 how someone like her who seemed poor could be so kind to a 49 .Then she remembered Joe.After the lady finished her meal.the waitress went to get her 50 from a hundred—dollar bill.But she stepped right out the door.

when the waitress came back,she noticed something 51 on a napkin(餐巾纸),“I am helping you because someone once helped me.If you really want to pay me back.here's what you do—Do not let the 52 of love end with you.”

That night when she got home,she was 53 the money and what the lady had written. She and her husband needed money with the baby 54 .next month.She knew how worried her bus band was and as he lay 55 next to her,she whispered,“Everything's going to be all right,I love you,Joe.”

36.A.stood B.drove C.stopped D.waved

37.A.anxiety B.surprise C.sorrow D.smile

38.A.why B.how C.what D.whether

39.A.By the way B.In addition C.By chance D.In return

40.A.poor B.flat C.round D.used

41.A.excited B.thirsty C.satisfied D.dirty

42.A.much B.however C.enough D.further

43.A.returned B.1ent C.owed D.appreciated

44.A.take B.pay C.hold D.charge

45.A.assistance B.money C.expense D.ability

46.A.store B.hospital C.cinema D.restaurant

47.A.elder B.experienced C.pregnant D.served

48.A.imagined B.doubted C.wondered D.expected

49.A.woman B.customer C.tourist D.stranger

50.A.receipt B.change C.payment D.check

51.A.written B.printed C.drawn D.copied

52.A.chain B.relation C.devotion D.story

53.A.putting away B.thinking about C.turning in D.looking after

54.A.ahead B.extra C.front D.due

55.A.sleeping B.chatting C.arguing D.drinking




Maricel Apatan,22,stands in the kitchen of the Edsa Shangri—La Hotel in Manila,preparing to deco rate a cheesecake. It would seem to be a routine task for a cake chef,but Maricel is no ordinary chef-she has no hands.

Maricel has come a long way since the day in September when she and her uncle were attacked near their farm. Fortunately, both of them survived,but the 11-year-old girt lost her hands. In ,she entered a Manila training centre for people with disabilities. She learned how to write and do housework and,more importantly , came to terms with her disability.

After graduation from high school,she took a two—year Hotel

and Restaurant Management course and flourished even though she

was the only disabled student in the course.After she moved back to

Manila to continue her studies, the media started reporting on this

determined young woman. She didn't shy away from the attention.“I

wanted others living With disabilities to believe it's possible to live a

normal life,” Maricel says.

When managers at the Edsa Shangri-La Hotel saw Maricel on

television,they hired her as part of the hotel's Care for People

project.She has also accomplished her goal Of inspiring others.One of them is Ronelyn Calumpiano.a 21-year-old with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).She saw Maricel on television and Was moved by her confidence. Ronelyn will soon start classes and is already planning a career in IT.

Maricel's three younger sisters have moved to Manila.She pays for the rent of their small apartment. While their parents look after their family farm in Mindanao.“It is difficult to make ends meet but I don't lose hope. I believe anything is possible if you dream.work hard and pray.”

56.“Maricel is no ordinary chef because .

A.she is better than other chefs

B.she is physically disabled

C.she can do a routine task

D.she is good at decorating cakes

57.Which of the following is NOT true about Maricel?

A.She survived while her uncle did not.

B.She didn't shy away from pubic attention.

C.She has inspired some disabled people.

D.She managed to make a living by herself.

58.The underlined word“flourished”in Paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to .

A.was rejected

B.was employed

C.recovered well

D.developed well

59.According to the text,Ronelyn .

A.works in art IT company

B.was inspired by Maricel

C.once lived hi Mindanao

D.has already started classes

60.What does the author want to tell US in the text?

A.We should be determined and never lose hope.

B.We shouldn't look down upon the disabled.

C.We should help those who suffer disabilities.

D.We should feel sympathy for the unfortunate.


When you see homework coveting the kitchen table and toys are piling up around the sofa,you probably wish there was a bit more space.You are not alone.Nearly a third of parents say they feel squeezed into their homes but cannot afford to move to a bigger property,a report reveals today.

Twenty—nine percent say ‘their property is too small to fit the size of their family’—rising to 40 percent for those 34 and under.One in four children is‘forced to share’a bedroom,according to the Finda Property,com website.Property analyst Samantha Baden said:“Afford ability remains a key issue for ramifies,with the average cost of a three-bedroom home around £193,000.”Very few can afford to buy—or to rent—a property of the size they want and in the area they desire to live in,according to Miss Baden.

A recent report,from investment firm LV,also found that many‘space—starved parents’are pushed into a two—bedroom home which was perfect when they were a young couple,but has no space for three or so children.Grown—up children who cannot afford to leave home are also adding to the problem facing families in Britain's‘big squeeze’.

For a home to be the correct size.which means it is not overcrowded,parents must have their own bed room.Children under ten can share.as well as same—sex children between ten and 20.Anyone over 21 also needs their own room.

The report comes as official figures,published yesterday by the Land Registry,revealing house prices are falling sharply in every region except London.The worst—hit area is the North East,where, average house prices have fallen to below£100,000 for the first time in seven years. However,they remain unaffordable for millions.

61.According to Paragraph 1,the report reveals .

A.children like to do homework in the kitchen

B.some families can't afford a bigger property

C.only a few families have housing problem

D.people are satisfied with their living condition

62.What Miss Baden said in Paragraph 2 means .

A.most families don't have enough money yet

B.no family could afford a three—bedroom home

C.it is common to live in a three—bedroom home

D.the price of a bigger property is still acceptable

63.The report from the investment firm LV shows .

A.young couples should live in a two—bedroom home

B.families with three or so children couldn't afford a home

C.parents should buy houses for their grown—up children

D.some grown—up children couldn't afford a separate home

64.According to the passage,the right size for a home means .

A.parents should have a bedroom of their own

B.anyone over 21 needs to live in their own home

C.children trader ten should share parents’bedroom

D.children under 20 should have their own bedroom

65.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.House prices are falling down everywhere.

B.People are able to buy a home of correct size.

C.The house prices in London has not fallen down.

D.The North East is now all area.suitable to live in.


In Wiltshire,England,volunteers are being sought to visit a nature protection area to count the butterflies living there and on surrounding fields.The project is promoted by all environmental protection organisation,which has contributed to improving the living environment for wild animals.Recently,the organisation has issued an appeal to help it observe environmental changes based on the record of butterflies and protect the environment.

In the area,the local people have planted many special flowers with the help of the organisation,aiming to see whether these flowers will interest the rare and beautiful butterflies.The project officer Sarah Marshall says,“It will be a suitable habitat(栖息地)for butterflies.They are great‘indicator species’ as they are easily affected by climate changes so they make a brilliant early—warning system for the environment.”She also points out that volunteers are needed to record the number or species of butterflies,and based on the change happening to the butterflies,the hidden environmental problems in the area earl be found out in time.

The organisation is seeking volunteers to help monitor butterflies from April through to September.They will walk a fixed route and record the different butterflies they encounter along the way.Each visit should take no more than two hours,and each volunteer is expected to visit once a month to count th e wildlife.“Staff will provide back up,so if the weather is poor on the day you are to visit (butterflies don't like to fly in the rain,wind or if it's too cloudy)we can have someone else do your job,”Sarah points out.

No previous experience is necessary as training and support will be provided,but a keen interest is essential.If you are interested please contact Sarah on(01380)725670,ext 278,email —sarahm @ wiltshirewildlife,org

66.According to Paragraph 1,what is the purpose of the Project?

A.To appeal to more visitors.

B.To protect the environment.

C.To control butterfly population.

D,To expand the area for wildlife.

67.Many special flowers have been planted in Wiltshire to .

A.warn people of wildlife extinction

B.appeal more tourists to be involved in

C.attract many unusual and beautiful butterflies

D.improve the economic conditions of local people

68.Butterflies are called“indicator species”because .

A.they can provide support for visitors

B.they can give information to other species

C.they are not easily found out in their habitats

D.they are very sensitive to environmental changes

69.Volunteers aye required to do the things EXCEPT .

A.having some special previous experience

B.being interested in protecting the environment

C.walking a regular route and do some recordings

D.visiting the nature protection area once a month

70.What is the text mainly about?

A.Visitors aye being trained to identify butterflies.

B.Wildlife areas are being protected by butterflies.

C.Volunteers are being needed to count butterflies.

D.Organisations are being put up to protect butterflies.


A group of eight public high school students in Massachusetts,aged 15 to 17,designed and ran their own school within a schoo1.They named their practice the Independent Project.They represented the usual range:two were close to dropping out before they started the project,while others were honors students.

Their guidance teacher was their adviser,consulting with them when the group encountered difficulties.Though they sought advice from English,math and science teachers,they were responsible for monitoring one another's work and giving one another feedback.There were no grades,but at the end of the term,the students wrote evaluations of their classmates.The students also designed their own course.In addition to some regular courses, they each took on an‘individual project’,learning to play the piano or to cook,writing a novel or making a video a bout domestic(国内的)violence.At the end of the term,they performe d their new skills in front of the entire school.The last part of their self—designed course was to do a‘collective project’that had social significance.Because they felt the whole experience had been so life—changing,they en ded up making a film showing how other students could start and run their own schools.

The project was a success.After returning to their traditional study,the students have high motivation and axe doing well.One student who had failed all of his previous math courses spent three weeks teaching the others about probability.The lesson learned here is that if students are given the opportunity to take control or contribute significantly to their own learning they will become more accomplished,more engaged and more knowledgeable.

The students in the project are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and personal growth that axe possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience,learn things that matter to them and learn together.

71.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Some students might drop out of high school.

B.rile teachers monitored the students' homework.

C.The students themselves solved all their problems.

D.The teachers evaluate the students' performances.

72.The students involved in the Independent Project .

A.didn't need to learn common lessons

B.tended to escape from the whole society

C.were unwilling to share their experiences

D.focused on self—study and working together

73.According Paragraph 4,we know that .

A.the traditional study is better than the project

B.all the students had failed their math courses

C.the students have freedom to design their lessons

D.the project was mainly concerned with math courses

74.The project made the students outstanding bec ause .

A.they are unusually talented

B.they have better backgrounds

C.they have supportive teachers

D.they are owners of their education

75.What would be the best title of the text?

A.Structure the kids' days to the minute

B.Let kids rule their own school within a school

C.Offer students few opportunities to do anything

D.Provide traditional education to the students



第一节阅读表达(第76题2分,77、78、80题每题3分,第79题4分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。

Before applying to colleges,many students wonder,what's the point of it all? This is an important question to ask yourself.College is a huge investment,not only of money,but also of 2—4 years of your life.No one should attend college without a very good reason.Some people go to college to earn more money.On average,people who obtain a Bachelor's degree will earn more than$1 million dollars more over the course of their lifetimes than people who don't attend college.Those who go for Master's,Doctor's,and professional degrees do even better.Holders of these degrees are suited to many high paying jobs while .

Some go for the experiences.College is an amazing life experience.Students not only receive a traditional classroom education,but also learn a large amount about the ways of the world.For many students,college is the first time they live away from home.This creates a great opportunity to meet different types of people and have many brand new experiences that Call make you a much wiser and worldly person.

Some others seek after a dream.For many people college is great way to start the next step towards achieving a dream. It Can help you break into a new career path or achieve expert status in your chosen field.

However,there're also some people going to college because“my parents and family expect

me to”or“I don't know what I want to do with my life”.If your main reason for going to college is one of these,you should reconsider your motivations seriously.If you go without a true purpose,you can end up finding what you spend on it might never be worth it.

76. How does the author further explain his point of view ? (no more than 10 words)

77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)

78. How could experiences mentioned in Paragraph3 change people ? (no more than 8 words)

79. Why could going to college help the students seek after their dreams ? (no more than 20 words)

80. What is the main idea of Paragraph5 ? (no more than 10 words)







Thursday March 1 , Fine



1—5:CABAC 6—10:CAACA 11—15:BBACB 16—20:CBCBA 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


21—25:DBCAD 26—30:DCBAC 31—35:BBCAC


36—40:CDBAB 41~45:DCCBA 46—50:DCCDB 51—55:AABDA 第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分》

56-60:BADBA 61-65:BADAC 66-70:BCDAC 71-75:ADCDB


第一节阅读表达(第76题2分,77、78、80题每题3分,第79题4分,满分15分) 76.By comparing some good reasons with some bad ones

77.non-degree holders/those without degrees are not/seldom

78.By making people much wiser and worldly

79.Because that could help them head for a flew career or make great achievements in your chosen field.

80.People should go to college with a true reason.


A Possible Version

This afternoon an American high school delegation,consisting of 10 students and 5 teachers came to visit our school. Our headmaster showed them around some parts of the school,such as the libary,the lab and the gym.

Fortunately ,our class was chosen to have an informal discussion with the visitors.which was a good opportunity for us to practice our English.Everyone at present was active to introduce themselves one by one. Our monitor,Zhanghua,made a brief introduction of the Chinese traditional festivals, especially the Chinese Spring Festival.Soon after that Tom, an American student,who was a great fan of Yaoming and Jeremy Shu-How Lin,said something about NBA and some other hobbies.Then we talked about some other topics that we were concerned with.Almost an hour had p assed before we realized it.It's really amazing to talk with the American teachers and students in English,which helps us a lot with our English.
