


Making a Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's Assistant: Good morning, Doctor Jensen's office. How may I help you?

Patient: Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Jensen, please.

Doctor's Assistant: Have you been in to see Doctor Jensen before?

Patient: Yes, I have. I had a physical last year.

Doctor's Assistant: Fine, what is your name?

Patient: This is Maria Sanchez.

Doctor's Assistant: Thank you Ms Sanchez, let me pull up your file.

Patient: I haven't been feeling very well lately.

Doctor's Assistant: Do you need urgent care?

Patient: No, not necessarily, but I'd like to see the doctor soon.

Doctor's Assistant: Of course, how about next Monday? There's a slot available at 10 in the morning. Patient: I'm afraid I'm working at 10. Is there anything available after three?

Doctor's Assistant: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a three

o'clock opening next Wednesday. Would you like to come in then?

Patient: Yes, next Wednesday at three would be great.

Doctor's Assistant: Alright, I'll pencil you in for three o'clock next Wednesday.

Patient: Thank you for your help.

Doctor's Assistant: Your welcome. We'll see you next week. Goodbye.

Patient: Goodbye.

Key Making an Appointment Phrases

How may I help you?

I'd like to make an appointment

Have you been in before?

I had a physical (examination)

This is ...

to pull up a file

I haven't been feeling very well.

urgent care

a slot available

Is there anything open (available) ...

to pencil someone in


A Physical Examination

Doctor: When did you last come in for a physical exam?

Patient: I had my last physical two years ago.

Doctor: Have you had any other exams recently? Blood work, an EKG or an ultra-sound?

Patient: Well, I had a few X-rays at the dentist's. Doctor: How have you been feeling in general?

Patient: Pretty well. No complaints, really.

Doctor: Could you roll up your left sleeve? I'd like to take your blood pressure.

Patient: Certainly.

Doctor: 120 over 80. That's fine. You don't seem to be overweight, that's good. Do you exercise regularly?

Patient: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my breath back. I need to get out more.

Doctor: That would be a good idea. How about your diet?

Patient: I think I eat a pretty balanced diet. You know, I'll have a hamburger from time to time, but generally I have well-balanced meals.

Doctor: That's good. Now, I'm going to listen to your heart.

Patient: Ooh, that's cold!

Doctor: Don't worry it's just my stethoscope. Now, breathe in and hold your breath. Please pull up your shirt, and breathe deeply... Everything sounds good. Let's take a look at your throat. Please open wide and say 'ah'.

Patient: 'ah'

Doctor: OK. Everything looks ship shape. I'm going to order some blood work and that's about it. Take this slip to the front desk and they'll arrange an appointment for the tests.

Patient: Thank you doctor. Have a nice day.

Key Vocabulary

physical examination (exam)

blood work




to roll up sleeves

overweight - underweight

to exercise regularly balanced diet well-balanced meals stethoscope to breath in to hold one's breath to pull on one's shirt to breathe deeply to open wide to look ship shape slip front desk to arrange an appointment


看病英语-情景对话-高考高中 词组、对话,可上课用。 Making a Doctor's Appointment Doctor's Assistant: Good morning, Doctor Jensen's office. How may I help you? Patient: Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Jensen, please. Doctor's Assistant: Have you been in to see Doctor Jensen before? Patient: Yes, I have. I had a physical last year. Doctor's Assistant: Fine, what is your name? Patient: This is Maria Sanchez. Doctor's Assistant: Thank you Ms Sanchez, let me pull up your file. Patient: I haven't been feeling very well lately. Doctor's Assistant: Do you need urgent care? Patient: No, not necessarily, but I'd like to see the doctor soon. Doctor's Assistant: Of course, how about next Monday? There's a slot available at 10 in the morning. Patient: I'm afraid I'm working at 10. Is there anything available after three? Doctor's Assistant: Let me see. Not on Monday, but we have a three o'clock opening next Wednesday. Would you like to come in then?


关于感冒去看病英语对话 情景教学法在小学英语对话教学中的应用□陈美心英语是一门实践性很强的工具学科,运用英语进行交际是其实践性的主要表现。小编精心收集了关于感冒去看病英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于感冒去看病英语对话篇1 医生: Come in, please. 请进. 保罗: I`m Paul Marshall. 我是保罗·马歇尔. 医生: Have a seat. What seems to be the problem? 坐下吧.哪里不舒服? 保罗: I`ve lost a little weight recently, and I don`t seem to have too much energy. My head and stomach were killing me yesterday. I might have had a fever. I thought I might have ate something bad because I had the runs. 我近来体重减轻了.而且好像没什么力气.昨天我头疼胃也疼.简直把我折磨死了.我好像发烧了.而且我觉得我可能吃坏了东西.现在拉肚子. 医生: (checking Carl`s file) Everything was fine with your last checkup 3 months ago. Are you eating Ok? Do you bring anything up? (检查保罗的医疗档案).你最近的一次体检是三个月前,当时体检结果一切正常。你食欲好吗?你呕吐吗? 保罗: I`m eating fine, more or less. Last night, I thought I was going


有关于看病的英语对话阅读 有关于看病的英语对话篇一 Gina: I have a bad tooth. Should it be filled? 我有个牙齿坏了,您看还能补吗? Doctor: This tooth is too bad to be filled any more. It has to be pulled. Do you agree to have it e某tracted? 这个牙齿坏得太厉害,已经不能补了,必须把它拔掉。您同意把它拔掉吗? Gina: It's up to you to decide what to do. 由您决定吧。 Doctor: Have you ever had an injection of procaine? Have you ever been allergic to anything? 您曾经是否注射过普鲁卡因(局部麻醉药)?您有没有对什么东西过敏的情况? Gina: No. 没有。 有关于看病的英语对话篇二 Daniel: Is this the registration office? 这儿是挂号处吗? Doctor 2: Yes, it is. Which department for? 是啊,你要看哪一科? Daniel:

I don't know e某actly. 我其实也不知道。 Doctor 2: What's your problem then? 你哪儿不舒服? Daniel: I've got a sore throat, a runny nose, and a headache. 我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。 Doctor 2: OK, I will register you with medical department. 好的,我帮你挂内科。 Daniel: Medical department? Are you sure? 内科?你确定吗? Doctor 2: Yes. Just go there! 是的。你去就可以了。 Daniel: Where is it? 它在哪儿呢? Doctor 2: It's on the second floor. Have you got your records? 在二楼。你带了你的病历了吗? Daniel: Yes. Here you are. 带了。这就是。 Doctor 2: OK, here is your registration card.


看病的英语口语对话 关于看病的英语口语对话 医院是指以向人提供医疗护理服务为主要目的医疗机构。下面是店铺整理的去医院看病的英语口语,希望能帮到大家! 看病的英语口语对话 我要买些感冒药 Doctor: What can I do for you? 有什么需要的吗? May: I need some medicine. 我需要一些药。 Doctor: For whom? 给谁的。 May: My younger brother. He suffers from a bad cold. 我弟弟。他着凉了,很难受。 Doctor: What symptoms does he have? 他有什么症状? May: Fever and a bad cough. 发烧,咳嗽也很厉害。 Doctor: I got it. Don't worry, just a common cold. 知道了,别担心,只是普通感冒。 May: What kind of medicine does he need?

他需要什么样的药品呢? Doctor: Patulin will do. 感冒药就可以了。 May: How many pills for each time? 每次要吃多少粒啊? Doctor: Six per day, and two after each meal. 一天六粒,每顿饭后两粒。 May: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 Doctor: My pleasure. 乐意效劳。 我得了流感怎么办? Daniel: What seems to be the problem, kid? 你有什么事吗,孩子? Doctor 3: I've got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache. 我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。 Daniel: Ah…How long have you been like this? 啊……你这个样子多久了? Doctor 3: I am not very sure. Maybe for three days. 我不敢肯定。也许三天了吧。 Daniel:


有关于看病的英语对话 一般意义上的英语情景对话教学,是指教师为达到教学目标,通过学生分组,各自扮演相应的角色,在特定的场所(通常在教室)表现特定的故事情景。接下来我们就以看病就医来练习对话。店铺整理了有关于看病的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 有关于看病的英语对话篇一 D= Doctor P= Patient The doctor has finished examining Randy, her patient. 医生为她的病人兰迪完成了检查。 D: Well, Randy, I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu. The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids. I'll prescribe something for that throat. 医生:嗯,兰迪,你患了重感冒,你所要做的事便是多休息和多喝水,我会开些处方治你的喉咙。 P: Thanks, doctor. Is there anything I can take for this headache? 病人:谢谢医生。我能吃什么药治疗头疼呢? D: Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription. 医生:吃一些阿司匹林或扑热息痛应该会有帮助。你在去药房拿药时可以买一些。 P: Okay. 病人:好的。 D: Goodbye, Randy. Take care. 医生:再见,兰迪,保重。 有关于看病的英语对话篇二 Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself) 值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。有什么需要帮忙


关于看病的英语对话用语精选 英语情景对话的创设为学生创造了丰富的生活场景和交流话题,有效地调动了学生练习英语口语的兴趣,为学生提供了练习口语表达的机会。小编精心收集了关于看病的英语对话用语,供大家欣赏学习! 关于看病的英语对话用语篇1 Mary: How’s it feel? 感觉怎么样? Bob: About the same. 和刚才差不多。 Mary: Someone will be out to take a look any minute now. 很快就有人给你看的。 Bob: Should we be here, Alice? I don’t think it’s that serious. 艾丽斯,我们要来这儿吗? 我看没那么严重。 Mary: Of course! It’s the sort of thing a hospital emergency ward is for. 当然得来这儿啦! 医院的急诊室就是干这个的。 Bob: Will he have to wait much longer? 要等很长时间吗? Mary: I hope not. It isn’t that busy. 希望不会。这儿不是那么忙。 关于看病的英语对话用语篇2 Tom:

Hi, Jane, you are a different person now. How's it going? 嗨,简。你现在跟以前不一样了。最近怎么样? Jane: The training is useful, and I learned much about how to keep fit. 训练很有用。我学到了很多关于保持健康的知识。 Tom: Really? Tell me about it. You know, I haven't been to the club for a long time because of the busy work.. 真的吗?跟我说说。你知道的,最近工作太忙,我已经很久没有去俱乐部了。 Jane: The first thing we should do is to have a healthy diet. The more fruits you eat, the better your skin appears. 首先我们应该有一个健康的饮食习惯。水果吃得越多,皮肤就会越好。 Tom: The same thing with vegetables, right? Everybody seems to know that. There is something else? 蔬菜也是一样的吧?每个人好像都知道呀。有什么特别的吗? Jane: Yeah, I'm not sure you've heard that a sound sleep is crucial for fitness. 嗯,我不知道你是否知道好的睡眠对于保持身体健康也很重要。 Tom: I've heard that. Does your trainer tell you anything about staying in a good mood? 我知道。你的教练告诉你保持好的心情状态的相关知识了吗? Jane: Exactly. A good sense of humor can help your metabolism


医生患者英语对话精选 情景对话因为有生动的生活场景和话题,极大地激发了学生练习英语口语的兴趣,为学生提供了练习口语表达的机会。店铺整理了医生患者英语对话,欢迎阅读! 医生和患者英语对话一 A:Hello, Miss. Sit down, please. 你好,小姐。请坐。 B:Hi, I am feeling terrible. 你好,我感觉糟糕透了。 A:Oh, what's wrong with you? 哦,你怎么了? B:My whole body feels weak, and I have a sore throat. 我觉得浑身无力,而且我喉咙痛。 A:Put this thermometer under your tongue first. What cause the illness? 首先把这个温度计放在舌下。怎么生病了? B:I didn't close the window before going to bed last night. 我昨晚睡觉前没关窗户。 A:You do have a fever. I want to take a look at your throat. Open your mouth, please say ah 你确实是发烧了。我想看看你的喉咙。张嘴说“啊”。 B:Ah. Is it serious? 啊。严重吗? A;Hmm, I think it's nothing serious. Don't worry about it. 嗯,我想没什么严重的。不用担心。 B:But what should I do to get well? 但是我要怎样做才能康复? A:I'll give you an injection first, then I will give you some


看病就医英语对话精选 在英语学习的众多方面中阅读至关重要,主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,阅读是人们获取信息和了解一门语言的重要手段。店铺整理了看病就医英语对话,欢迎阅读! 看病就医英语对话篇一 信息台: Hello, this is St. Vincent`s hospital. Miss Tracy speaking. May I help you? 你好.这里是圣文森医院.我是特雷西小姐.请问有什么需要帮忙的? 埃里克: Can I make an appointment with Dr. Smith? 我想和史密斯医生预约看病时间. 信息台: We have many Dr. Smith here. Which department is he in? 我们这儿有很多叫史密斯的医生.你要找的是哪个科室的? 埃里克: Oh! I`ve almost forgotten it-just that Dr. Perterson in the Medical Department. 哦!我忘了--是内科的彼得森医生. 信息台: That Dr. Smith- I`m really sorry, he has a full calendar today. Will it be ok for you to come tomorrow? 内科的彼得森医生--很抱歉.他今天的日程安排得很满.你明天来可以吗? 埃里克: In fact, I`d like to make the appointment for another patient. I think it might be something serious. 其实.我是替别人预约的.我想他的情况可能有点儿严重. 信息台: Oh- Excuse me, just a moment, please. (After a while) You are very lucky! Dr. Peterson`s appointment on 3:00 this afternoon has just been canceled. Will that be convenient for the patient? 哦.对不起.请稍等一下.(过了一会儿)你很幸运.彼得森医生今天下午3点的一个预约刚被取消.这个时间方便吗?


在医院看病的英语对话 Jenny: How are you feeling? 你觉得怎样? Daniel: Bad. My nose keeps running. And my forehead is burning. 糟透了。我一直在流鼻涕。我一直在发烧。 Jenny: You said you never went to hospital. 你说你从来不上医院的。 Daniel: I will get better soon. 我很快就会好的。 Jenny: The good thing is you don't need to go to school. 还好,你不用去上学。 Daniel: Yeah, I love that, no class, no homework, and no exams. 是啊,我喜欢这点,不用上课,不用写作业,也不用去考试。 Jenny: And your Mom and Dad will buy you anything you ask for. 还有你要什么你爸妈就会给你买什么。 Daniel: Haha, I just got the Ultraman costume. My Dad bought it.

哈哈,我刚刚得到一件奥特曼的制服。我爸爸给我买的。 Jenny: I really envy you, Danny. 我真羡慕你,丹尼。 Daniel: Come on, I got numerous shots for that. You have no idea what I've been through with the needles. 得了吧,我为这个挨了无数针呢。你都无法想象我怎么熬过来的? Jenny: Your sister said you fainted three times during the injection. 听你姐姐说你打针时晕倒了三次。 Daniel: May told you? Oh, May, she's such a tattletale. 阿美告诉你的?哦,阿美,她真是个多嘴婆。 Jenny: No matter what, you are still my hero, Daniel. 不管怎样,丹尼尔,你仍然是我的英雄。 Daniel: Jenny, promise me to keep this a secret, will you? 珍妮,你发誓替我保守这秘密,行吗? Jenny: OK, I promise. You promise you will be well soon? 好的,我保证。你保证你快点儿好起来哦? Daniel: Deal.


有关于医院看病的英语情景对话医生我要挂号 AIsthistheregistrationoffice 这儿是挂号处吗 BYes,itis.Whichdepartmentfor 是啊,你要看哪一科 AIdontknowexactly. 我其实也不知道。 BWhatsyourproblemthen 你哪儿不舒服 AIvegotasorethroat,arunnynose,andaheadache. 我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。 BOK,Iwillregisteryouwithmedicaldepartment. 好的,我帮你挂内科。AMedicaldepartmentAreyousure 内科你确定吗 BYes.Justgothere! 是的。你去就可以了。 AWhereisit 它在哪儿呢 BItsonthesecondfloor.Haveyougotyourrecords 在二楼。你带了你的病历了吗 AYes.Hereyouare. 带了。这就是。 BOK,hereisyourregistrationcard.

好的,这是你的就诊单。 我疼得受不了了Itsunbearable AOuch,itsunbearable. 哎呦,痛得受不了。 BPleasekeepcalm.Iknowthepainisntwhatfleshandbloodcanstand.Butbebr ave. 请镇静一点。我知道这不会死常人能忍耐的疼痛,但勇敢点。 AAllright,doctor.Butitreallyhurts. 好吧,大夫,可这也太疼了。 受凉导致了腹痛 AIfeelchillyandIvegotapaininmyabdomen. 我觉得发冷并且我腹部也感到痛 BHowlonghaveyouhadit 你像这样有多久了 AAlmostaweek. 几乎一周了。 BIthinkyouvegotacold. 我想你是受凉了。 AWhatshouldIdo 我该怎么办 BIllgiveyousomemedicine,andyouwillbebetterinacoupleofdays. 我给你一些药,过两天你就会好的。 AThankyou. 谢谢你。


英语看病情景对话(总4页) --本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-- --内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--

挂号 Nurse:Do you want to see a doctor 你要看病吗 Patent: Yes, where shall I register 是的,在哪儿挂号 N: Here, have you been here before 这儿,你从前来过吗 P: NO,this is my first visit.没有,这是第一次来. N:Have you a registration card 你有挂号证吗 P : NO,I forgot to bring it.没有,我忘记带了. N : I'll make a file (record) for you.我要给你做一份病历.Please write down your full name in block letters.请用印刷体写上你的全名. How old are you 你的年龄 When were you born 你是哪年生的 P:I was burn on the fifteenth of February nineteen . 我是1997年2月15日生的。 N: Your telephone number, please. 请告诉我你的电话. P: N: Please pay for the registration.请交挂号费。 P: How much 多少钱 N:five yuan N:Here is your receipt and change. 这是收据和找回的钱.N: What's wrong with you today 你今天哪里不舒服


去医院看病的英语口语对话 去医院看病的英语口语对话 普遍以为,世界上最早的医院在苏格兰中部的'伊持图塞尔。下面是店铺整理的关于医院看病的英语口语,希望能帮到大家! 我给你开点儿药吧 Edward: Hello, doctor. I have a bad stomachache, and just finished getting tested. 您好,大夫。我胃疼得厉害,这是刚做完的检查。 Doctor: The results show you have diarrhea. 检查结果显示你得了痢疾。 Edward: Any instructions I should be paying special attention to? 这病都需要注意些什么? Doctor: Don't eat anything cold or spicy. 不要吃生冷和刺激性食物。 Edward: No medicine? 不用吃药吗? Doctor: Of course you'll need some medicine. I will prescribe some for you. 当然得吃药。我给你开点儿药。 Edward: Thanks. 谢谢。 我想你是得了流感了

Mary: I have a sore throat and my chest hurts. 我的喉咙发炎,胸口疼。 Doctor: How long have you been like this? 这样有多久了? Mary: Two or three days now. 有两三天了。 Doctor: I think you've got the flu. There's a lot of it going around. 我想你是得了流感。现在流感盛行。 Mary: What do you think I ought to do? 你认为我应该怎么办呢? Doctor: Get this prescription filled and go straight to bed. 拿这张药方去配药,然后马上去睡觉。 下载全文


关于看病英文情景对话 英语教学在中国大学教育领域已经占据着主导地位20多年。小编精心收集了关于看病英文情景对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于看病英文情景对话篇1 P= Patient R= Receptionist D= Doctor P: Hi, my name is Randy Horn I have an appointment to see the doctor at 10:30. 病人:嗨,我是兰迪·合恩。我和医生约好10:30要看病。 R:If you'll please take a seat, Mr. Horn, the doctor will be ready to see you shortly. ( T en minutes later) Mr. Horn? The doctor will see you now. 接待员:请坐,合恩先生,医生会很快看您的病。(10分钟之后)合恩先生?医生现在要看您的病了。 D: Hi, Randy, what seems to be the trouble? 医生:嗨,兰迪,哪里不舒服呢? P: I've got a really bad sore throat and my head hurts. My muscles ache and I have no energy. 病人:我喉咙很痛,头也疼。我的肌肉痛,没有力气。 D: Let me take your temperature. Let's see... 101 degrees. You're running a fever. Let me take a look at that throat. Open up and say " ah. " 医生:让我量一量你的体温。我看看……101°F,你正在发烧。让我看一看你的喉咙,张开嘴巴说“啊”。 P: Ah...(to be continued) 病人:啊……(待续) 单词学习笔记 1.take a seat 坐下 例:If everyone will please take a seat, we can begin. (请大家就座,我们就可以开始了。)


英语口语:医生与病人的情景对话 P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence 。 我要做驾驶查体。 N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checkd. You need to have a fluoroscopy done. 你需要检查一下眼睛、耳朵和血压。你需要做透视检查。 P: The doctor needs my weight, pleas weigh me. 医生要我的体重,请给我量一下。 N: Please bring a photograph of yourself, we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it. 请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿。 P: The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do? 医生建议我做个胃肠造影。我该怎样做呢? N: I”ll make an appointment for you at once. Come next Friday morning at 8 o”clock. Please don”t eat or drink any thing after

midnight. 我现在就给你商定。下星期五早晨8点钟来。到后半夜就不要再吃东西或喝水了。 P: Not even water? 水也不行吗? N: A sip of water is all right. 小口水还是可以的。 P: Where can I get the certificate stamped? 我这证明在哪儿盖章呢? N: Right here. I”11 do it for you. 就在这儿。我来给你盖。 P: If it is an emergency case, we can come at any time, can”t we? Or should we phone first? 假如病情危重,我们随时都可以来,是吗?还要先打个电话不? N: If you have the time better notify us befor you come.Have you had your lungs x-raged this year? 假设有时间,来之前打个电话。这一年内你照过胸部X线片吗? P: When can I get the result? 我什么时候能知道检查结果? N: Right away.立刻就可以。


关于医院看病的英语情景对话 英语学习是为了面对将来的全球化世界所必须要坚持的学习,下面小编今天就给大家分享一下英语的情景对话,大家快来呀我头疼得厉害 AGood morning. What's the matter with you? 早上好。你哪里不舒服? BGood morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache. 早上好,医生。我头疼得厉害。 AAll right, young man. Tell me how it got started. 别着急,小伙子,告诉我怎么回事? BYesterday I had a runny nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I’m afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible. 昨天我老流鼻,现在有点鼻塞。我喉咙很痛,恐怕还伴有高烧。感觉糟透了。 ADon't worry, young man. Lat me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say'ah' . 小伙子,别担心,让我给你检查一下。我先看看你的喉咙,张开嘴说“啊”。 BAh. 啊。 AYour throat is inflamed. And your tongue is heavily coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza. 你的喉咙发炎了,舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。 BWhat am I supposed to do then? 那我该怎么做呢? AA good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription.


Patient Good morning,doctor! 早上好,医生! Doctor Morning!What's your troubie,young man? 早上好!怎么了,年轻人? Patient I feel sick and I have a headache. 我感觉恶心,并且我头疼。 Doctor How long have you been like this? 你什么时候开始这样的呢? Patient Since last night. 从昨晚开始。 Doctor Let me look you over carefully. 让我仔细看一看。 Patient Is anything wrong with me? 我有什么事吗? Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three Doctor times a day and drink moer water. 是的,但它并不严重。你得了流感。这是一些药丸。请一 天喝三次,并多喝些水。 Patient How soon can Ibe all right again? 我多久才会好? Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days. 如果你好好休息,你将在三天内好的Patient OK,thanks a lot! 好的,谢谢! Dr. Yang What can I do for you,Benjamin? 有什么我可以为您做的,本杰明? Benjamin Well,I couldn't sleep last night. 呃,我昨晚无法入睡。 Dr. Yang What's the matter? 哪里有问题呢?(有没有哪里不舒服呢?) Benjamin I've got a pain here.Just here.Ouch! 我这儿疼。只有这。噢! Dr. Yang What did you eat yesterday? 你昨天吃什么了? For lunch I had noodles,salad,and later a peach.I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell Benjamin very well. 午餐我吃的面条,沙拉,后来还吃了一个梨子.我没有吃晚餐,因为我感觉不是很好。Dr. Yang Was the peach ripe or green?You ought to be careful with fruit. 桃子熟了没,干不干净呢?你应该要小心吃水果。 Benjamin It was a bit green. 它还挺干净的啊。 I think that may be the problem.It is nothing serious.You'd better get some rest.Take this Dr. Yang medicine three times a day.You'll be all right soon.And I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future. 我想没有什么大碍。病不重。你最好休息会儿。吃这个药,一天 3 次。你很快就会好的。


去医院看医生的英语情景对话 大家好,我是豆子!你们周末过的都还不错吧!在美国呢,除了是急诊,在去医院前都需要跟医生提前预约的。今天我就跟大家分享一些词和句子关于怎么样预约医生的!句子可套用!让我们一起来看看豆子今天写的小对话吧!(人名生日等信息我编的,不要当真哈!) Hi,my dear friends. Hopefully you had a great weekend. In the U.S., you have to make an appointment with a doctor before you go to the hospital except emergency. Today, I would like to share some key words and sentences about how to set up an appointment with a doctor. Let’s see the following conversa tion! A:Hi, ABC health center, what can I do for you? 你好ABC医院,有什么能帮助您? B: Hi, I am not feeling well, I would like to have an appointment with a doctor. I have no idea about which doctor I should visit. 你好,我感到不舒服,想要跟一个医生预约,但是我不知道我要跟哪个医生预约。 A: Ok, what’s you r problem? 好的,你咋了? B:I am not sure whether I am allergic to certain flowers. My eyes are filled with tears, and I have a stuffed nose. I want to see doctor as soon as possible, please 我不清楚我是不是对花过敏了,我的眼里都是泪,我的鼻子也不通,我要尽快看医生,拜托!(这是豆子2015年的真实写照,一把鼻涕一把泪给校医院打电话。。。。) A: Ok, so the doctor’s appointments are full for today and tomorrow. You may come to the health center the day after tomorrow. 好的,但是今明两天的预约都满了,你可以后天来!
