广州最新版七年级上册英文教材课文 -

广州最新版七年级上册英文教材课文 -
广州最新版七年级上册英文教材课文 -


Unit 1 Making friends


A letter from a penfrienf

Dear Li Jie

Hi! Your name and address are in Penfriends magazine. I would like to be your penfriend. My name is Simon. My Chinese name is Li Peichun. I’m twelve years old. How old are you? I’m 163 cm. I have short black hair and brown eyes. My hobby is playing chess.

I live with my parents in the UK. They are from Beijing. My parents own a Chinese

restaurant in Newcastle. We live in a house near our restaurant. I can speak Chinese, but I cannot write it very well. I have a brother. His name is Edwin. He is

23. he works as an accountant in London. How many people are there in your

family? What do they do?

I’m in year 7 at Walker School. It is near my house, and I can walk to school. I like my school. The teachers are very friendly. I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer. My best subject at school is maths. I want to be an engineer.

Here is a photo of myself and some school friends. I am in the middle. Li Jie, please tell me all about yourself.

Best wishes


B My school friends

B2 read Liu Mei’s letter to her penfriend, Kelly. Write down the names of the people in the photo.

Dear Kelly

Do you like this photo of me with my school friends?I am in glasses. Can you see me ?

On the right is Sally. She is British. She is my best friend at school. She is always happy to help everyone. On the left is Li Jie. I play table tennis with her every afternoon.

The boys stand behind us. Sun Fei wears glasses too. He is a painter. His paintings are very beautiful. He is also a basketball player on the school team.

Our school team often wins the Middle School Championship in the city. Wang Gang is a very good swimmer. He practises every morning and night. He wants to be one of the best swimmers in the world. He is the boy next to. Chen Yu.

Chen Yu is the tallest boy in the class. He is good at tennis. His favourite tennis player is Roger Federer. Li Ming is the boy on the right. He is not very good at sports, but he is very friendly to everyone round him. We all like him a lot.


Liu Mei

UNIT 2 Our daily life

Reading A1


Cheng Na, 15, is one of the top students in Guangzhou. She writes computer games and all of her family work in her business. She is still at school!

6 a.m.

I get up at six o’clock, wash and put on my school uniform. I have breakfast

with my parents. Every morning we discuss business at breakfast

7:30 a.m.

Every day, my driver drives me to school in my own car. I something make phone calls to clients on the way to school.

8 a.m. 上午8点

I start school. I enjoy seeing my school friends. I usually get A grades in all my



About twice a week my driver picks me up from school. I go and have lunch with a client. Then I come back to school.

4:15 p.m.

After school I usually go to a club. On Fridays we have Computer Club meeting. On Mondays and Thursdays I play basketball. Once a week I have piano lessons. I do my homework for an hour or two before dinner.

7 p.m.

I always have dinner with my parents. We discuss our business. Then I go to my office and continue working on my games. I usually go to bed at 11 p.m.


Zhen Hui students at a middle school in Guangzhou. Every day, she wakes up at six o’clock in the morning. She quickly brushes her teeth and washes her face. Then she reads English for half an hour, she has breakfast at seven o’clock. She usually has two pieces of bread and a glass of milk.

After breakfast, Zhen Hui goes to school. She lives near school and always walks there. She usually gets to school at eight o’clock, and usually has six lessons. Zhen Hui loves English very much, and always gets an A. she usually gets a B in her other subjects.

After school, Zhen Hui usually walks home at four o’clock in the afternoon. Her favourite sport is table tennis. She plays table tennis with her classmates at school once a week.

Zhen Hui often has an early dinner. She begins to do her homework at six o’clock and completes it in one or two hours. She usually goes to bed at nine o’


Unit 3 Troubles

Reading A2

An exciting thing happened to Liu Wei on 28 September.

Friday, 28 September

Today my father and I waited for the ferry. Suddenly, two women and a man began arguing. The man held out a bag and showed it to the women. There was nothing in it .

Everyone looked at the three people, my father went up and asked one of the women, “is something wrong?”.

“He stole my purse,”said the woman. “we were in the bookshop and three young men were behind us. Then I couldn’t find my purse. The other two men ran away, and we followed this man here.”

Then the gates opened. The man hurried aboard, and the two women went after him.

“wait,”said my father. “let’s take the next ferry.”Then he hurried to an ice cream shop, picked up the phone and quickly called 110.

“I want to report a theft . A man stole a purse from a Woman. He has a green shirt and a blue bag , he’s on the No.3 Ferry now. it left a few minutes ago. Please meet it on the other side of the river.”

We took the next ferry. When we got off, we saw six policemen standing around the man. He was in handcuffs.

“well done, dad ,”I said. “you are so great !”


When Chen Yu work up, it was already six o’clock. “Oh no !”he said. Last night he stayed up late to work on his science project, but he did not complete it. It was due today. Chen Yu was worried. The science teacher was sure to be angry with him.

Chen Yu put on his clothes quickly and run out of the door. It was cold outside. He rode his bike quickly to keep warm. He thought carefully about his project ---he wanted finish it this morning. Suddenly, he saw an old lady fall over and hurt her leg. It was Mrs Li. She lived next door to Chen Yu.

“what should I do?”wondered Chen Yu. “I want to help her but I do not have time. I have to complete the project before school.”

“She should not walk tound on her own in this cold weather without her walking stick,”thought Chen Yu, but he felt guilty not to stop and help her. Suddenly, he had an idea. He rode quickly to the telephone booth on the side of the road and called an ambulance. Five minutes later, an ambulance picked up Mrs Li, and Chen Yu got on his bike and happily rode to school.

Unit 4 Hobbies



Patrick Moore studied the stars all his life. Here is an article about his hobby.

Patrick Moore

When I was about eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of my life’s work. When I was young, I did not use to have much money. I could not buy expensive things. But I had my eyes. I used to go outside every night to look at the stars.

There are billions of stars in the sky---but you can only see about 3000 with your own eyes.

Get a map of the stars and begin to find your way through the sky. In different seasons, you can see different groups of stars. The shapes of these groups never change. It is easy to learn the name of each group. When you know these, you may start to look at the stars inside each group. Not all stars are the same. Some are big, and some are small. Some look white, some look red and some look blue.

Sometimes, you may see a star move. However, if you see it move from one group to another, then it is not a star but a planet. You are able to see Venus and Jupiter easily. They are both very bright. It is easy to see Mars, too. It looks red. You will soon begin to learn more and more about the stars. Then you will want to find out even more about them.

B T aking photographs


A photographer can have a very interesting life. Norman Parkinson was a famous photographer. He liked travelling to interesting places and taking photographs. It was his hobby as well as his jop.

Taking photographs is a favourite hobby of many people all over the world. It can help us remember things. We all love to take photographs of each other, especially when we travel to new places. We also like to have a photograph of everybody in the group together. When we want to be in the picture, we need to ask someone to take the photograph for us.

Having photographs is important because people and places always changes. It is very sad, for example, if children cannot look at photographs of their parents or grandparents. What did Grandfather look like? Where did he use to live? If we do not have photographs, children may not know the answers to these questions. Photographs help us know and understand our history. This picture is more than fifty years old .Guangzhou later held the Chinese Export Commodities Fair in this building. Do you think the old picture help us remember life in the past?

Unit 5 Encyclopaedia



Dinosaurs lived on earth more than sixty million years before human beings. They lived everywhere. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were ae big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs could even fly.

Many dinosaurs were gentle and ate plants. Others were dangerous and ate Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows the reason.

However, people can learn about the lives of dinosaurs from fossils of their skeletons, eggs and footprints. (see Earth History)


Disneyland is a famous park in the USA. Its founder was Walt Disney (1901~1966). He is famous for his cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald duck, Goofy and Snow White.

Disney was born in the USA. After leaving school, he sold newspapers and delivered letters. At the same time, he studied art at night. Finally, he got a job drawing cartoons for films.

Sometimes a mouse sat on Walt’s desk when he was at work. He drew the mouse and put it in a cartoon. This became Disney’s most famous cartoon character—Mickey Mouse. Mickey soon became a star and Disney became rich and famous. (see Cartoons)

Jean Champollion (1790~1832) was very good at languages. He learnt twele languages in his life. When he was 18, he began teaching history at university. He was younger than many of his students!

Jean was very interested in ancient Egypt and in 1821 he began to study the Rosetta Stone. A group of soldiers found this stone at Rosetta when Jean was still a young boy. It was under the sand for hundreds of years before they dug it up. There was a lot of strange writing on the stone. The writing was in three languages. One of the languages was ancient Egyptian. No one could read it at that time. But Jean worked out its secret.

Ancient Egyptian was not a language with letters and words like English. It was full of signs. According to many experts, these signs showed things and ideas. Jean did not completely agree. He thought some of them showed sounds. He found fifteen signs of this kind in his study of the Rosetta Stone .T oday, it is possible to understand ancient Egyptian from 4000 years ago because of Jean’s discovery.

Unit 6 Beyond time and space (Ⅰ)



Captain King often tells his friends stories of his adventures. This is one of


Towards evening we landed on an unknown planet. Lam, our pilot, brought us down gently in a valley. We left the ship and saw a cave. We went into the cave. It was someone’s home and everything inside was huge!

“Let’s get out of here,”Peters, our navigator, said. “this is the home of a monster.”

“Maybe it’s a friendly monster,”I said. “we’ll wait.”

Suddenly, a door opened and some animals jumped out. They looked like kangaroos. Behind them was a huge monster. The kangaroos shouted, “good night, Gork.”Then they jumped away.

Then Gork saw us. He gave a roar, “Aliens! Aliens in my cave. How did you get in here?”

I thought fast, and said quietly, “Good evening, Mr Gork. My name is Nobody and …”

Gork roared again, “you’re aliens and we kill all aliens in this valley. Tomorrow morning, you are going to die! All of you.”Then he pressed a button on the wall. Steel bars rose suddenly from the ground around us and closed over our heads.

“well, Captain,”lam asked, “why did you name yourself ‘Nobody’?”“I have a plan and ‘Nobody’is part of it,”I replied. “You’ll see.”

I turned to Gork and said, “We come in peace, Mr Gork.”

Gork said, “You come in peace, but tomorrow you’ll be in pieces.”

Peters turned towards me, and his voice shook. “We’re all going to die, sir.”“No, We’re not,”I said. “we’re all going to live, Peters! Trust me!”


Kelly always wanted to be a scientist. She was interested in maths and physics. She hoped to work in space one day. “I will discover something important in the future,”she often told herself.

Every evening, Kelly went out with her dog to look at the stars. One night, she saw a strange, coloured light moving across the sky.

“It’s can’t be a star,”she thought. “It’s too bright. It must be a spaceship! I’m going to see it!”

She walked quickly towards the light.

“The people in the spaceship will want to talk to me. Can they speak our language? Will I be able to understand them? Are they lost?”

The spaceship landed a few metres in front of Kelly and the door slowly opened. Suddenly, Kelly’s dog ran towards the spaceship. Kelly cried. “this can’t be true !”two huge dogs stood at the door of the spaceship. The visitors from space were dogs! They said a few words to Kelly’s dog. Kelly’s dog looked at Kelly and then turned and rain into the spaceship. Then the spaceship was gone.

Unit 7 Beyond time and space (Ⅱ)


After his dinner, Gork fell asleep on his bed right away.

“Listen, everyone,”I said. “Here’s my plan. We’ll use this small powerful laser torch to get out of the cage. First, I’ll melt the bars and then….”Peters interrupted me, “I know, Captain. Then you’ll use the torch to kill Gork.”

“NO,”I said. “if we kill him, we won’t be able to open the huge door”.

I melthed the bars on the cage and we all, got out of the cage. I went up to the bed, beside Gork’s head. I should, “Gork, this is Nobody!”

Gork work up. I aimed the torch at his eye and the laser beam hit the eye. Gork roared, “My eye! I can’t see!”the noise brought his kangaroo fiends to his door. They opened it, and asked, “what’s wrong, Gork?”

Gork shouted, “Nobody attacked me. Nobody hurt my eye.”

The kangaroos laughed and said, “Nobody attacked you. You just had a bad dream! Let’s go back to bed. Good night, Gork.”

My crew and I secretly climbed into the huge kangaroos’pockets and they carried us out.

A few seconds later, we all jumped out to freedom.

“then, what happened to Gork?”asked someone.

“Gork? I don’t know. Maybe he’s still in his cave and looking for Nobody.”

Everyone laughed.


In 1897, H G Wells wrote a science fiction book about spaceships coming to Earth. Its name was The War of the Worlds. The book was still very popular in the 1930s. on 30 October, 1938, a man named Orson Wells put out a radio programme from the book. The programme was different from the book in one important way: in the programme the actors talked like reporters and it sounded like a news report to the listeners.

The actors said, “space peopie from the planrt Mars are going to attack Earth. Huge things like snakes will come out of spaceships and kill people and people’s guns cannot hurt any of them,”when people heard this, they were very afraid. Some even left their homes and tried to hide.

Orson Wells waited 40 minutes and later he told the listeners the truth. However, many listeners really believed the news report. They were afraid at first and then they became angry.

In fact, 30 October is the day before a famous holiday in the USA and some other vountries. On this holiday, people play jokes on other people. The holiday is Halloween.


四大教学原版教材必备知识,让孩子与英语零距离 英语作为世界普及语言,已经开始从娃娃抓起了,哒哒英语是一家专注于4-16周岁青少儿英语学习的1对1在线教育平台,凭借其高端的技术研发、完善的教室设备、良好的外教水平,成为众多在线少儿英语平台的佼佼者,更凭借其的、原版的教学教材,深受广大学生和家长的青睐。 【朗文快车教材】 香港朗文课程特色 1.它从一开始就注重英语听说读写四项基本技能的全面培养; 2.它每个单元与下个单元在内容上重复性少,连接性强; 3.它是按照语言使用场景的不同,把相同场景的内容的几个单元联系在一起,紧密相连。如4A这册中,在SCHOOL 这一活动场景中分为1 Greeting to know you 2 good manners 3 getting fitter 三个单元来进行,因为这三个单元的内容的活动场景是相同的,都是在学校发生进行的。 4.它跨学科整合的特点明显。它和自然科学技术,美术和数学学科的知识贯通,相互联系。 5.与同年级的教材相比,很多知识点朗文版的出现的早,知识点也多。如一般过去式和比较级在朗文版小学四年级上册即4A 就出现了,朗文版里还出现了how heavy ,how far 等句型。 6.在reading部分,朗文版的故事情节性强,简单易懂,突出了趣味性,使学生在复述和表演该部分时能朗朗上口。

香港朗文适合学生 1-3级别对应低学年1-3年级 以名词、简单句型、简单思维导图以及由问题引导写作成文。 4-6级别对应高学年4-6年级 提升至复杂的名词、动词、复杂句型,以及语法练习;写作部分,思维导图更加细致和复杂,并且在文章末尾留白,让学生独立思考、自由发挥。 在香港,这套英语词汇教材主要运用于小学阶段,适合6-12岁孩子使用。而针对大陆的小学英语整体现状,这套教材的高年级部分,甚至可以满足初中孩子的学习。 家长如果想让孩子早点接触英语,第一个级别的主题设计也十分迎合4/5岁的孩子的兴趣,搭配音频、视频使用,完成早期的语言输入阶段。家长可在对孩子的英语水平有一定测评的基础上,科学合理地选择不同的阶段。 香港朗文-配套阅读 香港朗文即Primary Longman Express,是专业的教育集团“培生”专为中国地区6-12岁儿童研制的英语学习课程。符合国家教委的小学英语课标,注重培养孩子的全面英语技能,培养21世纪的全面型人才。 这套开创性的混合式学习课程一切以孩子为中心,激发孩子想象力。 系统性梳理,整理归纳零碎知识;知识简单化,转化难点更易理解;搭配原版配套练习题,巩固每次学习成果。让孩子表达力无敌!是一套符合孩子成长的学习课程。 【Wonders教材】 Wonders课程特色


七年级英语同步学案(1期) Unit 1 Making friends Warm-up: Reading Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer. I like many sports. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies. I want to make friends from all over the world! Email me, please! 一、复习展示 (一)默写单词 (二)翻译下列短语 接近去上学擅长 愿意遍及与…生活在一起____ 远离在互联网上收到某人的来信 打篮球乘校车了解 与….交朋友就…..询问某人 在我的业余时间最美好的祝愿 二、知识探究 1. In this unit, you will learn about making friends with young people in other countries. 1)learn about是“学习,了解”的意思。 如:We are learning about the Chinese holidays.

2)make friends with 表示与人交朋友,注意friend在这里要用复数形式friends。 【拓展】: ①the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another。 如:He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人。 the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,表示一定范围内剩下的所有的。 如:On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树。 Mary is much taller than the other girls. ②others泛指“其他的人或事物”,后面不用再接名词。 如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,一些人的从事体育活动。 ③the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”。特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”, the others=the other +复数名词。 如:Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将会去动物园,其余的会待在家里。 ④只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或 修饰单数可数名词。 如:I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个。 【即学即练】 Of the three foreign students, one is from London, two are from Paris. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 【中考链接】(2011年中考)How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with A. the other B. another C. others D. other 2. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个哥哥和姐姐 elder是old的比较级,在此表示“年龄较大的,较年长的”,常放在名词前面,其反义词是younger。 如:我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。 3. Please email us your answers to these questions. 请把这些问题的答案通过邮件发给我们。 1)email在这里作动词,表示通过邮件发 如:He emailed me a funny picture yesterday.


一、单项选择(10题×2分=20) 1. The twin sisters have different hobbies. One likes playing ______ violin and the other like playing ______basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; / 2. The coat is very cheap and he likes it, ______ he wants to buy it. A. and B. so C. but D. or 3. She ________ a little girl ________ when she walked past the bookshop yesterday. A. saw; cried B. saw; crying C. see; cries D. see; to cry 4. – Excuse me. Where is the park? -- Look! It is over there, ______ the library and the supermarket. A. in B. between C. in the middle D. on 5. There was a _______ snow last night, and it is still snowing _______ now. A. heavily; heavily B. heavy; heavy C. heavy; heavily D. heavily; heavy 6. – Sam, come here, please. I need your help. -- I don’t think I can, mom. I _______ on the phone. A. talk B. talked C. talking D. am talking 7. Johnny, you ______ play with the knife, you ______ hurt yourself. A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t 8. Lucy, the TV is too noisy. Your father is sleeping. Please ______. A. turn on it B. turn it off C. turn it on D. turn it off 9. Most people looked ______ after working for a long time. A. tiring B. tired C. tiredly D. tired 10. David, don’t _______ in class! A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks 二、语法选择(10题×2分=20) We all know that clean air 11 important to good health. Air is around us all the time. It is a sea of gas. We need 12 air, but unfortunately (不幸的是), air pollution is becoming 13 and worse, especially in big cities. There are many factories in our cities. They 14 food, clothing and other things for us. These factories burn coal. Every year they pour 15 of tons of smog into the air. They also give 16 cars in cities now. They also give 17 harmful gases.

广州市新版教材八年级英语上册unit 1-3 语法专练

广州市新版教材八年级英语上册期中语法复习 Unit1 一、some与any的区别 1)some多用于肯定句,表示―一些,几个‖作形容词时,后面可以接①不可数名词+ 单数动词;②可数名词+复数动词。 Look! Some of the students are cleaning the library. . Some rice in the bag has been sold out. 2)any多用于疑问句、条件句和否定句中,表示―一些,任何‖用作形容词时,后面可 以接①不可数名词+单数动词;②可数名词+复数动词。 If you have any questions, please ask me. There isn't any orange in the bottle. Have you got any tea? 3)any和some也可以作代词用,表示―一些‖。any多用于疑问句或否定句中,some 多用于肯定句中。 How many people can you see in the picture? I can't see any. If you have no money, I'll lend you some. 二、复合不定代词 由some,every,no,any分别与one,thing和body组合即可得到以下复合不定代词: someone anyone no one everyone something anything nothing everything somebody anybody nobody everybody 1.一般来说,由some构成的复合不定代词往往用于肯定句中;而由any构成的复合不定代 词则往往用于否定句或疑问句中。 I heard someone singing when I was at work last night. Please give me something to read. (拓展)由some构成的复合不定代词有时也可用于疑问句中,用来表示请求、建议等语句。Would you like something to read? Why not buy something interesting? 2.复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Somebody wants to see you. Is there anything I can do for you ? 3.形容词修饰复合不定代词something,anything,everything,nothing等时,要放在不定代词的后 面。 Do you have anything important to tell us? We need one more helper. Can you find anyone else? Unit 2 基数词与序数词 一、基数词的用法 基数词是表示数目多少的词


前言 小学英语教学的设计 教学目标 字母教学包括26个字母的读音,辩认和书写三项内容。小学英语字母教学的目标在教师的指导下,让学生达到能认字母的音和形,能读准字母,能按正确的笔顺和规格书写,能按顺序背诵和默写字母,同时能初步掌握字母在单词中的发音,为进一步学习单词的读音和拼读打下基础。 教学意义 语音,语法,词汇是语言的三大要素。字母是语音,词汇的基础,因而也是整个小学英语教学的基础。英语26个字母是记录语言的文字符号,是英语文字的最小书写单位,英语利用这26个字母拼写所有的词。英语26个了母的名称音中包含了英语48个音素中的24个音素,占全部英语音素的一半。在小学英语教学中,字母教学是入门阶段一项重要的教学内容,是培养学生英语素质的奠基工程。教学中,字母教学意义重大,它是英语学习的开端,对于激发学生的学习积极性,开发智力,培养良好的听说读写的学习习惯,为学生进一步学习音标,单词,句子,课文,提高语言能力,为终身学习打下良好的基础等具有重要的意义。 教学过程与实施建议 1.学习字母的读音 (1)听音 听音是模仿的第一步,是模仿的基础。先听音,后开口,听清发准,是字母教学的基本步骤,也是字母教学的根本方法,因为听的质量直接影响模仿的效果,所以教师在教授字母的发音时,一定会示范正确,清楚,语速掌握好。对于一些较难发音的字母,教师会适当地讲解字母的口型舌位,发音的要领,发音的方法和技巧。 (2)模仿 模仿发音是学习字母的最基本的方法,是检测学生是否准确掌握的最好方法,教师在让学生模枋的时候要采用活泼的形式,直观形象的比喻,借助手势,实物,图片,动作等帮助学生发好音。会让学生反复大量地实践。 2.字母在单词中的发音 学生学好字母,对学习语音和音词在有帮助。在讲解字母时,教师会渗透字母在单词中的一般发音规律,自然拼读规则,使学生渐渐了解每个字母在单词中都有他们各自的读音,为以后拼读单词,记忆单词打下良好的基础。 3.学习字母的书写 书写教学一开始就要严格要求,培养学生良好的书写习惯,教师会在讲解时会注意让学生认真观察字母的笔顺,起笔和落笔,几笔写成,占几格,然后再让学生模仿和操练,还要注意将检查和评价相结合,检查学生的书写是否按照字母的笔顺和字母在四线格中应占的位置书写,字母的大小,宽窄是否协调和谐,间隔是否均匀,适当,培养学生正确的书写习惯,包括写字的姿势,放纸的位置等。 4.字母教学活动 (1)象形字母:教师会出示一些与字母相像的图案或实物,学生通过想象去认,看看像什么字母。


七年级上册知识梳理 这本牛津版的书比以前用的广州版要容易些,在词汇量上,课文难易程度 上都有所不同,整本书分为四个module,每个module有两个单元,共有八个单元大概有220 个单词,短语,相对于小学五六年级每册130、140单词量,它增加了一些。第一模块讲的是 自己的生活,第二模块讲的是自然界,第三模块讲的是旅行,第四模块讲的是娱乐时间。 第一个模块讲的都是与自己日常生活息息相关的内容,学会向他人介绍自己,怎样给朋友写 电子邮件,学会描绘自己的学校生活或业余生活,养成写英语日记的好习惯。 Unit 1 Making friends 重点单词、短语:Germa n, blog, grammar, sound, complete, hobby, country, age, dream, every one, Germa ny, mountain, elder, frie ndly, engin eer, world, Japa n, flat, yourself, us, close to, go to school, (be)good at, make fiends with, all over, =would like ‘lik to. 要掌握的句型:1. What does ? mean? 2. Welcome to ? 3. I like ? because ? 4. My dream is to be ? 5. How old is/are ? ? 6. What does ? do? 重难点知识:1.特殊疑问句,掌握what, which, how 等疑问词引导的句子,注意 区分how many 和how much, which 和what.

广州新版八年级英语上册unit 1课文及练习

词汇 encyclopaedia n.百科全书 1.human adj.人的 2.dinosaur n.恐龙 3.Italian n.意大利人,Italy n 意大利 All roads lead to Rome.(谚)条条大路通罗马;殊途同归.Rome was not built in a day.(谚)罗马城不是一天建成的;伟业非一日可成When in Rome do as the Romans do. inventor n. 发明家 1.musician n. 音乐家 2.scientist n.科学家 3.born v. (be born)出生 4.countryside n.乡村; 农村 5.intelligence n.才智;智慧 6.artistic adj. 有艺术天赋的 7.ability n. 才能;能力 8.perhaps adv.可能;大概 9.invention n. 发明 10.notebook n. 笔记本 11.include v. 包括;包含 12.even adv. (强调出乎意料) 甚至 13.however adv. 然而 14.suddenly adv.突然;忽然 15.nobody pron. 没有人 16.fossil n. 化石 17.win v. (won, won) (在比赛中)获胜,赢 18.dollar n.元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位) 19.in the countryside在乡村;在农村 20.human being人 21.die out灭绝;消失 22.find out了解(到);弄清 23.go for a walk去散步 课文 Look it up! Here are two articles from an encyclopaedia. Da Vinci, Leonardo Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist. Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. As he grew older, he learnt to do many



2.必背课文内容 第一单元 1白鹭 白鹭是一首精巧的诗。 色素的配合,身段的大小,一切都很适宜。 白鹤太大而嫌生硬,即如粉红的朱鹭或灰色的苍鹭,也觉得大了一些,而且太不寻常了。 然而白鹭却因为它的常见,而被人忘却了它的美。 那雪白的蓑毛,那全身的流线型结构,那铁色的长喙,那青色的脚,增之一分则嫌长,减之一分则嫌短,素之一忽则嫌白,黛之一忽则嫌黑。 在清水田里时有一只两只站着钓鱼,整个的田便成了一幅嵌在琉璃框里的画面。田的大小好像是有心人为白鹭设计出的镜匣。 晴天的清晨每每看见它孤独的站立在小树的绝顶,看来像不安稳,而它却很悠然。这是别的鸟很难表现的一种嗜好。人们说它是在望哨,可它真是在望哨吗? 黄昏的空中偶见白鹭的低飞,更是乡居生活中的一种恩惠。那是清澄的形象化,而且具有了生命了。 或许有人会感到美中的不足,白鹭不会唱歌。但是白鹭的本身不就是一首很优美的歌吗? ——不,歌未免太铿锵了。 白鹭实在是一首诗,一首韵在骨子里的散文诗。 语文园地一日积月累 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 唐李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。 第二单元 语文园地二日积月累

盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。——[晋]陶渊明 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。——[宋]岳飞 少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。——[宋]朱熹 多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。——毛泽东 第三单元 语文园地三日积月累 乞巧 唐林杰 七夕今宵看碧霄,牵牛织女渡河桥。 家家乞巧望秋月,穿尽红丝几万条。 第四单元 12 古诗三首 示儿 宋陆游 死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同。 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。 题临安邸 宋林升 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休? 暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。 己亥杂诗 清龚自珍 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。 我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。 13 少年中国说(节选) 故今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。少年智则国智,少年富则国富;少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立;少年自由则国自由,


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/94412234.html, 原版英语教材与国内自编教材之比较 作者:叶文彦 来源:《速读·下旬》2019年第09期 ◆摘; 要:本文先介绍了英语原版教材在中国高校的使用现状,又从教学目标、教学理念和选材三方面对原版英语教材和国内自编教材进行了比较,最后提出应该基于本土情况对原版英语教材进行一定程度的本地化。 ◆关键词:原版英语教材;国内自编教材 近年来,越来越多的高校开始关注原版英语教材,因其地道的语言和独特的英语文化等特点,许多教师在课堂上广泛地运用这类教材。 一、原版英语教材在中国高校使用的现状 伴随着全球化的深入,中国高校对于英语的教学要求也在逐年提升。高校不仅要培养具备英语基础知识的人才,还立足于培养出能熟练运用专门用途英语的人才。教育部也多次出台文件强调双语教学在高校教学中的重要性,更规定了大学课程中使用双语教学的比例。而教材对于双语教学有着至关重要的作用,教材的质量很大程度上决定了该课程的教学质量。现今高校双语教育的教材多可归为两个类型,即原版英语教材和国内自编教材。众多著名高校纷纷采用原版英语教材教学,多的数目甚至高达百门。课时在实际操作中还是暴露出了一些问题。一方面,很多原版教材难度较高,学生因而产生畏难情绪,与母国文化相比有较大的文化差异,挑战了学生的成长价值觀,另一方面国内自编教材又常常过于简单,有教条化的问题,无法起到实战指导的作用。整体来说,原版英语教材确有其优势,例如英语语言的准确性,教授知识的快速更迭以及纯正西方文化的传播。而且国内自编教材的出版周期要比原版英语教材场,从内容的时效性看就不是特别强。所以在高校课堂中有选择地使用经过评估的高质量原版英语教材是可行的,它既能帮助学生提高英语水平,又能有效提升教学的品质。可是,原版英语教材也存在一些问题,例如文化差异、知识产权、教学理念的冲突等等,所以比较恰当的做法是在比较原版英语教材和国内自编教材并进行分析的基础上对原版教材做一定程度的本土化。 二、原版英语教材与国内自编教材之比较 1.教学目标差异 原版英语教材的教学目标是培养学生实际运用语言的能力,教材编写时往往遵循交际教学法的原则,会呈现出较浓厚的交际分为。比如,经济科学出版社出版的《新编剑桥商务英语》就是属于这个类别,该教材自引进面世以来在我国广受欢迎,成为了最经典的商务英语教材之一。《新编剑桥商务英语》编写的主要目的就是让学生在提高语言能力的基础之上,以交互的


7A上 Unit1 play 在于棋类、球类等运动 搭配时名词不用加定冠词the。 1.My hobby is playing chess. 1.我的爱好是下棋。 work as担任……工作 2.He works as an accountant in London. 2.他在伦敦当会计师。 be keen on热衷于 3.I am keen on sports 3.我热衷于体育运动。 4.He is keen on music. 4.他热衷于音乐。 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 5.She enjoys playing the piano after school. 5.他喜欢放学后弹钢琴。 (be )in glasses= wear glasses戴着眼镜 6.She is in glasses= She wears glasses. 6.她戴着眼镜。 be happy to do sth.很高兴做某事 7.I’m happy to be your penfriend. 7.我很乐意左你的笔友。 8.Thery’re happy to help us. 8.他们很乐意帮我们的忙。 拓展:be + adj. +to do sth. 做某事感到…… be good at 擅长于…… 9.I’m good at English. 9.我英语很好。 Unit2 one of +n.(复数)是……之一 1.Cheng Na,15 , is one of the top students 1.程娜,15岁,是广州市的一名优等生。 in Guangzhou. work on 从事 2. Then I go to my office and continue 2.然后我又去办公室,继续编写我的电脑游戏。 working on my games. arrive , get to , reach 均可表示“到达” 3.(1)arrive作不及物动词,后面不可以 直接跟表示地点的名词。 (2)arrive in+比较大的地方(国家城市) (3)arrive at+小地方(工厂村庄公园学校) (4)get to 后面跟地点名词或代词。 e.g. get to school; get home ;get there ;(前不用to) (5)reach作及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语e.g. reach school

广州市人教部编版八年级上册生物 期末试卷及答案-百度文库

广州市人教部编版八年级上册生物期末试卷及答案-百度文库 一、选择题 1.“得了灰指甲,一个传染俩”.灰指甲学名甲癣,是一种由真菌感染而引起的传染性疾病.真菌细胞与细菌相比结构上最主要的区别是具有() A.细胞壁B.细胞膜C.遗传物质D.成形的细胞核2.下列动物都具备消化腔有口无肛门的一项是() A.蝗虫、蚯蚓、蛔虫B.水蛭、海蜇、涡虫 C.水母、涡虫、水螅D.沙蚕、血吸虫、珊瑚虫 3.关于人体运动,下列叙述正确的是() A.运动系统由骨和关节组成 B.每个动作需要一组肌肉完成 C.关节囊保证关节活动灵活 D.动作的协调受神经系统支配 4.四川的泡菜在全国都是非常有名的一种风味小菜。制作泡菜时要用特殊的坛子,坛口必须加水密封。密封坛口的目的是() A.隔绝空气,抑制细菌的繁殖 B.阻止尘埃 C.造成缺氧的环境,利于乳酸发酵 D.防止气体对流,利于醋酸菌进行发酵 5.右图是食肉目部分动物的分类图解,下列说法不正确的是() A.种是分类的最基本单位 B.猫与虎的共同特征最多 C.虎和豹的共同点比虎和猫的共同点多 D.猫与豹的亲缘关系比猫与狗的亲缘关系近 6.下雨之前,经常可以看到蚂蚁大军有组织地迁往高处。这一现象说明蚂蚁具有()A.取食行为B.社会行为C.攻击行为D.繁殖行为 7.“几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。”诗中的莺和燕具有的共同特征是() ①体表被覆羽毛②前肢变为翼③体内有气囊④胎生哺乳⑤体温恒定⑥变态发育A.①②④⑤B.②③④⑥C.①②③⑤D.①②③⑥ 8.有关哺乳动物的下列特征正确的是() A.哺乳动物都在陆地上生活 B.哺乳动物不同于鸟的特点是不能在空中飞翔 C.胎生提高了哺乳动物的产仔率 D.牙齿分化提高了哺乳动物的摄食、消化能力


本科生如何阅读英文原版教材作者:童哲 恭喜你!!看到了这篇文章!!! 如果你从未看过英文原版教材的话,相信会因此产生不小的改变 PS, 绝非鸡血 阅读英文原版书籍对于绝大多数专业的研究生而言,是无可回避的问题。毕竟很多教材只有英文版,论文也多是英文杂志或者常常追本溯源到某篇英文原典。 但这说的是研究生,对于本科生而言,似乎总有可以完美闪避英语的学习方案(除了四六级),不少同学还会因此大呼过瘾。但其实阿哲校长要提醒你了,其实无论今后做科研与否,阅读原版书籍都将是大有裨益的。一来原版教材实在是太好读了~ 二来原版教材真正能铺平高阶英文研修之路~ 第三,难道你还没有发现这个社会几乎任何文明职业都很难完全离开英文吗? 为什么原版教材好读? 相信大家都曾经在英文马马虎虎的时候,被英文小说或者杂志等等这些阅读题常见来源给惊吓到。这种生活中的片段截取英文是最难的,一来是词汇量范围难以琢磨,二来是各种定语倒装等现象层出不穷,三来往往有点俚语夹杂甚至是特定作者的原创词句。 而这恼人的三大英文难点,教材几乎统统没有~!!! 关于词汇量 英文教材的目标是什么?把一个学术知识点说清楚对吧?往往一个单元一个小节内反复出现同样几个核心学术词汇,词汇量范围在十几页的范围内极窄。简直是背单词的神器啊~ 你想想,一个angular momentum(角动量)在一页纸上出现10次,一个单元出现200次,你会记不住?你简直要忘~!不~!掉~!!!没错,英文原版教材就是背单词神器,各种高端单词瞬间就记下来了。如果你要考GRE出国,恭喜你,你已经在开始准备GRE前牢牢掌握一半了。 关于语法

教材就是用来让人无歧义地看懂的文字,所以英文教材选用的语法,都是特别中规中矩的~!!!教材涉及到要让很多人阅读,来自不同的地域甚至有不同的语法特点,于是教材只能选用最标准的定式英语。新加坡英语有新加坡语法,但是新加坡的英文教材只会有标准语法。通过原版教材学好标准语法之后,进阶灵活的口语语法就顺风顺水了。 关于俚语 如果某人是第一次听老外说grab a chow 或者drive me banana这种 俚语的话,很可能两眼一黑。确实俚语繁多而无规律,但英文教材可不会这样,它为了避免歧义以及保证严肃性,几乎不可能出现俚语。而这就意味着,你可以集中精力在学术内容上,而不是去记那些一年才会碰到一次的俚语(对于这种小概率用到的东西,其实人真的遗忘率很高)。 综上所述,当你开始读一本英文原版教材的时候,绳命体验大致是这样的: ①新单元第一页会觉得有点难,有几个新单词,需要查查字典。 ②唉呀我去,怎么老是这几个单词!?而且反复高频出现,让人再也忘不掉这个单词的意思,甚至在标准定式的语法表达下,已经开始用英文在思维了,中文不再经常跳出来烦你了。 ③开始理解这个知识点的意义了,而且是在英文环境中理解知识点。你不但学术长进了,还锻炼了英文能力。 ④反复按步骤①到③循环,读完了整本教材,发现其实英文教材只是厚,但是挺好读的。于是以后慢慢开始读越来越多的英文原版教材。 ⑤英文教材读够十本的时候,你发现忽然再去看英文的小说啦、报纸啦、美剧啦等等,其实都只是在规范英语下作一点小修正。而此时的你再也不害怕英文了,仅仅需要在一个相对high level的词汇和语法水平下对俚语或特殊用法补缺补漏而已。 这种对英语和专业知识一箭双雕的乐事,只有阅读英文原版教材才能够获得。自从我大二在香港科技大学交换的时候开始阅读原版教材,就颇有相见恨晚之感,以致后来能找到原版教材几乎不会碰中文版,英文水平也随之提升不少。学英语是件循序渐进的事情,阅读英文原版教材可以作为高阶进阶的起点,以此


Unit 1 Making friends Grammar : learn how to ask and answer wh- questions. Learn when to use a or an before nouns. Writing : complete an email to a new friend. 第一单元交朋友 语法:学会如何提问和回答带有wh的问题。 学会在名词前什么时候用a 或a n。 写作:完成一封电子邮件给一位新朋友(给一个新朋友发封邮件)。 Anna’s blog Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. About me My name is Anna. I’m from Germany. I’m 11 years old. I’m tall and thin. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. About my school and my hobbies Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer. I like many sports. I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me, please! 安娜的博客 大家好。欢迎来到我的博客。 关于我 我的名字是安娜。我来自德国。我11岁。我又高又瘦。我有长头发。我和我的家人住在挨着一些山的一所房子。我的妈妈是一个美术老师。我的爸爸是一名医生。我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。 关于我的学校和我的爱好 每天,我乘校车去学校。我最喜欢的学科是数学,艺术和科学。我喜欢我的学校,因为老师们都很友好。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。 我喜欢很多运动。我擅长游泳和打篮球。这些都是我最喜欢的爱好。 我想和来自世界各地的年轻人交朋友!请给我发邮件!



画,小学高年级可以让孩子阅读一些专门给少年儿童看的名著简写版。进入初中,就应该接触原著。我们建议一个孩子从小学到高中毕业阅读的课外书最低应该在500本之上,最好在1000本以上。其中包括100本以上各行各业的人物传记,来奠定孩子人生观、价值观、世界观的基础。同时要注意不但要阅读,而且要写读书笔记或者书评。 2. 背诵经典。 背诵经典文章、名言佳句也是培养孩子语言素养基本功之一,中学毕业孩子如果能背诵150首古今诗词,25首白话诗歌,40篇精美的文言散文(每篇三五百字),10篇精美的现代白话文(每篇800到1000多字),200多条古今中外格言警句。那么,他的语文功底应该是不错的。如果在孩子记忆的黄金时间——16岁之前,让孩子记诵大量的语言精华,那么,这个孩子从小就奠定了坚实的语文根底。 如果不能在孩子们阅读背诵的“童子功”季节引导他们走向阅读的海阔天空,让他们在书中与历史对话,与高尚交流,与智慧撞击,从而打下沉实、厚重的文学素养、人文素养的基础,将来孩子就很难成为高尚的、文明的,具有创造性的现代人。 3. 养成写日记的习惯。 日记能培养孩子的观察能力,思考能力,分析辨别能力,增强孩子的自我约束力,提高孩子的文字表达能力和自我反省能力,更重要的是能磨练孩子的意志力和积累作文素材。写日记的好处大大超过了教育者的想象。培养孩子写日记的习惯要循序渐进,开始可以写短些,每天一、两句,到每天三、五行,慢慢提高增长。内容也不拘格,什么都可以写,想象的,现实的,国内的,国外的,上至天文,下至地理,大到国家大事,小到鸡毛蒜皮等等,要做到有闻必记,有为必记,有见必记,有感必记。但一定不能出现三天打鱼,两天晒网的现象,哪怕一两句也要写上,写得荒诞一点,不合常规也行,但必须要写下去,目的是为了习惯的养成,终止了,就前功尽弃了。 4.超越课堂,走进社会生活。 要孩子懂得:课堂小天地,天地大课堂。语文学习应该在课堂上,但绝对不是只靠课堂就能学好的,生活也是语文学习的课堂,语文学习还要在广阔的天地中,引导孩子睁开惊奇的眼睛面对世界,去直面精彩纷呈的生活场景,开展丰富多彩的语文实践活动。去逛书店、旅游、看展览、做采访、搞调查、看焦点访谈;讨论下岗分流、西部开发、腐败现象、庸俗文化……让孩子在丰富多彩的世界里,懂得我们生活在奇妙的大自然里,生活在多变的信息社会中,感受人世间的爱与恨,美与丑。 5. 写好作文。 作文是需要灵性的,是需要创造力和独立思考能力的。培养学生的写作兴趣和写作能力,世界各国的学校都非常重视,例如美国从小学开始,写作就是孩子们的必修课,到博士毕业都是如此。 那么怎么样才能写好作文呢?我们提供建议如下:

广州牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 4 同步 语法和拓展(有答案)

广州深圳牛津版八上U4 巩固提升训练(同步+语法+拓展训练) 一.单元短语自查:(Do it by yourself !) 一.重点单词 1. 单词拼写。 (1)The wheel is one of the greatest i in history. (2) After the wheel was invented, travelling became faster and c . (3) Thomas Edison d the first light bulb in 1879. (4)The bus stopped every few minutes to pick up p . (5) Your advice sound p . I’ll do as you said. (6) By chatting online, we can see the speakers over long d . (7)The modern city was only a small village in a times. (8) Cars make our life quite convenient, but they also c many problems. (9)When buying a book, it is necessary to read the i first. (10)The watch was given by my grandpa; so it is very s . inventions, comfortable ,developed, passengers, practical,distance, ancient, introduction, special , 二.重点短语互译


五年级上册语文课文人教版 人教版小学五年级语文上册全册课本 第一单元 1.《窃读记》电子课本 2.小苗与大树的对话 3.走遍天下书为侣 4.《我的“长生果”》 口语交际·习作一 回顾·拓展一 第二单元 5.《古诗词三首》之泊船瓜洲、秋思、长相思电子课本 6.《梅花魂》电子课本 7*《桂花雨》电子课本 8*《小桥流水人家》 口语交际·习作二 回顾·拓展二 第三单元 9.《鲸》电子课本 10*《松鼠》电子课本 11.《新型玻璃》电子课本 12*《假如没有灰尘》

口语交际·习作三 回顾·拓展三 第四单元 13.《钓鱼的启示》 14*《通往广场的路不止一条》 15.《落花生》电子课本 16.《珍珠鸟》电子课本 口语交际·习作四 回顾·拓展四 第五单元 《遨游汉字王国》 《有趣的汉字》电子课本 《我爱你,汉字》电子课本 第六单元 17.《地震中的父与子》 18.《慈母情深》电子课本 19.《精彩极了和糟糕透了》 20.《学会看病》电子课本 口语交际·习作六 回顾·拓展六 第七单元 21.《圆明园的毁灭》 22.《狼牙山五壮士》

23*《难忘的一课》电子课本24.《最后一分钟》电子课本口语交际·习作七 回顾·拓展七 第八单元 25.《七律·长征》 26.《开国大典》电子课本 27.《青山处处埋忠骨》 28.《毛主席在花山》 口语交际·习作八 回顾·拓展八 选读课文 1.《黄果树听瀑》 2.《斗笠》电子课本 3.《太空“清洁工”》 4.《鞋匠的儿子》电子课本 5.《剥豆》电子课本 7.《木笛》教学设计 6.《你一定会听见的》 8.《百泉村(四章)》 《生字表(一)》 《生字表(二)》
