人教新课标高中英语必修三Unit 4 Astronomy_ the science of the stars导学案(3)

人教新课标高中英语必修三Unit 4 Astronomy_ the science of the stars导学案(3)
人教新课标高中英语必修三Unit 4 Astronomy_ the science of the stars导学案(3)


BOOK3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars

Language acquaintance(2)

Learning Goals:

1. Learn some useful words and expressions

2. Understand the text better

3. Consolidation of the language points.



1. ________ time 及时;终于

2. _______ eggs 下蛋

3. give birth ______ 产生;分娩

4. ________ one’s turn 轮到某人;接着

5. p revent….from _________ 阻止;制止

6. block _______ 挡住(光线)

7. cheer ______ 感到高兴

8. ________ that 既然

9. break ________ 突发;爆发

10. watch ______ 密切注视;当心

11. cool _____ 冷却

12. as ______ as 也;还有…

13. depend ______ 依靠;依赖

14. get close ____ 靠近


(1)移动电话使得我们不论在何处都能与他人交谈。(make it possible for sb. to do sth.)


(2)请你告诉我怎样防止这种事情发生好吗?(prevent ... from ... )


(3)更重要的是,我是个乐观的人。(what is more important is……)


(4)既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。(now that…)


Step 1: Lead-in

Play a game to check what we have learnt yest erday.

Research in class(课堂探究)


1. They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140million years. exist vi.存在生存 existing adj. 现存的 existence n. 存在生存exist in 存在…之中 exist on 靠…为生

exist by 靠…生存

come into existence 开始存在,成立 bring into existence 使发生,产生

(1) It was impossible for them to such a small income.

(2) Some spelling mistakes your article

(3) The wild man hunting wild animal in the forest.

There exists/existed …某地有……

There exist two huge stone lions at our company gate.


2. …because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them. give birth to 产生;分娩


She gave birth to a fine healthy girl.

有关 birth的短语:

by birth He is French by birth.

a second birth= rebirth

God gave him a second birth

at birth

be of noble/ good birth


It was reported that a woman gave birth five babies at a time.

She was French birth but lived most of her time in England.

The baby was only 2,000 grams birth.


1.He gave ___ to a strange idea in his mind that he woul d give up schooling and went in for business.

A. hand

B. birth

C. thought

D. on birth

2. She is good at singing and dancing , so she is a good actress ________.

A. at birth

B. by birth

C. to birth

D. on birth

3. Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet 1) Thus adv. 因此;从而

She studied hard, ____________________.

He forgot to turn on the radio and _____________________.

2) In o ne’s turn 轮到某人

It will be _______________ to be on duty tomorrow.

有关turn 的短语

in turn _________ by turns _________

take turns __________ in return _________

It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事。

The children called out their names in turn.译:。

We take turns to sweep our classroom = We sweep our classroom _________


(1)People attempt to avoid public transportation delay by using their own cars, and this _____creates further problems.

A. in short

B. in case

C. in doubt

D. in turn

(2)If we had driven all the way, you wouldn’t have been so much tired.

A. in return B in turns

C. by turns

D. in our turn.

(3)If we smile at li fe, life will smile on us .

A. by turns

B. in turn

C. in return

D. in our turn

4. …which prevents heat from escaping from

prevent sth./ sb. (from) sth./doing sth. 阻止某人/某物做某事


stop… (from)…


Protect sb. from 保护某人不受……侵袭,挡住,防御




The snowstorm prevent the work from _________ on time.

A. finishing

B. finished

C. being finished

D. to finish

5….millions of years to come will depend on

depend on sb. 依靠,相信某人

depend on sth. 取决与某物

我们都靠你来做决定了.We’ll all _______________to make a decision.


Whether to hold the sports meeting or not will _______________________. Step2:Discussing





1. — Could I have another cup of coffee, Daddy?

—_____ It will be hard for you to go to sleep tonight if you do.

A. Better not.

B. Why not?

C. What for?

D. As you wish.

2. Zhang Heng, one of _____ best-known Chinese astronomers, showed a strong interest in _____ astronomy as a child.

A. the; the

B. the; 不填

C. 不填; the

D. 不填; 不填

3. Without gravity, we _____ walk on the ground as freely as we do now.

A. couldn’t

B. mustn’t

C. shan’t

D. needn’t

4. Simon was _____ why many of his friends didn’t turn up at his birthday party.

A. limited

B. crashed

C. spotted

D. puzzled

5. Though I was tired out that evening, I _____ from falling asleep by the great pain in my knee.

A. was prevented

B. had prevented

C. has prevented

D. am prevented

6. See the model ship _____ in the pool? That’s what my father made for me la st weekend.

A. float

B. floating

C. floated

D. to float

7. Jack was in low spi rits those days and his friends did all they could _____ him up.

A. chee r

B. cheering

C. cheered

D. to cheer

8. There is a peaceful and calm _____ in the country, quite different from that of

a big city.

A. climate

B. atmosphere

C. system

D. situation

9. It was almost midnight when a fire _____ in the neighborhood.

A. blocked out

B. turned out

C. broke out

D. died out

10. _____ life exists on any other planet in the solar system still remains a question.

A. Why

B. Whether

C. How

D. Where

11. Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. _____, it would be almost

impossible to prove Jim guilty.

A. Anyhow

B. However

C. Besides

D. Thus

12. _____ you have worked out the first problem, you may go on to work on the second.

A. Even if

B. Unless

C. Now that

D. Though

13. —May I have a look at your necklace?

—Sure. But be _____ with it —it’s made of glass and breaks easily.

A. violent

B. fundamental

C. gentle

D. genuine

14. In my view, choosing the right bike _____ what you want to use it for.

A. d epends on

B. does with

C. belongs to

D. accounts for

15. Water, _____ we cannot live, exists in the form of liquid, gas or solid.

A. from which

B. on which

C. by which

D. without which


考点一英语中的主语从句(the subject clause)在句中作主语,有以下两种结构:


What he wanted to see was an end tO all the wars of the world.



It was right that the temple was rebuilt.



①谓语部分含有seem,appear,be(im)possible,be a pity,be a wonder,be likely 等。如:

It appeared to scientists on the earth that the stars had moved.


It’s a wonder that you recognized me.


②在It is known…;It is said…;It is hoped…;It is belie ved…等惯用的被动结构中。如:

It is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.





连接词that本身没有意义,不作句子成分,只表示从旬的开始,位于句首时,that不能省略;whether(if)含有“是否”的意思,whether可以加上“or not”,其语意不变。whether

和if也有不同的用法,如果主语从句位于句首则必须用连接词whether,不用if。如:Whether we’ll g o camping tomorrow depends on the weather.


2)what,who,which,whose,when,where,why,how这一类连接词,除了可以引导主语从句之外,在从句中又分别起代词、副词或形容词的作用,在从句中分别作主语、宾语、表语、状语和定语等。what,wh0,which,whose等又称为连接代词;when,where,why,how等又称为连接副词。试比较:Who will do it doesn’t matter.(连接代词who在从句中作主语)


What we need is more water.(连接代词what在从句中作need的宾语)


Which of the two is better remains to be seen.(连接代词which在从句中作主语) 这两者中哪个更好尚待分晓。

When we will start the work is important.(连接副词when在从句中作时间状语)


Where the library is to be built has not been decided yet.(连接副词where在从句中作地点状语)


Why she was late for school is quite clear now.(连接副词why在从句中作原因状语) 她上学迟到的原因现在看来很清楚。

Which plan is better will be announced later.(which在从句中作名词plan的定语) 哪个计划更好稍后会宣布。


whatever等连接词与what等连接代词的用法一样,只是具有较强的语意,有“凡是,不管,无论……”等意思。如:Whatever he said wasn’t true.


Whoever guesses what I have in my hand may have it.


Whichever book you choose is yours.



1.________ makes mistakes must correct them.

A. What

B. That

C. Whoever

D. Whatever

2. It worried her a bit ____ her hair was turning grey.

A. while

B. that

C. if

D. for

3.When and why he came here ________ yet.

A. is not known

B. are not known

C. has not known

D. have not known

4. ________ is no reason for dismissing her.

A. Because she was a few minutes late

B. Owing to a few minutes late

C. The fact that she was a few minutes late

D. Being a few minutes late

5. ________ Tom liked to eat was different from ________.

A. That…that you had expected

B. What …that you had expected

C. That…what you had expected

D. What…what you had expected

6.________ we go swimming every day ________ us a lot of good.

A. If...do

B. That...do

C. If...does

D. That...does

7. It’s uncertain ________ the experiment is worth doing.

A. if

B. that

C. whether

D. how

8.________ the boy didn't take medicine made his mother angry.

A. That

B. What

C. How

D. Which

9.____ we can't get seems better than ____ we have.

A. What, what

B. What, that

C. That, that

D. Th at, what

10.____ you don't like him is none of my business.

A. What

B. Who

C. That

D. Whether

11.____ we'll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If

B. Whether

C. That

D. Where

12._________is going to do the job will be decided by the Party committee.

A. That

B. Why

C. How

D. Who

13._______we'll finish translating the book depends on the time.

A. When

B. Why

C. What

D. That

14.______he won't go there is clear to all of us.

A. How

B. What

C. Why

D. This

15.______the house will be built will be discussed at tomorrow's meeting.

A. If

B. Where

C. That

D. What

16. ._______you come or not is up to you.

A. What

B. If

C. Why

D. Whether

17._______team will win the match is a matter of public concern.

A. Which

B. That

C. If

D. How

18.________leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

A. Anyone

B. The person

C. Whoever

D. Who
