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2007-10-20 10:55

动态范围: Dynamic range

频率偏值: Frequency offset

符号率: Symbol rate

码域功率: code domain power

频分多址: Frequency Division Multiple Access

码分多址: Code Division Multiple Access

时分多址: Time Division Multiple Access

沃什码: Walsh code

误码率: Bit Error Rate,BER

帧误码率: Frame Error Rate,FER

循环冗余码:Cyclic Redundancy Code,CRC

时序分析: timing analyze

门限: threshold

非同步模式: Asynchronous Mode

同步模式: Synchronous Mode

邻道功率:ACP D―― Adjacent Channel Power

先进移动电话业务:AMPS---Advanced Mobile Phone Service组织协会:

ANSI --- American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准局

BPT --- British Post and Telecommunication Standard 英国邮政与电信标准

CCIR --- International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会

CCITT --- International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative


CEPT --- Conference of European Post and Telecommunication Administrations欧洲邮电行政会议

EIA --- Electronic Engineers Association 电子工业协会美

ETSI --- European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准委员会

FCC --- Federal Communications Commission联邦通信委员会美

IEC --- International Electrotechnics Committee国际电工委员会

IEE --- Institution of Electrical Engineers电气工程师协会英

IEEE--- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, INC 电气与电子工程师协会美

ITU --- International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟联合国

MPT --- Ministry of Post and telecommunications邮政与电信部英

TIA --- Telecommuni

cations Industries Association电信工业协会美

WARC --- World Administrative Radio Conference世界无线电行政大会

ZVEI --- Zentralverband der Electechnischen Industrie电气工业中央协会德

ACP --- Adjacent Channel Power邻道功率

AMPS --- Advanced Mobile Phone Institute先进移动电话业务

APOC --- Advanced Paging Operator Code先进寻呼操作码

AVL --- Average Voice Level平均话音电平

BSC --- Base Site Controller基站控制器

CDMA --- Code Division Mulitiple Code码分多址

CDPD --- Cellular Digital Packet Data蜂窝分组数据系统

CSC --- Cell Site Controllor小区控制器

DCCH --- Digital Control Channel数字控制信道

DECT --- Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications数字增强无绳电话

EDACS --- Enhanced Digital Access Communications System加强的数字接入通信系统

ERMES --- European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲无线电信息系统

ESN --- Electronics Serial Number电子串号

FDR --- Frequency Domain Reflectometry频域反射计

FLEX --- Flexible Paging System可变速寻呼系统

FOCC --- Forward Control Channel前向控制信道

FVC --- Forward Voice Channel前向话音信道

GSC --- Golay Sequential Coding格雷码

GSM --- Global System for Mobile Communications全球移动通信系统

IBASIC --- Instrument BASIC仪器BASIC语言

IDC --- Instantaneous Deviation Control瞬时频偏控制

IMSI --- International Mobile Station Identify国际移动台识别号码

LNA --- Low Noise Amplifier低噪声放大器

LPF/HPF --- Low/High Pass Filter低通/高通滤波器

LSB/USB --- Lower/Upper Side Band下/上边带

MCC --- Mobile Country Code移动业务国家号码

MCS --- Mobile Control Station移动控制站

MIN --- Mobile Identification Number移动识别码
