









1. --- Do you know ______ boy over there

--- Yes, he likes playing _____ basketball very much.

A. the; 不填

B. a; the

C. a; 不填

D. the; a

2. Be quick, _____ we’ll be late for school.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

3. Boys and girls, please turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture.

A. Fifth; five

B. Five; five

C. Fifth; fifth

D. Five; fifth

4. --- What do you think of the woman singer

--- Her voice sounds _____. I like her songs.

A. sweet

B. sweetly

C. bad

D. badly

5. --- How is Tom now

--- I hear the company _____ him a good job, but he refused it.

A. provided

B. offered

C. passed

D. introduced

6. Sometimes it often rains _____ in my hometown in summer.

A. heavy

B. hardly

C. heavily

D. strongly

7. We have to finish the work now, _____

A. don’t we

B. hav en’t we

C. have we

D. do we

8. The photo _____ taken by my brother last week is very nice.

A. which were

B. that is

C. that were

D. which was

9. --- Could you please tell me _____

--- About twenty minutes ago.

A. when did you see this kid

B. where did you see this kid

C. when you saw this kid

D. where you saw this kid

10. Neither the headmaster nor the teachers _____ take a vacation next week.

A. were going to

B. is going to

C. was going to

D. are going to

11. --- Excuse me, may I come in

--- Not yet. Please wait on your chair _____ your name is called.

A. and

B. until

C. after

D. since

12. Mr. Smith told his son _____ the football match because of the exam.

A. not to watch

B. to not watch

C. not watching

D. doesn’t watch

13. There was something wrong with the line. We couldn’t ______ each other clearly.

A. listen

B. sound

C. hear

D. speak

14. The boy has a good habit to _____ all the things in right places.

A. put away

B. put up

C. take away

D. take up

15. --- The radio says it will rain next Sunday.

--- _____. We’re going for a picnic that day.

A. I hope it will

B. I’m afraid not

C. I don’t think so

D. I hope not



Monty was the son of a horse trainer. When he was in his ninth grade, he was asked to write a 16 about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

That night he wrote a seven-page paper saying that someday he’d 17 a horse ranch (牧场). He wrote about his dream in great detail and he 18 drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch with all the buildings.

He put a great deal of his 19 into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red “F” 20 a note that read, “See me after class.”

The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an ‘F’”

The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic (不现实的) dream for a young boy like you. Your family is not rich. Having a horse ranch needs a lot of 21 . You have to buy the land. You have to pay for other things. There is no 22 you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “23 you rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I’ll reconsider your grade.”

The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, “Look, s on, you have to make up your own mind on this. But I think it is a very important 24 for you.”

Finally, after thinking about it for several days, the boy handed in the same paper, making 25 changes at all. He said to the teacher, “You can keep the ‘F’ and I’ll keep my dream.”

16. A. speech B. notice C. paper D. diary

17. A. own B. win C. paint D. sell

18. A. just B. even C. ever D. almost

19. A. dream B. heart C. advice D. trust

20. A. by B. in C. to D. with

21. A. time B. money C. space D. work

22. A. way B. wonder C. problem D. matter

23. A. Though B. Since C. Unless D. If

24. A. change B. gift C. decision D. message

25. A. no B. anything C. any D. nothing


For most children, the most useful way of spending their time is playing a game. It doesn’t matter 26 the game is. Things become better when they need a (n) 27 to play with. On the one hand, it is quite 28 for the development of a child’s personality (个性) to win and to 29 the best ways to get that. On the other hand, if a child only cares about 30 , then for him, playing a game is funny only when he wins. Or if he finds a better partner, he will get 31 and he doesn’t want to go on playing.

It’s parents’ 32 to make their children know that: you can’t always win and there are many unpleasant moments 33 when you have to learn how to lose. The idea is to compete, to prove you are good, not only to win.

In a word, playing a game is not funny only when you win. It is funny 34 you enjoy it and try your best to win. If you are just a little bit unlucky, don’t 35 a lot. You will surely prove your abilities some other day.

26. A. how B. why C. what D. when

27. A. owner B. worker C. student D. partner

28. A. useful B. simple C. correct D. special

29. A. pay attention to B. take pride in

C. jump out of

D. think of

30. A. playing B. studying C. winning D. losing

31. A. unhappy B. lonely C. relaxed D. excited

32. A. rule B. duty C. plan D. habit

33. A. in life B. in the future C. in fact D. in the way

34. A. or B. and C. when D. before

35. A. worry B. believe C. wish D. imagine III.阅读理解:(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)


A group of reporters asked a group of 4-to-8-year-old children this question, “What does love mean” The answers were surprising. The children would answer like they did below.

Rebecca --- age 8

“When my grandmother hurt her knees , she couldn’t bend (弯腰) over and paint her toenails (脚趾甲) any more. So my grandfather would do it for her all the time, even when his hands hurt, too. That’s love.”

Samantha --- age 6

“Love is when someone hurts you, and you get so mad but you don’t shout a t her because you know it would hurt her feelings.”

Terry --- age 4

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”

Bethany --- age 4

“I let my big sister pick on (捉弄) me because my Mum says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her.”

Lauren --- age 4

“I know my elder sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out a nd buy new clothes.”

Elaine --- age 5

“Love is when Mummy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”

Clear --- age 5

“My Mummy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”

Jessica --- age 8

“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”

36. The passage mainly tells us about ______.

A. what “ life ” means to children

B. what “family ” means to children

C. what “ friendship ” means to children

D. what “ love ” means to children

37. Who told us the love between Mum and Dad

A. Clear.

B. Elaine.

C. Rebecca.

D. Lauren.

38. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A. Rebecca’s grandmother ever couldn’t bend over.

B. Bethany wants to be picked on by any other person.

C. If Samantha becomes angry, she will not shout at others.

D. Lauren prefers to wear her sister’s old clothes.

39. What does Jessica mean about love

A. Too much love is no love.

B. You should say love more often.

C. You mean what you think.

D. Say love more often if you have it.

40. What is love according to Terry

A. Love is the care between husband and wife.

B. Love is a rest when you are tired.

C. Love is what cheers you up when you are tired.

D. Love is a kiss from parents.


Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you couldn’t see. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingers. How do you feel, then

With medical knowledge and skills today, two-thirds of the world’s 42 million blind people should not have to suffer. Unluckily, rich countries have this knowledge, but developing countries do not.

ORBIS is an international charitable (慈善的) organization. Its goal is to help fight blindness all over the world. Inside a DC-8 airplane, there is a teaching hospital with television room and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest technology of helping the blind get sight again here. ORBIS is always trying to keep a closer relation among countries.

ORBIS helps those developing countries by providing sight-saving training. It has taught over 35,000 doctors and nurses. They continue to treat thousands of blind people every year. They have traveled around the earth 3 times, visited 76 countries and treated over 20,000 blind people. They need your help to continue their work an d free people from blindness.

For just $ 38, you can help one person see; for $ 380 10 people can see; $ 1,300 helps train a doctor new skills; and for $ 13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your love can help them open their eyes to the world.

41. How many blind people should not have to suffer with medical knowledge and

skills today

A. 14 million.

B. 42 million.

C. 28 million.

D. 200 million.

42. A lot of blind people in the world have to suffer because _____.

A. ORBIS didn’t do its best to offer help

B. there is no good medical knowledge and skills

C. some countries can’t afford medical knowledge and skills

D. developing countries don’t pay much attention to the blind

43. According to this passage, ORBIS helps fight blindness by doing the following

EXCEPT _____.

A. writing this kind of articles to ask for help

B. providing sight-saving training

C. treating thousands of blind people every year

D. trying to keep a close relation among countries

44. The last paragraph is mainly about _____.

A. how much a training program for a group of doctors costs

B. why ORBIS needs your help to continue their work

C. who can make thousands of blind people see again

D. what you can do to help blind people open their eyes

45. The writer writes this passage in order to ______.

A. introduce an international charitable organization

B. ask people to give the blind a hand

C. tell how you feel if you lose your eyes for a minute

D. explain why ORBIS helps fight blindness


Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook by yourself Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores

A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of the adults are so lazy that they’d catch the lift rather than climb t wo flights of stairs.

Just over 2,000 people were quizzed by independent researchers in the Britain’s largest health center. The results were very surprising.

About one in six people who were asked said if their control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.

More than one third of those asked said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of 654 respondents (离婚被告) with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.

We know that it’s no wonder that one in six children in the UK are very fat before they start school.

Dr Sarah, Dauncey, medical director of the center, said, “People nee d to get fitter, not just for their own health, but for their families, friends and pets, too.”

“If we don’t start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most basic tasks.”

And Scotland’s la rgest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the laziest city in the UK, with 75% asked thinking they do not get enough exercise, followed by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.

So there are some problems for the National Health Service, where fatness-related (相关的) illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on an increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.

46. What does the underlined word “quizzed” mean

A. questioned

B. answered

C. listened

D. heard

47. Of 654 respondents with children, 64% said _____.

A. they were often too busy to play with their children

B. they were often so tired that they couldn’t play with their children

C. they were often so sad that they didn’t want to play with their children

D. they were often ill and they couldn’t play with their children

48. Which of the following is true according to the passage

A. All the adults in the UK are very lazy.

B. Half of the children are very fat before they go to school.

C. Pets will be in troub le if their owners don’t keep healthy.

D. All people in Glasgow feel ashamed because they don’t get enough exercise.

49. From the last paragraph, we can learn ______ if they keep lazy.

A. people may have heart disease

B. people can work at home all the time

C. people like shopping online

D. people don’t like clim bing the stairs

50. What does the passage mainly talk about

A. The health service in the UK.

B. A study of British people’s lifestyles.

C. A study of British people’s laziness.

D. The fatness problem in the UK.


As we know, all living things have to eat food. For a

man, a tiger, a fish, a bird, or even a worm, food is necessary.

Generally speaking, all living things are sure to die without

food. In every part of the world, many different kinds of

animals share living places and live in communities (群落)

together. They are connected in a food chain (链).

Within a food chain, some living things are producers

and some are consumers (消费者). Plants are producers

because they use sunlight, soil and other things to make their own food. Animals are consumers because they have to eat other animals or plants.

There are four different kinds of consumers in the animal kingdom. A carnivore is an animal that only eats other animals. An herbivore is an animal that only eats plants.

An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals. A scavenger is an animal that eats dead animals.

Look at the picture. It is an example of a food chain. The food chain shows the order that animals eat each other in a community. In the picture, you can see what animal or plant is food for another animal. See A leaf is food for a grasshopper, which then becomes food for a hungry mouse. The mouse is food for a snake. The snake is eaten by an eagle. In this way, all of these animals are connected.

根据上文内容判断正 ( T ) 误( F )

51. The main idea of the passage is “Four kinds of consumers”.

52. The underlined word “scavenger” means in Chinese “腐生动物”.

53. The food for a mouse according to the picture is a grasshopper.

54. All kinds of animals share their living places with others.

55. There are some living things which don’t need to eat food.

E 日常对话

A: Hi, everybody. I’m Becky. Welcome back to “The Problem Line”. Today, we’re going to talk about problems with parents. Okay, it’s time for another call. 56

B: Hello. My name’s David.

A: Hi, David. Welcome to “The Problem Line”. 57

B: Well, I’m having problem s with my mom. Every time we talk about something, we argue.

A: 58 It’s impolite.

B: I know. But she always arranges (安排) everything for me. I can’t even decide what to wear on weekends.

A: That’s too bad. 59

B: I tried, but she never listened to me. She thinks I should listen to her because I’m her child.

A: Well, that’s a difficult problem. 60

C: Hello, I’m Vera. I think David should ask his teacher for help. Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.

第二卷 (非选择题,共计35分)



61. You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful ________________.

62. This magazine isn’t popular with the students though it ________________ every


63. It’s difficult________________ both the old and the young about the program at the

same time.

64.The kids clapped and shouted ________________ when the actor appeared.

65. Though he is very busy, he goes to the movies to relax ________________.

66. The children are interested in playing the piano, so they need more


67. The visitors ________________ not to swim in this river for several times.

68. There are no students in the classroom. They ________________ on the playground.

69. Thank you for ________________ the museum. We’ve learned a lot.

70. You must do more exercise, ________________ twice a week.

V.阅读理解填词: (共10个空;每空1分,满分10分) 71—80空

In a town in France, there was a farmer who lived alone. Every day he s 71 a pound of butter to his neighbour, who was a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i 72 he was getting a pound. After he weighed it, he found th at he wasn’t. The baker then took the farmer to the judge (法官).

The judge wanted to know the farmer’s ways to weigh the butter. The farmer

replied, “ I’m so p 73 that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it.

H 74 , I do have a kind of scale (天平).” The judge asked, “Then h 75 do you weigh the butter” The farmer replied, “Before the baker started buying butter from me, I had bought bread from him. So now every time when I b 76 home the bread from the baker, I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same w 77.”

We always get back what we give to others. Whenever you take action, ask yourself this question, “Am I honest”

Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit. Some dishonest people can lie w 78 a red face. Others lie so m 79 that they do not even know what the truth is any more. But who is it bad for In fact, those who lie will hurt t 80 by their own dishonest behaviour.

71.s____________ 72.i____________ 73. p____________ 74.H____________ 75.h____________ 76. b____________ 77. w____________ 78.w____________ 79.m____________ 80. t____________



1. 环保措施和美化城市的措施(各2条);

2. 你的希望。


1. 注意文章的整体连贯;

2. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 80词左右。

Dear friends,

In order to make the environment more beautiful, we should ______________________



______________________________________________________________________ ______

Thank you!

Wang Dong






61.all the time 62.comes out

63.to satisfy 64.excitedly

65.once or twice 66.pianos

67.have been warned 68.are running

69.showing us around 70.at least

V.阅读理解填词: (共10个空,每空1分,满分10分) 71—80空71.sold 72.if

73.poor 74.However

75.how 76.bring

77.weight 78.without

79.much 80.themselves


Dear friends,

In order to make the environment more beautiful, we should do what we can

to protect it. First, we should plant more trees and flowers to make our city more beautiful. Also, always remember not to throw rubbish or pour waste water everywhere. As we all know, water is becoming less and less. So it’s quite necessary to save water. For example, turn the tap off after washing. Last, but not the least, we’d better ride a bike or walk when going out instead of driving a car.

In my opinion, if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, our city will become nicer and cleaner!

Thank you.

Wang Dong



















2017年谷城县中考适应性考试 英语试题 (本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将考试号条形码粘贴在答题卡上指定位置。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号,答在试题卷上无效。 3.非选择题(主观题)用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 选择题(共70分) 一、听力测试(本大题满分25分,每小题1分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 下面你将听到8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。CACCABBA 1. Which city is the girl’s fa vourite? A. London. B. Paris. C. New York. 2. What’s the weather like now? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 3. What’s the date the day after tomorrow? A. June 1st. B. June 2nd. C. June 3rd. 4. How often does Lisa surf the internet now? A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. 5. Who wrote the interesting e-mail? A. Kate. B. Mike. C. Judy. 6. Where might the speakers be? A. In a bank. B. On a road. C. At a crossing. 7. What does the man mean? A. He’d like to go to the beach by car. 英语试题第1页(共8页)


浙江省舟山市中考英语试题 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 1.What animal are the speakers talking about? A. A dog B. A cat C. A rabbit 2. What is the man's advice? A. To see a doctor B. To drink tea with honey. C. To lie down and rest. 3. What's the weather like now? A. Sunny. B. Rainy C. Snowy 4. How does Mike prefer to go to the museum? A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot. 5. What are the speakers probably going to do? A. To make some cake B. To meet friends C. To eat some food 第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6、7两个问题。 6. Where are Susan and Eric? A. In the yard B. In the park. C. In the school 7. What kind of tree are they planting? A. A pear tree. B. An orange tree. C. An apple tree. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个问题。 8. Whom is the man choosing gifts for? A. His wife B. His mother C. His daughter 9. Which scarf does the man want to buy? A. The red one B. The blue one C. The grey one. 10. How much will the man pay? A. 25 dollars B. 45 dollars C. 65 dollars 第三节:听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。 11. Wh at’s the speaker’s best day of the week at school? A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday


最新五年2007-2011全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地中考英语试题解析版汇编 之一单项选择——形容词与副词 2011年全国各地市110份中考英语试题解析版汇编之一单项选择 【2011哈尔滨】32. English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious. However, the French are changing. They aren't interested in food like before. A. fast B. healthy C. natural 答案:A 【解析】考查形容词辨析根据句意:英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前,对快餐感兴趣了。 【2011呼和浩特】12. ----Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking? ----No one does in our class. A. good B. better C. well D. best 【答案】B 【解析】形容词比较级此题是隐藏性的比较级。“你认为汤姆的口语怎样” “在我们班没人比他说得好”。 【2011四川达州】26.—Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history. —Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921. A. 90 years; at B. 90-year; in C. 90-years; of D. 90-year; on 答案:D 【解析】本题考查复合形容词和介词的用法。90-year表示90年的,在句中作定语。on表示在某个具体的时间,in表示在模糊的时间。根据题意:-到现在中国共产党已经有接近90年的历史了。-是的,它是1921年7月23日建立的。故本题选择D。 11. The bag of rice is ___heavy for Tom to carry. Let’s go and help him. A. too B. so C. very 答案:A 【解析】固定搭配。句意:对汤姆来说,这袋大米太重,他搬不动,让我们去帮帮他。too...to...为固定搭配,意为“太……而不能……”。 【2011?广西柳州】I am glad to see you. A. happy B. sad C. old 答案A 【解析】考查形容词的用法。见到你很高兴。glad=happy.故选A。


二○一六年初中毕业暨升学考试 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. My host family is taking me to ________ English film festival next weekend. A. an B. a C. the D. 不填 2. —What do you call your father’s sisters? —_______. A. Uncles B. Cousins C. Aunts D. Parents 3. A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the ________ person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A. youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest 4. —What does your new English teacher look like? —She is a pretty lady ________ long hair. A. at B. for C. with D. of 5. —Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? —No, Mum. My uncle bought me ________ yesterday. A. one B. it C. the one D. another 6. My friend Frank sings well, and he is _______ good at playing guitar. A. not B. also C. yet D. too 7. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not ________ to smoke. A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden 8. —Have you ever seen the movie 2012? —Yes, but I don’t believe ________ the year 2012 will see the end of the world. A. that B. what C. how D. if 9. Some of the students are nearsighted _______ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. when B. though C. because D. unless 10. —Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the People’s Park? —Walk along this road and turn right, and the park is on your right. You _______miss it. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. won’t 11. Our foreign teacher Mr Green ________ us English since three years ago. A. has taught B. is teaching C. taught D. teaches 12. —Steve, ________do you play basketball after school? —Twice a week. It can keep me healthy.


绍兴市2017年中考英语试题及答案 试卷Ⅰ(选择题共70分) (一)听力部分(共25分) 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分;第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题。 1. What would Susan like to drink? A. Tea. B. Cold water. C. Coffee. 2. Who is sleeping at home? A. Tom’s brother. B. Tom’s father. C. Tom’s mother. 3. What does the woman mean? A. She’ll eat out with the man. B. She’ll play tennis with the man. C. She’ll go swimming with the man. 4. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a post office. C. In a restaurant. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。 第下面一段对话,回答第6—7小题。 6. Why does Lucy look unhappy? A. Because her cat is sick. B. Because her cat is old. C. Because her cat is lost. 7. Where are Lucy and Alex probably going? A. To the hospital. B. To the zoo. C. To the school. 听下面一段对话,回答第8—10小题。 8. How did Matt and Nancy go to New York for a holiday? A. By cay. B. By plane. C. By ship. 9. Where did Matt and Nancy stay while travelling in New York? A. In a hotel. B. At their friend’s house. C. In a university. 10. What did Matt and Nancy do every day in Central Park? A. They took a walk. B. They rode a bike. C. They watched birds. 第三节:听独白,回答问题。 11. Which class does Tara like best? A. Art history. B. Business English. C. Computer science. 12. What does Tara first do after breakfast? A. Meet her friends. B. Review her lessons. C. Check her e-mail. 13. Where does Alice come from? A. Sydney. B. Moscow. C. Toronto. 14. When does Tara get home from work every day? A. At 4:30 p.m. B. At 11:00 p.m. C. At 11:30 p.m. 15. How is Tara’s life? A. Easy. B. Busy. C. Dull. (二)笔试部分(共45分) 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)


初中毕业考试 英语试卷 第二部分 笔试部分 (90分) Ⅳ 单项选择 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出可以填入相 --- Morning, teacher. ________. A. The same to you. B. You, too. C. Thank you. D. I ’m sorry I can ’t. 22. --- I don ’t think teenagers should drive cars. --- _______. They aren ’t serious enough. A. I agree B . I don ’t agree C. I think D. I don ’t think 23. ---If there are ______ people driving , there will be ______ air pollution. --- Yes, the air will be fresher. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D . fewer; less 24. ---There are many volunteers ______ are helping the children in Sichuan. --- And most of them are college students. A. which B. when C. whose D . who 25. --- You always spend only a little time on your study. You really _____ me down. --- I ’m sorry, Mum. I won ’t do that again. A. take B. put C. let D. look 26. --- Can you_____ your little brother? I’m busy now. --- OK. I’ll do it right now. A. wear B . put on C. dress D. in 27. --- All the clerks went home _____ Mr. Wang. Why? --- Because he had to finish his work. A. except B . besides C. without D . beside 28.--- Some of the plastic bags can ’t ______ after June1. --- Yes, people will use environmental bags instead. A. use B. be use C. be used D. are used 29. ---_____you _____ out the problem, Sam? --- Not yet, but I’m going to. A. Did, work B. Are, working C. Have, worked D. Will , work 30. --- Could you tell me _____ ? --- Because she likes her students very much. A. why so many students like the teacher B. why do so many students like the teacher C. why did so many students like the teacher D. why so many students liked the teacher 31. ---Would you mind ______ your bike?


(三年经典)2018-2019全国各地中考英语试题精选:情境交际【2018福建?晋江】42. --Tomorrow will be sunny. How about having a picnic in the park? --_________________ But I have to prepare for tomorrow’s exam. A. I’d love. B. I’d love to. C. That’s right. 答案:B 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知,“乐意去,但是我必须为明天考试做准备”,故选择B。 【2018福建?晋江】43. --Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? --Sorry, I don’t know .You can ask the policeman over there. --________________ A. How lucky! B. It’s a pity. C. Thank you all the same. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据对话内容可知“尽管不知道,我同样也会谢谢您!”,故选择:C。【2018福建?晋江】44.-- Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow? --_____________ It’s all the same to me. A. I hope so. B. I’m sure. C. It’s up to you. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语。根据答语中“It’s all the same to me.”可知,“对于我来说都一样”,故选择C。 【2018安徽省卷】49. -- Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please? -- Sure. ______ A. Watch out! B. Well done! C. Go ahead. D. Follow me. 答案:C 【解析】交际用语和习惯用法。上句是“我可以用你的橡皮吗?”;下句是:当然可以,拿吧go ahead,而不是watch out小心;well done做的好;follow me跟我学。 【2018安徽省卷】42. -- Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui. --______, thank you. A. I will B. I hope so C. That's right D. My pleasure 答案:A


2016安徽中考英语试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分) VI. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. —Nice to meet you, Mr Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily. —. A. See you later B. You’re welcome C. Pleased to meet you all D. You have a point there 32. Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A. sleep B. idea C. voice D. time 33. Helen has got two brothers. of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A. Neither B. None C. Each D. Any 34. When the baby dog , it was very hungry. So we gave it some food. A. is found B. was found C. has been found D. will be found 35. Mr. Black’s memory is getting . As a result, he often leaves his keys at home. A. older B. poorer C. greater D. better 36. Many wild animals are , and it’s time for us to do whatever we can to protect them. A. on duty B. on show C. in order D. in danger 37. Please don’t make so much noise. I hear the speaker very well. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 38. —Look at the stone bridge! Do you know it was built?


指示代词 2016年全国中考英语试题专题练习:指示代词 一、选择题 1、My daughter wants a rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy ________ for her. A. it B. one C. the one D. that 2、 For the first time, I found great fun to achieve something through hard work. A. it B. that C. this D. one 3、The population in China is larger than _______in Australia. A. it B. that C. the populations D. / 4、—I can't find the magazine I bought this morning. —Well, Jack is reading ___________ over there. Why not go and see if it is yours? A. it B. that C. one D. some 5、I can't find my ticket. I think I have lost . A. it B. one C. at D. on 6、I find ______interesting to learn English. A. that B. this C. it D. its 7、The new chairperson of the Students'Union thought necessary to invite Professor Smith to give us a speech at the meeting. A.that B.this C.him D.it 8、-I'm a little hungry Daddy. -See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take______, dinner is ready soon. A. it B. one C. this D. that 9、I forgot my pen, would you please lend ________ to me? A. one B. that C. it D. this 10、The machines made in China are cheaper than ________ made in Japan. A.ones B.that C.those D.it 11、—Excuse me,I want to buy some milk.Where can I find a supermarket? —Oh,I know ________ not far from my home. A.it B.that C.one D.its 12、— Have you found your lost mobile phone? — No, I haven't found ___________, but I bought ___________ this morning. A. one; that B. that; one C. it; one D. one; it 13、I'm expecting a pet dog for long,but mom has no time to buy _________ for me. 1 A.it B.one C.this D.that 14、-- Is this park you've visited recently? --- Yes, it's the most beautiful one I've ever visited before. A. the one B. that C. which D. the one which


2019年北京市中考英语试卷 知识运用(共14分)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 1.(.5分)Mr.Wang is coming to our school.I can't wait to see .()A.her B.him C.it D.them 2.(.5分)We planted some flowers the garden yesterday.() A.on B.to C.in D.of 3.(.5分)﹣Excuse me,is this T﹣shirt? ﹣It's 88 yuan.() A.how much B.how many C.how long D.how old 4.(.5分)﹣Lily,_____ you finish the letter in ten minutes? ﹣Yes,I can.() A.must B.should C.need D.can 5.(.5分)This cap is nice,it doesn't look good on me.() A.for B.so C.but D.or 6.(.5分)Julie takes good care of the family dog.She is than her brother.()A.patient B.more patient C.most patient D.the most patient 7.(.5分)Sam with his friends every weekend.() A.skates B.is skating C.has skated D.was skating 8.(.5分)﹣Tom,what's your dad doing? ﹣He my bike.() A.repairs B.will repair C.has repaired D.is repairing 9.(.5分)Our school life a lot since 2017.We have more activities now.()A.changes B.changed C.will change D.has changed 10.(.5分)If you want to visit the Palace Museum,I tickets for you tomorrow.()


2018 年中考英语试题( word 版含答案) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分 30分 第一节(共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分 10分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 , 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How did the woman come? A. By air. B. By train. C. By car. 2. Where does the man live? A. In a town. B. In a city. C. In a village. 3. Who can play the violin? A. George. B. Helen. C. Alice. 4. How many students are there in the woman’s school? A.330 B.350 C.370 5.What does the man mean? A. The bike is new. B. The bike is expensive. C. The bike is heavy. 第二节 ( 共 10 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 20 分) 听下面 3 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题 , 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 , 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前 , 你有时间阅读各小题 , 每小题 5 秒钟。听完后 , 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段 对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话 , 回答第 6 至第 8 三个小题。 6. What are the two speakers talking about?


2019全国各地中考英语试题汇编-单词拼写 注意事项:认真阅读理解,结合历年的真题,总结经验,查找不足!重在审题,多思考,多理解!【一】〔2018年宁波市中考〕 【二】〔2018年桂林市中考〕请根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式。每空只能填一词。 1.MyEnglishteacherdrivesherc_______toworkeveryday. 2.Therearef_______seasonsinayear. 3.—Isityourdictionary?—No,it’snotm_______. 4.Weusuallys_______thefloorbeforetheSpringFestival. 5.ProjectHopehasraisedmoneyandp______fortheeducationof2.7millionpoorstudents. 6.Mothergavemeanew_______(书包)asapresentonmybirthday.[中^国*%教#育出版网&] 7.Don’tbe_______(害羞)whenyouspeakEnglishtoforeignfriends. 8.Ilikethepinkandwhitedressverymuch,itfeels__________(柔软的). 9.Peoplecouldh______(几乎不)believetheirearswhentheyheardthenewsaboutWuBin. 10.PeoplenotonlyinChinabutalsofrommanyothercountriesarestill_______(受影 响)byConfucius’thoughts. 【三】(2018年连云港市中考) 【四】(2018年湖州市中考) 【五】〔2018安徽省中考〕


初中毕业生学业考试-英语 考生须知: 1.全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。试卷共10页,七大题,76小题。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名和准考证号填写在答题纸的相应位置上。 3.1至45小题的答案必须用2B铅笔涂在答题纸的相应位置上;46至76小题的答案必须 用0.5毫米及以上的黑色签字笔写在答题纸的相应位置上,做在试卷上无效。 卷Ⅰ 说明:本卷共有三大题,45小题,共70分。 一、听力(共15小题,每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分) 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题,对话仅读一遍。 1. What does Steven want to be? A.A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A policeman 2. What does the woman ask the man to bring? A.Sausages. B.Hamburgers. C.Fruits. 3. Which club does Sally want to join? A.The Cooking Club. B.The Dancing Club. C.The Singing. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A.At a bookstop. B.At a hotel. C.At a library. 5. How does the man usually go to school? A.By bike. B.By bus. C.On foot. 第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题,对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6~7小题。 6. How often does the woman go jogging? A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. 7. What does the man like doing? A.Playing tennis. B.Going jogging. C.Walking the dog. 听下面一段较长对话,回答8~10小题。 8. Which film will William and Sharon go to see? A.Cowboys and Alians. B.Gone with the Wind. C.Golden Monkey. 9. Where will William and Sharon see the film? A.At the Duke of York’s. B.At the Film World. C.At the New York Cinema. 10. When will William and Sharon meet? A.At 7:00. B.At 7:30. C.At 8:00. 第三节:听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答第11~15小题。独白读两遍。 11. How did Eric feel when his parents took him to the fast food restaurant? A.Surprised. B.Excited. C.Sad. 12. Why did the family seldom eat fast fod?


初中升学考试英语试题 第一卷选择题(六大题,共75分) Ⅰ.听力图片判断(共5分,每小题1分) 根据你听到的内容从每小题的三幅图片中选出正确选项,每小题听一遍。 Ⅱ.听力对话理解(共5分,每小题1分) 根据你听到的小对话从每小题的三个选项中选出正确答案。每小题听两遍。 6. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. In an office C. In a hospital 7. What are the man and woman doing ? A. They’re watching TV B. They’re talking about a sports program C. They’re talking about a movie. 8. Where does the woman tell the man to get into the supermarket? A. From the entrance B. From the exit C. From the window 9.What does the man want to do? A. He wants to mend his trousers B. He wants the woman to mend his trousers C. He wants the woman to mend his shirt 10. Who’s looking for Lily? A. The man B. Her boss C. One of her friends Ⅲ.听力篇章理解。(共10分,每小题1分) 听下面A 、B篇的两段对话和C篇的一段独白,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确答案。对话或独白听两遍。 (A)


2016年全国中考英语试题专题练习:感叹句 一、选择题 1、________ great news it is! We’ll have a school trip next week. A. What a B. What C. How a D. How 2、—We are going to take part in Running Man. —______ exciting news! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 3、--- _______ it is! -- Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine! A. What a lovely day B. How windy C. What a rainy day D. How wet 4、_______ fat sheep they are! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 5、﹣________ angry Kangkang looks!What happened? ﹣He found his mother reading his diary when he returned home yesterday. A.How B.What C.What an 6、______ nice holiday the Turners have had! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 7、- _____ heavy the rainstorm is! -Yes, the town has experienced the most serious flood during the past ten years. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a


2019年全国各地中考英语试题《阅读理解》试题汇编2(含答案)1.(2019?黄石)People in different countries speak different languages.But is there a language that can be understood by everyone in the world?Emojis might be the first truly universal(通用的)language. Emojis are a kind of special language.Pictures are used to put meaning across.A group called the Unicode Consortium is in charge of choosing official(官方的)emojis It has added new emojis every year since 2014.These new emojis do not come out of nowhere.They come from what people think about,like and care about. Emojis can be used to represent (代表)different groups of people.In 2015,emoji faces with different skin tones(肤色)were added.In 2016,different jobs were added,such as doctor,police officer and painter along with female versions of these jobs.This year,emojis of disabled people were added,including emojis of blind people and people in wheel chairs. But there is also more to emojis.They can also refer to pop culture and new cultural trends.New emojis in 2019 have included several animals,such as sloths(树懒)and flamingos(火烈鸟).These animals are not very common,but are known to many people.For example,sloths have become popular thanks to the 2016 film Zootopia(《疯狂动物城》).Many fashion designers have included flamingos in their designs in recent years.This animal makes people feel like they' re on a tropical(热带)vacation.It seems that emojis are a mirror of the world we live in.It will be interesting to see how they change and grow in the years to come. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务. (1)Emojis are a special language using the to put meaning across.(仅填1个词)(2)Where do new emojis come from?(回答不超过9个词) (3)When did emojis begin to show different jobs?(回答不超过2个词) (4)What kind of animals have been included in2019?(回答不超过6个词) (5)将画线句子翻译成汉语.
