


As every body knows, mobiles are playing a important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have bot advantages and disadvtanges in my opinion.


First, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are.Especially when they have something important.It reduces the cost for people dont have to travel a long way to get to know the things in person


Second,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just

0.01 yuan for each short message.


third, we can also play games or take photoes or listen to music on the mobiles,late we do many things on them with the development of technology.


But they also have many disadvatages.we have to pay for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radioactivites may do harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at meetings



高中英语作文:手机的优点和缺点 导读:本文高中英语作文:手机的优点和缺点,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 As every body knows, mobiles are playing an important part in our daily life nowadays.But they have both advantages and disadvantages in my opinion. First, mobiles make it convenient for people to keep in touch with each other whenever they are.Especially when they have something important.It reduces the cost for people that they don’t have to travel a long way to get to know the things. Second,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short message.Third, we can also play games or take photos or listen to music on the mobiles, we can do many things on them with the development of technology. But they also have many disadvantages.We have to pay for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radio activites may do harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at meetings. 众所周知,现在手机在我们的日常生活中扮演了一个重要的角色。但在我看来手机既有优点也有缺点。 首先,手机使得人们更方便互相保持联系无论人们身在何方,尤其是当他们有一些重要事情的时候。手机降低了成本,人们不需要走很长的路去了解事情。其次我们可以用很少的钱通过手机发送消息,每条短信秩序0.01元。第三,我们还可以用手机玩游戏、拍照或听音乐,随着科技的发展我们还可以用手机做许多事情。

初中英语作文范文:手机的利与弊 .doc

初中英语作文范文:手机的利与弊 Cell phones have become increasingly popular in china these days. wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. many college students, even high s chool students, have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits, but the most important i s that they are convenient. with cell phones in their hands, they can keep in t ouch with anybody they want. if they want to get some information from the inte rnet, they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too. furthermor e, if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident, a call to emergency hos pital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants. However, cell phones can also bring people problems. the most serious is th e electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users' brains. anot her problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc, the ring of the cell phone may interrupt others. so i think people should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are at tending important meetings or attending classes.


优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: https://www.360docs.net/doc/953919726.html,/(报名网址) 优尼全能英语提供纯英式幼儿英语、儿童英语、少儿英语、青少儿英语、留学、游学英语培训课程,。赶紧登陆优尼全能英语官网获取免费试听课程,开始英语学习之旅。 3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:高考英语作文范文:手机的利弊 No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. (B.T.Washington, American educator)除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们。 为了大家能更多的得到写作部分的25分,我们特精选了以下范文,希望同学们务必研读背诵!(尤其注意:文中划线部分为该体裁的套话;黑体部分为写作中的经典表达。) May you succeed in the coming college entrance examination. 一、与报社等讨论稿(带手机利弊) Dear Editor: [引出话题] I ’m a senior three student. I ’m writing to tell you my opinion on whethermiddle school students can go to school with mobile phones. [赞成]I think they can do that. Because students can keep in touch with their friends and family wherever they are. Besides, the mobile phone is a way to have fun. [反对] However, every coin has 2 sides. There are some problems with using mobile phones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. Another students is that some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages. [个人观点] In conclusion, I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Also, as it is expensive, the owner should take good care of it. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


关于手机的好处英语作文 Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modern society as it brings a lot of convenient to our lives and provides a new way for us to contact with the world. 在现代社会中手机是非常有必要和重要的,因为它给我们的生活带来了很多便利,也为我们提供了与世界的联系的新方式。 In the first place, mobile phone closes the relationship between people because people can use mobile phone contact with each other at any time. In particularly, for those people who are far away from each other, mobile phone is definitely the best tool for them to keep and strengthen their relationships. 首先,手机拉近了人与人之间的关系,因为人们能够用手机随时保持联系。特别是那些离得很远的人,手机绝对是维持和增强他们的关系的工具。 Second, mobile phone makes our work or study more efficient. People can use mobile phones to search data, to delivery files and so on. For students, they can use mobile phone to do some readings at any time and any places without carrying a book. 第二,手机使我们的工作或学习更有效率。人们能够用手机搜索数据,传送文件等。对于学生来说,他们能够随时用手机阅读而无需携带书。 In addition, mobile phone makes our lives be more wonderful in that it has been added more and more functions, such as watching movies, listening to music and writing blog, etc.


Are there more advantages than advantages to using mobile phones in class? Abstract: Key words: Date:November 7, 2016 Team name:EDS Name of editor/team leader:Edwiin Full name of team members:Shane, Denny, Edwiin Name of teacher:Bill Westwater Introduction: The cellphone has developed a long time and it is extremely popular with the people using mobile phone in class, especially when the smart phone come out in front of people.Most parent agree with students to take the phone to school. Cellphones are widely used by students whose can use the cellphone to take photos, serf the internet, connect with parents and friends. But the bad thing is that some students rely on smart phone and always focus on phone in the classes. And accordingto Tindell and Bohander (2012), 95% of students bring their phone to class every day,92% students use their phone to text message during class time, and 10% admit they have texted during an exam on at least one occasion.For example, Hurst (2004) hypothesizes that students used calculator functions to cheat on math test. This is high percentage in using mobile phones in classes, it means that cellphone have a great influence in the student’s study and their life. In the meantime, the problem which is that are there more disadvantage than advantage of using mobile phone in class? It is widelybelievedthat there is more advantage than disadvantage of using cellphone in class. However, a part of people thinks that there is more disadvantage than advantage to using mobile phone in class. It is heated debated in this discussion by people.This project will both explore the advantages and disadvantages of students to use mobile phone in class, and also will showhow the cellphone affect studying. Itwill alsoprovide the evidence and discuss the using cellphone advantage more than the disadvantage of using cell phone after getting the results. What is more,our group did a questionnaire about the people using cellphone in class in order to solved the problem. In this questionnaire it is clearly describedthe question like that what kind of things student do use the mobile phone in class. Finally, it would be point out that there is more advantage than disadvantage of using mobile phone in class. Methodology: This topic is connected to our normal life. So, making a questionnaire to interview others students which is the important efficiency way for us. Thisquestionnaire was made from last week andit concludes some information which is about are there more advantages than disadvantages to using mobile phones in class?Mobile phone use is widespread in University students and almost every student will take mobile


Smartphone Addiction As the development of modern technology, Smartphone has become quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions. People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures at any place, anytime. It seems that smart phones have already become an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, some people are indulging in smart phones, which already have side-effect on their normal life. 随着当代科技的迅速发展,智能手机以其卓越的功能风靡全球。人们可以在任何时间、任何地点用它来上网,更新个人微博,上传自己的最新照片。看起来智能手机已经成为人们生活中不可缺的一部分了。然而,有些人过渡沉迷于智能手机,以至于影响了正常生活。 Some people, especially teenagers, are easily fall for Smartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under great pressure, while cell phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves. By playing mini-games, vocal chatting with friends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their problems temporary. Second, there are always something new on the phone. It is can be interesting, mysterious and various. So people are eager to turn on their phones, want to know what is happening around them. When people spend too much time on the phones, they don’t have enough chance to communicate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lack of good self-control, they are fragile to the smart phone addiction, while they supposed to focus on their study and work. 一些人,特别是青少年,极容易被智能手机吸引。原因有这些:首先,当今社会人们压力很大,智能手机提供了一个给人们放松的平台。通过玩小游戏,与朋友语音聊天,看电影听音乐,人们很容易暂时忘记他们的烦恼。其二,手机上总有新鲜事。有趣的、神秘的、种类繁多的信息吸引着大家打开手机,去了解周围到底发生了什么。当人们花了太多的时间在手机上时,就没有足够的机会去与朋友父母聊天沟通。他们的注意力已被虚拟世界所吸引。缺乏好的自控能力,他们在手机成瘾面前弱不禁风。他们理应集中精力在学习和工作上的。 I think people should take smart phone addiction seriously. Quitting addiction needs time and patience. People should turn off their phones, go outside and communicate with others face to face. Do more exercise and form optimistic attitude towards life!我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症。戒掉它需要时间和耐心。人们应该关掉手机,走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流。多做运动,培养乐观积极的心态! 相关范文:Nowadays more and more students played their cell phone during the class . and i think there are several key reasons for this occasion occurs. the first is that they think the teachers class are boring and this is a beautiful accuse . the second is that there is not a strict rule .the third one is that the students don’t have a goal of their life .And we all know that not only the phone has radioactive but also ruined the morale in studying .you just want to kill the time during the

【2018-2019】手机利弊英语作文 [1000字]-word范文模板 (2页)

【2018-2019】手机利弊英语作文 [1000字]-word范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 手机利弊英语作文 [1000字] Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, especially the IT and information industry, cell phones are accessible and they play a dominant role in our daily life, which greatly facilitate our lives. Firstly, it’s very useful and convenient. As a wireless mobile phone, it can be easy to carry and make people reach others and be reached immediately, without considering the location. Secondly, it’s also a perfect recreational tool. With the progress of science and technology, cell phones are much more powerful than ever. With them, people not only can make a phone call, send SMS, but also can play games and search the internet, even do shopping. Furthermore, when you are in trouble, the handy cell phone is an effective way to help you. 目前,随着社会的快速发展,特别是IT和信息产业,手机普遍被使用了,而且它们在我们的日常生活中扮演着一个很重要的角色,极大的促进了我们的生活。第一,手机很有用而且很方便。作为一个无线移动电话,它易拿、可以忽略地理位置快速的联系别人。第二,手机也是一个完美的娱乐工具。随着科技的进步,手机比以前更加强大了。有了手机,人们不仅可以打电话,发简讯,还可 以玩游戏,上网,甚至还可以购物。此外,当你遇上麻烦时,用身边的手机是 一个有效的方法来帮助你。 However, some people argue that the mobile phones bring some negative impacts to people’s lives as well as convenience. Firstly, to a certain extent, the mobile phones will affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly fiddle with your mobile phone when you’re communicating with your friends or families, the mobile phone will make dialogue delay to make others feel that you lack of sincerity and even likely to cause conflict. Secondly, mobile phones will narrow the circle of life by making the traditional social models, such as family gatherings, school reunions, less important. Because mobile phones occupy too much of our time and attention, and force us to focus on them. Last but not the least, mobile phones are harmful to our health.


T h e i n f l u e n c e o f s m a r t p h o n e With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone. Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the distance between people and makes our lives more convenient. Especially the invention of smart phone, it provides more entertainment, such as shopping, video calls, listening to music, surfing on the Internet, etc.The smart phone makes our life more and more convenient and colorful. But, have you noticed that sometimes the smart phone also brings many questions to us?Now, people especially student are over-reliance on smart phone. It has become the most important thing for students. They can not learn but not can play mobile phone. The smart phones have seriously affected people’s daily life. We have to resist the temptation of smart phone. 随着信息技术的发展和通讯产品的降价,手机已经成为大多数人的必用品,特别是智能手机。 很明显,手机缩短了人与人之间的距离,让我们生活更加方便,特别是智能手机的发明,为我们提供了更多娱乐方式,例如网上购物,视频通话,听音乐,上网等等。智能手机是我们的生活更加方便和多彩。 但是,你是否注意到智能手机也为我们带来了很多问题。现在人们特别是学生过度依赖于手机,手机已成为学生最重要的东西。他们可以不学习,但是不能不玩手机。

9种屏幕优缺点比较 究竟哪种手机屏幕材质好

9种屏幕优缺点比较究竟哪种手机屏幕材质好 目前在手机产品上,除了硬件上的差别之外,屏幕也已经成为了消费者购买手机的标准之一,不过毕竟屏幕材质实在够多,而消费者对它们的优缺点也不能一一了解,本文通过对目前九大手机屏幕材质的解析,让消费者有一个明明白白的消费观。 这九大手机屏幕材质及技术中,除了传统的TFT、OLED等屏幕之外,还有NOVA、AMOLED、Super AMOLED、Super AMOLED Plus、IPS、SLCD、ASV等这几年十分流行的屏幕材质及技术,下面我们就给大家来一一做一个全面的解析。 一、TFT屏幕 由于性能均衡、产量高、造价低廉等特点,TFT屏幕被广泛的应用在手机产品上,是目前市场上最常见的屏幕,TFT(Thin Film Transistor)即薄膜场效应晶体管,属于有源矩阵液晶显示器中的一种。它可以“主动地”对屏幕上的各个独立的像素进行控制,这样可以大大提高反应时间。一般TFT的反应时间比较快,约80毫秒,而且可视角度大,一般可达到130度左右。 所谓薄膜场效应晶体管,是指液晶显示器上的每一液晶象素点都是由集成在其后的薄膜晶体管来驱动。从而可以做到高速度、高亮度、高对比度显示屏幕信息。TFT属于有源矩阵液晶显示器,在技术上采用了“主动式矩阵”的方式来驱动,方法是利用薄膜技术所作成的电晶体电极,利用扫描的方法“主动拉”控制任意一个显示点的开与关,光源照射时先通过下偏光板向上透出,借助液晶分子传导光线,通过遮光和透光

来达到显示的目的。 屏幕优点:制造工艺成熟、还原能力和对比度较好 屏幕不足:比较耗电、触控手感和灵敏度相对较差 代表机型:摩托罗拉XT702(摩托罗拉旗下大部分手机都是采用TFT屏幕) 二、OLED屏幕 其实目前市场上OLED屏幕手机目前已经不是很多了,虽然在TFT屏幕主打的时代,这类屏幕还是比较先进的,Super AMOLED也是基于OLED屏幕衍变而来,但是由于AMOLED 和Super AMOLED的普及,OLED屏幕正在逐渐的淡出手机市场。 OLED (Organic Light Emitting Display)即有机发光显示器,因为具备轻薄、省电等特性,,被称誉为“梦幻显示器”。OLED显示技术与传统的LCD显示方式不同,无需背光灯,采用非常薄的有机材料涂层和玻璃基板,当有电流通过时,这些有机材料就会发光。而且OLED显示屏幕可以做得更轻更薄,可视角度更大,并且能够显著的节省耗电量。


写一篇关于中学生使用手机英语作文 现在越来越多的中学生拥有了自己的手机。中学生使用手机有利有弊。写出你对中学生带手机上学有什麽看法。 优点给我们提供了很多方便,可以很容易找到朋友,可以给朋友发短信,发短信很流行 缺点带来不少麻烦,有些同学在课上打电话,发短信在考试中用短信作弊有些同学炫耀自己的新手机 Is mobile phone good for student? mobile phones are becoming a new scene on schools .Is mobile phones good for students? Different people hold Different opinions. some student think that it is extremely convenient for then to communicate with the outside world by using mobile phones,especially when they are hunting for jobs.Nowadays, mobiles are popular with people who are from the old to the young ,people send messages ,surf on the net,listen to music and even take photos by using their mobile phones.As a result ,mobile phones are more and more popular with students. here are also many students hold a negative opinion on it .they think some may concentrate more on playing mobile phone than study.so it may influence their study.So some teachers or parents don’t allow them to play with it. In my opinion ,w heather you like it or not,the mobile has already affected our and play an important role in our daily life.We should make the best of using a mobile phone.


玩手机高中英语作文 随着科技的发展,手机是我们随时不可离身的重要物品,但是它的危害又有谁真正的注意过?下面是小编为大家精心整理的关于玩手机高中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 玩手机 N o w a d a y s,w i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f h i g h t e c h n o l o g y, s m a r t p h o n e i s v e r y p o p u l a r a m o n g t h e h i g h s c h o o l s t u d e n t s.T h e s m a r t p h o n e o n c e w a s t h o u g h t t o b e f o r b i d d e n u s i n g i n t h e c l a s s, n o w h a s b e c o m e v e r y c o m m o n t o o l f o r s t u d e n t s.A l o t o f s t u d e n t s k e e p t h e i r e y e s o n t h e p h o n e a l l t h e t i m e, e v e n i n t h e c l a s s, t h e y s t i l l c h e c k o n i t. T e a c h e r s a r e u p s e t a b o u t t h i s s i t u a t i o n, b e c a u s e t h e y f e e l m o s t s t u d e n t s i g n o r i n g t h e m w h e n t h e y a r e p a s s i n g t h e k n o w l e d g e. S o m e t e a c h e r t h i n k i t i s t i m e t o l e t t h e s t u d e n t s h a n d i n t h e i r s m a r t p h o n e s i n t h e c l a s s a n d a f t e r c l a s s,t h e s e c o m m u n i c a t i o n a l t o o l w i l l b e t u r n e d b a c k. I d o n t t h i n k i t i s a g o o d i d e a. E v e n f o r t h e t e a c h e r s, t h e y c o u n t o n t h e i r p h o n e s s o m u c h,


智能手机的优缺点 现在智能手机很普遍,那么我们就说一下智能手机的优缺点。 先说一下智能手机的优点或者说是智能手机对人类的好处。1、具备普通手机的全部功能,能够进行正常的通话,发短信等手机应用。 2、具备无线接入互联网的能力,即需要支持GSM网络下的GPRS或者CDMA网络下的CDMA 1X或者3G网络。 3、具备PDA的功能,包括PIM (个人信息管理),日程记事,任务安排,多媒体应用,浏览网页。 4、具备一个具有开放性的操作系统,在这个操作系统平台上,可以安装更多的应用程序,从而使智能手机的功能可以得到无限的扩充。所以智能手机无论在生活上还是在工作娱乐上都提供更多的便利。 现在说一下智能手机的缺点或不足。1) 智能手机为实现各种功能,自然就需要比较强大而且齐全的硬件配置,所以智能手机的体积相比普通手机还不能得到根本上的突破,便携性方面要差於普通手机。2) 智能手机采用了高级的系统,就像电脑上的 Windows O/S一样,出错的频率也要高於一般普通手机,故在 Smart Phone 身上发生 Hang 机只不过是一件正常的事,需要 Re-start 手机等问题发生在智能手机上并不奇怪 ! 3) 另外由於手机采用了开放式的操作系统,智能手机难免会遭到非法程序的影响,例如最近的出现的多个智能手机病毒问题,这些都会影响到智能手机的正常使用。4) Smart Phone 的耗电量,多少是会较一般普通手机为多,但不算是严重,以功能和性能来对比仍算是合理的。还有价格普遍较高,易用性较差,新手需要慢慢适应。笔者还算是一个对电脑方面比较懂的人,刚拿

到智能手机时都相当茫然,研究了半天才能逐一掌握如何安装那些令人眼馋的应用程序。可想而之,那些对电脑以及手机不是很熟悉的朋友来说,如果你想玩转一个智能手机,不花点时间好好钻研钻研是不行的,毕竟如今的智能手机就好比是一台缩小版的PC。 其实智能手机易用性较差主要还是在手机界面上。一般普通手机多以人性化非常到位的9宫格和12宫格界面,让用户轻松上手。而智能手机就差在这里。不过如今诺基亚手机的S60界面已经相当人性化,就连不易上手的Windows Mobile界面也在逐渐改善中。而真正制约用户消费的还是在于价格,一般都要高出非智能手机一大截。我认为造成这些缺点的最主要的原因是科学技术的不够完善。 那如何改善?首先应该加快这方面的科学技术的的发展,使其加快更新。然后注重其性能的改善。提高手机的防毒能力,开发杀毒软件。 姜俊杰 101201412


优秀初二英语作文:手机的利与弊 以下是我们为大家整理的关于优秀初二英语作文:手机的利与弊的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! \Cell phones have become increasingly popular in china these days. wherever you go you can see people using cell phones. many college students even high school students have cell phones. Cell phones have brought people a lot of benefits but the most important is that they are convenient. with cell phones in their hands they can keep in touch with anybody they want. if they want to get some information from the internet they can easily have their dream realized via cell phones too. furthermore if someone has a heart attack or a traffic accident a call to emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring him the help he wants. " However cell phones can also bring people problems. the most serious is the electric wave radiation which is thought to be harmful to users brains. another problem is that when people are having a meeting or having a class or at a concert etc the ring of the cell phone may interrupt others. so i think people should use cellphones as little as possible and turn them off when they are attending important meetings or
