


事实信息/细节题【Factual Information Questions (3 to 6 questions per set)】这可能是托福阅读考试中,除去词汇题,占到最大比重的一种题型。托福阅读考试一般是每篇文章12-14道题,尤其一篇文章如果考察14道题,却出现了6道细节题,这个比重之大值得引起考生的注意。而且事实信息题的难度浮动性特别大,也就是说,有的细节题非常简单,有的却很难。所以考生到最后冲刺刷题阶段,在进行错题统计的时候会发现,错题比例最多的仍然是细节题。细节题和词汇题加起来可以构成整个托福阅读考试题目的半壁江山,是我们取得托福阅读高分的基础,因此,我们不得不想办法攻克这种题型。


细节题做题的流程相对比较简单:首先阅读问题,找出题目中的关键词;其次根据关键词/定位词(key words)回到原文中定位,阅读跟关键词所有有关的信息;最后回到选项中,判断选项



下面用TPO3 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer中的三道细节题来演练下此题的做题方式。

Paragraph 4: This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate that is ,virtually no natural water source to replenish the water supply has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically. In the 1930s, wells encountered plentiful water at a depth of about 15 meters; currently, they must be dug to depths of 45 to 60 meters or more. In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps. It is estimated that at current withdrawal rates, much of the aquifer will run dry within 40 years. The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water. It is projected that the remaining Ogallala water will, by the

year 2030, support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage in Texas that is supported in 1980.

9. According to paragraph 4, compared with all other states that use Ogallala water for irrigation, Texas

○ Has the greatest amount of farmland being irrigated with Ogallala water

○ Contains the largest amount of Ogallala water underneath the soil

○ Is expected to face the worst water supply crisis as the Ogallala runs dry

○ Uses the least amount of Ogallala water for its irrigation needs



2)回到原文找跟Texas有关的内容。The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water. It is projected that the remaining Ogallala water will, by the year 2030, support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage in Texas that is supported in 1980.从中分析出最简化信息critical与only 35 to 40


3)进行选项判断。C选项face the worst water supply crisis与原文critical一致,因此C为正确选项。

Paragraph 5:The reaction of farmers to the inevitable depletion of the Ogallala varies. Many have been attempting to conserve water by irrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that require less water. Other, however, have adopted the philosophy that it is best to use the water while it is still economically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-value crops such as cotton. The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire regions water supplies.

11. Paragraph 5 mentions which of the following as a source of difficulty for some farmers who try to conserve water?

○ Crops that do not need much water are difficult to grow in the High Plains.

○ Farmers who grow crops that need a lot of water make higher profits.

○ Irrigating less frequently often leads to crop failure.

○ Few farmers are convinced that the aquifer will eventually run dry.


1)读题,找到定位词。difficulty与farmers who try to conserve water。

2)回到原文中找与定位词有关的信息。The incentive of the farmers who wish to conserve water is reduced by their knowledge that many of their neighbors are profiting by using great amounts of water, and in the process are drawing down the entire regions water supplies.此时就需要考生过硬的语言能力来分析这句长难句,不难发现此句表达的核心内容是,当想要保护水资源的农民知道他们的邻居正在利用水资源获取高额利润,并且整个地区的水资源在不断减少,他们就失去保护水资源的动力了。因此选B。而很多同学容易错选C,因为原文中的确出现了irrigate less frequently的字样,但是跟题目发问的重点不同,并且原文中并没有提到crop failure, 因此为错误选项。

Paragraph 6:In the face of the upcoming water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers. Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets. Somewhat more promising have been recent

experiments for releasing capillary water (water in the soil) above the water table by injecting compressed are into the ground. Even if this process proves successful, however, it would almost triple water costs. Genetic engineering also may provide a partial solution, as new strains of drought-resistant crops continue to be developed. Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be, it is evident that within the High Plains, irrigation water will never again be the abundant, inexpensive resource it was during the agricultural boom years of the mid-twentieth century.

12. According to paragraph 6, what is the main disadvantage of the proposed plans to transport river water to the High Plains?

○ The rivers cannot supply sufficient water for the farmers needs.

○ Increased irrigation costs would make the products too expensive.

○ The costs of using capillary water for irrigation will increase.

○ Farmers will be forced to switch to genetically engineered crops.


1)读题,找到关键词。main disadvantage与transport river water to the High Plains。

2)回到原文中找到相关信息。In the face of the upcoming

water supply crisis, a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississippi, the Missouri, or the Arkansas rivers. Unfortunately, the cost of water obtained through any of these schemes would increase pumping costs at least tenfold, making the cost of irrigated agricultural products from the region uncompetitive on the national and international markets. 分析后发现,这个计划的缺陷是cost would increase tenfold; products uncompetitive.

3)回到选项中快速地选出B这个选项。但是根据课堂教学发现,绝大多数同学在做这道题目的时候会误选C,因为他们只关注到了cost increase,却忽略了using capillary water for irrigation是段落中提到的第二个方案,跟题目中所问得transport water 无关。


解读新托福阅读中推理题 解读新托福阅读中推理题。今天,天道小编要和同学们介绍的是新托福阅读中推理题解决策略。下面,和天道小编一起来看看吧: 断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG,在IBT 阅读的3篇文章中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推断题。 一、推理题的两大分类:有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题。 这里所谓的有共性推理题就是说题干中有和原文内容相同的关键词(也叫线索)。根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。一般来说,大多数的推理题都属于这类题目。对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。返回原文找信息点,采用排除法是解决这两类题型解决的共同策略。 二、推理题的三个具体的解题思路: 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理:一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子:例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.来源:考试大 What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War? (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined. (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war. (D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.


托福阅读错题总结: 改变计划——从第一套开始做! TPO24:细节题做完之后,通读文章,了解全文的结构和主要内容层次 一、Lake Water 2、词汇题gains:这里是增量的概念所以应该是increase,而不是存量的概念savings 8、比较细节题:弄清A比B还是B比A,Lake Erie体积小,选择表述相反但正确。 11、解释现象题:定位前后句,前面一句是:Climatic change影响很大,后面一句是: Theslowing down of water renewal leads to a chain of further consequences,由further可以推知Theslowing down of water renewal也是前面现象的原因 14、概括多选题:太细节的不选,没有提到的不选,选项一般是文章几个层次的内容。 同一部分的内容不可能选两个答案。 二、Breathing During Sleep 7、注意题目中的限定during NREM,和文章中的比较转折(往后看) 13、归类题:要理解文章的主要内容,对各部分的内容都要熟悉 三、Moving into Pueblos 1、词汇题:traumatic,外力的,受迫的 3、理解推断题:要理解原文想要表达的意思,原来更加自由 5、细节题:定位对应段的内容,同义句的替换 14、概括多选题:表述过于绝对的选项是不正确的 TPO23:定位,理解,替换(分析定位句,转换含义),不要多想(文中没提到的绝对不选) 一、Urban Climates 11、词汇题:modified(改进的——changed)中性的改变,increased修饰不合理。 定位原句:Wind movements are also modified in cities because buildings increase the friction on air flowing around them. This friction tends to slow the speed of winds。 13、插入句子题:Another possibility is for the heat island to be stretched along the course of major rivers, since large waterways typically have a warming effect on the air directly above them. 原文环境:■The precise configuration of a heat island depends on several factors.■For example, the wind can make a heat island stretch in the direction it blows. ■When a heat island is well developed, variations can be extreme; in winter, busy streets in cities can be 1.7℃warmer than the side streets. ■ 通过标红的词,以及并列的语义:许多原因,例如XX,另一个XX,判断插入第三处。 14、多选题:分析文章的主要内容:城市热的一个现象——这个热是怎么造成的——形 成热岛效应及其特征——城市表面空气造成的其他现象 此题中其他三个选项都是文中没有提到的! 二、Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture 2、句子同意转述题:Importing the grain, (which would have been expensive and time consuming for the Dutch to have produced themselves), kept the price of grain low and thus stimulated individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods. 主干:Importing the grainkept the price of grain low and thus stimulated individual demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods.虽然由and 连接,但其实是因果关系句! Thus 一词体现出了因果关系!B. Because the Dutch were able to import inexpensive grain, they had money available to create a demand for other food products and consumer


托福阅读如何搞清楚事实信息题的题干 众所周知,事实信息题在每1篇文章中的所占比例是比较大的,并且搞定这个题型是考生在托福阅读方面获胜的保障。所以,本篇文章将和大家分享搞定这个题型的关键是弄清楚这个题型的题干的这个必杀锏。 这个人肿么了嘛?别人都是告诉我们怎么搞到事实信息题的答案,你为何要告诉我们如何搞清楚事实信息题的题干呢?事实信息题就好像是医院里的一类病人一样,题干就是病情表现出来的症状,医生想要解除病人的痛楚,必须对症下药,那么考生想要解决事实信息题,也一定要有的放矢。 因此,找到事实信息题的答案的关键步骤之一,就是必须审清楚题干。通过分析题干的过程必须弄清楚两个问题:问什么和定位什么,之后答案自然就跳出来了。可是好多学生就会说:当然是问什么就定位什么啊,也就是说,两者是一回事! 的确,有一部分事实信息题是这样的,问什么就定位什么,之后就可以得到答案。比如TPO4中的第1篇文章Deer Populations of the Puget Sound中的第1题:Paragraph 1: Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington(B), is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country; it is now restricted to(A) the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River. 1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer(问并定位) of Puget Sound?


托福阅读推理题如何选出正确答案 一、推理题的标志 推理题的题干中一般含有infer, imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。 二、推理题的做法 对于无共性的推理题,也就是题干中无线索的,一般使用排除法,即根据各个选项的关键词回原文定位,通过排除法得出正确答案。 对于有共性的推理题,也就是题干中有线索的,可以先圈定题干中的关键词,根据关键词回原文定位,然后进行推理。推理题主要有下列思路: 1.一般对比推理 ETS设计推理题的手段不多,根据两个事物的对比特征出题是其中之一。问其中一个事物的特征时,只要将与之形成对比的另一个事物的特征否定掉就可以了。例如: It should be obvious that cetaceans–whales, porpoises, and dolphins–are mammals. They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. 2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters? &<61;It is not difficult to imagine what they looked like. &<61;There were great numbers of them. &<61;They lived in the sea only. &<61;They did not leave many fossil remains. 根据关键词sea otters定位第四句:However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds…,由原文的unlike可知sea otters和pinnipeds两种动物与whales形成对比,而且很难想象原始的whales的样子;根据“一般对比推理”思路,可以推出“原始的sea otters的样子不难想象”。第一个选项表达了此意,为正确答案。 2.时间对比推理 这种思路常被考到。在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 例一: Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth…. …It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution. … It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution


常常有考友询问,为什么托福阅读明明有42个题,总分却只有30分,分数如何计算的呢?其实,每每看到这种问题,小编的内心是疼痛的。 大家准备一个考试,却不看考试指导手册,考得不太理想,简直太正常了。就算天生神勇,也应该有个作战纲领呀! 打开OG,第一部分就是托福阅读的介绍,编者首先给出了评分标准的表格。 紧接着给出了各类题型的题型解析,这些就是托福阅读的考察内容,众位考友一定要反复研究,在准备考试时,下意识的按照出题者的思路去解题。 那么托福阅读有些什么考察类型?应该怎么解题?

在iBT阅读中,甚至可以扩展到ETS所有考试的阅读题目中,无论是题干还是正确选项,大都能在原文中找出一句话来与之相对应。即题目是原文的意译。这种意译是通过同义词来完成的。即题干中多用近义词来对原文中的句子进行替换,来达到提出问题或者提出正确答案的意思。准确把握意译,是多数题目中准确在原文中定位信息、或者在迷惑选项中选出正确的那个,都有着重要的作用。 1、词汇题 解题方法:若认识,直接解题,没得说;若不认识,就只能推断了。 但是备考阶段最重要的一点。背单词!首先,考托福没有一定的词汇量等于直接酱油了,所以词汇量是一切的基础。 2、指代题 考点:句子直接词之间的关系 解题方法: (1)代词 a. 从句的主语指代主句的主宾语(使用属性判断,不用含义) b. 关系代词指代先行词(插入结构不影响指代关系) c. 重复概念指代: Tom and his cat(就近原则) d. some 和 others (2)名词 a. 优先选择题干的上下意词 m is a kind of M, M是m的上意词 b. 若上下意词不唯一则当作代词指代处理 注意: a.被指代对象往往在代词之前出现 b. 从句开头往后找答案 c. 代词和被指代对象的数性和性质必须一致 d. 指代的传递现象 3、句子简化题 解题方法: (1)确定题干句子中的逻辑成分 逻辑成分主要包括:关联词,动词,状语 而托福最爱考的逻辑主要是:因果,比较、最高级,否定 (2)确定与逻辑相关的语义 要依据最简化原则,抓句子中的逻辑要素。 因果的逻辑要素是:原因结果 比较的逻辑要素是:比较三要素 最高级 否定的逻辑要素是:作用对象 (3)选择与题干逻辑语义一致的选项 先主后次,从逻辑到语义(千万要保证逻辑正确)


托福阅读题型之否定事实信息题常用套路 为了帮助大家高效备考托福阅读,熟悉托福阅读题型套路,新东方在线托福网为大家带来托福阅读题型之否定事实信息常用套路一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多托福报名官网、托福考试报名指南等最新资讯尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 在托福阅读中,有一类别致的题型叫作否定事实信息类问题(Negative Factual Information Questions)。这类问题考察考生区别真实信息与虚假信息的能力。要分辨这种题型非常容易,因为题干中会出现大写的拒绝(“NOT”或“EXCEPT”)引起我们的注意。 例如: The author’s description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT... According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? 当我们看到“EXCEPT”或“NOT”这两个词的时候,就要马上反应过来这道题问的是以下哪个选项为否定事实信息。为了便于理解,我们把这种信息叫做虚假信息,也就是原文中没有说明是正确的信息。

下面为大家梳理一下虚假信息的三大套路:自相矛盾、无中生有、答非所问。 一否定事实信息题自相矛盾 第一种情况是选项信息与原文相矛盾,错误表述文中的信息或观点。例如下题: According to paragraph 6, all of the following statements aretrue of plants in the alpine zone EXCEPT: ○Because they are low, they are less exposed to strong winds. ○Because they are low, the winter snow cover gives them moreprotection from the extreme cold. ○In the equatorial mountains, they tend to be lower than inmountains elsewhere. ○Their low growth form keeps them closer to the ground, where thereis more heat than further up. 这道题的选项1改写原文“…avoid theworst rigors of high winds…”;选项2对应原文“…take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover”;选项4对应原文“…make use of the higher temperaturesimmediately adjacent to the ground surface”;选项3中的


托福阅读细节题 细节题是一种看起来简单实际上很考察阅读基本功的题型,通过一道细节题就可以考察出自己的问题在哪里,以及以后学习中需要加以注意的地方。下面就和大家分享托福阅读细节题:最能摸清你阅读基础的一类题,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读细节题:最能摸清你阅读基础的一类题 先给大家普及一下细节题的解题步骤: 1. 读题干,找出题干中的关键信息(就是题干提问的关键词) 2. 到*中寻找关键信息对应的句子 3. 选择一个关键信息对应句子的同义改写选项 我们来看一道例题: T17-1 Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia Paragraph 3: ……Even if they hugged theAfrican coastline, they had little chance of surviving a crossing of the IndianOcean Shortly after 1400. Shipbuilders began developing a new type of vesselproperly designed to operate in rough, open water: the

caravel. It had a widerand deeper hull than the galley and hence could carry more cargo: increasedstability made it possible to add multiple masts and sails. In the largestcaravels, two main masts held large square sails that provided the bulk of thethrust driving the ship forward, while a smaller forward mast held atriangular-shaped sail, called a lateen sail, which could be moved into avariety of positions to maneuver the ship. 8. According to paragraph 3, what did thelateen sail contribute to the caravel as a sailing ship? ○It provided stability for the front partof the ship. ○It made it possible for the hull to bewider and deeper. ○It added considerably to the speed of thewind-driven ship. ○It imp roved the capacity of the ship to beguided. 这道题题干中的关键词是lateen sail. 带着它回文中找到相关信息:while a smaller forward mast held a triangular-shaped sail, called alateen sail, which could be moved into a variety of positions to maneuver the ship.这个句子比较长而且还出现了定语从句,开头还有一个托福阅读常考的词while,并不是一下子就可以顺译出来的,如果考托er们读不懂这个句子,大概会有如下两种情况:


美联英语提供:托福阅读事实信息题详解 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9718671471.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 托福阅读文段的结构和出题点都有一定的规律,比如说托福阅读文段一般是总分总的格式,考生重点关注首段,尾段,转折句,开头句,基本上就能找到主题句。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的托福阅读事实信息题详解,希望能给大家带来帮助! 更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 1. 提问方式: Accordingto paragraph… which of the following statements is true of / concerned with /related to X? 例:According toparagraph 1, what was true of the Sahara region around 6,000 B.C.? (TPO 28 EarlySaharan Pastoralists) Accordingto paragraph… why / how / what….? 例:According to paragraph 1, why is playdifficult to define? (TPO 30 Role of Playin Development) 分析:通过以上两种不同提问方式可以总结出该题型有以下几个特点: 1). 该题型是就某段话当中的某个细节信息(即提问方式1中的X)进行提问。 2). 该题型可以围绕该细节信息的不同方面进行提问,通过特殊疑问词which;what; why; how可以看出。 3). 由于题干中未出现infer;suggest; indicate等字样,所以该题型旨在考察文本信息的字面含义,无需考生进行文本的隐含意推理。


四种思维解决托福阅读推理题 托福阅读推理题是指重要信息隐藏在文章中,不会直接表露出来,需要考生自己从表面内容中推理出。通常看到infer、indicate、imply、suggest这类关键词,就能够判定题目类型是推断题。这类托福阅读题目并不像词汇题或者事实信息题,只需要对文章“肤浅的”理解就能快速解题,有点儿像文章总结题,需要费一番工夫,用一些耐心对文章深层了解才能解题。所以很多学生会觉得题目“难”。其实掌握了方法,稍微有些耐心就能提高这类题目的答对率,题目也就不像想象中的难了。下面文都国际小编就为大家实例讲解四种思维解决托福阅读推理题。 托福阅读推理题做题思维:对比逆推思维 往往可以逆推的题目,定位句有着明显的隐含反意,找到合适的答案就可以直接选。 Paragraph 2: Speculation on the origin of these Pacific islanders began as soon as outsiders encountered them, in the absence of solid linguistic, archaeological, and biological data, many fanciful and mutually exclusive theories were devised. Pacific islanders are variously thought to have come from North America, South America, Egypt, Israel, and India, as well as Southeast Asia. Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific islanders. For example, British anthropologists G. Elliot Smith and


托福阅读28分高分备考要求 托福阅读高分策略相比口语写作而言相对简单,但是也是一大挑战。下面就来和大家谈谈要拿到托福阅读高分策略28+都有哪些需要了解的呢? 托福阅读高分策略 想得28分以上,一般就是错3个左右,也就是不含加试一篇一个。给自己的要求:不能错词汇题以外的任何题 阅读时间: 15分钟一篇,一篇13/14道题。(官方要求是20分钟一篇) 13道题中除了4道词汇题,1道多选题之外,其他题目一般是在第三段/第四段,大概第8题/第9题的样子,是一段会出2道理解题的段落。题目编排,近几年的TPO一般第一篇第二篇文章偏难,生词多,第三篇简单难度类似早期TPO。 在题目上一般是(细节词汇,细节作用,细节词汇,细节词汇改写,细节词汇,黑点大意)规律就是每一段都会出细节题(In paragraph n...)再加一道其他题,早期一段只有一道题的情况几乎不存在了。 简单的文章可能会出比较难的大意题,尤其是对比型的简单文章。用上面的标准控制时间,用下面的方法去读的话,20分钟一般都是够用的。 托福阅读高分障碍: 速度:1’大概150-170字,生词量一般而且前后不出现感觉自相矛盾需要停下来想的情况下。 选项:词汇量一般,有时词汇题的相似词汇不造句都感觉不出区别。 新托福阅读真题训练技巧: 1,粗看下文章的段数,对每段大概几道题有个预期。(比如只有5段,那长段肯定是3道题)粗看每段第一句话,对文章的整体意思心中有数。 2,每段段首变成中文理解,以迅速的进入状态,并记忆主要意思。(就算只有一道词汇题,这段的段首也要读) 3,每读一段整理一次逻辑,A支持的观点是,A的观点的问题是B的观点是。(记忆法,图像帮助理解,逻辑帮助记忆,生成图像来理解含义,对逻辑部分用色彩记忆红黄绿记忆法,每一段的第一句作为逻辑中心标记黄色。 这段如果讲倒推如原因,在脑中的逻辑框架就在红色的区域生成记忆,如果正推将后果等就在绿色区域生成图像,读完全文留下来的会是每一排都是红黄绿三色的逻辑关系,每一段都纵向罗列,如下)红——黄——绿 4,鉴于每段都会出细节题,如果有词汇题等先只看一句话,做完了要看到细节题问的什么再看文章,鉴于有四个选项,选一个对的或者不对的,看的时候自己要边看边总结,比如总结出三个步骤,解释了三个方面的问题,或者其他。5,要检查,每个不确定的题都标上guess回来看,我不确定的题错的概率还是非常高的。如果不走神的理解全文,一般15分钟是够的,还能剩下几分钟检查。 新托福阅读真题做题策略: 词汇题、句子改写题——只读该句不读完整段耗时3分钟 词汇题看好单词的词性、发出者(是人,是物),保持一致的最对,看这一句即可。 In the past,whole cities grew from the arduoustask of cutting and piling stone upon. Some of the world’s finest stonearchitecture can be seen in the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the eastern Andes Mountains of Peru.猜词是保证不了完全准了,根据意思,这道题排除BD,剩下AC很是纠结,但


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。


新托福阅读题型介绍 一、细节题 特征:没有特征(因为其他题型都有各自的特征) 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:变化很大 策略:随机应变 二、选非题 特征:NOT/EXCEPT 数量:每篇1题 难度:较低 策略:一定要做对 三、推理题 特征:infer、imply 数量:每篇1-2题 难度:很高 策略:可以放 四、修辞题: 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)个选项的开头为TO+关键动词(这些动词代表某个修饰手法,这样的动词很少, 所以遇到都要记住)PS:这类题目有可能会变形 五、词汇题 特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影 (2)以the word/phrase开头 数量:每篇3-6题 难度:非常简单 策略:一定要做对 六、指代题 特征:(1)原文与题干被打上阴影 (2)打上阴影的是某个代词 数量:1题 难度:较低(可以直接测试语法能力) 策略:要做对 七、复述题 特征:(1)原文中一个完整的句子被打上阴影 (2)题干为:which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer

choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 数量:1题 难度:很难或者很简单 八、插句题 特征:黑色小方框(■) 数量:1题 难度:较低 策略:要做对 九、归总题 特征:两排六个选项 数量:1题 难度:1分很简单,2分有点难 策略:保1争2 新增题型(参考TPO5):四选二题型:是细节题的变形 全文归纳题:可以去归总题找答案 第二部分各题型解题技巧串讲 阅读的步骤: 第1步:把动滚动条拉到底再拉到顶 (粗略看一遍文章) 第2步:点review键,做完词汇题(不看原文),同时关注一下是否有选非题(因为与原文 对应的东西很多) 第3步:边看边做阅读,要按顺序做(因为托福阅读,题目顺序和题目对应原文的顺序几乎一致。) PS:阅读的流畅性很重要,如果NO1考Para1 NO2考Para3 那么Para2仍然要看。 PPS:永远先看题后看文 第4步(如何处理一道题目?) 找定位词,定位词越多越好 什么是定位词? 定位词就是出现并只出现在这道题的词 定位词包括:a.特殊名词 b.大写名词 c.数字词 d.年代词 注:题目中的定位词也可能是文章中某词的变形 第5步:排除选项(一般只能排除2个)

托福阅读 文章总结题

文章总结题是托福阅读十大题型之一。环球托福针对托福阅读十大题型,为大家搜集整理了以下文章,今天的主题是托福阅读十大题型文章总结题,每篇托福阅读中出现一道。环球托福已经陆续整理托福阅读十大题型的九大题型的把握和分析文章,文章总结题也是托福阅读的难点,大家要仔细阅读以下文章哦。 文章总结题,类似于我们的托福写作,老外的文章也是几个论点,然后每个论点加入一些例子细节构成的,总结题就是要我们挑出来这些论点。 清楚了题目的考察目的,我们来看一下选项的设置。 六个选项里面有三个对的,两个不靠谱的跟文章不沾边的,就是细节题那种原文没提的选项,还有一个是细节信息。 先看个例子: 我喜欢她。First,她很美。她长的很像刘诗诗。Besides,她身材很苗条。Last,她成绩好,期末时候给我讲题保证我不挂科。 选项 1 她很美 2 她长的像刘诗诗 3 她身材苗条 4 她成绩好 5 小张经常挂科 6 碧昂斯身材好 大家很容易选出来134是主论点,而2是细节信息5文章没提6 虽然碧昂斯身材真的很好,但是我们不能选,因为这是原文中没有的 熟悉了选项的设置之后,我就给大家介绍出题思路。这种题,我还是建议大家用直选与排除的方法结合。 直选:读文章每段的段首,注意,不仅仅是第一句话。读到哪里为止呢,当开始有for instance,或者开始说在几几年的细节信息,之前的部分就是观点性内容。 解法:1. 阅读文章每段TS,比对选项进行选择。2. 排除明显的细节信息选项,然后剩下的就是正确选项。 正确选项特征:1. 正确选项必须与本题的引导句信息相关;2. 正确选项必须是文章中的重要信息--通常是段落的TS主题句改写;3. 正确选项必须是原文中处于被其他论据或细节支持的信息。 错误选项特征:1. 原文中的细节信息一旦出现该选项必错。2. 出现了原文没有提及过的信息,该选项必错。3. 与原文叙述矛盾的选项必错。 解题技巧: 仔细阅读题目给出的总结句,正确选项与句子讨论角度一致。 Tips: 选项排列顺序与其在文章中出现的顺序基本一致。 以上就是本次环球托福对于托福阅读十大题型文章总结题的整理,希望大家了解了文章总结题的解题思路以及做题方法。托福阅读十大题已经读到了第九个题型了,有没有收获颇丰之感呢,还有一篇等着你哦。请密切关注环球托福的官方网站吧。环球托福祝你托福考试顺利!


今天,环球托福为大家带来托福阅读图表题做题方法解析,我们将从托福阅读图表题特点开始介绍,值得你学习。环球托福愿与你分享。 图表题题型特点介绍 图表题是唯一全文考察题型, 图表题为文章细节分类题(都是细节选项)。 图表题的文章必为比较类文章。 图表题做题技巧 图表题做法与正面信息题类似。关键在于回查。由于机考的界面不能同时展示问题和文章,就需要先摘录选项,再回查。 记笔记的同时整理出一些条理:1.内容不在分类之内的不选; 2.选项间有对比性的通常都是正确答案。 图表题出题频率和分值 图表题在每篇文章中只出现一题。撇开加试不算,一般一次托福考试只出现一个图表题,但分值为整个托福阅读单项最高,一定要给予足够的时间。 7选5, 3分 10选7, 4分 图表题练习例文: Sand Dunes Sandy deserts contain enormous volumes of sand eroded from mountains and carried to the deserts by wind or water. The huge quantities of sand that make up sandy deserts are blow about into dunes of various shapes. Ridge dunes form where there are large amounts of sand, generally in the interiors of deserts, and winds blow in one direction. Under these conditions, parallel ridges of sand, known as transverse dunes, form at right angles to the wind. When the direction of the wind changes so that it comes from different directions, star-shaped dunes form from the massive amounts of sand in desert interiors. Star-shaped dunes are relatively stable dunes that reach incredible heights, up to 80 meters high in some deserts, and are quite common in massive deserts such as the Sahara.


托福阅读大题型 下面是YJBYS小编为大家搜集的托福阅读大题型,供大家参考。 阅读具体题型简介 1. Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题 2. Negative Factual Information questions (0 to 2 questions per set )排除题 3. Inference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )推断题 4. Rhetorical Purpose questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )修辞目的题 5. Vocabulary questions ( 3 to 5 questions per set ) 词汇题 6. Reference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )指代题 7. Sentence Simplification questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )简化句子题 8. Insert Text questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )插入句子题 9. Prose Summary 文章内容小结题 10. Fill in a Table 完成图表题 其中,前八种为微观题,解题不需要联系文章主旨。后两种为宏观题,解题需要联系文章主旨,解题难度高于微观题。 新托福考试的十种题型有六种是沿用旧托福考试中已经出现的题型(细节题、排除题、推断题、修辞目的题、词汇题、指代题),因此这六种题型我们最好使用旧托福的复习资料。因为新托福考试备考过程中的一个问题就是真题资料的匮乏,我们需要尽可能利用来自ETS的真题资料。而四种新题型,句子简化题、插入句子题、文章内容小结题和图表题,代表了托福考试的新动向,是需要引起广大考生的重视的。下面我们就来对这十种题型一一进行介绍和评价。 1、Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题 这是托福阅读考试中可能占到最大比重的一种题型,托福阅读考试一般是每篇文章 12-14道题,尤其最近几乎都是14道题,如果一篇文章中出现了 6道细节题,这个比例 还是非常引人注目的。而且细节题可以说是能屈能伸的一种题型,就是说,它要容易,可以很容易,它要想难,可以非常难。所以我们的同学复习到后期,进行错题统计的时候会
