




1. Mr.Green, there is a man at the front desk ________ would like to speak with you .

A. who

B. which

C. what

D. whose

2. The boy ________ has two lovely dogs.

A. who live next door

B. which live next door

D. that lives next door

C. whom live next door

3. She was wrong, so she kept ________.

A. silence

B. in silence

C. silent

D. silently

4. I missed all the people and places ________ I visited last weekend.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. what

5. She ________ her coat and went out.

A. put on

B. puted out

C. put out

D. put into

6. You have to study this morning, ________?

A. haven't you

B. do you

C. have you

D. don't you

7. Can you believe? ________ maths, I got A's in English and Chinese; I got three A's in total.

A. Besides

B. Expect for

C. Except

D. Beside

8. He was busy ________ his report. After a short rest, he went on ________ it.

A. writing, to writing

B. writing, to write

D. writing, writing

C. to write, to writing

9. He is the only foreigner ________ has been to that place.

A. /

B. what

C. which

D. that

10. -I hurt my leg last week, so I can't come to your party.

-Oh! ________!

A. Congratulations

B. What a bad girl

D. How sweet you are

C. What a pity


“The grass looks greener on the side of the fence.”That's ____11____ old saying in English. It means other places

often look ____12____, more interesting than the place ____13____ you live. Some people worry

____14____ young

Chinese are beginning to feel that way. ____15____ see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and,

instead, ____16_页 1 第

___ Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even ____17____ western holidays.

Foreign books and soap operas are good, ____18____ Chinese writers and actors are just as good. ____19____ for

holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can ____20____ have the meaning for Chinese that Spring Festival has, and the

West has nothing to compare with Mid-Autumn Festival. And let's not ____21____ the part of Chinese culture I like best: ____22____ friendliness. Not all countries are as ____23____ as China.

It's good to enjoy other cultures and to learn ____24____them, but they cannot replace your own culture. It's good to

look on the other side of the fence, but make sure you take a good long look. You will find that the grass ____25____

always greener on the other side of the fence.

11. A. a B. an

C. the

D. /

D. best B. well C. better 12. A. good

C. where 13. A. why

D. how B. when

C. what B. that

14. A. if D. whether

C. Them 15. A. Their

D. We B. They

B. buys

C. bought

D. buying 16. A. buy

17. A. celebrate B. celebrates D. to celebrate C. celebrating

C. or

D. because B. so

18. A. but

B. Like D. Though

C. That 19. A. As

C. still

20. A. always D. never B. ever

21. A. forgot B. forget D. forgetting C. forgets

C. its

D. theirs B. them 22. A. it

23. A warmly D. warmest C. warmer B. warm

C. to B. with

D. over 24. A. from

B. isn't 'D. arent

25. A. is C. are


One day, the little girl wanted to decorate a ____26____. Her father become ____27____ when he found that his

three-year-old daughter had wasted plenty of wrapping paper. He punished her.

The next morning, the little girl ____28____ earlier than usual. She brought the box to her father and

said, “This is

____29____ you, Daddy. It's a Chirstmas present.”The father felt sorry for his earlier behavior. However, when he

opened the box, he saw that the box was ____30____. The father became angry again and shouted at his daughter,

“Don't you know when you give someone a present, there should be ____31____ inside?”The little girl looked up at her

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____32____ with tears in her eyes. She cried, “Daddy, it's not empty at all. I put my ____33____ in the box.”Hearing

this, the father put his arms around his little daughter. Anyway he asked for her forgiveness.

Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is ____34____ that the father

____35____ that box

by his bed for many years. Whenever he felt bad, he would take out a kiss and remember the love of his daughter.

26. A.box B. bed

C. tree

D. house

D. angry B. excited C. proud 27. A. sad

C. got up 28. A. stood up B. looked up

D. fell asleep

B. from

C. of

D. by 29. A. for

C. ugly B. empty

D. clean 30. A. dirty

31. A anything B. something D. nothing C. everything

C. mother B. brother

D. father 32. A. sister

33. A. tears D. courage C. hugs B. kisses

C. said 34. A. say

B. to said D. saying

B. missed D. passed

35. A. showed C. kept



I am Alice. My sister and I spent our last summer holidays with our uncle who is a geologist (地质学家) and loves to collect stones.

One day he bought us two backpacks and asked us to go to the mountain with him. We walked

the whole day. Every now and then he put stones in our backpacks. To our surprise, he also took some stones out from

them. But we thought he had just found better stones.

When we returned to the house, we were very tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we felt relief(轻松) when we took them off. Yet our uncle's backpack was half empty.

Why did you give us so many stones? we asked.

I didn't. You did. he said. You didn't know it, but I gave you a little attitude(态度)

test today. I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining(抱怨), I added a stone to your backpacks. Whenever you talked about something with positive(积极的)

thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks.

Our backpacks were full of stones. “Negative

thoughts are just like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in your

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backpacks. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind will be.”said our uncle. With great love, our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in life —the power of the attitude.

36.Alice's uncle likes to _______.

A. collect coins

B. collect stones

C. collect stamps

D. collect books

37. When Alice's uncle took out some stones from her backpack, she thought _______.

A. she said too many words

B. her uncle had found better stones

C. her uncle wanted her to feel a sense of relief

D. she talked about something with positive thinking

38. Alice's and her sister's backpacks were full of stones because they _______.

A. complained(抱怨) too much on the way

B. were hard working

C. enjoyed collecting stones very much

D. chose wrong backpacks

39. The underlined word hem refers to _______ in the passage.

A. the stones

B. the backpacks

C. the positive thoughts

D. the negative thoughts

40. The writer wrote this passage to encourage us to _______.

A. be pleased to take other's advice

B. have a positive attitude towards life

C. make a plan before doing something

D. help people in trouble


Read a lot, I mean a lot! You have to increase your ability for reading. Many students are in the habit of reading

only when their exams are approaching while some others read only what they are taught or things that must be read

because it is in their curriculum. But listen to me now, I am telling you from my own experience that it is a very bad

habit and it is not enough to improve your intelligence.

You have to learn and get ready to become versatile in your reading. The fact that you are studying medicine in

school does not mean that you should not know one or two things on politics.

Many people have complained to me that they find it hard to read stuffs like novels but I just shake my head in pity

for them because it is obvious they have failed to realize the truth in that wise saying by Margaret Fuller that “today a

READER, tomorrow a LEADER!”

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When you read, you get to “see”so many places and it will be as if you have visited those places in real life. This is

because reading will improve your imagination and creativity and understanding. You also get experience from learning

about how people dealt with their various problems thereby saving you from going through the pains and difficulties

they must have gone through!

Reading will also help you in improving your vocabulary because you will certainly start coming across so many

new words which you will try as much as possible to get accustomed to with the help of the dictionary! The good thing

about increasing your vocabulary is that it will also improve your thinking ability.

After all, we think in words and the more words you know, the easier it will become for you to express yourself or

your thoughts. And when you read, make sure you read so wide because the more you read, the more you know and the

more you know the more intelligent you can become.

41. According to the author, what should students do in terms of reading?

A. They needn't read unless the exams come.

B. They should read books about intelligence.

C. They must read about politics when their major is medicine.

D. They should read as wide as possible.

42. The underlined word “versatile”in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. interested

B. many-sided

C. content

D. confident

43. Which is NOT the advantage of reading?

A. Enlarge our vocabulary

B. Improve our reading

D. Get experience from others

C. Travel with money

44. What is the benefit of knowing more words?

A. You will get used to referring to the dictionary when meeting with new words.

B. You will have less difficulty expressing your opinions.

C. V ocabulary will improve your creativity.

D. You can pass your exams with ease.

45. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Increase your ability for reading

B. Read wide and improve your vocabulary

D. Reading makes you a leader tomorrow C. Reading improves your intelligence


Even before my father left us, my mother had to go back to work to support our family. Once I came out of the

”'“kitchen, complaining, Mom, I cant peel potatoes. I have only one hand.页 5 第

Mom never looked up from sewing. “You get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes,”she told me. “And

don't ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”

In the second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey

bars(单杠), swinging from one high steel rod to the next. When it was my turn, I shook my head. Some kids behind me

laughed, and I went home crying.

That night I told Mom about it. She hugged me, and I saw her “we'll see about that”look. The next afternoon, she

took me back to school. At the deserted playground, Mom looked carefully at the bars.

“Now, pull up with your right arm,”she advised. She stood by as I struggled to lift myself with my right hand until

I could hook(勾住)the bar with my other elbow. Day after day we practiced, and she praised me for every rung I

reached. I'll never forget the next time, crossing the rungs, I looked down at the kids who were standing with their

mouths open.

One night, after a dance at my new junior high, I lay in bed sobbing. I could hear Mom come into my room.

“Mom,”I said, weeping, “none of the boys would dance with me.”

For a long time, I didn't hear anything. Then she said, “Oh, honey, someday you'll be beating those boys off with a

bat.”Her voice was faint. I peeked out from my covers to see tears running down her cheeks. Then I knew how much

she suffered on my behalf. She had never let me see her tears.

46. Which of the following expressions can be used most suitably to describe Mom's attitude when she made the child to

peel potatoes?

A. Cruel.

B. Serious.

C. Cold.

D. Strict.

47. From the passage, we know monkey bars can help a child train ________.

A. the skill to throw and catch things

B. the speed of one's hand movement

D. the bodily skill to rotate round a bar

C. the strength and skill to hang and sway

48. What does the sentence “I saw her ‘we'll see about that' look”imply(暗示)?

A. Mom believed every aim could be achieved if you stuck to it.

B. The race across monkey bars was not difficult enough for a child to give up.

C. Mom was determined to prove she herself was better than the teacher.

D. What the child had said brought Mom great attraction and curiosity.

49. When the child looked down at the kids, they were standing with their mouths open because


A. they felt sorry for what they had done before

B. they were afraid the author might fall off and get hurt

C. they were astonished to find the author's progress

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D. they wanted to see what the author would do on the bars

50. The most probable conclusion we can draw after reading the passage is ________.

A. the last incident was sad enough to make Mom weep

B. the child's experience reminded Mom of that of her own

C. Mom could solve any problem except the one in the last paragraph

D. in fact Mom suffered more in the process of the child's growth


Edith Cavell was born in a little English village. She was a clever, hard-working girl and did well at school, especially

in music and French. After she left school, her first job was to take care of the children of a rich family in Belgium. The

language they spoke was French, so she found that her school studies were useful. She could understand them easily, at

the same time she taught the children to speak English and play the piano.

After hearing that her father was seriously ill, Edith returned home to look after him. She then decided to become a

nurse. Afterwards for five years she worked in an English hospital where she proved to be highly professional at her job.

A Belgian doctor was so impressed that he invited her to his country to organize a training school for nurses. The First

World War broke out in 1914 and Edith Cavell's school of nursing became a hospital. She stayed there to look after the

sick and wounded soldiers. Edith treated them with kindness. Between November 1914 and August 1915 she secretly

helped about 200 wounded soldiers and prisoners escape from the Germans. Later the German army found out what

Edith had done and they arrested her. Finally, the Germans killed her, but they could not kill her memory. A tall statue

has been built in Trafalgar Square, London, in honor of the brave English nurse.

51. Edith Cavell was from __________.

A. France

B. England

C. Belgium

D. Germany

52. Edith Cavell's first job was to __________.

A. teach French

B. look after the children of a rich family
