新视野大学英语教案Unit 6

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Unit 6 Section A As His Name Is, So Is He !

I. Teaching Aims and Requirements

Students will be able to:

1. Talk about the importance of name and factors in selecting a name;

2. Develop proper attitudes to common people;

3. Master the key language points and sentence structures;

4. Understand and write a paragraph of comparison.

II.Teaching Focus

1. Useful words, phrases and sentence structures;

2. Writing skill: a paragraph of comparison.

III. Teaching Methods & Techniques

Use the CAI (PPT software) and group work; Combine task-based language teaching method, communicative approach with audio-visual method.

IV.Teaching Procedures (one period - 40mins)

Step 1 Warming up activities (5-10 mins)

Names are very personal possessions. They reflect our personal and cultural identities, and pleasing names signal your intelligence, your credibility, and your wit. That is why parents go to great lengths to give their babies good names.

In the traditional Chinese culture, people attached great importance to names, as evidenced in the old saying “It’s more important to teach children skills than grant them a thousand pieces of gold, whereas it’s even more important to bestow good names on children than teach them skills”(赐子千金,不如教子一艺;教子一艺,不如赐子好名).

1. What is your name Is there any special meaning

Tips:When selecting a name, people usually take into consideration the following factors:

Good wishes/hopes 寄以希望

In memory of someone 纪念某人

Preference for one word 对某个字的偏好

Family genealogy 家庭宗谱

Lack of five elements 五行缺一部分

2. What do you get from these two names --- 金武(female) and露露(male) Tips: We usually judge a person basing on our fixed ideas, but sometimes we may make a mistake.

3. What’s your feeling of these persons at first sight --- 张阿毛;娄阿鼠;卜世仁;范统Why do we have such kind of impression

Tips: Because of their unpleasant names, we tend to hold prejudices against them.

Names can not only show a person’s identity, but also convey lots of information--- both positive and negative, through which we judge a person or form an impression about him before we meet him. Names in Chinese have their special meanings, so do names in English. More information & knowledge about English names will be introduced in the text.

Step 2 While-reading activities (15-20 mins)

1. Before coming to the text, T asks Ss to read the new words, phrases and expressions and correct their pronunciation.

2. Listen to the tape for the text, and then let Ss try to summarize the structure of the text to get the main idea.

Text Organization

Part I Para. 1-2 A typical example to show how one’s name has an effect

on one’s life.

Part II General Statement: Names have not merely identified people but

also described them.

Part III Para. 4-7 Four arguments: both the positive and negative effects of

names on life.

Part IV Para. 8 Conclusion / Suggestion: You can change your name if you

feel that it no longer seems to suit you.

Main Idea:

This passage reveals the relationship between one’s name and one’s chance of success. According to the author, names can greatly affect people’s life. On the on hand, names with a positive sense work for people, giving added confidence, establishing favorable images and promoting social status, on the other hand, names result in prejudices against people both in their daily contacts with others and in classroom activities, so if your name doesn’t suit you, you should change it as soon as possible.

3. T analyzes the passage and explains the language points and difficult sentences in details.

Questions for understanding of Part I

1. Who is Debbie Why didn’t she like this name

Tips: A former waitress. / It didn’t suit her good looks and elegant manner. / It made her think she should be a cook.

2. According to Debbie, what difference did it make when she changed her name to Lynne
