

镇江市 2018 年初中毕业升学考试英语试卷

一、单项选择 (共 15 小题 :每小题 I 分,满分 15 分 )

1. We can live a better life if we create less polluted world.

A. the

B. an

C. a

D. 不填

2.My star sign is Virgo and my characteristics are similar

to described in that book.

A. them

B. these

C. ones

D. those

3. She always wants to do the job which she has been trained.

A. for

B. by

C. on

D. of

4. US First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged students to study abroad in her when visiting Peking University on

March 22, 2018.

A. story

B. speech

C. letter

D. diary

5.— Is David coming by train?

— He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.

A. can

B. need

C. must

D. may

6.silk feels soft and cool, it's difficult to be taken good care of. A. Because B. Though C. Since

D. As

7.— What smells terrible, Ted?

—I'm sorry. I'll my shoes and wash them at once.

A. take away

B. put away

C. throw away

D. keep away

8. Spring Bud Project is an organization that raises money poor young girls return to school.

A. to save

B. saving

C. helping

D. to help

9.— Do you know the book One Hundred Years of Solitude( 《百年孤独》 )has been printed again?

—It is expected to be.unusual novel it is!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. What an

10.— Where is your son Jimmy living now?

—He the city of Zhenjiang, China for two years.

A. has been in

B. has been to

C. has gone to

D. has come to

11.Gong Li has been considered as an actress again because she was experienced in acting the film Coming Home.

A. energetic

B. elegant

C. excellent

D. easy-going

12.— Don't forget to come to our school assembly( 集会 )tomorrow morning.

—I won't. I just now.

A. reminded

B. was reminded

C. reported

D. was reported

13.—My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.

—Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and me

my car in the garden.

A. were washing

B. had washed

C. was washing

D. washed

14.—May I help you? You seem to have some tro uble.

—, thanks. I think I can manage it myself.

A. No problem

B. There's no way

C. That's all right

D. All right

15.— Granny, the school trip was very exciting but a little tiring.

—Oh, could you tell me?

A. how did you go to the park

B. what you did in the trip

C. that you saw something beautiful

D. if your friends had played with you

二、完形填空 (共 10 小题 :每小题 1 分,满分10 分)

Recently, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relationships weren't good, I wasn't enjoying my classes, and I

felt like I had nothing to16.My life seemed to be full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed 17to me. I wasn't sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but I didn't know who or what would18that.

During these days, I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight. I had no19 but to tell my dad. He20the book The Secret. I immediately

bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm21 quite a stubborn person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was22 . Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and quick23in my life before.

In fact, the book's message was very simple —think positively(积极地 ).The book had many success stories about how people were able to24money, soul mates(心灵伙伴 )and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to thank everything in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work25 I believed these people's success stories.

Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness.

16.A. take care of B. come up with C. look down on D. look forward to

17.A. helpful B. colourful C. peaceful D. powerful

18.A. serve B. offer C. answer D. prevent

19.A. problem B. idea C. need D. doubt

20.A. borrowed B. collectedC. returned D. recommended

21.A. normally B. mainly C. finally D. probably

22.A. realistic B. commonC. obvious D. serious

23.A. breath B. notice C. surpri se D. change

24.A. attract B. control C. imagine D. mention

25.A. until B. When C. unless D. before

三、阅读理解 (共 10 小题 ;每小题 2 分,满分20 分)


S ome people say extreme(极限) sports are dangerous - and they're probably right - but hey, if you're not afraid of getting hurt, You might as well do it with style! It is reported that regular sports are not completely safer than extreme ones. Here is an introduction to three new extreme sports.

·Ostrich( 鸵鸟 )Racing

South Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, USA are the two homes of ostrich racing. Why do some guys like to

attend this extreme sport? The show is that sometimes four or even ten ostriches are marching forward and at a

time, and this is seriously strange. For the supporters, there's a chance to ride an ostrich. Although if you don't

want to be bitten or kicked, you can use carts(木车) like ostriches for racing instead.

·BASE Jumping

BASE represents several words— Buildings, Spans,Earth Spans mean bridges and Earth means cliffs(悬崖 ),

but then the beauty of BASE jumping is that it's just launching( 发射)yourself from anywhere possible with a parachute(降落伞 )ready to go.

Although BASE jumping dates back to 1978, it has been popular quite a lot recently because there are pieces

of videos on the Internet and every jump is a new possibility.

·Bird Man Suits

The bird man suit has a few names —the flying squirrel suit, wing-suit and bat-suit, it's a specially designed suit

that lets you glide( 滑翔 ) through the air at controlled speeds— adding a

little extra to your usual skydiving experience. This is probably the closest we are going to fly. If combining(结

合)this with BASE jumping, you'll get some serious death-defying(挑战死亡的) excited feelings.

26.According to the passage, why is ostrich racing seriously strange?

A.Because ostriches may bite and kick people.

B.Because supporters have chances to ride ostriches.

C.Because four or even t en ostriches are marching forward at a time.

D.Because it has two homes, South Africa and Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

27. The following places are suitable for BASE jumping except.

A. the Little Mermaid

B. Mount Fuji

C. the Leaning Tower of Pisa

D. the Tower Bridge

28.What is NOT the function of the bird man suit?

A.It helps control flying speed.

B.It helps squirrels and bats fly.

C.It helps people experience gliding through the air.

D.It can help people get serious death-defying excited feelings.


It was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL (English as a Second Language) classmates wanted to know where Tara was from. They were both from Korea. Because Tara looked Korean, one of the women asked Tara, in English, if she was from Korea. Tara replied, "No, I'm not." Then the women took turns asking Tara if she was from Japan, or Thailand, or China. To each question, Tara answered them a simple no. Laughing, one woman said to the other, "She's not from anywhere!" The two went to their desks, talking to each other in Korean.

The next day, the teacher divided the students into groups of four. The students in each group asked introductory( 介绍的)questions of each other. A student in Tara's group asked her, "Where are you from?" Tara answered that she was from Korea. The two women who had questioned Tara the day before were sitting only a few feet away. Both of them heard Tara's answer.

"Aha!" they both exclaimed, "You ARE from Korea!" Tara smiled and said yes. Then she apologized( 道歉 )to both of them for lying the day before. She told them that she had not wanted to get into a Korean conversation with them. It had been her experience that many ESL students continued to speak their mother language in ESL class, and Tara had not come to ESL class to practice her Korean. In her opinion , ESL students should try to speak English only.

"I agree." said Rose.

"You're 100 percent right." agreed Jenny, "Rose and I must stop speaking Korean to each other. Right ,Rose?" Rose nodded,and then said something in Korean. All three women laughed.

The next half a year, Tara became friendly with both women, although she never spoke a word of Korean to them during class or break.

29.The underlined word "exclaimed" in Paragraph 3 means "▲".

A. cried in fear

B. shouted in surprise

C. screamed with joy

D. announced with excitement

30.According to the passage, we can infer(推断 )that.

A. Tara said she was from Korea because she knew the student in her group was also from Korea


Tara said she was from Korea because she wanted to make friends with the student in her group

C. Tara said she wasn't from Korea because she didn't like Rose and Jenny and wasn't willing to speak Korean with them

D. Tara said she wasn't from Korea because she didn't want Rose and Jenny to speak Korean with her the following days

31. What can be the best title of this passage?

A. Let's Speak English

B. An ESL Class

C. Don't Tell Lies

D. Three Korean Women


Jack thought himself a basketball fan. He watche d quite a lot of American NBA basketball games. Not only did he watch them, he spent much of his free time playing on the court too. Then came the final year of his middle school. All of his regular teammates stopped showing up on the court because they were simply too busy preparing for the high school entrance exam to play. He was, of course, under much stress himself, like everyone else. A good exam result meant a good high school;

a mediocre( 平庸的 )score meant a mediocre school. Much was at stake. However, he loved basketball so much that he

still found time to play, this time with a group of guys who were said to have skipped classes( 逃课 )before.

Some of his teachers started worrying about him. They asked his mother to go to school to let her know that Jack was hanging out with problem kids. When his mother returned home that day, she wanted to talk to Jack. Knowing the purpose

of her visit to the school, Jack thought his mother would punish him for befriending those bad guys. To his surprise, his mother was not angry with him at all. She wanted to hear her son's side of the story. So Jack told his mother about what he knew of Simon and Peter. Simon's parents were badly ill; Peter's father had lost his job. They both seemed to Jack to be normal kids. Jack's mother thought for a moment, then went on to say that she was OK with her son playing with them and that she and her son should think of ways to help these kids. Soon Jack's mum introduced some part-time jobs to Simon and Peter, which they accepted. She believed in her son and cared about those who were less lucky.

Jack's basketball friends and he have left for different places, but they still keep in touch. He knows Peter is now a manager of a local bank. Simon is currently a freshman at a university. Sadly, it is impossible to get together to play basketball again, but whenever they get on the phone, they talk about it all the time.

32. After Jack's mother came home from school, she.

A. was angry with him

B. told him what his teachers had said

C. asked him to keep away from problem kids

D. was patient enough to listen to her son's words

33.What does the underlined sentence "Much was at stake " probably mean in the passage?

A.Jack must be punished by his mother.

B.Jack might not enter a good high school.

C.Jack might get hurt when playing basketball.

D.Jack must be influenced badly by problem kids.

34.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Peter's family are living much better.

B.Simon is now studying at a university.

C.Jack's mum understood him instead of blaming him.

D.Jack's teachers wanted his mother to help his friends.

35. The main idea of the passage is to.

A. make friends with problem kids

B. keep in touch with friends all the time

C. try to understand children and help problem kids

D. give up hobbies before the high school entrance exam

四、词汇运用 (共 10 小题 :每小题 1 分,满分 10 分 )

A) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词.

36.The singers in the CCTV talent show Sing My Song have

(able) to write songs.

37.-Did you eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival?

-Of course. I love the ones made in Jiaxing. They seem even

(taste) to me after watching the TV programme A Bite of China .

38. Li Jianrou was(interview)shortly after she won the first gold medal for China in the 22nd Winter Olympic Games.

39. Jan looked(hope) at her husband for a football ticket to get closer to her favourite player.

40. The old man was looking through the list of the(soldier) names in order to remember the old days.


41. Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot(讨论 ).

42. -What do you think of the block you live in?

-I'm not satisfied. The loud noise from the square always( 打扰、扰乱 )me a lot.

【】 43. What he said finally proved that he was(不诚实的 ).

【】 44. Some people have no sense of safety. They usually go(径直 )across the road without looking at traffic lights.【】 45.The weather report says there will be much(雨 )in most areas in the south.

五、短文填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分10 分)

根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词.使短文意思完整,每空一词 .

More and more families like to keep dogs as pets. But not all dog owners think of others while they are walking their dogs. So many towns and cities around the world f46 a mess of left-behind feces(粪便 )from dogs.

In February of this year, a town in France started a new p47to teach dog owners a lesson. The g48sent about 20 volunteers to search the streets carefully, looking for humans who wouldn't clean up after their dogs. The volunteers who seemed to have no c49aim would then move nearer to the pet owner, then start a conversation in order to get the dog's name. "W50the name of the dog and its type, we can e51discover the owner from the registered(登记 ) database(信息库 )held in the town hall." an officer e52. The volunteers would then pick up the dog feces and the package would be p53to the pet owner's house. In the past few m54, the town has seen a 70% decrease减少 )in the amount of dog feces left on public streets.

Maybe many cities in our country can follow its e55. In this way there will be fewer complaints about dog owners.


六、任务型阅读 (共 10 小题;每小题 I 分,满分


Brazil is the biggest country in South America, where the 2018 World Cup is being held now. The name Brazil

comes from a tree named Brazilwood. Its beautiful landscape, various cultural events and delicious food make it

a great travelling place. However, what makes it more famous is football. It has won the World Cup five times.

Christ the Redeemer-World Wonder

As one of the New Seven Wonders and an icon of Brazil, Christ the Redeemer is a famous statue of Jesus

Christ in Rio de Janeiro. It stands 30 metres tall and its arms stretch to a width of 28 metres.

Carnival-Cultural Festival

As Brazil's best known festival, Carnival(嘉年 )is 46 days before the Easter and lasts about 5 days. Nowadays,

the most famous Carnival's celebration is held in Rio de Janeiro, where thousands of people wearing masks and

colourful costumes dance samba to the sound of drums and music.

Acaraje—Local Food

Made from black-eyed peas that are rolled into balls and then fried, acaraje is a popular street food and beach

snack with a long history in Brazil. It is usually filled with fruit, peanuts and egg.


Brazil is the biggest country in South America. It has one of the world's New Seven Wonders, Christ the Redeemer. Its56 is 30metres and its arms stretch to a width of 28metres. Carnival, Brazil's best known festival, is57by people dancing samba with masks and colourful costumes. Local food acaraje is popular among people. It is in the58of a ball and its main material is black-eyed peas. As we know, much more59is always being paid to its football than to its landscape, cultural events and food. Now Brazil is60 the 2018 World Cup. Many football fans must be crazy about watching the matches these days


Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses? Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaurants or h otels? The answers will probably be "Yes". Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we can't live without it. But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some public places. We still have to spend some money accessing(接)the Internet at most time. Here comes a piece of good news.

A rich,powerful organization in the USA called the Media Development

In vestment Fund (MDIF) has decided to change the age of online computing (算 )

completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on Earth. They will send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit( 道 )in 2018.

This is because they have made a survey and found that only 60% of the world's

population have been able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries are unable to offer people the necessary infrastructure( 基施 )to access the web.

We can expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the near future.


●Many of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we can't live without it.

Present situation● Accessing the Internet61 us some money.

What the organization will do● MDIF has made a decision to send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit

in 2018 so that for every person on Earth, there will be free Wi-Fi62.

63● Only 60% of the world's population have been able to get information on the


● Many countries can't64 people with the necessary infrastructure to access

the web.

What we can expect● Free Wi-Fi will65the world in the near future.

七、面表达 (共 1:分 15分)




李江学步礼物,如 : 文具( stationery)、手机( mobile phone)等




要求 :



3.文章不少于90 ,开已出,不入数。



Parents' encouragement is good for their children's growth. It's a nice way for parents to speak highly of their children when they make progress.

镇江市 2018 年英语试卷答案







7.A 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B

二、完形填空16. D17. A18.B19. B20. D21.A22. C 23. D24.A25. B

三、阅读理解26.C 27.A 28.B 29. B30. D31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D35. C


38.interviewed 39.hopefully 40.soldiers

41.discussion 42.disturbs 43.dishonest 44.straight/directly 45.rain

46. face 47. plan/project https://www.360docs.net/doc/9915867240.html,erment 49.clear/certain 50.With51. easily

52. explained53. posted54. months 55. example

56.height 57.celebrated 58. shape/form59. attention60. holding/hosting

61.costs62.available 63. Reason(s)/Cause(s) 64. provide65. cover/s

One possible version:

Parents ’ encouragement is good for their children’ s growth. It’ s a nice way for parents to speak highly of their children when they make progress. It is very common for parents to buy their children presents. For example, when Li Jiang made

progress in his study, his parents bought him stationery, a mobile phone and so on. After Li Jiang won prizes in the

competitions, his parents took him to the restaurant for a big dinner. When Li Jiang did some housework, he co uld get some

extra pocket money from his parents.

I don ’ t think it’ s really a good way for Li Jiang’ s parents to give him something or money as encouragement. I don

want my parents to buy me something when I ’ vedone very well in my study. I hope they can give me more chances to

decide what I can do in my free time. If so, I will be more confident to do everything better. And it’ s good for m
