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九年级Unit3 Topic3 Section A 导学案

主备教师:审核人:授课教师 _____________

备课时间: 20XX年 11 月 9 日拟使用时间:第14 周

教师寄语: Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success 自信是通往成功的第一步


1 学习“特殊疑问词+to do ”的用法 2.谈论英语学习中的困难与解决办法

二、学习重难点。学习wh-+to do作宾语的用法


1.What difficulties did Wang Junfeng meet in the U.S.A?

2.what troubles Li Ming and Li Xiang have.


1.have a good time = enjoy oneself玩得开心

eg. 我们昨晚玩得开心We_____________________last night.

2. make yourself understood把自己的意思说清楚

3.dare表示“敢于” ,与need一样,即可用作情态动词,亦可用作实义动词。

( 1)用作情态动词时,它只有一种形式,后跟动词原形,主要用于否定句(dare not do) 和疑问句。

eg. 我不敢在公共场合说英语I______________English in public.


4.feel like doing sth. 想要

5. 语法精讲 wh-+to do(wh- 是指 when,where,what,which,who,whom 及 how等连用词 ) ,这种结构在句中的功能相当于wh- 引导的从句。

eg .Lin Tao asked Jim where to go.= Lin Tao asked Jim where he would go.

Eg. 我不知道该怎么办?I don ’ t know ____________.

四、归纳总结“特殊疑问词 +to do ”的用法


( )1. ---Could you please tell me_____the Christmas? ---Sure.

A. how to decorate

B. how decorate

C.how to celebrate

D. how celebrate

( )2. No one can tell me________next.

A. what to do it

B.how to do

C. how to do

D. what to do

( )3. He has a lot of work to do. He is wondering________ the party.

A. whether to go to

B. what to go to

C.how to go to

D.where to go to

( )4. The little girl________ go out by herself at night.

A. dare not

B. dare not to

C.doesn ’ t dare

D. don ’ t dare to


1. Sometimes______________( 英语口语 ) is more useful than____________( 书面

英语 )

2. Can you_________________( 表达你自己的意思 ) at the English corner?

3. You had better_________________( 放弃吸烟 )

4. I _____________________( 想去散步 ) in the open air.

5. Do you know _______________( 怎样回答 ) this question.

六、作业。完成《同步练习与测试》 P81 第一、二、四题

九年级Unit3 Topic3 Section B 导学案

教师寄语: Time and tide wait for no man

一、学习目标: 1. 继续学习wh-+to do的用法

二、学习重难点:wh-+to do的用法




1.How does Kang Kang remember new words?

2.How does Kang Kang improve his reading ability?

( 一 ) 听录音,跟读,学习 1a,并在文中找到应掌握的句型:

1. give sb some advice on/ about 给某人一些有关 . 的建议

2. be weak in = be not good at 在方面薄弱

3. make a mistakes 犯错误

4. take a deep breath 深呼吸

5. the best time to do sth. 做某事最好时间

( 二 ) 让学生完成 pair work 巩固 wh-+to do 的用法




1. Perhaps you can ask Li Lei for help.He is good at_________(speak).

2.Our country is a great country, it has so many places


3.I________(real) don ’ t know what you meet.

4.Yao Ming is one of the most popular basketball ________(play) around the


5.English is widely__________(speak) around the world.

6.If you want to make yourself_______________(understand),you should speak


7.Two _________(three) of the students in my school are girls

8.Edison is one of the greatest____________ (invent )in the world.

9.You r health will be worse and worse if you don’t give up__________( drink ).

10.He is a __________man and he will do it____________(care).

( 三) 完成句子

1.我的理科不好。 I________________the science subjects.


3.昨天他在课堂上犯了错误 . He _____________________ in class yesterday.

4.做个深呼吸,你会感到放松 ._______________________,you ’ll fell relaxed.

5.每天用英语写日记是个好习惯.It’s a good habit to________________ in English

every day.

6.他在数学课上总是想睡觉 . He always___________________in maths class.

7.有时我骑车去上学 . ________________, I go to school by bike.

8.你可以给我关于买房屋的一些建议?Can you ____________________________a house?

9.我想知道什么时候记单词最好 .
