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seond inaugural address

b abraham linoln marh 4,65


at this seond appearing to take the oath of the presidential offie there is less oasion for an extended address than there as at the first. then a statement somehat

in detail of a ourse to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. no, at the expiration of four ears, during hih publi delarations have been onstantl alled forth on ever point and phase of his great ontest hih still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is ne ould be presented. the progress of our arms, upon hih all else

hiefl depends, is as ell knon to the publi as to mself, and

it is, i trust, reasonabl satisfator and enouraging to all.

ith high hope for the future, no predition in regard to it is ventured.

on the oasion orresponding to this four ears ago all thoughts ere anxiousl direted to an impending ivil ar. all dreaded it; all sought to avert it. hile the inaugural

address as being delivered from this plae, devoted altogether to saving teing delivered from thisurgent agents ere in the

it seeking to destro it ithout ar-seeking to dissolve the

union and divide effets b negotiation. both parties depreated ar, but one of them ould make ar rather than let the nation survive, and the other ould aept ar rather than let it perish, and the ar ame. one-eighth of the hole population ere olored

slaves, not distributed generall over the union, but loalized in the southern p

art of it. their slaves onstituted a peuliar and poerful interest.

all kne that this interest as someho the ause of the ar. to strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest as the objet for hih the insurgents ould rend the union even b ar, hile the government laimed no right to do more than to

restrit the territorial enlargement of it. neither part expeted for the ar the magnitude or the duration, hih it has alread attained. neither antiipated that the ause of the

onflit might ease ith or even before the onflit itself should ease. eah looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. both read the same bible and pra to the same god, and eah invokes his aid against the other.

it ma seem strange that an men should dare to ask a just god's assistane in ringing their bread from the seat of other men's faes, but let us judge not, that e be not judged. that of neither has been ansered full. the almight has his on purposes. oe unto the orld beause of offenses; for it must need be that offenses e, but oe to that man b hom the offense et.

if e shall suppose that amerian slaver is one of those offenses hih, in the providene of god, must needs e, but hih,
