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Unit 2
I learned about your C/P/S through I .
I heard about your C/P/S through I .
I read about your C/P/S in I .
Your name was referred / recommended to me by R .
I'm interested in your P/S.
I am particularly interested in your P/S
Inquire or request:
Would you please send me information / a catalog / a brochure / a price list / price?
Would you please let me know much it costs?
Would you please let me know if these items are still available / in stock?
I would much appreciate it / I would be grateful if you could contact me either by phone or email.
How soon could / can you deliver?
How much would it cost? What is your best price?
In what colors do they come?
What colors are available?
I wonder if you could share in the advertising cost?
I wonder if you could pick me up at the airport?
I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope to be hearing form you (soon).
I hope to hear from you soon.
A prompt reply will be appreciated.
In times of urgency:
Generally urgent:
Would you please reply / let me know / send me the parts as soon as you can /as soon as possible.
Very urgent: (有礼貌地表示其紧急性)
We need to finish this order before Dec. 15. would you please send us the parts right away / immediately?
Extremely urgent: (客气,但语气较强硬)
This is our third overdue payment notice. Would you please send your remittance immediately?
(Would you) please send your (payment) remittance by July 10. Otherwise we will have to suspend / discontinue our service.
Thank you for your interest in our electric heaters, expressed in your letter of June 5.
Thank you for asking / inquiring about our P/S.
Thank you for your message / letter of D .
We are pleased / happy to inform you C .
As you requested / asked, we are enclosing our catalog.
Here is the catalog you requested / asked about.
Attached / Enclosed is the information / are the documents you requested.
We are pleased / happy to inform you that P/S/N you asked about is / are N.
Please let us know if we can be of further help / further assistance.
Please let us know if you need more / further information.
We hope to be hearing from you.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Sentence Pattern
We are interested in / in the market for / sourcing in the / market for / potential buyers of / considering buying / read to purchase your men’s shirts.
Your advertisement in this month’s issue of China Foreign Trade interests us and we should like to receive full details of the commodities / products / lines / articles / merchandise / goods / items.
Please send / forward / submit / dispatch / furnish your illustrated catalogues and mail the latest price-list to us at your earliest convenience.
As requested, / As per your request, / At your request, / As it is requested, / By request, we are glad to offer you the items listed on your inquiry form as follows:…


nit 3
Firm offer
We are now making you a firm offer for 10 metric tons of rice.
We are now offering you firm as follows,
Firm offer’s validity
We make you the following offer subject to your reply within 10 days.
We make you an offer, subject to your reply reaching us not later than noon time October 21 Beijing time.
The offer is valid for 3 days.
The offer is valid till March 15.
Non-firm Offer
subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准
We are now making you an offer subject to our final confirmation.
without engagement 此报盘无约束力
We are now making you the following offer without engagement.
subject to the goods being unsold 以货物未被售出为准
We are now making you a special offer subject to the goods being unsold.
subject to prior sale 以未出售为有效
We are now making an offer for air-conditioners as follows, subject to prior sale.
Expressing pleasure or thanks for receiving inquiry
We thank you for your inquiry of... and are pleased to quote as follows.
Thank you for your inquiry and for your interest in our products.
Many thanks for your inquiry of...
As requested by you on August 7, 2007, we take pleasure in making you the following offer:...
应贵方2007年8月7日的询盘,我们很高兴向贵方发盘如 下:……
As a result of the favorable supply situation we are able to offer you a firm offer, for immediate delivery.
Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are net without commission.
This offer is firm, subject to your reply reaching us before 5 p.m. September 28, our time.
This offer is subject to final confirmation.
We must stress that this offer can remain open for three days only.
This offer is subject to being unsold/prior sale.
Please let us have your order by March 31, as this price
concession will not apply after that day.
As requested, we are pleased to quote you with

out engagement the followings:
The high quality of our products, which has won popular approval, could not be acquired at the same prices from elsewhere.
It would be to your great interest to make a trial of these goods.
In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to order as soon as possible.
As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to place your order without delay.
In spite of the rising production costs, our prices have remained stable.
We can offer you a wide range of sizes and types from our stock.
May we expect a trial order from you while prices are greatly in your favour?
We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.
We look forward to receiving your order soon.
We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward to your first order.
We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.
Perhaps at the same time you could quote us your lowest / best / keenest / rock-bottom / prevailing / competitive prices for the said commodities.
We should also like to know your terms of payment. / terms of business. / terms and conditions. / discount terms. / trade terms.
If terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to place regular / trial / large / big / considerable / substantial orders with you.
to quote sb.a price for sth.向某人报……价
In reply to your enquiry dated Dec.10, we quote you the price CFR Hamburg for 5 M/T Walnutmeat.
We take pleasure in quoting you our lowest price for black tea.
to quote for sth.at … 报某货物价
We quote for this article (at) US$10 per case FOB Shanghai.
to send (make, give) sb.one’s (best, lowest)quotation for…
Thank you for your enquiry of May 21 and we are pleased to send you our best quotation for Men’s Shirts.
to offer sb.sth. 向某人报盘
We offer you 1500 Forever Bicycles at US$32 per piec

e CIF Lagos for delivery in May.
Please offer us firm 20 M/T tons of wool FOB Sydney.
to offer CFR (CIF, FOB) 报CFR(CIF,FOB)价
We offer CFR Darwin for 60 tons albumen.
Please offer firm FOB Genoa for 2,000 Refrigerators Art. No. 437.
to offer as follows报盘如下
Thank you for your enquiry dated March 18 and now, we offer as follows:
to make (give, send)sb.an offer for (on) sth.
Please make us an offer CIF Kobe for 10 tons of Frozen Fish.
We take pleasure in sending you an offer for 50 sets of Milling Machines Type 70 as follows:
subject to one’s confirmation (goods being unsold, reply reaching here within…days)
We offer firm 50 M/T Bitter Apricot Kernels at US$***FOB***prompt shipment, subject to our final (cable) confirmation.
We make you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within 3 days (by 5 p.m. March 21 our time).
This offer is subject to goods being unsold.
to be firm for… 有效期为……
This offer is firm (valid, good, open, effective) for 5 days.
to advise sb.to accept an offer
As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to accept the offer without delay.
to suggest that one accept… 建议某人接受……
As the market is firm with an upward tendency, we would suggest in your interest that you accept our offered price.
to invite one’s attention to other products
We invite your attention to our other products, details of which you will find in the catalogue.
1)We have been holding the offer open for you for one week.
2)The authorities have approved our application for import license.
3) In compliance with your request in your letter of May 25,we are making you an offer as follows:
4)We regret to say our offer has lapsed unacc

5) May we suggest that you make some allowance, say 8% on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to our customers?
我们建议你做出折扣,比方说,在你方报价的基础上折让 8%,这样有助于向顾客介 绍你方产品.
6) It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer
7) In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further.
鉴于我们已按这个价格做了许多业务, 我们也就不可能再减价了
8) I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his price.
9) We believe we’ll have a hard time convincing our clients at your price.
Will you please state your earliest date of shipment, minimum quantity and discount for regular orders.
We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of January 20 and enclose our illustrated catalogue and pricelist giving the details you ask for.
3)我对你方的卡片索引箱card-index boxes及存档设备filing equipment感兴趣,若你方能寄来一份商品目录及现行的价目表,我方将不胜感激。
We are interested in your card-index boxes and filing equipment and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your catalogue and current pricelist.
Also by separate cover we are sending you a full range of samples.
We feel confident you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price when you have had an opportunity to examine them.
5) 从我们的价目表中你们还可以了解到我方报的价格与其他供应商同类鞋的价格相比,是很有竞争性的。
From the price list you will be able to see that the prices we quote are very competitive compared with those of similar shoes from other suppliers.
6) 请给我寄一本你方手提式晶体管收音机(portable transistor sets)的商品目录和价格单,以及几份我可以给未来客户的附有说明的传单leaflet。
Please send me a copy of your catalogue and price list of portable transistor sets and copies of any descriptive leaflets that I could pass to prospective clients.
7) 请为我们报附上的询价单上列出的商品的到德班Durban的最低价。
Please quote us the lowest price for the items listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet on CIF Durban basis.
